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Untitled Ad
TTNITED MUTUAL LIEE ASSURVJ ANCE SOCIETY , 54 , Charing-cross . Policies indisputable . No charge for Policy Stamps . Whole profits divided annually . Assurances on the strictly mutual principle . Invalid lives assurotl at equitable rates . THOMAS PRITCHARD . Resident Director .
Untitled Ad
nnHE DEADER , EXAMINER , and all JL other Weekly Newspapers , supplied ¦ with , regularity and despatch by CHARLES E . BINGHAM , Newspaper and Advertisement Agent , 84 , Mount-street , Groisvenorsquare . Money Orders to be made payable at the Post-office , Oxford-street , London .
Untitled Ad
T > ANK OF DEPOSIT , -83 No . 3 , Pall-mall East , and 7 , St . Martin ' s-place , Trafalgar-square , London . Established May , 1844 . Parties desirous of Investing Money are requested to examine the Plan of this Institution , by which a high rate of Interest may be obtained with perfect Security . The Interest is payable in Januajiy and Jult , aud for the convenience of parties residing at a distance , may ba received at the Branch . Offices , or paid through Country Bankers , without expense . PETER , MORRISON , Managing Director . Prospectuses sent free on application .
Untitled Ad
SOUTH AUSTRALIAN BAJSXIN © COMPANY . Incorporated by Royal Charter , 1847 . The Court of Directors grant LETTERS of CREDIT anil BILLS at 30 days' siglit upou the Company ' s Bank at Adelaide . The exchange on sums above £ 10 is now at a premium or charge of two per cent . Approved drafts on South Australia negotiated , and bills collected . Apply at the Company ' s Offices , 54 , Old Broad-street * London . WILLIAJi PTTRDY , Manager . London , July , 1851 .
Untitled Ad
STEAM to INDIA , CHINA , amd AUSTRALIA ., &c-The Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company ' s Steamers , carrying her Majesty ' s mails and despatches , start from Southampton for the undermentioned ports , as follows : — For ADEN , CEYLON , MADRAS , CAXCTJTTA , PENANG ,. SINGAPORE , and H . QNG KONG , on the 4 th and 20 th of every month . . For ADELAIDE , PORT PHILIP , and SYDNEY ( touching at BATAVIAVj on the 4 th of every alternate month ; next departure , 4 th Julr . For MALTA and ALEXANDRIA on the 4 th and 20 th of the . monthi . For FIGO , OPORTO , LISBON , CA 3 MZ . and GIBRALTAR , on the 7 th , 17 th , and 27 th of every mouth . MAIISEILLES to SLAIiTA . — The Company ' s new and fast Steam-ships TALETTA and VECTIS are despatched from MARSEILLES to MALTA on the 10 th and 26 th of every month ( in connexion with the Southampton Packets of the 4 thand 20 th of the month ) . For further information , and tariffs of the Company ' s rates of passage-money , and freight , &c ., apply at the Company ' s Offices , 122 , Laadenhall-street , London ; and Orientalplace , Southampton .
Untitled Ad
A JN OTHEE REDUCTION OF FOURJ- \ - PENCE THE POUND IN THE DUTY ON TEA . —In accordance with our usual practice of always being FIRST to give the Public the full ADVANTAGE of every REDUCTION in the value of our goods , we have at once lowered the prices of all our Teas to fullest extent of tho REDUCTION OF DUTY ; and w-e are determined , so far as we aTe concerned , that the Public shall reap the full benefit of this act of the Government . s . d . The Best Pekoe Congou 3 8 the pound . •'• Strong Breakfast ditto 3 0 ,, Good sound ditto . ' 2 8 „ Choice Gunpowder 4 , 8 -Finest Young Hyson- 44 „ Good Plantation Coffee 10 Cuba , Jamaica or Costa Rica . 14 „ Choico old Mocha 10 ,, Tho Best Homoeopathic Cocoa 10 „ For the convenience of our numerous customers , wa retail the fiuest West India and Bcflned Sugars at maricet prices . All goods delivered , by our own vans , free of churge , within ofaUt miles of London . Parcels of Tea and Cort ' co , of tho valuo of Two Pounds sterling , arc sent , carriage free , to any part of England . CULLINGIUjK AND COUP ANY , Tea-inerchiints and Dealers , 27 . SKINNER-STREET , SXOW-LULL , CITY .
