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A Lamentable CASK .- » -Edward Stanley , who has been remanded since the 23 rd of last month , was on Tuesday sentenced to a month ' s imprisonment for a ferocious assault upon his wife . He was drunk at the time of the offence , and so was the woman ; indeed , it appeared from the evidence that the wife was a confirmed drunkard , and that the conduct of the husband had been sober and creditable previous to his marriage . The wife , who had been confined to the hospital on account of her injuries , now admitted that the fault was hers , declined to press the charge , and entreated the magistrate not to send her husband to prison . All she could obtain , however , in the way of mercy , was an intimation that , but for what she had candidly confessed , the prisoner would have been sentenced to a . much longer term . The woman then left the court crying . _ __ ...
A " Ticket-of-Leave" Man . —The following case , exhibiting the wretched , and even dangerous , working of the " ticket-of-leave" system , was alluded to in the House of Lords on Thursday evening by Lord Lyndhurst : —Thomas Jones , aged twenty-three , a returned convict on " ticket-of-leave , " was charged at Bow-street on Wednesday with using indecent language to a constable . The officer stated that , after himself and other officers had quelled a disturbance in Drury-lane , the prisoner followed him for the purpose of abusing him , and he never heard more shocking language used in the public streets in his life . —Mr . Jardine said the language must have been bad indeed to shock a policeman . It formed a striking contrast , no donbt , to the sentiments expressed by the prisoner in Ms interviews with the chaplain of the prison from which he had obtained his " ticket-of-leave . " On these occasions , it appeared , the
adoption of a hypocritical tone and a canting expression of countenance ( which the worst of them were capable of assuming when it served their purpose to do so ) sufficed to obtain their discharge before the expiration of half the term of the original sentence , with the further advantage of a written character , enabling them to impose upon the public . Why , he had not presided there any day for some time past without having to dispose of some charge against a " ticket-of-leave" man . The neighbourhood is infested with them . They stand at the comers of streets at midnight , and , pouncing suddenly upon the passenger , half strangle him and rob him before even an alarm can be given . —Inspector Mackenzie said there were forty " ticket-of-leave" men in the immediate neighbourhood of the court who had returned to their old haunts and to their former course of life . In
order , however , to avoid the personal consequences , they usually employed boys and women to assist them ; and these were constantly apprehended while the principal delinquents escaped altogether . —Mr . Jardine committed the prisoner to seven days' imprisonment .
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NAVAL AND MILITARY NEWS . The Croesus . —We regret to learn that the burning of the Croesus was much more fatal than at first believed . The muster roll having been lost with the ship , the extent of the loss of life amongst the troops was not known until some time afterwards . It appears that instead of eight , as at first stated , sixty-eight individuals perished , of whom all were soldiers , with the exception of one , who was a sailor on board the unfortunate vessel . —Malta Times . Mr . Balfour , Fourth Lieutenant of the Euryalus , now serving in the Baltic , has been tried by courtmartial for using abusive language to , and striking , Mr . Bathurst , the Second Lieutenant of the same ship . The sentence of the court was that Lieutenant Balfour be dismissed her Majesty ' s navy .
Captain Swearof , of the Russian Engineer Artillery , who was captured at Bomarsund last year , and sent from the Devonshire , receiving-ship for Russian prisoners , to Lewes , has been granted his liberty to return to Bomarsund with hia wife , the latter having been , during her stay in thia country , in a very delicate state of health . Captain Swearof arrived at Slieernoss on Monday evening , with his wife ; and a Russian soldier , who has been his servant for many years , luia had his liberty also granted to him to accompany his master . The Admiralty have ordered a passage , with cabin accommodation , for Captain Swearof and his wife , on board the Russell , Captain F . Scott .
Foundering of a Transport Steamku . —Intelligence was on Wednesday recoived at Lloyd ' s of the foundering of the transport Hteamer Impcratrice , while on her voyage from London to the Crimea , with shot and shell . This disastrous occurrence took place on Tuesday evening , off Dungenoaa , by collision with the Belgian schooner Commerce , which lost her bowsprit , and received other damage . The crew of the lmperatrico was fortunately saved , and landed , with a few of her stores , at Deal .
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Leader Office , Saturday , June 9 . HOUSE OF LORDS . METROPOLITAN BURIALS . The Bishop of London moved an address on the subject of the inadequate provision for burials in the metropolis , in consequence of the Act of 1852 closing old burial grounds before others were pfovided , and thus increasing the evil , which demanded an immediate remedy . Earl Granville said the matter was under the serious consideration of . the Government ; upon which the motion was withdrawn . The Education of Pooh Children Bill was read a second time , and the House then adjourned .
