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MEW WORK BTliaCk O . UBWIS , Thi » dv > Two Volumes , octavo , 30 s . \ N ENQUlKr into tha CREDIBILTT ^ of Se ^ iwmvS&s , Bart , mS . . " By the same Author , On the METHODS of OBSERVATION and SEASONING in POLITICS . Two Volumes , 28 s . On tne INFLUENCE of AUTHORITY in M 4 flR » Ba . of OPINION . 10 s . 6 d . FABLES of BABRIUS , with Notes . 5 s . 6 d . London : JowX W . Parkeb and Sow , "West Strand-
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In the Press , two volumes , post octavo , with Illustrations . LANDS OF THE SLAVE AND THE FREE ; or . Travels in Cuba , the United States , and Canada . By Captain the Honourable HENRY A . MURRAY . RN . London : Johx W . Paekeb and Son , "West Strand .
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• Nearly ready , Octavo , THE SENSES AND THE INTELLECT . ~ : By ALEXANDER BAIN , A . M . London : Johh W . PABKBRand Son , West Strand .
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ANNOTATED EDITION of the ENGLISH POETS . By ROBERT BELL . Already published , CHAUCER . Vols . I . to TV . 2 s . 6 d . each . EARL OP SURREY , MINOR POETS , and LORD BUCKHURST . 2 s . 6 d . SIRT . WYATT . 2 s » 6 d . DRYDEN . Svols . 7 s . 6 d . WALLER . 2 s . 6 d . OLDHAM . 2 s . 6 d . THOMSON . 2 vols . 5 s . COWPER . 3 vols . 7 s . 6 d . SONGS FROM THE DRAMATISTS . 2 s . 6 d . London : John W . Parker and Sow , West Strand .
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On the 4 th of May will be Published the First Number of a New Journal , devoted to the Interests and Advancement of Religious Literature , to be entitled THE LITERARY CKITBCHMAN , and which , is intended to extend to that Literature the advantages -which general Literature already possesses in the Athenasum , Literary Gazette , Critic , and other , similar Journals . .-. - ..- . ,,.,. ' . „ The principles of the Journal will be those of the Church of England ; and , while it will convey information with respect to the Literature of other Religious Bodies , with every desire to show fairness and impartiality , is not intended to compromise truth , or to countenance indifference . . . ... . A number of the Literary Churchman" will be issued every alternate ^ Friday Evening , price 4 d . A Stamped Edition , to go free by post , price 5 d . ' A Detailed Prospectus may be had upon application at the Office , 377 , Strand .
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NEW PUBLICATIONS . NEW WORK BY MR . BAYLE ST . JOHN . ANECDOTICAL HISTORY AND DESCRIPTION OF THE LOUVRE . Shortly will be published , in One Volume , posfc 8 vo , THE LOUVRE ; or , Biography of a Museum By BAYLE ST . JOHN . Author of " Purple Tints of Paris , " " Two Years' Resident m a Levantine Family , " &c . This day , 8 vo , cloth , price 9 s ., THE SABBATH ( Vol . II . ); or , An Enquiry into the Supposed Obligation of the Sabbaths of tht Old Testament . By Sir W . DOMVILLE , Bart . — Also , by the same Author , 8 vo , cloth , price 9 s ., nPHE SABBATH ( Vol . I . ); or , An Examina-JL tion of the Six Texts commonly adduced from the New Testament in Proof of a Christian Sabbath . With a Supplement . ; By a LAYMAN . Also , by the same Author , 8 vo , sewed , price 6 d ., ri ^ HE MOSAIC SABBATH : A Pamphlet JL showing the Fourth Commandment to be not Obligatory on Christians . It forms the First Chapter of the Volume of the Sabbaths of the Old Testament . . » This day , No . VI ., price One Shilling , THE MARTINS of GRO' MARTIN . By CHARLES LEVER . With Illustrations by Phiz . . London : Chapman and Ham * , 193 , Piccadilly .
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Just published , price Is . 2 d . The FIRST NUMBER of r ^ HA-MBERS'S New and Improved ATLAS \ J for the PEOPLE . Edited by W . and R . Chaubebs . This Atias will be issued in Monthly Numbers , each containing Three Maps , and a sheet of letter-press , in a printed wrapper . The work will be completed in Twelve Numbers , at Is . 2 d . each .
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Price 15 s ., handsomely bound in cloth , The FIRST VOLUME of nnHE PICTORIAL HISTORY of ENGLAND , J . brought up to the Russiait Wae . A New and Improved Issue . Illustrated with upwards of 1600 AVoodengravings . r Also , in Weekly Numbers , price 6 d . ; Monthly Parts , i price 2 s . 27 Numbers and 7 Parts now ready .
