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THE EDINBURGH REVIEW , No . CCVIIL , ¦ is publishodtWa day . CONTENTS : I . Memoirs of Kin * Joseph . # II Political Disturbances in Cluna . III . The Educational Census . IV . The Court of Oude . V . Paragraph Bibles . VI . The Plurality of Worlds . VII . The Newspaper Press . VIII . Tennyson ' * Maud . IK . Transcaucasia . X . The Fathers of New England . XI . The Results of the Campaign . London : Lonoman and Co . ; Edinburgh : A . and C Black . I
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, NEW WORKS NOW READY . MY EXILE IN SIBERIA . By ALEXANDER HERZEN . 2 vols . 21 s . SPORTING ADVENTURES IN THE NEW WORLD ; Or , Days and Nights of Moose Hunting in the Pine Forest of Acadia . I Ry CAMPBELL HARDY , Royal Artillery . 2 vols . 21 s . "Full of spirit , stirring adventure , and useful inforcna-1 tion . " —Ltaily Ncics . MILLICENT ; Or , The Trials of Life . By the Author of " The Curate of Overton . " 3 vols . THE PRIESTS NIECE . By the Author of " Lionel Deerburst . " 3 vols . "This romance overflows with startling incidents and striking situations . In many of the scenes there is a decree of narrative and descriptive power rarely surpassed . ' — Morning Post . Hi / rst and Blackett , Publishers , Successors to Henet COLBIKN . i . . ,
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! THE ROVING ENGLISHMAN'S NEW WORK . Price 5 s ., cloth lettered , " [ EMBASSIES AND FOREIGN GOUKTSi JL _ J a History op Difi . oma . ct . By the ROVINGr ENGLISHMAN . "The Roving Englishman is a satirical chronicler . His style is not less lively than severe , not subtle enough for irony , but caustic , free , and full of earnest meaning . The I salt of the book is to be found in the keen allusions which : cluster around every anecdote , the light struck from ancient and modenvinstances to illustrate the events of our own times , and the ridicule bestowed on mediaeval feelings and ; manners . Beyond this , the volume is an admirable manual ,, skilfully adapted to the purpose of diffusing a general koowledge of history and the working of diplomacy . "— The Alheneeum , Sept . 22 , 1855 . London : George Routledge and Co ., Farringdon-- street ; and all Booksellers and Railway Stations .
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A NEW MILITARY BOOK . In small post 8 vo , cloth extra , 5 s ., or with gilt edges , 5 s . 6 d ., THE GREAT SIEGES of HISTORY . By WILLIAM ROBSON , Author of the " Life of Richelieu . " and Translator of " Michaud ' s History of the Crusades . " This now and original military book is published uniform in size , &c , with Macfarlane ' s " Great Battles of the British Army , " and Napier's " Battles of the Peninsula , " and contains a most concise account of the Siege of SebastopoJ , and accurate histories of One Hundred Great Sieges from the earliest date to the present time . i London : George Rotttledge and Co ., Farringdonstreet ; and all Booksellers and Railway Stations .
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JAMES GRANTS HISTORICAL NOVELS . Now ready . A . new Volume , in fcap . 8 vo , fancy boards , 28 ^ . or in cloth extra , 2 s- 6 d ., THE YELLOW FRIGATE . By JAMES GRANT , Author of "Frank Hilton ; or , the Queen ' s Own ; " " The Scottish Cavalier ; " " The Romance of War ; ' * " The Adventures of an Aide-de-Camp ; " all of which are published at the same price and size as the ' Yeelow Frigate . " 3 Ir . Grant has won for himself a name as popular as any author of the day . With the pathos of Maxwell , as shown in his " Stories of Waterloo , " he unites the drollery of Lever , in his " Charles O'MaUey . " London : George Rotttledge and Co ., Farringdonstreet ; and all Booksellers and Railway Stations .
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Now ready , A LTST of NEW and CHOICE BOOKS recently added to MUDIE'S SELECT LIBRARY . Also . A LIST of SURPLUS COPIES of RECENT WORKS , withdrawn from circulation , and offered at greatly reduced prices for cash . Charles Ed-ward Mct > ie , sift . New Oxford-9 treet , London ; and 76 , Cross-street , Manchester . .
