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Cammmittl life.
OLYMPIC TEEATJJE.-IjCsscc and Manager, Mr. Alfkkd Wioan.
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-yrn . ALBEET SMITH'S MONT BLANC JJ 7 -4- every Evening , ( except Saturday , ) at Eight : and Tuesday and Saturday Morning , at Two . ' - . : : vou < v Stalls , 3 s . ( which can be taken from , a plan at the Box-office every day from Eleven to Four ); Area , 2 s . ; Gallery , Is . Egyptian Hall , Piccadilly .
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^ XT-ILL SHOETLY CLOSE . —Dr . KAHN'S VV ANATOMICAL MUSEUM , PORTLAND-GALLERY REGENT-STREET , opposite the Polytechnic . OPEN for gentle ^ men DAILY , at tho usual hours , except on Wednesdays and Fridays , from Two till Five , during which hours ladies only are admitted . Explanations for gentlemen by Dr . Leach , and for ladies by Mib . Leach . Admission , Is . ;' . ¦
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T ^ DUC ATION . —A Widow Lady , residing . in ^ one of the finest counties in England , in the vicinity of a railway station , fifty miles from London , receives as BOARDEfiS SIX YOUNG LADIES , to be educated with her two daughters under her immediate superintendence . References of the highest order . —Terms and other particulars may be had on' application to Dr . Lovell , Winslow Hall , Bucks , or to Mrs . F . Lover , 6 > Victoria-terrace , Bedford .
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SOUTH AUSTRALIAN BANKING ¦ ¦ ¦ : ' . . ¦ ¦ COMPANY . . " . . .. ' ¦ ' ; ' . ' , .. . Incorporated by Royal Charter , 1847 . The Court of Directors grant Letters of Credit and Bills at 30 days' sight upon the Company ' s Bank , at Adelaide . The exchange on sums above £ 10 , is now at a premium or charge of two per cent . Approved , drafts on South Australia negotiated , and bills collected . . Apply at the Company's Offices , No . 54 , Old Broad-street , London . : WILLIAM PURDY , Manager . London , December , 1853 . "
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MESSES . FAEEELL AND HIGG-INS , NAVAL and MILITARY TAILORS , OUTFITTERS for INDIA and the COLONIES , 5 , Princes-street , Hanover-square . FiandH . deem . it unnecessary to adopt any of the modern systems of advertisement . They eiyoy the patronage and support of the most distinguished men of the day in social position , fortune , science , and literature ; and whilst their order-books can boast of the most illustrious of names , their unrivalled cut is equally within thcreach of the most limited in their means . Liveries from the highest to the plainest style executed on tho snortestnotiee . ' . The best Irish made Shirts , Six for 36 s . ; Coloured , Six for 21 s .
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milE WOEKINGr TAILOES' JOINT I STOCK COMPANY 314 , Oxford-street , near Hanoversquare . Registered under 7 and 8 Victoria , cap . 110 . The above Company beg leave to call the attention' of their customers and the public to the fact that they have lately made alterations in some of their arrangements and officers , in order that increased elh ' cieney _ may be given to their business transactions , and greater ' satisfaction to their customers . The result of the experiment which they have now been engaged for three years in making , has proved the practicability of the principle of self-dependence on which they set out , relying for success on supplying good articles at a moderate price , in the fair way of ordinary business . JAMES CAMPBELL , Manager and Secretary .
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A NKW DISCOVERY IN TEETH . ME . HOWARD , SURGEON-DENTIST , 52 , FLEET STRKET , has introduced an ENTIRELY NEW DESCRIPTION of ARTIFICIAL TEETH , fixed without springs , wircH , or ligatures . They ho perfectly rCHomblo tho natural teeth as not to ho cliKtinguinhed froni the original by | ho closest observer ; thoy ' will never change colour or dooay , and will be found miperior to any teeth ever before used . This method doCH not require the extraction of roots , or any painful operation , and will support and preserve teeth that arc Ioohc , and 1 b guaranteed to restore articulation and mastication . Decayed tcetn rendered sound and useful in mastication . C 2 , FLEET STREET . —At home from Ten till Five .
