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Untitled Ad
F B ^ BBRS , STOVES , and PIBE-IKONS , / Buyers > of the above are requested , before finally de-^ dingTtorvisit WILIilAM 8 . BURTON'S SEE 0 W-RO 6 M 8 , c 89 , Oxforckstreet ( corner of Newman-street ) , Nos . l , & 2 , t Newman-street , and 4 & 5 , Perry ' s-place . They are the 1 largest in the world , and contain , such an assortment : of l FENDERS , STOVES , RA NGES , FIRE-IRONS , aad GENERAL- IJgONlVtON'GEfeT , aSr cannot be approach elsewhere , either for variety , novelty , beauty- of desigrfc * or eXquisitenessof workmanship- Bright Stoves , with bronzed . ornaments' and two - sets- of bars-, - 21 . 14 s . to 51 . 10 s . ; ditto ] \ rith ormolu'ornaments-and two sets of bars , 51 . 10 s . to 222 . 123 . ; Bronzed--Fenders-complete , with standards ,- * from ? & . to % l . % Steel Fenders frora 21 . 15 s . to 61 . ; ditto , with Tien ormolu ornaments , from 21 . 15 s . to 77 . 7 s . ; Fire-irons from ' Is . 9 d . the set to 42 . 4 s . Sylvester and all other Patent Stoves , with- radiating hearth plates . All which he is enabled to sell " at these- -very reduced charges .-Firstly—From the frequency aad extent of Ms purchases '; and Secoudly- ' -Srom those purchases being made exclusively for cash-THE PERFECT SUBSTITUTE # & $ L X SILVER . —The Real NICKEL SILVER , introduced 29 years ago by WILLIAM S . BURTON , when PLATED * by the patent proeessof Messrs . ElMngtonand Co ., is beyond all comparison the very , best article next to sterling silver lhat can be employed as such ' ,-either usefully or crawjnentally , as-by no possible -test can it be distinguished from x&al silver . pi / iriiAst Threat ! or v-n ^ n ^ S ^ ISS * SIS . , Tea Spoons , per dozen 18 is . ... 26 a . .... 32 s . Dessert Forks „ 303 . ... 46 s . ... 463 . Dessertspoons „ < 30 s . ... 428 . ...- 48 s : Table Fqrka , ..-,... 40 s . ... 56 s . ...- < S 4 »; TableSpoons „ ...... 40 s . ¦ ¦ ' -.., 589 . .,. <> 6 s . Tea and coffee 1 sets ; -vfaiters , candlesticks , Ac . ' , tft ' prfcjsortionate prices . - AH Muds- of re-plating done by * the p&tenturoeess , ; ^ ; _ ' . . COMICALLY PU&ET NICKEIi ' . HO ® PiATfeDj ¦ ¦ , Fiddle . Thread : Knag ' s * Table Spoonsafiff Porks ,. full size , per dozen . i ,. ! ,.. i&s . ; ...- ggli . . < cV 3 t )§ £ - Dessert ditto arid ditto ... 10 s . .., 2 ls . .., 2 & § , - Tea ditto « . 5 s . ... Us . ... 12 s .-jfiUTLEET , WAraftAMEB ;—Th& most ; V . / varied assortment of TABLE CUTLEjETTin the-world , all warranted , is on S& 3 &E at WILLIAM S . BTJRfON'S , at ' prices'that ate renoTunerfllti ^ e only becaiise of the" large- ttess of the sales . 3 $ -inch ivory-handled table-knives , with high shoulders , lls . per dozen ; desserts to rnatch , 10 s . ; if to balance , Is . per dozen , extra ; carvers , 4 s ; per pair ; . larger sizes , from 14 s ; 6 d : to 2 Sa . perdozen 1 ; extrai'fineivoryi 82 s . ; if with silver ferrules , 37 s . to BOai ; white bone table knives , 7 s . 6 d . per dozen ; desserts ; 5 s . 6 ch ; carvers , 2 s ; 3 d . pei ? p " air ; black horn table knives , 7 s . 4 d . per dozen ; desserts , 6 s . ; carvers , 2 s . Cd . ; black wood-handled table knives and forks , 6 st per dozen ; table steels ; from Is ; caeh . The largest stock in existence " of plated dessert knives and . forks ,-in cases and otherwise , and of the new nlarfced' fish carvers . Also , a-tege' assor tment or Eazors / Penkni 7 es . Scisso 3 ?» , &c ., of the best quality . "pYia ' -H OOTEBS and HOT-WATER X- / DISHES in every material , in great variety , and of the newest and most recherche patterns . Tin Dish Covers , 6 a . 6 d . the set of six ; Block Tin , 12 s . sd . to 2 Ss . 