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IMPEKIAL LIFE INSUKANCE COMPANY , 1 , Old Broad-street , London . Instituted 1820 . SAMUEL HIBBERT , Esq ., Chairman . ¦ WILLIAM B . BOBINSON , Esq ., Deputy-Chairman . 1 'he Scale of Premiums adopted by this Office will be found of a very moderate character , but at the same time quite adequate to the risk incurred , Pour-fifths , or 80 per cent , of the Profits , are assigned to Policies every fifth year , and may be applied to increase the sum insured , to an immediate payment in cash , or to the reduction and ultimate extinction of future Premiums . One-third of the Premium on Insurances of 50 W . and upwards , for the whole term of life , may remain as a debt upon the Policy , to be paid off at convenience ; or the Directors will lend sums of 5 <) f . and upwards , on the security of Policies effected with this Company for the whole termcf life , when they have acquired an adequate value . Secphiti :. —Those who effect Insurances with this Company are protected by its Subscribed Capital of 750 , 000 ? ., of which nearly 140 , 0002 . is invested * from the risk incurred , by members of Mutual Societies . The satisfactory financial condition of the Company , exclusive of the Subscribed and Invested Capital , will toe seen from the following statement : — On . the Slst October , 1853 , the sums Assured , including Bonus added , amounted to = £ 2 , 500 , 000 The Premium Fund to more than ; 800 , 000 And the Annual Income from the same source , to 109 , 000 Insurances , without participation in Profits , aaay be effected at reduced rates , SAMUEL INGALL , Actuary .
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BENTLEY'S MISCELLANY . THE DECEMBER NUMBER ( Price Half-a-Crowu ) contains : — The Evbnts of the Ykab . Charles Remble . The Attitude op Attstbia m the East . Aspen Court , and Who Losr and Who Won it . A Tai * e of otjb own Time . By Shibxey Brooks . Lokd Mayor's Show . The Fatjb ot Sib Jojhn Frawexin , Paris ViveuRj Bohemian , ahp Idustriax * Robert Southby and Charlies Lamb . An Adventure ik Switzerland , London : Richakd Bjsntxey , New Burlington-street .
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Now in course of publication , Monthly , T HE ROYAL GALLERY OF ART , _ L consisting of a limited number of proofs ( exclusively on India paper of LINE ENGRAVINGS from the choicest pictures in the PRIVATE COLL ECTIONSI of HB& ^ MAJESTY THE OTJEEN and HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS PRINCE ALBERT , to whom the work is byspeoial permission dedicated , and who head the list of subscribers to whom only in this form is the work issued . ' For prospectuses , &c , application may be made to the publishers , Messrs . P . and D . Coinaghi and Co ., Pall-mall East ; or to tboEditor , S . C- ilAXt , Esq ., F . S . A ., - * Lanoa 8 terplace , Strand , Londou-
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4 fc IVT- " 8- C # H ALL had the honour of sab-JjtX . mitting to his Royal Highness Prinoe Albert several flue engravings from pictures at "Windsor Castle , Buckingham Palace , and Osborne , about to be published in 'The Royal Galleryof Art . *"—Court Circular , Nov . 24 . This work consists principally of engravings from tfao private collection at Osborno , such pictures being the purchases of her Majesty and the Prince from living artists of the several existing schools . The work is dedicated , by especial permission , to her Majesty and his Eoyal Highness Prince Albert , and is issued under their " immediate sanction , and patronage- " Publishers ; Messrs . Coinao-hi and Co ., Printsellers to > her Majesty , &o . Communications may be addressed to the Editor , S . C- Haia , Esq ., P . S . A ., 4 , Lancaster-place , Strand .
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Just ready , imperial 4 to , one guinea , T > ARABLES of OUR LORD . Illustrated by X FRANKLIN , engraved in the finest style of line engraving . * * * To meet the extended demand for this superb work , an Edition is prepared at One Guinea , neatly bound , and gilt . A . few remaining copies of the lirst Edition , handsomely bound , 21- 2 s . ; an Edition in Trench , bound , 1 L Us . 6 d . John jUiighsm ,, bookseller to her Majesty , £ 3 , Old BoikIstreet .
