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Untitled Ad
PENINSULAR and ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY . DEPARTURES OUTWARDS . INDIA and CHINA , via EGYPT . —For Aden , Ceylon / Madras , Calcutta , Penang , Singapore , and Hong- Kong : on the 4 th and 20 fch of every month from Southampton , and on the 10 th and 26 th from Marseilles . . . AUSTRALIA , via SINGAPORE . —For Adelaide , Port Philip , and Sydney ( touching at Batavia ) , on the 4 th January , and 4 th of every alternate month thereafter from Southampton , and on the 10 th of January and 10 th of every alternate month thereafter from Marseilles . MALTA and EGYPT . —On the 4 th and 20 fch of every month from Southampton , and the 10 th and 26 th from Marseilles . MALTA and CONSTANTINOPLE . —On the 27 th of every month from Southampton . MARSEILLES and the COAST of ITALY . —From Marseilles to Genoa , Leghorn , Civita Vecchia , and Naples , on the 15 th and 30 th of every month ; and from Naples to Civita Vecohia , Leghorn , Genoa , and Marseilles , departing from Marseilles on the 19 th and 4 th of the month . SPAIN and PORTUGAL . —For Vig-o , Oporto , Lisbon , Cadiz , and Gibraltar , from Southampton , on the 7 th , 17 th , and 27 th of every month . CALCUTTA and CHINA . —Vessels of the Company ply occasionally ( generally once a month ) between Calcutta , Penang , Singapore , Hong Kong , and Shanghae . For further information and tariffs of the Company ' s rates of passage money and freight , for plans of the vessels , and to secure passages , &c , apply at the Company ' s Offices , 122 , Leadenhallstreet , London , and Oriental-place , Southampton .
Untitled Ad
AJiCrUH ± , 1 F } £ ASSURANCE COMFAJS X 39 , Throgmorton-street , Bank ; and 14 , Pall Mall . Chairman—Thomas Farneomb , Esq ., Alderman . Deputy-Chairman—William Leaf , Esq . Richard E . Arden , Esq . John Humphery , Esq ., Alder Edward Bates , Esq : man . Thomas Campline * Esq . Thomas Kelly , Esq ., Alderman James Clift , Esq . Jeremiah Pilcher , Esq . Rupert Ingleby , Esq . Lewis Pocock , Esq . Physician—Dr . Jeaffreson , 2 , Finsbury-square . Surgeon— W . Coulson , Esq ., 2 , Frederick ' s-place , Old Jewry . Consulting Actuary—Professor Hall , M . A ., of King ' s College . ADVANTAGES OF ASSURING WITH THIS COMPANY . The Premiums are on the lowest scale consistent with security . The assured are projected by an ample subscribed capital—an assurance fund of £ 350 , 000 invested on mortgage and in the Government Stocks—and an income of £ 77 , 000 a year . Premiums to Assure £ 100 . Whole Term . Age . One Year . Seven Years . With Profits . Without Profits . £ s . d . £ s . d . & s . d . & s . d . 20 0 17 8 0 19 1 1 15 10 1 11 10 30 113127 2 55 207 40 1 5 0 16 9 3 0 7 2 14 10 60 1 14 1 1 19 10 -4 6 8 4 0 11 60 : 3 3 4 . ' 3 17 0 6 12 9 6 0 10 MUTUAL BRANCH . Assurors on the Bonus system are entitled , at the end of five years , and afterwards annually , to participate in four-fifths or 80 per cent , of the profits . The profit assigned to each Policy can be added to the sum assured , applied in reduction of the annual premium , or be received in cash . At the first division a return of 20 per cent , in cash on the premiums paid was declared ; this will allow a permanent reduction in the future annual payment for life of from 3 £ - to 11 per cent ., according' to the age , and a reversionary iricrease varying from 1 ( to 28 per cent , on the premiums , or from 1 to 3 per cent , on the sum assured . . One half of the "Whole Term" Premium may remain on credit for seven years , or one-third of the Premium may remain for life as a debt upon the Policy at 5 per cent ., or may be paid oil" at any time without notice . Claims paid in one month after proofs have been approved . Loans upon approved security . The medical officers attend every day at Throgmorton-street at a quarter before two o ' clock . E . BATES , Resident Director . " . , ¦ l !
