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T * dsi * iv ELYTHE LAST WEEK BUT TWO t ^' Sfji ' JtJLLIEN'S CONCERTS--T he Fall of Sebasi ifew £ -tm * J * afltaae Gassier every night . " ¦ - : . Bromenade , is ; ? Dress Circle , 28 . 6 d . Bt JnUien's Grand Bal Masqat will take place on Monday , , Dee . it . , ¦ . 3
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^ Ol ^ AND ATSTD TJE RIGHT OF ASYLUM . ANNIViBSABT OF THE tAST POEI 8 H INSURRECTION . A PUBLIC MEETING will be held ifc St-Ttfartin ' s-hall , Long-acre , on Thursday Evening next . 29 Chair willbe taken at Half-past Seven o'Clock precisely .
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DR . KAHN'S GRAND ANATOMICAL MUSEUM , consisting of upwards of 1 , 000 highly interesting Models , representing every part of the Human Frame in Health and Disease , also the various Races of Meto , &c :, Open ( for gentlemen only ) daily from 10 till 10 . lieettirea , ' varying ewry day in the week , are delivered by dTVeXTON , a ? 12 , 2 . 4 , and half-past 7 . Admission , is . — 4 , COVENTRY-STREET , LEICES rER-SQUARfc .
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FENDER S , STOVES , and FIRE-IRONSBuyers of the above are requested , before finally deciding , to visit WILLIAMS . BDETON'S SH OWROOWS . They contain such an assortment of FEN DERS , STOVES . RANGES , FIRE-IRONS , and GENERAL IRONMONGERY , as cannot be approached elsewhere , either for variety , novelty , beauty of design , or exquisiteness of workmanship . Bright Stoves , with bronzed ornaments and two sets of bars , £ ' 2 . 14 s . to £ o . 10 s . ; ditto , with ormolu ornaments and two sets of bars , £ a . 10 s . to £ 12 . 12 s . ; Bronzed Fenders complete , with standards , from 7 s . to £ 3 ; Steel Fenders from £ 2 . 15 s . to £ 6 . ; ditto with rich ormolu ornaments , from £ 1 . 15 s . to £ 7 . 7 s . ; Fire-irons from Is . 9 d . the set to £ 4 . 4 s . Sylvester and all other Patent Stoves , with radiating hearth plates . AH which he is enabled to soli at these very reduced charges . Firstly—From the frequency and extent of his purchases ; and Secondly—From those purchases being made exclusively for cash . ] T > APIER MACHE AND IRON TEAJL TRAYS . An assortment of Tea Trays and Waiters wholly unprecedented , whether as to extent , variety , or novelty . New Oval Papier 31 ache Trays , per set of three from 20 s . 0 d . to 10 guineas . Ditto , Iron diito .. .. .. from 13 s . Od . to 4 guineas . Convex shape ditto .. .. from 7 s . 6 d . Round and Gothic "Waiters , Cake and Bread Baskets , equally low . GA S CHANDELIERS and BRACKETS . — The increased and increasing use of gas in private houses has induced WILLIAM S . BURTON to collect from the various manufacturers in Metal and Glass all that is new and choice in Brackets , Pendents , and Chandelier .- * , adapted to offices , passages , and dwelling-rooms , as well as to have some designed expressly for him ; these are ON SHOW over his SIXTEEN LARGE ROOMS , and present , for no-velty , variety , and purity of taste , an unequalled assortment . They are marked in plain figures , at prices proportionate with those which have tended to make his Ironmongery Establishment the largest and most remarkable in the kingdom—viz ., from 12 s . fd . ( two lights ) to £ 1 G . 16 s . T AMPS of all SORTS and PATTERNS . — J "WILLIAM S . BURTON invites attention to his season ' s SHOW of LAMPS . It embraces the Moderateur ( the best Parisian specimens of which have been carefully culled ) , Argand , Solar , Camphine , Palmer ' s Magnum , and other lamps for candles ; and comprises an assortment Which , considered either as to extent , price , or pattern , is perfectly unrivalled-Pure Colza Oil , 5 s . 