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THE UNITED MtJTUAI £ !•!»»•' . « # !¦<> II ( I TiriTl SOCIETY . 64 , CHARING-CROSS , LONDON . Policies Indisputable , and Free of Stamp Duty . A T the ANNUAL MEETING in Jinx last a jfk > BOOTJS-WAS DECLARE © OI ^ P © tIGIE& ' of Five Years * standing , a * emfta& upwards , ofilj . per dent , per amuun . on- the suHaAsaueeel . PROFITS DIVBJED ASCfTTAJBiI-Ta THOMAS PRTTCHARDV Resident Director .
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B ti A'CJE W aOD « MAGAZIN E for * FEBRUARY , 1855 . No . CCGCLXXII . Price 2 s . 6 d . Contents : Whencehavkcome our Dangers . To an Italian .-B eggar-Boy . Zaid . ee : a Romance . —Part III . Ferrier ' s Institutes of MetAphtstc . SfcnAMTL AND THE'WAR UTTHE CAUCASIJS . . Revelations of a Showmans The Life -op Lore * Metcalfk : BimWER . The late Professor Edwakd ; Fobbb& . The Story of the GamfAign-t-Part IIL Written in . A Tent in the Crimea—Chap . Xir . ( continued ) . —XIII . Battle of Inkerman . — XIV . Winter-on the Plains . WnxiAwB&Aeicwoo © and Sows ,- Edinburgh and London .
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WORSEtOHoPBIbOSOPHX Published by T . and T . CLARIS Edinburgh ; and .. HAMILTON ,. ADAMS , and CO ., London . COUSIN'S LECTURES on the TRUE , the \ J BEAUTIFUL , and the GOOD . 8 vo , 6 s .. 6 d , - COUSIN'S HISTORY of MO-DEA-SP . FJSfe LOSOPfiY . 2 vols ., 8 s ^ SA . COUSIN on the DESTINY of MODEEN PHILOSOPHY and EXPOSITION of ECLECTICISM :. Fcsp . 8 vo , 4 s ~ . 6 d .. CHALTBJIUS' HISTORICAL DEHTEEOP * MENT of SPECULATIVE PHILOSOPHY'lrxna . JKJJS 3 £ to HEGEL . 8 vo , 10 a . 6 d . "A perspicuous and impartial survey , at once comprehensive and compendious ; this version . ( Mr . Edersheina ' s ) appears eminently worthy of approbation . " —Sir William Hamilton . JOUFFROY'S PHILOSOPHICAL ESSAYS , Fcap 8 vo , 5 s * KANT'S METAPHYSICS or 2 ETHICS ; 8 vo , 16 a . KANT'S * RELIGION WITHIN , the jaOUNDAR ^ E of PURE REASON . 8 vo . 10 s .
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SPECIAL NOTICE . imfWWftW&Bfi AGENCIES , ON OR BEFORE 1 st MARCH . MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE . S COTTISH EQUITARLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY . Head Office , ttt , ^ , 26 ,. S , T .. ANDREW-SQUARE , EDINBURGH . LONDON : 126 ; BISHOPSGATErSTREET .. INSTITUTED 1831 . Incorporate * by Special Act of Parliament . The Profits are divided every Tiiree Yeabs , and wholly belong to the Members of the Society . The next division takes place on 1 st March , 1856 . EXAMPLE OF ADDITIONS on A Policy foe 1000 ? ., dated 1 st Maech , 1832 . 1523 ? . 8 s . will be payable if it become a Claim during the current vesur , after payment of this . year ' s Premium . Tnis is an add ' ition of more than Fipty per Cent , on the . Sum Assured , and averages 21 . 3 s . 7 d . per cent , per annum . Suppo&in « sucb a Policy to have been effected . afc the age ofSOj the additions inight now be surrendered-foraPEKSEKT payment of 221 ? 7 s . 10 d ., or if applied in reduction of thefu - ture Premium , would reduce the Premium from . 25 JL 10 s . lOd . to 61 . 3 s . ; and even this small payment must be reduced overy Three Years during the subsistence of the Policy . AMOUNT OF EXISTING ASSURANCES £ 4 , 234 , 598 ANNUAL REVENUE 152 , 615 AMOUNT OF ACCUMULATED FUND .... 839 , 354 Copies of the Annual Report-, Forms of Proposal , and all information may behad . on application at any of the Society ' s Offices , in town or country . , W- COOK » . Agent , 126 , Bishopsgate-street , London .