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Price 12 s ., handsomely bound in cloth , The FIRST VOLUME of T HE PICTORIAL BIBLE : being the Ou > and New Testaments , according to the Authorised Version ; with Notes by Dr . Kitto . A New and Impboved Issue . Splendidly Illustrated with Steel Engravings , , Woodcuts , and Maps . Also , in Weekly Numbers , price 6 d .: Monthly Parts , price 2 s . 27 Numbers and 7 farts noio ready .
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This day , post octavo , 4 s . THE ROMAN * EMPIRE of the WEST : Four Lectures delivered at Edinburgh . By R . CONGREVE , M . A ^ late Fellow and Tutor of Wadham College , Oxford . Nearly ready octavo , The POLITICS of ARISTOTLE . Edited , with Nqtes . by R / CONGREVE , M . A . - London : John W . Pahkek and Son " , West Strand . :
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Cheaper Edition , two Volumes , 9 s . Xj ^ R I E N D S IN C O U N G ~ l L . > ' " ^ Cheaper Edition , 3 s . 6 d . COMPANIONS OF MY SOLITUDE . London : John W . Pabkbb , and Sow , West Strand .
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A COMBATANTS ACCOUNT OF THE BATTLES OF ALMA , BALAKLAVA , AND INKEBMANN . This day , in small 8 vo , 6 s . i T NARRATIVE H E C R CAMPAIGN I M E Aj Including an Account of the Battles of Alma , Balaklava , . and Inkermann . \ jBy Lieut . GEORGE 8 HTJLDHAM PEARD , 20 th Regiment . Londonr Richard Bemtxey , Publisher in Ojrdinary to her Majesty .
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Price 3 s . 6 d . cloth , ; T 3 UI > IMENTS OF ZOOLOGY . A New and X \) much Improved Edition . —This work presents a complete view" of the Animal Kingdom , as a portion of external nature ,, and is illustrated by upwards of 250 Wood-ongravirigs . . .
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NEW WORK . BY DR . WILSON , OF MALVBRN . Just published , 8 vo , cloth , 103 * 6 d ., THE PRINCIPLES and PRACTICE of the WATER -CURE and HOUSEHOLD MEDICAL SCIENCE , in Conversations on Physiology , on Pathology . for the Nature of Disease , Ana on' Digestion , Nutrition , Regimen , and Diet . By JAMES WILSON , M . D . London : John ChubchiM / , New Burlington-street . Malvern : Hbnuy Lamb .
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Part XVI . for May , price 7 d . eHAMBERS'S . JOURNAL of POPULAR LITERATURE ;' SeifENCE , aiid ARTS . W . . and JR .- Chambers , London and Edinburgh .
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Crystal pal ace , less . —The official \ J GUIDE and HANDBOOKS , illustrative of Die . Contents of tho Exhibition , are always on Sale , and may lie had 1 separately , ftt prices varying from Threepence to Eighteen-¦ pence ; or , ' handsomely bound in Three Volumes , price 1 4 s . Gd . each . To be had at the Pat-ace , and at all Booksellers and Railway Stations , and of Bradbury and Evans , Printers and Publishers to tho Crystal Palace Company , 11 , Bouvoncstreot . -
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1 THE QUEEN'S PICTURES . THE ART-JOURNAL " for MAY contains Two Engravings from the Pictures in tho Royal Collection :- "Cupid and Psyche , " after T . Uwins , R . A . ; aud "The Battlo of Blcannce , " after E . Armitage . Tho engraved example of Sculpture is from "The Temptation , " by Vandb Venno . . Tho principal literary contents are : — "On Dross , as applied to Ladies' Work , " by Mrs . Morriflold , illustrated ; ** Tho Exhibition of the Society of British Artists ; " "Tho Exhibition of Amateur Art in aid of tho Patriotic Fund ;" " British Artists , their Stylo and Character , " No . 5 , W . Collins , R . A ., 'illustrated ; " ANew Stylo of Arohitocturo ;" " British Industries * . " No . 2 r- " ClayB and Stones , " by R . Hunt , P . RS . ; "Tho Museum of Ornamental Art . " illustrated : "Iron Removable Studios for Artists ; " "The Exhibition of the Royal Scottish Academy ; " Obituary .- "Sir H . Do La Beche ; " ' Trial for J-ibol : Hart v . Hall , " &c , &c Virtue , Haix , and Virtue , 25 , Patcrnostor-row .
