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posts in detail . They were said to be instigated by the King of Ava , and the resumption of hostilities was considered inevitable . Colonel Mackeson had been assassinated by an Affghan , at Pr eshawur ; while Captain Parker and Ensign Boswbrth had been killed in an afiair with Arabs in the Nizam ' s country . The Chinese revolution was going on bravely ; and it is even thought that Pekin . has fallen by this time . From Australia we hear that the Constitutional Committee of the Legislative Council of New South Wales had recommenced the establishment of the Upper Chamber on the nominee system , and negatived the proposal to make it executive . Large quantities of gold continued to be found .
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Drafts from mne regiments , in all 400 men , embarked on board the Leopard , lying at Queenstown , on Tuesday , for the Mediterranean . Reinforcements of Royal Artillery are about to be sent from Woolwich to Gibraltar , Malta , and Corfu to complete the companies at these stations . Lord Mayor Ohallis proposes to erect a statue to Prince Albert in Hyde Park , on the site of the Crystal Palace . He has got a host of dukes , marquises , artists , and others to assist Mm . There is to be a meeting at the Mansion House next week .
A committee , comprising the names of the most prominent of living men of science , has been formed to erect a monument to the memory of Aiago . The testimonial , so long in contemplation , to commemorate the share which Mj % John Bright took in the Anti-Cora Law campaign , has been at length , handed over to that gentleman , in the shape of books and bookcase , worth upwards of 6000 Z . The two candidates for Salisbury are General Buckley , quasi-Conservative , and Captain Julius Roberts , "Liberal and Independent , " whatever that may mean . , The annual soiree of the People ' s College , Sheffield , was held on Wednesday evening , in the Cutlers' Hall . The number of students and friends of the college present was about 300 . ' The Lawson Observatory , although we may presume that it is secured , is not yet out of its difficulties . The committee still want about 1800 Z . -
The Russian Grand Duchess Marie has left England . She embarked on board the mail packet , Vivid , at Dover , on Saturday , bound for Ostend . We remark that she was attended on board by the Duchess of Hamilton and Baron Brunow ; and saluted on leaving . Major-General Fleming has been appointed to the colonelcy of the Enniskillens . He has served in every quarter of the globe , and has a war medal with three clasps . Captain Denrnan , who gained a name in aiding to suppress the slave-trade , is appointed to command the Queen's steam-yacht squadron . The United Service G-asettc states that Lieutenant Colonel Beatson , an officer who served in the Spanish Legion , and - who has since commanded a brigado of the Nizam ' s army , goes to discipline the Osmanli regulars in Turkey . '
At the final review and inspection of the Royal Bucka Militia , Colonel Bushe , from the War-office , confessed his astonishment at the " undeniablo excellence" of the display after only fourteen days' training . Mr . Disraeli was prosent on the occasion . Sir William Betham , Ulster Kin ;? of Arms , died suddenly on Wednesday morning , at hia residence near Blackrock . The late residence of the Duke of Buckingham , in Pallmall , has been let to the Carlton Club for 1800 Z ., till Midsummer , 1855 . Tho tenancy of Buckingham-house ? by tho club will bo during tho alterations which aro to bo mado in their own building . Mr . Charles Lane Fox , of tho Grenadier Guards , has neon bound over in heavy securities to keep the peace for twelve months . Mr . Fox could not say , upon his honour , that no hostilo mooting was likely to occur botweon himself and Sir Jukes Clifton . Next week , tho Anti-State-Church Association holds a co nference in London .
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J'oncc . forward , according to a circular issued by tho Moyopolitun CoimniHHionorfl of police , promotion is to go entirel y \ fy merit , , i noi j , y favour . In order to Hoouro thin lln oMoors of the , force imi forbidden to attempt to obtain pro motion through tho influence of private friends . . Even "I'Phcationu to tho Secretary of tffcato aro forbidden .
In anticipation of the new tariff now under consideration at Washington , the Belfast Chamber of Commerce has memorialized our own Government to urge the claims of Irish , linen to a full participation in any reduction of duties . America manufactures but a small quantity of flax—only 14 , 560 spindles being employed , half as many as there are in one Irish mill alone . What she does produce is coarse , and does not compete with Irish linen- No less than 20 per cent , is now levied , but it does not operate as a protective duty . The Belfast men seem to have made out a good case .
The steamer Argo has made the quickest passage on record to Australia . She belongs to the General Screw Shipping Company . " Burton-upon-Trent , " taking advantage of " the price of malt and hops , " has raised the price of pale ale . [ Some people make an outcry at this ; but if the manufacturers have a right to resist an advance of wages , under Freetrade , surel y Mr . Bass has a right to ask for a rise . Freetrade sanctions the strictest competition and the sharpest bargaining . ]
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Saturday , October 29 . Another Minister has spoken . Sir Charles Wood dined with his constituents at Halifax on Thursday , and afterwards rendered an account of his stewardship . Like all the recent Speeches , it was retrospective , touching on free trade , the temporary extinction of party , and the measures of last session . On the question of peace or war , Sir Charles seemed afraid to speak out . He is not surprised , but he is nevertheless grieved , that the Sultan , acting against the advice of his friends , has declared war ; but he admits the right of the Sultan to act so . Sir Charles believes that war may yet be avoided , although slight hostilities may occur .