6 d . per gallon . Palmer ' s Candles , lOd . and 10 £ d . per lb . Patent Camphine , is . per gallon . DISH COVERS and HOT WATER DISHES in every material , in great , variety , and of the newest and most recherche patterns . Tin Dish Covers , 6 s . 6 d . the set of six ; Block Tin , 12 s . 3 d . to 28 s . 9 d . the 6 et of six ; elegant modern patterns , 34 s . to 58 s . 6 d . the set ; Britannia Metal , wiih or without silver plated handles , 7 ns . Cd . to 1 ins . Gil . the set : Sheffield plated , £ 10 . to ; £ 16 . 10 s the setr Block Tin Hot . Water Dishes , with wells for gravy , 12 s . to 40 s . ; Uritnnnia Metal , 22 s . to 77 s . ; Electro plated on Nickel , full size , £ 11 . Us . The alterations and additions to these very extensive premises ( alre ; i « iy by far the largest in Europe ) , which have occupied the whole year , arc now nearly completed ; they are of such a character that the entire of EIGHT HOUSES is now devoted to the display of the most magnificent stock of GT 5 NKRAL HOUSE IRONMONGERY ( including Cutlery , Hickel Silver , Plated , and Japanntid Wares , Iron and Brass Bedsteads and Bedding ) , arranged in Sixteen Large Show Rooms , so as to afford to parties furnishing facilities in the selection of goods that cannot be hoped for elsewhere . Catalogues , with engravings , sent ( per post ) free . 39 , OXPOKD-STKEET ; 1 . 1 a , 2 , and 3 , NEWMANSTKEET ; and 4 , 5 , and ii , PERRY'S-PLACE . Established a . d . 1820 .
Untitled Ad
THE AIRE and CALDER GLASS BOTTLE COMPANY . Limited . ( Provisionally Registered . ) Capital , £ 80 , 000 , in 8 , 000 Shares of £ io each . The above Company is forming under the recent-law for Limiting the Liability of Shareholders in Joint-Stock Companies , and also from the materials and established trade of the private company known by the same title , and established in 1837 . For further information , Prospectuses , and Forms of Application for Shares , apply to the Solicitors , T . Sykes Esq ., Castleford ; Lofty , Potter , and Son , King-street ' Cheapside . London ; or the . Registered Provisional l ' romoter , E . Breflit . Esq ., Castleford , and Gl , King Williamstreet , London .
Untitled Ad
OUTII AUSTRALIAN BANKING COMPANY . Incorporated by Royal Charter , 1 47 . The Court of Directors GRANT LETTERS of CREDIT and BILLS upon the Company ' s Bank , at Adelaide , at Par . Approved drafts negotiated and sent for collection . Business with the Australian Colonies generally conducted through the Bank's Agents . Apply at the Company ' s Offices , No . 51 , Old Broad-street , London . WILLIAM PURDY , Manager . London , November , 1855 .
Untitled Ad
ROMAN TESSELATED PAVEMENT . BEAUTIFULLY-WROUGHT TESSELATED PAVEMENT . The Ancient Roman Kemins at Box , which have excited so much interest , will be SOLD by AUCTION , on TUESDAY , the 18 th of December next , on the Premises , near the Clmrce , at Box , by Messrs . HOOPEU and SON , of Bath . Particulars may be obtained at the Auctioneers' offices , No . 5 , Bladud buildings , Bath . Box is distant from Bath ten miles' ride by Great "Western Railway , and is about five minutes' walk from the Station .
Untitled Ad
Italian and French Languages . MR . ARRIVABENE , D . LL ., from the University of Padua , who has been established in London for three years , gives private lessons in Italian and French at his own house , or the houses of Iiis pupils . He also attends Schools both in town and country . Mr . ARRIVABENE teaches on a plan thoroughly practical , and the most mediocre mind cannot fail to thoroughly comprehend his lessons . Apply by letter to Mr . ATtRIVABEZSE , No . 4 , St . Michael ' s-plaee , Brompton .