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THE WESTMINSTER REVIEWER REFUTED .- or , the Logic and Science of the article on the alleged " Physiological Errors of Teetotalism" shown to bo spurious . By " Dr . F . R . LEES and J . M . MACCULLOCH , This elaborate critique also contains incidental replies to the Leafier , the Economist , " Professor Johnston , " and Harrington Parker " s Beer-puff . Large paper copy , Is . tJd ., size of review ; small paper copies , price Is . " A merciless exposure . "—Alliance Weekly yews . Tweedie , 337 , Strand , London .
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1 Just published , price ( 3 s ., No . IV . of the EDINBURG H NEW PHILOSOPHICAL JOURNAL . —New Series . Contents : —1 . Professor Harknoss on the Geolopy of the Dingle Promontory . 2 . Dr . Cobbold on a Malformed Trout . 3 . Dr . Daubenv on the influence of the Lower Organisms in the Production of Epidemic Diseases . 4 . Professors Harkncss and Blyth on the Cleavage of tho Devonians in the South-West of Ireland . 5 . Dr . Cobbold on a new species of Trematodo Worm . 6 . Astronomical Contradictions and Geological Inferences respecting a Plurality of Worlds . 7 . Mr . H . Davidson on some new Compounds of Furfurine . S . Mr . . 1 . Gnllctly on a now Glucosido existing in the Petals of tho Wallflower . 9 . l > r . Davy on Tropical Plants . 10 . T . H . Kowney on the Composition of Two Mineral Substances employed as Pigments . 11 . M . G . D'findegeost ' s Sketch of Operations executed in tho Drainage of the Lake of Haarlem . 12 . O . G . Williams on some of tho Basic Constituents of Coal Naphtha . 13 . Biographical Sketch of the late George , Johnston of Berwick . U . Professor Goodsir on the Present State of Organic Electricity . 15 . A . Murray on Electric Fishes . —Reviews . Proceedings of Societies andSciek- ( TJFIC I . MEIZ . IOE . NCB . Edinburgh : A . and C Black ; London : Losomav and Co .
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On the 1 st of October was published , price Five Shilling * Number 11 . of Til E N AT I O N A L R E V I E W CONTENTS : I . The First Edinburgh Reviewers . II . Decimal Coinage . III . Sir G . C . Lewis on Early Roman History . IV . A Novel or Two . V . Tho Civil Service and the Competitive Principle . VI . Tennyson's Maud . VII . Tho Statesmen of tho Day . VIII . St . Paul . IX . The Full of Sebastopol . X . Summary of Theology nnd Mental Philosophy . XI . Summary of Political ' Philosophy and Economy . XII . A list of Books suitable for Reading Societies . " Plenty of varietv and matter , and much ability in all . For the essfiv writers in this new Xational Review , though likely cimujili to be often enouirh read without assent to their opinions , are thoughtful , able men . "—Examiner , October "' til . "Tin Review itself is already numbered , wo hope , among tho established favourites of the reading public . Its promise of high entertainment must cause it to be looked for with interest even in quarters where it would be repudiated as a political or religious representative . "—Sunconfurniist , October 10 th . " The second number of this now periodical fully sustains tho reputation of the first . It displays at least equal ability , and preserves the same rare ami peculiar tone . It vindicates what it originally announced as its mission , ami employs its assorted freedom from all schools or churches , whether of politics , literature , or theology , to solect from each vrhnt is good , and to appreciate what is noble and redeeming . " — Economist , October tlth . London : Roiibrt Thkoda'M > , 2 ' ? , Paternoster-row .
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SIR EDWARD BULWER LYTTON » S NOVELS AND TALES . New Volume , in fcap . 8 vo , price Is . 6 d ., fancy boards , LU CRETIA ; or , The Children of Nisrht . By Sir EDWARD BULWER LYTTON , M . P . L niform with Lttceetia , and in the Railway Library , are now published Bulwer ' s Novels and Tales * viz .: — Pelham , Is . 6 d . i Ernest Maltravers , Is . 6 d . Paul Clifford , Is . 6 d . I Alice , Is . 6 d . Eugene Aram , Is . 6 d . Night and Morning , Is . Cd . Last Days of Poinpeii , Is . Cd . Godolphin , Is . 6 d . Rienzi , Is . 6 d . The Disowned , Is . 6 d . Pilgrims of the E-hine , Is . Deyereux , Is . 6 d-Last of the Barons , 2 s . Leila , Is . The Caxtons , 2 s . My Novel , 2 vols ., each 2 s . Hakoid and Zaxosi will shortly be published , completing : the entire series of the Novels and Tales of Sir Edward Bulwcr Lytton . London : George RoiTtBDGB » nd Co ., Farringdoustreet ; and all Booksellers and Railway Stations .
