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Untitled Ad
MA NCHESTER and LONDON" LIFE ASSTJRANOB and JDOJLN ASSOCIATION " . KING-STREET , MANCHESTER ; WEST STRAND , LONDON ; CAVENDISH-ROW , RUTLAND- SQ-, DUBLIN "; WALMER-BTTILDINGS , LIVERPOOL . 1 . IDEfe and survivorship risks at every des < yription—civil , naval , or military . a- Loans on-equitable terms , life assurance being contemporaneously effected , on approved personal or any other sufficient security . Four-ftfths , or 80 per cent ., divided every five years amongst all policyholaers entitled to profits . Secretary , Manchester—OHAB-LES HENRY MINCHIN . Actuary and Secretary , London—WILLIAM JAMES ST&ICKLAND .
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B OARD OF TKADR DEPARTMENT OF SCIENCE AND ART . —The exhibition of the Advanced Studies of the following Schools of Art , will be opened on Sattjrdax , the 20 th of May , at Gore House , Kensington : — Aberdeen Metropolitan , inoindinr Belfast Central Male Birnringham Central Fevhale and Chester Tinsbury district Cork Newcastle-oa-Tyne Coventry Paisley Dublin . Potteries ( Staffordshire ) Dudley Sheffield Durham Stourbridge ¦ Glasgow . Warringtea Limerick Worcester Macclesfleld Ywk The ~ workB belong to the following Stages < of Instruction , Stage 9 , Anatomical Studies;—11 , Painting ornament froth the flat , or copies ;—14 , Painting general , direct fhom nature ; —15 , Painting compositions of color;—18-17 , Paittttng tie human figure from oasts and in color;—18 , Modelling ornament : —19 , Modelling the human figure or Animals;—20 , Modelling flowers &c , from nature;—22 , Elementary design ; —23 , Technical studies in Architectural design , Surface decoration , Plastic design , Moulding , Lithography , "Wood engraving , and Porcelain painting . MarlAMrough House , 10 th May , 1854 .
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Tliia day , price « a . OBONSTAT AND THE RUSSIAN FLEET . Reprinted from " Trader ' s Magazine . " London ; Johh W . Pabkbs and Son , West Strand .
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TJii » d ^ y 3 s utt » li « hed , iH * ceia . clotfc , VOLUME VIII ., containing COMEDIES AND DRAMASrand completing THE COLLECTED ^ EDITION OF THE W » ITS $ 9 S < W lOTOLAS JERROLD . % * Volumes 1 to 8 mayTsenidtogetlieT or separately , grace 4 s .-each , SsAX > BT 7 BT « nd EvAirs , 11 , Bouvetitt ^ Napeet .
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2 s . 6 d . Bowed , cloth Ss . ed . Nbwirtady , ThirdJSSittwt of rpHE BALIiAD G # BAMB tJKElSTAJL BEL , and other Lyrical Poems . With additional pieces and a Preface . Bf OBJBAXDMAS 8 BY . London ; Da ^ ip Be&TTK / yieet-ir ti -Bgt .
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Jurt ] niblis 3 iaa ^ l ^ n ^^ o , « l 6 pp * iai . T ^ HE DIVINE Tffl £ MX i % m&foty and X Civilisation . By the Rew , JAMBS « MITH , WLA . CHAPatAJT -andHau ,, 4 £ 8 , Pioqadilly .
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CONVENTUAL INSTITUTIONS . This day , in fcap . 8 vo , price 8 s . 6 d ., f \ THGK&M 3 $ D& on FOREIG-NSHGRES I VaJ -JByerjfparont > in-itteiMnBdom . <» nght to jjlaoe 4 ifai » Jala In the hands dfhiB daughters . ItMBVrlttetiwaladyviuMk has Been revised by a living prelate highly dtsTlnguianeditt the world of letters ., ,..... ' BlAC 5 tittrtatni < k > ., 18 , I » » t « rw » rt * . «» w . '
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H £ S O ^ bfeTIAOTllJY BE ^ il ^ AHKRB BT THB ' DISPLAY OP THE WAJK . CROSS t ' ^ f ^ tBfeMd&tk smaU ^ ro , in 4 o « T « , > ' . IPHi ! . fd&oss' M '* mp ^ 0 M ^ mss $ m ^ t X AS STANDARDS IN WAR : their Origin , Progress * and the-Abuses of the Cros ^ ai devised ^ Had ^ afjUBoedby ^ ha Bishop * & Borne . By JAMES * . wE 5 BtTX * WJkM&oe of 4 ^ ''faflMenaertf ri ^ tc ^ rwri ^?« fc ^ - > ¦^ .. ¦¦ . ¦ ¦ . ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ - - lAsOoni : Adam : Scott , Charteraouse * sature .
