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' "" ey * I ntf * ^.f lfUtTH^rnn ^triTTt^ VJyUilJUH-V^ilV^ AV4UI-44-/4 *
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ROYAL OLYMPIC T II E A T 11E. Lcssoo and Manager, Mr. A. WlfiAN.
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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jn iuouany ana aurinp : uie weeK wjij uo porlomjod a new Drama , in two acts , called THIS TRUSTEE . Principal Character ? by Messrs . A . Wigan , p . VininK , Emory , XumUo , Alias Mdskoll , and Mm Stephens . After winch , A BUGIITKI ) UlillNG . Chniacters by Messrs . Loulio , H . Coopur , D ) anvors , 1 <\ Robson , and Miss IS . Turnoiv Tocouoludo with TO OI 3 LICJR BKNS 0 N , Chivr ! i « ters by Mn * nr » . Nmery , V . Kobaon , Xosllo . Miss Marston , and Miss M . Turnei ,
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Ono Shilling . rpUKKISH EXHIBITION , IJYDE-rAHK X CORNER , PICOADILLY .-OWGN DAILY , from Ton a . m . to Ton p . jn . Tho Mimngor boss to iunnnsiioo that , iu conipllanco with tlio HHfflj ?<> h 1 , | o » nof nunioroiia lmtrons , t ) i « proprlotorHhavo provlrtioimll . y Uoduaeil tins Cl ^ arKo of Adniisaion to tlifn f ? org d , whuuthu ndmlnHiou will bo in . ( id . Mr . V . () . AVilliauis wil presido at Iho 1 'Innofortn . —A portion of Uku lliuiuitriiui Jiunil pcrfoi'ina Iroin hair-past UVclvo to hailf-rmHt l ' "lvo o'clock .
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ADDITIONAL NEW MODELS .-JTX . Dr . KAHN'S MUSEUM , top of irnyinarktot ( upwardfl of HOO vvnx niodulH ) . Open for Gentlemen l ' ro « n K \« v « n till n' ^ h ^ " * ' i ' -, " ^^ '" ! " , ' r V ' « cturort by Dr . Soxton , 'Vh ^ i " ' 'F ' ' Ol ) W < 'J »» t »»«« y » i « d J ' rldnyH a portion of tho Museum itiopmi for Ladles only from Klovmi till Fivo —LocturoN by Mrs . fSoxlrm . Cjonlloinon uro Hlill udmiUucl on those dnya from Sovori till Ton . EvoijIijk . N . lJ .- 'llilHMuMOiun / noUnowlouBod by iho jwonh mid tho londiiiKnuioHtlliu inuu in Xtluropu to Hie umiarnllolod 1 » any country In tho world , lius now boun rvndorod oven xnoro ftttnictlvo than boforo , by tho addition of nwmorouH mow modtila illustratmu points of tho greatcBt lntorcat . Adoiiaaioii , In .