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HOUSE OF COMMONS . THE PRESS AT GIBRALTAR . In answer to Mr . Oliveira and Mr . Bright , Lord J . Russell stated that the ordinance issued by the Governor of Gibraltar , preventing the newspapers from publishing certain matters which he considered inconsistent with the public interests of that garrison , was an act which he had the power to perform ; but the ordinance was under the consideration of the Government . The period of Sir Robert Gardiner ' s Governorship expired last Christmas ; and although he was allowed to remain until the spring , his successor had now been appointed . SIR W . MOLESWOHTH AND MR . COBDEN .
Sir W . Molesworth , on the motion that the House at its rising should adjourn to Monday , took the opportunity of answering charges made by Mr . Cobden against him , of inconsistency of sentiment between his speech on Tuesday last and those he made in the Pacifico debate in 1850 , and another made at Leeds in 1840 . He denied that there was any inconsistency in his opinions , and he read portions of his speeches to show that he had expressed the same sentiments then as now , with regard to a war to be waged against Russia by England and France in alliance , in defence of Turkey . The passages so read were much cheered by the House . Mr . Collier also explained that he never said , as was stated by Mr . Sidney Herbert , that the retiring members of Lord Aberdeen's Government were guilty of treason . He had never meant to impute any such conduct to those gentlemen .
THE DEBATE ON THE AVAR . The adjourned debate on the prosecution of the war was resumed by Mr . F . Scott , who was followed by Sir F . Baring , who entered on the question of the reason of his bringing forward his amendment , and said that he had not inserted in it any notice of the conduct of the Government at . Vienna , because the conferences had not closed , but the circumstances were changed now , and he would have changed his
motion if it had been possible to do so in order to bring tho matter to a real issue . As to Mr . Lowe 8 amendments , he objected to them as committing the House to a particular lino of conduct on a single point in the negotiations leaving the rest untouched . A vote on either of the amendments could not show the real opinions of members of the House ; and the debate , notwithstanding its length and apparent importance , was , " in fact , a more trilling with the
country . The Attorney-General urged the difiieult position in which tho Government was placed by the variety of its opponents , who had no feelings in common except a desire to attack Ministers . Ho commented in very strong terms on the language oi Mr . Cobden , and charged him with taunting the people for their feeling in favour of the war , ana degrading into what he termed more populace time people whoso aid ho coveted in Ins Corn-Law struggle , because now they did not agree with I" * . ]' " Inigui
nions . He vigorously assailed the speech of Mr . , which he stigmatised as unworthy of the occasion , and characterised it as filled with stiilo joKcs , wretched witticisms , and ribald jests . Ho spoke oi tho equivocal , not to say amphibious , position occupied by tho party called tho 1 ' eolites , and , in hIi opi , replied in very sharp phraso to mint "' UIL powerful Bpeochea against Ministers and tho prosecution of tho war . Ho drew a vivid picture oi tno aggroasivo tendencies of Russia , illustrating it » y references to her past history ; and conclude" » y stating his opinion that her aggrandising spun ww »
MISCELLANEOUS . Dkatii ov the Dkan oir Cubist Church , Oxford . —Dr . Gaisford died on Saturday at Oxfordj after a few days' illness . Congestion of one lung , and of tho brain , Ifl understood to have been hia disease . The Times remarks : — " Dr . Gaisford ' a sorvicoB to literature as a first-rate critical Greek scholar are great . Ho is one of the very few classical scholars of tho present day whoso reputation Is European . On the Continent , hia name la
even better known and more highly honoured than in England . In England the recondite nature of his labours , rarely devoted to popular or even well-known authors , has prevented his merits from being appreciated by the public at large to . anything like the same extent that they are by scholars . His edition of Herodotus , published in 1840 , and his Lectiones Platonicce , his earliest work , published in 1820 , are almost his only contributions to popular classical literature . The great labours of his life—his touidas . published in 1834 ; his Etymologicum " Magnum , published in 1848 ; and his which
Theodoret , published in 1854—are of an order even common scholars do not appreciate . No doubt , however , can be entertained that , as a Professor , Dr . Gaisford has been the most distinguished of the whole Oxford body for many years , and that it will be no easy matter to supply his place . Dr . Gaisford was delegate of the University press , and practically had the chief direction of it . He was also Fellow of the Royal Academy at Munich , and corresponding member of the Institute of France . "—The Rev . H . G- Liddell , Head Master of Westminster School , has been appointed by Lord Palmerston to succeed Dr . Gaisford as Dean of