9 d . the set of ' Bixreleganttrn ' odertt patterns ,. 34 s ; to- 58 a . Cd . thesetl Britannia Metalv with or without silver-platetE handles , 76 s . 6 d . to 110 s . 60 U the set ; , Sheffield plated , 102 . to 16 ? . 10 s . the set ; Block Tin Hot-water Dishes , with wells for gravy , 12 s . to 80 s . ; Britannia Metal , 22 s . to 77 s . ; Electro-plated on Nickel , full size , 111 . lls . ' WILLIAM S . BURTON has TEN I / ARGE SHOWBOOMS ( all communicating ) , exchisivo of the shtfp , der ^ Ar , ^^ . ^ ° 9 how of GENERAL FURNISHING IRONMONGERY ( including cutlery , nickel silver , plated : ond japan wares , iron and brass bedsteads ) , so arranged and classified that purchasers may . easily ana at once'make ¦ their selections .-Catalogues , witli engravings , sent ( per post ) free . ' The ' money returned' for every article not approved of . 39 , OXEpRT ^ STlUBET ( comer of Newman-street ); Nos . h 2 . and S , NEWMAN-STREET *; and * and' 5 i PERRY'S- t 1 ¦ ¦ ; ,
Untitled Ad
/ t 1 l . THE MUSEUM OF ORNAMENTAL ART at" Ifarlbbrbugh House ,, fell-mall , will be reopened for the Session on Monday , 2 nd October . Monday and Saturday are FREE days ; Tuesday , Wednesday , and Thursday are Students days . Admission 6 d- AM on Friday the Museum is closed .
Untitled Ad
. . ] ' - ; TMTRtTCTrOK IN AW ay afforded at JL ihe CENTBAIi SCaOOt at MarlboroKgli House , Pall-nmll , Iiondona The School consists of 1 . At NORMAL SCHOOL POR-TRMNING TEACHERS AND GENERAL STUDENTS ^ II . SPECIAL CLASSES FOR TECHNICAL rNSTRXJCTION 1 . A _ Tt-Superfntend « nt , -BICHAS . D RBDGRATB , B . A , The Autumn Sessiow cottimefnees ort 2 nd October ; 1854 V The General Course for- Male Sttfden-ttf' only , includes Freehand and Mechanical Drawing ; Geometry , Perspective , Painting , Artistic Anatomy . Fee , 4 & the Session , or part of Tbe General fivening Instrttctionis ' limited to advanced Drawing , Painting , and Modelling ,. including tbe Figure . Classes for Schoolmasters ? Schoolmistresses , and Pupil Teachers ¦ , are formed at MarlborOugh House . Fee , for each class , 5 s . for the session of five months . Tfce School for Female Students passing ttiroiigh the General' Oours » is at 37 , Gower-street , Bedford-square , Superintendent , Mrs . M'laft . Fees , Advanced Classes , $ L ana 41 . ; Elementary class , 20 s . ; Ejvaning class ; 10 s . . 1 A inid-day class for the general coursie , open to Female Students and Youths uiider 12 yearB of age , meets at Gore House , Kensington , three ? times a week * frbnr = twelve till three- Fee , 20 s . the session , or part of the session . DISTRICT SCHOOLS OV ART , in connexion with the department , are . how ; establishediii the following-places ' — open every evening ( except 7 Saturday- ) from 7 to 9 . 30 . Em trance fee , 2 s . Adotiission' 2 s . and 3 s . per month . The ¦ instruction comprise . s Practical Gepioetry and Perspective , Freehand and MecUSnicaT Drawing , and Elementary Co-¦ ¦ lOtHK ? -. - ¦ ¦ . ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ .- ¦ . ¦ - , - . - : ¦ . ' - ¦ '¦ ¦ . ¦ I / SpitalfieWs , CrisMn ' -fitreeti 2 . ifprth . Londonv-JSigft'Sfcreet , Qamden-town . 8 v Tinsbury , Wittiamr street , Wilmington-square . 4 > restminster ,. Mechanics- * Institute , Great Smith' -streett 6 . f ' Sjtri TJiomas ,- Onarterhoase .-Gdswell-streetu-; 6 . Botherhithe GrjamtDfar School . 1 , St . Martin-in ^ the- fi elds , Long-acre : . At 1 , 2 , and 7 schools there are female classes . Apphsst-, tioii for admission to the- district schools to be made at the offices in each locality . For prospeotuses , and further' information , apply at the offices , MarlborOugh House , Pall-mall , London .
