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TO READING S OCIETIES AND BOOK CLUBS BOOKS PUBLISHED THIS SEASON , The Bev . SYDNEY SMITH'S LIFE By his Daughter , Lady HOLLANDS . With a Selection front fiSLettortfedited by Mrs . AUSTIN . Third Edition . 2 vols 8 vo , 28 s . The DEAD SEA a NEW ROUTE tc INDIA . By Captain W . ALLEN , R . N ., P . R . S . Maps and Illustrations . 2 vols . post 8 vo , 25 s . WHITELOCKE'S ' JOUBNAL of the ENGLISH EMBASSY to the COURT of SWEDEN Revised by HENRY REEVE , Esq ., F . S . A . 2 vols . 8 vo , 24 a BTJBTON'S PIL&EIMAGE tc MEDINA and MECCA . Vols . I . and II . MEDINA : Ma ] and Illustrations . Vols . I . and II . 8 vo > 28 s . The Rev . W . X ' CONTBEAEE ' S ESSAYS , ECCLESIASTICAL and SOCIAL , reprinted , witl Additions , from the Edinburgh Review . 8 vo , 12 s . LAND , LABOUR , ' and GOLD ; or , Tw < Years in Victoria . By WILLIAM HO WITT . 2 vols . 21 s . Mr . DENNISTOUN'S MEMOIRS o Sir ROBERT STRANGE and ANDREW LUMISDEN . \ vols . post 8 vo , Illustrations , 21 s . Mr . WELD'S VACATION TOUR in the UNITED STATES and CANADA . Post 8 vo , 10 s . 6 d . AUTOBIOGRAPHY and MEMOIES of JAMES SILK BUCKINGHAM . Vols . I . and II . 21 s . HUC'S WORK ' on the CHINESI EMPIRE . Second Edition . 2 vols . 8 vo , Map , 24 s . MOORE'S MEMOIRS , JOUENAL , anc CORRESPONDENCE . Edited by the Right Hon . Lore JOHN RUSSELL , M . P . Vols . I . to VI ., 10 s . 6 d . each . —Vols VII . and VIII . nearly ready . 12 . Mr . PRANK MARRTAT'S WORK on CALIFORNIA—MOUNTAINS and MOLEHILLS ; or RECOLLECTIONS of a BURNT JOURNAL . 8 vo , 21 s . JAMES MONTGOMERY'S MEMOIRS By JOHN HOLLAND and JAMES EVERETT . Vols . I and II . Portraits , 21 s . —Vols . III . and IV . in the press . LORD CARLISLE'S DIARY ii TURKISH and GREEK WATERS . Fifth Edition . Posl Sto , 10 s . 6 d . CLEVE HALL . By the Author of " Airrj Herbert , " " The Earl ' s Daughter , " &c . 2 vols . fcap . 8 vo , 12 s 16 . GREGOROVIUS'S CORSICA . Trans lated by RUSSELL MARTINEAU , M-A . lflmo , 3 s . 6 d cloth ; or 3 Parts , Is . each . The Rev . BADEN POWELL'S ESSAYS on the Spirit of the INDUCTIVE PHILOSOPHY , the UNITY of WORLDS , and the PHILOSOPHY of CREATION . Crown 8 vo , 12 s . Od . The CRIMEA , ^ ita ANCIENT and MODERN HISTORY : The KHANS , the SULTANS , and the CZARS . By the Rev . T . MILNER , M . A . Post 8 vo , Maps , 10 s . 6 d . 19 . RAILWAY MORALS and RAILWAY POLICY . By HERBERT SPENCER , Author of " Sooial Statics . " lOmo , price One Shilling . [ On the 20 th inst 20 . The CALENDAR of VICTORY : A Record of British Valour and Conquest on every Day in the Tv ^ x ^ ^ "JL **• JO HNS , R . M ., and Lieutonaut P . H , NICOLAS , JLM . l ? oap , 8 vo , 12 s . 6 d . 21 . FORESTER'S RAMBLES in NORWAY among tho FJELDS and FJORDS . New Edition in the Traveller's Library . lCmo , 2 s . 6 d . cloth ; or 2 Parts Is . each . NOTES on BOOKS : A Quarterly Analysis ol \ Worka published by Messrs . Lonoma . it and Co . Froo by post to ail Secretaries , Members of Book Clubs and Road-Ing Societies , Heads of Colleges and Schools , and Private Persons , who forward their addresses to Messrs . Longman and Co . Tho First and Second Numbers aro now ready , LONDON ; LONGMAN . BROWN , GREEN , and LONGMANS .
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2 vols ., large 8 vo , with Portraits , 5 p ? , paSc » l'l ? . 4 s . LIFE OF SIR ISiiAj |^ NEWTON . BY SirfcAVID BREWS ® R ; MK ; H . EDINBURGH : THOMAS CONSTABLE & CO . LONDON HAMILTON , ADAMS , & CO .