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FRASER'S MAGAZINE for FEBR RY , Price 2 s . 6 d ., or by post 3 s ., contains : U A Massey's History of England . JiEASrASD ITS iHTERCOURSEtiViTItEORKXCat . NA-TXOKS Verse-Books of 1854 , A . Week in the Wolds of Lincolnshire . Aew-yn ' s First Wife . —Conclusion . North and Souths St . Stephen ' s Chapel . Barnum . Hinchbrook . Part I . The War and the Government . London : John W . Parker and Son , WestStrand .
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Price One Shilling . THE NATIONAL MISCELXANY for FEBRUARY contains : —1 . The N . oirfcn =-Easterns Pmvinees of Turkev—2 . Mottoes and Devices—3 .. Tta . Cbaritablfl Associations of Paris—4 . Gleanings from a Professor's- Ndte-Book—5 . The Election of the Coral lnsoct-r-6-Exl » ra « ts from the Journal of au Officer , in the Expeditionary Force ,- ( continued;—7 . Notices ,: — Mother , and Son — The Californian Crusoe—Treasures of Art in Great Britain . At the Office , No . 1 , Exeter-street , Strand ; London .
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VOLTAIRE , ROXTSSSA . U , « C In demy . 8 vo , price 9 a . cloth ( 500 pp . ) , Copyright . HI STORY of FRENCH LITERATURE hi the EIGHTEENTH CENTURY . ; By ProfessoB VINET , of Lausanne . "The book unites , many of the charms of biography ; and history , and is rich , in an extraordinary degree in literary ,, philosophical , and Christian criticism . "—British Quarterly Review . For literary estimate of Vinet ,. See New Number of Edinburgh Review . " The first attempt to estimate the literary age of Font » - nelle , Montasquieu , Voltaire , and Rousseau from a Christianpoint of view . It is a work of great interest . "—North British Review . Edinburgh ? Ti and TJ" Clake :- ; London ? Hamilton ,. An a ivpfrand- Co .
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i ^ URIOUS TROPHY from the FIELD of KJ INKERMAN—Return of Invalid Soldiers from the Crimea—Striking Illustrations , with many others , in the LADY'S NEWS and PICTORIAL TIMES of Saturday , February 3 . London and Paris Fashions—Work . Table , &c , Illustrated-Latest News of the War—The Court—Literature— Music— Theatres , &c—And all theGreat Topics of the Dav . Price 6 d . Post-office Orders made payahle to Ebenezer Laiidells , 294 ,. Strand . 13 s . half-year , 26 s . per year . Sold everywhere ^ _ -
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Now ready , SecondEdition , fcp . 8 vo , price Is . WAR WAITS ; By GERALD MASSEX . " Their glorious cannon-music brings the blood hot to our cheeks , and fills our eyes with tears . "—Edinburgh Guardian . London i David BootTE , Fleet-Street . -
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HOUSE nOLDERS'AND GENERAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY , 15 and 16 , Adam ^ street , Adelphi . SeeProspectus . ^ HODSON , Secreta « ,
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BANK OE DEPOSIT , National Assurance and Investment Association , No . 3 , Paii Mall East , London . Established A , D . 1844 . Empowered by Special Act of Parliament . P ARTIES desirous of INVESTING MONEY arc requested to examine the Plan of this Institution , by which a high rate of Interest may be obtained with perfect Security . The Interest is payable in January and July , at the Head Oilice in London ; and may also bo received at the various Branches , or through Country Bankers , without delay or expense . . ----- - - ¦ - ¦—— PETEEi-MORRISONyManaging-Director . Prospectuses and Forms for opening Accounts sent free on application .
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ART UNION of LONDON ( by Rbya £ Charter ) . —Every Subscriber of One Guinea-will have an Impression of a Plate by J . T . WILLM 6 BRA . B . A ., from the Original Picture by the late J . J . CHALON , RJL , " A Water Party , " together with a Quarto Volume of Thirtv Wood Engravings illustrating Lord Byrou ' s Childe Harold . " Each Prizeholder will bo entitled to select for himself , as heretofore , a Work of Art from one of the Public Exhibitions . o GEORQE GODWIN , 7 Honorary LEWIS POCOCK , S Secretaries . 444 , West Strand .
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Now ready , gratis , and postage free , A LIST of SURPLUS COPIES of KE . eENT WORKS' withdrawn from itUDIEfS SELECTi LIBRiARYi and offeredvat Greatly Reduced Prices for CaalU Charles Edward Mudie , BIO , New Oxford-street , London , and 76 , Cross-street , Manchester .
