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WM . S . ORE AND GO . 'S XI ST OF PUBLI CATIONS . o = i ^^ i ^^ = ^ j& ^ &g *™ ™* ***** ^ siS ^^^^ terpxess b ^ the Eev ; | MILNEB . Wrial 4 to , cloth , gilt 3 DIAMONI ) pOCEET DICTIONARY , i' TheMAETHAS ? o ? Th ¥ vStlSWmSfey edges , £ ins . 6 & ; half-bound russia , £ 1 15 s . Fn ^ h MidFrenchbomd toirether . Boan , 3 s . 6 d . 3 . The LYDIAS ; or , The Development of Female CWter The ATLAS Of PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY . E ^^^ Q ^^ CiTaV ^ t " rVTTTT 1 T < S and 4 ^ HANNAHS ; or , Matenul Influence on Sons *™**"' Constructed by A . PETERMANN , F . R . G . S . With Descriptive EMJkftbOJN b ilb&A * fc ^ JjIiOl U-KJ ^ Q , ana "LOUDON'S WORKS nn " ROTATVrv Letterpress / Ac ., hy the Eev . T . MILNER , M . A ., F . R . G . S . Im- ORATIONS . Complete Edition . Foolscap 8 vo , cloth gilt , 5 s . ATiwNTNG New ^ EdSoV ^^ fn ^^^™^ penal 4 to , cloth , price 21 s ., hatt-bd . russia , Ml 15 , LADy ^ ^ ^ QWEB-GAE- £ c ld !^^ A DESCRIPTIVE ATLAS Oi * Ab- DENER- aManual for Ladies managing their own Gardens . above Seventeen Hundred of _ the choicest species of Garden and TRONOMY , and of PHYSICAL and POLITICAL GEOGEAPHY . Bv LOUISA JOHNSON . Small 8 vo , price 2 s ., cloth gilt . Greenhouse Plants and Wild Flowers ; with Descriptions and full By the Rev . T . MILNEE , M . A ., F . E . G . S . Royal 4 to , cloth , price . * . _" _ _ ; „ . ^ ttttVI ? + « ' l , ~ m ^ W Directions for Cultivation . £ 111 s . 6 d . ; half-bound russia , £ 116 s . EVERY LADYS GU 1 D& to Jier trJiliJliJN - In 4 to , cloth , price £ 115 s . ; half-bound morocco ATLAS OF ENGLAND AND WALES . HOUSE . Small 8 vo , price 2 s ., cloth gilt , gilt edges , £ 2 , 2 s . Forty-Eight Maps fall coloured , cloth , 7 s . 6 d ; ^** M * ^ FAMILY FEIEND : a Magazine of ^ jfigg jSS &SSS ILLUSTRATED BOOK OF SONGS FOR Domestic . Economy , EntertanimenV ^ fceTs T )^ a ^ wards of Three Hunied ^ igures of the most showy Jdll CHILDREN . With Engravings from Designs by Bibkbx J ^ S ^ P ^ *^ § L ^ VoH £ * el ^ i& testing Annual Flowers . Fostee . Imperial 16 mo , pnce 3 s . 6 d ., cloth gilt . . ? S Tk * S rtora "' is emphatically the Magazine for In 4 to , cloth , price £ 2 2 s . ; half-bound morocco , BOOK of the COUNTRY , The ; or , a DeS- a Family . It is itself a "Gentleman ' s Magazine , " a "Lady ; s . gilt edges , £ 2 10 s . criution of the Seasons Bv THOMAS MILLEE Illustratedby Magazine , " a " Servant ' s Magazine , " and a " Working Mans Q ^ g SADIES' FLOWER GARDEN of ORNAMENTAL BUIBi £ x FcSb if TiiOMAb JVUl ^ ii . ju ustrapa oy ^ . ^ „ ' It ia a « Mother -s jtagazine , " a " Youth ' s Magazine , " B 0 US PLANTS . In Fifty-eight coloured Plates , containing . ciriot * osteb , is , ^^^^ „ ^ . . - ^ ci * and a " Child ' s Companion . " It is , as its title correctly declares , above Three Hundred Figures of the most desirable Bulbous BON GAULTIEE'S BOOK of BALLADS . a " Magazine of Domestic Economy , Entertainment , Instruction , Flowers . With Illustrations by Doyue , Ceowquixi ., and Leech . Third and Practical Science . " Complete setslof " The . Ja mixy Fbieito , . m-iee £ 3 half-bound morn ™ Edition , imperial lSmo , price 8 s . 