Untitled Ad
jTTNITED HUTTMGr EIPE ASSTJjRVv , ^ i ^ SOCIETY , 54 , Charing , croas ,. London . Policies ilidzaputabt * . No charge for Policy Stamps '; Whole profits divided tfnnuallyi Assurances on the strietlyimutaalpTjB c 5 ^ a ^(> Invalid lives assured at equitable rates . - THOMAS-PRITCHA'RDi Kesfdfent Dbecton ¦ --- ¦ ¦ - " ¦ + -- -- - ^ - - ¦ .- ¦ : ' ' .
Untitled Ad
MITRE © ENEBA-Ii I / iEg ^' A SJ 3 wi RANCE ancE ANNUITY ASSddl&TlON 2 i ) PaUimali ; Botidoii . ' Established 1845 . Protective Capital , JOO , OWW . Assurance * - effected , otf either tha Mutual d * liun-ptttticir patitig syafceiif * - Theveryjxadderate rBtes- of i prekninm ( on tttewn- 'tiai-tiefcpating scale ) of thirSociety a » 0 spefciaHy » pplicttbtett » tHfe case of creditors requiring collateral securityfor loans and mortgages . Example : Premium for assuring lWJOZ . aVafca . thirty-one , 20 * . 19 s . 2 d . Average Premium of Mutual OfficlV 2 X 1 . 5 s . Annual saviH&eZ * m : lOcti , « Qtnvatent to > a'Bdtftd of 818 Z . es . 7 d . ; . or to * Po 4 icyori » iali to . 7 di INO&BAfiiNGANNUMI ^ OM THfi ¦ TSOTOtSj-Active agents , required in such districts a » are not alr ^ agy reiJreseated . ' flemuSieration liberal . WtCLIAlTBElliSSSS , Secretary-: fp
Untitled Ad
T ^ XGtJESIONISTS laay secure &tG& V -Li- their famUies in case of death % Eaiiwas * Accident ilia trip - of vittf length , with attallow ^ nco for themselves VJ-heti - hurt . b' y ^ aKi ng an Ihsurauce Ticket , ' costing 'EWOPENCEi of the 'Eieuisioti Agents ; or artrtne EaiVway Statibh' * , RiJWAT P-AS& ^ GBiif&'As&trSAircfc Omt ^ Ss 3 ' rOtin Bitttjtl > Si » BE * iXoNi > air . WILBIAM J . VIAN , Sec ¦ . - __ ¦ . ' ¦ _ ¦ ¦ -,. ¦ - " - ;~ . i j . . 'j- * , i _ . - 1 t . ' _ . -: :. '• ., © OM
Untitled Ad
E AGH&E :-,. WS ^ FS ^ JSFOB PAJT ^ ' 3 , Orescetttj-NCTv ' Btidge ^ street r BlacKrtASfsVIiortdetii Dl'tttiCittESi-T-HOMAS'DEVASi E « ji , Chjfirmsw . ' JOSHUA LOCKLWOOD , > Deputy . Ohairman . Charles Bischoff , Esq . R / ichaifd'iHaTin&ri'Lloj-a , Es « t . Thomas Boddingtort ^ Esq . , \ V . Anderson Peacock , Esq . NathaWiel Goula ; Bsqt - lKJpTre&tei-Pfice ; -ES . q . Robert Alexander Giayi ' EBct . ' Titos ; G > Sanibfoo'ke , Esq . Chas ; Thosi Holtjotalre ; Esq . ' Willteni Wybrow , Esq , AtriHTGiESi ' THOMAS ALXENi E ^ q . WM . HENRY SMITH , jun ., Esq . rHTSiejA ^ . GEO . LEITH ROUPELL , 3 f . D ., F . R . S .. 