Untitled Ad
• \ X 7 RITING PRACTICALLY TAUGHT . — T T Mr . T . H . CAESTAIRS , from 81 , Lombard-street , Son of the celebrated Inventor , continues to give Lessons to Ladles and Gentlemen of all ages , even to the worst writers , lit Ms highly improved method , which imparts a perfect freedom and facility to the hand , in the shortest possible time . Prospectuses of terms , &c , may be had at his Establishment , 112 , Cheapside .
Untitled Ad
OISAL CIGARS , SISAL CIGARS , at GOODIE RICH'S Cigar , Tobacco , and Snuff Stores ( established 17865 , removed to 407 , Oxford-street , London , near Soho-B ' qaare . —Bpx , containing 14 fine Sisal Cigars , for is . 9 d . ; post free , six stamps extra . None are genuine unless signed " H . N . Goodrich . "
Untitled Ad
¦ npO LOVERS OF FISH- — 100 Genuine I YARMOUTH BLOATERS for Cs ^ package included . TKeSe HIGHLY ESTEEMED DELICACIES and CHEAP ARTICLES OF FOOD forwarded to all parts , on receipt of penny postage stamps or P . O . O . ( preferred ) . Full and plain directions . County , and nearest station . — Address , THOMAS LETTIS . Jan ., Fish Curer , Great Yarmouth . "This is the third season Mr . Lettis has supplied us with Yarmouth Bloaters , and we find the quality excellent . —J . JJr-ashowb , House Steward , Blenheim Palace , October 20 , 1854 . " " Mr . Letti ? , — As soon as you send out your genuine Bloaters ,, I shall be glad to have a supply as usual . Those I nadlastyear gave great satisfaction . —A . F . Cotraaoux , Am- - fcassador's Court , St . James ' s Palace .
Untitled Ad
DO YOU BRUISE YOUR OATS YET ?—Corn and Hay will be dear this year . —Examine your bill 3 for —Horse-keeping—do . Great Saving . —OATBRUISERS , £ 2 . 15 s . Gd . and & 4 . 15 s . Cd . , Chaff-cutters , £ 1 . tOs . and £ 3 . 7 s . 6 d . ; Wangles , 50 s . ; Flour Mills , . £ 4 . l' \ s . ; Farming Implements , 20 per cent , lower ; Book on Feeding Is ., post free—WEDLAKE and Co ., 113 , Fcnchurch-street
Untitled Ad
Fxirnisn . your House witn tne Best Articles , AT DEANE'S Ironmongery and Furnishing Warehouses . Established a . d , 1700 . A Priced Fu £ nishing List , free l > y post . DEANE . DRAY , and Co . ( Opening to the Monument ) , London-bi idge
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nnilE LEADING anil POPULAR ARTICLES JL of DRESS manufactured by B . liKN . TAM 1 X , Merchant Tailor , 74 , Regent-street : —The PELlSSIKlt OVKKCOAT , price 28 s ., adapted for the season . Itcvci bible Waistcoats , price 14 s ., buttoning four different sides ; < lio 17 s . Suits made to order from Scotch , Heather , nncl Cheviot Tweeds , all wool , and thoroughly shrunk ; the Two Guinea Drees or Frock Coats , the Guinea Dress Trousers , mid the Half-Guinea Waistcoats . N . B . —A perfect fit guaranteed .
Untitled Ad
RUPTURES . —BY ROYAL LETTERS PATENT . WHITE ' S MOC-MAIN LEVER TRUSS is allowed by upwards of 200 Medical Gentlemen toll ' the most effective invention in the curntivo treatment of Hernia . The use of a steel spring ( so often hurtful in in effects ) is here avoided , a soft Bandage being worn round tlie body , while the requisite resisting power in supplied by tlie Af oc-Main Pad ancf Patent Lover , fitting with so much case and closeness that it cannot bo detected , mid may be worn ( luring sleep . A descriptive circular may bo had , nnd die Truss ( which cunnot fail to lit ) forwarded by post , on tlie circumference of the body , two inches below the hips , being sent to the Manufacturer , Mr . JOHN WUITi' ) , 228 , Piccadilly , London . ELASTIC STOCKINGS , KNEE-CAPS , &c . for VARICOSE VEINS , nnd nil cases of W 1 CAKNESS nnd SWELLING of the LEGS , SPRAINS , &c They ( ire porous , light in texture , and inoxponsivo , and nrc drawn on like an ordinary stoolung . Price from 7 s . Od . to \ 0 t . Postago , ( id .
