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T>OTAL OLYMPIC THEATRE. Jtl Lessee and Manager, Mr.'A. WIGAN. Mondayand during the weekwill be performed a Come
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dietta , called . ^ ^ LAI ) IES . Character ^ by Messrs . A . Wigan , G . Vining , Danvers , H . Cooper , and Miss . Castletan . After which , Charles Bale ' s Farce of KILL OB CUBE . Characters by Messrs . P . Robson , Emery , Y . Vining , Mrs-A . Wigan , and Miss Bromley . To conclude with the New Fairy Extravaganza , called THE YELLOW DWARF AND THE KING OF THE GOLD ' MINES . Characters by Mr . F . Robson , Miss Julia St ; George , Miss E . Ormonde , Miss Maskell , Miss Bromley , and Mrs . Fifczallan . , .
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. CELEBRATED BREAKFAST : BAC 0 N . "We-know of nothing more exquisitely delicious than a rasher of Fitch ' s Breakfast Bacon . — Weekly . -Paper . Extracts ftom OorrespoaiclexitB'X > ettevs . "I cannot get iany Breakfast'Bacon like in quality to V 0 UT 8 * * ' ' " When in London , I purchased at your establishment some very mild Wiltshire Bacon , which has been so highly approved of , that I wish you to send me a side of the same " Mr . " requests ^ Messrs . Fitch and Sou to send him a side of . Bacon similar in every respect to the last . " "A good rasher of Breakfast-Bacon , such as you supply , is not to be obtained in our district . " ¦ " I was so pleased with the Bacon you sent , that I recommended it to every person I knew to be in need of such an article . " , . „ , " Sir J . L . has the pleasure to enclose a post-omce order . —The goods have arrived safely , and given perfect satisfaction . " This celebrated Bacon is sold by the side and half-side at 8 id . per lb . ; the middle piece , of 12 lbs ., at 9 d . per lb . ; and other separate pieces . HOUSEHOLD PROVISIONS . s . d . Fine rich Chesire Cheese , per single Cheese 0 7 $ lb . Good do . do . 0 7 Fine Salt Butter by Half Firkins 1 0 Good do . do 0 11 Fine Hams 0 84 & 9 Bacon , Hams , Tongues , German Sausages , Cheese , Butter , &c , securely packed for travelling , and delivered free of charge at all the London Termini . Prepayment is requested where a reference is not sent with the order for goods . FITCH AND SON , Provision . Merchants and Importers , No . 66 , BISHOPSGATE "WITHIN , LONDON . ( Established 1784 . )
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qpRIVATB aEBUCATION IN PAiSas ^ Lt . Professor SAUVA 1 LLE , Bue-des Postes , 44 near \ h Pantheon , receives a select number of young . gentlemen n pupils . They arertreated as members of iJielFamily ml course of Instruction includes ancient and modern LitmT ture , and the Sciences . Particular attention : is-given 4 o « T French-language . « me For particulars , apply ( by letter ) to Mr « rE . P ., 29 , Aunndel street , Strand ; and for personal reference , to Mr . W Eaton 16 , Prince ' s-gate , Hyde Park , Lbndon , or to Mr . Holt ^ w Charing-cross . .- »«>»
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ITALIAN AND FRENCH LANGUAGES MR . AKEIVABENE , D . LL ., from the University of Padua , -who has been established in London for three years , gives private lessons in Italian and French at his own house , or ^ at the house of his pupils . He also attends Schools both in town and country . ' iyi r ARRIVABENE teaches on a plan thoroughly practical , and the most mediocre anind eannot fail to thoroughly comprehend his lessons . Apply by letter toMr . ARRTVABENE , No . 4 , St . Mich ael's . place , -Brompton .
