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Untitled Article
OLYMPIC THEATRE. — Lessee and Manager, Mat. Aifeeij Wiqan.
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Untitled Ad
On Monday , October 31 , and during the week , the new Extravaganza , called THE CAMP AT THE OLYMPIC , in which wit ] appear Messrs . A . Wigah , Emery , P . Eobson , Copper , and Galli ; Mesflames A . Wigan , Stirling , P ; Horton , Chatterly , E . Turner , andWyndhara . After which , an Original Drama , in Three Acts , called PLOT AND PASSION . Principal characters , Messrs . F . Eobson , Emery , Leslie , Cooper , White , and A . Wigan ; Miss E . Turner and Mrs . Stirling " . Box-office open from Eleven to Pour . Doors open at Seven , and commence at Half-past Seven . Stalls , 5 s . ; Boxes , 4 s . ; Pit , 2 s . ; Gallery , Is .
Untitled Ad
HUNGARIAN PROMENADE Concerts at the EOYAL MAEIONETTE THEATRE , Adelaide-street , West Strand , Every Evening , at Eight , introdncing the performances of the renowned HUNGARIAN BAND , in their national costume , conducted by Kalozdy . Vocalists —Miss J . Brougham and Miss E . Brougham , from the Wednesday Evening Concerts ; Mrs . Theodore Distin , and Miss Josephine Braun , from the Theatre Royal , Dublin ; Mr . Theodore Distin ,. Mr . William Distin , and Mr . Henry Distin . Instrumentalists—Herr Toyhrnayrre , on the Hungarian national instrument , the Zitner Hongrois ; the Brothers Distin , the celebrated performers on the Sax Horn ; and the Hungarian Band . Stalls , 2 s . 6 d . ; reserved Seats , Is . 6 d . ; Upper Balcony , Is . ; Private Boxes , £ 1 Is . Private Boxes and Stalls may be secured at Mitchell ' s , Andrew ' s , and Sams ' s Libraries . Afternoon Performance on Wednesday and Saturday , at Three o ' clock .
Untitled Ad
DR . KAHN'S ANATOMICAL MUSEUM :, consisting of more than 700 Models , has just received a very considerable addition , is Now Open , at the PORTLAND GALLERY , Regent Street , every day , except Friday , for Gentlemen only , from Eleven till Five , and from Seven till Ten . On Fridays , however , the Morning Exhibition for Gentlemen will close at Two o ' clock , when Lames only will be admitted until Five o ' clock . Explanations for Gentlemen by Dr . Leach ; and for Ladies by Mrs . Leach . —Admission , One Shilling .
Untitled Ad
SALE BY AUCTION OF ROBERTS ' "HOLY LAND . " S OUTHGATE and BARRETT beg to announce that they have received instructions TO SEI / L BY AUCTION , at their" Rooms , 22 , -FLEET-STREET , London , DURING THE MONTH OF DECEMBER , the entire remaining Copies of "ROBERTS' HOLY LAND , EGYPT , NUBIA , SYRIA , IDUMEA , AND ARABIA . " The Work is complete in Forty Parts , and was originally published by Mr . Alderman MOON ( who has retired from business ) at Forty-one Guineas , under which price it haa never yet been sold . The DRAWINGS were made on the spot by DAVID ROBERTS , R . A ., and have been executed in the first style of Lithography by M . LOUIS HAGHE . They are accompanied by HISTORICAL and DESCRIPTIVE Letterpress , written by the Rev . Dr . CROLY . The ARTIST , whose fame has mainly resulted from pictures of this class , entered into the work with a deep and earnest love of his great theme . The subjects embrace every variety . Among the 250 Prints of which the Work is composed , are found Views of JERUSALEM , the HOLY SEPULCHRE , the MOUNT of OLIVES , BETHLEHEM , the SEA of TIBERIAS , LEBANON , TYRE , and other places of interest in the HOLY LAND ; of the RUINS of PETRA , MOUNT SINAI , &c , in IDUMEA ; and in EGYPT and NUBIA , the reader is presented with the most faithful illustrations of their celebrated antiquities . The entire series form a work of rare attraction , not only in point of art , but affording also a rich fund of enjoyment and instruction to all who regard these spots as hallowed with the scenes and recollections of the ast . The Artist has depicted the ? 