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THE EDINBURGH BEVIEW , No . CC 1 II ., will be published on THURSDAY NEXT . COKTENTS : I . DxpijOmatic -History of the Eastern Question . II . Teatotausm , and Laws against the Liquor Trade . HI . Hermann ' s jEschylus . XV . Kafir "Wars and Cape Poucr . V . The Great Social Problem . VI . The Okdhrs in Council on Trade During Wab . vii . marshaix on the repke 3 entation of minori-TIES . VIII . European Emigration to the United States . IX ' . The Rdssian War of 1854 . London : Longman and Co . ; Edinburgh : A . and C . Black . -
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CRYSTAL PALACE , 1864 . THE OFFICIAL GUIDE & HANDBOOKS , TLL . USTRATIVE of the Cooteots of the JL Exhibition , arc now on Sale , and may be had separately , at prices varying from Threepence to Eighteonpence ; or handsomely bounn in s vols ., price 4 s . 6 d each . To be had at tho P . axacb and at all Booksellers and Railway Stations , and of Bbajdbury and Evans , Printers and Publishers to tho Crystal Palace Company , 11 , Bouverie-street .
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Thirteenth Edition , fcp ., 4 s . 6 d . cloth , lettered , Q TOBIES of OLD DANIEL , for the k ^ Amusement of Young Persons . With Frontispiece and Vignette . London : STOPKiN " , Mabshaxi ,, and Co . ; WnimKEB and Co . ; and Houisioir and Stoneman .
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THROWER'S ARITHMETICAL QUESTIONS . Just published , Eighth Thousand , 12 mo , 2 s . cloth , / QUESTIONS in ARITHMETIC . By Vc £ WIILLIAM THROWER , Arithmetical Master in the English Department of the Free Grammar School of King Edward the Sixth , Birmingham . Also , by the same Author , ANSWERS to the QUESTIONS in the above . 8 vo , 3 s . 6 d . cloth . London : Simpkin , Marshall , and Co . Birmingham J . H . Beilbt .
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Just published , Price Is . Fancy Boards , rmAMBERS'S REPOSITORY of INKJ STRUCTIVE and AMUSING TRACTS—Volume XI . Contents : No . 81 . Mont Blanc and its Glaciers . 82 . Lord Olive . 83 . Mariora : a Talk . 84 . The Russian Moujik . 85 . A Visit to the Himilatta . 86 . Three Acts in a Drama : a Tale . 87 . Field-Marshal Sovorov . 88 . This Pobts of America . Also , Part XXII ., containing Nos , 85 to 88 , price 5 d . Engraved Title , and Contents for each Volume , may be had of the Booksellers , price One Penny each . W . and R . Chambers , 3 , Bride ' s-passage , Meet-street . London , and 339 , Highistreet , Edinburgh ; and sold by all Booksellers .
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GAtlGNAMI'S PARIS GUIDE . Now ready , an entirely New and Corrected Edition of GALIGNANI'S GUIDE to PARIS , compiled from the best authorities , revised and verified by personal inspection , and arranged on an entirely new plan , with - Map and Plates . 18 mo , 10 s . Cd . bound . May bo had without Plates , 7 s . 6 d . bound . " Galignani ' s Paris Guide appears so good as to relieve tho Editor of this work from the necessity of entering into any description , at present , of the French capital . "—Murray ' s Hand-Book of Prance . London : Sisipkin , Marshall , and Co , Stationers' -Hallcourt .
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On Wednesday next , in 16 mo , price One Shilling . RUSS IA and TURKEY . Ey J . R . M'CULIOCH , Esq .. Reprinted , with Corrections , from his " Geographical Dictionary ; " and forming Part 64 of the Traveller ' s Library . London : Longman , Brown , Gbeen , and Longmans .
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Just published , in 8 vo , price 6 s . 6 d . HPHE PHILOSOPHY of EDUCATION ; JL or , the Principles and Practice of Teaching . In Five Farts . Part 1 . On Method as applied to Education . —Part 33 . The Intellectual and Moral Faculties considered in relation to Teaching . —Part III . On Systems and Methods of Instruction , —Part IV . On Systems and Methods as applied to the various branches of Elementary Education . —Part V . On School Oganisafcion and Discipline- By T . TATE , Y . R . A . S ., Autnor of various Scientific and ^ Educational "Works . London Longman , Brown , Grken , and Longmans .