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TH E DUBLIN UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE for DECEMBER , price 2 s . Gd ., contains : — 1 . The Crimea and SebastopoIi . 2- A Pilgrimage to the Land of Leix and Ossory . Conclusion . 3 . The Waits : A Christmas Stout . 4 . Biographical Sketches and Anecdotes . 5 . Mosses upon Gravestones . Conclusion . 6 . Rose Condon : A Baxlad of Feab-Motghk-T ? ein 3 e . Br ¦ Feardana . ' 7 . The Voices op toe Bells . 8 . Leaves from the Portuguese Omve . No . V-9 . Ehcent Tourists in America . : A Mebjsx One and a Wise One . 10 . A Chaht for December . 11 . Memoik of Field-Marshal Count Bkowk . 12 . Professor Edwakd Forbes . Dublin : James M'Gu / vshan , 50 ^ Upjer Sackville-sfcreet . And all Booksellers .
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INDISPUTABLE LIFE POLICY COM PANT , 72 , Lombard-street , and 24 Connaug-Tit-terrace . Tbdstees . Richard Malins , Esq ., 0 > C , I Richard Spotmer , Es < j ., M . P . M . P . I John Campbell Renton , Esq . James FuJler Madox , Esq . 1 William wllberforce , Esq . A reduction of 25 per cent , has been made on the premiums of all policies of five years' standing . ALEX . BOBERTSON , Mauager .
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FRASER'S MAGAZEsTE for DECEMBER , price 2 s . 6 d . * or by post 3 s ., contains : Charles Kemblb . " Gilt and Gingerbread ; " or , Tom Fool's Dat in the Cirr . English Letter-tvrixebs of the Eighteenth Century . ..- A Commok-place English Tour . A Legend of Despair . By Frederick Tenntson . Eeskarchces in Dutch Literattjbe . Fifth and Concluding Pakt . General Bounce . By thbs Axjtsoti of " Digbtt Grand . " Conclusion . A MipsuMMER-Ui < £ Hr- ' s Djrbaji . ThePociTRY Peejtalogvb . Kaye ' s Life op Lord Mktcalfb . Siam , and ' its Distinguished Pribces . A Eetrospject of the War in the East . London s John W . Parker and Son , West Strand .
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BANK OF DEPOSIT , NAIIOJTAX ASST £ B £ N < 3 E AND INVESTMENT ASSOCIATION , No . 3 . Paxl Mali East , Lobtdon . Established A . D . 184 & . Empowered by Special Act of Parliament . PA BTIESdesirous of INVESTING MONEY are requested to examine the Plan of this Institution , by which a higli rate of Interest may fce obtained with perfect Security . The Interest is payable in January and Stirs , at the Head Office in London ; and may also , l 3 & received at th « various . Branches , or through Country Bankersa without delay or expense . PETER MORRISON , Managing Director . Prospectuses and Forms for opening Accounts sent free on application .
