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Untitled Ad
PjEB ^ P ^ STOTES , and FIRHOBOKS . Buyeoi at i ^ above are requested , before finally d * - jid ii « to ^ 8 l 1 i , "VfIIiI ^ M S . Bim , T 0 N ? 8 SHOW-KOOMS , S 0 , Cw < QM * sfcreeii v < coirner of Newman-street ) , Nos . i & 2 , C ^ wnum- str ^ t * an& 4 & . 5 , JSerfy ' s-Btace * They are the hrg ^ wtyiit ttito ^^ rorliEL , andi-OQiitaiiin such' to . assortment of WStHSti&S S ^ SQX yVTSS , ; , ¦ Bi&StJGfflSL . PIKE-IKONS , and GK ^ lJJbt / tLTB 0 NMOS ( pJBT ; ' as cannot be approached elseWttearei either for variety , novelty , beauty of design , or caqiti ) altenessof « rotknian 8 blp . Bright Stoves , with bronzed ornaments and two seta of taunt * 21 . 14 s . to 52 . 10 s . ; ditto ^» nl& ottooIu ^ Orimttiefnts and 'two « ets of 'bars . Si . Ws ~ to U ^ l £ B ^; BrotutoGb Fenders complete , with standards , ftaom 7 fcto&& ^ StfeekEeatfers Jrom 22 . 16 a . to 62 . ; ditto , withrich oomolu onuznents ^ from 2 J . 15 a-to 71 . 7 s . ; Pire-irona fcont 2 s ^ &L t&& ¦* et ,-: toi-4 * ir 4 B . ' Sylvester and ' all other Patent ; Shamai mith £ ndijmng 'hearth plates . All which ho i « « aabled ; totBelkst-fouer very reduced charges * , i J $ nt ^ Itaom ^ t ! w ^ frequency aad extent of his purchases' ; Secondly—From those purchases being made ezolosively ft * cash .
Untitled Ad
T ^ BOB UNITED MUTITAL MF E AS--H STTRANOB SOCIETY , 54 t Charin ^ crosa ; Policies indisputabla . Assurances effected on the lives of persomvabout to reside in Australia on equitable terms . THOMAS PRITCHARB , Resident Director .
Untitled Ad
] Vf A 3 STCHBSTER aad IiOSEDOtf LOv -L " -l ASSURANCE and LOAN" ASSOCIATION 77 tin street , Manchester ; 454 , West * trand , London ; l Cavend ^ E * row * RuMand-square , © ublirt ' ^^ 1 . Life and survivorship riskftof every description—civ ?) naval , or-military . r ^™ » a . Loans on equitable terms , life assurance beirwr ooTrffem poraneonsly effected , ou approved personaLor any other , siiflt cient security . " ™~ Four-ftfths , or 80 per cent ., divided every five vaarc aanougst all policy-holders entitled to profits . Secretary , Manchester—CHARLES HENRY MCINCHIN . Actuary and . Secretary , Xondon—WILLIAM IAMES STBttCBXAND .
Untitled Ad
WJOTTED , ACTIVE AQfEOTS FOB THE AMAZON LIFE ASStTEANCB . A 3 ED LOAN COMPANY . AND SICK BENEFIT SOCIETY , a Liberal commission and procuration fees allowed . Applications to be made to ¦ ' - ^ KX 3 BEH-T GEORGE WEAR , P . B .. G . S ., Hanager and Actuary . 1 , Ironmonger Lane , London . Loons on Personal Security .
Untitled Ad
BANK OF DEPOSIT , 7 , St . Martin's-place , Trafalgar-square , TrfuWtpry Established May , 184 * . Parties desLrous of Investing Moneyare requested to examine the Plan , of this Institution , by wfcleh * higlijate of Interest may he obtained with , perfect Security . The Interest is payable in Jlanuary and Jext , aaid for the convenience of parties - residing at a distance , maybe received at tie Branch Offices , or paidt through Countrv Bankers , without expense . ^^ -w »™« j PETER MORBISONlMaira ^ i n ^ -Director . Prospectuses fcae on application .
