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Untitled Ad
STSAT , CIGARS , SIS A I * CIGARS , at G OODjSgH « « garf- ^ baoco . and Snuff Stores ( estabHsfaed W 80 ) , ^^« d ^ 4 W . Oxford-street , London , near Soho-Muaro . — "Box . containing 14 fine Sisal Cigars , for Is . 9 d . ; nSstfree , 6 stamps extraf None are genuino , unless signed SJB . N . doodrich . "
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TO LOVERS of FISH . —100 Genuine YARMOUTH BLOATERS for 6 s ., package included . These HIGHLY ESTEEMED DELICACIES and CHEAP ARTICLE OF FOOD forwarded to all parts , on receipt of wjuny postage stamps orP . O . O . ( preferred ) . F "" * " ^ . plain direction , Conntv , and nearest station . —Address , THOMAS ItBTTIS , Jun ., Fish Curer , Great Yarmouth . ' ? This is the third season Mr . Lettis has supplied us with Yarmouth Bloaters , and we find the quality excellent . ~ -J . Brashowb , House Steward , Blenheim Palace , October 20 , 18 » . " "Mr . Lettis , —As soon as you send out your genuine Bloaters , I shall be glad to have a supply as usual . Those I had last year gave great satisfaction . —A . F . CouKRor , Ambassador ' s Court , St . James ' s Palace . "
Untitled Ad
FENDERS * STOVES , and FIRE-IRONS . Buyers of the above are ro < me ^ ed , before finally deciding , to visit WILLIAM S < BUTTON'S SHOW-ROOMS , 39 , Oxford-street , ( corner of Newman-street ) , Nos . 1 , 2 , and ^ a , Newman-street , and 4 and 5 . Perry * s-plaee . They are the largest in the world , and contain sucli wi assortment of FEEDERS , STOVES , RANGES , FIRE - IRONS , and GENERAL IRONMONGERY , as cannot be approached elsewhere , either for variety , novelty , beauty of design , or exquisiteness of workmanship . Bright Stoves , with bronzed ornaments and two sets of bars . 27 . 14 s . to 51 . 10 s . ; ditto , with ormolu ornaments and two sets of bars , 5 J . 10 s . to 12 * . 12 s . ; Bronzed Fenders complete , with standards , from 7 s . toSZ- % Steel Fenders from 21 . 15 s . to ( 5 ? . ; ditto with rich ormolu ornaments , from 2 / . 15 s . to 71 . 7 s . ; Firc-ironsfrom ls . 9 d . the set to 4 , 1 . 4 s . Sylvester and all othor Patent Stoves , with radiating hearth plates . AH which ho is enabled to sell at these very reduced charges—Firstly—From the frequency and extent of Ins purchases ; Secondly—From those purchases being made exclusively for cash-PAPIER MACHK AND IRON TEATRAYS . An assortment of Toa Trays and Waiters wholly unprecedented , whether as to extent , variety , or noveltv-New Oval Papier Maohe Trays , per set of three from 20 s . Od . to 10 guineas . Ditto , Iron ditto from l * s . Od . to 4 guineas . Convex shape ditto from 7 s . < $ d . Round and Gothic waiters , cake and bread baskets , equally low . G AS CHANDELIERS and BRACKETS . — The increased and increasing use of gas in private houses has induced WILLIAM S . BURTON to collect from the various manufacturers all that is new and choice in Brackets , Pendants , and Chandeliers , adapted to offices , passages , and dwelling-rooms , as well as to have some designed expresslv for him ; these aro ON SHOW ovor his SIXTEEN LARGE ROOMS , and present , for novelty , variety , and purity of taste , an unequalled assortment . Thoy are marked m plain figures , at prices proportionate with those which have tended to make his Ironmongery Establishment the largest and most remarkable in the kingdom , viz ., from 12 s . 6 d . ( two light ) to \ Ql . 16 s . LAMPS of all SORTS and PATTERNS . — The Largest , as well as the choicest , Assortment in existence of FRENCH and ENGLISH MODERATEUR , PALMER'S , CAMPHINE , ARGAND , SOLAR , and other LAMPS , with all the latest improvements , and of the newest and most recherche patterns , in ormolu , Bohemian , and plain glass , is at WILLIAM S . BURTON'S , and thoy aro arranged in one large room , so that patterns , sizes , and sorts can Toe instantlv selected . Real French Oolza Oil , 5 s . 9 d . per gallon . Palmer's Candles , 9 d ., 9 £ d ., and lOd . per lb . DISH COVERS and HOT WATER DISHES in every material , in great variety , and of the newest and most recherche patterns . Tin Dish Covers , 6 s . Gd . the set of six ; Block Tin , 12 s . 