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__ ((hnttint>rrrri M?lTTlttt*W VibUUHIIlHUU ^IUUU^»
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Continuation of MADAME MARII ! CABEL'S performances . . Last Week but One of the Representations by the entire Troupe from the Theatre Lyrique , Paris . The Directors respectfully annouuee , that notwithstanding the success which has attended , the recent productions , the Season must unavoidably terminate on Saturday , July the 22 nd . On Monday next / July 10 , will positively be produced Auper's celebrated Opera of LES DIAMANS DE LA COTJRONNE . La Catarina , Madame Marie Cabel ; Don Henrique , M . Carre ; R # bolledo , M- Grignon ; Don Sebastien , M . Legrand ; Campo-Mayor , M . Leroy ; Barbarigo , " M . Quinchez ; Munoz , M . Zerline ; * Diana , MadUe . Girard . The admired Opera of LE DOBIINO NOIR , Angele by Madame Marie Cabel , is in rehearsal , and will be produced in a few days . Boxes and Stalls at the Box-office , and at Mr . Mitchell ' s Royal Library , 3 . J , Old Bond-street . Boxas , 5 s . ; Pit , 8 s . 6 d . ; Amphitheatro , 2 s . IDoors open at Seven .
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OITMPIC THEATRE . Lessco and Manager , Mr . ALFRED WIGAN . ^ Mr ^ -ALFRED WIGAN respectfully announces that his BENEFIT will take place on Wednesday , July 12 , 1854 . The performances will commence at Half-past Seven with a New Farce , called ^ PERFECT CONFIDENCE . Mr . Easy , Mr . T . Bobson ; Mr . Johnson , Mr . Emory ; Horbort Atherly , Mr . F , Robinson ; Mrs . Easy , Miss Marston ; Julia , Miss E . Ormonde ; Suaaii , Miss E . Tumor . After which Colman ' s Comedy of THE JEALOUS WIFE . Compressed into threo acts . Mr . Oaklay , Mr . Alfrod Wigan ; Major Oakley , Mr . Uniery ; Lord Trinket , Mr . F , Robinson ; Charles Oakley , Mr . Leslie ; Sir Harry Beagle , Mr . H . Wigan ; Mr . Russot , Mr . White ; Mrs . Oakloy , Mrs . Alfred Wigan ; Lady IVeclpvo , Mrs . Chattcrley j Toilet , Miss E . Turner . To conclude with a Now Comedietta , called HEADS OR TAILS ? Wrangioworth , Mr . Emory ; Harald Dyecaster , Mr . Alfred Wigati ; Christopher Ouailo , Mr . V . Robson ; ltosamond , MissBlnrston ; Wlnlfi'ed , Mrs . Alfred Wigan . Tickets , Private liosos , and Places to bo had at tho Box-Ofllcoof ( ho Theatre ; nnd of Mr . Alfrod Wigan , 21 , Hansplace , Sloano-street ,
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I 3 OYAL OLYMPIC THEATRE . -ti lioasoo and Manager , Mr . ALFRED WIGAW . Monday , and Tuesday , will bo prcsoiitcd a now faroo callod PERFECT CONFIDENCE . CharactorH Ijy Mosars . F . llohson , Emory , Robinson , Misses Maraton , 15 . Turner , and K . Ormondo . After wliich , tho now oomodlotta , oalloil HEADS OR TAILS P ChuraderH b y l \ lessrs . Emery , A . Wigan , F . Robson , Mian Marston , and Mrs . A . Wigan . To conclude with , tlio comic drama of HUSH MONEY . Olmrncters by Mushi-h . V . Rolwon , J . H . White , Vlncont , II . Blvora . Moore , Emory , Mlsa Dormer , Mlaa Stovons , and On " WodiicHiliij for tlio Konofifc of Mr- AJLFRED "WIGAN . J » IJRFISOT CONFIDENCE , THE . 1 EALOU 8 WIFE . and HEADS OR TAILS V
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act the ; next time La Sirene is performed . She sang it to perfection on Monday night , and was fitly rewarded by an encore . In the difficult air of the first act , behind the scenes , and in the brilliant finale , the exquisite ease of her execution , and the delightful clearness and certainty of her intonation , told triumphantly on the audience . They had never heard her to such advantage before , and they recalled her with enthusiasm at the end of the opera . In other respects , the performance was a great advance on those which ( have preceded it . M . Styol , who took the principal tenor part , can act iniiitt aiusi ixi
cemgenny , ana can smy : u nn » ruu ^ n . .. vxnguun , vuu , was lainy equal to the comic passages in his character—acting now and then -with a ! quaint and quiet humour , which produced hearty laughter from the audi- j ence . M . Lieroy was , indeed , the only offender among the dramatispersonce ' . against the laws of good taste and commoa sense . He was more wearisome , noisy , and blustering than ever on Monday night in his attempts to be amusing . We never remember seeing so bad an actor as he is , with such an admirably comic face arid figure as he possesses in all our experience of theatres . The critic in the Times suggests giving M . Leroy Hamlet ' s advice to the players . We suggest g iving him a mild dose of chloroform at the wing . " He would be irresistible under the influence of a gentle sedative . Les Diamans de la Couronne is announced for Monday . This , we venture to predict , will be the crowning success of the season .