6 d . cloth gUt . consisting of Eleven Volumes , in handsome uniform bindmg , may ' ' ^ itQ ^ es . Sts ' CARPENTER'S WORKS ON NATURAL now he had f ° ^ J ^ ' ^^^^ -r , ^ c ^ tt ^^ t ^ . ^^/ r The l-adies * flower g arden of ornamental pe-O . aJijrJliX ^ ± JiJt O > v i ^ xu ^ o kjxv x > ax u-tv ^ -u ^^ FAMILY TUTOR , and SCHOOL COM- EENNIALS . In Ninety coloured Plates , containing Five CiULIU . 'N UJli . PANION Complete in Six Volumes , strongly bound in cloth . Hundred Figures of Hardy Perennial Flowers . A ^^ ^^^^ L ^^^ S ^^^^ ^ ' ^^^ ^ S ^ ' ^ ia } : > ^ , ¦ ln * o . cloth , pr i « . gt ll | ffl . half . bound morocco , zoSTSd sssgsSoxtiB S" ,. s ^^ ic vicw aS ^^ oSSSSi . 'sJJsSi . a ± " ^^ S r ^ Bgp-iff ^ gswsg J ^ pss S ^ sras- ' - fo ^^ tS ^* ° * »*>* — - ¦ . ^ 83 SVSBSJ MSFvftit tfffi £ Ki . jys ! : - ^ i !^ SiipS 5 ? 3 ? fl ! asS ! SE VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY and BOTANY : the Structure and tion . weennouse nants . Organs of Plants , their Characters , Uses , &c . Post 8 vo , cloth , FLOWERS and their POETRY . By J . In 4 to , cloth , price £ 2 2 s . ; half-bound morocco , ^^ SS -TRONOMY , AND ; HO- 1 ^^! ^^ BB HSeIan ^^ CHILD'S ARITHMETIC : a Manual for nS ^ SSiSffiA ^ ^ HISTORY of BRITISH BIRDS , Indi-Nurseries and Infant Schools . Cloth , Is . ?^]« 4 to cl ^ oth ^ 2 2 s Beautitul Plants , Coloured . genoug ^ d Migratory ; iridudw ^ their Organization , Habits , nr A "PTT'Q TIT ? A WTMP onr ? T > A T ^ TTTTSTP i ^ ° • - » and Relations ; Remarks on Ojiss / fication and Nomenclature ; LtluAJ&K . & JJHAWUNLr ana 5-A-LTS 1 JJ > Ur in FLORISTS GUIDE and NATURALIST'S an Account of the principal Orgaas of Birds , and Observations WATEE COLOUES . With Coloured Illustrations . Cloth gilt , rAf 4 ££ fJ ~ L » JS-htS ft , flrl UX ^ iJ _ L < XOi a Practical Ornithology . Illustrated-by numerous En-8 s . 6 d . CALENDAR . 8 vo , cloth gilt , 8 a . 6 d . gravings and Woodcuts . By WILWAM MACGILLIVRAY . CALDWELL'S MUSICAL JOURNAL . The GALLERY of NATURE . B y the Rev . Jjjij -S . e ., ^ g «^ J gfSL ^ S ^ S"SS ? ColJeffe ' Edited by ROBERT GUYLOTT . A handsome 4 to vol . music T . MILNER , M . A ., F . R . G . S . In royal 8 vo , clotli , price 18 s . ; Aberdeen . In 5 vols ., demy 8 vo , price £ 2 12 s . 6 d . clotl . Bize , containing 43 Pieces . 5 s . morocco , £ 1 11 s . 