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RAII / WAY TRAVELLERS may obtain Tickets of Insurance against RAILWAY ACCIDENTS for theffotirney , on payment of ld . 2 d . or 3 < i . by inquiring of the Booking Clerks , at all the Principal Bailway Stations , when they take -a Railway Ticket . Rail ^ WjLY Passengers Asstjrxnce Office , s , Oxd Broad-sxkejbt , LozTDOir . WILLIAM J . VIAN , Secretary .
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RAILWAY 1 . 1 FB ASSURANCE BY ONE - ' ' * AYi * fcirr . rpKB IN ! DTSFTJ 11 ABIiE XIFE- ^ OIiUCT JL COMPANY grant Policies to Members -of their own Company , assuring against Death "by Railways , oh payment of ON 1 Y ONE STJMOP VGUS ^ BIIiLTNGS ^ VB&CEN'D . Thu « ii , $ erson * H ^ 3 to , ^ b : hw ^ the Company fer lOO ^ . ^ whiohlM ^ Ba ^ i ^ . ^; tiarattttaayy may have a Railway Policy for 1 O 0 W . &r « ne Bingle { taymeut of 40 s ., payable in the event of iaa death feyjnisilway accident , aad in addition to thelOftZ . secured Jby £ he ordinary policy . AEjEX AKPiatuROBBttTgoy ^ Mianaggc . 1
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WANTED , ACTIVE AGENTS FOB , THE AMA ^ N LIFE ASSURANCE AND LOAN COSCPANY , AND SKJK BENE 31 T SOClEflRt . A . liberal commission and procuration -fees allowed . Applications to be made to WiliLOTTGHBY WO 03 > BBJDGE » Manager and Actuary . 1 , Ironmonger-lane , London . Loan * von Personal Security .
Untitled Ad
BANK O # DE 3 POSII , TSTo . S , ^ aTl-maa East , and 7 , St . Martm'e-place , 5 ^» - falgar-square , Lonctorn . Established May , 1844 . Xferttos desirous of Investing Money « a * e requested tp « xamiine the Plan of tBis Institution , by which » high Tatd of Interest may be obtained with perfect Security . The Interest ft partite < in JknttaKY ana aTtnw , waft for the convenience ©* jparties residing at » dietattoe , * aayT » e received at * he iBfanoh Offices , or , paid thtrongh Coiurtry Bankers , without M ^ tense . X 53 VE& StORRISOiN , Managing Dtreotop . Proapectases « entfree on application .