Christ Church . The Bath Election . — Mr . Tite , the Administrative Reformer , has been returned for Bath by a majority of fifty ; the numbers being—Tite , 1179 ; Wbately , 1129 . At the nomination , Mr . Tite pledged himself in favour of the ballot and of the abolition of church-rates , and professed to be a Whig . Mr . Whateley also called himself a Whig according to the Whig principles of ' 88 ; but he thought the Conservatives had lately done good service , and he was opposed to the ballot , to extension of the suffrage , and to depriving the Church of the rates by which her fabrics are maintained . Nevertheless , he claimed to be considered an Administrative Reformer . —
We have received the following from a private correspondent . His assertion as to the extreme purity of Bath must of course be taken cum grano salis . " The new member is not a very attractive person , either in manners or attainments . He is a roug h diamond , and we hope will turn out a good honest member . There is not in the whole kingdom a constituency so thoroughly honest and independent as that of Bath . Every exertion was made by the Tory party to prevent a defeat ; and now I believe they will give up the contest . " Lord Goderich on the War and Administrative Reform . —On Thursday week , Lord Goderich was entertained at Huddersfield by his constituencies at a public luncheon . In the evening a meeting was held ,
at which his Lordship , in a speech which occupied three hours and a quarter , explained his opinions on the present state of the nation , on the necessities arising out of the war , and on the question of Administrative Reform . He advocated a vigorous prosecution of hostilities , conceived that a more determined manner at the outset might have prevented the disasters that have followed , and held that we ought to say to Austria—" This is our ultimatum ; take it or leave it . " With the principle of Administrative Reform he entirely agreed ; but ho thought it would not be effected until members of Parliament , and more especially liberal members , forbear from place-seeking . He observed : —" Those who talk about Administrative Reform are scarcely , perhaps ,
aware of the wide bearing which their words have . I think I have shown you , by what I have said , that the task of carrying out effectual reform is not so ea ' sy and so simple , that it is not to be done by arraigning administrators at public meetings , but by the earnest co-operation , I may say , of every man in the country ; and I believe , if what you mean is that the administration of the country shall bo carried on , as we often hear the phrase , in the manner in which a private business is carried on , before you arrive at that condition of affairs you will find yourselves called upon to make far deeper and far wider changes than perhaps you now contemplate . I , for one , am prepared to face the consequences of my opinion . "
Release op the Rev . Dit . II . Giles . —On Monday lust , Dr . Giles ( who , it will be remembered , was convicted at the last Oxford Assizes of making a false entry in the marriage register book at Bampton ) , was discharged from Oxford Caatle under the authority of the Queen ' s warrant . It is understood that , in consequence of the persevering efforts of tho Bishop of Oxford , aided by memorials from lurgo numbers of clergymen and gentlemen , hor Majesty was pleased to extend her mercy and pardon to Dr . Giles at the expiration of throe months from the period of his conviction .
Miss Jones and the Rkv . R . Singleton . — The application of Mi »» Jones for an afliliatlon order against the Rev . R . Singleton came on for a third hearing before the Stockton magistrates on Thursduy week , when tho magistrates unanimously agreed to inako an order upon tho reverend gentleman for tho maintenance of tho child . The Ilorwooi ) Will Case . —Tho reports which have bcon circulated as to the manner in which thin caso has boon Mettled are to eoino extent untruo . Tho trial ufc Liverpool , it will bo romombored , ended in a decisive verdict in favour of Captain Hopwood , —tho jury having found that tho alleged codicil of April , and will of May , 1858 , wore not tho codicil and will of Mr . Hopwood . After the verdiot , no attempt was made to obtain a new triul ; which clearly shows that Captain Hopwood's opponents know well that any application to
Vice-Chancellor Wood would be fruitless , or , if gran ted , that the same verdict would be given by any other jury . A proposition was eventually made to Captain Hopwood that if he would not press for any of his own costs against his opponents , all further proceedings should be carried on , and perfected by consent , instead of being conducted hostilely ; and , on consultation with his counsel , and wishing to avoid delay , he yielded to the request . He has , therefore , to pay the costs and expenses incurred by himself ( which are very heavy indeed ) , and the other parties have to pay all their own costs .
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540 ______ THE LEAP ES , [ Saturday ,
^ flfltempt
Leader (1850-1860), June 9, 1855, page 540, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2094/page/12/