Untitled Ad
SOUTH AUSTRALIAN BANKING COMPANY . Incorporated by Boyal Charter , TS 41 T . The € ourt of Directors grant LETTERS-of CBBDITand BILLS-at 30 days' sight upon the - Company ' s Bank ; at Adelaide . The exchange on sums above £ 10 is now at a- premium or charge- of two per * cent . Approved-drafts on South Australia negotiated ^ and balls collected . Apply at the Company's Offices , 54 , Old Broad-street Xrontoa . WILLIAM PTJRDT , Manager . London , Match , 1 S 64 .
Untitled Ad
«^ piJM PEMFKC'E STJBSTrrU l'B FO . R Jt BILYEB > . -Th « REAL NICKEL SILTER , introduced . WAi ^^ m ^^^^^ W- ' "WBiEXM f 8 . BURTON , nrheu MilLXHrobytlje p » 1 » nfrproceasof Messr » . EHringtem and Ck 3 . » i » -b ^ dnd alr 60 Tjipar&on ttotefvery Ta&st article next to st « rtoig ^^ th » tEeanfb * em ^^^ ot ornamentally * as by . no possible test can . it be distinlem ^^ m : ^^ ^^ ^ ^ : . .. Pattern * . - ^ SSBS ? Brttem TSaStooonSjitCT dozen ... IBs . ... " 38 s . ... S 2 s . . ' , ' IlB 8 « ertrBbdafr ^ . ..... < jjob ^ :. _ . < ¦ -40 s . - - 46 s . JJessertSnocnis ,.... ...... 80 s . ... 42 s . ... 48 s . Table Porks 40 s . ... 56 s . ... 64 s . i .- ^ 5 pgjy ^ j ^ ng { V *« ... & .-.. « 48 a . _ . \ r 58 s . i ... « 6 s ., T ^ aSC ^ r ^^ ts , wa ^ ra , candlesticks , &c-, at pTopqr-^ Ep q ^^^ . X <|^«>^' : ., J ^ U . , 'Jmad » rO ( ' 3 reMpEBfiingf "ebons- Ibgr t&e patent : CHJaOOAl ^ X PTIRB l ^ C ^^ , ¦ . *¦ . ¦ : ¦ : •¦ : >' T . ^ r ¦ ; •?¦¦ . ¦ . .,,-. . Fiddle . Thread . King ' s . ¦ Table Spoons juidTorks , , 1 ^ Bus ^ petgdoaau ...... 12 s 28 a . ... 30 s . I > eS « r ^ diaolHidi « Qito ... 10 s . ... Sis . ... 25 a . Tea ditto . ^ ... > ..., ^ .. ; ... M . 6 s . ... lid . ... 12 s . * r f ^ ty #$$ MS * 5 ! : - - -. ^ y ^ fil fe . A ICTITPl —i ^ h © - .. memt . l ^ C 4 ¥ M ^ 4 l ^ gm ^ y «^'^ E ^ i ^ : C"WTLER , Y in . -the >^ ro ; all \ rarra 5 ted ; is cm SAIIE at ^^;^ ^ . 3 H ^ WWP ^ w ^ Bfc ^ MpEB > i »^ Bj | i' * f ! i } giti ^ -iifctfy ' . iteteMfetl 1 amosfcn % ve * , < with high Bho « W «» , lls . per doawi ; desaertrto match , 10 s .: g to c | baiMoe ; e 3 ^ 3 ^ 4 s . per . pair ; ' tojBW ^ Bhteil ^ fr om : T # c"ed ^ U ) gfl B . pier dozen ; extra fine , ivory , fl » tj iftHtfc itow-fe « rulM , ^« . ' to 508- ; -white bone «» bleknives , ' 78 . 6 d . pcr dbMttt ^ dfcwicrt ^ i Sav 6 d . f carversv 3 *^ 8 d . l > er pair ; black horn table-knives , 7 s . 4 d . per dozen ; desserts ; 6 s . ; carvers , 2 s . 