'EAST" as it is TO-DAY . These countries are becoming anew the centre of EUROPEAN interest and anxiety , from the position of the " Eastern Question /' and the Work about to be offered for sale comprises undoubtedly the best , and , indeed , the only , complete series of pictorial illustrations relating to those localities which have ever been the subjects of dispute , and evertnow threaten to be the seat of war . SOUTHGATE and BARRETT beg also to call PARTICULAR ATTENTION to the circumstance , that the copies which will be included in the forthcoming Sale will be the Last that can ever be obtained , as the DRAWINGS from which these impressions have been taken will all be EFFACED FROM THE STONES in the Sooms , and During the Progress of the Sale , thereby furnishing the only sure guarantee that no inferior impressions can ever be issued , and securing to the purchasers at the sale the rarity and eiifianced value of the present copies . It is also further announced , that an entire SET of this beautiiul work is now on view at the OFFICES of Messrs . DAY and SON , Lithographers to the Queen , 17 , GATE-STREET , LINCOLN'SINN-FIELDS , LONDON ; and that a DESCRIPTIVE LIST of the PLATES ( which will give free Admission to visitors ) may lie obtained of SOUTHGATE and BARRETT , at their Temporary Auction-Rooms , 393 , STRAND , LONDON , who will be happy to furnish any further information that may be required . In conclusion , SOUTHGATE and BARRETT feel it a duty to urge their friends and the public not to lose the present and ONLY opportunity of obtaining the above important and interesting work at a reduced price . Catalogues of the Sale ( when ready ) will be forwarded by post , on the receipt of Six . Postage-stamps .
Untitled Ad
PENINSULAR and OKIEOTAL STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY . DEPARTURES OUTWARDS . INDIA and CHINA , via EGYPT . -For Aden , " Ceylon , Madras , Calcutta , Penang Singapore , and Hong Kong on the 4 th and SS ^ SSSS * S 0 Utham ^ ** * « the 10 th and AUSTRALIA , via SINGAPORE .-For Adelaide , Port Philip , and Sydney ( touching at Batavia ) , on the 4 th November , and 4 th of every alternate month thereafter from Southampton , arid on the 10 th of November and 10 th of every alternate month thereafter from Marseilles . MALTA and EGYPT . —On the 4 th and 20 th of every month : from Southampton , and the 10 th and 26 th from Marseilles MALTA and CONSTANTINOPLE . —On the 27 th of ' everv month from Southampton . J SPAIN and PORTUGAL . —For Vigo , Oporto , Lisbon , Cadiz , and Gibraltar , from Southampton , on the 7 th , 17 th , and 27 th of every month . CALCUTTA and CHINA . —Vessels of the Company ply occasionally ( generally once a month ) between Calcutta , Penane Singapore , Hong Kong , and Shanghae . For further information and tariffs of the Company ' s rates of passage money and freight , for plans of the vessels , and to secure passages , &c ., apply at the Company's Offices , 122 , Leadenhallatreet , London , and Oriental-place , Southampton .
Untitled Ad
STEAM to INDIA , vik the Cape . — Thfe following Ships of the General Screw Steam Shipping Company will leave Southampton for CALCUTTA , calling at Plymouth for the mails , and touching at the Cape , Mauritius , Ceylon ^ and Madras : — Dates . Ships . Tons . Captains . 1853 . * ~ * November Indiana , 1800 Lambert . December Mauritius , 1800 J . GoodalL 1854 . January Calcutta . 1800 S . Sceales-. Applications for freight and passages to be made at the Company's Offices , 1 , Adelaide-place , London-bridge . Parcels will also be received by Messrs . Balfour , Laming , and Owen , 16 , St . Maryaxe ; and by Messrs . Grindley and Co ., 9 , St . Martin's-place , Charing-cross .