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/ GENERAL INDEMNITY INSURANCE VDT COMPANY , Cannon-street West . —Capital , 500 , 000 / ., in Shares of 51 . each ; call , 10 a . per Share . Every description of insurance business transacted at this ofllco . Policies absolutely indisputable . Guarantees afforded against losses arising fromrobberios , forgeries , frauds , debts , insolvency , and non-payment of rent . Fire and life insurance effected on improved aud safo principles . —Plate-glass insured . Prospectuses , terms of agency , proposals , &c , can bo had on application . J . G . HUGHES ; Secretary .
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A CLERGYMAN , M . A . of Oxford , and Fellow _ £ jl . of his College , who has had much experience in Tuition , has Vacancies for Pupils between the ages of Seven an ~ dT 6 urte ' Mirtb"U 6 ~ pfepaWdT 6 r ~ tKo " Publte'Scno"ol'sr-Tn « : Advertiser resides with his Mother . Terms for Education ,, Board , Ac , 80 J . per annum . Reference may be made to tho Rev . B . H . Kennedy , D . D ., Head ai aster , and to the Rev . W . Burbury . Second Master of Shrewsbury School . Letters may be addressed to S . i care of Rev . W . Burbury , Shrewsbury .
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ITALIAN AND TRENCH LANGUAGES . MR . ARRIVABENE , D . L . L ., from the University of Padua , who . has been established in London for three yoars , gives private lessons in Italian and French at his own house , or at tho house of his pupils . He also attends Schools both in town and country . Mr . ARR 1 VABENE teaches on a plan thoroughly practical , and tho most mediocre mind cannot fail to thoroughly comprehend hia lessons . Apply by lottor to Mr . ARRIVABENE , No . 4 , St . Michaol ' splaoc , Bsompton .
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BE thou . familiar , but by no means vulgf uv—<¦ Shakspeare . —See COMMON BLUNDERS made in speaking aud writing CORRECTED , on the authority of the best grammarians , by CHARLES . W . SMITH , Professor of Elocution , author of " Hints on Elocution . " . Second Edition improved ; price 4 d . WoETTONBi 313 ; OxforcUstneefr , ) Beown , 195 , Strand ; or post free from Mr . Smith , Bucking- * ham-chambers , 11 , Buckingham-street , Strand , for five stamps . "It ought to bo on every table , and beparticulary-rooommendedto the young / ' —Britannia .
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SONG OF VICTORY , STREW ROSES , GATHER GARLANDS . Words by Charles Mackay , Esq ., Music , by Frank-Moss . Sung withi extraordinary eclat by Mr .. Sims . Reeves . London : Robert Cocks and Co * ,, New Burlington-strcct , Music Publishers to the Qu © ca ~ A PSALM OF LIFE—Vocal Duet . Words by Longftjilpw , Music by Miss Lindsay , composer of tho Excelsior , Speak Gently , and tho HymnofthoMoraviauNuus . Witha beautifulEmblematdcal Title , 3 s . ^ - £ Damilton andk th&Piano , 62 large , music . folia . pages , price 4 s . —Hamilton ' s Inatjatotions for the Pianoforte . Seventy-third edition , newiy ro * - vised and greatly enlarged by Carl Czerny , pupil of Beethoven , 4 s . —Also , Hamilton ' s Modern Instructions for Singings large music folio , OSi-r-Ateo , Pianos . for sale or - hire at 15 s . per month , and repaired , &o ., &c . London : Robebt Cocks and Co ., New Burlington-Btnoett <
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Now ready , upwards of 450 pages , price 2 s ., by post 2 s . fld . F HYKEOAL , SEXUAL , and NATURAL RELIGION ! Bya STUDENT in M 3 BDICTNE . Part I . —Physical Religion—Man tho Physician—Woman tho Physician— , Subjective Medicine—Life and Death—Health of Towns—Mental Disease—Spiritualism . Part II —Reproduction and DovolDpmontr-Molbhusv Mill , and others on Population—Poverty , its Cause and Curc ,. aud Solution of the Social'Problem . Part III . —Natural Religion—Dignity , Liberty , and Indopondonco . London : E . Tkujbloysj 240 , Stirnad , near Tcaiplo-ban .
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SOUTH AUSTRALIAN BANKING COMPANY . Incorporated by Royal Charter , 1847 . Tho Court of Diroctors grant LETTERS of CREDIT and BILLS upon tho Company ' s Bank nt Ai > rar , AiT ) E at Patj . Approved drafts negotiated and sent for collection . Business with tho Auatralitm colonies generally conducted through tho Bank ' s Agents . Apply at the Company ' s Offices , M , Old Broad-stroct , London . WILLIAM PURDY , Manager . London , Februnry , 1855 .