Untitled Ad
SEtr-PROTECTI WO UPB AS « r / JUUraB . THEUSFDISBCTTABILE iIF ^ POM € 3 T COMPANY bav » Jntrodwed « Plan of Assurance , whereby the following importanfr-advantageBarc secured l ) y Oim ^ M . GY ^ - ~ ^^ . * ' " 1 . ^ fie payment of a principal sum to the Assured himBGlf at a specified age . c ^ ¥ nABnul ^ fe'C » iiamenoe » tJtliat < age . 3 . The payment of * prtDcipal « um 4 n . ^ the < er « nt of death , whenever that jxtity liappen . ' . * . TUB ^ ftdl TsehBftt of * 11 smibs " paild , aiehoflBh JO > e Pp « - anianf thoidd ^ at any timebe ^ tisotmtinmed . 5 . iRalief ^ romike payment < of freminm « rafter »^ pentaed age . . ¦ ¦ 6 . Small pwiodioal , moments , eo « Bito suit the « onveoience « fthe Assured . Tlue FKtniutns ^ re v m&ueipa 7 abt « tt ^^ or y tto&itoftjW vXiiat ^ Mta ^^ mmwd ^ gs ^ cbB ~ Cx ) ii 3 tpan 7 , J thoy fflij ^ be patdip ^ ldy ormodCUty . Alliifaese aflvantages ^ re obtained by otte Poliiw . atfathere is no sacrifice of any sum that has been paid , in ease the partgr « lK > uMta 6 £ . 'coaainle 4 iiajtiiy » cnta . . As an example , a personjtged 25 , by , paying , 14 a , quarterly , will « eoare SOk payable jbojhftnself on ? hi « attaiaingeOyeaTs of age , and an Annvitty of lt « . on * eachittg that age ; and in the event of "his death at'ahy'tittio ( however spon . that jnay happen alter he has made the Jfirrtwymetit ) , tha ^ B * t » irfll 43 o paid ^ o his representatives . By doobiine In jPramimn Hk » sum assured will be 100 ? . and the JLanixitj- 20 Z . pf in Maoeoif fixing upon the age of 60 , he should prefer the age bfOS . tthe Premitrat'fKsr is ; s « urftn 6 eoTi 5 C 2 . 0 ariSl' « n Aniintty-iDf 1 W ? .-woull \ te-9 l . 16 s . © d . yearly . As an example of "theBflect-oT oiflcontinuing to pay { Premiums , ^ suppose-a perton / aged 26 to take a 'Self-JProtecting . Policy for 1 O 0 Z . = and < ua cAuouity of fiM . payable on attamina ' 60 , ana to continue line payment of ptemiums « nly until nereachesSS 9 earsof : aso , 4 ii « uch case the Policy will remain effectual to too extent dff 071 . ' 4 to . « ol ., and au jmAuit ^ r of 6 ^§ s . l-Od . ALEXANDER ROBERTSON , Manager . London , 72 , Lombard-street .
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HOUSES . —IMPORTANT PUBLIC ifOTICE . LONDON AND SUBURBAN FREEHOLD LAND AOT > BtrrtDINQ SOCIETY . r PHIS Socaet y ^ a a&tUfcwn to the ordinary JL Freehold Land business ) has . organised a valuable and eminently praotioal - « od eqintouble scheme > for . ( building houses for membets on their allotmente , and as the terms are suited to meet the wants and wishes of all classes , it i s hoped that everyone ¦ will avttil < himself of ^ he ' advantages toT > e derived from this department , as by its aid every individual m ^ posstessa house , ¦ whichj . being freehold , may be truly caUed'lns b \^ n , and that by simply eonvertiDtr Ms rent into -capital , ' 4 hvs ^ effecting -a saving of money mbioh would otherwise be for ever lost to him . Take an example by way of illustrations —< A member living in a six-roomed house , for which he pays 25 / . a-ye » r rent , holds a « bai > B in the land department , and is desirous of having a house , similar 4 o the one in which 'he lives , built for nlm on his allotment . To entitle him to this he 'must hold two shares in the Building FontL Which costs him 2 s . per week uxitil the house is completed and Toady for occupation . He then chooses a term of ^ ears to r epay writ , sayiirteen years , for which the weekly instalment its lls . 8 d ., amounting to 29 ^ . 5 s . a-year , being 4 ' . 