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/Ir\rmm**i4rt ( tiftrtfiz UUIIUJJulUUl ^lUUliS*
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PATRON—H . R . H . PRINCE ALBERT . ROYAL POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTION- An entirely new DUBOSCQ ' S ILLUMINATED CASCADE APPARATUS , -throwing three Jets instead of one . and displaying ; a variety of beautiful colours exhibited every evening ; at a Quarter past Nino-Also DUBOSCQ'S NEW SUBMARINE ELECTRIC XATOP . MODEL of tlie HARBOUR and FORTIFICATIONS of SERA STOPOL , made by Sergeant FALKLAND and Corporal TIIOMAS , of tho Royal Sappers and Miners , "Woolwich . DISSOLVING VIEWS of the SEAT of WAR in the BALTIC and BLACK SEA . with new PICTURES of tho HOLY PLACES , and * he HARBOURS of 8 EBASTOPOL and CRONSTADT . LECTURES on the OXY-HYDROGEN MICROSCOPE on NATURE-PRINTING , and on CHEMISTRY . The LARGE CHEMICAL LABORATORY , and tho PHOTOGRAPHIC SCHOOL and PORTRAIT GALLERY , open daily . In eonsoquenco of a family bor / savcrnont , Mr . Brayley ' s LECTUR 13 on GEOLOGY is unavoidably postponed until HONDAY , the ICth inst . * A LECTURE on CHEMISTRY will ba givon by J . H PEPPER , Esq ., P . O . S ., A . C . E ., &c , in its stead , on Monday the 2 nd instant .
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AMUSEMENT AND SCIENCE COMBINED .-JDR . KAHN'S MUSEUM ( 800 Annto , mical Wax Piguros ) , ( Top of Ha . ymarket ) , PICCADILLY . Open for G cutleincn from Eleven till Five , and from Sovon till Ten daily . Now Lectures atTwelvo . Two . Four , and Halfpast Seven in tho Evening , by Dr . SEXTON , F . R . G . S . On Wednesdays and Fridays a portion of tho Museum is open for Ladios only , from Two till Five . Lecture at Thrco by Mrs . SEXTON . Gentlemen arc still admitted on those days from Elfivcn till Two , and from Sovon till Ton . Admission , One Shilling . N . B . Dr . Kali noxoewtes orders for Anatomical Wax Models at tho shortest posHiblo notice , upon tho most advantageous terms . AL 1 loiters addressed as abovo .
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MIOHAvELMAS HOLIDAYS . npiTIiKISH EXHIBITION AND OKIJL UNTAL MUSEUM , HYDE PARK CORNER . This rniporb n-nd unique Collection of Models from Lifo , Illustrating tho Manners nnd Customs of tho Turkish Nation , " Pust and Pr « sont , " roalisea by Correct Costume , inoliidinp ; ovory minnto detail of Arms , &c . ia now compiotnd , mut I'khibitoil at tho ST \ GEORGE'S GALLERY . HYDE PARK-COUNTER , PIOOAPILLY .-Ol'EN DAILY , from 11 n .-m . to ; 10 p . m ., with the exception of Saturday , vvliou itcloMUH at . 0 p . m . Prico of Admission 2 s . Od . \ Cbildron , Is , « d . ; Family TUikotH ( admitting five persons ^ , 10 » . i on Saturdays , Ba . i Children , is . ( id . Fnniily TiokntH may bo previously scourod at Mr , MITCIINLIVSRoyul Library , iltl . Old Bond-Htroot .-AHand Book to Iho Exhibition ia puVillMhod , with llluatrationu Pri <«> In . Mr . F . O WilllaiiiM will prosldo at tho Grand Pianoforte and Patent Harmonium .
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fiKYSTAL PALACE , MUSICAL IN-\ J STltlini 1 QNT COURT .-Mr . Wm . RE ) A has tho honour to amiounoo to tho Nobility nnd Gentry that ho will , uujil BfttuiMluy , porlwrin it Horlo » of coninoHltlonn on tho Now Ropotltfon Gfluid Cattngo Plauoforio . Manufnotunid and Mxhlhlloa by IMMftlSltS . LEVMBQUE , HDMKADIC 8 , nnd 00 ., of H > , Oboapslilo . To comimmco at Thrco o ' clock .