6 dI ~ ; ~ Dlack woodT-hai ialedtable-knives « nd ? iwiEs ; ea ^ nexs dozesk ; tasbae- steelflifieom is . each . The Itowe ^ t" stock" " m : exfetenba , OX plated ; dessert-knives and f ) % W in cases and otherwise « id of the new plated ftsh tfar ^ MJB . i ^ ttof * clai ^ assortment of Bazara , Penknives , ficisMa ^ i ^ l ^^ thebesfeqiMlitiy . WILLIAM S . BUBTOJT has TEW LARG ^ SHOWROOMS ( all coi || t fnimncatim ^ exorasive of the ^ Shop , devoted TOlely to 1 * estiorvrbf € KBNl 9 SiAIl PUBaWSHlNa 3 H 6 ONMONGERT ( iiielnding mfclery , ' nickel mlver , pl » fcc * and j&paaned waKa ^ iron and'brae laedstea ^) , so arranged and claJsiaeAiJkifcpiiitjiMtui'ii'MaywailyaBwtatonee maketheir « elaoMon « . > ¦ .. . . ¦ . .. ¦/ . ' ¦ ¦ . . Catildgnw , witlt CTi | rrmviiig 8 v « ent ( per post ? free ; The money relumed far"eyery sriticle not approved ot . 39 , OXPORD-STRBET ( corOBCof Newman-street ) ^ Nos . 1 * a . NEWMAN-STftEET , « nd 4 & C * rEElB . Y' 8-PLACE .
Untitled Ad
T ONDON -JmB- mimffiBAR FBEE . -lli BT ^ iED LAND JteTO ^ HUIXBIN ^ SOC ^ TY . A FDBI . I 0 MEBTINQ ^ wfll b « fi ^ d mi the National Hall , Holborn ; , on WEDNESDAY , the 5 th of April . The chair Trill be taken . at eight . o clock preeiaely , by ; L&witence Hey-, yorthudBsq ^ , M : Pi , tioa Presidarit . of the Society ; and a . JjEOXWSJET'imin b&dfilivered by George 3 a » mps » n ; Eso ., on the importstyee of Seeahold land Societies to ? the Middle and Iodu «* iriaLGl « aBe «; . After wiiich , aJ 3 ALLOT for thirty r ^ hta afe choiceWSbtakBiplace , and . ten will b& added by Botationt ShaEea ^ SO *^ EnfcmaceSee , Is * Monthly Subscriptions , ^ . Paid ^ H ^ andconmfete&Shar ^ aeatitled ^ rJgbts ^ tsluM ^ TheSocielsy hasjust purchased a valuable , piece , of Building I « nd m "Welliiigton-road , Bow-road , which will make about ninety Allotments . AH shares on which three months ' subscriptions have been paid will lie placed in the Ballotbox , and members haviaV'Sba » e » in the ^ Btilding Departmebt aee entitled to ; have tlieic Houses ereetedi on their Allofements , and repa ^ for th » at by weekly" inatataients , in six , nine , twelve , or fifteen jeara . ¦ Baepaarr-BittiaiRTMBST . Honeys reeenrecrin sums of S . aind upwards , a&fiper cent , interes * . ¦ . The Second Annual Report and ? Ba&nce ^ Hhe © t is now ready , and may be ^ obteined t » t the O « cesi 70 ; Penehurchstreet . near the Baaekwall Railway * aawell as Bules , Prospectuses , and every infbrmation ^ from Tan till Pour , daily . I . TicYLOB ) , Manager .