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CHEAP BOOKS ; SEC 0 ND > HA 3 ! D COPIES of each of the following WOBKS are NOW ON SALE at MUBIE'S SELECT LIBRARY . Oliphant's Black Sea , 4 s . < 5 d . —Life of Thomas Moore , 6 vols . 24 s . ; The Roses , 5 s . Hill ' s Travels in Siberia , 10 s . Cd . ; Parkyns ' s Abyssinia , 15 s . ; Piirple Tints of Paris , 6 s . Curzon ' s Armenia , 3 S ; 6 d . ; Lloyd ' s Scandinavian Adventures , 21 s , ; Villette , 6 s . Haydon ' s AutobiogTapliyi 12 s . ; Frontier Lands of the Christian and Turk , 10 s . 6 d . Athertox , by Miss Mitford , 10 s . 6 d . ; Hooker ' B Himalayan Journals , 18 s . Landor ' a Last Emit off an Old Tree , 5 S . 6 d . ; Napoleon at St . Helena , 15 s . Layard's Second Visit to Nineveh , 10 s . ed . ; Bremer ' s Impressions of America , 10 s , 6 d . De Saulcyls Visit to the Dead . Sea , 12 s . ; Bgerton ' s Tour in India , 6 s . ; TButh , 7 s . 6 d . Harry Muir , 5 s , ; Lady-Bird , 9 s . ; Lady Marian , Bs . ; Magdalen Hepburn , 10 s . 6 d . Aubrey , by Mrs . Marsh , 10 s . 6 d . ; A Clever Woman , by Mrs . Trollope , 14 s . Progress and Prejudice , by Mrs . Gore , « s . ; Life in tho Mission and Camp , 7 s . 6 d . Cheaney ' s ; Russo-Turkish Campaigns , 6 s . ; Moltke ' 3 Russians in . Bulgaria , 7 s . 6 d . Smyth ' s Tear with tho Turks , 3 s . ; Reginald Lyle , toy Miss Pardoo , 9 s . My Novel , 4 vols . 10 s . 6 d . ; Slade ' s Travels in Turkey , 6 s . ; The Twui Sisters , 5 s . Strickland ' s Twenty-Seven Tears in Canada , Bs . ; Life in the Clearings , 6 s . ; Avillion , 5 s . My Home in Tasmania . 7 s . ; Westminster Abbey , 7 s . 6 d , ; The Great Highway , S vols . ( 5 s . And many other recent Works , a List of which may bo obtained on application . Charxes Ed-wabd Mttdie , 510 , Now Oxford-streefc , London ; and 76 , Cross-street , Manchester-.
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r \ ENEKA . L INDEMNITY INSUItANCOa VDT COMPA 3 TY , Cannon-street West . —Capital , 500 , 000 )! . in Shares of BL ftach , call , 10 a . per Share , Every description of insurance business transacted zt this office . Policies absolutely indisputable . Guaranteos afforded against losses arising from robberies ., forgeries , frauds , debts , insolvency , and non-payment of lent . Fire and life insurance effected on improved and safe principles . Plate-glass insured . Prospectuses , terms of agency , proposals , &c , can be had on application- J . G . HUGHES , Socretary .
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THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE AND HISTORICAL BEVIEW for DECEMBER contains : — 1 . The Queens before the Conquest . 2 . Alexander the I"also Prophet . 3 . Delia Casa on Etiquette . 4 . The Sequel of tho History of Sir Piers Grosbie and the Earl of Strafford . 5 . Horse-racing temp . James I . 6 . Original Documents relating tp Katharine of Arragon . 7- Oh Windows in Stained . Glass , and particularly tho new West Window of Norwich Cathedral . 8 . Roman Antiquities lately discovered in Tr » nco ( with Engravings ) . With Correspondence of Sylvanus Urban , Notes of the Mouth , Historical and Miscellaneous Reviews , Antiquarian Researches , Historical Chronicle , and Obituary , including Memoirs of the Earls of AbingdLon and Eldon ; LordDunalloy ; Rt . HonjSir George Arthur ; Admiral Sir ' 1 ' - B . Martin j General Sir Gordon Drummond ; Ralph Bernal . Esq . ; John "Wilts , BRq . ; William Dent , EBq . ; Rev . William Cooko ; Montague Goaset , Esq . ; Samuel Phillips , Esq ., &c . &c . Prico 2 s . ( id . NiCHOia and Sons , 25 , Parlia-ment-street .
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TT ^ DUCATION at BRIXTOIf , SUKREY . — JL-J Tliore are two Vacancies for Pupils in an Establishment for Young Ladies whore only a limited number of boarders are received . Tho troatmont is kind and liberal . Terms moderate . —For further particulars apply to Mra . 1 ? . Lovhr , Sycamore House , Brixton-hill .