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T 71 IVE 0 UtNEAS .- — jVrr . WM . HJIALSE , the JLj Mcdiciil GalviuiiHt , of 22 , iJrunHwick-miuare , Londoti , informs hiH friendH that his FIVE GUINEA Al'PAKATUHKS arc now ready .- —Send two pontage utamprt for bin Pamphlet on Medical tialvanlmn . . , ' '
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rnEETH . —By Her Majesty ' s Royal Letters JL Patent .--Newlv-invented and Patented application of eUenuosiUy-propjiml AVU ' l ' jIMjS , INI > 1 A . RUBUKU in the construction ot AltTIF- 'ICIAL TEETH , ( inm * . and Pulatos .- Mr , EPIIRAJM MOSELY , tfurgcon-Dentist , 01 , Gro . sv (^ nor-H ( rcct , OrosYonorwiuiiro , Solo Inventor and Patentee . A now , original , and >« - valuable invention , consisting in the adtiptution , with tho in" »» at mo ] u lo perfection and muccch . i , of ( difinically-j > rep : ued WJI 1 . ' J INDIA . RIPIUSMR iw n lining to the ordinary gold or bone iriinic The extraordinary remiltH of thin appUoution niay he hrioljy no " , J in ul'iiw of thdir imwl , prominent fcaturciH , aH tho following : —J * Hliarp edges arc avoided , no t < i > ni » fj ; n , vilrm , or f « nt « ningj » ? f ° , " quired , a greatly inonuiHod fieedoia ol' HUotion iH Hupi > J « c < l » » nutunil olaHtioil . y hitjufrto Wfiolly unnttaiimhle , uud MW . lKW e « li «« l with tho monl , unerring aoe . unwy , in Hepunid , vvhijo from < ho HOijnnHH ami flexibility of tho URtmt oinployod , the kvwiM- ttui / porr . m Kivcn to tho u < Uohiiit (; . tooth whon Iooho , or rendtaod teiulorny tho nbmirption of tho kuhiii . The imidt ) of t . lio m < mtl > , f'xorp n <> agency on tlw ehoini < : aUy-prepn . v <> d White ii ) dia-rul ) t )(» r , « " ••» llH ' . '' in a nou-conductor , iluidH . of / u » y temperature may with tl » oro « w » eojnforl . bo iu » I ) ibt'd and rotained in l . no mouth , > i ! l \ IUI >)( W , T . i " neHH of HincJI anil laslo Ixiiiifr at tho nani « time wliojly P } ' « ? ; , agaiiiHt )> y Uto peiiuliar nature ofitw preparation . —To Jw oDiwnow only at , ((] ^ ) wj ( 1 ft oltoc ) vi 0 NOR-STKMET , LONDON . 152 , ( lay-atrect , Itath . , , ¦ U , Mdon-tumoxo , Nowcaatte-on-Tyno ,
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WICDNliJSDAY 35 V . ENI . NG- CONOERTS , KXETER HALL . On tile 14 th I ) ooeml ) er will bo performed Selections from WILLIAJVI TIOLL . A Now MS . MARCH , the ImhL CompoHition ol Howsini , written ( ixpresnly for tho Grand Hultan . 'To K'vo efliicl to thiH extraordinary work Two diHtluet Military KiukIh will he added to the Ornhentru , Altar which , mime of tho niorit popular COMPOSITIONS of Mr . IIENKDICT . To conclude wIMi JWunid of a Lifrht and JVliHeelliineouH character IVoin eminent JKNGLIHH COMl'OHIORH . " Pj-iueipii ) VoeiiliHtH : — Madame Amedei , Mihh Stabbaoh , tho AliftneH ltrouu ; h : vm , Mdtlo . Annie Do Lnra , Miaa Chipi > , Mr . ( Jeorgti . Perron , Mr . Young , Mr . WeinH , Ao . Gj ; and . Ifjanoforte , Ma < lame Do Harry . Hand—Seventy-Two Peril irnierH . CoiiduetorH , Mr . Benedict and 1 Terr Meyer Lutz . Leader , Mr . Thirlwrtll . Director of tho Music , Mr . Box . Chorun Maxtor , Mr . Bn > yth » oii . ManagiuK Dh ' ecitor , Mr . William Willott . Progrunnnoo and Tickets to l » o lmd . at tho Hull .
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Monday , December la , and during the week , repeated tho Original Drama , in Three Acts , called PLOT AND PASSION . Principal characters , by Mchsi-h . 1 <\ Robson , Jimery , LchHc , Coo ]> er , White , and A , Wljjnn ; Miss E . Tumor and Mm . Stirling . After which tho introductory Extravaganza , called THE CAMP AT THE OLYMPIC , in which will appear Messrs . A . Wigan , Emory , F . Rolmon , Cooper , and ( Jalli ; MesdaniCH Stirling , P . Horton , Chatterly , 10 . Turner , Wyndhnm , and A . Wigan , To : > onelude with TilE WANDERING MINSTR 1 CL . Jem BapgH , Mr . F . Kobson . lii > x-olH ( io . open from Eleven to Pour . DoorH open at Seven , and commence at Half-past Seven . Stalls , Gtf . ; JJoxch , 4 s , ; Pit , 2 r . ; Gallery , Is .