3 d . to 28 s . fld . the set of six ; elegant modern patterns , 84 s . to 58 s . G < l-the set ; Britannia Metal , with or without silver plntcd handles , 70 s . « 3 d . to 110 s- Cd . the set ; Sheffield plated , IDA to Hit . 10 s . the set ; Block Tin Hot Water Dishes , with wells for gravy . l ? s - to 30 s . ; Britannia Metal , 22 a . to 7 7 s . ; Electro plated on Nickel , full size . 111 . 11 s . WILLIAM S . BURTON has SIXTEEN LARGE SIIOWROOMS devoted to theshow of GENERAL FURNISHING IRONMONGERY ( including cutlery , nickel silver , plated and japan wares , iron and brass bedsteads , and bedding ) , so arranged and classified that purchasers may easily and at once make their selections . Catalogues , with engravings , sent ( per post ) free . The money returned for every article notapproved of . 39 , OXFORD-STREET ( corner or Newman-street ); 1 , 2 , and 3 . NEWMAN-STREET ; and 4 and 5 , PERRY'SPLACE .
Untitled Ad
ST . GEORGE ASSURANCE COMPANY , 118 , PALL-MALL , LONDON . Capital , 100 , 000 * ., in Shares of 5 J . each . Deposit , U . per Share . ( On which Interest , at the rate of 61 . per cent , per annum , exclusive © r Dividend , is guaranteed by the Deed of Settlement . ) Chairman—Viscount RANELAGH , Park-place , St . James ' s . Deputy -Chairman— HENRY POWNALL , Esq ., Ladbrckcsquare , Notting-hill . Secretary—W . C . URQUHART , Esq . POLICIES ABSOLUTELY INDISPUTABLE . Annuities and Endowments for families , children , and others on tlio most favourable terms . Premiums payable yearly , half-yearly , or quarterly . No charge for medical fees or stamps . Loans grouted for long or short periods , payable by monthly , quarterly , or half-yearly instalments . Defective Titles , Reversions , &c . assured and guaranteed .
Untitled Ad
BANK OF DKPOSIT . No . 3 , Pall Mall East , London Established AD . 184-i . PARTIES desirous of INVESTING MONEY aro requested to examine the Plan of this Institution , by which a liigh rate of Interest may bo obtained with perfect Security . The Interest is payable in Jantahy and Jvi . y . at the Head Oftlcr ! in London ; and may also be received at the various Branches , or through Country Bankers . PETER MORRISON , Managing Director . Prospectuses and Forms for opening Accounts sent fret on application .
Untitled Ad
AIXBTAM'S Improved Patent Groats and Barley . THE ONLY EXISTING PATENT , And Strongly recommended by the Medical Profession . TO INVALIDS , MOTHERS , AND FAMILIES . —The important object so desirable to be obtained has at length been secured to the Public by J . aud J . G . Adnam , Patentees , who , after much time and attention , have succeeded by their Improved Process in producing preparations of the purest and finest quality ever manufactured from the Oat and Barley . *_ ¦— ,.,. To enumerate the many advantages derived by the Public from the use of the Improved Patent Groats is not the intention of th © Patentees ; suffice it to say that , by the process of manufacture , the acidity and unpleasant flavour so generally complained of in other preparations is totally obviated , and very superior Gruel speedily made therefrom ^ It is particularly recommended to those of consumptive constitutions , Ladies , and Children ; and the healthy and strong will find it an excellent Luncheon and Supoer . The Barley being prepared by a similar process is as pure as can be manufactured , and will be found to produce a light and nourishing Food for Infants and the Aged ; and to contain all the necessary properties for making a delicious pudding . It has also the distinguished character for making very superior Barley Water , and will be found a most excellent ingredient for thickening Soups , &c . Caution . —To prevent errors , the Public are requested to observe that each Package bears the Signature of the Fatbhtbes , J . and J . C Aditam . To be obtained Wholesale at the Manufactory , Maidenlane , Queen-street , London ; and Retail in Packets and Canisters at 6 d . and Is . each , and in Canisters for Families at 2 s ., 5 s ., and 10 s . each , of all respectable Grocers , Druggists . Ac , in Town and Country .