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Prico One Shilling ; . THE NATIONAL MISCELLANY for DECEMBER contains- —1- The Russian Church , and its Effect upon the Present War . —2 , Birds and their Associations . —3 . PrBB-RuHkinism . —* . Pinto Kiboiro ; or tho Revolution in Portugal ( continued ) . —5 . John Lijburno , and the Levellers of tho Commonwealth . —6 . Extracts from tho Journal of an OQlcpr in tho Expeditionary J ? oroo ( continued ) . —7 . Notiobs : —Tlio English . Humourists of tho Eighteenth Contwy . —Walter tho Schoolmaster . — The Dream of Pythagoras , and other Pooma .- ^ Tho Twofold Slavery of the United States , with a Project of Sajf-Jlmanpipation—« . Pootrjr . At tl » o Office , TSTo . I , Exoter-stroet , Strand , London .
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SOUTH AUSTKALIAH BANKING COMPANY . Incorporated by Royal Charter , 1847 . The Court of Directors grant LETTERS of CREDIT and BILLS upon the Company ' s Bank at Adelaide at Pab . Approved drafts negotiated aud sent for collection . Business with the Australian colonies generally , conducted through tho Ba . iik ' 8 Agents . Apply at the Company ' s Offices , 54 « . Old Bioad-street , London . WILLIAM STURDY- Manager . London , Deoombor , 1654 .
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ITALIAN AND FRENCH LANGUAGES . ME . ARRIVABENE , D . L . L ., from the University of Padua , who has been established in . London for tlirce years , gives private lessons in Italian and Trench at hia own house , or a . t the house of his pupils . Ho also attends Schools both in town and country . Mr . ARRIVABEK 13 teaches on a plan thoroughly practical , ivnd the most mediocre mind cannot fail to thoroughly corapyolipnd his lessons . Apply bylettoribo Mr . ARRIVABENIl . If 0 . 4 , iSt . Miohaol ' splace . Brompton .
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npESTIMONIALS by PRESENTATION JL havluK bocomo so much tho custom , and in coiwoquonco of MoaBrs . rUTVOYJil having boon frequently . applied to for suitable articles , they beg to state to all ihoso who would pay such graceful tributes to p-ublio merit or private worth , that In all cases wheix it is clearly sliown goods arc required for such a purpose , and tlio amount exceeds 502 ., tlioy shall allow 10 per cent . from , their regular marked pri « os . 184 , Rege » t-stroot , August 23 , 185 * .
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DEAF ^ ESS AND SINGING 3 TOISB 8 . — Instant rollof by Dr . HOOHTON'S now and painleaa xnodo of cure . Any extremely doaf aufforor , l > y one vMt , la pormanontly enabled to hoar with oaso tho ununl tone of convoraatlou , without oporatlon , pain , or tho use of inHtruimenta . ' J ? hlrty « fouT patients ourod last wooki many ( totally deaf instantaneously restored to porfoot hearing .. Toatlmoniala from tho h % nent modical authority In Londcrx can b « aoon , and porsonfl referred to . Tho abovo discovery ia known and practised only by Dr . Hoghton , I \ tcmbor of tho London Itoyal OollftKo of eurgcons , May 2 , 184 *; L . A . C , April : »() , 184 fi . InHtUrttion for fclao Ouro of De&fnoaa , 0 , Suffolk-plaoo , Pall-mall . Juafc pufcliahed , ' Solf-Ouro of Doal'noHH , for count-ry jpatlimts-r-a atop to ontplriol » m . quaokery , und uxorbltu . ut fous —acat on xaoolpt of eoven fltampa , froo .