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The Earl of Haddington , the Duke of Atholl , and Lord Panmure were yesterday solemnly invested with the Order of the Thistle , in a Chapter of the Order , held under the presidence of the Queen , at Windsor Castle . The Convocation of the Clergy has been formally prorogued until the 30 th November . Next Friday , a public meeting , under the presidence of Sir Roderick Murchison , will be held in Willis ' s Rooms , to promote a testimonial to the memory of Lieutenant Bellot . Sir James Graham lias declined to preside , for official reasons , but lie will move the first resolution . Lord Aberdeen heartily concurs in the project .
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The French Ocean Squadron arrived at Brest , on the 26 th instant . Letters from Constantinople state that the Russian agent , M . Argyropulo , has had an interview with the Austrian intemuncio , and has formally placed the Russians in Turkey under his protection . Mr . Soule , the new Minister from the United States , at Madrid , has been received by the Queen of Spain .
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There in reason to believe that the number of . operativeH on . strike in tho cotton districts has now been increased to between C () , <) 00 and 70 , 000 . Taking the number out ot employ at Preston to be 25 , 000 , and those in Wigan at 5000 , we have now to add to them 15 , 000 in the Jiacup district , and 20 , 000 at Burnley and Padiham , making a total of 06 , 000 . Besides these there aro 1000 hands on strike at Bury , and several thousand ( including dyers ) at Manchester . Altogether , therefore , tho number out of work is little short of 70 , 000 . Last night , says a telegraphic despatch , there was a riotous assemblage of minors at Wigan . The lights wore . put out , and many windows wero broken . Troops were sent for , and arrived at one o ' clock this morning . . All quiet .
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Hayes , tho radian who killed his wife at Shepherd ' s Bush a short time since , was yesterday found guilty ol manslaughter , at the Old Bailey , and has received the Hentonco of transportation for life . Quiet little Malvern has boon in a state of agitation for tho IiihI ; fortnight , about a mysterious robbery . Home time ago a man , named Kiltness , was engaged a . s bath-attendant there . A gentleman named lv . elnoll oiune , and growing intimate with Mrs . Kiltne . su , went on a country tour with her . When Mr . Kelsell returned , Filtness suddenly disappeared , and Mr . Kolsell unused a quantity of property . Hearoh wun mado , but Filtness could not bo found . At length a letter from him reached the , ' Malvorn police , directing them whore to find him , " devoting his unhappy dayH to Hod . " They found him Hitting in the parlour of a public-house , reading a . Bible , and praying to the Almighty hiiw
" to forgive him bin wicked , adding that " tho happiest moment of bin life Win when ho Haw the oflieorn en tor the house . ' lie said that sineo he bad left Mnlvom a new light had opened upon him , and had prompted him to give hiniHolf up , and uiiilco clear thin inquiry . He then went down on bin knees in tho room , and exhorted the people present to bring up their children in the fear of ( Unl . Brought ; before the Mnlvom magistrates , Kiltness net up a strange defence ; ho did not steal the money- it vvus given him by Mr . JCoIhoII whilst in the bath , fox * consenting to a deed wo cannot name . Mr . [ Coined indignantly denied the charge . Ji'iltnosM also rloolaros that lie haw be ' on intimate with persons in high society . Certain it in that bail wan opjxwod b y j'olico Horjearit Smith , who mud that the prisoner had told him confidentially that two noblemen of diBl . iiKit . ion had placed 500 Z . at juh disposal to purehano bail , and take hiniHolfout of the . country an quickly a . 4 possible , nwi that tho pritio-ner had plenty of money . \) n ( , hjH , bail waa refused , and tfillnouM committed for trial
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ANTI-TURKISH OPINION ON THE EASTERN QUESTION . For many years there seems to have been growing up in this country a new form of the old spirit which led our forefathers to the crusades . A conviction seems to hare been creeping- into the minds of speculative and amateur politicians that something or other ought to be done with the Ottoman empire , equivalent , allowance heing made for the-more sneaking necessities of modern procedure , to the splendid attempt of the mediaeval chivalry upon the same Oriental region . Travellers in the east have of late done all they could to feed this longing for a new crusade .