Untitled Ad
T 71 ENDERS , STOVES , and FIRE-IRONS . i * Buyers of the above are requested , before finally deciding , to visit WILLIAM BURTON'S SHOW-ROOMS , 39 , Oxford-street , ( corner of Newman-street , ) Nos . 1 and 2 , Newman-street , and Perry ' s-place . They are the largest in the world , and contain such an assortment of FENDERS , STOVES , RANGES , FIREIRONS , and GENERAL IRONMONGERY , as cannot be approached elsewhere , either for variety , novelty , beauty of design , - or exquisiteness of workmanship . Bright Stoves , with bronzed ornaments and two sets of bars , £ 2 14 s . to £ 5 10 s . ; ditto with ormolu ornaments andtwo sets of bars , £ 5 10 s . to £ 12 12 s . ; Bronzed Fenders complete , with standards , from 7 s . to £ ' i ; Steel Fenders from £ 2 15 s . to £ 6 ; ditto with rich ormolu ornaments , from £ 2 15 s 7 to £ 7 7 s . ; Fire-irons , from Is . 9 d . the set to £ - % 4 s . Sylvester and all other Patent Stoves , with radiating hearth plates . All which he is enabled to sell at these very reduced . charges , First—From the frequency and extent of Ms purchases ; and Secondly—From those purchases being made exclusively for cash . DISH COVERS AND HOT-WATER DISHES in every material , in great variety , and of the newest and most recherch 6 patterns . Tin Disli Covers , 6 s . the set of six ; Block Tin , 12 s . 3 d . to 27 s . 2 d . the set of six ; elegant modern patterns , 32 s . 3 d . to 57 s . ( id . the set ; Britannia Metal , with or without silver-plated handles , 73 s . to 110 s . Cd . the set ; Sheffield plated , £ 10 to £ 10 lO . s . the Hot ; Block Tin Hot-water Dishes , with wells for gravy , 13 s . to IDs . ; Britannia Metal , 20 s . to 72 n . ; Sheffield plated , Cull size , £ !> 10 b . WILLIAM S . BURTON lias TEN LARGE SITOW-IJOOMS ( all communicating ) , exclusive of the Shop , devoted solely to tho show of GENERAL FURNISHING IRONMONGERY ( including cutlery , nielccl . silver , plated , and japanned wares , iron and brass bedsteads ) , ho arranged and classified that purchasers may easily and at once make their . selections . Catalogues , with engravings , sent ( per post ) free . The money returned for every article not upproved of . . 10 , OXFORD-STREET ( corner of Newman-street ); Nos . 1 & 2 , NEWMAN-STREET ; and i , & 5 , PERRY'SPLAOE .
Untitled Ad
FIVE GUINEAS . —Mr . WM . H . HALSTR , the Medical CJalvanist , oi' 22 , Brunswick-square , London , informs his friends that his FIVE GUINEA APPARATUSES arc now ready . —Send two postage stamps for his Pamphlet on Medical Galvanism .
Untitled Ad
BANK OF DEPOSIT , 7 , St . Martin ' s-place , Trafalgar-square , London . Established May , 1844 . Parties desirous of Investing Money are requested to examine the Plan of this Institution , by which a high rate of Interest may be obtained with perfect Security . The Interest is payable in Jantjahy and July , and for the convenience of parties residing at a distance , may be received at the Branch Offices , or paid through Country Bankers , without expense . PETER MORRISON , Managing Director . Prospectuses free on application .
Untitled Ad
SAVINGS BANKS' DEPOSITORS and other INVESTORS are informed that the ROYAL INVES 0 \ MENT SOCIETY is allowing Depositors 4 i to 5 per cent , interest on Deposits , which are all invested on real security by thia Society . No partnership liability . TUUHTKES . The Right Hon . Lord Thomas Pclham Clinton . The Hon R . E . Howard , D . C . L . Erasmus Wilson , Esq ., F . R . S . Prospectuses free on application . 23 , Pall Mall . w . BRIDGES , Secretary .
Untitled Ad
T HE WORKING TAILORS' JOINT STOCK COMPANY , 314 , Oxford-Street , near Hanover- ' square . Registered under 7 and 8 Victoria , cap . 110 . The above Company bog leave to call the attention of tholr customers and the public to the fact that they have lately mndo alterations in some of their arrangements and officers in order that increased efficiency may be given to their biiHinens transitions , and greater satisfaction to their cuntonierH . The result of tin ; experiment which they have now been engaged for three years in making , has proved the . practicability of tho principle of Holi-dependence on which they sot out , relying for success or * supplying good articles at a moderate price * In tho fair way of ordinary business . JAMES CAMPBELL , Manager and Secretary .