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TH E DISEASES , INJURIES , and MAIFORMATIONS OF THE RECTTTM . ByT . J . ASHTONi Surgeon to the Blenheim-street Dispensary , Formerly House Surgeon at University College Hospital . "The work , which is abundantly illustrated by cases , concludes with a chapter on Habitual Constipation . After a careful perusal of the whole , we can conscientiously declare that we find in it more information than is to be obtained from any single volume yet published on tho subjecb of which . it treats . Mr . Ashton has proved by this work that he is an attentive observer , and a most able and zealous surgeon . "—Lancet . London : John Chu-bchill , 46 , Princes-street , Soho .
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BUNSEN'S HIPPOLYTUS-lSrEW EDITION . On Saturday next will be published , in 7 vols ., 8 vo , r ^ HBISTIANITY and MANKIND ; their V ^ BEQiNNlNGS and PROSPECTS . By C . C . J . BTJNSEN , D . P D . CJj . D-Ph . Being a New Edition , corrected , remodelled , and extended , of Hippolytus and his ' Age . *»• This Second Edition of the Bippolytvs is composed of three distinct works , which may be had separately as follows : — 1 . HIPPOLYTUS and HIS AGE ; or , the Beginnings and Prospects of Christianity . 2 vols . 8 vo . 2 . OUTLINES of the PHILOSOPHY of UNIVERSAL HISTORY , applied to Language and Religion . 2 vols . 8 vo . . 3 . ANALECTA ANTE-NICAENA . 3 vols . 8 vo . London : Longman , Brown , Green , and Lonqbians .
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This day , in small Octavo , a New , Edition , with Corrections . and Additions , 6 s . OF THE PLURALITY OF WOBLDS An Essay To which is prefixed a Dialogue on the same Subject . With a New Preface . London : John W . Pabkeu and Son , "West Strand .
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r ^ BEKCH in ONE MONTH , ditto JL German and Italian , by De Porquet's TRESORS , for translating English into the above at sight , Ss . 6 d . each also FIRST FRENCH , German , and Italian Reading Booka Parisian Grammar , Pocket Dictionary . London : Simpkis , Marshall , and Co .
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In one thick volume , a n « w Edition , the Eleventh , with many additions , price 16 s ., MODE KN DOMESTIC HEDICINE ; being a Comprehensive Medical Guide for the Clergy , Families , and Emigrants . By T . J . GRAHAM , M . D ., Member of the Royal College of Surgeons of England . " Undoubtedly the best medical work for private families in the English language . It is invaluable . "—JAterary Times , " Of all tho Medical Guides that have come to our hand , this is by far the best—for fulness and completeness they all yield , the palm to Dr . Graham ' s . "—Banner , August , 1853 . Published by Simpkim and Co ., Paternosfeer-row ; BaicnARDS , 187 , Piccadilly ; and TEOoand Co ., 85 , Queen-streot , Cheapside . Sold by all Booksellers .
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This day is published , handsomely bound , with Illustration a and Plans , &c , price Half-a-Crown . B UXTON AND THE PEAK OF DEEBYSHIRE—A HANDBOOK TO THE PEAK OF DERBYSHIRE and to tho . TJSE O"F THE BUXTON MINERAL WATERS . By WILLIAM HENRY ROBERTSON , M . D ., Senior Physician to the Buxtorx Bath Charity . This forms a complete Guide to Buxtori in 1854 ; and includes Plans of the Peas and of the surrounding neighbourhood , \ yith a Directory of tho Distances , Routes , Hotels , &c . Also a BOTANICAL APPENDIX . By MISS ? HAWKINS . BRADBuav and Evans , 11 , Bouvono-Btreot , London ; to bo had orall ^ Booksellors , and at all Railway stations .
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Price One Shilling , in fancy boards , ROVINa ENGLISHMAN ( The ) . Reprinted by permission from « ' Household "Words . " London : Geobgb Routled&e and Co ., 2 , Farringdonstreet .
