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TERWiS OF SU BSCRIPTION TO " © De SeaUcr . " For a Half-Tear .... £ 0 13 0 To be remitted in advance . £ § p Money Orders should be drawn upon the Snu . Ni > Branch Office , and be made payable to Mr . Alpbed E . GaI / XOWat , at No . 7 , Wellington Street , Strand . NOTICES TO CORRESPONDENTS . No notice cau be taken of anonymous communications Whatever is intended for insertion must be authenticated by the name and address of the writer ; not necessarily for publication , but as a guarantee of his good faith . Communications should always be leg _ iblywrifcten , and on one side of the paper only . If long , it increases the difficulty of finding space for them . We cannot undertake toreturnrcjectedcomnuuiications .
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-well as the providing properly-constituted transportships for the sick and pounded , and hospital-ships . The letters containing these suggestions were superscribed " Pressing and immediate ; " but it is needless to say that the plans recommended -were not carried out . Education among- Jcbtmen . —A parliamentary return just published shows that , in Hertfordshire in 1851 , there were 422 coroners' inquests ; in 1852 , 466 ; and in 1853 , 527 ; and that in the three years just specified , 195 , 294 , and 112 jurors were unable to sign their names . The' proportion is much larger in Gloucestershire , " where , in 1851 , 422 inquests were held ; in 1852 , 466 ; and in 1853 , 527 ; while in the first-mentioned year , 1260 ; in 1852 , 1188 ; and in 1853 , 855 jurors had a mark opposite their names . In the borough of Hereford during 1851 , 1852 , and 1853 , there were altogether 56 inquests , and the gratifying fact appears that all the jurors were able to write . Mk . Joseph Richardson , the inventor of the instruments of the Rock , Bell , and Steel Band , died on Sunday last , in the sixty-sixth year of his age .
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THE CONFERENCES . " - The Wanderer of Vienna of the 7 th says : — " M . Drouyn do Lhuys was-presented this day by Count Buol to the Emperor , and the audience lasted upwards of an hour . The honourable Minister is to dine with his Majesty to-morrow . All the members of the Conference , with the exception of the Russians , have had long conferences with the French Minister . He has brought with him a paper on the Eastern question , drawn up by the Emperor Napoleon , and it is to be laid before the Congress . The first interview between M . Drouyn de Lhuys and Count Buol did not last loss than five hours , and he had immediately afterwards a long conversation with Lord "Westmoreland . "
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AJRE WE TO HAVE AN ARISTOCRACY ? The Times has found it profitable of late to write hard against aristocratic jobs , . Most edifying to the liberal mind are its diatribes on this subject . Not a baronet ' s cousin can get a place but it is down on him . The severity is such that" we feei inclined to cry mercy , and remind the castigator that it is a man ' s misfortune , not his fault , that he is born a lord . Even Mr . Disbaeli's organ has its little Jesuitical liberalisms about plebeian merit ,. and reminds you that the Tory aristocrats have often condescended to hire
their political flunkeys from the untitled classes . The Daily News , of course , works away morning after morning against the " Incorrigibles" with the most uncompx'omising vigour and the most unequivocal honesty of purpose : every promotion of a person whose name is to be found in the Peerage . is _ -. stigmatisedJb y ^ its incorruptible pen . But what does all this come to ? Simply this , that aristocrats do not taboo their own sons and brothers . They employ the men they know . They take their relations as their clerks and partners just aa
merchants take theirs . Nothing can be more natural . Besides , the younger sons have a sort of claim upon us for political employment . We oblige them to bo honourables and forbid them to dig , in order that we may preserve the Corinthian capital of society . It is like the claim which the younger members of tho Royal Family have upon us for an indemnification in tho shape of pensions against tho disabilities of the Marriage Act . But for tho social restrictions which we lay upon them , several of tho present Ministry might bo thriving tailors . They who minister to tho altar must live of the altar . Tho
honourables minister to our nunkoyism , and of our flunkoyism they must live . It is tho same with nil those who complain against aristocratic pride , while they respect the institution of aristocracy . Pride is the function of aristocrats . "Where is tho use of castes if the distinction is never to be felt ? Wo rail against the effects , ' and cherish or sparo tho cause .
Are wo to have an aristocracy r That is a question which Destiny hns now put to this natiftn , nnd to which eho will have an answer . Tho answer of tho T-imcs would soon bo given , if any ono wero to attempt in earnest to " make a radical chango in our form of government . " Tho Ungliwh aristocracy has
been great in Mstory . It has been , upon the whole , the manliest , bravest , most moral , most friendly to law and freedom of all aristocracies that the world ever saw . It has spoken and fought for liberty when the Commons were powerless and dumb . Half of its members took part in the Rebellion ; threefourths took part in the Revolution . Magna Charta and the Bill of Sights will for ever bear its name . Has it now gone the common way of all medieval institutions ? Has it , through the general diffusion of those political aptitudes which it once monopolised ,
become effete for good purposes , and powerful only for evil ? If this is so , there is still time —though but little time—to gather up its ashes into an honoured urn , and to inscribe upon that urn the names of Hunnymede and the Convention . And what good man , whether noble or plebeian , can doubt the justice and expediency of doing so ? What is the English aristocracy ? Mainly the progeny of successful advocates ; a source from , which , as CABinE says , you can scarcely expect a very superior morality to spring . If there are exceptions , they are chiefiy the descendants of statesmen like Bxteleigh , who
amassed great fortunes in the public service , while noble natures like WaI / SINGHAM served their country and died poor . There is no very strong title to perpetuity here . As to any claims to the exclusive or even peculiar possession of high prin ^ le or honour , let the social success of Hudson" , and the political success of Disraeli , speak for itself , We pass over more private instances of aristocratic- high-mindedness , which are now coming upon us somewhat thickly , and which remind us of the sinister omens sent to the House of Obeeaits in the affairs of the Duke de Pbasijk and M . Teste .
