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P HOTOGRAPHY : A complete apparatus SI ., Bl 5 s and 11 / . Us . Send for a list ( post free ) , at GUbort Flemings . 498 , Oxford-street , Author of" Firit Steps In Photography . '' Price Od .. by post , 7 d-
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INDISPUTABLE LIFE POLICY COMPANY , 72 , Lombard-street , London . Lord Viscount TORRINGTON , Chairman . THE Policies of this Company , being indisputable in terms of the Deed of Constitution , registered in conformity with the Act , 7 and 8 Vic , e . 110 , by which this Company is Incorporated , form FAMILY PRO - VISIONS and NEGOTIABLE SECURITIES ; their validity not being dependent ( as in the case of ordinary Policies ) on the import of previous , and perhaps forgotten , Statements , Reports , and other Documents . ALEX . ROBERTSON , Manager .
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UNITED MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY , 54 , Charing-crosB , London . Policies indisputable . No charge for Policy Stamps , whole profits divided annually . Assurances on the strictly mutual principle . Invalid lives assured at equitable rates . THOMAS PR 1 TCHAB . D . Resident Director .
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PUBNISH YOUK HOUSE WITH THE BEST * ARTICLES AT DEANE'S Ironmongery and Furnishing Warehouses . Established A . D . 1700 . A Priced Furnishing List , free by post . DEANE , DK-A . Y , and co- ( Opening to the Monument ; , London-bridge .
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O-iO ° MILNEKS' HOLDFAST AND LYLj FIIlE-RESISTlNG SAFES ( non-conducting and vauourieing ) , with all the improvements , under their Ouadruple Patents of 18-W-SI-5-1 and 1855 . including their Gunpowder-proof Solid Lock and Door ( without which no Safe is secure ) . THE STHOKOEST , BE 8 T , AND CHEAPEST 8 AFEGUAHD 3 KXTANT . MILNERS' P 1 KKNIX ( 212 degrees ) SAFE WORKS , LIVERPOOL , the most complete and extensive in the world . Show-rooms , 6 and 8 , Lord-street , Liverpool . London Dcj ) 6 t , 47 A . Moorgnto-street , City . Circulars lreu by post .
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EA G LE INSURANCE COMPANY . Established 1807 ; Empowered by Act of Parliament , 53 Geo . III ., and regulated by deed Enrolled iu the High Court of Chancery . 3 , Crescent , Now Bridge Street , lilackfriare , London . DIRECTORS . JOSHUA LOCKWOOD , Esq ., CJiairman . WILLIAM WYBROW , Esq ., Deputy-Chairman . Charles Bisehofr " , Esq . Chas . Thos- Holconabe , Esq . Thomas Boddington , Esq . Richard Harman Lloyd , Esq . Thomas Devas . Esq . W . Anderson Peacock , Esq . Nathaniel Gould , Esq . Ralph Chas . Price , Esq . Robert A- Gray , Esq . Thos . G . Sambrooke , Esq . Auditors—Thomas Allen , Esq . ; William H . Smith , Jun ., Esq . Medical Officers—Jaaibs Saner , Esq ., M . D ., Tottenham Green ; Wm . Cooke , Esq ., M . D ., 39 , Trinity Square , Tower Hill . Actuary and Secretary—CHARLES Jellicoe , Esq . The Assets of this Company Exceed Three Quarters of a Million Sterling-. niE assval income exceeds—One Hundred and Thirty Five Thousand Founds . raE number of existing poucies is—Upwards of Four Thousand , mi-: total amount assurkd—Exceeds Two Million Eight Hundred Thousand Pounds . n * the division of surplus in 1852 , —About One Hundred and Twenty Thousand Pounds was added to the Sums Assured , under Participating Policies . The Division is Quinquennial , LNn THE WHOLE SURPLUS ( LESS 20 PER CENT . OSLV ) IS DISTRIBUTED AMONG THE ASSURED . The Premiums required by this Company , although modeate , entitle the Assured to 80 per cent , of the quinquennial urplus . The lives assured are permitted , in time of peace , without xtra charge , to reside in any country— ( Australia and alifornia oxeoptedj —north of 33 degrees north latitude , or nut h of 33 degrees south latitude ; or to pass by sea ( not eing seafaring persons by profession ) between any places ,-ing in the sauje hemisphere—distant more than 33 degrees ? om the Equator , without eitra charge . Deeds assigning Policies are registered at the Olnce , and ssignments can be effected on forms supplied by the Com" rfie Annual Reports of the Company's state and progress , ' rospectuses and Forms , may be had , or will be sent , post rco on application at the Othce , or to any of the Company s . ( routs .