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The Inct . uence of Sex as a Predisposing Cause of Consumption . —Statistics speak a doubtful language on this point , giving the preponderance now to the one sex ; now to the other . The greatest ratio of frequency is prooably on the ; side of the female . The experience of the Brompton Hospital , however , assigns the greater liability to consumption to males than to females . This may be true of the classes W-ho fall peculiarly within the scope of that admirable charity , and who live in or around the metropolis ; but we believe with Louis that females have the predisposition par excellence . This may be explained on two gronnds . 1 st . Females are probably more exposed to the inducing causes of tuberculous disease . Among these are sedentary habits , with tlie breathing of the vitiated air of close apartments . The usages of civilised society necessarily impose sedentary
habits in a greater ratio on females when they do not impose them on themselves . 2 nd . The physiological condition of the female blood is an approximation to that of the pathological state , or the " taint . " It contains fewer red corpuscles and a larger proportion of water than the blood of males ; their stamina is less ; the vigour of the circulation less ; their heart , arteries , , and lungs smaller , and less firm- The sum of these may constitute an element of predisposition to the disease . This is certain , that females most frequently transmit the tubucular taint , and female offspring are the most susceptible of the inheritance . There is , however , a preponderance of the less severe local forms of Scrofula in the male sex , i . e . of tubercular manifestation everywhere but in the lungs . —Tie Water Pure in Consumption and Scrofula , by Dr . Balbirnie .
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CORN MARKET . Mark Lano , Friday Evening , July 7 . Local Tn . vDE . —At this day ' s market there is rather a better attendance , with a very slight increase , in the demand , at Monday ' s rates . To efl'cct sales of Wheat to any extent , however , it would bo necessary to accept lower rates . No alteration in IJarley or Oats . Free on Boari > . —Sinco our last the wcathor has been vory unsettled , and a good deal of rain has fallon , greatly to tlio disappointment of those farmers who are occupied in potting in the hay crop . It has not , however , as yet iniluouced tlio demand for Whoat in tho country markets , which have been quite as well supplied by tho farmers . Tho supplies of Wheat at London have beon quite as largo as wore expected , though still bolo \ v what is generally supnosed to bo tlie consumption of tho metropolis and suburbs ,
to say nothing of tlio demand lor more distant districts , and aomo small purchases which continue to bo mado forFrance , notwithstanding tho markets thoro continue in tho same dull stale as our own . Thoro has beon very little doing f . o . b . in the Haltic nnd other northern ports , With light Blocks tho markets thoro aro flat , and prices have given way somewhat , though not sufficient to induce purchasers for JJrltlsh account . Thoro is fair demand for heavy Danish Bnrloy , but tho lighter o , tmlltioH of Danish and Mediterranean aro neglected . Tho value of Oats ooiitinucs to bo pretty well maintained , though dealers and consumers buy only to sui ) i ) Iy Immediate wants . Tho arrivals nt Now York appear by our lnat advices to have boon considerable yet , notwithstanding this , and tho clu'ck to tho export ; domuutl , emitted by an advance in freights , prices wore ( Irmly maintained .