Untitled Ad
"PhUTY OJT TEA . —Tho prices of all our *_/ TEAS again REDUCED id . per pound . Strong Congou Ton , 2 s . Sd ., 2 a . 10 d ., 3 s . ; former prices , 3 s ., 8 s . 2 d ., : 5 s . 4 d . Rich SouehoiitfToa , 3 s . 2 d .. 3 s , Id ., 3 s . Sd . ; former prices , 3 b . Oil ., ! 5 s . Sd ., 4 s . Host Assam Pokoe Souchong Tea , 4 s . ; former price , 4 s . 4 d . Prune Gnupowdor Ton , « h . 8 d ,,-is ., -is . < td ., ds . Sd ; former prices , Is ., is . ill , 4 s . 8 il ., and 5 s . The Ucsl Pearl Gunpowder , 5 s . ; former prico , Ca . Id . Prime Coffee , Is ,, is . 2 U ., Is . 3 d ., Is . id . l ' riuw Mooha , I 5 n . ro choice Mocha Coffee ? ( twenty years old ) , la . Od . faugars aro miiiplled at market prices . . AH Roods Monti carringo frco , by our own vans , if within olfTht liiiloa . Tons , codecs , anil spices sent oavrinso frco to any railwny station or mar-kot-town in England , If to tho valuo ol . ids . or u |> war < ta , by PHILLIPS anil COaiPXXY , Tea Merchants , 8 , Kins William . stroot , City , London . A general priue-ourrciit sent post frco on npplicntiou .
Untitled Ad
TjMTKNIStl TOUK HOUSE with tho * L BKST AKTICLKS , thovnro the dionpe . Nt in I Intend—OUANl-:, DltAY . aiulCO . 'S" FURNISH ING LIST of AJt-TIOLV . S , especially ndnptod to I ho requirements of Household ltaonomv , lnny ho hud irmtultously upon application , or forwunhxl by post , froo .- TJilaJist ombraocH tlio loading Articles from nil the vnrioiiH departments of thoir Ustab llrtliinont . iiml in ciilciilnlfil Ki-oatlv to fHoilitato purchasora In tho nclwlIon ol'tlu'lr ( . '«<> il » . It emunoratostho different d (^ cri ] itio nM of 1 'YndiT . s Firo-ivonn . Table Cutlery , Spoons , Dcnnciiu and Kkvini-platoil floods , Ton , Services Lampa , Uniss , and (' impcr <«< kmHh , Articles in Britannia Motal , IVwIcr , nutl 'l'ln , IlalliH , BniHlioH , Turnery , Ac . —DEANU , l ) ltA Y . ami CO . ;() ni'imi ( 5 to tho Monument ) , London-bridge . Kstubliahod A . I ) . V 100 .
Untitled Ad
r II E MEN OF T H E W A II . JL Tho l'ro |» vlolorH of tho BRITANNIA liavo made nirnriffvinciitN to publish under Uio above tiilo a sorlcs of BIOGRAPHICAL , ANECDOTICAL , A . \ D CiUTlOAL SKETCHKS Of tho Sovereigns , Statesmen , CJoiiomltf , Admirals , mid oLhortj who hnvo boon called on to play apart in tho present \ V « u in tho East . Tho lli-Nt ukrlch v 111 miponrin tho BRITANNIA of Suturcm . v , 11 k > : JHli . Juno , anil tlio oIIhtn mill bo gi \ i > n without uilinu | itii > ii in Micci'i'iliiiK nmnborn . Tho H'rcutvr purl of ( lie hkcii'lii'M \ tIII bo liasoil ujiou inforniatlon , pi < mmal ami wrillon , iidt inimIIv iiccc " ..- *)!)! . ! to ICii ^ IInIi wi-Hci'm ; nutl Iho liropriotorw Ihcrcloro conlliloutly licllovo thai tlu « y ¦ will bo peculiarly luvi'ittablo to tliuir aulisorlbora and tho i » ubUc . Oil ' co i i , BdtlRcs-tiUcot , Struiul . l'rioo Od ,
Untitled Ad
SCOTTISH EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY . iwstituted 1831 . ' President . His Grace the DUKE of BUCCLEUCH and QUEENSBERRY , KG . IIaxager .-ROBERT CHRISTIE , Esq . Secretary- —WILLIAM FIXLAY , Esq . IIkad Office . 2 fi , ST . AXDREW-SQUAUK , EDINBURGH . The Twenty-TUird Annual General Meeting of this Society wns held nt Edinburgh , . on 2 nd May , 1 S 51 ; William Stuart Walker , Esri ., of Rowland , in the Chair . The Report read to the ileetinpr , and which was unani « mously approved of , contained tlie following particulars;—The number of Policies issued during the year ending 1 st March , is 620 , tlio Sums Assured thereby being 282 , 7152 ., giving an addition to the Income in Annual Premiums of S 5951 . . The Policies lapsed by death during the year are S 4 , the Sums Assured by which amount to -10 , 850 ^ ., and the Bonus Additions to 8-IS 2 / ., making together 5 S . 