Untitled Ad
EAGLE INSURANCE COMPANY . Established 1807 ; Empowered by Act of Parliament , . "> : ; Geo . IJI ., a « d regulated bydeed Enrolled in the High Court of Chancery . 3 , Crescent . 2 \ Vw > Bridge Street , Blackfi-iars , London . DIRECTORS . JOSHUA LOCK WOOD , Esq ., Ch airman . WILLIAM WYBROW , Esq ., JJepnty-Chatrman . Charles Uischoff , Esq . Chas . Thos . Holcornbe , Esq . Thomas Botldington , Esq . Richard Harman Lloyd I . sq . Thomas Dcvas , Esq . W . Anderson Peacock , tsq . Nathaniel Gould . Esq . Ralph Chaa . Price , fcsq . Robert A . Gray , Esq . Thos . G . Sambrooke , tsq . Auditors—Thomas Allen , Esq . ; William H . Smith , Jun ., Esq . Medical Officers — James Saner , Esq .. M . D ., Tottenham Green ; \ Vai . CooKE . Ksq ., M . D ., 39 , Trinity Square , lower Hill . Actuary and Secretary—Chaeiks Jellicoe , Esq . The Assets of this Company Exceed Three Quarters of a Million Sterling . the AifNi ' . vi . income excekds—Oat Hundred and Ttoirty Five Thousand Potxnds . THE NUMBER OF KXI 8 TIJTO POLICIES 18 Upwards Of Four Thomand . Tin-: tota t amount A 99 UBKD—BxceediTwo Million Eiffht Hundred Thousand Pounds . at thk division of sukpli's in 1852 , —About One Hundred and Twenty Thousand Pounds was added to the Sums Assured , under Participating Policies . The Division is Quinquennial , AND T 1 IK WIIOl . K Si : iiri . i : s ( l . KSS 20 l'KIt CENT . ONLY ) IDISTHinUTKH AMON <; THK ASSUKKI ) . The Premiums required by this Company , although nu . dt - rate , entitle the Assured to K 0 per cent , of the quinquennia ! surplus . Tho lives assured are permitted , in time of peace , without extra charge , to reside in any country— ( Australia ami California execptodj--north of M degrees north latitude , » r south or ; W degrees south latitude ; or to pass by sea ( not . being seafaring persons by profession ) between any pl . i . , s lying in tho same hemisphere—distant moro than : Md «> -iv . s from the Equator , without extra charge . Deeds amifruing Policies aro registered at tho OIH <<\ : wnl assignment : * can be effected on forms supplied by the I'oinpnny . The Annual Reports of the Company ' s state and proj-M - <> ss . Prospectuses anil Forms , may bo had , or will be s .-nt . p «>> l fr < i «> on application at tlioOHk-e , or to any of the Company -. AKCUtti .