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Just published , in crown 8 vo , price 6 s ., cloth , BLENIIAM ; or , \ Yhat Came of Troubling the Waters . A Story founded on Facts . By E . ELLIOTT . " More truthful sketches , or a better written book , with more varied thought , could not well have been made . " — Spectator . Published by W . and F . G . Cash , 5 , Bishopsgate-street , Without , ' _
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PRIVATE EDUCATION IN' PARIS . — Professor SAUVALLE , Rue des Postcs , 4-1 , near the Pantheon , receives a select number of young gentlemen as pupils Thev are treated as members of the Family . The course of Instruction includes ancient anil modern Litcra' ture , ami the Sciences . Particular attention is given toihe French language . , , For particulars , apply ( by letter ) to Mr . E P .. - " . > , AruiuK 1-street . Strand ; ami for personal reference , to Mr . W . Eaton , Hi , Prince ' s-gnte , Hyde Park , London , or to Mr . Holt , 55 , Charing-eross .
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ITALIAN AND FRENCH LANGUAGES . MR . AHRIVABENE , D . LL ., from the University of Padua , who has been established in London for three years , gives private lessons in Italian and French at his owii house , or at the house of his pupils . He I also attends Schools both in town and country . Mr . I ARRIVABENE teacheson a plan thoroughly practical , and I the most mediocre mind cannot fail to thoroughly comprehend his lessons . Apply bylettertoMr . ARRIVABENE , No . 4 , St . Michael ' splace , Brompton .
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SOUTH AUSTRALIAN BANKING COMPANY . Incorporated by Royal Charter , 1847 . The Court of Directors ( JltANT LETTERS of CREDIT and KILLS upon the Company's Bank , at Adblaide , at Par . Approved drafts negotiated and sent for collect ion . Hastiness wit l » the Australian Colonies gone-rally , conducted through the Bank ' s Agents . Apply at the Company ' s Odlot-s , No . 54 , Old Broad-street , London . WILLIAM PURDY , Manager . London , October , 18 R 5 .
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rp II E V O I C E OF ELIJAH . JL Cd ., post Td . C . M . Peacock , Publisher , 10 , Cursitor-street , Chancerylane .
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Just published , price 2 s ., post free , 2 s . Cd ., AN ESSAY ON SPERMATORRHOEA ; its Nature and Treatment , with an Exposition of tho Frauds that nrti practised by persons who Advertise tho speedy , safo , and eflVctual euro of Nervous Derangement . ByaTuEMBER OF THE ROYAL COLLEGE OlT PHYSICIANS . London . London : W . Kent ami Co .. 51 and 52 . Paternoster-row .
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On Saturday , November 3 , 1855 , will bo published , tho First Number , price 5 d ., or Od . stainped . of the v OATURDAY REVIEW of POLITICS , LITE-? 0 KATURK , SCIENCE , and ART . —This Publication will cotislHt exclusively of original matter , or of news embodied in original comments ; and it will thus bo distinguished from ftU existing periodicals in several important rcupocts . It will difKr from the weekly newspapers in tho exclusion of merely borrowed news , and from tho purely literary journals in tho admission of polltioul discuss ion . , is intended that it shall address itself to . the l ^ VV'V , " vVl bo in tho Political . Social , n . ul Literary >\ orJil . w ¦ noli wl l > o impartially handled by competent wnters wieli tIn t line rality and independence which < " »««* ' «•« .. M * , ' ,, repr £ minus demand from those who assume l « PKtoXy sent public opinion . —Tho pnblirnon of ' » , * JU and RKVlBWis out rusted to Messrs . ' < "A .. !! , ; . „ '" wUd-SQN , West Strand , to whom all conummuniKM i vortisemonts nuiy bo iHWm *»« x * - u . ^ -now ileelino to Tho conductor ; . « ' *»>« ^ ffiwiv K * w *« Ucthno to receive books , priiits , *«« .. S ™* l " T " roi > ' r notice of all now limit * of no iK . riodlca «< niH of 1 \> n jj r tilolUHolv « 8 tho ^^ && u ^^^^^ - -
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919 ° M 1 LNEKS' HOLDFAST AND ZdLL FIRK-RKS 1 ST 1 XG SAFKS ( non- « onduoting and vapourising ) , with all the improvements , under their Quadruple Patents of lS-lo-. U-. M and lSSfl , including thoir ( iunpowder-proof Solid Lock and Door ( without which no Safe is secure ) . TUB STKONOKST , I 1 KUT , AND CHEATliSr SAl'EO CAKDB Exr . vxx . MILNERS' PHQONIX ( 212 degrees ) SAFE WORKS , LIVERPOOL , the most complete nnd extensive in tho world . Show-rooms , ( 5 and S , Lonl-street , Liverpool . London Dop 6 t , 17 a , Moorgato-stroet , City . Circulars tree by post .