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THEATRE ROYAL , DRURY LANE . M . JITLLIEN'S CONCERTS . ( FOR ONE MONTH ONLY ) . M JULLIEN" begs most respectfully to an-• nounce that his Concerts will commence on MONDAY NEXT , October 30 th , 1854 , on which occasion he ¦ will have the honour of making- his first appearance in ingland since his return from America . M , Juilikn cannot refrain from expressing his great gratification at being able , after an absence of nearly two years , once more to appear before those kind and indulgent patrons who during so long a period have extended to him their unremitting countenance and support . In the Prospectus of his last series of Concerts , in the year 1852 , M . Jullien expressed a hope that his then projected journey might furnish him with many materials which might hereafter serve ; o entertain his English audiences , and he is most happy to have found that those anticipations are not likely to be disappointed . During his late journey in the United States M . Jullien has found that while the Arts of literature , Sculpture , and Painting have been well cared for in that great country , the Science of Music has also received its share of encouragement and support , and has boen fostered by the establishment of Musical Institutions , which do not yield even to those of Europe , cither in the excellence of their arrangem-ents or the magnitude of their operations . In these Institutions every advantage has toeen taken of the talents of that vast influx of Italian , German , JTrench , and English Professors who constantly visit the United States : but at the same time M . Jullien has found many instances of rare musical genius among native artists , while a vast amount of pure and charming melodies exist , springing from sources entirely American . M . Jullien has lost no opportunity of collecting these most interesting native melodies , hut at the same time has not failed to possess himself of the s everal truly classical works by native American composers . In fact , M . Jullien trusts that his anticipations of 1852 will be realisedr and that his American Tour Will hot only hare , proved a source of profit and gratification to himself , but a means of providing some future Entertainment for his kind and liberal Patrons in this country . Duringthe Series of Concerts will bo performed the following New pieces of Music : — THE AMERICAN QTJAPIIILLE , Composed on National American Melodies . THE SLEDGE POLKA , Descriptivo of the Winter aimiscment of Sledging in North America- THE KATTY JDID POLKA , Descriptive of tho various musical sounds produced by the myriads of Insects on a Tropical night . THE MISSISSIPPI GALOP . THE NEW YORK FIREMEN'S QUADRILLE , As performed at M . JuiLiEK ' s last Concert in America , given at . tho Crystal Palace Exhibition , amidst the plaudits of an Audience of 35 , 000 persons . A Selection arranged for full Orchestra , from Rossini's Opera , "LE COMTE ORY . " A Selection arranged for full Orchestra , from Verdi ' s Now Opera , " 1 UGOLETTO . " A Selection arranged for full Orchestra , from Snohr 's New Opera , ' JESSONUA- " SoTeral classical works by native American composers . Also , every Evening , at least two works selected from , the classical composers . In addition to the above , M . JuiiiBfir has in preparation , a New Quadrille , to bo entitled " THE ALLIED ARMIES QUADRILLE , " Composed for Double Orchestra and Two Military Bands « on English , Ifrcucii , and Turkish Melodies . Among the Artists engaged aro : — Madame ANNA TLULLON , the celebrated I ' rima Donna , from tho . Imperial Opera Comiquo , sit Paris—her J / irst Appwiraneo at those Concerts . Sigiior JtOIililO . tho extraordinary performer on tho Violin—Pupil of tho Into Signor J ' acaniki—his First appearance at those Concern . Horr KCHNIG . -Jiis First appearance in England since his return from America . Signor 15 OTTKSINI , —his First Appearance these Two Yuars . Moris . DUHEME , Signor MONASTEUIO . Mon . s . Ml M Alt , Mons . M . A LARD , Blons . ALAKD , Mons , 15 ANEU , Tlwir i'irst Appearance in Jinglund . Mons . COLLLN 1 ST , Moim . LAVlNCiK , Moim . AVUILLE , Ac , « tu ., & . c . Comjucxou , Jl . JULLlEJf . Tlio DccoratioiiH of tho I ' l-onitjimilo portion of tho Theatre will bo ontiruly now , and tlio wliolo Tliuntro well wannod , oariiutod , and venliltilod . At the Ijuck of thu Promcntidu Will be found THE HEADING ROOM , Containing Nowsimpers und PeriodIcuIh from almost all park oi'Uio world , undiiic . ludlnB Six Umdau Morning Papyra , Fivo Uvt-niiifj J ' apurw , Fifty-nix Weekly J'apurn , inid Twenty l ' rovintliil Papurai bcMidus t , ho lrlsli , «(! otc ) i , Uonnan , Anioricuu , iliiiiuu , K \ yI » h , Dutch , Indian , Chliiem ) , Australian , New Xuuliuul , Alitlta , 1 'ortiiKuoHu , loninu , Canadian , French , IJolKiun , and hipuiiit > h JNowtipaiiora , IMngazlnca , and othor PcriuilicalH . Thu Concerts on oach Evening will coiumoiiuu at EIbUU , and torinliuiUi nt , KUwon o'clock . Tlio JLtoiVoHlnuuiits uiidor tliu dircotiun of Mr . G . 1 'axjvk . I'ltlCKS OF AUMliSSK )^ : — Promomulo , lioxcuaud (^ allcrU ,- ^ ,. 1 » - 'DrcMM C'lrclo an- < J <^> l ' iivato Hoxuh X ! l 1 » . and -Cl 118 . 0 U . VlauuH ami l ' l-ivaUjlioxun nmy bo Hwsurod on application to Mr . CVlUllly , at , Iho Uox-ullloo of linn 'I'lictttr . ); which in opon fn . ni 11 Illl fl . I ' rival . « *( ox < im nhu , t >\ Mr . MitchoJl , Old JUond-Mtroiit ; of MonMr » . Cnimor and Jl » ulu , lUisont-Htroot , oJ Mr , tSiuiiH , SI . laincN ' M-Hlniot i of Mr . Allcroli Mr . Ohivp . poll , Mr . lilxiiM , Mr . / Iiuiiiik ^ i / J , and Mr . lluoklinm'n , Old Jioml-htruut ; anil ut . Mohmvi . . JuIIIuii and Co . a , UH , R «( 5 ontutruut . ' N . U . —Tlio TUt'iitro bol » K ¦ l- <)( ' ' » ' Clirlwtmns for Dramatic pnrtariiHiiwut ) , tlio C ' onoorta can continuo for Ono Mouth only .
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COBN MARKET . Mark Lane , Friday Evening , Oct . 27 . English vvheat brought 4 s . to 5 s . over the prices of last week , but t ~ he foreign was not more than is . to 2 s . dearer . TMs advance has been firmly maintained during t 3 ie week but buyers havo exhibited less disposition to go into stock ; ba . n they did ten days ago , and the amount of business done ias been consequently limited- The whole advance ou Wheat from the lowest point is 28 s . per quarter—623 bs . English red , winch was worth at one time not more than 48 s . brings now 76 s . per quarter ; the top price of white English is now 84 s ., and of Dantzig 88 s . to 00 s . From the Baltic ports there is scarcely anything offering for present shipment , and orders which have been sent out at high prices have not been executed . GOlbs . high mixed Wheat fetches 67 s ., eilbs . red G 4 s . per quarter , f . o . b . at Koanigsben ? . At Rostock also for present shipment flllbs . to GlJIbs . Wheat at Ws . cost and freight to London or East coast . Th « disposition to make purchases to any extent for
Hie spring stock continues , so that it is not impossible that we may find our supplies short , just at the time when they are expected to be most abundant ^ . The French , markets are for the most part stationary . In Paris the value of Flour is barely maintained . Marseilles stocks are completely exhausted , and the little that arrives is taken off at gradually advancing prices . At New York the value of Grain and Floutf has increased considerably , but sis freights remain low , it is obvious that this is caused by the demand for home consumption and not for export . Oats , Barley , Beans , and Peas have all advanced fully Isper quarter since last Friday . 42 lbs . Poland Oats are Sis ., 401 bs - 30 s ., 38 lbs . 29 s ., cpstsuid freight from Groningen ; 371 bs . Black Oats 26 s ; , cost and freight from the same port . White boiling Peas and Beans have advanced in value at Kcenigsberg—they rannot now be . had there under 44 s ., free on board . Indian Corn has brought 47 s . per quarter duty paid in Cork . Saidi "Wheat 50 s . and Belieira 4 Ss . 6 d . cost , freight and insurance on passage .