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T 7 » XETER HALL . —SIR HENRY BISHOP . ; I ^/ —To-morrow—Mr . MITCHELL begs -to announce that a Second and Last EVENING CONCERT , upon an extended scale , of Sir HENRY BISHOP'S VOCAL MUSICSOLOS , GLEES , and QUARTETTES—will take place , under Sir Henry ' s personal direction and superintendence , tomorrow , MONDAY , April 16 , commencing at 8 o ' clock . In addition to the engagements of Masters Sullivan , Cooke , Malsch , and Norton , Mr . Francis , Mr . Benson , Mr . Lawler , TMr . Howe , Mr . Buckland , and Mr . Land , the services of the eminent tenor , Mr . Sims Reeves , Miss Birch , Miss Heywood , and a select Chorus of 200 Voices , will be added on that occasion . Sir H . Bishop will preside at the Pianoforte . Conductor , Mr ^ Land . Programme of Concert . Part I . — "Blow , gentle gales , " Quintette ; "Allegiance we swear , " Miss Birch , Solo and Chorus ; " Come forth sweet spirit" ( address to the moon ) , Glee ; " Lo 1 here the gentle lark , " Miss Birch ( by desire ) . Song ; " Hark ! Apollo strikes the lyre" ( harp obligatq ) , Trio ; " Sons of freedom" ( Pity and protect the slave ) , Miss Heywood ( her first appearance in London ) , Song ; "Foresterssound the cheerful liorn " : ( corniobligati ) j Glee ; " TeU one , my heart , " Miss Birch ,-Song ; " Under the greenwood tree" ( by desire ) , Glee ; " Where art thou . beani of light ? " Quartette ; " The winds whistle cold , " Glee and Chorus . Part II . —" Now tramp o ' er moss and fell , " Miss . Birch , Solo and Chorus ; ' Sleep , gentle lady" ( by desire ) , Glee ; "Asit fell upon a day , " Miss Birch and Miss Heywood , Duet ; " The huge globe has enough to do , " Trio , &c . ; ^ The chough and orow" ( by desire ) , Trio and Chorus ; ' "Be mine , dear maid , " Mr . Sims Reeves , Song ; " Fill , boys /' Solo and Chorus ; " My pretty Jane , " Mr . Sims Reeves ( by desire ) , Song ; " Mynheer van Dunck , " Glee and Chorus ; " God save the Queen . "—Reserved Seats ( not numbered ) 5 s . ; west gallery , 3 s . ; . area 7 2 s . ; a few reserved and numbered stalls , 7 a . 6 d . Tickets and places may be secured at Mr . Mitchell ' s Royal Library , 33 , Old Bond-street ; at the principal libraries andmusicsellers ; of ~ Messrs . Keith , Prowse , andCo ., Cheapside ; arid in the office , at No . 6 , Exeter Hall- The afternoon vocal concerts will shortly be resumed at Hanover-square Rooms . . g
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CRAUFURD HOUSE CLASSICAL , MATHEMATICAL AND CHEMICAL SCHOOL , MAIDENHEAD , BERKS . ' MR . PEARGE has pleasure in announcing that the increase of his pupils has led to extensive alterations and enlargement in ( Jraufurd House , combining every arrangement for convenience , comfort , and health . During nine years medical attendance has been required " once . The various branches of polite and useful learning are taught in the most approved , expeditious , and effective methods . Discipline is maintained , and good habits are formed by careful training and vigilant superintendence . The pupils speak French constantly , many as easily as English . German is spoken . There are Singing and Drawing classes . A band of Music is being formed . Science is taught experimentally . The younger pupils are under special . appropriate management . The vigour , cheerfulness , and enthusiasm , in cricket , gymnastics , swimming , daily rambles , and frequent excursions into the neighbouring country , attest the scope and encouragement afforded to the development of boyish feelings and physical strength . The terms are from 30 ? . to 401 . per annum , lteferences of the highest respectability will be sent on application .