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rpllE AIKK nml CALDER . GLASS BOTTLE X COMPANY . Limited . ( Provisionally Registered . ) Capital , M » , 000 / ., in SOOO Shares of lo / . each . Tlui ftbov < i Company is forming under the recent law for Limiting i he Liability of Shareholders in Joint-Stock C onipanitm , and also from the materials anil established trade of tho iirlvute , company , known by the same title , and established in ls ; S 7 . For further information , Prospootusos , nnd Forms of Application for Sharon , apply to the Solicitors , T . S . vkes , Ksij ., (^ Mtlofonl t liOrty , Potter , and Son , Kiug-ntreot , ( . Mionpsido , Loiuluii ; or tho Registered Provisional Promoter , K . Hrolllt , Kn ( j ,, Cnatloford , and « H , King William-street , London .
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RUPTURES . — HY ROYAL LETTERS PATENT . WIHTK'S MOC-ISIAIN LEVER TRUSS in allowed by upwards of 2 tM ) ^ ledicaKJentleiuon to bo tho most otVectlvo invention in the euralivo l . reatinent of Hornla . Tho uhooT a Htoul Hin-ing ( so often hurtful in its ulfoctB ) is horo avoided , a soft KnmlnKo being worn round tho body , whilo tho requlNtto roHinliiiK power Im Miippli" ! llv thn Moo-Main Pad ami Patent Lover , lilting with ho niueli oa « u and olo « cii « Ha that it cannot bo dot cot od , and may bo worn duringnlo . op . . \ ( U > . s (< riiitiv << circular may bo had , anil tho 'JniHH ( wliieh oaimot fall to lit' forwarded by post . on Uioolrouinforoneoof tho body , two inolios liolow the hips , V » " . , V . " ' to " Mnnufaoturor , Mr . JOHN WiiITE , 228 , Piccadilly , Loixlon . .,. ^ ' ; A . « 'nO STOCKINGS , KNEE CAPH . Ac , for VAItl-\'« VKlNH . nn . J all ojinoh of WEAKNESS nnd 8 W 10 KLINO ortho LEUH , SPRAINS , M \ They nroporous , Unlit in toxuiro , Midliiox |) cuNlvo , aii ( l me drawn on like an ordinary stocking . Price from 7 s . < Ul . IoIOm . PostnKO . Oil .
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FURNISH YOUR HOUSE WITH THE BEST ARTICLES AT DEANE'S Ironmongery and Furnishing Warehouses . Kstahlishwi a . d . 1700 , . V l ' rii-ed FurnishliiK List , 1 ivo by | lo ^ t . DEANE , DRAY , ami CO . it ) ponlngto llu > Monumont ) , l . ( Hi ( lon-bri < luc . ONE THOUSAND BEDSTEADS TO OMOONI . ; FROM . — IlKALnnd SON hsivojust erected rxlousivo Premises , which enable them to kwp upwards of One Thousaiul Itedsteatls in stoek , One lliiu < lrcu anil l-irty or which nro llxed for inspoetlon , comprisiriR ovory variety of Uiuns , Woou . aml Iron , with Chintz and JJnwoftk luirni-Iiu'oh , oomploto . Thoir now warorooma nlso contain an assortment of ' UKDROOM FDRMTUIIE , which oompHsos overv requisite , from the plainest Jniimmrcl Deal for Servant ' s' Koouis , to ( ho newest nml most , tantcfnV donigiiH In Miihopnnv and other Woods . The wholi" wnrrantod of tho soiiiKlobt ' nml best mnnufneturo . HEAL mul SON'S 1 LUlSTRATIOD CATALOGUE OF BKDSTKADS , AND PiticEl ) LIST OF KKDDINU , sont froo liy Post . —HEAL and SON , UW , Tottonham-court-road .
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October ; 13 , 3 . 855 . J _ THE LEADER , 99 g
Leader (1850-1860), Oct. 13, 1855, page 995, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2110/page/23/