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This day is published ,-price Cs ., Vol . I . of NOCTES AMBROSIAN / E . BY PROFESSOR WILSON . To be completed in 4 Volumes . William Biackwood and Sons , Edinburgh and London .
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Just published , in 1 vol ., fcap . Svo , price 4 s . 6 d ., rpHOUGHT and LANGUAGE : An Essay JL having in view the revival , " correction , and exclusive establishment of Locke's System of Philosophy . By B . H . SMART . London : Long-man , Brown , Green , and Longmans .
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THE BOOK OF ENGLISH-RIVERS . This day is published , in fcap . 8 vo , price 8 s . 6 d . cloth , AN ACCOUNT of the RIVERS of ENGLAND and WALES , particularising their respective Courses , their most striking Scenery , and the chief Places of Interest on their Banks . By SAMUEL LEWIS , Jun ., Author of " the History and Topography of the Parish of St . Mary , Islington . ' London : Longman , Bbown , Green , and Longmans .
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Small 8 vo , cloth , price 3 s . fid ., THE TABLE-TALK OF JOHN SELDEN . With Notes by DAVID IRVING , LL . D . Edinburgh : Thomas Constable and Co . ; London Hamilton , Adams , and Co . : Jfc
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LAD Y SYDNEY MORGAN'S PORTRAIT now ready for delivery , taken from the original picture painted by S . Gambardella . Price , Proofs , 10 s . 6 d ., Prints . 7 s . 6 d . Published by T . M'Lean , 26 , Haynaarket .
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WESTMINSTER REVIEW . —ADVERTISEMENTS intended for insertion in the Octobek Number ( No . XVI . New Series ) , should be sent to the Publisher not later than the 25 th instant ; Bills aud Prospectuses by the 27 th . Office , 8 , King William-street , Strand .
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T ? XCHANGE _ A Living , valuenet 550 Z ., popu-JJJ lation 850 , prettily situated in the East of Somersetshire , 5 miles from a picturesque watering place . An ancient rectory-house , capable of restoration , close to the church . A sound Churchman required . Address , G . F . F ., care of Messrs . Oldland and May , 28 , Corn-street , Bristol .
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ITALIAN AMD FRENCH LANGUAGES . MR . ARRIVABENE , D . LL ., from the University of Padua , who has been established in London for three years , gives private les " sons in Italian and Trench at his own house , or at the house of his pupils . He also attends Schools both in town and country . Mr . ARRIVABENE teaches on a plan thoroughly practical , and the most mediocre mind cannot fail to thoroughly comprehend his lessons . ApplybylettertoMr . ARRtVABENE , No . 4 , St . Michael ' s . place , JBrompton .
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PRIVATE EDUCATION IN PARIS . — Professor SATJVALLE , Rue des Postes , 44 , near the Pantheon , receives a select number of young gentlemen as pupils . They are treated as members of the Family . _ The course of Instruction includes ancient and modern Literature , and the Sciences . Particular attention is given to the French language . l < or particulars , apply ( by letter ) to Mr . E-P ., 29 , Arundelstrect , Strand ; and for personal reference , to Mr . W . Eaton , 16 , Prince ' s-gate , Hyde Park , London , or to Mr . Holt , 55 , Charing-cross .
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Post 8 vo ; cloth , price 6 s ., THE WAE IN THE EAST : FROM THE YEAR 1853 TILL JULY , 1855 . An Historico-Critical Sketch of the Campaigns on the Danube , in Asia , and in the Crimea . With a Glance at the probable Contingencies of the next Campaign . - By General GEORGE KLAPKA , Author of " Memoirs of the War of Independence in Hungary , " &c ., &c . _ London : Chapman and Hail , 193 , Piccadilly .
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THE VOICE OF ELIJAH . Cd ., post 7 d . C . M . Peacock , Publisher , 19 , Cursitor-strcet , Chancerylane .
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THE OBJECTS MOST TO BE DESIRED IN EFFECTING A LIFE ASSURANCE . —These are Perfect Security aud the Largest Benefits in proportion to the Contributions paid . They are both fully attained in tho SCOTTISH EQUITABLE LlFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY , which is now of Twenty-four Years' standing , and possesses Accumulated Funds , arising from tho contributions of Members only , to tho amount of 910 , 845 ? ., and has an Annual Revenue of 103 , 394 ? . The MUTUAL PRINCIPLE being adopted , tho entire surpluses or Profits , " as ascertained Triennially , aro allocated in addition to the sums Assured , and they prosetit a nattering prospect to the _ Members . For example : the sum now payable on a Policy for 1000 ? ., effected in 1831 , is 1538 ? . Gs . 9 d ., being a return of Seventy-one per cent , on the premiums paid on middle-aged lives , and Policies effected in later years are similarly increased . Tho NEXT TRIENNIAL DIVISION of PROFITS will take place on 1 st MARCH , 1856 , and Policies effected previously will receive One Year ' s additional Bonus over those opened after that date . ROBERT CHRISTIE , Manager . WILLIAM FINLAY , Secretary . Head Offlco-26 , ST . ANDREW-SQUARE , EDINBURGH . Office in London—126 , BISHOPSGATE-STREET . Agent-WILLIAM COOK .