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Jviat published , price 2 s ,, post free , 2 s . ed , NERYOUS AFFECTIONS : an Essay on SpermatprrfcoQa ; its Nature and Treatment , with aa Ksyiosiilcn of wo Frauds -that « ro praotisod by persons who * ftdverW » ethoBpoody , safe , and effectual euro of Nervous j ) oraugoment . IJy . » MEMBER , Qtf 'SHE 1 U ) YAL OOLLEGUiJ O . l ? l ? HT ( BJ [ 0 IAN 8 . London . London : Ayi . oxk sand , Co ., ( 3 , Paternoster-row .
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DEAFNESS . —IMPORTANT DISCOV 13 RY . —Dr . MANFRKD , M . B-. O . S ,, haa this day published , froo by post , for eight postage stamps , a 1 'hytuolan ' H Guide for Country Patients , for tho Porfoot and Permanent Restoration of Hearing , by his invaluable Now Treatment . Holnpr a stop to quackery , cruel impoaitioiiH on tho suffering public , ana exorbitant ohurKOS , thiabook will eavo thouwanda from t )» e impoHitlonH of tho » olf-atyl ( sd flootorB , inasmuch oh tho hearing can bo roatorod for llfo , I ) oafuoa » of tho mont Invotorato nature rollovod in half an lioiir , ourod in « few Uoura , almost inatant coHaatlon of jiolHOH in tho enrti and hoad , by pitinlooH fcrwitmont . 3 Iur » - uro ( J » ol lottorn may bo » uon , and persona referred to , who have heard tho iwual to » io of oonvoraatlon in a few hours ) . PationtB rocolved dally at Dr . Manfrod'H r ( JHlden « o . 72 , Ro-Kont-Htreet , London ( tlrat Uoor in Air-ntroot ) , whoro i ^ l lottora inuflt bo » ddr «» secl .
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THE PERMANENT HAPPY EXISTENCE OF THE HUMAN RACE , on THE COMMENCEMENT OP THE MILLENNIUM IN 1855 . ALL QOVBRNMBNTS , RELIGIONS , CLASSES , SECTS , ANJ ) PARTIES , IN AL-L COUNTRIES , are invited tp appoint and Send aoleRotoa to a Mooting to be held in the Metropolis of the British Empire , on Monday , 14 th May next , in St . Martin ' s Hall , to hear explained " Gla < l Tidings of Grcafc Joy to all Mapkincl , " which will include tho principles and tho plain and easy practice by which all Governments may make , with the aid of thoiv respective religions , * vory o » o from birth , good , intelligent , -wiso , united to all , and permanently prosperous and happy . And as a preliminary measure , tho united Tjiades of Tina MBTBOPOlia arc invited to oloofc and send delegates to a Mooting to bo hojd in St . Martin ' s Hall . January 1 st , 1850 , at 7 p . m ., to havo explained to them that they may explain to thoir constituents in London , and to their follow-workmon o-vor Groat Britain and Ireland , tho courao which will bo rocommonded thorn to adopt at tho Great Meeting of Universal Delegates , to bo hold as stated , 14 th May , on which day will bo declared a coming change in the condition of tho human rnco , without revolution or vlolonooi to bo effected In ncaco , with order , wise foresight , and without injury to any ono of any class in any country , but with high lost-lnu benefit to all who ehall from birth bo placod withLu those now conditions . Lofc all who Bhall attend those two meetings , como in tho spirit of pure charity for all men , and a right good-will to aid arwl bonollt tuoui , rouardloHB of tuoir clana , brood , country , or colour . There will bo no deception or aoorooy in tlioao proeocdjriBH , but M » o whole will bo conducted with " Truth without inyHtory , mixture of error , or four of man . " And tho Kll > ry of thin elevation of mankind to n , now i > lmao in fcliolr condition will bo alono to the God of tho Uuivuruo who ovlcloui . ly workol . h all bhiuga , in regular progro ^ u for ihu ultlinuto kooU nud happinous of man . London , 2 DUU Noverabor . WM .. JJOBEUT OWEN .
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1150 . THE LHADEE . [ Saturday ,
Leader (1850-1860), Dec. 2, 1854, page 1150, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2067/page/22/