1 B , Welbeck-stree * . SUEGEONS . JAMES SANER , Esq ., M . D ., Finsttury-sctuare . WM . CQOKE , Esq ., M . D ., 3 S ) , Trinity-square , Tower-hill , BAN&ERS . Messrs . GLYN } MILLS , & Co ., 67 , Lombard-street . Messrs . HANBURY & LLOYDS , 60 , Lombard-street . ACTDUABT ASTD '• SiEJCEiiEiT'ABnr . ' CHARLES JELiLICOE , Esq . The business of the Company comprises Assuravfce ^ oh Lives and Survivorships ; the PtirchaSe' of life Interests ; the sale and . purchase of contingent *^^ and deferred Annuities , Loans or Moneyon Mortgage ^ Ac ; - This Connpanyw-as established in 1807 , is ' empowerea'by the Act of Parliament 53 George III .,- and regulated by Deed enrolled in the High Court of Chancery . Tho - Company wsis originally . a strictly Proprietary one . The Assured oii the participating scale , now participate quinqnenmally in four-fifths of the amount to be divided ^ To the present time ( 1833 ) the Assured have received from the Company in satisfaction of their claims , upwards T ^ e amount at present assurea is 3 , 0 OO , O 00 Z . nearly , and the income of tho Company is about 125 , 000 ? . , At the last Division of Strrplus , about 12 O . O 00 Z . wafe ^ aaea to the sums assured under Policies for the whole terai of Life . , The lives assured ar& permitted ; ih'tlme tff pence , and not being ongag € < d in miniiier or g-old digging-, ' to reside in any country—or to pass by sea ( not being seafaring parsons by profession ) between any two parts of the same hemisphere —distant more than 33 degrees from-thef Equator , withoufc extra charge . All Policy Stamps and Mcdioal Fees aro now paid by the Company . By recent cnaotraonts , persons are exempt , under certain restrictions , from Income Tax , as respects so much of their income as they may dovoto to assurances on Lives . Tho Annual Reports of tho Company ' s state and progress , Prospectuses and Forms , may bo had , or will bo sent , post free on applicatKm at theOmcef , or to any of tho Company ' s Agents . — 1—— , — ' ¦ ' ,
Untitled Ad
SOUT H ATJS ^ AI / IlN BANKING * COMPANY , Incorporated "t fy Roy ^ rCbalrteir , 18 * 7 ^ Tftie' Court of ; Birectors grant LETlTERgof CREDIT-kid BILLS' upoii the CpnTpiny ' s' Batik at Adeloee at Pae . Approved 'dtafts negotiated' and sent for collection . Business with ttta'Austrftliaii c 6 l 6 nies generally , conducted through- the Bank's Ageh-tsi A ' pply at the Company ' s OMces ,- § 4 i Old Broad-street , London : WILLIAM PTJRDY , Manager . Iiondon , September , 1854 .
