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%&fittttl Ttf fftl^ < j^tl^1>b /^J-vlUil HI l|Jt XXswR ¦¦ ¦
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_ ,., .,;.. . ^. """ . '?; ¦ ¦'¦ ' ¦ ,. '.'• ¦ ' ¦ • • .. ' : ¦ ..... . . ¦ ^BJohfetntjf* ¦ • . - • . ¦" '" ¦ ' ¦
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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^^ fStSs ^ ssi ^ - gsssid ^ s ^ '' 11010 Sanumrscs " * ^^^^ s ^^^^ o ^ itg ^ n ^^^ . r , , ;
%&Fittttl Ttf Fftl^ ≪ J^Tl^1≫B /^J-Vluil Hi L|Jt Xxswr ¦¦ ¦
$ kbs tf-. tfe Sfcelt .
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,.. -- ¦'""" ** ' ! i ¦ K ¦ ¦ ' - * V ' - < . ( --5 SP ^ c
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bonds , which it will be remembered bear an interest of 3 £ per cent ., besides a premium 6 a the prompt payments of the earlier instalments , are now at a premium in the City ; and the new security may be considered to have established itself . , Besides tbi& statement of his pla-as ^ l ^ r . & 3 adstoxeahidvmdi ^ tedhiniselfandhis colleagues fxom maay charges / which had be « a preferred ; against thein . ; ^^ i ^ d ' ^^^ terest on Ex « hVquer-by ^^
or hare been' disposed of lui ^ atiMf ^ w ^ liisd somewhat conspicuous for seveW ' r ^ lmi ilt ^ ip Adderley hl ^ vaji ^ f ^ avbutlf ^^^ l ^ K : reversal of : i ^' l 3 d ¥ e ? fnitt ^ t ds ^^ JW ^^^ x the OtamgV-ltr ^ .-i terr ^^ of teC ^ e j f Goo ^ Hdpe . ; Tt ^! MSd ^ i ^^ ^ a ^^ im ^ Sl'is ^ tihat ^ iihjtf ; terrii ^ ' nc * t ? b %% i ' colonised , and that the > est poUcv would be c ^<^ a ^| r ^ | g ^^^|^^^ K , ^^^^^ # ^^^^^^^^^^ ; JtWsfflirtlfiOlTf ' ^ Ava aaf ' im « 'df a ^ itdYiW ^ w f ¦ ' - A * t *^ '' ^ Ww ^ '
mves ^ ltaf % * &&& : m ^ frn # ^«| i tion , ip ^ be ^ l ^ Vb ^ '& ¦^ rea ^ A » o ^ . ^ yare ^ ai ^ i&f / to jbatiVe ^ law . ; Li& M ¥ , ffl $ M ± rickFeel , in the name of Downing-street , justifies the abanddnmcnt . ' It is" one . of those . ' capnCip ^ is changes of policy beyond Ijh 6 border which " haVe more ' than oiice provolced rebellion in Boiijth Africa ,. ' The other tiubject is Mr . SbtWon ' p bill to improve the law relating to friefldly societies .
Some parts of that bill—especially , an interference with burial societies , in order to , check the crime of murdering children . to obtain the burial allowance—had created great alarm . It does appear that Mr . Sotheron was attempting , legislation which would have inconvenienced luindreds of t ^ wifeasi oT '^ pi ^ : ^^ Wdof ^^^§ - tiona ] cases . ' Biit ihe b 5 U . fe ^ . , ^^ xef ^® r ^ ja select committee , evidehtly ^ with » n idea that it
will not be adTanced ; fl ^»»|| TO ^ - Several of | % acts relating to friendly jgociMes ^ pire this year ; the , " Home Secretary promises" revision of the whole subject ^ and declares that he , shall legislate himself next session . Thus the measure stands over for more careful re-view , and if the workikig classes bestir themselves , . they may obtain other improvements besides those whicli occur to the minds of middle-class legislators , ' who confound a few murderers with the'millions 6 f the working classes . The progress of suck jmeasureg as the usual bill to authorise dtefoibu / tion ' of prizes <| uTing 1 $ & war , the rejection o ^ bilJki ^^ i i ^ f ^^ SP ^ late the better registration of 3 n € [ dical pjrWstttioners , or Mr . Hume ' s to thr 6 w hustinjge & $ C * penses on the country , are almost nia ^ er ^^ f course . We are beginning , in the view of . fatt c patient members , to en = ter upon this hite period of -the session when bills are . thrown Overboard like bales of spoiled goods .