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KfcOM THE LONDON GAZETTE . Tuesday , October 24 . BANKRUPTS . — Wirxiam Grimwood Stilx , 21 . Wellclose-square , glasa merchant—Wiixiam Bkodkick Mit-CA 1 . VX , 12 , Taunton-street , Eegent ' s-park , dealer in mining shares— Prancis Humthkey Spahton , Norwich , inn-Keeper— Eobekt Andrews , late of Braintree , Essex , corn and seed merchant—Thomas Nutter , Cambridge , brewer —Henry Johk Nash , 1 , Crown-court , Chea-pside , City , woollen warehouseman —Wixliam Dunklet , Daventry , Northamptonshire , grocer — Geoeg-e Setterfield , Ipswich , grocer—Abraham Datis , 113 , Tottenham-court-road , hardwareman—Jobn Full-wood , Birmingham , brass candlestick manufacturer—Sens Ha-wxins and Robert Neediiah , Sheffield , table-3 knife manufacturers—Edward Kegg , Liverpool and Birkenhead , coal dealer—Isadoee BEEHSTBiif , Liverpool , commission merchant— -Richard Foeshaw , Liverpool , machine make *—Joseph Smith and Ralph Simpson , Burnley , Lancashire , iron-founders . SCOTCH SEQUESTRATIONS . — Francis Jakdine , Edinburgh , wine merchant—Ebenezek Datidso » . Leith , ship-broker . _ Friday , October 27 . BANKRUPTS . —Edwakd Snow , High-street , St . Giles ' s , tea dealer — Robert Doac , Kew , draper—Samuel Rei > - BEEN . York , innkeeper—Simeon Pitman , Cornwell House , Bath , carpenter — . Samuei Ceaig , Nuneaton , "Warwickshire , grocer and tea dealer—James Ratcxiff , Nottingham , hosier—Bichaed Gai , Kirkstall , Leeds , ware grinder •—Joseph Bhooes , Salford , grocer and provision dealer—John Midgley , Nottingham , soda water manufacturer—Ejtwaed Baker , Newport , carrier — Charles Lovell , Wisbeach , boot a . nd shoe manufacturer — Aetude Wel-UNOtoh Pococe , Old Jewry , eoffee-house keeper . SCOTCH SEQUESTRATIONS .-George Gordon , Grantown , merchant—Archibald Hax , Belvidere , near Camlachie , Glasgow , farmer .
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BIRTHS , MAREIAGES , AND DEATHS . BIRTHS . CHANSABEL . —October 9 , at Bordeaux , the wife of Captain Chansarel : a son . CLEMENTS . —O-ctober 14 , a . t "Norton Vicarage , co . Durham , the lady of Hon . andl Hev . Francis N- Clements : a daughter . PARISH . —October 20 , at St . Lconard ' s-on-Sea , Lady Parish : a son - COOKE . —October 15 , at Boulogne-sur-Mer , the wife of Major Cooke , Madras Artillery : a daughter . MARRIAGES . KENNEDY—HARTSTOlStGE—October 19 , at Almondsbury , near "Bristol * Sir Edward Kennedy , 33 art ., of Johnstown Kennedy , county Dublin , to the Lady Augusta Pery , youngest daughter of Henry Hartstonge , "Viscount GleniiWorth , and sister to the present Earl of Limerick . "WILLIAMS—BTJSBY . —May 3 , at Victoria-. Bay of Islands New Zealand , John "W . Williams , Esq ., fifth son of Archdeacon Henry Williams , to Sarah , only daughter of James Busby . Esq ., of Victoria , formerly H . M . Resident at New Zealand . BRINE—ROSS . —August 12 , at Ootacamund , on the Neilgherry-hills , Captain J . Brine , of the 4 th Regiment M . N . I ., son of Captain Brine , R .. N .. Charltori , Dorsetshire , to Cnroline , fourbh daughter of David Ross , Esq . KNOWLES-KTVOTT . —rebruary 2 , at St . Mark's , Wyddclton-squaro , Clcrlicriwcll , Captain William' Knowles , to Miss Eliza Maria Knott , second daughter of 31 r . John Knott ,. River , near Dover , Kent . HEALEY—COOKE . —August 17 , at Benares , Beniamin Healey , Esq ., Uimlipatam , Madras , to Rose Emma Cooko , youngest daughter of the latft "William Cooke Wallace , Esq ., and step-daughter of Lieut .