With considerable unanimity they have been telh ' ng us of the anarchy and misrule prevailingin the provincial populations of the Turkish empire ; of the deadly enmity of the Syrians , the Arabs , and the Greeks , to their Turkish masters ; of the horror which remote tribes have of the Turkish conscription ; and of a universal prophetic anticipation said to exist in every village between the Meditcranean and the Tigris , that the Franks are again to appear in that portion of the world , to act the pai't of deliverers and
governors . AH this information , whether false or authentic , falls on a very inflammable state of the public mind at home . The seeds of the crusading lever are still in the English blood . There are hundreds of students of history with susceptible imaginations , who , at the very mention of the Ottoman Empire , leap back a thousand or two thousand years , to tho times whori the lands now
included in that empire , were tlie fairest , the most populous , tho most civilized on earth ; when Wine veil and Bab ylon , and Tyro , and Jerusalem , and Ephesus , and Rhodes , and Sardis , and Troy , and Constantinople , and Alexandria , wero in tho pride of their glory ; and tho muse of history had hardly anything to listen to but tho ceaseless hum of tlie busy East . And , then , partly out of mere- sentimental , antiquarianiain , partly out of a belief that iino elements still slumber in thoso classic and Biblical lands , if only Lho organizin g touch wore at hand to evoke and ro-arrange them , they fall foul of the Turks , and nslr whether it is not to tho discredit of tho politic *) of Christendom that theHo lauds should ho nt tho mercy of unenlightoned and nn . sholieving haulmsP la somo minds this tienfiinon /; tuketi even n deeper form . Other lands they jnny lot alone ; lor Tyro and Constantinople I , hoy may euro nothing ; but there in ono hind over which they hover wintfully—tho land of Jorusalom and of Bethlehem . The geography of Palestine in an actual part of the religion , of Great Britain . There are at thin moment hundrodH of clergymen , of all denominatioiiH , to whom the progrenn of tho Eastern question in a , matter at oneo of pioiiH intercut and of professional curiosity . With preconceived interpretations of the in-op ) wt ' w hooks in their juiindt-i , and with . such woiifl n » thono of . Robinson and J > o Sauloy before them , they arts intent upon a revolution which they suppono is about to bofall thai ; land to wJuchfhoir mosfcflaoj-odetudioHrofor : Uiat hind , " Over whoso aoron walked thono bloHHOtl foot , W ^ ich eighteen hundred years ago wojro jiaUod For our advantage to bho bitter Crown . "
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00 i J ollow fovor afc Bermuda had not abated on tho < Wnd of September . The Sappers had suffered severely ; the throe senior oflieors in command liad died ; and only one clerk in tho Ordnance Department survived . Lagos , ho often the scene ot little wars , figures again in contemporary history . In August King Akatoi ruled tliero ; but ho was assailed by a protonder to tho throne , -lv . onalco . Encouraged by a rebellion in tho King's ( own , <» the king ' s Bubjocts , Kosuko ventured on an attack , but unfortunatel y for him Admiral Bruce happened to come J U > in a ship of war , a forces of Bailors and marines wut ? landed , and ( ho man-of-war ' s boutrt were sont up . Tims Komiko was routed . But King Akatoi shortly after died 01 < lnnk and vexation , ami Ducemo , hia son , ruled iu hit ) b toad I
A boatman , on returning to Fanoo in Slenwig , on the <> th innt ., reporLurl ( lnit he had Hi ^ hted a veysel at sea fiapmzod . ] ir > at .. swor » serjt out in Heiin ^ h , and on a . pj ) roach"' K the hull a tapping was hoard . A hole was made in IP ' ° ttoin , ami a young EngliMlnnan dimtovored in a 'Jeln-io uH state , standing up ti ) his elienl , in wator . Ilo was alum to Nonlby , and carefully tended , but died there on ¦ ue 8 th inst . In his wanderings he oontinually rejxiated I . "" wr iption of a medal ho wore , " hiit ; every man do " « dut y . ' It j H supposed that the vossel had been bound l '«» m H ull to Hamburg , and was IohI . in tho storm of the "ght ot 2 < 5 th September , in which oaae our hajilosH l ' ellow-|' > i ( iitrymiui had boon in that pitiable position eleven days >>« lor « lie WUH oxti-ieatod .
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TO KEADERS AND CO-RESPONDENTS . It ^ , ftl !' w ® t 0 - ^^ jed ge the mass of letters we receive . Their insertion is often delayed , <™ ing to a . press of matter ; and ^ when omitted , it is frequently' from reasons quite inde ^ ' pendent of the merits of the communication No notice can be taken of anonymous communications . Whatever is intended for insertion must be authenticated W the name and address of ^ the writer ; not necessarily for publication , but as a guarantee of his good faith uiu « - « , uu « j , W ^ cannot undertake to return rejected communications . AH letters for the Editor should be addressed to 7 , Wellingtonstreet , Strand , London . ' b ¦ Conimunications should always bo legibly written , and on one side of the paper only . If long , it increases the difficulty of nndiner space for them . J bit
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. yv n r-i ; ¦ : , ' ' , DcrbBER W , 1853 ] THE LEADER- 1041
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There is nothing so revolutionary , because there ia nothing so -annatiiral and convulsive , as the strain to keep things fizedwhen all the world is by the very law ol its creation in eternal progress —De . Aeitold .
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If SAXUEDAY , O 0 T 0 BEE 29 , 1853 .
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9 © ^ frr ^^ sznx .
Leader (1850-1860), Oct. 29, 1853, page 1041, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2010/page/9/