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This day , Vols . I . and II ., v / ith Maps , octavo , 28 s . rpHE SPANISH CONQUEST IN AMERICA , JL and its Relation to the History of Slavery and to the Government of Colonies . By ARTHUR HELPS . London : John W . Pabkeb and Son , West Strand .
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Now ready , price 7 s . 6 d ., NEW NAVY LIST and General Record of the Services of Officers of tho Royal Navy and Royal Marines . Conducted by JOSEPH ALLEN , R . N ., Greenwich Hospital . London : John W . Pabkeb . and Son , West Strand .
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BOOKS FOR THE CRIMEA . — George Rontlcdgo and Co ., in accordance with the published , letter of the Rev . II . P . Wright , principal Chaplain of the Forces in tho East , have now ready for immediate shipment free of all charges , Jlva or ten pounds cases of their niost popular cheap rcprints . and copyright novels . Lists of either of these selections , or a complete catalogue of their cheap volumes , can be obtained gratis , and any information will bn given on application to George Rontlcdgo nnd Co ., Farri » Kaon-streot , or of any Bookseller in tho United Kingdom—Officers leaving for tho Seat of War * woukl find these selections worthy of their notice , and of great uao to tho soldiers . London : Geokcje RotJTiED&E and Co ., Farringdon-streot .
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On Nervousness , Debility , and Exhaustion . Just published . Now and Cheaper Edition , price 1 » ., or by post for 13 stamps . THE SCIENCE of LIFE ; or , HOW < o A LIVE , and WHAT to LIVE FOR . With Ample Rule * for Diet , llegimon , ¦ and Self-Management ; together wilii Instructions for Securing Health , Longevity , and tnnt Sterling Happiness only attainable through tho Judicious Observance of a Woll-llcgulated Course of LHe . J > y " i PHYSICIAN . London : Sherwoop nnd Co ., 2 : » , Pntcv « o » - tor-rowj Hannay , 03 , Oxford-street ; Mann , !»> . Comhllii Hoiinb , 19 , Leicester-square i nnd all Booksellers .
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SOUTH AUSTRALIAN BANKING COMPANY . Incorporated by Royal Chartor , 1847 . Tho Court of Direotors grant LETTERS of CREDIT and BILLS upon the Company ' s Bank at Adelaide at Pab . Approved drafts negotiated aud scut for collection . Business with tho Australian colonies generally conducted through tho Bank ' s Agents . Apply at tho Company ' s Offices , 54 , Old Broad-street , London . WILLIAM PURDY , Manager . London , September , 1855 .
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ST . GEORGE ASSURANCE COMPANY , 118 , PALL-MALL , LONDON . Capital , 100 , 000 ? ., in Shares of 5 ? . each . Deposit , 11 . per Share . ( On which Intercut , at tho rato of 5 ? . per cont . por annum , exclusive of Dividend , is guaranteed by tho Deed of Settlement . ) Chairman—Viscount RANELAGH , Park-place , St . James ' s . Deputy-Chairman—HENRY PoWNALL , Esa ., Ladbrokosquaro , Notting-hiH . Soorotary—W . O . URQUHART , Esq . POLICIES ABSOLUTELY INDISPUTABLE . Annuities and Endowments for families , children , and others on tho most favourable terms . Premiums payable yoarly , half-yearly , or quarterly . No charge for medical fuos or stamps ! Loans granted for long or short porioda , payablo by monthly , quarterly , or halr-yoarly instalmontH . Defective Titles , Reversions , &o .. assured and inmrantood .
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Just published , price 2 s ., post free , 2 a . ( Id . AN ESSAY ON SrERMATORRlKE A ; its Naturo and Treatment , with an Exposition ol t io , » Frauds that aro practised by persons who lulvorilno 11 « speedy , « afe , nnd effectual euro of Nervous DuranKOH »«» j By aTWEMBER OF THE 11 OYAL COLLEGE OF Vm-SlCIANS . London . London : W . Kmnt and Co ., 61 nnd 02 . Patornostcr-row .
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LONDON ; Prlntod and Published by AximKD Edmu . no Galloway , at Tho Loader" OHloo , No . 154 . Strand , in tho ' oounty of Mlddloaox .-Soptombor ir > , 1850
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A THE READER . [ No . 286 , Sat ., Sept . 15 , 1855 .
Leader (1850-1860), Sept. 15, 1855, page 900, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2106/page/24/