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Two parts , post § vo , cloth , l « s . T ^ IIJE NATIONS OF BUSSIA AND TURKEY , arid Ihoir Destiny . By IT AN GOLOVIN . "The Author is often quoted as an authority . "— Weekly Dispatch . . " Indeed this book is anccdotical throughout , oven ir » its historical facts—and will sorvo better than any work yet published to make tho dark side of tho Russian character , and tho dark deeds of tho Russian Government , known in Western Europe " - —JSconom ist . Trubner and Co ., 12 , PaternosLor-row .
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Just published , in a vol ., 12 mo , sewed , 222 pp ., price Is . fld ., nPHE GOVERNING CLASSES of JL GREAT BRITAIN . Political Portrait !) by EDWARD M . WH 1 TTY . ¦ "In this volume wo lmvosomo exceedingly smart pkotclica of various public men . "— Church and State Qasctto . " Thoso portraits of what tho author terms tho' Governing Classes , of Groat Britain' arc ropnblishcd from tho Leader Newspaper , and form n llttlo Thcaawrnn of information of ft pocullar and interesting character . "— . Leeds Times " Those livoly-skotohos of living political characters are many of thorn admirably written , always savMrical in Hplrlt , and occasionally far-soolng in their kou . { There are noin la which Thackeray could hardly have doijo bettor , "—Era ,. " Tho readers of tho Leader nood only bo informed that tho eerles of papers , tho' Govorntnfj Clowes of Groat Britain ' which wore , contributed hy a Non ^ Mootor , have been collected Into an oiKhtoonneiiny volume in nandfiomo loBlblo typo , tho Non-Meotor doolarhip himself to bo Mr . Edward Whlfcty , a namo which has only tho nsplrato do iron , " - — Leader . Thuhneh and Co ,, 12 , Patornostor-row .
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Just published , price 2 s . 6 d ., 'TEE GAUNTLET OF "FREEDOM : JL a Satire , a Treatise , a , Warning , an Exposure , a Denunciation , a Prophecy , aud a Defiance . Partition of Russia the only security for Europe . Peacemongers versus Peace . Seoret Diplomacy versus the People of England . Function of England in European eventualities , &c . " Another manifesto of the anti-Palmoratbnian school "Atkenaum . " the subjopts are the Peace Society—Romanism and the War—a trenchant attack of Cobden and Bright for endeavouriug to render tho Society subservient to political partypurposes . As regards the war tho author goes over the whole of the European questions in as strong » Btylo as Jiia attacks on Cobden and Bright . "—Spectator . "A severe and caustic volume . The author thinks rightly —reasons cogently . His dissection of the peace conference arguments is complete , and his ridiculo of their fallacies is annihilating . We propose from time to time to make a few extracts from theso pages . " —Morning Advertiser . " The singular title of this singular volume—ajwide ransre of subjects . The author is earnest . "—Atlas . " Twenty-eight ohapters devoted to every phase of tlio groat war question of the day . Tho author powerfully closes his volume" —Weekly Times . " This is a terrible volume . It is many a day since anything so daring appeared from the English press . It is hardly possible in a few words to give any idea of tho book / ' —Bnttsh Banner . "A remarkable work . It cannot fail tointerost all parties . " —Woolwich Journal , and Army and Navy Gazette . " The author is ovory inch an Englishman hothin politics and religion , noblo in sentiment , pregnant with information demanded by tho hiatory of passing events . Calm , diKniilod , learned , and truthful are his disquisitions on the in . tornal and external conditions of Biisijia . Tho book is calculated to promote tho groat ends of truth , freedom , and la t &l e peace . "— Wolverhampton and / Staffordshire Herald . " The Peace Society will bo startled at ^ this strange , bold book . It is written anonymously , and in floroo and oaaliing stylo . The author attacks tho Peace Sooiotv with a power and virulence worthy of Junius himself . This romarkablo book is poworfulin Jits inveotivos , but solemn—earneat in its tono . Those whoso nerves are not weak majy well snond ' an Iioup in its porusal . "~ JBtrmwfi' / tafn Journal . o , cS ^ ' ^ &SJE 7 a ! d 0 { orato ^~" Prineiple . sare ) £ J + X 2 ! L& ^ T i dInary powor « mtl > « wo tWnlt , of groat foresight as to European ovontualitioa consoqwonb on WHO impending struggle . "—Stroud Journal . " One of tho most acceptable works published for the last twenty years . The author stands above tho dwarfs of the present political school , and casts an o »« Iq Blanco over the ws ^ panso-a truly magnMcont woxl P— Wolverhampion a ^* ° 9 auntlob ? f Fropdom' has lioen hurled clashing down on the arona , of political controversy . Lot us « eo who halt Hie UP < y Pag ° dosorvos Quotation . "—Birmin \ s " A masterly dlaoussion of thoso canons ( of intervention and non-intervention ) . European eventualities , tho balance x « stsm »^ ¦ feusbja Bi ^ dVAS ^ nS n * ' ki ? F ° « onfcoxoitoracntawork ha 9 ap-SfTl ?« nnH ^ nUt 1 lol V ) l O" »? tlilu « lllo a programme ino unquostionablo powors displnyod , togothor with tho ^ rv y ador » « y T ftnpo " ? ^ not « hll to rtrikS every ronaor . —Gloucester Journal . London : T . IlAnmsoif , 00 , P « n-niaH .
