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BAIL WAT LIBRARY FOR NOVEMBER . —VOLUME 89 . Price Eighteenpcnce . THE FORTUNES of COLONEL TORLOGH O'BRIEN . By a Distinguished Writer . London : George RotjtledotE and Co ., Farringdon-strcet aud all Booksellers and Railway Stations . '
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PUBLISHED WITH THE AUTHORITY OP THE COUNCIL . THE ST . MARTIN'S HALL LECTURES . In foolscap 8 vo , fancy boards , price Eiehteennence rpWENTY LECTURES on VARIOUS SUBJ _ JECTS of INTEREST to all PARTIES desirous of forwarding EDTJ CATION amongst the PEOPLE . By manv of the eminent Livins Men of the Day , in their several Vocations . London : George Roitti / edge and Co ., Farringdon-stroet ; and all Booksellers and Railway Stations .
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NEW WORK BY MR . J . A .. ST . JOHN . In a few days , in 1 vol . fcp . 8 vo . PHILOSOPHY at the FOOT of the CROSS . By JAMES AUGUSTUS ST . JOHN , Author of " Isis , " " There and Back Again , " &c . London : Longman , Brown , Green , and Longmans .
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LEGIBLE EDITIOlfS Handsomely printed on a largo aud clear type .
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THE CAXTONS . By Sir E . BULWER LYTTON , Bart . In one volume , price 7 s . 6 d . M Y $ 0 V E L . By Sir E . BULWER L . YTTON , Bart . Two volumes , price 21 s . Wilxiam Blackwood and Sons , Edinburgh and London .
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THE USEFUL LIBRARY . —NEW VOLUME . In foolscap Svo , fancy boards , price One ShilUiiK . THE HOME BOOK of DOMESTIC ECONOMY ; or , Hints to Persons of Moderate Income with useful directions for the Management of the Kitchen , foe House , the Laundry , and the Dairy ; including also the best receipts for Pickling :. Preserving , Home Brewing-, &c . Ac , and Sick Room Management and Cookery . London : Gborgh Routi-edge and Co ., Tarringdon-street ; and all Booksellers and Railway Stations .
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B , OUTLEt ) GE'S ILLUSTRATED RAILWAY BOOK . Uniform with "Sandand Shells , " " Sydeiihaiii Greenfinch , " , &c . &c . In crown Svo , fancy-coloured cover , price One Shilling . M IRTH and -METRE . By Two Merry Men , FRANK E . S 3 IJ 3 DLEY . and EDMUND H . YA 1 ES . Witlv Illustrations by McConnell . London : George Rol'tlebge and : Co ., Farririgdon-street ; and all Booksellers , Newsmen , and Rail-way Stations .
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BY THE LATE DR . SAMUEL PHILLIPS . In foolscap 8 vo , fancy boards , price One Shilling . WE'RE ALL LOW PEOPLE THERE , and pther Tales . The Eighth Thousand . Reprinted from " Blackwood's Magazine" "by permission - London : Geobge Routledge and Co ., Fa , rringdori * strect ; and all Newsmen and Railway Stations .
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Price 2 s . 6 d . MINERAL WATERS OF HOMBUBG . Observations upon the Mineral Waters of Hesse Homburg . By S \ H . PRYTHERCH , M . D ., Besident English Physician at Homburg , V . D . H . J . CHtrRCHH . ii , Princes-street , Soho .
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Jusfe published , 1 vol . 8 vo , price 5 s . T ETTSOMIAN LECTURES on INSANITY , JLi delivered at the Medical Society of London tor FORBES WINSLOW , M . D ,, D . C . L ., late President of the Society . "The subjects selected are treated with much ability , and illustrated with the erudition and experience that Dr . Winslow always brings -fco the discussion of his favourite professional study . "—Dublin Medital Tress . London ; J . Chtj : bchii , i ,, New Burlington-street .
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On the 1 st of November will be published , price 2 s- 6 d ., ¦ pUNCH'S POCKET-BOOK FOR 1855 . JL With a Coloured Frontispiece on Steel by JOHN LEECH , " APriSie Baby Show—Mater Farailias rewarding a Successful Candidate , " numerous Wood Engravings , by . JOHN LEECH and JOHN TENNIEL . Punch Office , 85 , Fleet-street .
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This day is published , price 18 s ., handsomely bound in cloth , HA 1 ST D L E Y CROSS ; or , MR . J ORROCKS'S HUNT . By the Author of "Mr . Sponge ' s Tour . " Illustrated with Seventeen Coloured Plates and nearly One Hundred Woodcuts by John Leech , uniformly with " Sponge ' sTour . " "We hope wo have now done enough to bring Jorroclcs fairly before the non-sporting part of the public—the others will not need our recommendation . " — Quarterly Review . Bkabbxtby and 33 vans , 11 , Bouvcrie-street .
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Lately published , price 3 d . A BRIEF SUMMARY IN PLAIN" LAKGUAGE of tho MOST IMPORTANT LAWS CONCERNING WOMEN ; together with a few Observations thereon . London : John Chapman , 8 , King Williatn-sfcreefc , Strand .