Untitled Ad
¦ pIJTVOXlE'S PAPIEB' MAOHE : —li . e JL superior qualitiea of these articles need , only be seen to be fully appreciated , arising from the well-khown fact ( among the aristocracy artid nobility ) that Mr . Futvoye is the ' son of the original Inventor 1 of this-beautiful work ; whose choicest specimens-aro in possession of her most gracious 1 Majesty . Retail , 1 " 5 J , Uegent-strcet , corner of Beak-stTeet . TEptrTVOYB's ' feenoh : timepieces . JL Tho statistical accounts presented by the Customs -to tho HotiSo of Commons prove that Messrs . Futvoye are by fav ' the largest importers . 500 of the most elegant arid classical designs in ormolu with glass shade and stand' ctfrnplote , from 2 to 100 guineas , may bo inspected at 154 , Regout-Btreet , corner of Beak" -street . i ^ trai ' VO ' Y B ^ ' PAT 33 NTED ROuiS JL BRASS DIALS , ISs . ' ©« . ' each ; -Warranted ^ TlioSo Time Pieces have already a v / orld- wide * reputation ' and tHeir correctness astotrishea'all their owners . To avoid disobu pOTntment it 1 is necessa * y to notice on each d £ aV " FwtvWe , Retail ; iGi " , Hog 6 txt-strcot . corner'of Bealc-strc ^ t , TCmTVOYE ' S PARISIAN NOVELTIES - li touioura' NtfUVotuux ; fronvis . to loogitiweas ; mayho more easily imagined'thuw ¦ described ] Itotttll , in *; Rcgont-stToot , corner of Bealc-stroot . _ Wholosalo and oxporUwatdhdflsos ^ Saiwi Uo , Silvor-strcot . Goldon-squaro . City , 22 , Groat Wihbh '« stor-strbofc . ¦ Parfa ; 34 / j- » Uo do-Blvolf : XpUTTOYE ' S' WEDDING- ' attd BIHTH-^ .. JgAYPBBS » H * S .-ni- would bo impossible to ondmerAto thoononnowa variety of articles , both valna *]© fthd inoxponeivo , whioh may be insneoted daily at this 1 M » - Wishmont . All goods marked in plain Ugurea . Illuatratod Oataloguoa ^ ohtfroo on application . ' . « J ^ "f T n ? Btat ( l ^ , visifcorstothis magnificent ostabUahmov . t will meet with a polito rooeptlon . whether purcliasoifB or otherwise ^ Retail , lB < t , Regent sfcrcot , corner of Boalc-stroot , PUTVOTE'S ® € ) £ t > and SILYEB , 1 WATOWMS of 13 nfflish or Pcroign'Manufaoturo .-Tho i ? , l ? Li t 0 H f i 1 < luallU ? , 8 wf th 0 , wtiofos aro of thomHolvoa auOlolont to inauro tho approbation of a disoorninK public . RetailJlft 4 , Regent-atroot , corner of Bcnk-strcot . PUTYOTE'S DRESSING- OASES f 6 r Z ^ A ^ t . ?^! ntl ( l ^ QSNTOiBMtBN . in loathor , Wftlnnt / , ftnq other choice woods ; from 1 to 100 urutnoos Also their Govornnent DMSPA * 6 ) U [ BOXMS aro ^ tTo woll knwn to jroouiro oommont . 1 Rotttll , 151 , lloKout-atrcot , cornor of Boak-stroot .
Untitled Ad
BANK O F DEPOSIT , ' No . 3 , Pall-mall Bast , and 7 , St . JVlartm ' s-place , Trafalgar-sqnaro , London . Established May , 1814 . PaHios desirous of Investing Money aro requested to oxamino tho Plan of this Institution , by which a high rate of Interest may bo ol ) talnod with perfect Security . Tho Interest is payable in JANUAnY and JutY , and for the convenience of parties residing at a diatanoo , may bo received at tho Branch Oiucos , or paid through Country Bankers , without expense . PETER MORMSONi Managing Director . Prospectuses sont Croo on application .