Untitled Ad
CURES OF INFLUENZA , COUGHS , COLDS , &c , by DR . LOCOCK'S PULMONIC WAFERS . From Mr . James Drury , Stone Bow , Lincoln . — "I am authorised by several ladies and gentlemen—whoso names I cap give—to state that Dr . Locock ' s Wafers have proved of the highest efficacy to them for colds , coughs , hoarseness ^ wheezing , influenza , sore throat ; and in almost every sale I bear of Denefit obtained by their use . " TO SINGERS AND PUBLIC SPEAKERS they arc invaluable for clearing and strengthening the voice . They have a pleasant taste . Price Is . lid ., 2 s . 9 d ., and Us . per box . Sold by all druggists . ' _ - - - -
Untitled Ad
A . CLEAR COMPLEXION . i ^ ODFREY'S EXTRACT OF ELDER VDT FLOWERS is strongly recommended for softening , improving , beautifying , and preserving the skin , and giving it a blooming and charming appearance , being at once a most fragrant perfume and delightful cosmetic . It will completely remove tan , sunburn , redness , &o ., and by its balsamic and healing qualities render the skin soft , pliable , and free from dryness , scurf , &c ., clear it from every humour , pimple , or eruption ; and , by continuing its use only a short time , tho skin will become and continue soft and smooth , and the complexion perfectly clear and beautiful . In tho process of shaving it is invaluable , as it annihilates every pimple , and all roughness , and will afford great comfort if applied to the face during the prevalence of cold easterly winds . Sold in bottles , price 2 s . 9 d ., with Directions for using it , \> y all Medicine Vendors and Perfumers .
Untitled Ad
HOLLO WAY'S PILLS an inestimable remedy 6 > r Disordered Stomach and Weak Constitution . — -These astonishing pills have such strengthening and invigorating properties , that persons of low or nervous habits , or whose digestive organs are in any way impaired , should have recourse to them , as tho most debilitated have l » eeii restored to tho blessings of perfect health by their use , after every variety of medicines have proved useless : consequently the Faculty recommend all persona going abroad subject to- billons affections , or complaints similar to the above , to make use of Holloway ' 8 Pills . —Sold by all Medicine Vendors throughout the world ; at Professor Holloway ' s Establishments , 244 , Strand , London , and . 80 , Maiden-lane , New York j . by A . Stampa , Constantinople ; A . Quidicy , Smyrna ; and H . Hoods , Malta .
Untitled Ad
T-VEAtfNESS and NOISES in the HEAD . — JL ^ J Free of Charge , forth © Protection and Instant Belief of the Deaf , a Book of 80 pages . —An extraordinary Discovery . —Just published , sent tree by nost to any deaf person writing for it , "A STOP TO EMPIRICISM and Exorbitant Vuos . " Sufferers extremely deaf , by means of this book , permanently cure themselves , in any distant part of the world , without pain or use of any Instrument . Thousands have been restored to perfect hearing , and for ever roucued from tho snares of the numerous adverUsing , dangerous , unqualified pretenders of the present day . It contains lists of startling cures , published by Dr . V . R . HOGHTON , Member of tho London Royal College or Surgeons , May 2 , 1846 ; L . A . C . April 30 , 1840 ; ConaulUngSurgeon to tho institution for tho Oaro of Deafness , 0 , Suffolk-placo , Pall Mall , London , where all letters are to bo addrensed . —Personal consultations every day between 11 and 4 o ' clock . —Sufferers deaf 40 or 60 years have their hearing perfectly restored In half an hour without a moment ' s inconvenlonco . Testimonials and certificates can be seen from all tho loading members of the faculty , and from Patients cured .
Untitled Ad
DR . DE JONGITS LIGHT BROWN COD LrVER OIL . TESTIMONIAL PRO 31 DR . LETHEBY , Professor of Chemistry and Toxicology in tho Medical College of tho London Hospital , Chemical ltofcroo to thu Corporation of London , Medical Officer of Health to tho City of London , &c , &c , &c . " I have frequently had occasion to analyse the Cod Livor Oil which is sold at your establishment . I mean that variety which is prepared for Medicinal u . so in the Loffodcn Isles , Norway , and sent into commerce with tho sanction of Dr . DE JONGH , of tho Hague . " In all cases I have found it possessing tho same not of properties , among which the presence of cholaio compounds and of iodine in a state of organic combination aro the most romarkablo : in fact , tho Oil corrcsnf > onda in all its characters with that nam «« l Iltiito lirune , ' and doHoribod as the best variety in tho masterly trcatiso of Dr . DK JONG II . " IT IS , I DKUKVIi , UMVKIt . SAI . I . Y ACKMOWI . KIMiKI ) THAT THIS DI HOItlPTIOX OK Oil . ll \ H tiUK . VV TIIKKAPI' . UTIOAI , rOWEIt ; ANI > , PUOM MY INVKHTICJATIONH , I 1 IAVK NO OOUBT OF ITN KKINO A VVUK AND UNAI > UI / l'KllATKI > AnTICXIl . "College Laboratory , London llo . spitnl , Sopt . 2-t , 18 rw > . " Sold OWI . Y in bottlcH , capsuled and labolled with Dr . do Tough's signature , without which noni : aiie uknuinu , by ANHAli , 1 IARFO 11 D . and CO ., 77 . HTHAND , London , Dr . do Jongh'H solo CoiiHigiiocH ; and I ) . V most rospcctable Chemists in town aud country . Half-pints ( 10 ounces ; . ' 2 s . 0 d . ; Pints ( 20 ounces ) , 4 s . < M ; Quarts ( 40 ounces ) . Us . IMPKUlAL JMMAHUKK .