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WALLER'S POETICAL WORKS . Already published , DRYDEN . Complete in Three Volumes . 73 . 6 d . SURREY , MINOR CONTEMPORANEOUS POETS , and S-ACKVILLE , LORD BUOKIIUUST . 23 . 6 d . COWPER . Complete in Three Volumes . 7 s . 6 d . SONGS FllOM THE DRAMATISTS . 2 s . 6 d . SIR THOMAS WYATT . 2 s . Cd . JOHN 03 LDHAM . 2 s . 6 d .
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LIST OF ANNOUNCEMENTS . i . ILIFE of NICHOLAS I ., EMPEROR of RUSSIA ; with a short Account of RUSSIA and the RUSSIANS . ByF . MATNE . PostSvo . 2-THIRTY YEARS of FOREIGN POLICY ; a History of the Secretaryships of the Earl of Aberdeen and Viscount Palmerstou . By the Author of the Right Hon . B . Disraeli , M . P . Svo . 3 . The Rev . R . I . WILBEREOHCE'S INQUIRY into the PRINCIPLES of CHURCH AUTHORITY . Second Edition , revised . 8 vo , price 5 s . CNext week . GEOGRAPHY of HERODOTUS Developed , Explained , and Illustrated . By J . TALBOYS WHEELER , F-R . G . S . With Haps and Plains . 8 vo , price 18 s . [ On . Saturday next . 5 . The Rev . W . LIN WO OB'S TREATISE on GREEK . METRES ; with tke Choral Parts of Sophocles metrically arranged . Svo . ¦ 6 > Gleig's School Series . LIGHT and HEAT , simplified for the use of Beginners . By THOMAS TATE , F-R . A . S . 18 mo , with "Woodcuts ; price One -Shilling . GHeig's Sclaool Series . MAGNETISM / VOLTAIC ELTEOTBICITY , and ELECTRO-DYNAMICS , simplified for Beginners . By T . TATE , F . R . A . S- 18 mo , with Woodcuts , price One Shilling . 3 S " ew Works now ready . vxir . The Earl of CARLISLE'S DIARY ia TURKISH and GREEK WATERS . Post 8 vo , price 10 s . 6 d . ; . ¦ : . '¦ ¦ . I 3 C . . . The Traveller ' s Library , No . 70 . CHESTERFIELD and SELWYjST . By A . HAYWARD , Esq ., Q-C . Beprinted from the Edinburgh Review . 16 mo , price One Shilling . TRADITIONS aad SUPERSTITIONS of the NEW ZEAL ANDERS . By EDWARD * SHORTLAND , M-A . Pcap . 8 vo , price 5 s . 31 . PICCADILLY to PEE A . By Captain OLDMIXON , R . N . With * coloured Illustrations . Post 8 vo , price 10 s . 6 d . sur . The BALTIC and the WHITE SEA . By tho Rev . T . MILNEIl , JI . A . Map . Post 8 vo , price 10 s . 6 < 1 . XIII . Major-General MACINTOSH'S MILITARY TOUR in tho SEAT of WAR in tho EAST . Second and choapor Edition ; with Maps . Post 8 vo , price 10 s . Cd . 3 CIV . The Rev . SYDNEY SMITH'S SKETCHES of MORAL PHILOSOPHY . Third and choapor Edition . Fcap . 8 vo , price 7 s , XV . EGYPT'S PLACE IN" UNIVERSAL HISTORY . By 0 . 0 . J . BUNSEN , D . D . Translated by C . H . CQTTRELL , BI . A . Vol . II . with numerous Illustrations . 8 vo , 30 a- 3 VX , M'CULLOOH'S DICTIONARY of COMMERCE aad COMMERCIAL NAVIGATION- Now Edition , with Maps , &o . 8 vo , prico 60 s . ; half-russia , 55 s . xyii . M'OULLOCH'S aBOaRAPHIOAL DICTIONARY . Now and cheaper Edition i with 0 largo Maps ) . 2 vols . 8 vo , prioo 03 a . 3 CVIII . HOW to NURSE SICK CHILDREN : Intended as a Holp to the Nurses at tho Hospital for Slok Children . Poap . Hvo , price Mishtoonponco . xix . THE BRAIN ia relation to THE MIND . By JOSEPH SWAN , Author of various Worka on the Brain and tho Nervous Syiituin . 8 vo , prloo Oa . XX . Tho STEPPING- STONE to ANIMAL and VEGDTAHIiE PHYSIOLOGY . By MAlfcY SUlKliU Uniform with '" 1 'ho StttpplaiR Stono to Knowledge . " With Woodcuts . IQino , prico Onu Slilllliig . LONDON ; LONGMAN , BROWN . GREI 2 N . and LON"GMAN 3 .