Untitled Ad
rj . EKTElfcAL INDBMNirT \ -J INSUBANOBCOMPANY . Begistered . pursuant to Aefeof Parliament , for the Guarantee against Losses arising from Bobberies , Forgeries Frauds , Itebfcs , Insolvency , Efere , and Non » paymenirof Beat . Life Assurance is also effected en itaproved and . safe principles . ^^ Capital , 500 , 000 ? . ( with . power to mcresse to l , 000 , 6 i » 0 £ ) in M » , 000 Shares of 5 L each . Deposit , It pet Share . C 4 JTNON-STBEET lrESTr LONDON . Solicitors : Messrs . Humphreys ^ Son , and Morgan . Contultvm _ Actuary .: Jklfar . 6 i Pinlaisont , ISso ., Old J "« wry . Gity . Managing Director : —William Rendall , Esq . This Coinpany has beea established for the purpose of combining in one office , isaA . concentrating- under one management , the various , modea in which the principle of Insu-Buxance is cs ^ able ? of , beiusapnlied . The buSUX € SS : of the <^* ii »« T ^ r "ft y fl ^ nn Tl ^ y Tmbiirq . npq fi ^ tqpany comprises all the forms , at Iniumnce at present in action , and iadudes . some mew and important features aot previously laronght before the public- ^ Thesa are divided between its three main departments in the following sumj aers— --Ist ^ Insurance agjunrfroUMries ^ forgaerles , frauds , &c , 2 nd ., InsuJanceag | uii « tles 8 ^ . byJbBa ;^ d « bt 8 and guarantee of rents- ( Thisdeparjtmenfc iaebjidestte collectum of debts and rents wathaufc ga » rantee ^ jOi , % -incderat ^ commission . ) The windiug-up of bankiujit and insolvent estates , aoiadvancea to assurers , on tie isecurity of unrealised assets not immedmtely avanable ^ and the purchase and sale of estates . 3 rd . Fire and Life Insurance , in all its branches . Insurances to mortgagers , providing for repayment of morfcagemoney . Annuities and loans , to pouoy-hohiers on real wad personal sceuri ^ t . The Tire deparlsaQnt . includes new ieature of considerable importance . Insurance agaiust loss of ousineaa profits in consequence of fire . Application for Shares , Jftcoapectuses , and Agencies , tio be addressed tcrtha Secretary . Agents wanted ia all paitsof the kingdom . Apply to "W . Pioyirl < Y | l . £ « SQ .
Untitled Ad
OI 0 J PAT 5 ? KR ]^ S BBTJSSEIiS OABPETS . —Families who do not object to patterns of last year ' s designs , have aov an opportunity of selecting f ? onv upwards of 1000 pieces of dining and drawiug room oairpeta , at . a- considerable allowance from the manufacturers' prices . Thus superior qualities ( the Comber patterns )* original price 4 s . 9 d . and 5 s .. per yard , are novr < a « - fid . and 3 d 4 « d . ^ three-thread Brussels are reduced from 4 s ^ to ^ s . and 3 « .. 3 d . ; peryard ; and several large lob&of really goodand durable Brusselsiare to b « sold at 2 s- 6 d . and 2 s . ftd . per yard . Tapestry , velvet pile , and Turkey carpets in great variety . Silk , worsted , and cashmere damasks for curtains . Good washing damasks , from 21 s . per piece of 30 yards . Patterns forwarded to any part of town or country , and are now on view at the National Linen Company ' s warehouses , 105 , Fleet-street , corner of Faixingdon-atreet , and bottom of iudgate-hill .
Untitled Ad
TVTOVEIiTY IN BEDSTEADS . — * 5 , K&MMONiya newly-invented ORIENTAL OTTOUrArT , a handsome ornamont in a room , forms a full-siaed bedstead for two persons on a moment's notice , price , mat-TOMBed complete , 38 s . The largest stocle of Bedsteads , Beds , 1 Mattressea , at » dPallia 3 se 8 in the kingdom , at HAMMOND ^ Bedding Factories , 14 , Hig ; h Holborn , london .