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BRITISH FUNDS FOlt THE PAST WEEK . _ _ ( Cl . OBINO I'lUCKS . ) Sat . Man . Tuos . Wed . 1 % ur . Frfd Bank Stock SOS 208 207 I 201 ) 209 S l > or Cent . lt <> d WJJ MA UUA »! JJ 03 03 ! l |> or OuL . Con . An U 2 i IV 2 S CouhoIn for Account MJ ( l !» 4 MJ ttiJJ SKIJ Si perCont . An ' i > 4 IKijj iWjj 1 ) 1 SWJj Now 2 i jwr Cents .., 77 $ Long Aiih . 1800 ' 1 ( 1 41 41 ? India Stock j , 282 Ditto HoiuIh , . £ 1000 par ;\ p par , Ditto , uudor £ 100 . 0 par par par ttp l <)\ . lillla , . £ 1000 2 p S 3 1 ) a p Id 2 p ap Ditto , . t ' floo t 2 p It i ) tip ! 51 » par 2 p Ditto , 8 iuii . II I \ p ' l ] j np 1 ]) ftp ) Op
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FOREIGN FUNDS . ( Last OrpiciAii Quotation during the "Week suroiya Thubsday Evenihs-, ) Brazilian Bonds 100 Russian Bonds , 5 per 8 uenosAyres 6 perCents .... Cents 1822 100 Chilian 6 per Cents ....... ... Russian 4 J per Cents ; ... 834 Danish 5 per Cents SpanishSp . Ct . NewDef . 19 Scuador Bonds ... 4 Spanish Committee Oert . Vfexican 3 per Cents . ... 24 | of Coup , not fun 41 Mexican 3 per Ct . for Venezuela 3 J per Cents . ... , Acc . , ... Belgian 44 per Cents .... ... P ortuguese 4 per Cents . 40 J' Dutch 2 £ per Cents -... . Portuguese 5 p . Cents . ... Dufcch 4 perCerit . Certif . 91
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The great news this week in connexion with the Opera is , that Grisi is to
give eight extra performances before she takes her farewell . She 13 announced to apj sar in La Favorita , Anna Bolena , and La Gazza Ladra ; the latter opera ( too rarely heard in London ) being associated with her earliest triumphs as an actress and a singer . Norma , the J ^ nritani , and the Huguenots have been given this week ; and La Prova ( Tun Opera Seria—not at all worth revival on account of its own merits—has been taken from the shelf , by way of enabling the subscribers to renew their acquaintance with the time-honoured " gag" of the great Lablache .
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¦ Theatrical business has been brisk this week in our markets for the homemanufacture of foreign material . French farces have been done into English at the Lyceum and the Haymarket , with fair success . And a new adaptation of La Joie Fait Peur has been , produced , under the title of Hopes and Fears , at the Adelphi . In this version the characters retain their nationality , and the scene is , of course , lef t , as in the original play , in France . The parts of the mother and the old servant are played by Madame Celeste and Mr . Webster ; and the character of the young officer is performed by Miss 1 Woolgar ! This latter arrangement strengthens the " cast , " by including in ; it a popular actress ; but it necessarily destroys the reality of the scene in this most pathetically real of dramas , and it is , on that account , an inexcusable error in taste . It may be all very well for ladies to appear in trousers in farces ; but in such a play as La Joie Fait Peur , this sort of masquerade , however admirably it may be sustained , is utterly out of place . ' . W .
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BIRTHS , MARRIAGES , AND DEATHS . BIRTHS . CART . —Juno 17 , at Pau , France , tho lion .. Mrs . Byron Gary : a daughter . HANHAM . —July 5 , at Great Malvern , the wifo of Captain Hanhjun , H . M . Ninth Regiment of Foot ; ason . HASTINGS . —Juno 29 th , at tho Rectory , licit ingfordbury , the wifo of tho Hon , and Rev . Godolphin Hastings : a sou . MICHEL . —July 1 , at Guernsey , the wifo of Major 0 . G . Michel . Sixty-sixth Regiment : a son . SAUMAR 13 Z . —July 2 , at Guernsey , tho Hon . Mrs . Sawna ^ rez s a daughter . VAN 15- —July 1 , at 3 G , South-street , tho Countess Vane ; a son . ¦ MARRIAGES . DE COURCY -LEESOIST .-Juno 19 , at St . Saviour's Church , Jersey , Horatio Do Courcy . youngest sou of the late Cape . Martel ) i , of the sixty-ninth Regiment , to Jano , daughter of Robert Leeson , Esq . NUTTALL—SCOTT . —April 19 , at Jumalpoor . Llout . J . M . Nuttall , sixth N . 1 ., second noii of tho Into G , It . Nuttall , M . D ., London , to Kin inn , eldest daughter of the late Major J . Scott , fifty-sixth N . I . PENNINGTON—GRANT .-July r > . at St . Mary's , Bryanston-squnro , James M . INmnington , Esq ., eldest surviving son of Captain Rowland Vcnnington , of Wliitohavoh , 0110 of her Majesty ' s Justices of the Peaco , and n , Deputy-Lloutonant for tho county of Cumberland , to Charlotte Elizabeth . youngest daughter of tho late ltiohard Grant , Esq ., andhalf-Hiator of Captain Sir Richard Grant , R . N ., Counaught-toriww , Hyde-park . TJItOUHART-GOLIMK .-May 11 , at St . Viuil ' a Cathedral , Calcutta , Frederic Day Urqunart , Esq ., Koxigal Artlllory , to Charlotte , danglilor of Liout .-Ool . Goldio , Military Auditor-Gonorul , JJodkiiI . DEATHS . OUMBERLEGE . —June 29 , in Suffolk-street , Vall-mnll , Captain Harry AHlmm Cumborlogo , of H . M . ' a Sixtyfourth Roghnont . FISHER . —Juno 20 , at Cohurg , Cniitalu Fisher , only son of tho lato Isanc l'Hahor , Fsq ., of Lonton Abbey , Nottinghamshire 1 MONTAGU .-June 7 , Oluu'len Frederic Herman Montagu , JI . M . S . Odin , youngest son of tho Rov . < J . Montagu . Swaffluun , Norfolk , w ' ao witn hIioIj while in oonimund of 0110 of tho boats Im tlio ntlnck on Ganila Knrloby , agod twentytwo . W 10 AVERS . —At 2 . ' ) , Sixinoor-torraoo , Ijovor-road , Islington . PrlBcilla , the wifo of Lieutenant W . Ucavorw . R . N ., atjod fifty- eight .