-Colonol Liptrap , commanding 42 d JUeginaent Bengal Light Infantry . DEATHS . ASHURST—October 25 , Eliza , the wifo of William Henry Ashurst , son ., of the Old Jewry , solicitor . BARBER . —July 22 , at Port Raffles , Edmund Scott Barber , Esq ., C . E ., of Llantrissant House , Glamorganshire , Rcsidont Director of the Eastern Archipelago Company's coal mines at Lalman , in his 43 rd year . HEDLEY . —Juno 2 G , at the Sarra , Victoria , Australia , Ann Elisabeth Hawos , wifo of G . !>• Hedloy , Esq . M . D ., and oldest daughter of the lato It . J . Peck , Esq ., of Newmarket , aged 31 . REID . —In Juno , at Auckland , Now Zealand , Mr . Alexander Rcicl , formorly of Batliurst-strcot , Hydo Park-gardens , in his : $ < $ th year . REID . — Octobers , at Italnlclnva , ncarSobastopol , of cholera , Dr . Alex . Rotluioy Raid , Assistant Stair-Surgeon to the Torces . airod 24 . WAR . RINGTON . — October 22 , at Brighton , the Right Hon . the Countess of Stamford and'Wnrriiigton .
' "" Ey * I Ntf * ^.F Lfutth^Rnn ^Trittt^ Vjyuiljuh-V^Ilv^ Av4ui-44-/4 *
Cnmmerrial Mmxb .
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MONEY MARKET AND CJTY INTELLIGENCE . Friday Evening . Ootobor 27 , 1 S 51 . TnK Funds foil two Una's ago from some unexplained roason , but to-dny they sums linn ngain . Any rovers © or delay at Sobastopol . or l ' msn : jn nHHuniiiip n further disposition to sido openly with tho C / . nr , will Bond down , the ViuuIn . Tlio boIIcth at prcscmt are so fearful , both speculative and real , that they must ; havo n sloclffo-hamnior-Hko blow to bring them in a » BcllnvH * , but once lot it begin , and n , nnnio established , thorn in no Hinyinu vhoro it will Htop . Rallwny Slinrcs aro , still Hat , do ^ rciit ri . so in tliom , oxcoptin ^ tlio Tronch and 15 ( iIkIiui i limy havo si it ania / . ii > K btuiyiiiu ' -. Vi and aro all in ho much buttwr a finiuioiul position than our own . it Is not Hiirprl . iinK th » t the Hharos aro w « U liold . Thor »» has buon a talk of lnifrrovninant in I < ux « inbourK , ovIukI'o aomo frosh bl « ud b ( iii )^ ii \ CiiHoil into tho dimMlou ; lint th <» public romomliurH , M'ith pood roawon , tlio dimiroditnUlo " rim " practlnod in fthono n ] mrnH Homo time sinoo , and roTui-ton to spoculnto—bwt tliero is . tho muldiiK of a wood i » iyiii ( ? lino , il ' honostly mnuapqd . Mining Sliaxo Mnrkct inHtill HtnKiiivnt ; Bom « inquiry uftor Agna I'Ylus , and WallorN . In Kunlbh tntuoM thero iMoonHldcsralDlo activity in some woiatwrii miiioff , SortrUjKC CoiimoIh , North Whoal Roberts , Ac . Land Company Sharon a . ro Hat . Hunks firm . 0 o » M <> la olaso at four , o ' cloflk , 1 ) 13 , ? . —For Novombornecount ' * ' ''jrYiia . Abordoon , 20 « , 2 U OalcdoniariH , BBf , r > OJ ; Clioster im < l Jloylylioad . 14 , 1 ft ) Jflitwlorn CouiiUoh , llj , 11 ? , Edinbuwli and GliWKOw-, 05 « , Groat Northorn , HDJ , »«» i Orwrt Wostorn , 704 , 71 ! London and 3 Jrl hton 1 ( W , ion ; London mid North-W otttorn , \ Q \> j > , ioi , Xondou « id South-Wo » t ( ir « ,