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MR . BARTLETT'S VALTTABLE WORK ILLUSTRATED * In 2 vols ., royal 8 vo ( price 30 s . ) , cloth , lettered , tf ^ AIiOORNIA—NEW MEXICOVJ » TEXA 8 ~ SONORA and OHIHNAttWA ; being a personal Narrative of Bxploratioi"is and Incidents connected with the United States and Mexican Boundary CoimmiaBion . By JOHN HUSSELL BARTLDTT . With Hap , large'Lithographs , and 100 Wood Engravings . Tho most valuable and interesting work that has appeared . London : Geoboob Routjoedge and Co ., 2 , Farringdonotreet .
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Juat published ( prico 2 a . Gd ., by post 3 a . ) , JOHN BULL ; or , THE COMEDY OF 18 G 4-^ ' H- Lacy , Wollington-stroeli North , Strnnd , London ; and all Booksellers .
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THE EDINBURGH MEDICAL AND SURGICAL JOURNAL .- ]* ow Series , No . HI . la juat published , price 4 a . fld . , _ , . _ OoNTENVfl : I . Original Communicationa . —l . LJfo nnd Character of Dr . Abororomblo . by Dr . Douglas Maolagan . a . Tropical Fovor and Dysentery , by Mr . B . Haro . 8 . Catalepsy , by Dr . Oold-• stroam . 4 . Comparative Pathology of Post Partum Hemorrhage , by Mr , Broranor . 5 . On Poisoning with Chloride of Zlno , by Dr . Stratton . 0 . Asiivtio Cholera , by Dr . J . W . Jaogblo . -, " 3 * pvlows . —Bolllng'liam and Stokes on Diseases of tho Heart ( continued ) s Buddon DiseaaoH of tho Liver ; MoIks 2 SS w ° ? i Wy » M 0 B of thq m « ru ? i Barth . Itogor , liughes , w ^ T * ^? " Ausoultot on and 2 > soasoa of tho Lungs and fc ' AoJKo ^ o&tekB ^ ' ala ° Blbllos * HI . Progress ot Medical Sclouco . -EamBUreh -. A . & O . Bi ^ aok . London : Lokomaw & Co .
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Juat published , price 2 h ., poat free , 2 s . fld . ATERVOUS AM ? BOTIONS : an Essay on J ~ i Spermatorrhoea ! Hn Nature and Troatmont , wltli jin Expoaitioiii of tho Frauds that are practlHoil by pcraoiirt who advortlwo tho spoedy , Hafo . and on ' ontuitl ouro of Nur \ o > un Domiyjoniont . By a M 1 MHEU OP Till ROYAL COLLUGU OF PHYSICIANS , London . London : Ayioxr nnd Co ., 8 , Patornostor-row .
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$ 48 THE LEADER . [ Saturday , July 8 , 1854 .
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, , . OHDON r « JZ" ™ o « ob ! S S S ^ ^ " » M V ; ' ? « ANn """" h <>«>« . Mb-u . nflo pftrft ,, loto Mr . M . rnH . > B . O . m . ottat , at No . 7 , W . lll . Rion Bir .. l , Hirn ... i .
Leader (1850-1860), July 8, 1854, page 648, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2046/page/24/