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On tho Virst of Docomhor , CHAJJCER'S POETICAL WORKS . Vol I . London ; John AV . Parkisr and Son , West Strand . This Day , Foolscap Ootavo , 3 s . fld . TDYLS AND SONGS . By F . T . PALJ- GRAVE , Wallow of Exeter College , Oxford . London : John W . Parker and Son , West Strand . NEW WORK BY THE AUTHOR OP THE HEIR 01 ? ItEDOLYFFE . TWa « toy , Second Edition , Two Volumes , 12 a . HEARTSEASE ; or , THE BROTaER'S WIFE . London : JonN W . Paukeb and Son , Woat Strand . Thia Day , Foolscap Octavo , 0 s . rj ^ HE ANGEL IN THE HOUSE . London : 'TQ » M W . Parickr . ami Sow , West Strand . Sixth Edition , 5 ^ 7 " "pSSAYS WRITTEN IN THE INTERVALS Ai < O * BUSINESS . London i John W . Parkbil and Son , Woat Strand .
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On Nov . luli will ho publlMlied . in crown Svo , cloth , price 7 m . flu ,, THE DOCTltlM-J OF SACKIFJCB « loducttA from tlm ScrljituroH . By IMtBUKRltJlC DEMSON MAURIOK . JI . A ., Chaplain or ' Llnoohi ' H Inn . CamlDrUlRo : Macmii . i . an and Coi London ; Ojjonai : Hum ., ia < i , Floot-Ht « -uut .
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Just Published , Fourth Edition , Rovlsoil inul cnlargod , fop ., r > M . cloth . THE BALLAD OF BABE CII 1 USTABEL , With othor Lyrloul Pooiiih . Hy OJJltALW MASSEY . "Wo have read those lyrlea ol' lovi ; and those lays ol freedom with tho d ( H ) pent intiTcHt . More wo havo illuatratlona won flrom nntum—inuiKow which iu'o sound , beautiful , and fresh . 1 ' ow pomim In our rcoont ontBrowth ot pootlc Utoraturo arc liner than boino of Ilicao lovo voraoa . ' — AthoncBum . David Uoolk , Flwit-Htrcot .
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Juat i oudy , Third ISdltion , fop ., r > s . "POEMS . I 5 y ALEXANDER SMITH . In-X . eluding , " A Lift ) Drama , " 4 l An Evonini ; at Homo , " &c . Day id JioauK , Pluol-strisot .
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NEW AND CHOICB BOOKS . ALL THE BEST NEW WORKS msvy U had in succession from MUDIE'S SELKOl JJURARY by evury Subscriber of Ono Gritinua por annum , and by all ftrst-claia Country Subscribers of Two Guinoaa and upwards . Prospectuses may be obtained on application to Oharl « H Edward ftludio , 510 , Now Oxfoj'd-stroot .
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On the 31 st will do published , price Is ., No . 11 of 4 4 npHE NEA \ COMES . " By "W . M . X THACKERAY . AYith Illustrations by Rich aud DOTXE . * * The First Volume is roady ^ price 13 s ., in clotli . BRADRPRy ami Evans , 11 , Uouveric-streot . On the 31 st of October will bo published , price 2 s ., Part XIX * ol' the X ^ NGLISH CYCLOPEDIA , extending the JCu Natvrai ^ History Division from Insecta to Lkj a . UBiD . a 5 , and tho GiiOdR ^ rniCAri Division from Ix lucks to Kentucky , iiiclucliiiy articles on Illinois , Illyria , Jtwlkui Territory , Imliana , Ionian Islands , lowsx . Irolund , Istria , Ismail , Italy , Jamaica , Janeiro ( Rio do ) , Japan . Java , Juxt , Jersey , Jernsalum , Jounnina , Knfl ' a , Katutcnatka , Kansas , Karia , &o . &o . * * Vols . I . and II . of each Division nrc published , price 10 s . each , in cloth . BitADDtJiiY and Evans , 11 , Uouveric-stroot .
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Rotitledge ' s Series of Origina . 1 Novels . THE NEW NOVEL . Now ycady at all the Libraries , in Two Volumes , AEVO . N ; or , THE TRIALS . By C . M . CHARLES , Author of " liamon and Csttar , " " Claverston , " &c , &c . London : Geohgu BotTLEiiai ! and Co ., 2 , FarrhsgdoustTeet .
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THE FATE OF FRANKLIN AND HIS COMPANIONS . lln . foolscap Svo , fancy boards , with Illustrations , pricti Eighteciipencei F ' BA ^ KLtNT and the ARCTIC REGIONS . By P . L . SIM 3 IONDS , Esq . Tho Fifth Edition , revised to the present date . London : Gjorge Routxeuge and Co ., Tarriijgdon-street ; and all llooksellors and Railway Stations .
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1032 THE LEADER . [ Saturday , October 28 , 1854 .
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LONPON ; Printed and PubllsUod by Aleukd Bdmitnd Gallowax , « t " Tho Leader" Ollloo , No . 7 . WolUn B fcott- » troQt r Strand , In the Oouuty of Mwaioaox .-O « tobor 28 , iso-a .
Leader (1850-1860), Oct. 28, 1854, page 1032, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2062/page/24/