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MONEY MARKET AND CITY INTELLIGENCE r , „ , , l'Vidny IUvoiiI « ff , July 7 . 1804 . Consols have varied but Uttle ttiuoo l . uit \» ook , until tho any boforo yftHterday ; when it wa « utulor « tood that tho Mimic would not lower their rate of diaoount . Sluco
then tho tendency has been rather downwards . They opened this morning at 92 i , 93 , and during the day have bcon done at 93 i . Ill our own railway market heaw shares are 2 per cent , lower . Foreign shares are a little lower ; but maintain better average prices than our own . llinea are somewhat flat , and but very little doing . The political news has but little affected the markets . The harvest prospects are still cheering , and this circumstance has always its influence on the state of the market . We cannot , however , see any material rise at present- The war , It would seem , no unforeseen accident befalling the great disturber of European relations , cannot be ended just yet , and armaments , &c , cost monoy . Parliament is sfill sitting ; and I adhere to a former opinion , expressed weeks ago , that more money must be had from tlie country before it breaks up . The section of a Bear party that still holdout may stilllive to clear their heavy losses . Consols closed at 93 93 Jr . ltussian Fives 99 . Consols , 93 , 93 J ; Caledonian , 62 | , 631 ; Chester and Holyhea . d , 15 | , 16 i ; Eastern Counties , 13 i , 13 J-, Edinburgh and Glasgow , 60 , 62 ; Great Western . 78 . 78 i : Lancashire and
Yorkshire , G 5 J . 66 J ; London , Brighton , and South Coast , 105 , 107 ; London and North-Western , 103 | , 104 {; Lon ^ don and Sbutli-Western , 82 , S 3 ; Midland , 66 , 66 i ; Nowport , Abergavenny , and Hereford , 63 . _ 6 dis . ; North Staffordshire , 4 J , 35 dis . ; Oxford , Worcester , and Wolver-Iiatnpfon , 31 , 33 ; Scottish Centrals , 92 , 94 ; South . Eastern , 03 ? , 64 J ; South Wales , 35 , 36 ; York , Newcastle , and Berwick , 71 75 ; York and North Midland , 54 , 55 ; Antwerp and Rotterdam , 3 f , 3 i dis . ; East Indian , 2 J , 23 pro . ; Luxembourg ( Constituted ) 35 4 ; Namur and Liege ( with interest ) , 7 | , Si ; Northern of France , 34 * . 34 J-, Paris and Orleans , 46 , 43 ; 1 ' aris and Rouen , 41 . 43 ; Rouen and Havre , 22 i , 23 J ; Saml ) rc and Mouse , 8 J , 9 ; Western of Franco , 7 , 8 prom , ; Aqua Frias , 5 , 1 ; Brazil Imperial , 3 } , 4 ; San Fornandps , J , ^ dis . ; Linares , 10 , 11 ; Peninsulas , J , l prem . ; Pontgibeauds , 16 J , 17 J ; United Mexicans , 3 £ , 4 ; Australian Eanks , 81 , 83 ; Crystal Palace , par ., 4 prem . ; British American Land , 70 , 75 ; London Chartered Bank , Australia 21 , 214 xd . ; N . B . Australian Land Loan , 5 , 1 ; Scottish Investment , Australian , 13 , ig ; Union of A \ istralia Bank , 74 , 76 ; Oriental Corporation , 47 i , 4 SJ ; South Australian Land , 35 , 37 xd .
__ ((Hnttint≫Rrrri M?Lttlttt*W Vibuuhiilhuu ^Iuuu^»
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JviiY 8 , 1854 ] THE LEADER . 645
Opera Comiquil, St. Jadces's Theatre.
Leader (1850-1860), July 8, 1854, page 645, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2046/page/21/