Untitled Ad
ARRIVAL of the NEW SEASON'S TEA . Our FIRST CONSIGNMENTS of the NEW SEASON'S TEA are now on SALE at our Warehouses , 8 , King William-street , City . We beg to call attention to the strong Conoou Tua , at 3 s . and 3 s . 4 d . per lb . The prime Souchong Tj « a , at 3 s . ( id ., and 3 k . 8 d . Tho best Lavsang Souchong Tea , at 4 s . Tho prime Gimi'owDKit Tea , at 4 h . and 4 s . 8 d . Tho delicious Guhpowdku , at Gs . All who purchase at these prices will save monuy , as tkab are getting niCARisit . We are still selling prime COFFEE at In . and Is . 2 d . per lb . The best Mocha and tho best West India Coppisis , at Is . 4 d . Teas , eolfees , and all othor Goods sent carriage free , by our own vans and cartH , if within eight miles ; and Teas , Coffees , and Spices sent Cnrriago free to any part of England , if to the value of 4 OH . or upward .- ) , by PHILLIPS and COMPANY , Tea and Colonial Merchants , H , " King William Street , City , London . A General Price Current sent post free , on application .
Untitled Ad
TEA ! OULLINGTIAM AND COMPANY . — The advantages , both in quality and price , to ho do rived from purchasing at a flr . st-clnss City house must be too apparent to every one to need comment . We are now selling Tho very Best Black Tea , at 4 s . Od . the pound . Good sound Congou 15 s . Od . „ Finest Pclcoo ditto ' ¦(» . « d . „ Fine Gunpowder 4 s . Od . „ Choice ( Woo Is . Od . Finos ) , HnmotopaUiio Cocoa Is . Od . „ This is tho most pkiaaant and nutritious preparation of Cocoa . l *' or tho convenience of our niuneroiiH customers , wo retail tho finest , West , India and Itdincri Sugars at market prices . All goods delivered by our own vans , free of charge , within eight miles of London . Parcels of Tea and Collco , of tho vuluo of Two Pounds sterling , iiro sent , carriage iVoo , to any part of England . CULLINGHAM AND COMPANY , Tea-merchaul , H and Doalors , 157 , HK 1 NNEU-HTKEET , SNOW-HILL , CITY
Untitled Ad
pATJTION . —TO TRADESMEN , M . ER-\ J CJIANTB , SHI PPERS , OUTFITTERS , Ac . Whereas il ; hun lately come ; to my knowledge that Homo unprincipled person or perHoiiH have for some time past been imposing on the Public , by Bulling to the trade and others a spurious article under the name of IIOND'S PERMANENT MARKING INK , this in to give notice , that I urn the Original and sole Proprietor and Manulaeturor of tho said avticle , ami do not employ any traveller , or authorize any person to represent themHolvew sin coming from my fiNtabliHhnient for the purpose of selling the mild ink . This caution w published by me to prevent further imposition upon the , public , and sovioim injury to myself , 10 . R . BOND , sole executrix and widow of the lato John Bond , 2 H , Long-lane , Went Smithileld , ¦ L ondon ,
Untitled Ad
TmiRE at tho GUTTA PERCHA WORKS . RESUMPTION OF UUS 1 NKSS . The Gutta Porolm Company beg to inform their Customers and the Public , that they have resumed the Manufacture of Tubing , Hheot , Holes , Round and Flat Hands , Chamber Vossols , Talbotype Trays , Galvanic Batteries , Union Joints , Bokhijs , Flasks , Itottlea , Howls , Curtain and Cornice Kings , &c . & < :. NimieroiiH Jtanoy . Articles nrci also in progress . Submarine and Hubtorranoan Tolegraph Wire insulated wiK » ( iuttu Porchn . Orders to be addressed , an previously , to tho Gutta Pjmtch ' a-CoMi'ANr , Pathnticks , IH , Whnrf-road , ( Jity-roiul , London .