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TTALY , GENOA , LE GHORN , FLORENCE X ROME , NAPLES , and MALTA . Travellers and Families about to visit Italy , &c , are informed that the PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY'S two new Steam-ships "VECTIS" and " VALETTA , " of 1 , 000 tons and 400 horse-power each , fitted up with superior passenger accommodation , and already proved to be the fastest ocean steamers afloat , now run from Marseilles to Genoa , Leghorn , Civita Veeehia , Naples , and Malta , departing from Marseilles on the 15 th and 30 th of every month ? also from Malta to Naples , Civita Vecchia , Leghorn , Genoa , and Marseilles , departing from Malta on the 1 st and 15 th of every month . Particulars of fares , accommodation , &c , may be obtained on application at ' _ the Company ' s Offices , 122 , Leadenhall-street , London , where also by timely arrangement separate cabins for families or parties may be secured .
Untitled Ad
SOLICITORS' AND GENERAL LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY , 52 , CHANCERY-LANE , LONDON . SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL , ONE MILLION " . This Society presents the following Advantages—The security of a Subscribed Capital of ONE MILLION . Exemption of the Assured froir . all liability . Premiums affording particular advantages to young lives . Participating and Non-Participating Premiums . In the former , EIGHTY PER CENT , or FOUR-FIFTHS of the Profits , are divided amongst the * Assured tbiknntai-IiY , cither by way of addition to the sum assured , or in diminution of Premium , at their option . No deduction ia made from the four-fifths of the profits for interest on Capital , for a Guarantee Fund , or on any other Account . POLICIES FREE OF STAMP DUTY , and INDISPUTABLE , except in case of fraud . At the General Meeting , on the 31 st of May last , A BONUS was declared of nearly TWO PER CENT , per annum on the amount ( insured , or at the rate of from THIRTY to upwards of SIXTY per cent , on the Frcmhcvispaid . POLICIES share in the Profits , even if ONE PREMIUM ONLY has been paid . Next DIVISION OF PROFITS in 1850 . Tho Directors meet on Thursdays , utTwo o'clock . Assurances mny be effected by applying on any other day , between the hours of Ten and Four , at the Of lice of the Society , where Prospectuses and all other requisite information can be obtained . CHARLES JOHN GILL , Secretary .
Untitled Ad
HARBINGER , from England to Port Phillip , 69 days . ARGO , ditto ditto 64 days . Ditto , from Port Phillip , home via the Horn , 64 daysr STEAM to AUSTRALIA . —The GENERAL SCREW STEAM SHIPPING COMPANY'S Ship CIttESUS , of 2500 tons and 400-horse power , will positively leave Southampton for MELBOURNE and SYDNEY , on Tuesday , the 10 th of January , 1854 . The Cabins possess every comfort , are well ventilated and fully furnished ; two spacious Saloons are dovoted to the public entertainment of the Passengers . Rates , from £ ' 35 to £ 80 , according to the accommodation required , exclusive of wines , beer , &c . Rates of Freight from £ 7 per ton , dependent on priority of engagement . Bough goods will betaken by special agreement . Full information as to freight and passage-money may be obtained on application at the Company ' s offices , 1 , Adelaide-place , London-bridye ; or to the Company ' s agents at the principal towna of tho United Kingdom . Parcels carried at the rates fixed by tariff . Ship's letter-bag will be open at the Company's offices .