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A MERICAN H AH S A PA 111 LL A . OLD DR . JACOB TOWNBHND'S AWIOItlUAN SAltSAl'ARILLA . This in , of nil known romorllcM , tho most pure , Nafu , ivtiUva , and olIloaoiouM in tho purification "' ' tho bloou of all moriUd mailer , of bile , vn-on . acidn , »« rofuloii 8 substances , humourn of all kinds , which produoo niHlxm . eruptiona , Maltrhomn , orysipolaH , aonlii head , Horooyos « jn « ears , Horo throat nnd ulcoi'M , and woros on nn . v j > art , vi tmi body . It In uimnrpiiHwd In Un notion upon tho liver , tiui lungs , and t ) io « fto » ia « h , romovhiff «» y oiuwm ol ( Uhohmii Irom those oiwuih , aiad oxpullliik all hiuuourH from tlx ; H . yhtom . l $ v ol «) aiiMl )) K tliii blood , it for ovor | ir « jvt > ntwi puhtulOH . »< m \ m , piraplcM mid ovciy vni-J « ty of hoi-oh ou tho fnoo a » iU brcuMt . lti » awroat tonic . » m < l lim > ftitH HtroiiKth niiu vigour to tlio cJobiMtalod ni ( I wonlt . « lveil rest mid r « ilr < mliliiK Hl < ic r . I <> tlio a ™ ill " in . iiH . ro coniplnlntM lioc « l « r to Uiomihs tlinn miy \ « 1 h « t rmiiiVdv in tho world . WnnihouMi , : i 7 : ( . btrnnd , nd-Jo Sw l " x « or VjInJ VOMlM > y , ANJ ) feMWH . iuid CO ., Solo iWrlctoi-H , IIulf-pln « . t . « " . J > t > i l >* ' ^» - *»¦ i « ' » »« 1 I UUartH , 4 s . 0 < d . ; qu »«" » 3 ti - ' >»» llimotlis ' -
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A NEW DISCOVERY IN TEETH . ME . HOWARD , SUltGEON-DENTrST , 52 , FLEJETSTREli ! T , has introduced an ENTlllKLY NEW DESCRIPTION of AUTH'ICIAL TME'X'll , lixod without HpriiiBH , wires , or ligatures . They so perfectly ro-Bombto tho natural toctb as not to bo distinguished from tho originnls l ) y tlio closest observer ; tluiy will novor ohang « colour or decay , und will bo found auporior to any tooth ovor before used . Tliis muUiod does not r < iciulro tho extraction of rods , or any painful operation , and will support avid preserve teeth that nr « looso , and is guaranteed to restore articulation and nia-stication . Decayed ti ; oth rontlcrcd sound and useful in mastication . 52 , PLlSBT-aTRlSMT . —Athomo from Ten till Five .
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THE MOST CERTAIN PREVENTION OF CHOLERA YET DISCOVEEED . —Further Great Reduction in Pri « e . —CBEWS'S DISINFECTING FLUID is the Best and Cheapest for the purification of Dwelling Houses , Stables , Dor Kennels , Ships' Holds , Cess-pools Drains , Water Closets , &o ., the Disinfection of Sick Rooms , Clothing , Linen , and for tho Prevention of Contagion and Bad Smells . Tho extraordinary power of this Disinfecting and Purifying Agont is now acknowledged , and its use recommended by tho College of Physicians and the London Board of Health . Unliko tho action of many other disinfectants , it destroys all noxious smells , and is itself scentless . The manufacturer , ha-yiug destroyed a monopoly fostered by the false assuvvption of the title of a patent , has to warn tho public against nil spurious iviitaiions . Uacli Bottle of CrewB ' s Disinfecting Fluid contains a densely concentrated solution of Chloride or Zinc , which may b « diluted for vs-e with 200 times its bulk of water . Vide instructions nccompanylng each bottle . Sold by all Chcm '^ tsand Shipping Agents in the United Kingdom . Imperial cjuartn at 2 s , ; pints at is . ; half-pints fid . ; larger vcbsclis ( it fls . per gallon . Mnmifaotured at H . G . GRAY'S , Commercial Wharf . Milc-Qiid , London .