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, ADNAM . '& Improved Patent Grroats and Barley . THE ONLY EXISTING PATENT , And Strongly recommended by the Medical Profession . TO INVALIDS , MOTHERS , AND FAMILIES . —The important object so desirable to be obtained » has at length been secured to the Public by J . and J . C . 'HbwAM , Patentees , who , after much time and attention , have succeeded by their Zniproved Process , in producing preparations of the purest and finest quality ever manufactured from the Oat and Barley . To enumerate the many advantages derived by the Public from the use of the Improved Patent Groats is not the intention of the Patentees ; suffice it to say that , by the process of manufacture , the acidity and unpleasant flavour so generally complained of in other -preparations is totally obviated , and very superior Gruel speedily made therefrom . It is particularly recommended to those of consumptive constitutions ; Ladies , and Children ; and the . healthy and strong will find it an excellent Luncheon or Supper . The Barley being prepared by a similar process is as pure as can be manufactured , and will bo found to produce a light and nourishing Food for Infants and the Aged ; and to contain all the necessary properties for making a delicious pudding . It has also the distinguished character for making very superior Barley Water , and will bo found a most excellent ingredient for thickening Soups , &c . Oattxiobt . —To prevent errors , the Public are requested to obserae that each Packago bears the Signature of the Patentees , J . andI . J ... C . . Adnam :. To be obtained Wholesalo at the Manufactory , Maidehlane , Queen-street , "London ; and Retail in Packets and Canisters at 6 d . and is . each , and in Canisters for Families at 2 s ., 6 s ., and 10 s . each , of all respectable Grocers , Druggists , &c ., in Town and Country .
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EEATING'S COUGH LOZENGES . — A certain remedy for disorders of the Pulmonary . Organs . In . difficulty or breathing , in redundancy of phlegm , in incipient consumption ( of which cough is the most positive indication ) , they are of unerring efficacy . In asthma , and in winter cough , they have never been known to fail . — Sold in boxes , Is . lid ., and tins , 2 s . 9 d ., 4 s . 6 d ., and 10 s . 6 d . each , by THOMAS KEATING , Chemist , &c ., No . 79 , St . Paul s-cnurehyard , London , and by all Druggists . IM P ORTANT TO CLERGYMEN , PUBLIC SPEAKERS , &c . St . Paul ' s Cathedral , 30 th Nov ., 1849 . Sib , —I have much pleasure in recommending your Lozenges to those who may be distressed with hoarseness . They- have . afforded . mo . relief Qn . several . occasions when scarcely able to sing ; from the effects of catarrh . " ""rthihk " they would be very useful to Clergymen , Barristers , and Public Orators . —I am , Sir , yours faithfully , To Mr . Keating . Thomas Francis , Vicar Choral . KEATING'S COD LIVER OIL , imported direct from Newfoundland , of the finest qualiuy , pale , purified , and nearly tasteless . Imperial Measure half-pints , 2 a . ; pints , 8 s . 6 a . ; quarts , 6 s . 6 d . ; five-pint bottles , 15 s . * * Orders from the country should expressly state " HEATING'S COD LIVER OIL . "
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Y ^ HUBB'S LOCKS , with all the recent im-Vy provements . Strong Fire-proof Safes , Cash and Deed Boxes . Complete lists of sizes and prices may be had on application . CHUBB and SON , 57 , St . Paul's Churchyard , London 28 , Lord-street , Liverpool ; 16 , Market-street , Manchester arid Horsley-nelds , Wolverhampton .
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HOBBS' PATENT AMERICAN AND ENGLISH LOCKS . __ MESSRS . HOBBS , ASHLEY 7-and Co . arc now manufacturing their celebrated AMERICAN and ENGLISH LOCKS on the Premises , 97 , OHEAP . SIDE , and 33 , LAWRENCE-LANE , LONDON ; where by the introduction of their Patent Steam Maeuiuevy , they are enabled to guarantee SUPERIOR WORKMANSHIP , combined with greater security , at a moderate price , th . an in any Locks produced , either in Town or Country . EVERY LOCK being made and' finished at the MANUFACTORY is WARRANTED , and bears THEIR OWN STAMP , without which none are genuine . These Locks can be procured by order through any respectable Ironmonger in the United Kingdom , or at tlie WAREHOUSE , as above , WHOLE SALE and RETAIL .