Untitled Ad
HE AL AND SON'S EIDER - DOWN QUILTS ; also GOOSE-DOWN QUILTS , from 8 s . ( id . to 2-is . List of Prices and Sizes sent li-ee by Post . — 100 , Tottenham-court-road .
Untitled Ad
Adnam ' s Improved Patent Groats and Barley . THE ONLY EXISTING PATENT . And Strojigly Recommended by the Medical Profession . TO INVALIDS , MOTHERS , AND FAMILIES- —The important object so desirable to be obtained has at length been secured to tlie Public by J . and J . C . AJDNAM , Patentees , who , after mwch time and attention , have succeeded by their Improved Process in producing preparations of the purest and finest quality ever manufactured from the Oat and Barley . To enumerate the many advantages derived by the Public from the use of the Improved Patent Groats is not the intention of the Patentees ; suffice it to say that , by the process of manufacture ' , 'the acidity and unpleasant flavour so generally complained of in other preparations is totally obviated , and very BUperior Gruel speedily made therefrom . It la particularly recommendi'd to those of consumptive constitutions , Ladles , and Children ; and the healthy and strong will find It an excellent Luncheon and Supper . The Barley being prepared by a similar process , is as pure as can be manufactured , nnd will be found to produce a light and nourishing Food for Infants and the Aged , and to contain all the necessary properties for making a delicious pudding . It has also the distinguished character for making very superior Barley Water , and will bo found a most excellent ingredient for thickening Soups , &o . Catition . —To prevent errorB , the Public are requested to observe that each package bears the signature of the Patentees , J . and J . C . ADNA . BI . To be obtained Wholesale at the Manufactory , Maidenlane , Queen-street , TL , ondon ; and Retail in Packets and Canisters at Gd . and Is . each , and in Canisters for Families lit 2 s ., 5 s ., and 10 b . encli , of all reapectablo Grocers , Druggists , fee , in Town and Country .
Untitled Ad
DR . DE JONGH'S . LIGHT BROWN COD LIVER OIL , TESTIMONIAL FROM Dr . I » ETHEBYj Professor of Ohemletry and Toxicology In the Medical College of tho London . Hospital , Chemical Referee to the Corporation of London , Medical Offlcor of Health to tho City of London , &c , &o ., &o . -rJv * have frequently had oooaBlon to analyse the Cod Liver Oil Which ie aold . at / our establishment . I moan that variety whlouia prepared , for medicinal use In the Loflbden Isles , SS ^ JKfrSSr J& . ln , £ ? commweo with the sanction pf De . EE JONGH , of the Hague . "InaUoaaeal haveJound It possessing the same sot of properties , among vrtiloh the presence of oholalc compounds and of Iodine in a etato of organic combination are the most , remarkable ; in fact , the OU correspond * In all Its characters with that named 'Hulle Bruno , ' and described as tho boat variety in the masterly treatise of Dr . JDK JONGH . "It is , I nBLIEVB , DNIVSBSAI , T . r AOICTfOWXEDaiiD TnAT Tills *> B 8 CRn > TION OF OH HAS GUEAT TIH 5 HAPHVTIOAT , POWXIl j ANJ > , VROM UX INVBSTIOATI 0 N 8 , I HAVE NO » O « J » T OV ITS BEING ) A WJWB AND tTN ' ADCI / TEHATED AIITIOLB , " College Laboratory , London Hospital , Sept . 24 , 1855 . " Brtdomt in bottles , capsuled and labelled with Dr . do ^ ° 5 H"T 5- "" jKnature , tuthodt wmou none are obndinb , by jJ ^ ffACB , HARFOKD , and CO ,, 77 , STRAND , London , Dr 2 S « E ? r *! f J 1010 < 3 omlB * ie « 8 » and by moat respectable oho-^ Jj&i * i ** rty «» and ooun try . " iwK *?;!?* < M ) ©?*»««¦> . 5 a . 6 d . « PlntB , (« 0 ounces ) , 4 s , 9 < J . j Quarts ^ 40 ouncee ) , flu . iMPBRIAL MISASURB . '
Untitled Ad
EIDICR-DOWN QUILTS , &c . W II . BATSON and CO . respectfully solicit , an inspection of the newly manufactured stook ot'Eidor-Down Quilts , Ladies' Petticoats , Gentlemen ' s Coat Lining , Patent Wadded Coverlets , and Patent JClustic Spring Pillows for Invalids . 39 , Maddox-strcet , Regcnt-sti'eet .