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Til E C H O L E R A ! ! Prevented l > y the destruction of all noxious effluvia . CREWS'S DISINFECTING FLUID , recommended by the College of JPhysici ans , the Cheapest and strongest Chloride of Zinc . Quarts , 2 s . ; pints , Is . ; half-pints , 6 d . Sold by all Cheini 8 ts , Druggists , and Shipping Agents , and at Commercial "Wharf .. Mile- ^ end . JLondon .
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T \ UTT O 3 T 1 ' TEA—The REDUCTION J of the TEA DUTY , and the easy state of the Teamarket / enables PHILLIPS and Company to SELLr-Strong Congou Tea , 2 s . 8 d ., 2 s . 10 d ., and 3 s . Rich Souchong Tea . 3 s . 2 d .. 3 s . 4 d ., and 3 s . 8 d . The Best Assam Tekoe Souchong Tea , 4 s . Prime Gunpowder Tea , 3 s . 8 d ., 4 s ,, and 4 s . 4 d . Best Moyuue . Gunpowder , 4 s . 8 d . The Best Pearl Gunpowder , 5 s . Prime Coffees , 1 » ., Is . 2 d ' , and Is . 3 d . The Best 3 Iocha and tho Best West India Coffee la . 4 d . Sugars are supplied at market prices . . All goods sent carriage fr « e , by our owri vans , if within eight miles . Teas , coffees , arid spices sent carriage free to any railway station or market-town in England , if to the value of " 40 s . or upwards , by THILLIPS and COMPANY , Tea Merchants , 8 , King WiUiani-street , Citj , London . A general price-ourreut sent free on application .
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'piIE PEN SUPERSEDED . —The most , r * - elegant , easy , economical , and best method of MARKING LINEN , SILK , BOOKS , &c , without the ink spreadm £ ^ Ji ? " 1 ^ ^ with the INCORRODIBLE ARGENTINE PLAlhS . No preparation required . Any person can use them with the greatest facility . Name , 2 s . ; Initials , Is . Gd . ; Numbers , per set , 2 s . 6 d . ; Crest , 5 s . Sent , post free , with directions , for stamps or post order . FRBDK . WHITEMAN , Inventor and Solo Maker , 19 , Little Queen-street , Holbom-
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f ^ ETHOPGEDIC MECHANISM . Every V ^ description o-f apparatus for the CURE or R-ELIEF of BODILY DEFORMITY , and diseases requiring mochanical assistance , may be had of Mr . HEATHER BIGG , 29 LEICESTER-SQUARE , who , having recently visited the principal continental Orthopoedic Institutions , is in . possession of every modem improvement .
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TpFFECTUAL SUPPORT FOR VA&TJL ^ COSE VEINS—This elastic aud compressing stocking or article of any oilier required form , is pervious , light ' » nd inexpensive , and easily drawn on without lacing or bandaging . Instructions tor measurement and prices on application , and the articles sent by post from the ManuiSSS ^ b ^ So ^ S ^ - * ^ TBBL O ° * LACE ,
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Tj ^ RENCH MODERATOR LAMPS . —A -M- very large and superior stock now ON SALE at Ml A TJTJ . DRAY , and Co . ' a COpening to the Monument ) , £ , ndoS JBriuge . ^ Established A . D . 1700 .
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Gobtschakoff is A Rage . —Prince Gortscliakoff is on military tour in Bessarabia , and he left Jassy in a passion , e had ordered that he should not be subjected to any cereonions leave-taking ; but notwithstanding his order , some > yards did assemble , throngh politeness , in his apartments , id accompanied him to his carriage . As soon as the Prince id taken Iris seat in it a young boyard , in very ambiguous ngnage , reminded the Prince that lie had , in Krajova and i Bucharest , promised the speedy return of the Eussians , it had not given the same promise in Jassy , probably irough forgetfulness . The Prince did not vouchsafe a word reply , and started in towering wrath , -without any parting dotation . The Revenue . — The new plan for assimilating the jancial to the natural year , will not , as regards the making j of the public accounts , be carried into effect immediately , be'Revenue returns for the current quarter will , accordgly , be carried up to the 10 th of October , as heretofore . — lobe .