Untitled Ad
ANNUAL DIVISION OF PROFITS . GREAT BRITAIN MUTUAL , LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY , 14 , WATERLOO PLACE , LONDON , and 30 , BROWN STREET , MAJSCHESTEJEL DIRECTORS . THE CHISHOLM , Chairman . RICHARD HARTLEY KENNEDY , Esq ., Alderman ,. Deputy-Chairman . Major-General Michael B . "William Morley , Esq . Baguold . Robert Prancis Power , Esq . Francis Brodigan . Esq . M-D . Alexander Root . Irvine , Esq . Archibald Spens , Esq . John Inglis Jerdein , Esq . Frederick Valiant , Esq . James John Kinloch , Esq . Rev . F . W . J . "Vickery . Henry Lawson , Esq . This Society is established on the tried and approved principle of Mutual Assurance . The funds are accumulated for the exclusive benefit of the Policy-holders , under their own immediate superintendence and control . The Profits are divided annually , and applied in reduction of the current Premiums . Policy-holders participate in Profits after payment of five annual Premiums . The Annual General Meeting of this Society was held on the 30 th of May , 1855 , when a Report of the business for the last year was presented , exhibiting a statement of most satisJactory progress . It appeared that during the two last years , 1853 and 1854 , between 800 and 900 new Assurances had been effected , producing an increase of Premium income amounting to 14 . 000 Z- per annum . It also appeared that , notwithstanding the extraordinary mortality which prevailed during the last year in consequence of the visitation of the cholera , it had not been found necessary to reduce , in the slightest , the allowance previously awarded to the Policy-holders . The Members present at the Meeting were fully satisfied with the Report , and resolved unanimously that a Reduction of 31 . J i'er Cent , should be made in the current year ' s Premium payahle by all Policy-holders now entitled to participate in the Profits-Credit is allowed for half the Annual Premiums for the first five years . The following Table exemplifies the effect of the present reduction . , ! , Annual Pre-1 Allowance ! Annual Pre-Age when Amount mium Origi-jof 315 per mium now Assured . ; Assured . naJ ] y pai | j ^^^ paya ble . j je £ s . d . I £ s . d . £ s . d . 20 ! 1000 20 17 6 6 11 6 14 6 0 30 i 1000 ! 25 13 4 I 8 1 8 17 11 8 40 I 1000 j 33 18 4 | 10 13 8 23 4 8 60 I 1000 i 48 16 8 15 7 8 33 9 0 CO ¦ 3000 j 75 17 6 i 23 18 0 I 51 19 6 A . R . IRVINE , Managing Director . 14 , Waterloo-place , London .
Untitled Ad
1855 .- JOYCE'S PATENT WATERPROOF ANTICORROSIVE PERCUSSION CAPS . F JOYCE has much pleasure in submitting to the notice of Sportsmen a greatly Improved Percussion Cap , for which a patent was granted on the 3 rd of April last , and which can be warranted as tlie best Primer for Detonating Guns ever manufactured , whether for the AEHi " , . Navy , or the Fiju . i > . The principle on which these Caps are made differs materially from any hitherto adopted ; iu lieu of Metallic Foils or Linings , as they are termed , and other substances of an equally injudicious character , which cannot be consumed without ihe introduction of the most corroding materials , these Patent Caps have their detonating com position covered with a highly waterproof substance , burning with as much facility as the powder itbelf , and in no degree detracting from that certainty and sharpness of lire , as well as anticorrosive property , so necessary for the convenience and comfort of those who use them . JOYCE'S PATENT CAPS are equally certain in all weather , wet or dry , and i f-llriuly pressed down on the nipples , will close the apertures and render the powder in the barrels air-tight , keeping it quitodry- Sportsmen arc recommended tore-load as soon as possible in misty and wot weather , otherwise the moisture deposited inside the barrel damps the charge and occasions hang-fires . —Manufacturer of Wire Cabtkidoes and Waddings of every description . Counting house , 57 , Upper Tliames-strcet , London .
Untitled Ad
THE lGs . Trousers reduced to 14 s . —Trousers and Waistcoat , 22 s . — Coat , Waistcoat , and Trousers , 47 s ., made to order from Scotch Tweeds , all wool , and thoroughly shrunk . The TWO GUINEA DRESS or FROCK COAT , the Guinea Dress Trousers , and the Half-Guinea Waistcoat , made to ordor by U . HKNJAMIN , Merchant Tailor , 74 , Itegeut-street . for quality , style , and workmanship , cannot bo equalled by any house in the kingdom . N . H . —A perfect tit guaranteed .
Untitled Ad
SISAL . CIGARS . HN . C . OODKH'II , sifter " 25 years' practical acquaintance with the business , will stake his reputation for ability : iiiillioiu > ur sis : i < "ig ; ir . Merchant , upon the truth or fnlselinml uf the assertion , that no Cigars its good as liis Sisal Cigars have ever been sold so cheap . Hox containing II , of the finest quality , for Is . Hd . l ' ost free , . six stamps extra . None are genuine unless signed , "H . N . Goodrieh . " lltl , Oxford-street , London , marly opposite Hnnwav-sf reel .