Untitled Ad
[ RENDERS , STOVES , and PIRE-IRONS . JL Buyers of the above are requested , before finally deciding , to visit WILLIAM S . BURTON'S SHOW-ROOMS , 39 , Oxford-street , ( corner of Newman-street , ) Nob . 1 and 2 , Newman-street , and . 1 erry ' s-plaee . They arc the largest in the world , and contain such an assortment of FENDERS , STOVES , EANGES , FIItEIRONS , and GENERAL IRONMONGERY , an cannot be approached elsewhere , either for variety , novelty , beauty of desifrn , or exquisiteness of workmanship . Bright Stoves , with bronzed ornaments and two sets of bars , £ 2 lls . to X' 5 10 s .,- ditto with ormolu ornaments anil two Hots of bars , £ 5 10 s . to . C 12 12 « . ; ijronzed Fenders complete , with standards , from 7 s . to £ 3 ; Steel JH'mlcrH from £ 2 Us . toJWJ ; ditto with rich ormolu ornaments , n om , Vi 15 s . to £ 7 7 « . ; Fire-irons , from 1 b . 9 d . the set to £ 1 4 s . Sylvester and all other Patent Stoves , with radiating hearth piates . All which he is enabled to sell at theso very reduced cliargen . £ ' ' "T ' rom tno froquoncy and extent of his purchases ; and , colia > y—From those purchases being- made exclusively for
Untitled Ad
TVSH COVERS AND HOT-WAT . lSll ZZ i J ) ' ? IIES 1 " overy material , in great variety , and of tho iit-wcst a , Ki njosfc rodieveho patterns . Tin Dish Covers , Cm . tho m . 1 , 1 . ' *; I Wk Tin » 12 fl - « -to 27 ri - 2 d - Uvo set of Bi * : elegant w !> erilf ) ' - 3 ( 1 - to 67 h . ( Id . tho net ; Britannia Metal , Nh « ' ( Vn ^ J i Olifc flihror-P | atod handles , 7 lis . to lids . 6 d . the Hot ; Nu old plated ijio to iilOlOa . thenet ; Block Tin Hot-water tlX' ' Ji '"^ ells for gravy , KJs . to l () s . ; Britannia Metal , 20 * . ( al 1 . i . ^ ^ ltUU ' ON l » w TEN LARG E SHOW-ROOMS » 1 m w , irrr ^ w'WK" ? ™™ <) f ilw sho P- fovotod solely to tho < ' Wv I ' . WV ^ * 'WttNlSHlNO IRONMONGERY ( inclnding lH >( iHh » . ' , i' MllvCT . Plated , and japanned wares , iron mid brns / i a « ti it «„ ' ° ) rni !! tfc < 1 an < l classified that purchasers muy oasily ' » m at , onco niiiko thoir solcctioiifl . riiurn , inT' with ° "F wi"R » . H 0 Ilt ( P po » 0 Kco . Tho money mv , rry a ™ a ° nat « l > provoil of . NWIMAnS' ^ 1 ' 1 ' 1 ' ( . IMIr « f N « wiimn . slnMjl ) 5 Nob . 1 A 2 , ^ ^ jyjW A N-S I RKKT ; iukI 4 A 5 , PERItrH-1 'LACE .
Untitled Ad
SAVINGS BANKS' DEPOSITORS and other INVESTORS arc informed that the ROYAL 1 NVESTI MENT SOCIETY is allowing Depositors li to R percent , interest I on Deposits , which aro all invested on real uecurity by this I Society . No partnership liability . I tuusthks . I The Right , Hon . Lord Thomas Pclham Clinton . I The lion It . E . Howard , D . O . L . I Erasmus Wilson , Esq ., 1 MI . S . I Prospectuses l ' reo on application . I 215 , l ' all Mull . W . BRIDGES , Secretary .
Untitled Ad
BA N K O ¥ D 1 J 1 > O S I T , 7 , at . Martin ' H-place , TraialjLfur-nquurc , London . [ Established May , 1 HM . Parties dissirouH of Invosling Monoy airo requested to cxaniino I tho l'lim of this liiHtitution , by wliicli u high rate of Interest may | bo obtained with perfect Security . Tho Interest , is payable in . lAmr . ut \ ' and July , and for tho convenience of partion vosirthig nt adist-anee , nmy bo rocolvod at tho Bninch OIUcch , or paid through Country ltunkorn , without expense . PETER MORRiaON , Managing Director . I * n ) S [)(! ctusen free ou applicjitlon .