5 s . a-year , or 2 gd . a day more than he has been paying rent for a house of which not a brick or tile would ever have "been his , and multiplying this sum by fifteen , gives 68 / . IBs , as the actual total cost out of pocket , and this not for a loasehold house at a ground-rent , but a freehold house clear of all inoumbTance , which , to let would produce an annuity of 26 / . a year for ever . Prospectuses , Tables of Rates , and every information may be obtained daily at the Offices , 70 , Fencnurch- street , near the Black wall Railway , or by post enclosing two stamps . J . TAYLOR , Manager . THE BALLOT . L ONDON AND SUBURBAN FREEHOLD LAND AND BUILDING SOCIETY . ha T T \? - ? i-A SSl&SSS&E . 68 ' 18 - ! Monthly Subscription , 4 s . A PUBLIC MB 1 TTNG will be held on Tuesday , the 16 th inst ., in the Albion Hall , Dalston ; Lawrence Heyworth , Esq ., M . P ., is expected to preside . The chair will bo taken at Bight o'clock , and a Ballot will take place for SO . Rights of Ohoico , and 10 will be added by rotation All shares on whioh three months' subscription have been paid ( if not in arrear ) -will bo entitled to go into the ballet . Paid-u p Shares placed on the List of Rights to ohooso . Subscriptions not increased on obtaining an allotment All the successful Shares in this Ballot will bo enabled to choose from the splendid esta-te of Eighty Acres just purchased at Tottenham , near the Hornscy Station-Sco tno ollico plan . BUILDING DEPARTMENT . By a plan peculiar to this society , cvory member nan have a house liuilt for him on his allot moat at a slight increase of Jus ordinary rental , thus removing the groat obstacle to th « beiiHlcial working of Freehold Land Societies . Shares , ruloH , prospectuses , and every information may ? i ° , V , tiUn (! li at ^ e OfllcoH . 70 , Ponchurch-streot . Oity , near mo Hluckwa ll Railway , every day liotwoon 10 and 5 o clock . J . TAYLOR ,, Manager . A noNA Fmi ] orToimiNiTY is ^ V ( . ( Tercel by which it handsomo forLuno can l > o ohtalnnd , / whi i " ' . n " " L 'l S "" 1 " illv < 1 Htn' (> "t- Apply for I'rospcct . UHCH K i ! , ! ll ? . I . ) OHt f " " - * t 0 *'• - Fllld and °° - »* ^ nnoru-Biioot , HLraud , L , oudon .
Untitled Ad
¦ ' Prio »> U < l ., ; ¦' , " ' - ¦¦ - - - ip a&m&m&& ' . ( mmmsm * m ^ @fip If 0 . 19 . —&AXXJMDAT , ilHU . 113 . ¦ M / BW ^ UB J !| WBfim * * '' ' t " i ¦ - ¦ ¦ ¦ TKKSwK ^ imaE A ^^ rOTigicK-Hcww . ¦ ; ' ^ Wear ^ foot Common . By Lettoh TtixcmB . Chapter XLX . . . Occabional N 6 XBS . ' MA ^ FrXjafcTKRs . Tbiswe tap iWf'Vn in JoJMdoa ^ CUtwte * nawflio New York . - ¦> Visit to a Turkish OasdCs . -Pftyyyy ^ fn ^ - ^ f y ^ r fff& . AHBA . ¦ W . and 3 t , CHAMaot »« . Briae B p ^ g ^ o . Mee ^ rtrtet ^ LPtt . don , ¦ MidNSda . Siigh-street . ^ Eidinbuxgli ; and BoldTiy all Book * - sdUers .
Untitled Ad
MBWKDITXOM . Now ready , pxieels . Ad , HIST ORY of the SESSION 1852-3 . A IPpirKaiitentflVpIlrfnMHMfot . ( Being * K « print of tha ArticleB , Ttw ** A Stranmar In ¦ p * rliam « n . t / ' in the Xeader ^) , * " * Never l > elore 'hutfae'publte-lUMlHudh nntip 4 > ortuiiitor « A seeing IMngs as they actually -atre inTarHament , vnxi dt knowing the physiognomy and habits of that great assembly . In this respect , the book is worth files of all the Parliamentary reports of the last ten years , -Add to iihi * that , An pointoaf style « id lUtetaary czeotftion , dttls ^ eqiiM . to theory best iiew « PM > er-writtBg of the d ^ y , whils yetdtij dutinocly -oriem *! iu 4 ts ^ npiiic . eloewdneaa , -aoase , anH satire are ita characteristics ; buttihere are < touoh « ii of'SOmothing higher . The Author does not write M a'Whig , a Tory , or a Radical , but sketches Partiament , as he himself Bays , 'from a hitherto unoccupied pobrt of ^ iew . ' " What TPhadkeray i * to social tnobblsmf in general , thi » author is to Parlhnentmry snobblflmii and we « ro much mistaken if tb . e terror of his BatireB haaTiot alreaidyhad som © wholesome effect even within the walls of St . Stephen's . " — Westminster Review . ILpnden : iJXkhst Ohapmust , 142 , 'Strand .