Asivsing the Russian Prisoners . —There are some ussian and Finnish officers living at Slieerness on parole . . cricket match was being got up by some gentlemen of the eighbourhood for their amusement . The inhabitants vie itheach other who shall pay them the most attention . The irmers are especially hospitable . The Russians seem to jink that their position is quite as good as it would be at ebastopol . Mr . . DiSBAELi in the Provinces— -Mr . Disraeli is on a isifc to Mr- Triscott , at Plymouth . He has had a dinner ith his host , at which " gentlemen of various shades of olitical opinions were in-vited to meet him ; " assisted Sir tarry Smith to review the South Devon Militia ; inspected tie Dockyard , visited Lord Mount Edgecumbe , aud dined rith the officers of the l ) evon Militia .
Death of Mrs * Wakner . —Mrs . garner , the actress , ied on Sunday last , after long suffering from a most linful disease ^ cancer . She was nearly fifty years of age . Pitt and Fox . —At Berlin , there is being played , with reat success , a five-act comedy , called" Pitt and Vox . " Its athor is M . Gottschail . Pkrfect is Leaping . —A Spartan is said to have leapt Fty-two , and a native of Crotona , iifty-five feet . The felsh have a similar legend ; and Strttt mentions a Yoiklireman who leapt , without spring-board or help , over nine > rses placed side by side with a man seated on the centre le , who jumped over a garter held fourteen feet Jiigb , and ided by kicking a bladder sixteen feet from the ground . — r ew Monthly .
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EEOM THE XONDON GAZETTE . Tuesday , September 28 . BANKRUPTS .-Peteb Poland and Evan BAnxETT [ Exedith , TBread-street , Cheapsicle , furriers- —CrtARLES XAJSTeu . Evershot-street , St . Pancras , drapor—Wijujam ybee , Blackfriars-road , boot manufacturer—Joseph have , Torquay , nuilder ~ Ei , rAS Wahhttest , Manchester imber merchant—Geoege Wilson , Salford , ironfounderfixMAM Hotjstok Manchester , joiner—John Earwood , Uackburn , tailor . SCOTCH SEQUESTRATIONS—W . M'Cuixoch , Glas-> w , warehouseman —\ V . Bark , Glasgow , steamboat , steward J- T . Turnbull , Loith , merchant—Dt Low and Co ., lasgow , commission merchants—J . M'Cqnneil , Hezelden , , eufrewshire , bleacher , Friday , September 29 . BANKRUPTCY ANNULLED . — ; Thomas Bexsham [ trXTON , wine merchant ,- Birmingham .
BANKRUPPTS . —Haurt Woolridgb , publisher , Strand -John Barber , engraver to calico printers , Manchesterohn Mills , printer , Leeds— -Robert Getty , ship-builder , ivorpool—John Berinoer , silversmith , Penzanco— Paujl / Ieodes , innkeeper , Monstone , Yorkshire—John Chancel * ok , funeral carriago-maltor , Dorring-lon-street , Clcrkemvcll -William John Reeve , coal merchant , Boaufort-wharf , trand — " William White , builder , St . Jolm ' s-woodiiEARLES Gooda , baker , Great Yarmouth .
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BIRTHS , MAliltlAGES , AND DEATHS . BIRTHS . IROOKE—September 17 , inthoCastlo atZnnto , the wifo of Captain Charles A . lirooko , R . E ,: a . daughter . HJRTON . —Soptombor 2 a , at Vallotort-pjaco , Sboko tho wife of Oonimandor JUirfcou , lt . N ..- a son . HJRTEIS—September 2 H , at Windmill-hill , Sussex , tho lady of II . M . Ourtols . EHq .: adauphtor . I 13 RVJ 2 Y . —Soptcmbor 20 th , at Ickvcrth , tho Lady Arthur ] Iorvov : a bod . ? B , E VOR .-Aug . ' 25 , at Men , South Arabia , tho wife of Major Trovor , Madras ArfcilUry : n . datiglitor . MARRIAGES . OKLVER . —LUSHING TON .-Soiitombor 27 , Oaptniii JnmoH Drummona Tolfor , ltuynl Artillory , Lq Jams 11 ohm , widow of tho lato Charles Ansoll Lushington Ksq ., of tho Bengal Civil Service , and dmi « lUor of tho lato Oolonol R . Boycott . Tonkins , of tho Beniml Army . iaTVtf AT lil W 1 AH 1 I . I C * n * r * 4 . n . ~ . l ... « » - »?? " !? .. « . 1 « .. l—T . urMii