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BIRTHS , MABRIAGES , AND DEATHS . BIRTHS . On the . 18 th of October , at Mocrut , the wife of Captain Bishop , Forty-sixth Regiment , B . N . I : a daughter . On the 21 st , at Poonah , the wife of Major George Malcolm : a daughter . On the 29 th , at Fouvah-bay , West Africa , the wife of the Bishop of Sierra Leone : a daughter . On the 3 rd December , at Pittodrie , Aberdeenshire , the wife of Major Knight Erskine : a daughter . On the 4 th , at the Hall , Bawtry , the Hon . Mrs . _ Monckton Milnes : a son , stillborn . On the Sth , the Viscountess Cranley : a daughter . On the 6 th , the Hon . Mrs . Parnell : a daughter . . MARRIAGES . On the 25 th May , at Christ Church , Sydney , Montague Consett , second son of Sir Alfred Stephen , Chief Justice of Nevy South Wales , to Emilie Clara , third daughter of the late Rev . John Jennings Smith , M . A ., incumbent of Paterson . On the 22 nd September , at Subathoo , East Indies , Lieutenant Henrj r Knightley Burne , Second Regiment ( Grenadiers ) , B . N . I ., Deputy Judge-Advoeate-General , Sirhind Division , and late Military Secretary to General Godwin , eldest son of the Rev . Henry T . Burne , M . A ., of Bath , to Fanny , daughter of the late Thomas Spens , Esq ., Bengal Medical Service . On the 3 rd December , at St . Stephen ' s-by-Saltash , Cornwall , Sampson Revell , Esq ., to Grace Eugenie , only daughter of Andrew Smith , Esq ., surgeon , R . 3 ST ., and granddaughter of the late Peter Van Lennep , Esq ., of Smyrna . . On the 6 th , at St . Mark ' s , Kennington , Da ~ vid Leopold Lewis , Esq ., of Walbrook , to Eliza Pritehard Skerry , youngest daughter of the late Captain Skerry , Thivty-sixth Regiment of Foot , and eister of Captain Charles James Skerry , Eighty-first Foot . On the 6 th , at Hamsey Church , Sussex , George Henry Cazalet , Esq ., of Cheltenham , late Captain in the Third-third Regiment , to Emma Gertrude , eldest daughter of Richard Price Pliilpott , Esq ., of Oftham House , Hamsey . On the 8 th , at St . George's , Bloomsbury , John Hindmarsh , Esq ., barrister-at-law , only son of Captain Sir John Hindmarsh , R . N ., K . H ., Governor of Hcliogoland , to Mary , third daughter of Samuel Long , Esq ., of Purbeck-terrace , Southsea ; DEATHS . On the 2 oth October , in George-town , Demerara , at the residence of her mother , Antonia Sophia , youngest child of the late Major- General Stephen Arthur Goodman , C . B ., K . H ., aged eighteen . On the 30 th November , at Greenwich , Sarah , relict of John Mends , Esq ., and mother of Lieutenant-Colonel Herbert Mends , of the Second "West India Regiment , AssitytantCommissary-General William Fisher Mends , and Mrs . Evans , aged seventy-seven . On the 2 nd December , at her residence , on the Castle-meadow , Norwich , Amelia Opie , widow of John Opic , Esq ., R . A ., and only daughter of the late James Aldcrson , M . I ) ., of that city . On the 3 rd , at Kingston-crescent , near Portsmouth , Eliza , the wife of AVilliam Price , Esq ., surgeon , R . N ., and third sister of the late Vice-Admiral Itoss , CO ., aged sixty-live . On the 5 th , at Hoveringham , Notts , Lieutenant-General Henry Huthwaite , of the Bengal Army , aged eighty-live . On the 6 th , at Itamsgate , Charles Coldcall Brook , youngest son of Lieutenant-Colonel Brook , II . E . I . C .