Untitled Ad
CHEAP MUSlCAIi INSTRUMENTS . ILLIAM SPKAGUB has a IiARGE STOCK of PATENT HARMONIUMS , from Ei « ht Guineas to Fifty Guineas each . Solo Manufacturer of tho Unique Folding- Seraphine , from Six Goineas . Also , the Organ Harmonium , with Gcrrpaa Pedals , suitable for Places of worship , price Tw-enty-flve Guineas . Harmonium and Seraphine Notes supplied to order . An extensive Assortinent of warranted Pianofortes , including a variety of Cheap Instruments , suitable for learners . Sprague ' s Concertinaa , from Two Guineae each . Price-lists free . Manufactory and Show Booms . 7 , Finsbury Pavement . mXJLIAM 8 PRAGUE , Proprietor .
Untitled Ad
"OIGGOTT'S GALVANIC BELT , without - * - acids ^ or auy saturation , without shock or unpleasant sensation , for the euro of nervous dise&acttand those arising from cold , an inactive liver , or aluggisli circulation , and has o £ 5 "L ou £ ftwy benefloial in cases of Rheumatism , ftSnif' Dy . sPopaia , Neuralgia , in all ita forma , aad general debtluty of the uystom . Treatise on the above free on tb * rooeipfcof a vestafce atamp . Mr . W . p . PIGOOTT , Medical Galyanist , 623 , Oxford- aforeot , BloomBbury . At home dairy jrom 10 till 4 ,
Untitled Ad
npEETH . —B y Her Majesty ' s Royal Letters J- Patent . —Newly-invented and Patented application of chemically-prenared WHITE INDIA RUBBER in the oon-£ ^ £££ . ARTIFICIAL TJEETH , Gums , « nd Palates .-Mr . EPHRAIM MOSELY , Surgeon-Dentist , 61 , Grosvenorbtreet , Grosvenor-8 C |[ uaro , S 0 L 0 Inventor and Patentee . A now , original , and invaluable invention , consisting in the adaptation , with tho most abnolute perfection and success of chemically-prepared WH ITM INDIA RUBBER as a lining to tho ordinary p ; olcl or bone frame . The extraordinary results of this application may bo briefly noted in a few of their most prominent features , as the following : —All sharp edges are avoided , no springs , wires , or fastenings aro required , a greatly increased freedom of suction is supplied , a natural elasticity hitherto wholly unattainable , and a lit , perfected with the most unerring accuracy , ia secured , while ' rrom tho softn « ss and flexibility of tho agent employed , thu greatest support ia given to tho adjoining teeth whp ' Iooho , or rendered tender by tho absorption of tho gums . The acids of tho mtmth oxort no ngoncy on the chemically-prepared White India-rubbor , and , as it i « a non-conductor fluids of any temperature mn , y with thorough comfort be ! imbibed and retained in the mouth , all unpleasantness of smell and taste being at the same time wholly provided against by the peculiar natvr © of its preparation . —To be obtained only ait 61 , LOWER GttOSVENXm-STREET , LONDON . 2 a , Gay-Btreefc , Bath . 34 , Eldou-square , Newcastle-om-Tyno .
Untitled Ad
j ^ UKNISH YOUE HOUSE with the J- BEST ABZnOLES—They are tho CHEAPEST in the end . —UBANB , UOAY , and COl'S BURNISHING LIST OF AETICIiES , especially adapted to the requirements of Household Economy , may be had gratuitously upon application , or forwarded by post , free . This list embraces the leading Articles from all the various departments of their Establishment , and is calculated greatly to facilitate purchasers in the selection of their Goods . It enumerates the different descriptions of Fenders , Tire-irons , Table Cutlery Spoons , Deanean and Electro-Plated Goods , Tea Services Lamps , Brass and Copper Goods , Articles in Britannia Jtotal , Pevter , mad Tin , Baths , Brushes . Turnery , &o . Acs . Deane , Dray , and Co . ( opening to the Monument ) , London-bridge . Established a jd . 1700 .
Untitled Ad
3 ! AIi AOT ) SO 1 PS SFRDSF& MAT . TRESSES . —The most durable Bedding ia a wellmade SPRING MATTRESS ; 11 retains ita , elasticity , and will wear longer without repair than any other mattress and with one French "Wool and Hair Mattress on it is a most luxurious Bed . HEAL and SON mate then in three varieties . For . prices of the different sizes and qualities , applyfor HEAL »»* SON'S ILIiUSTB&TEDCSATALOGJTE OB * BEDSTEAQ 8 and priced LIST OF BUDDINGi . It contains designs- and prices of upwards of 100 Bedsteads , and prices of ereiry discription of JBeddlng , arid is sent ftea by post . —HEAL and SON , 196 , Tottenham Court Road .