332 / . In comparing these sums with , the amounts for the preceding year , they exhibit an increase of 17 in tho number of New Policies , and of about 6 Q 0 QI . in the Sums Assured . Tho increase , though of moderate amount , must , Ijc considered satisfactory , especially when regard is had to the great competition-which now exists in tho business of Life Assurance . The number of Policies lapsed by death is four uncUv that of last year , and the amount payable nearly 700 OZ . less . Keeping in view tho additions made to the business ; and the increased age of the Members of the Society , these aro most gratifying circumstances . ' The Sums remaining Assured amount to -1 , 231 , 5987 . The Annual Revenue amounts to 152 , 015 ? . And the Accumulated Fund is increased to S 39 , 35 < fc ? . * * * Medical Referees paid ^ by the Society . VIEW OF THE I'nOGKESS AND SITUATION OF THIS SOCIETY . ! Amount Annual Accumulated Assured . Revenue Vund . £ £ £ At 1 st March , 1 SS ( 1 < H- > , S 71 21 , 91 ( 5 40 , 07 * Do . 1 SI 2 l , 6 S 5 , Ol 57 01 , 851 191 , 4 ' , JG Do . ISIS 2 , 0 S 4 , S 7 fi 110 , 700 415 , 073 Do 1 S 5 J __ l , 231 , 5 l ) S _ 152 , 015 _ ^ . ilS * POLICIES RENDERED INDISPUTABLE . lly a Resolution of tho Society , Policies may , after being of live years' unduvanco , bo declared indisputable ou any ground whatever , and tho Assured bo ontitlod to travel or rosido beyond tho limits of Europe , without payment of Extra Premium for such travollinp or residonco . Special application nmst bo made to tho Directors for such privileges , however , and satisfactory evidence ailducccl that at tho timo of his jinplication tho Assured has no prospect or intention ( if froinpj boyond tho limits of Europe Tho Amount of Claims jiaid to tho Representatives of deceased ]\ 1 embers exceeds SIX HUNDRED THOUSAND POTTITDS . Copies of the Repovt , Proposals , and all other informRtion , may bo hail on Application to the Moad OtUeo in IJdinbuiKh , to any of tlio Country Affouts , and to tho JLondon Agency , 120 , IHahopHgato-strcot . London , . hmc , 1 SB 1 . WILLIAM COOK , Affont .
Untitled Ad
SOYEREIGX LIPE ASSURANCE COMPANY , 49 , ST . JAMES'S-STREET , LONDON . ( ESTABLISHED 1 S 45 . ) DIRECTORS . Chairman—Lictitcnant-Colonel Ixird ARTHUR LEiyNOX . Deputy Chairman—Sir JAMES CAR-MICHAEL , Eart . John Asbburner , Esq ., M . D . Cha , rles Farebrother , Esq ., T . JI . B . Batard , Esq . Alderman . J . P . IJathurst , Esq . J . W . Huddleston , Esq . John Gardiner , Esq . ' . Charles Osborn , Esq . THIS OFFICE PRESENTS THE FOLLOWING ADVANTAGESThe Security of a Xarge Paid-up Capital . Very Moderate Kates for all ages , especially Young Lives . No Charges whatever , except the Premium . All Policies Indisputable . By the recent Bonus , four-fifths of the Premium paid was in many instances returned to the Policy-holders . Thus : — On a Policy for ^ 1000 effected in . 1846 , Premiums amounting to .- £ 153 8 s . 43 . had been piid , while rfl 2 o 7 s . u-as the Bonus added in 1 S 53 . A weekly saving of lid . ( Si . 0- 8 ( 1 . yearly ) will secure to a person 25 years of age the sum of £ . ' 100 on his attaining the age of 55 , or at death , should it occur previously . Rates are calculated for all ages , climates , and circumstances-connected with Life Assurance . Prospectuses , Torms , and every information can be obtained at the Office , 49 , St . James ' s-street , London . HENRY D . DAVENPORT , Secretary .