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INDISPUTABLE IiTFE FOIilCY COMPANY , No . 12 , LOMBARD-8 TaEBT , XON 3 ) CW . THTtTSTEIta . Richard Malins , Bsq ., ^ 0 , M . P . James IFuller Maiiox , Esq . John Campbell Benton ,-Baa . RiohaPd Spooner . Usq ., M . P . William Wilberropce , Esq . DTUBVBOBX . William Adams , Esq . Robert H . Fonnan , Esq . John Atkins , Esq . John Hamilton , iBsq . H . A . Bevan , Esq . J . THLathews , Esq . John Dangerneld , Esq . Olrarles O . Parnel ] , Esq . W . Williams , Esq . _ AUD 1 TOH 8-Henry . Adron , Bsq . I Ralph W . Bishop , Esq . Charles TH'Culloch , Esa . | Henry Burnett , Sisq . &OI . IOITQXB . —Messrs . Atkins and Andrew . SEOBKTJUrx . —David Alison , Esq . JPaddinj / ton Mocaljiowrd , 24 ,, Coimaught-tbrraoe , J 3 dgu > are road . The Rev . James Shergold J . Harrington Lowtkor , Boone , A . M . -Waq . Captain Creed . Olmrles Pemherton , JDsq . Roger Qadsden , Bsqu _ Ooorge Y . Robson , Esq . w . H . Tnnderjasa . Seohetaht—Charles Hognton , Dsq . The Policies of this Company being indisputable ( in torma of tho Deed of Constitution duly registered ) are " TRANSFERABLE SEOUEITrBB . their validltfrnot being dependent , as In tho case of ordinary Policies , upon tlio import of past , and perhaps forffptrtej oircumstancea , and office documents . IJsod as 'FAmLYPROVISIONS , they relievo the assured from all doubt and Mixioty as to the fuvuro . I ThiBifl a purely MTQTUAL SOCIETY , thoro being noj ) ro " prietary body to whom any vaxt off tho profits belong , tho "whole being divisible amongst Ilio insured themselves . Tho following shown tho largo and steady progressive amount of liusinoan tho Company is now doing , ana has dono during tho laBt five years : Sums AsBurcd . Now l > romi-ums . 1 HM ) JiH ) H , ( H 7 ,. £ 4 > , M \ 4 k 1 H 50 ! 110 , 215 a , U 7 * IHM 127 , 488 4 , * ' } 8 18 r > a 115 , 105 4 , 21 ) 0 1853 123 , 003 4 . 6 S 2 ALEXANDEE , RD 13 ERTSON . Manager .
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Just jjubliahed , price 2 s , post free , 2 u . « d . NEliVOUfS AFFECTIONS : an Essfly on Spermatorrhoea ; its Naturo and Treatment , with an Exposition of tho Frauds that are practised by persons who advertise the speedv , Bitfe , and on ' eetual euro of Norvoua Derangement . Bv a MEMBER , OFTJLlIiJ liOYAJLCOLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS , London . London : Ay : lott and Co ., 8 , Paternoster-row . ' .
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Just published , 8 vo , iu cloth , price 6 s ., free by post .-As- Od . ON TBUE and FALSE 8 PERMATOKRHCEA ; with a view to the Correction of widespread Errors in relation to the Troaiiaont and Cure o £ tho . Impuissant and Sexual QSypoohondrincs ^ in generou . Tr&nslated fioin the German of Dr . ( PICB 3 PORD . JSaillUieice :, ail ) , Rogont < tttreet , and a 9 Q , Bro&d-way . fflfew York .
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Just published , price 2 s ., by post 2 s . 6 d ,, TT | EBILITT . and IRRITABILITY in-JL / duced by SMTKMATORRHOaA : tho gymntomt , Effects , nnd Rational Tftroutment . HJy T . H . MBOMAlf , M . D Physician to tho General Post-oiflco Letter O « ra |« r »* Provident Institution , &o . London : Effinoham WitBOir , 11 . Royal Exchange ; an 8 , by Post only , from tho Author , 25 , Lloyd-squaro .
Untitled Article
May 13 , 1854 . ] THE LEADED 455
Leader (1850-1860), May 13, 1854, page 455, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2038/page/21/