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NiW SERIAL WORK BY MR : CHARLES DICKENS . Uniform with " Dombey and Son , " '' David CoppebfikliV " Bleak House , " &c . &c . On the Thirtieth of November trill be published , to be completed in Twenty Monthly Parts , price One Shilling each , The First Monthly Part of a New Work of Fiction called L I f T L E D O R R I T . BY CHARLES DICKENS . WITH ILLUSTltATIONS BY IIABLOT K . BKOWNE . BRADBURY AND EVANS , 11 , BOUVERIE STREET .
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In a few days -will be published , in 2 vols . 8 vo , with Portrait , THE LIFE AND WORKS OF GOETHE : Sgaitfi sbketrijes of Jh ' s &ge anti Contemporaries . ( feom published and unpublished sources . ) BY O . H . LEWES , Author of " The Biographical History of Philosophy , " &c . " Goethe ' s Heart , which few knewr , was as great as hia Intellect , which all knew . " —Jung Stilling . LONDON : DAVID NUTT , 270 , STRAND .
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COLLECTED WORKS OF THE AUTHOR OF " VANITY FAIR , " " THE NEWCOMES , " * c . On the Bl * t of October trill be published ( uniform -with the Cheap Editions of " Vanity Fair" and " Pendennis '") , price 6 s ., Vol . I . of MI S C E L L A N I E S . BY W . M . THACKERAY . PROSE AND VERSE ; STORIES , ESSAYS , AND SKETCHES , SATIRICAL BURLESQUE , AND SENTIMENTAL . The Collection will be completed in Four Volumes . The first will include : THE BALLADS : —THE BOOK OF SNOBS : —THE TREMENDOUS ADVENTURES OF MAJOR GAHACJAN : —THE FATAL UOOTS : — and COX'S DIARY ; each of which will , for the convenience of Railway liuudcrct , &c , bo published separately . PUBLISHED BY BRADBURY AND EVANS , 11 , BOUVEU 1 E STREET .
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CHEAP EDITION OF PENDENNIS . This day is published , in small Sro { uniform with " ' t ' anify Fair ") , price Seven Shillings , THE HISTORY OF PENDENNIS ; His Fortunes and Misfortunes , His Friends and his Greatest Enemy . BY W . M . THACKERAY . BRADBURY AND EVANS , 11 , BOUVERIE STREET .
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TRACTS FOR THE PRESENT CRISIS . No . XXV . REAPPEARANCE OF THE BOY JONES . In thia Tract eomo light i » thrown on certain comment * of the Times on the projoctod marriage of the Princess Royal of England . Sent free on receipt of two pontage Htam i >« . Twenty-five Tracts sent free on receipt of twenty postage HtampH . SOLD BY BAETLETT , PATERNOSTER-ROW ; AND KKRttLAKE , PARK-STJRE 1 CT , BRISTOL .
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NEW WORKS , To bo PUBIiISHED in OCTOBER and NOVEMBER . l . A Portion of the JOURNAL kep t by THOMAS RAIKES , Esq ., from 1881 to 1847- Vols . I . and II . Post 8 vo . Qln November . 2-The PAST CAMPAIGN . By 1 ST . A . "WOODS , lat « Special Correspondent of the Morntng Herald at the Seat of War . 2 vols . post Svo ^ November 3 . BTJSSIA , its RISE and REVOLUTIONS . TRAGEDIES and PROGRESS- Bj the Rev . T . MILNER , M JL , Author of " The Baltic" and The Crimea . " Post 8 vo . C November . 4 . Completion . MOORE'S MEMOIRS , JOURNAL , and CORRESPONDENCE - Edited by the Right Hon . Lord JOHN RUSSEUJ , M . P . Vols . VII . and VIII . Post 8 yo . £ In November . 5 . MEMOIRS of the LIFE and WRITINGS or JAMES MONTGOMERY . By JOHN HOLLAND and JAMES EVERETT . Vols . IU . and IV . Post 8 vo . [ In November . 6 . ARiAGO'S POPULAR ASTRONOMY . Translated by Rear-Admiral SMYTH ; assistedby ROBERT GRANT , M . A . Vol . 1 . 8 vo . CIn November-7 . A SECOND JOURNEY ROUND THE WORU > . By Madame IDA PFEIFFER- 2 vols . post 8 vo . [ In November . 8 . EASTERN EXPERIENCES collected during a WINTER JOUR in EGYPT and the HOLY LAND . ByA . STEINMETZKENNARD- PostSvo . £ In October . 9 . EIGHT YEARS' WANDERINGS in CEYLON . By ; S . W . BAKER , Author of " The Rifle and the Hound in . Ceylon . " 8 vo , with 6 coloured Plates , price 15 s . [ pu Wednesday next . 10 . Tlie Traveller ' s Library . PICT 1 TEIES from CUBA . By Wiluait H . HURLBUT . lfimo , price One Shilling . . [ On the 31 st inst . n . Xllnstrated Edition . MOOIB'S IRISH MELODIES . With 12 fine Steel Plates , from Original Designs by Cope , I Frost , j Mulready . Creswick , I Horsley , Sant , Egg . I Maclise , Stone , and frith , I Millais , I Ward . Square cro-vra 8 vo , uniform with " Lalla Rookh . " CIn November . 12 . COKYERSATIONS on HARMONY . Hy the Author of " Conversations on Botany . " 8 vo . [ Next week . 13 . The XXFE of LUTHER , in 48 Historical Enitravings . By G . KONIG . With Explanations fc ^ ArohSSSwT HARE and SUSANNA WINk ! wORTH . Square crovn 8 vo . CIn November . 14 . The lilFE and TRAVELS of HERODOTU 8 la the PIFTH CENTURY before CHRIST . By J . T . WHUBIjER , Author of " The Geography of Herodotus . " 2 YQl » . post 8 yo , price 21 s . [ On Wednesday next . 15 . ELEMENTARY ATLAS of HISTORY and GEOGRAPHY . By the Rev . J . S . BREWER , M . A . With 16 coloured Maps , engraved by E . WJELLER . Royal 8 vo , half-bound . CNearly ready . 16 . CONSTITUTIONAL HISTORY of JERSEY- By O . Ij . QUE 8 NE , Esq ., Jurato of the Royal Court , and Member of the States . 8 vo . CNearly ready . 17 . The ART of PERFUMERY , and the METHODS of OBTAINING the ODOURS of PLANTS . By G W . 8 . PIESSE , Analytical Chomibt . Fcan . 8 vo . [ In a few days . LONDON : LONGMAN , BROWN , GREEN , and LONGMANS .
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^ THE LEAD E B . [ No . 290 , Sat ., Oct . 13 , 1855 .
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LONDON ; Printed and Publiahod by Ai / pjuupUdki / ND Qi . hhOYfXY , at " Tho Leader" OIUco . No . 101 , Btrand , In tlio CHmnty of MWlUloMox .-Octul ^ r 1 : » , HIM .
Leader (1850-1860), Oct. 13, 1855, page 996, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2110/page/24/