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MONEY MARKET AND CITY INTELLIGENCE . Friday Evening , December !) , ] 35 . 'f . Tiik Funds have been very buoyant all the week . The Hear operations have been so extensive , and the pitblio so unwilling to believe in the poHsihility of any war , that on the mere , report of the Four Powers having agreed to any definite course of action for the future , piireliascr . s come in . The great Hebrew houses iiro reported to bo buying , and aro followed by a host , of the lesser fry . CoukoIh yesterday morning were (| uoi , ed , or , in reality , ( Mil ¦; from thin they receded to fl-lj ; again rallied , and left oil" lit 1 ) 5 J ; to i ) 5 } . This morning , thunkH , I Hupposc , to Heeond oclitioiiK , they aro strong at » r > jt . ' Money is very easy , both on the Stock Exchange and out of the " House . " lluilwliy Stock maintains a good price , both home and foreign . There linn been n good deal doing in Foreign NlopkH—Peruvian , Spanish , au < l Buenos Ayrean . Pcruvinii have met with a slight fall , on account , of tho report of tin ; English Admiral , who limits the capabilities of tho ( 'liincha Islands to iibont eight years' produce of guano ; and the Peruvian < lel ) t , in paid entirely by tho revenue derived from tlio guano . Tho Buenos Ayrean holders seisin eonlidenl , of improvement in' the linanceH of that , state . Mining tiliares have been sparingly dealt in . The long-patient shareholders in a number of the gold mine * liuve bad a meeting , and determined to call their ( Iirectors to account , and to insist , on a Hlalcuieiil . of ( . lie accounts . As n great many of these directors may he what "Jack" calls " Pursers ' men , " they may have to send to l . he North Pole lo look for tluun . Jn Land Companion there has been an upward movement , all the week . Here there is real mid tangible proncrl . y , and tho mere report of QiiivfatHrrr having been discovered onthe property ol the Australian Agricultural Comnuny , has sent the shares up four or tive pounds . The idea Unit gold in profitable quantity may bo produced liere al . home gain * ground , as may bo seen iii the marked advance in prioo of the South Devon Consols Copper Mine , which is said to possess auriferous gossan similar to llio J ' olthnoro ( North Devon ) Mine . Consols , ftr >; Caledonian , f > 7 , 67 i ; Eastern Comities , l . 'JjJ , 13 jj ; Edinburgh and Olangovv , ( Ml , ( i . »; ( irtmt , Western , H \ HI , *; Laiu'ii-Hhiro and Yorltnliire , ( Mi , ( iH ' i ; London , itrighl . on , and Houl . li Coast , 100 , 1 <> 2 ; 1 'Ondon and North Western , KOI , K > . "t ' , ' ; London and Mouth Western , 7 H , 7 HJ ; Midland , 01 , } , ( M , J Oxford , Woreestor , and Wolverhamplon , : «) . , /|| 0 } ; South Eitstarn , < UJl , <(;{}; York , Newcastle , and Ilorwiek , ( 1 ( 1 , 07 ; York and North Midland , 4 A ) L f > 0 i ; JOttst Indian , V ' i , ii pin . ; Luxembourg 10 J , 11 ; Ditto
( Railway ) , 61 , 7 ; Ditto , Pref .,. 1-J , 2 ; Namur and Leige ( with Int . ) , 8 J , 8 |; Northern of France , 36 , 36 . }; Paris and Lyons , 17 , 17 i ; Paris and Rouen , 42 , 4 A ; Paris and Strasbourg , 33 J , 33 J ; Sambre and Meuse . 9 £ . 10 ; West Flanders , 4 J , 5 J ; Western of France , 7 £ , 8 ^ pm . ; South Australian , 39 , 41 ; Peel Rivers , AS , 50 ; Scottish Investment , 1 § , If pm . ; North British Australian Land Company , \ , pm . ; British American , 65 , 70 ; London Chartered Bank , § , 1 pm ;; English and Scottish ditto , li i dis . ; Union of Australia , 75 , 77 ; Aqua Prias , f , | pm . ; Anglo Californian , ;¦¦§¦ dis ., i pm . ; West Mariporas , f , | dis . ; Nouveau Monde , | pm ., % pm , ; Mariquitas , i dis ., par . ; Imperial Brazil , 5 J-, 6 ^; United Mexican , 4 , 4 £ ; Colonial Gold , i , f pm . ; Pontgibeaud ( Fraoce ) , par . ; Obernhof ( Rhenish ) , J > i pm . ; South Devon Consols , £ , 1 pm . ; Poltiniores , par , ' % pm . ; Peninsular Mining Company , If , 1 | -pm .