Untitled Ad
, F I , ' m ? ' H ~ Fi ll ] K A S H I it T S . — '"'¦ Thlrtv SMiii y ' ^ ° Foviy Hlll » inK » 5 K « Roii ( l Quality , Six tli « v " v o « K " « ° " « o »» on iloHiroiiH of obtaining Hhhts in try Kouivu " . 'Iml'T , ! M wlii ' eh they can bo miulo , aro noIIcUiiiI to rc r' « ""»» ' » -S- '" '"" " ""'""" ' "" ^ l *^ " ^ ft ^^ r ! SJE !^' arj 21 ^ "" ' ""• n o ) A , i " r ( B ' ' Poultry . " ( without which none are '"""«<» i " M « .... 'I" 1 1 H »»<« i «« ' » . —« 10 IIAU 1 ) FORD , 38 , Poultry I . -- r" " . ^ M ^^ ry , IIny ' H-liuio , Tooloy-HtrtiBt . JV ^^ A ; —l ? Al ? TiltNS of tho Now -I * ' inv . ii ,, « ivi , « ' p " « , ! » v « 7 vnrloly ol' Oolour , unwanln of '¦ "'"'^ St " M '" l" < 5 ltD'B GlIRIOlCA HIltKTH , In-I ! ' Ni'll-nuJ , - ? - ( lln " " -H-dozcMi ,- l . ist , > C I > , 1 ,. oh nnil Moilo l' »» C yTiZh m Wnt Vmt l ^ . —UWllAllli FORD , I ^^^'" oK ^ StoiSSp ai'Poiuto . 1 iu M town * Torn *
Untitled Ad
rfill IS NATIONAL IMiOVIDIONT F . lfcKISX 1 K ) M > liAND HO ( METV .- OIIIcoh , 472 , New Oxfonl ( Streot , London .- Hliures , . L'ftO ; Eiitiiuico l' \; o , 1 h . ( Id . ; Monthly I ' nymonl ,, Hs . por shiire . — Intereufcon (' otnpIeUul HhuroN and on P « yiikuntH in Adviimu ) . No Finew . No lixlrn . Chiir ^ oa . PronpootuH uiul KuIoh ^ i-utiw , P . W . OLAYDEN , Bourotiiry .
Untitled Ad
Cf OUT 1 I AUSTRALIAN BANKING O COMPANY . Incorporated by Royal Charter , 1 H 47 . The ( Joint of Directors f , Tiuif , LottorN of Credit , and BillM at HO duyH' Hif ^ ht upon the < Jonipiniy ' n Ihmk , at , Athiluide . Tho exo 1 iiiuk"o on Hiini . H above £ 10 , is now ill , a premium or oliui'fro of two per ]> ly al , tho ( Joni |) any ' H OflieoH , No . fit , Old lli-oiid-strect , London . WILLIAM PURDV , Jftanujfor . London , Novenibor , 1 HUH .
Untitled Ad
JiiHt iiublished , price " As ., post , fVtio , ' In . < Jd . "VT . I 0 . ltV () I US AIW . HOT I (> N H : an Essay on jL i Hponmiitorrhuta ; its Nature and TreatitKuit ; , with an Exposition of tho Ki-iukIh thai , are ( iraitfised l > y persoim who u < 1 voi ; Uho tlto Hpeedy , huIIi , and effectual euro of Norvoiw Derangement , lly t % MEMHEIt OF THE KOYAL WUAUHi OF l'HYHICXANS London . * London ; Aylofct and Co ., 8 , P wtowuostor llovr .
Untitled Ad
JhhI , )) ii )> 1 IhIh' ( 1 , j ) i-ice ( U \ ., rniriooutlikjos of indi ^ idualism :. X . llv WILLIAM . MA
Untitled Ad
Just , puliliHued , ]> ri ( te Sixpence , WHY AUIO YOU A ( 111 IUSTIAN ; or , . llow ciin tho Kiiitli of tbo Ninotepnth Century bo u Having Faith P "It , is lit ( Tally a i » ie < 'e of vulgar infidelity , including all if-H ntiilo ooiuikiou | ilucCH . It Is oviduntly the production t > f a seeulariat . "JCrtnii / rfioirl Mmjitziiic . Ijoiilloii : . i . Watson ,. ' { , Qmuhi ' h Head-pasH «( i ;( % I'aternoHter-row »
Untitled Ad
NHVV MAGAZINE FOR THE NOKTII OF ENGLAND . Will bo published on . January 1 st , 1851 , price id , M pages , tivo ,,. in a Coloured Wrapper , No . I . of Til II E T Y N E T il I J 3 U N E -. X An J ' nt , u » vuATi {» \' uiuoi > iCA . b mm tiik Puopjlb . Contuihutokh :- —Dr . F . It . Leon , F . S . A . ; Dr . Spencer T . IlaU , M . A . ; William Ma ' eeall ; ( Jftorge S . 1 'hillipn ; Tboinas C ' oouor ; W . J . Linton ; ( Jcsorge . J . Iloiyoako ; Goodwyn Uarmby ; ltov . Henry N . Hurnetf , ; and other able local Writurs . IliuHlvntioiiH on Wood iu the first style of the Art , by W . J Linton . PubliHhed on tho first of every month , by Joseph Barlow . 1 , Nelson tftreot , and UH , < inu ' iiger . Street , Neweastle-on-Tyuo ; Jlolyoalce and Co ., 147 , I'kot titruut , London ; untl to bo had of all UoolcHiiUers .