Untitled Ad
FENDBUS , STOVES , and TIRE-IRONS , Buyers of tho above are requested , before finally deciding , tovisitWILLIAM S . BURTON'S SHOW-K £ > 0 MS , 39 , Oxford-street ( corner of Newman-street ) , Nos . 1 & 2 , Ne % vmau-strect , and t & 5 / Perry ' s-place . They are the largest in the world , and contain such an assortment of FENDERS , STOVES , 31 ANGES , FIRE-IRONS , and GENERAL IRONMONGERY , as cannot be approached elsewhere , either for variety , noveltv , beauty of design , or exquisitenoss of workmanship . Bright Stoves , with bronzed ornaments and two sets of bars , 21 . 14 s . to Hi . 10 s . ; ditto with ormolu ornaments and two sets of bars , HI . 10 s . to 121 . 12 s . ; Bronzed Fenders complete , with standards , from 7 s . toSJ- ; Steel Fenders from 2 / . 15 s . to 6 Z . ! ditto , with rich ormolu ornaments , from 2 l- 15 s- to 11 . 7 s . ; Fh-e-irons from Is . 9 d . tho set to 4 , 1 . 4 s- Sylvester and all other Patent Stoves , with radiating lieartli plates . All which he is enabled to sull at these very reduced charges . Firstly—Prom the frequency and extent of his purchases ; and Secondly—From those purchases being made exclusively for cash . ¦ O ATHSand TOILETTE-WABE . —WIL-_ L > LIAM S . BURTON lias ONE LARGE SHOW-ROOM devoted exclusively to tho DISPLAY of BATHS and TOILETTE WARE- The Stock of each is at once the largest ,. newest , and most varied ever submitted to the public , and marked at prices , proportionate witli those that have tended to make his establishment the most distinguisod in in this country . Portable Showers , 7 s . Gd . ; Pillow Showers , Si . to 5 / . ; Nursery 13 s . Gd . to 32 s . ; Sponging , 15 s . to 32 s , ; Hip , 14 s . to 31 s . Gd . A liwge assortment of ' Gas Furnace , Hot and Cold Plunge , Vapour , and Camp Shower Baths . — Toilette Ware in great variety from 15 s . Gd . to 43 s . the Set of Three . THE BEST SHOW of IRON BEDSTEA . DS in tho KINGDOM is WILLIAM R . BURTON'S . He has TWO Vl ? BY LARGE ROOMS , which are devoted to the "EXCLUSIVE SHOW of Iron and Brass Bedsteads and -Children's Cots ( with appropriate Boddiiur and Mattresses ) . Common . Iron Bedsteads , from 17 s . 0 d . "; Portable Folding Bedsteads , from 12 s . ( id . ; Patent Iron Bedsteads , fitted with dovetail joints and patent sacking , from 21 s . ; and Cots , from 2 ls . each . Handsome ornamental Iron and Brass Bedsteads , in great variety , from 21 19 s . tol 3 M 3 s . - "OAPIER ' IIACHB and IHO ] S TE 1-JL TR . AYS . An assortment of Tea Trays and Waiters , wholly unprecedented , whether as to extent , variety , or novelty . New Oval Papier Mache Trays , per set of three ... ... from 2 fts . Od . to 10 guineas - Ditto , Iron ditto from 13 s . 0 ( 3 . to 4 guineas . Convex sliape ditto fi orn . 7 s . Gd . Round and Gothic waiters , cake and bread baskets , equally low . WILLIAM S . BURTON has TEN LARGE SHOWROOMS - ( all communicating ) exclusive of the Shop , devoted solely to the show of GENERAL FURNISHING IRONMONGERY ( including cutlery , nickel silver , plated and japanned wares , iron and brass bedsteads , and bedding ) so arranged and classified that purchasers may easily and at nee make their selections . Catalogues , with engi-avings , sent ( nor post ) free . The money returned for every article not approved of . 39 , OXFORD-STREET ( corner of Newman-street ); Nos-1 , 2 . and S , NEWMAN-STREET ; and 4 , and 5 . PERRY'S PLACK .