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" NATURE-PHINT 1 NG" APPLIED TO BOTANY . THE FERNS OP GREAT BRITAIN . ( NATURE-PRINTED . ) The second part , price Os .. large handsome folio , consistingof Three " Nature-Printed' * Ulustraitons , life size , with Descriptions by THOMAS MOORE , F .. L . 8 . Edited by Dr . LINDLEY . < - Will be published on the lat . of May . •»• The Work will be issued Monthly , and tho First Part is still on sale . Bradbuhx and Evans , 11 , Bouverio-strcct .
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Just out , price Is . ( id ., post paid 21 stamps , THE TWENTY YEARS CONFLICT in the CHURCH , and ITS REMEDYCotitonts :-I . History of ltoligion .-II . History of tlio Conflict .-HI . Now Constitution for tho Church . —1 \ 1 "; vised Articles and Services upon a Strictly fcoripturfti Basis . London : Joun Chapman , 8 , King William . utrcot , Stnuid-
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On tho 30 th inst . will be published , price Is-, Part 20 of U HB NEWCOMES , " By W . 31-JL THACKERAY . With Illustrations by Ricitaud DOTIB . * Tho First Volurao is completed , andmaybchad , ljoui . d in cloth , price 13 s . BRA . DB 0 UY and Evans , 11 , Bouvoric-stroot .
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Just published , price Od , A N ADDRESS to tho BISHOPS and CLERGY of all DENOMINATIONS , and to all Professors and Teachors of the Christian World , on Robert Owen ' s Proclamation of tho Millennial Stato , to commence this year ( 180 B ) , By ROBERT PEMBERTON , F . R . S . L ., Author of * ' Tho Attributes of tho Soul , " &o .. &o . London • Satjmdbbs and Otxey , Condult-stroot .
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Juat published , in 2 largo vols ., imperial 8 yo , cloth , 4 ^ . IBs ., Illustrated by nearly 800 Views and Plans of tho more remarkable Towns , Porta , Harbours , &c , T HE IMPERIAL . GAZETTEER : A General Dictionary of Geography , Physical , Political , Statistical , - « nd Descriptive , including Comprehensive Accounts of the Countries , Cities , Principal Towns , Villages , Seas ; Lakes . Rivers , Islands , Mountnins , Valloys , &o ., in the World . Compiled from tho latest and best Authorities . Edited by W . G , BLACKIE , Ph . D . F . R . G . S . BlaOkib and Sow , Warwiok-flquaro , City , London ; and Glasgow and Edinburgh .
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MR . THOMPSON on STRICTURE of tho URETHRA . Recently published , with PJates , cloth 8 vo . 10 s ., STRICTURE of the URETHRA ; its Pathology and Treatment . By HENRY THOMPSON , P . R . C . S ., M . B ., Surgeon to tho Marylobono Infirmary . Tho Treatlso to which was awarded tho Jaoksonian Prize , by tho Council of tho Royal College of Surgeons of London , in 1853 . London : John CiiURoniiiL , Now Burilngton-strcot .
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Just published , price 4 d ., post free for flvo stamps . MISPRON UNCIATION CORRECTbD . By CHARLKS W . SMITH , Protosorpf Elocution . Author of " Hints on Elocution , " " Common lUundo h . London ; Hrown , 105 , Strand ; or by post « " »"» ¦; ' Smitu , Buckingham Chambers , 11 , liuckingham-hti i-rt , Strand . Pupils prepared for tho Stngc .
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Just published , price One Shilling , 128 pp ., P ARISIAN ETIQUETTJB . A Guido for X English Visitors to Paris . London : J . F . Swaw , l > atornostor-vow .
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On tho 1 st of May , 1855 , will bo published , price Ono Shilling , with Two Illustrations by H . K . Browne ( Phiz ) , Part VII . of HARRY COVERDALE'S COURTSHIP , AND ALL THAT OAMK OF IT : showing how this misguided young mnn foil from tho ways of good fellowship and ( In ) sobrloty ; how for his sins ho wns condemned to—Matrimony ; together with a detailed account of his sufferings In that state of bondage ! Ity FRANK 13 . SMEDLEY , Author of " Frank Fairlogh , " " Lewis Aruudcl , " &o . Virtue , Hai-i ., and Virtue , 25 , Patornostor-row .
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4 QQ THE IiEADEB . [ Saturday , April 28 , 1855 . d
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LONDON : Printed and Published by AX 73 UJD E » MUH » GAZI . OWAY , at " Th « Loader" Otllco , No . 7 , Wolllngton-atreot , Strand , in tho County of Middlesex . —April 28 , 1856 .
Leader (1850-1860), April 28, 1855, page 408, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2088/page/24/