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Mo be new scenery . Tlie earnest , easy , conversational manner of tlie lecturer , wlio cliats as freely from . Ms little platform as across a table , is certainly a great contrast to the usual desk and water-bottle business . The third portion of the . tour brings us to the village of Simplon , from which ^ spot we jn'oceed to the Gorge of Gf-ondo , and then to the Pont de Crevola , from which we get the first glimpse of Italy . This view , and that of the ¦ Lago- . Maggiore , are two as beautiful pictures as Beverley ever painted . But there is a bit of portraiture by Albert Smith , which would make the .
, third part worth staying out , were all else barren . The , perfectly , Shaka - ¦ pereari sketch of the English engineer who , in the secret retirement of his engine-room , and the general conviction that Austria isn ' t England tells a story without a climax and beginning with " JNb , sir . '" mayi ' Be pitted against any descriptive effort of the kind that we are aware of . The room was crowded , but the temperature did not much . exceed that of a half filled drawing-room . Such care in ventilation might be profitably imitated . ' Q .
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1196 THE LEADER . [ Satctkpat ,
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FOREIGN FUNDS . ( Last Official Quotation Duniira crnn Wkiuc osiiDin-a TniriiiSDAY Evbniitg . ) Buenos Ayres G per Cents . G 5 Portuguese 5 per Cents ., Granada , ex Dec . 1849 , Converted , 1 S 41 45 Coupon 22 Portuguese 4 per Cents ., Grenada Deferred 8 J ex all over due coupons 30 J Mexican 3 per Ct . for Ace . Sardinian Bonds , 5 per ' Ct . flO December 30 25 J SpnniRh 3 per Cento . 40 J Peruvian Bond * , 4 J p . Ct . GO * Spanish 3 p . Ct . New Def . 22 j Portuguese 4 per Cents .... 41 | Dutch 2 J- per CentB ... 64
Untitled Article
BRITISH FUNDS FOR THE PAST WEEK . ( Closing Peices . ) Satur . Mond . Tuesd . Wedn . Thurs . Frid Bank Stock 218 218 219- 220 .... . .. 3 per Cent . Red 93 £ 94 } 95 J- 95 k 95 } 3 per Cent , Con . Ans .... 95 95 | 96 i 96 ^ 96 £ ...... Consols for Account ... 95 95 f 96 | 96 95 ^ 95 J 3 J per Cent . An I 95 i 96 } 97 J- 97 J- 97 g New 5 per Cents j , Long Ans . 1860 ; CJ 5 5-16 5 | | 5 5-16 6 | India Stock ' 250 | | shut Ditto Uonds , £ 1000 ... par 3 p 4 p 4 p Ditto , under £ 1000 ... 3 p par par 4 p Ipl Ex . Bills , £ 1000 6 p 3 p 4 p 8 p 8 j ) | Ditto , £ 50 O 6 p Gp 7 pi 7 p 8 p ; Ditto , Small 6 p 6 p 7 p ' 8 p
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CORN MAEKET . Mark Lane , Friday , December 9 , 1853 . Local Trade . —The supplies this week of all Grain are smaller than for some time past , and this , together with an increased demand for the Continent , causes great firmness in the Wheat trade . Barley meets a slow sale , at rather lower rates . Oats dull without alteration . FLOATnror Trade . —The arrivals for the past week consist of ' 22 cargoes of Wheat and T of Maize . The cargoes mentioned in ours of last week are nearly all sold , or otherwise disposed of . The markets in the North of France have somewhat recovered their late dulness , and though the Belgian markets ' are not actually dearer , a better feeling begins to prevail . At Marseilles there has been but little alteration since our last . Arrivals continued large , but the demand from the interior was such as to prevent any further decline . The Italian markets remain unr altered . . ¦ ¦ ¦ - . " In England , at most of the country markets , prices were Is . to 2 s . lower ; but supplies from the farmers had not been so large as was expected . Prices in Ireland are influenced by the reports from England . The shipments of potatoes continue to be very extensive , and we shall not wonder if it be found , later in the season , that substitutes are required to make up a deficiency caused hereby . From Scotland we hear that the Oat crop in many districts turns out worse than was expected . ¦
Cammmittl Life.
Cammmittl life .
Olympic Teeatjje.-Ijcsscc And Manager, Mr. Alfkkd Wioan.
OLYMPIC THEATRE . — Lessee and Manager , Mr . Alfkkd Wioan .
Leader (1850-1860), Dec. 10, 1853, page 1196, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2016/page/20/