Untitled Ad
GLEN FIELD PATENT STATIC H ( used in Her Maicstv's Laundry ) , and WOTHE 31-SPOONS Machine-mado CONFECTIONERY , MARMALADE , JAMS , JELLIES , &c . ( which gained the Prize Modal of 1 S 51 ) . May lie had of all Grocers ; wholesale of Wotherspoon , Mackay , and Co ., iW , Queen-streot , Chcapside , London .
Untitled Ad
GOCOA is a N"UT , which , besides farinaccotts substance , contains a hi a nil oil , loss liable than any other oil to rancidity . Possessing those two nutritivo substances , Cocoa is a most valuable article of diet , more particularly wlicii , ' . > y mechanical or otli ^ r moans , the farinaceous substnnco 5 s so perfectly incorporated with the oily , tlirvt the one will prevent the other from separating . Such a union is presonlfd in tho Cocoa prepared by JAMES iiPPS . Tho delightful flavour , in part dopondont upon the oil , is retained , and the whole preparation is ono suited to tho most delicate stomach . Is . C . d . ponlh . JAMES El'I'S , llonia > o |) ftthic clionii&t , 112 , Gront Itiiss'll-strect , Bl . ioiusbury , nmr the British JIuseuni ; 82 , Old Uroad-strcot , CLtv , a few doors from tho Bank of England ; and Egyptian Haiti , Piccadilly . In ve ^ ard to purity , son the report of the Analytical Sanitary Commission , in ' / Via Lancot , July fl , ISM .
Untitled Ad
TTiEAENESS , SINGING- IN EARS , and J- ^ Nervous Deafness . New mode of Instantly restoring heavlns -without opuralion , pain , or uso of instrumoutn . Bv ono LpupiiUunon , a porinanent cure ) s puaraiitiu'd to any sufiwer , although partially or totally deal' for forty or liftv years . This extraordinary dl . icovory is known ami practiHoil only by Dr . HO ( . aiT ()\ tho eminent Am-ist , of tlioSulVollcplaco Jnstitutlon , mid Is aip ]) lied by him dnily on numliers of jlenf applleants with perfect , kuccosh in every ense onaliliiiR deaf por . soua inatantly to hour conversation with caspand doliRht . TestimonialH enn bo aeon from tho most eminent PhyHicinmi in EiiRland . AIho flortillcatos ( Yoni all tlio I-ondon Hoapltalu and DiHpensnrios , and munhors of lottoi'H from Patients nurcil . in nJlurndosof Hoolotv fromtlio Peer to tlio Peasant . Dr . HOGHTOX , Moinbor of tho l , onaonl . to . val CoUcko of Suvkoouh 2 nd Mny , 1845 ; T ,. A . O ., : l () lli April , 1 X 10 . Oonaultnlioiw ) every dny IVom KMII 1 1-, wltliout ffll ' mAll ^ M' iilN : ^ 111011 ^'' ' ^ ' ^^^ 'v-PLACE . . Tub ! i mbll « hoa , B « U ' -Curo of DrafnoRH , for Country JfttlojiLs ; iiNlop to ouipirlcl . sin , <| imckcrv , nud cxoiliiliui Ices , wont , ou reooiptof Boven SliimpH , l ^ lClOE
Untitled Ad
Jimt publbhed , 8 vo , in cloth , price ( is ., froo by pout , fia . Od . f ~ W TRUE nml FALSIU B ]> ER 3 VrA-« ... /^ l |( K \; vitliu view to Iho Oom-oUon of widom mi I ' . rrorn U ivlu'ioii to tlin Trouliiu-nl , and Curouf the liliml te ' n , ' ^ "" 1 " jporlionarh .-, . in Ki' . u . rul . Thius . latml ft-om tho Qonnini of Dr . PJCKKOIU ) . York ' ' Ii : ni : ' ' ' ' K vlll-all < ^'' . < iinl ~ i 0 , Urond-wny , New
Untitled Article
July 8 , 1854 ] THE LEADER . 647
Leader (1850-1860), July 8, 1854, page 647, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2046/page/23/