Siualo , Rscj ., 30 , ThomHill-croMccmt . Buriinbur . v-park , London , to Alipo , youiigost dmightor or tho Into George Boot . li , Esq ., and nicooof tho lato John Booth , Esq ., Riohmondhill , Bowdon , Ohcshlro . t flSinm .- 'WOODHAM .-September 20 , William Wolwtw Fisher , Esq .. M . D ., Uowniiig , Professor of Medicine in the University , to Onthoriuo Montagu . youiiKCHt daughter of the lato H . J 3 . II . Woodliam ; Esq ., o ? Nowbmy , Berks , DEATHS . BRERHTON—Bcnlvmltor lOth . nt Cluchoutor , aftor a f < iw un . Y » illnoaB , Mnry Olmrlotto Broroton , ohlost divuBhtor "f tlio lato Colonel Itxvrotou , oftlio abovo pluco , UJLbTON—Soptombo * 22 nd , ut lUtlcrdnni , of AnlaMo oholi'i-a , Samuol Hunt , tho youngest hoii of th ( J lato ISdw ' Ii Alr ? n < llla ColHton , l !!» q .. oflUundway-jmrk , WHtn . WALKJJll—SopUinibor 22 nd , at UoHiiiB Ball , Bradfovd , Xorkahiro , Mrs . Wivlkor , In tho B&tb . year of hor ago .
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MONEY MARKET AND CITY INTELLIGENCE . Friday Evening , September 29 , 1854 . The funds have been steady the whole week , awaiting the news from the Crimea . Shares are very heavy and dull —hardly any business doing . Money is reported to bo exceedingly tight , and the rate paid yesterday for carrying over speculative accounts serves to show what a heavy bullion account tho present one has been . Crystal Palace shares , a ! tor a slight rally , have again shown weakness . Turkish scrip has been not quite so much in favour during the week , but to-day begins to look better . Mining shares are mostly neglected . Some Californian mines were a little firmer the early part of 4 he week , but are not now inquired after . Consols closed at four o ' clock flatter than they opened this morning : —for money , 95 J ; for account , 95 i , 3 .
/Ir\Rmm**I4rt ( Tiftrtfiz Uuiiujjuluul ^Luulis*
Commercial Mara ,
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Sat . Mon . Tue * . \ Wed . Thur . Frid . BatikStock .. I .... ' . 3 per Cent . Bed ; ..... ' . ' . '" . " . S per Cent . Cen . An . 95 95 95 j 95 J 95 J * Consols for Account 95 f 95 $ i ) 5 | I 95 * 921 95 f 33 per Cent . Aii . " . i New 2 J per Cents I , ' . Long Ans . 1 S 60 j . 4 9-16 4 £ India Stock ...., | 226 ' . . ! : Ditto Bonds , ^ eiOOO I ...... ' I . ... J ... ' . I "" Ditto , under £ 1000 ...... ' .. . i i Ex . Bills , £ 1000 .. 6 p' 9 p 9 p ! " a " " s" 6 Ditto , £ 500 6 p 6 p 9 p 6 Pl 5 Bp Ditto , Small 9 p I 6 p 9 pi 6 pi 5 5 p
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POREIGN PLTN-JiS . fiiAsr Official Quotation burino the Weex ending THTJE 8 Dat Evening . ) Brazilian Bonds 101 } Russian Bonds , 5 per 3 uenosAyres 6 perCnts . 56 Cents 1822 99 i Chilian 3 per Cents * . 751 Russian 4 j per Gents .... 88 Danish 3 per Cents . 102 Spanish 3 p . Ct . New Dor . 18 f Ecuador : Bonds Spanish Committee Cert . VIexican 3 per Cents . ... 245 of Coup , not fun 5 J Mexican 3 per Ct . for Venezuela 3 i per Cents . ... Ace . Belgian 4 J per Cents 52 3 ortuKuese 4 per Cents . 40 | Duteh 2 J per Cents 62 Portuguese 5 . p . Cents . 43 J I Dutch 4 per Cent-Certif . 94 |
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September 30 , 1854 . THE LEADER . 933
Michaelmas Holydays.
Leader (1850-1860), Sept. 30, 1854, page 933, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2058/page/21/