As to the actual power of the Peers , it has long departed . They have dropped the sword and have not taken up the pen . There is nothing on which their domination as a caste can rest . There is no one quality , mental or physical , in which they are distinguishable from common men . Their huntsmen hunt better ; th eir gamekeepers shoot better ; their peasants fight better : and it
seems that with all their advantages in tho Way of early training , almost everybody- governs better . Wealth is their last support : and their wealth is being wasted by mortgages , and outdone by colossal fortunes mado in manufacture and commerce . Is the perpetual influx of Campbells , Peptses , and Rolfes , with the occasional absorption of a Jones Lloyd , sufficient to turn the scale ?
We shall be told that tho English are bynature aristocratic , that is , they are Jby nature flunkeys , and incapable of transferring to nobility of character the respect which they have been taught to pay to nobility of birth . This is tho lesson constantly preached by p olitical charlatans , who glorify the ascendancy of low passions and prejudices , which they call human naturo , just as a snake might plead for tho sylvan beauties of a jungle , or as tho cholera , if it had a weekly organ , might try to cast a halo round foul drains . And ilunkeys unall situa
doubtedly the English people are in - tions of life , in the mother country and in the colonies , at homo and abroad . Tho aristocratic satirist has plenty of matter for most righteous sneers at democratic tufthunting . But this servility is not a part of our nature it is tho result of eight centuries of national training . It is fast vanishing from the higher minds ; in the lower , it is closely linked to hnto
. If tho hour of tlio aristocracy be como , then with it must como tho hour of another institution , which is merely tho social apex of aristocracy , but tho perpotuity ot which at lias never entered into tho heart of tho limes
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Leader Office , Saturday , April 14 . GOVERNMENT LOAN . The Chancellor of the Exchequer has transmitted the following notice to the Governor and Deputy-Governor of the Bank of England , as a medium of communication with the Stock Exchange : — " Treasury Chambers , April 12 , 1855 . u Gbstlemen , —I beg leave to inform , you , and request that you will make it known in the usual manner , that Lord Palmerston and I shall be ready to see any gentlemen who may be desirous of contracting for a loan for the service of the present year , on Monday next , the 16 th instant , at one o ' clock , in order to inform them of the amount which will be wanted , and to fix the time and the manner of the bidding ; and I hope it will be convenient to you , or one of you , to meet those gentlemen here at that hour . " I have the honour to be , Gentlemen , - " Your obedient , humble servant , " G . GoKKEWAXL Lewis . " The Governor and Deputy-Governor of the Bank of England . "
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Persons who can speak English , together with the Danish , Swedish , or Russian tongues , are greatly needed for tho Baltic Fleet , as interpreters .
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A telegraphic despatch from Madrid aays , tha * an Cmeutc there has been put down by the militia , and that fifteen of the agitators have been arrested .
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THE WAR . Marseilles , Thursday . Tho news from Sebastopol comes down to the 30 th of March . Conferences had taken place between tho Generals and Admirals . The Russians had made moro sorties , which had all been repulsed . They continued their fire , particularly on tho side of the Quarantine and the MalakofT Towor . Soyeral fires had broken out in Sobastopol . Tho Russians were fortifying themselves on tho side of tho Stovornaia Fort , and wore arming new batteries . Tricsto , Thursday . We havo intelligence from Constantinople to tho 2 nd of April . It was thought that all tho allied fleet would soon sail for Sebastopol , in order to cooperate in the goneral attack . Vionnn , Thursday Evening . According to a telegraphic despatch from tho Crimea , dated April 1 , tho allied armies woro < juito ready to open their flro upon Sebastopol . , Bulnklnvn , March 31 . Tho Russians have constructed two now batteries , nnd havo converted tho ambuseados into an advanced parallel . Tho Allies havo also constructed two now batteries . Tho weather was not so fine ; it wag very cold . Of seven Russian admirals at Sohnstopol , at tho commencement ol' tho siege , two only now remain .
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King , tho ox-dotewtivo , lias been found guilty of inciting boys to steal , and has been sentenced to fourteen years' transportation .
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There is nothing so revolutionary , because there is nothing so unnatural and convulsive ,, as the strain to keep things fixed , when all the -world is by the very law of its creation in eternal progress . —De . Abnoid
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< v _/ ° \_ J * SATURDAY , APRIL 14 , 1855 .
Leader (1850-1860), April 14, 1855, page 347, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2086/page/11/