Untitled Ad
Now Ready , pviee Sixpence . rriHE AUSTliALIAN ALMANACK for X 1854 * , containing Postal llogulations ; Kates of Postage ; Chronological Table of Australian Events ; Australian and Gold Mining ; Companies ; Passengers Act Amendment ; Advicb to thohk about to jiMidiUTU ; Occupations noeeaHary ; What to do before Sailing ; Pikkutoky vuom Engla-nd to AubTitAOA . ; ModCH of Emigration ; What to do dining tho Voyage ; What to do on Arrival ; Infokmation i'ok Emiokanth ; Sydney Prices Current ; Wages in Nev \ r South Wales ; Victoria Retail List ; Rates of Wages in Victoria ; Labour Market in South Australia ; Rights of Commonage , & « ., Government Emigration Agents , &o ., in Australia and in tho United Kuipdom ; Guidk to 0 or , » DiaoiJKS : Principal ( Jolil Fields ; ( Jold , and where it may be Found ; Preparations for tlie Diggings ; In fouma . tioit iti !» i > KCTiNa Gold : I . Geologio : d —II . Chemical —11 f . Metallurgical ; J > n-HC « a'Tivu Sketchks : Sydney , Melbourne , ; Adelaide , The Climate ; An Australian Morning-j A Digger's Funeral ; An Australian Shepherd ; with all the usual information of an Almanack . London : It . Groombiidge and Sons , fi , 1 ' utornontor Row , and all 15 ook « eHor » .
Untitled Ad
. wtR-. NEWSY'S NEW PUBLICATIONS . " . - ' — . ¦ . '¦ ¦ , ' Ir " . 2 vols . plates , 28 s . THE LIFE OF SAVOWAROIA , . By Dr . MADDEN , Author of " Travels in the East . " ¦ "Dr . Madden ' abook . wiU be a welcome one to English readers . ^ t ^ SP ^ f c ? l lecte are "eh and intere sting . " -i ^ e « mum Dr . Madden s researches have been indefatigable , and ' the materials amassed , many of them from rare sources , are of a most varied and interesting character . " —Freeman ' s Journal t -P - Madden discourses with great learning , and the result is l a Life of Savonarola , which gives us a far more complete view of ! his character and lus writings than has heretofore been attempted . " tc t-. it / r n i ! , - Notes and Queries . Dr . Madden displays throughout the work a hi <* h purpose a generous sympathy with outraged justice , truth , and piety . " ' „_ ,,,. , , Morning Herald . The task is performed with great research , with entire honesty , and much ability . "—Glasgoiv Herald . " We are thankful for the strenuous advocacy of the truth which these volumes contain . " —Tait ' s Magazine . " We acknowledge the mass of most valuable information which the author has compiled upon the subject . " —The Nation . " We esteem this book as a valuable addition to our biographical and historical literature , as a work of patient study and immense reading-, and as a powerful aid to the cause of truth . " NoiKonformist , " All lovers of truth arc deeply indebted to Dr . Madden . " JEvening Post , " Written in a large and liberal spirit . "—X 7 ie Advocate . ir . Price 7 s . 6 d . THE BIBLE USt THE MIDDLE AGES ; With Remarks on the Libraries , Schools , and Social and Religions Aspects of Mediaeval Europe . in . In 1 vol ., 10 s . 6 d . RAMBLES IN AN OLD CITY . By S . J . MADDERS . " When Mrs . Madders walks abroad she becomes a very pleasant companion . " —Athenaeum . In the Tress . The Third and last Volume , price 18 s . THE CATHOLIC HISTORY OF ENGLAND . ByW . B . MAC CABE , Esq . In 1 vol . 10 s . 6 d . ( just ready ) , ADVENTURES OF A COLONIST . In 1 vol ., price 5 s . ( just ready ) , THE WORLD AND HOW TO SQUARE IT . By HARRY HIE 0 VER , Author of " Table Talk and Stable Talk , " " The Hunting Field , " "The Proper Condition of all Horses , " "Sporting Pacts and Sporting Fancies . " In the Press . In 2 vols . 21 s . THE BIBLE IN DOWNING-STREET . Second Series . Price 6 s . ( now ready ) , STANT 0 N RECTORY . By SARAH MAYNE .
Untitled Article
November 26 , 1853 ] THE LEADER . 1151
Leader (1850-1860), Nov. 26, 1853, page 1151, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2014/page/23/