Untitled Ad
ST GEORGE ASSURANCE COMPANY , 118 , PALL-MALL , LONDON . Capital , 100 , 000 ? ., in Shares of 5 l . each . Deposit , 11 . per Share . ( On which Interest , at the rate of 51 . per cent , per annum , exclusive of Dividend , is guaranteed by the Deed of Settlement . ) Chairman—Viscount RA 1 STELAGH , Park-place , St . James ' s , Deputy-Chairman—HENRY POAVNALL , Esq ., Ladbrckesquare , Notting-hill . Secretary—W . C . TJRQUHART , Esq . POLICIES ABSOLUTELY INDISPUTABLE . Annuities and Endowments for families , children , and others on the most favourable terms . Premiums payable yearly , half-yearly , or quarterly . No charge fof medical foes or stamps . Loans granted for long or short periods , payable by monthly , quarterly , or half-yearly instalments . Defective Titles , Reversions , < Scc . assured and guaranteed .
Untitled Ad
GENERAL INDEMNITY INSURANCE COM 1 ' \ NY , Cannon-street . West . —Capital , 500 , 000 ? ., in Shares of ol . each ; call , 10 s . per Share . Fverv description of insurancebusincss transacted at this oflice . Policies absolutely indisputable . Guarantees afforded to nelsons in situations of trust where security is required ; ¦ i lso airainst losses arising from robberies , forgeries , &c Fire ami life insurances effected on improved and safe principles . — Plate-glass insured . Prospert uses , terms of agency , proposals , &c ., can bo had on application . r ^ r ^ ^^ u . tuary . 1 . G . HUGlUiS . Secretary .
Untitled Ad
o ' oij T H AU ST R A L . I A X 15 AN KING O COMPANY . Incorporated by U . oyalChnrtcr , 18 i 7 . The Court of Directors grant LETTERS of CREDIT and 151 LI , S upon the , Company ' s I > nnk at Apki . aidk nt 1 ' ak , Approved drafts negotiated and sent for collection . ltusiuess with the Australian colonies generally conducted through the Hank ' s Agents . \ ni ) lv at the Company ' * Ollices , 5-t , Old IJroad-streeti London . WILLIAM PURDY , Mannger . London , August . 18 fi 5 .
Untitled Ad
p AILWAY ACCIDENT INSURANCE . 10 "U / 5 s . have alreadv been paid as compensation for Fatal ' ~ and other Railway Accidents , by the RAILWAY PASSENGERS' ASSURANCE COMPANY . EXAMn . ES . 10007 was paid to the Widow of J . G ., killed on tho 2 ith February , 1853 , secured by a payment of 11 . 350 / . was paidto II . C . H . J ., who had his leg broken on the ; Ust Aug ., 18 r > : « , secured by a payment of U . " 00 ? was paid to W . P ., severely injured on the 10 th September , 180-1 , secured by a payment of 1 / . Por tho convenience of frequent travellers , Periodical Insurances aro granted , which now cover tho risk of * ntal Accidents while travelling in any class carriage on any Kailwav in the United Kingdom or on tho Continent or Europe * , and insure Compi ) " * " ^? 011 f Porwonal Inj u ry in any Railway Accident in tho United Kingdom only . To Insure 1000 / , at on Annual Promium of 20 s . Ditto 200 / . ditto 0 s-Insurances can also bo effected scouring the same ««?» : «»¦ towes for terms of live or ton years , or tor tho whole ol Hi , nt grcatlv reduced rates , which maybe learned lroni tho Company's Prospectus , > l , o had at the Ollices , mid nt all UlC Sw ^ t ' ovVSSeSas - . ilso been ostal . Ushed in ^ or I ) " « t I" » 's ' K «» l « 'ny Accident ulone , vithoiil eomjKM . Miti . m for Injury . rs . To Insure 1000 / . at nil Annual l ' renuuim o £ . ..... ^ .- ^ Ditto any sun . not « ' 3 lt'tl *> tl o I i * f '' lw ^ c ™ nt-i thua ou » life , by u single i . a . y . nent o s . pi » ton payment of »/ . will nooi . ro 1000 / . ^ ^^ ^^ Tho Proniiunis chinK ' / ' 'I' ^ l' ^ . ^ u ' iVst " lUxillny AcoidontH l . oing the only Company im » » W . 'h «» , ,, nVa eoii . mutod oniiio \ v «> re « l b . v Specnil Act ol l M ' \ ylXtUA ^ J . VIAN , Stump Duty . Heerotary . Railway l ' asMonKorM - Assuj ^«;« ^ ^> ;» Old llroiul-Hlrcet , L « nu « c >« i .