Untitled Ad
R . UPTURES , —BY ROYAL LETTERS PATENT . HPHE MOO-MAIN LEVEB TEU 3 S is JL allowed by upwards of 200 Medical Gontlomon to bo tho moat qffcotivo invontion in the curative treatment of Homlft- The us « of a atcol upriiiB '( eo often hurtful In its effects ) la horo avoided , 0 sorb Brtndftgo being worn round tho body , whilo tlio ronulHito resiHUne power la nuppUud by tho Moc-Maln l ' nd and Patent Lover , tltting with ho much oaao and olosonoss that ifc cannot bo dotootod , and may bo worn xlurlng aloojt . A dcsorl-ptlvo ciroular mtty bo ha < l , and nhe Trims ( which cannot fall to lit ) forwarded by- post ) , tho clroumioronco of tho liody > two inahos bolow tho hli > n , being Hont to th « Manufacturer , Mr . JOHN WHITE , UB 8 , ln < xa < lUly , London . MjAS ^ IO BfOOKlNQB . KNEW CAPS , &c . For VAJll-COSB VRlNBi and all caaU of WEAKNESS' and SWKLL 1 NQ of tho LEGS , SPRAINS , & 0 . Tl ^ oy aro norouw , llfflit In toxturo , and Uioxponslvo . and uro drawn on Uko an ordl > nary utockiuB . X ' rlco from 7 a . 0 U . to 10 » . 1 ' oatn . Ko , Od .
Untitled Ad
DRM ) BJONaH ? S ncrHU wumt , can rxm % oik . PftEPARED FOIt iliEDitOINAt VSK IIT THE LoFPODE * I 8 L 1 CS , NOUWAY , ANI > 1 » UT TO THE TEST OF CHEMICAL ANALYSIS . TlIE MOST EFFECTUAL . REMEDY lfOR Coifsumptiok , ' Bronchitis , AstKma ; Gout , CjiroWio Rhku-MATJCSW , AND ALL SCROFtfM ) VS DjtSHASEJS . ' Approved of and recommended by Bsjrzelitts , Ijirfnt ^ -, WonLKE , Jonathan Pkrehia , PonQvxwB , and nmmerorta ¦ other distinguished Scientific Chemists , prescribed by tho ' Rioat ominent Medical Men , avnd supplloa to the . 1 leiwdinR Hospitals of Europe ^—^ olToctlnfir ft euro or alleviatinrff ' syxnptoma much more rapidly than any other Mud . Extract from " THE LANCET , " JiOy 20 , 185 ii ; " Aftqr a careful examination of the dififoront kinds of Cod ' Liver Oil , Pr . do Jongh giyca tho proferpneo totlio Light Brown Oil ovor tho Palo Oil , which oontains scarcely any volatile fatty apld , a smaller quantity of iodine , phosphorio acid , and tho elements or Me , and upon which jfnttrcdlonta tho olilcaoy of Cod Livw Oil no doubt partly depends . Some of tho doftcioncofl of tho 1 ' , OU aro attributable to tho niethod of its preparation , and especially to its nitration MirouKh charcoal . In tho proferonco of the Lirtit Brown over tho Palo OU we fully concur . " Wo have carefully tostod a specimen of tho Light Brown Cod Livor OH , prepared for medical uso under the dlrootioil of Dr . do Jongli , and . obtained from the wholosalo ottontSi Messrs ; Ansar , 1 Iaiw ) 1 o » b and Co ., 11 , Sfcrandj Wo find'It ¦ to bo genuine , and rich in iodine and the elements of bile /' Sold -wTtoiilRgAii *! and ititrAii ., in bottloB , lailJoHod ' vrttli Dr . do Jongh ' s starnn and Bignaturo , by ANSAR , HARK > R » , and Co ., 77 , Strand , London ; Solo Consignees and Agonta for tho United ; Kingdom and ¦ the Uritiah l ^ asoasiona ? and may bo obliitiiicd ft'oni reiWK 5 c ( - ablo Ol ^ otnl sta and DrueglatB in Town and . Country , uto tho ' foHowing prices t— IMPBRIAX MICASUKIfl . Half pinto , 28 . fld . j Pints , da . od . i Quarts , Ss . % * l ^ onr hnlf-pitit "bottles forwardod , OARttrAQH vaM ' , tb ' any part or JSngltviid , on roooipt of a ronaittanco of Tori Shll- HiiKa .
Untitled Article
9 ® 4 THE LEAPEJIL [ Saw : rt > # y $
Leader (1850-1860), Sept. 30, 1854, page 934, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2058/page/22/