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S HOOLBRED AND CO ., in returninff their thanks for- the extensive support they have hitherto roceived , beg to state that tho name of their firm la now SHOOLBRED and BRADSHAW , who fool conadont they shoJl bo able , in cousequonco of tho many advantages they possess from long experience , to meet tho continued approba-i tiou of their patrona , and that by supplying articles of tho very best quality at reasonable prices , they will maintain tho reputation which the Arm him so long enjoyed . — -34 , Jormynstcceb .
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AM ERICAN SARSAPARILLA . OLD' DR . JACOB TOWNSEND'Si AMEKfflCAN SARSAPARILLA . This is , of all known romodios , tho most jiuro , safe , active , and olHwicious in the purification of the blood of all morbid matter , of bile , urea , acids , scrofulous substances , humours of all kinds , which produce rashes . oruptionH , salt rheum , erysipelas , scald head , soro eyes and oars , sore throat and ulcors , ami sores on any part of the body . It is unsurpassed in its action upon tho liver ,, tUftlungs , and tho stomach , removing any causo of disoaso from thoso organs , and oxpollinjr all humours from Mm system . By cleansing tho blood , it for ovor prevents pustuloH . scabs , pimples and ovory variety of soros on tho fuco and urunst . It ia a groat tonio , and imparts strength and vigour to tho dobilitatod and weak , given rout and rotroHhing Hlcop to tho nervous and rcstloHs in valid . It is a gronl fonuilo inodioino , and will cure more complaints , peculiar to tlio mhx tlnui n : iy othur remedy in , tho world . WarohouKo . . ' ! 7 . 'J , Strand , adjoining Exotor-Hall : POMEROY , ANDREWS and CO . ; . Sole Proprietors . Half-pints , 2 s . Od ; pints , 4 s . ; small quarts , 4 s . Cd . j nuarta , 7 s .. < Jd . ; uiammotlis , 11 a .
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RUPTURES . —BY ROYAL LETTERS PATENT * W HITE'S MOC-MAIN LEVER TRUSS is allowed by upwards of 200 Medical Gbntlemon . to bo tho inoat oifoctivo invention in tho curative troatmont . of Hornia . Tho use of a steel spring ( so ofton hurtful in its efl'octa ) is horo avoided , a soft Bandage being worn round tlio body , while tho roquisito rosisting power is supplied by the Moc-M < nin Pad ana Patent Lever , Oiiting with . so much oaso and closonesa that it cannot bo dotcctod , and may bo worn during Hloop . A descriptive circular may bo had , and cho Truss ( which cannot fail to flt > forwarded by nout . on tho oircumforonco of tho body , two inches bolow tho hips , being aont to tho Manufacturer , Mr . JOHN WHITE , 228 , Piccadilly , London . ELASTIC STOCKINGS , KNEE CAPS , Ac ., for VARICOSI' ] VEINS , and all caBes of WEAKNESS and SWELLING of tho LEGS , SPRAINS , &d . They aro porous , light in toxturo , and inexpensive , and-aro drawn on liko an ordinary utooktiiR . Prloo from , 7 s .-0 « l .. tQ 10 s . PostaKO . 0 d ..
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THE LABOUR LIST and UNIVERSlAIi GAZKTTB of EMPLOYMENT is published- every TUESDAY and FRIDAY MORNING , prloo 2 d . ; Powtfrbo ; Id . Evorv Situation oll ' ored in any part of tho Kingdom diirinp : tho previous three days up . to tho liour of going to prosH 1 h faithfully gn' / . ottod in each Number . Jj ' our Thousand Vaoancios oll ' orod Weekly . ' London ; E . Shbltow , C 9 r > Floetmtaroet \ wbA- *\ k Boofc * Bollorfl * ..
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Just published , prices * ., post froe , 2 s . Od . AN ESSAY ON SPERMATORRIKEA ; its Nature and Trcatmont , witli an Exposition of tho Frauds that aro practised by persons who advorti . so tlio speedy , kmTo , and- cUfcotuul cure of Norvoua Dorangomenb . By aYlEMBISK . OF TIHS ROYAL COLLEGE Ol ^ PHT& SIOrANS , London . London : W . Kent and Co ., 61 and 52 , ratornostor-row .
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msmrARy 3 ; 1855 . J IBF LEADM ma
Leader (1850-1860), Feb. 3, 1855, page 119, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2076/page/23/