Untitled Ad
ARaXJS LITE ASSURANCE C TXMPANY , 39 , Throgmorton-streefc , Bank ; and 14 , Pall-mall . Chaimnmn-THOMAS rARNCOMB . Esq ., Alderman . ¦ Depaty-Chairnma—W 1 LLIAS 1 liEAP , Esq . Bichard B . ArdervEsq . Rupert Ingleby . Esq . Edward Bates , Esq . Thomas Kelly , Esq ., Aid .. Thomas CaropBn , Esq . Jeremiah Piloher , Esq . James Olift , Esq . Lewis Pocook , Esq . J . Huraphery , Esq ., Aid . Physiciain—Dr . Jeaffreson , 2 , Pinsbury-square-Sargeon—W . CouIsoelBso ., 2 , Frederlck ' s-place , Old Jewry Consulting Actuary—Professor Hall , JTA .., of King's College-ADVANTAGES OB ASSURING WITH THIS COMPANY . The Premiums are on the lowest scale consistent with ¦ ecurity . The assured are protected by an ample subscribed capital —an Assurance Fund o > f 880 , 000 J ., invested on mortgage and in the Government Stocks—and an income of 80 , 0002- a year . Premiums to Assure j £ lOO . Whole Term . ~ Age . Ono Year . Seven Years . WithFrofits Without Profits 20 £ 0 17 8 £ 0 ID flT £ l IS 10 Jftl 11 W 80 118 127 25 ft 207 40 150 169 807 2 14 . 10 50 1 14 . 1 1 10 10 4 6 8 4 0 11 60 3 2 4 , 3 17 10 6 12 9 0 0 10 MUTUAL BRANCH . Assurers on tho Bonus system are entitled at the end « f five years , and afterwards annually , to participate in fourflfths or 8 l > per cent , of the profits . The profit assigned to each policy can bo added to the sum assured , applied in reduction of the annual premium , or be received in oash . At the first division a return of 20 per cent , in cixshon tho premiums paid was declared ; this will allow a permanent reduction in tho futuro annual payments for life of from 3 i to 11 per cent ., according to the age , and a reversionary increase varying from 66 to 28 per cent . 011 the pxemi urns , or from 1 to 3 per cent , on tho sum aasurod . One-half of tho " Whole Term" Premium inay remain on credit for seven yearn , or one-third of tho Premium niay remain for life as a debt upon the Policy at 5 per cent ., or may bo pujd off at any time without notice . Claims paid in oau month after proofs have boon approved . Loans upon approved . aecurity . No charge for Policy stamps . Medioa . 1 aLtcndanbH r > iud for their reports . Peruona may proceod . ro or reside in auy part of Europe of British IVorlh America without extra charge . Tho triedicml offloors attend every day at Throgaiortonutroot , u , l a qujwtor bi > fc « re o'clock . ii . BATES , lleaidout PLroctor .
Untitled Ad
Xf » COlifOMI 0 CAB ^ ME € IiEANINGr and ¦* - * ¦ ¦ jdStaW 3 D infBING ' OCBfFAWI . Bead : office . 482 , New OTferd-strect . —The OABPETS of a mansion , by a cheap and simple process , CLEANED , fit for use , before breakfast . Neither beating nor taking * up essential . In TrotB j yr&mor BKWCRTsnnrr , all scientific improvements > adoi > tecfc Orders punctually « xeetuted . Carpefaek freed from dust , from 2 a . « d . to 6 s . each . —EDWABD HOSBORNE .
Untitled Article
mB THE LEADER . [ Saturday ,
Leader (1850-1860), March 25, 1854, page 286, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2031/page/22/