6 d . MILLER'S BOOK of the COUNTRY . CONFESSIONS of CON CREGAN , the GREECE : Pictorial , Descriptive , and His- DlnatratedbyBibkbt Fostbb . [ inthe ?™* . Irish Gil Bias . With Illustrations on Wood and Steel , by torical . By CHRISTOPHER WORDSWORTH , D . D . With a PAXTON'S MAGAZINE of BOTANY ; " Phiz . " Crown 8 vo , cloth , 8 s . History of the Characteristics of Greek Art , Illustrated by Gkobgb and Register of the most beautiful Flowering Plants which have n ? ^ E ^ l ^™ ™ ™ k ^ 7 ^ Fi ^ R&ttr ^ ^^ r ™™* st ^ nffsgss ^ sasns ^ sM I ? S ; Z ^^ X ! % ^^^^^ J ^ S . The MAGAZINE of BOTANY , HOETI- wvoi ~ , bomdm " h ^ iocco ,, io . i 1 aide .. Bcd ^ d ^ i-m and thirty-four on Steel , by Landsekk and others . Royal 8 vo , CULTURE , FLORICULTURE , and NATURAL SCIENCE . PHYSICIAN'S ' HOLIDAY , The ; 01 ' , a cloth , price 21 s ; coloured Plates , 4-1 11 s . Od . Conducted by T . Moomb , F . L . S ., and W . P . Aybes , C . M . H . S . Month in Switzerland in the Summer of 1848 . By JOHN T ) AT > p nilf l + ] 1 f > VTCLDT The or Siv MnntliH Botany—A . Henfbky , Esq ., F . L . S ., &c . The Literary Depart- FORBES , MD ., F . R . S ., Physician to her Majesty ' s Household . ^ m / pu ^ q ija h ™ i ! i ' , n V " ment contributed by the best Practical Gardenera in the country . Cloth , ( is . in Natal . By CHARLES RA 1 UJ . K , Esq ., B . C . 6 s . Illustrated with nearly 100 Coloured Plates . In 3 vols . cloth ' wnPTTQ "KVwttV Mfa-DOYECOT and the AVIARY , Tho . By the sUt . * 3 3 s . SHAKSPERE S WORKS , Kenny M ^ a Rev . E S DIXON , M . A . With numerous Engraving ^ Pont GARDEN COMPANION and FLORISTS' j £ 3 ? " Stn ^ Sigs ^ SS ^^ euWH ^ 8 vo , clotn , 6 s . 8 d . GUIDE . By Messrs . MOORE , HENFREY , and AYRES . Cloth , Steel , designed by Kenny Meadows . 3 vols . 8 vo , cloth , £ 3 3 b . ; DOWER'S GENERAL and SCHOOL gUt . lGs . half morocco , £ 4 ; morocco , £ 4 14 s . Cd . ATLASES . HOYLE'S CARD GAMES MADE FA- Tho PLAYS of SHAKSPERE : revised from Tho attention of Tcacherw is especially called to the following At- MILIAB . Cloth , gilt , Is . tho best Authorities . Illustrated with Bngravingaion Wood , lascs , which will bo found , in fulness of detail , correctness , mid T ) T A M OTNTD Tl"RTTTSTT CT , A SSTPS A f ™ , ? Dcfli 8 na * £ Kuwar * Mkabows . 1 vol . impcruU wo , ^ ifc , neatnesH of execution , to aurptwa , wliilo in prices they are US . JS . M . KJSSXJ iJltlli&li UJ-iAODXL / ib . A lialf morocco , £ 1 5 s . ; morocco elegant , £ 1 Us . 0 d . much below , any similar publications . Tho whole of the Maps series of Miniature Editions of the most admired English Au- QTTTTTTlNrP Tinn ¥ Q fov 1 ? ATLWAY TBAhave beon carefully rcvincd and corrected to tho present tiine thors - Baol » Volume elegantly bound in blue clotli , gilt , Is . bJllJoLiJJ . N tr JiUUJ ^ O 1 O 1 ^^ . r ^ ± h l 8 ByA . PETERMANN , Enq ., F . lt . G . S . Akonsido'B Poems . 