Untitled Ad
00 , 000 NERVOUH MINI ) AND HKAJ ) O SUFFERERS , from Noblemen to Mechanics , having tried all advertised and othor roniodleH without acuro , huvo , during eighteen years , boon obliged to apply to the Kov . J ) r , Willis Mosoly , 18 , BloomHhury - tttroot , Bedford ¦ square , London , and 60 are not known to ho iincured . Means of cure onl y to bo paid for , and a relapse provonted for life . Novel Observations , a pamphlet on nervousness , franked to any address if one stamp is sent ; or , for no , Twelvo Chapters on tho Only Moans of Curing Nervous , or Mind Complaints ; "tho bost book on nervou » neHs in our language . "
Untitled Ad
In tin ; IHkIi Court of Chancery . rpniEHKMAR . —Un tho 2 » Hh of May , 18 . > . "> , an 1 . Injunction was KranUid by tho High Court of « 'li :. u eery imil on Mm llthofJuno following wrw » inndo porpH u . il . again *! Joseph Fraukliriaiid others to rvstraln tiu-ni . mji l . ; ia penally of 1000 / .. from Imitating this medicine , which i- < protoctod by Royal Letters Patent of England , and seenivl by tho NcnlHof the Krolo d « Pharinocie de Paris , aiul th < - ImiwriiU College Of Medicine , Vienna . Triesenuir , No . 1 . i > a remedy for itelaxiition , Kpermatorrliwa , and Kxhaustion of tho Syrttfin . whether arfsliiK from accident or oliniate . Trlesomur , No . 2 , efrectually , in the short space ol 1 hree dnys , coini ) lot < -l . y and ontlrely oratllcntes nil travns of those ditiorderH whlcli oaptvi and cuhehs havoso long been thouc-lil an antidoto for , to the nun of tho health of avast portion or the population . THenoniar . No . . 'J , Is . tho great Continental rewuMly for thnt <; hihs of < llsorders which unfortunately th « j Unwlish physician treats with mercury . !<> Hi ' inevitable destruction of tho patient ' s constitution , ami whldi nil the sarsupaiilla in tho world cannot remove . TrlcHnniar , Nos . I . £ , and H . aro nllke devoid of taste or mimH and of all nau seating qualities . Thoy may Ho on the i . nl-1-table without Ihoir use being nuspcetod . —Sold In lln i ^; ' at lls . «« uili : fvwi by post , 2 s . extnij divided into nopai ' iiie dosos , ns aumlnlsterod by Vdueau , Lallemand . ItouN . . v «' - To be luul wholesale and rotafl in Ijondon of JohiiKin . f . 1 * , (> ornhill ; Ilaunuy niul Co ., «« , Oxford-Htreot ; ami Sinner , ino , Oxfonl-Htrooti J . If . lWoll , lfl , W « t « tinoi'lninl " *•' ¦ ; ' ; ' ¦ Dublin ; Knliuos and Co ., Lclth-walk , Edl » ibiu « li i » i »» l » ' . 0 . Onmuboli , Arjrylo-Htrwt , dlasgovv
Untitled Article
U ^ THE LE-ADEB . [ No . 290 , Saturday ,
Leader (1850-1860), Oct. 13, 1855, page 994, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2110/page/22/