81 , 82 ; Midland , 6 S } , 68 f ; Oxford , Wolverhampton , and Worcester , 32 , 34 ; South Eastern , 61 < , 62 ; Antwerp and Rotterdam , 6 i , 6 J , x . in ..- Eastern of Prance , 33 $ , 33 i ; East Indian , 3 , 34 pm . ; Luxembourg , Constituted . 49 , 4 x . an . ; Ditto Obligations , 24 , 3 J ; Paris and Lyons , 22 i , 22 i pm .: Namui and Liege , 7 J , 8 ; Orleans , 43 , 50 , x-all ; Rouen 38 , 40 ; Western of France , 65 , 74 pin ., x . in , ; Asua Trias , lj . f ; Brazil Imperial , 24 , 3 ; St . John del Rey , 28 , 30 ; Linares , 8 J , Hi Pontgibeau , 15 , 1 C ; Mexican and South American , 7 , 7 i ; Peninsulas , i , % pm . ; San Fernando , £ , i dis . ; South Australian , i , Ik ; Australasian Bank , 78 , 80 x . d . ; London Chartered Bank of Australia , 22 J , 23 ; Oriental Bank , 41 , 42 ; Union of Australia , 63 , 70 ; Australian Agricultural , 40 42-North British Australasian , £ , S ; Scottish Investment , 11 24 ; Crystal Palace , 3 , 3 £ ; South Australian Laud , 35 , 37 ; Van Diemen ' s , 12 J , 13-
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Sat . Moil Tues . Wed . Thy . r . Frid , Baivk Stock ! 212 212 222 J 212 3 per Cent . Red 93 * 93 ? i 1 ) 3 ? 934 S 3 i 93 | 3 per Cent . Con . An . 9 tJ 94 i { 9-li i Vii £ Hg y . t | Consols for Account' 91 J 94 | 9 lj Q-it ' iH 5 94 ^ 3 i per Cent . An . .... ' New 2 J per Cents ' " ... . """" . Long Ans . 1 SC 0 . 4 | 4 g ; 4 s 4 5-1 C 41 -I ' s ' -l * India Stock 230 252 i Ditto Bonds , £ 1000 lip ' 12 Ditto , under £ 1000 lip 11 lip 10 ' p "io " Ex . Bills , £ 1000 5 Sp' 5 ! 9 p . Cp 7 p Ditto , £ 500 5 P g 5 p . (! p Op Ditto , S-itm . ll ' ! 5 p ¦ 8 p . 8 p I 6 p ( J p
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FOREIGN PUJVJDS . ( Lasx OrirciAt Quotation duiumj the Week e . vdin < 3 r J ? ntmsiuy Evknixg . ) Brazilian Bonds 9 !) Russian IJonds , 5 j ) cr BuenosAyrcaGpurCiitM . ... Cents 1 S 22 . ofi Chilian C per Cents 101 Russian 4 . J per Cents . .. 8 ! i Danish 5 per Cents Spanish 3 p . Ct . N ' cwDef . lbi Kcuador Bonds ;) t , SjianisU Committee Cert . Mexican 3 pur Cents . ... 23 i ( ol'Coun . not 1 ' uii . .. ., 5 ? Mexican S per Ct . for , Venezuela 34 por € ents . 2 » Acc . Oot . 3 l 23 , Belgian 44 per Cents .... 03 Portuguese 4 per Cunts . ... Dutch 2 i per Cunts ( 51 Portuguese B p . Conts . ... | Dutch 4 per Cent . Cert if . 1 ) 1 J
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October 28 , 1854 . ] THE LEADER . 1029
Royal Olympic T Ii E A T 11e. Lcssoo And Manager, Mr. A. Wlfian.
ROYAL OLYMPIC T II E A T 11 E Lcssoo and Manager , Mr . A . WlfiAN " .
Leader (1850-1860), Oct. 28, 1854, page 1029, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2062/page/21/