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MILNER'jS PATENT FIRE & BURGLAKPKOOF SAFES , fitted with ~ HOBBS * PATENT POWDER-PROOF LOCKS , form the Strongest Safeguards against Fire and Robbery ; they are made of various dimensions , adapted for the security of Money , Plate , and important Documents , Parish Registers , &c List of prices ami dimensions can be had on application to HOBBS , AiSIUjM , and CO . Wholesale and Retail Warehouses , 97 , Ohoapsidc ; and 33 , Lawrence-lane , London .
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DE . DE JONGH'S XIGHT BROWN COD XIVEB OIL , Prepared for MEDICINAL USE in the LOFFODEN ISLES , NORWAY , and put to the test of Chemical Analysis . Extracts from Medical Testimonials : — Tub late JONATHAN PEKEIRA , M . D ., P . R . S . E ., F . L . S ., Professor at the University of London , Author of "The Elements of Matoria Medica and Therapeutics , " &c . &o . . "I know that no one can bo bettor , and few so well , acquainted with the physical and chemical properties of this medicine as yourself , whom I regard as the highest authority on the subject . The oil which you gave mo was of the very finest quality , whether considered with reference to its colour , flavour , or chemical properties ; and I am satisfied that for medicinal purposes no finer oil can bo procured . " ARTHUR H . HASSAI 1 I 1 , M . D .. F . X . S ., Member of tho Royal Collego of Physicians , Physician to the Royal Free Hospital , Chief Analyst of the Sanitary Commission of tho Lancet , Author of " Food and ita Adulterations , " Ac . &o . &c . " I have moro than once , at different times , subjected your Light Brown Oil to chemical analysis—and this unknown to youreolf—and I have always found it to bo froo from all impurity , and rich in tho constituents of bilo . So great is my connuonco in tho article , that I usually proscribe it in preference- to any other , in order to make sure of obtaining tho remedy in its purest and best condition . " Sold in bottles , labelled with Dr . do Jongh ' s stamp and signature , without which momje abb GKNtri jje , by ANSAR , HARFORD , and CO ., 77 , STRAND , London , Dr . do Jonph ' ti sole accredited Consignees and Agonts for tho United Kingdom and tho British Possessions . May bo obtained , in tho country , from respectable ChomiBts and Vendors of Medicine . Should any difficulty bo oxporlonced in procuring tho Oil , Messrs . Ansah , IlAiti ? OEi > , and Co . will forward four half-pint bottlos to any part of England , cauhiaoe paid , on receipt of a remittance of ten shillings . Half-pints ( 10 ounces ) , 2 a . Cd . ; Pints ( 20 ouncos ) , Mfl . Od » l Quarto ( 40 ounces ) , Oa . IMFimiAl , MEASURE . '
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BEAUTIFUL HAIR , WHISKERS , and MOUSTACHIOS , are invariably producod in 2 or 3 weeks , by COUPELLE'S CELEBRATED ORINUTRIAR , the almost marvellous powers of which in the production and restoration of hair , strengthening weak hair , checking greyness , rendering tho hair luxuriant , curly , and glossy , must Be seen to be believed . Dr . Uro says : " It is tho only preparation ho can recommend for tho nursery , as forming the basis of a good head of hair . " 2 s . per packago , at C 8 , Cornhill ; 14 , Edgwaro-rood ; 151 , Sloane-street ; Winnall , 78 , High-street , Birmingham ; Raimes and Co ., Leith Walk , Edinburgh ; and Mioklegate , York ; Whitakor , Sheffield ; Haigh , 110 , Briggato , Leeds ; Jones , 5 , Paradise-street , Liverpool ; Ferris and Co ., Bristol ; Westmacott , Manchester ; Hensleigh , Plymouth ; Evans and Co ., Bxotor : Campbell , Glasgow ; and through all Chemists ; or sontTpost froo for 24 penny stomps , by Rosalie Coupollo , OS ) , Castlo-strcot , Newmanstreet , Oxrord-slrcot , London .