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Thomson ' s Seasons , and Bloom- TIQUI 1 IW of St pitNh with '" " " r" C , OU 1 ) jiliii-DOWER ' S OUTLINE MAPS , 4 to . Price <« ff « rd and Caninng- H Poem « . field ' s Farmer ' s ]} oy . Copious Notes by EnwAnnB ^ n . Mup , nnd mimuou 3 h fld . The following Maps compriHod in this AUoh may bo had « oW » milli and lkuttto . Vicar of Wakellcld . trations . 1 oolscap 8 vo , cloth , gilt , Dh nrrfTTiniseparatoly , price 3 d . ouch : ~ l * istorn Jlcmisphcro ~ Kurop « -Wc « - « rav and Collins . Watt ' s Lyrics and other I ' oornfl . WESTWOOD'S BRITISH B U 1 J ¦ » \ ^^^^^^^ t&i ^^ , £ S ^ sasvRUarv ™„ , „ . ^ i ^ te / 'csris s ^^ 3 s ?~ $ frx . SX ' ^ £$ DIAMOND l-OCKKT DICTIONAUY of 1 E ' —»• «* ^ wi ** . - 5 STS B ^ ASra ^ ^ - ' * ** "" tho KNOLISH LANCJUAUK ; with Walker's Pronunciation of Tho Publishers lmvo prepared a neat Mahogany Ciiho , with , * r-r ™ , ™ - ™ r'A . ^™ c i » -r . TrirraTi Ti / i-nTTTS and tho Dillloulfc Wortls . 1 h . Rlnss door , iHtcd to hold n set or tho Classics . Price Hs . each . WESTWOOD S JJRIIlSlx M p \ z 7 ^ ] , d DIAMOND TOCKET DICTIONARY , Tho LAND TOS LIVE IN ; with 44 ,: J Wood- SSi ^^ ri ^ ip ^ ffied ' French and English ; with tho Pronunciation of tho Dlftloult M , t , , mul Twonty-four Steel Eni ? ravinffs . ] fi 4 voIh . in 2 , imperial Whstwood , Esq ., F . L . H ., Ac . In a volt ) . 4 to , cloth , ioiwh i Words . Roywl 3 amo , roan , 2 s . t ) Vo , £ 1 10 s . r . £ ^ ^ _ h » lf-l ) ouud morocco , ii 5 . WM . S . OKR AND CO ., AMEN CORNER , LONDON . ____ ——— « -=
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Tuumh oir BuvdOJUi'vioif io " Tjiji Lkaukw . "—For n Hnlf-Yonr , 13 h . ( T <> bo remitted in Advance . )—Money Ordorti should bo drawn upon tlio Strand Branch Ofllco , » n « l bi ) J »> vde p » y « Mr . Ai . iMtiio j . j . ( Ui , i , oway , ut No . 7 , WolHii ( rton Strool v Htrand . "' ¦ . — -i ^ !> i .. — . , .. _ . i
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j ^ gg THE LEADER . [ SAtrtnapAY , October 29 , 1853 . I
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LONDON ; Printed by Owma * lloorun , Cof No . 3 , NortUuurt Tcrrnco , Uammenmith ltond , In thn County of Middle *©* , ) at Hie OIIU : e of M » aAi . Hatim . and MnwAiins , No . < , Ohamtot Mrett , In the P" ^'"''^^ m ( i >» «¦«««< Utttden , In th » mnui (; ounty i uixl Piilillahod bjr Tbohnmm Limn iruw * , ( of n 0 , js ijcntluck . 'X ' g rrAC * . M « K ««» ' « *'«*») * t XHU LBADKH Ol'I'IOU . No . 1 , ¦ WJSWJLNU'iX'N 8 lil * lXiX , HAi * - ^ X ' reehictof tlvo »« Tor , both lu the wwno Coimty . —Uaxvkv » x , UiHotow ¦!> > lOil . ¦ , -
Leader (1850-1860), Oct. 29, 1853, page 1056, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2010/page/24/