Untitled Ad
] 710 II D'S E IT . 'R E K A S II I R T S . — . ? Best Quality , Six for I '' ort , y Shillings ; Sooond Quality , Six l ' or Thirty Shillings . Gontlcnion dosirouH of obtaining Bhirtw in tho very best manner in which they can bo matli > , are solicited to try FOItl )\ S EIJKIOKAS . "The most uiilquu , and tho only pcrfcct-llttlng shirt , made . "—Obxfirvcr . Country rosjdontH purchasing in any provincial town aro . ti » . ( j ucHtcdxo obsorve on tho interior of tho collar-lnin < l tho ( damp' VFonl ' H Kuroka Hhlrtw , 'W , Poultry , " ( withoutwliich nonfat © . K-cnuino . ) Agents aro now being appointed in all towne . T ^ rmu ^ Ac , forwarded on api ) licatlon . — -lUC'HAUf ) FORD , 3 ft , Poultry London . JManufaclory , Ilay's-lanc , Tooloy-wtreot . | 711 J 1 M * MCA . —PATTEIIN 8 of tho Wow J U ( Coloured Shirtings in every vm-ioty of Colour , upwards of UK ) dillci-cnt Htylcrt for making F <) KIVS ftUitEKA , HHIltTH , In- - eluding Hprlgn , ' spots , stiipcs , »« . Ac , mult pout IVoo ( in nicolp * of ' nix stamps , jnlcc 27 h . the llrtlt-dozon . —hint of I'riuoH and Modo of Holf-monHiiromont went poHt frou ,- * -KICKAHD Ii'OBD ,,. ' at * . Poultry , London . N . U . —AffontB are now botaff » ppolutoa la nil tirmaj nfoms &o ,. To rwordttil o »» oppllctttion . ^*
Untitled Ad
'TlWlflTir .- — liy TT ( M- Majosty ' s lloyal LoW , wh J - Patent . —Newly-invented and Patented application of ohonii-< lll | y-l > ni |) ani ( l WHITE INDIA UUBBEK in the conHtructiou of AUr iFKJIAI , TIOETII , Gums , and Palates . — Mr . EPIlltAIJVI ¦ MOHI'MjY , Hiirgcon-Dentist ., ( il , Grosvenor-nt , reet ; , ( irosvenor"' I'la ro , Kolo Invcsntor and I ' atentee . A new , original , and in-Valuable invention , consisting i" the adaptation , witli tho mont ' iwii '" " ' ''" ' ''""' ' " (! lI ( ' . <> '" < : hemi employed , tho > j ; roat , ( int support is K ' vcn | , o ( , i 1 () ad , joining ( , eetli when loose , or rondcred tender by no absorption of tlic giuiiH . The acids of tho mouth exert , no jHfMicy o n | , b e cbemif'ally-jinipared White Indlu-rubber , and , as il , lH iio u-iMiidiKitor , fluids of imy temperaturti may with Uiorough ''oinlbrt ; lie imbibed and i-ctnincd in the mouth , all unpleasant , - Hohh of hiikiII and timte being at the same l , iniu wholly provided "K'aniHl , by ( lui peculiar nature of its preparation . To be obtained 01 Uy ui 01 , LOWER OKOSVENOIt-BTKEKT , LONDON . ' £ & , Ouy-Htroot ; , Bath . « 'M Qruinircr-ulruot , . NowcaHtlc-on-Tynts
Untitled Ad
HUPERIOR TO COVPHM , BUT LOWER IN PRICE . FRENCH CHOCOLATE , 1 h . p « r pound , or in packets , ( id ., . "Id ,, and Id . each , a preparation Horn the choicest , of Cocoas of lh <> lOngllsh markets , and manuthcturcd by tho inoHt upi > rovcd Fvcncli itictltod . ( JoilcciH tUr inferior in nutritive < iualiti < tH toOocoa . And Chocolate , or properly prepared Cocoa , ) h now universally rccoimnonded by tho Medical Profession , a « more conducive l , o hoalt . lt Mian any other vegetablo Hubstance which enters into the human dietary . The superiority of tho above One . Shilling French Chocolate over raw und unprepared ( Joeons , may be judged of by t , he perfection attained in ifH manufacture , owing ' to which , It may 1 ><> used either as food or bevonif ^ e . PAIMHCHOCOriATMOOMl'ANV , distiiiKulshedby the Patronngeof her MajCHty the Queen , and the unanimous award of both "Council" and "Prize" Medals at , the Groat Exhibition of 1 K 5 I ManiifaotuieiH of I freak fast Chocolate , Bonbons , and French Hymns , Hold Wholesale and Retail by tho principal Grocers Confectioners , and DpuraiBtH in tho kingdom . Chocolate * mIhb lal « - worthj Wholoualo Dop Al ) , 36 , 1 » iuldtng-lano , City ; Wo » t-oml Atfont Mr . Jouff JlAXJfiKi . o , aai , Kogout-strcot .
Untitled Article
October 29 , 1853 ] THE LEADER . WS 3
Olympic Theatre. — Lessee And Manager, Mat. Aifeeij Wiqan.
Oli Y M P I C THEATRE . — Lessee and Manager , Mb . Aifeeij Wiqan .
Leader (1850-1860), Oct. 29, 1853, page 1053, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2010/page/21/