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BEN NETT'S MODEL WATCH . In gold cases from 10 guineas . In silver cases from 5 guineas . Every watch is skilfully examined , timed , and its performance guaranteed . BENNETT , WATCH MANUFACTURER ; 65 , OHJ 2 APSIDE .
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FURNISH YOUR HOUSE-WITH THE BEST ARTICLES AT DEANE'S Ironmongery and Furnishing Warohousos . Established a . d . 1700 . A Priced Vw nibhiug List , free by post . _ , ., DEAND , DRAY , aud CO . ( Oponing to tho Monument ) , London-bridgo . __
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RUPTURES . —BY ROYAL LETTERS PATENTW HITE'S MOC-MAIN LEVER TRUSS is allowed by upwards of 200 Medical Qontlomon to bo tho most effective invention in tho curative treatment of Hernia . Tho usoof a stool spring ( so often hurtful in its effects ) Is hero avoided , a Bort Bandago being worn round tho body , while tho requisite resisting power is supplied by tho Moo-Main Pad and Patent Lever , fitting with so much oobo and closeness that it cannot bo detected , and may bo worn during sloop . A descriptive circular may bo had , and tho Truss ( which cannot fail to fit ; forwarded by post , the circumference of the body , two inches bolow the hips , being sent to tho Manufacturer , Mr . JOHN WHITE , 228 , Pjlocaatlly , London . ELASTIC STOCKINGS , KNEE CAPS , Ac , for VARICOSE VEINS , and all oases of WEAKNESS and SWELLING of tho LEGS . SPRAINS , &o . Thoy aropdr ' ous , light in texture , and inoxponsivo , and are drawn on like an ordinary stocking . . Pricefrom 7 s . 0 d . to 10 s . Postage , 6 d .
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AMERICAN S ARSAP A RIL LA . OLD DR . JACOB TOWNSEND'S AMERICAN SARSAPARILLA . This is , of all known remedies , tlio nu puro , safe , active , and efficacious in tho purl If " ' " " / , ; ° blood of all morbid matter , of bilo , urea , adds , noro ulous substances , humours of all kinds , wh ch yoduco ruhlitj oruptions , aalt rhoum , erysipelas . acald huad , soro ( j « « 1 « car « , soro throat and ulcora , and botch on any pnit 01 J body . It ia unsurpassed in its action upon tlio llv < - '' . "' T , lunga , and tho stomach , removing any cause of «»«« nh' - I'X those organs , and expelling all humours from tlu K >»^ By oIcaiiHlnK the blood , it for over preventsipust K ^' pfrnples antfovcry variety of sores on tho iaco nil 1 ' > |« ' It Ib a groat tonic , and imparts atrongth mid vigoui 1 « debilitated and weak , KivoB rest and refreshing s cep 1 > w sra ^ sSKi ^ iujiSMns'S ^ Ss px ^^ wfbJtp ^ S ^ Solo Proprietors . Half-plntH , 28 . « d ; pintB . da . jHPJftH'l 1 " " ¦ 4 b . Od . s quarts , 7 s . Od . j mftmniothu . lls .
Untitled Article
358 THE 0 ^ HAD EH . [ Sattj&da * ,
T≫Otal Olympic Theatre. Jtl Lessee And Manager, Mr.'A. Wigan. Mondayand During The Weekwill Be Performed A Come
T > OTAL OLYMPIC THEATRE Jtl Lessee and Manager , Mr . 'A .. WIGAN . ¦ tr- ~ Ar rr o- , < r ? iiiirinc fh « xTtvlc . will lie uertoTTOfiA a Come
Leader (1850-1860), April 14, 1855, page 358, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2086/page/22/