Untitled Ad
ITALIAN AND FRENCH LANGUAGES . MIL A R K 1 V A B K N E , D . LL ., from the Uuiversitv of Padun , who has boon established in London for threii years , gives private lessons in Italian and I'Yeneli at hi . sowii house , or at the house ot his pupils , lie also attends Schools both in town mid country . Mr , -VltlllVABKXK leiiohcNon « plan thoroughly practical , and tho most mediocre inind cannot fail to thoroughly coiuprc . bond his lesNoiiH . Applyb . vlellertoMr . ARltJVABENlCNrt . V . St . Miclincrs . nliic ( i , ' l { r " oiii |) t on .
Untitled Ad
•> 0 , 000 NliJltVOUS MIND AND . HEAD O SUFFKltKHS . from Noblotuon to Meehauics , having tried all ndvertiseil and other roinedie * without a cure , nave , iluriug eighteen veurs . been obliged to appl . v to tho Uov . Dr . Willis Mostly , IS , lUoomslmry - street , Hodfovd h « iuiuc , London , nuil r » 0 uro not known to bo unourod . Menus ol euro oiilv to bo paid for , mid a relapse prevented for life . Novel Observations , a pmuplilot oh nervousness , franked to iniy uddivsH if one stump is soul . ; or . for HO , Twelvo Chapters on ' tho Only Moiiiih of 1 'uriHK Nervous or Aliud Coiui » hnnl . s i 41 thu best book on uorvousnoMS in our language . "
Untitled Ad
In the High Court of Chancery . rplllESKMAU , — On the 2 ihU of May , 185 . 1 , an JL lujuiK . ' tliiu wns granU'd by tho High Court of Clinn-I'ory , nnu on tlio 1 lth of Juno following : was made perjietual , ngniust Jose ]) h I ' lanklininul others to restrain them , under npenalty of !()(»(»/ ., from inillnting this inediciiii ' , which is iirotectfid by Itoyal Lettirs Pntrut of Kiiglaud , niul seeunct by tho Heftls of the lieolo do rimrniario de Paris , ami the Imperial College of Medicine , Vienna .. Triesenmr , No . 1 , in n remedy for Iteliixiition , . S |» ennatorrhu > n , mid 1 % ' xhaustloii of tho System , whether arising lroni necident or eliinnte , 'IViesoniar , is ' o , 2 , eU ' et'luallv . > n tho short hptu-o of three < l ( iys , completely and ontinO . v eradicates all traces of these disorders whicli caplvi mid eulielis Imve so Ioiik l ) e <> n t bought an antidoto for . to the ruin of the health of n vast portion of tho population . Triot * om : ir , . \ o . : l , ih tho K ' eiil < . ' (< ulluoutal remedy for that class of disorders which unfoiluimtely tho Knglish physieinu treats with nieieuiy , to the iiutvltablo doHti'iictiou ' of the patient ' s eoust it ut ion . find which alRthn uarsopai-llla in tho world enniiut n-inove . lriesontar , Nos . 1 . - J , and ;» , nre aliluulevold <> t taste or sniell mid of all nauseating ( nudities . They inn . v lie on the toilet - tablo without Mioir uho being suspected — Sold in tinouso . s ix , t Hh . ouch j lYeo by | joh ( , - J . H . extra ; divided into separate uosca , na administered bv \ «< lp «>« n , Lalleiuiiii « l , lloux , . ve . ¦ M > bo had wholesale and retail in London of . lohm-on , ON , loniliHl ; llaiiiiuv and Co ., (\ i \ , Oxford-street ; and Kniiner , [ 00 . Oxford-Htreot ; J . Jl . Powoll . 15 , Wosl inorland-Mrect . mblin ; Kaluies and Co ., LoHh-wiilk , EdinbuiKh i and 1 ) . I ) . Cam )) bell , Argylc-Ntreet , ( Husgow .
Untitled Ad
A NEW DISCOVERY IN TEETH . Mil . IK ) AVAR I ) , SUltC . EOX-DKNTTST , H \ > Vl . V . KV S'l'RKKT , has inl roduocd nu EKTlltKLY NKW I » i : sCKII » TI () N of ARTIFICIAL TKHTH , fixed without springs , wires , or ligatuivs . They so perfect ly rosmnhle the nat ural teelha . s not to bt « tlist inguishe < l from tlm originals by the cl «) srst observer ; they will never ehangc colour or dee . iv , and will be found superior te > any teeth ever boforoused . This mothod iloes not require tho extraction of roots , or any piiinful operation , ami will support and proserve teeth that are loose , and is gunrnnteod to restore articulation and mast ic : it ion . Decayed teeth rendered sound and oseftil in mastieation .
Untitled Article
AuOTST 25 , 1855 . J THE LEADE B .. 827
Leader (1850-1860), Aug. 25, 1855, page 827, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2103/page/23/