TpiNAKGE has bee-ii the leading subject in Par-JD lianxent this week , —the expense of the war , so far as it has gone , and the new taxes devised by-Mr . Gladstone to meet thdse expenses , "the additional estimates for the nav ^ lufmj ^ gd ~ ccr # v nance , " which he produced last week , amouiited tp 6 , O 00 > 0 O 0 / ., and to this sum he adds 85 O , Q 0 OL for ^^^^ , ^^^?^ s ^^ ig ^ which iieprpp ^
are the following : r-A continuance of the ; di > uble income-tax , which will yield within the current year 8 , 307 * 0001 . ; an addition of \ 6 per cent , to the sugar duties , with some modifications which would relieve at once the consumer and the refiner , and yield 700 , 0007 . ; an additional . la . on spirits in Scotland , and 8 d . on spirits in Ireland , yielding- ' altogether 450 , 0002 . ; and an enhancement of the malt-ta , x from a little more than
28 . 8 id . to 4 a ., makiag up the total amount required . Independently , however , of mere expenditure and income , the Chancellor of the Exchequer has another important consideration to keep in viewhe has to secure an ample command of cash ; and Mr . Gladstone aims at doing fk % , independently of t £ e 5 $ ftk of ^ Engli ^^^^ -Hifee- .. pTjin ^ j ^ money n ^ erchaiits , who 4 iBl 0 k ^!^ h ; b ' usiness ^^ 4 ^ Q 4 ei '" $ m * $ i it , and prefer to deal in largo loans offering large pirate . Thia ^ y as the Object 6 f His pro posed iflsiio : <^ f Exchequer-bonds ; a plan which l& now
somewjhtit modified , v It appears from hast statement that four-fifths of the tenders sent in were within a very smalfl fraction / of his own sealed price , but they scarcely exceeded 1 , 300 * 0001 . in amount . After the price was stated , more subscriptions came in ; but still they fell somewhat short of the 2 , 000 , 000 / . for bonds U A . " The reasons are two-fold— -in the first place , the jealousy of the contracting class ,
which has sought to" throw cold water upon the plan ; and J ^ cM ^ g ^^^ l B ^ of information in the public , 'wBlo * aro ^ WRVl ^ pcejat > a ti ^^ Si ingly convenient ani safe fornfWf i % estmeri ^ l ^ they should betray ignorance and make mistakes . The repeated , explanations on this subject-, however ; will contribute to strengthen the public confidence . Mr . Gladstone still wants the remaining ^ ur ti ail ^ Qn ^ of the six , aridlie took authority from ^« piaiwenj ^^ rajse that Amount in Exdfc-equerbius . oi bonds . Irf the rndbn ^ fcae the
Exckequerlower ^ thevpremium oa tho » e ^ uHties-a prcniituninwhichthepublic ^ asnai ^ er ^ t-oncltlra ^ ^ was . enable ^ to ^ reUetF ^ f i ^ t ^ r ^ et pf ' a considerable proportion left floating by iispredecessors , hj buying in . I | e explained the distinction ber tvreen his advance of cash frdni the public on Exchequer-boads , and permanent loans . He showed that he had never been * ' borro > ring money * ' from the Bank , except when he had lbdged in that establishment a farmer amount of money than that borrowed . He showed that there has been no
dispute between himself and the Bank . He proved that he had not , as . some of his critics said , abandoned revenue , but that entering office after Mr . Disraeli , he found a de 6 ciency throughthebreak do-vra of the income-tax ; and he had restored the balance of income over expenditure . He had met his claims for war by raising income to the level of expenditure , aiid he ha <| doiiie so v ^ hout disturbing the public credit , without tl | rowing new taxe ^ upon industry , or impeding tljiei operations of commerce .
Besides an ordinary "budget , Hf . Grladstone ' s speech constituted an ample vindication of himself as manager of the finance , an explanation on the conduct of finance , in many respects not well understood by the public , and , in short , sucn an account as the Minister of a free country ouglit to give to the public as well as to tie Parliament . It has had a great Parliamentary success , and it has had a success Out of doors , even in that place where narrow-minded " practioal" men with salfish objects to serve have been endeavouring
| prove h priori— for there is no A priori casuist like your * ' practical man "—that so accomplished PSMmh-imilded a gentleman as Mr . Gladstone tfotua ^ nb ^ D © a good man of business . The pulse of thO commercial world , however , responds to the chord which hx > , > h . as . touched ; and after he had explained hia measures , showing that they were financially as sound as the public revenue or the commerce of the country , the funds rose . Among the many other measures before Parliament which have made more or less progress ,
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- VOL . V . No . 216 . ] SATURDAY , MAT 13 , 1854 . . \ : ¦ : ; '¦ . ' : M ^^ Su 6 S ^^
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NEWS OF THE WEEK- ~«* ^ ^^ JfSS ^^ Brttle ....... 4 W S THE ARTS-¦ ¦ ••• . ¦ > V . » . a Dermco . ' ................... 4 * 0 Education r . 4 is - ¦ ^ r . . . g wliatoent of the W « ek ........... 4 S 4 - i ^^^ k ^ iW ^ ik ^^ ' ' ''" IS Jk \ St ^ ge ^ inP ^ i& ^ 6 nt ' ::: 4 iA The Eoyal Academy . ^ . ^ Z ^ M « Befornuof tho Corpomtlpa of the Pflwstft ana Conneromud 419 i iTPBATiiii » r ..- ¦¦ - ¦ - - - ¦ -- ^ ¦' - ' - ^ ' " - """ wr " ' OitvO ? IiOlldoil " ' " ' "" 4 SH ' ' ' mi utniuhiei ¦ _ __ ... -- L —™^—•« 1 J ^ SJSBSnfffS ^^ SI P T < S ^" s » I * IemanM ! . jB ^ SSBSrSTB-LSSS « " Wr ^ ffij ^ g ^ ^ B ^ ... « : * $ & ^ :. ^^ . * Z ' m i&gbr&eiSB&sas- " « S . ^ -af » s ^ aisr . ^ == r 1 ^ smmbiii ^ ai ^ ¦ , ..,: ¦ .. \ : ' iaasns £ issaess ; . A . x ^ s ^^ . ^ .. ^ ^ ^ . ^^ s ^ i ^ ,-.....,...... « t - ^ gtte ^***^* - ; -i ^
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Horace M * tatistics - _ >; * ¦ . . ¦ ¦ - ^ , - - ^ ^ ¦ " ~ " ¦ ' ¦¦ ' . ' ¦ ' ¦ -- ¦ . , ¦ { 3 / 0 ntvtit £ * ¦ . ¦ ' ' ¦ . ' ¦ ' ¦ " ¦ ¦
Leader (1850-1860), May 13, 1854, page unpag., in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2038/page/1/