Untitled Ad
91 Q ° MILNERS' HOLDFAST AND FIRERESISTING SAFES ( non-conductinc and vnpourising ) , with all tho improvements , under their Quadruple Patents of 1840 , 51 , 61 and ISM , including their Gunpowderproof Solid Look and Door ( without which no Bulb id secure ) . TnR STRONGEST , BEST , AND CHEAPEST 8 AFEQU . AHD 3 EXTANT . MILKERS' PHCENIX ( 212 degrees ) SAFE WORKS , LIVERPOOL , tho most oomplote mid extensive in tho world . Show-rooms , ( 1 and 8 , Lord . street , Liverpool . London Depot , 47 a , Moorgato-streot , City . Ciroulars freo by post
Untitled Ad
In tho Illgh Court , of Chancery . mRIESEMAR . —Ou the 29 th of Muy , 1 S 5 C , JL an Injunction was granted-by tho High Court ot Chancery , nncl on tho lltji of . Tune following wmmailo perpetual , against Joseph Franklin and others , to restrain tliom , under a penalty of XIOOO , from imitating this liierlii ine , Which is protected by Hoyal Letters Patent of ICngland , mid secured by the seals oi ' tho Kcolo do Pharmacies < 1 « 1 ' iirK and the Imperial College of Medicine , Vionnn . TrJi-seinnr , No . 1 , 18 a remedy for Keliixution , SpormatorrhoMi , nnd I-xlinustion of tho Hystom , whether nriatng from accident or climate . TrleBomur , No , 2 , clleotunlly , in the short Hpncc o three days , completely nnd entirely eradicates nil truces «¦ those disorders which oaiiaivl aud cubebs linvc ho long Iw'J thought an antidote for , to tho ruin of the health of a vnsj portion of , tho population . Trlcuomnr , N ( K J ) , Is tho prciu Continental remedy /' or that claas of dloardorH wliii'li iimI'J 1 "" tunatcly tho EngHtih phytilclau treats wlili morcury , <<> i'lt . inevitable destruotion of tho patient ' s conotltutlo " , »» which all tho BarHapiirllla in tho world cunnot rt'inovo . Trloaomnr , Noh . 1 , 2 , nnd 3 , aro alike devoid ol'tiiHlo or niu'ii . and of all nauseating qualities . They may lki on tla- lull't " tablo without their u » o being Huspuotod . —Sold in t | n em % at lla . eaoh ( freo by post , 2 s extra ; divided into Hcpsii ' iiic cIohoh , as administered by Velponn , Liillcjiianil , Itoux . "; «¦ To bo had wholesale and rotnll in London , of . Jolmwoi ' . oh , CornhlU ; Hannay and Co ., 03 , Oxford-Htrcet ; nnd ^ i ») A " - ' ;' jfto . Oxford-Htroot s J . II . Powell , H > , Wo stmorclnnd-Htrei'ii Dublin ; Kalmca and 0 o ,, Loith-walk , K < Unburgh i and ' ¦ ' ¦ O . Cumpbcll , Argylo-street , Glasgow .
Untitled Ad
DEAFNESS and NOISES in the H 15 Al > . ~ lf reo of Charge , for tho Protection nnd Instant . Relief of th . o Doaf . A Uoolc of 30 pngos , —An extraordinary Discovery . —Just publlshod , sent free by post to any denf person writing for it , "A STOP to ISMPIIUCISM : nnd KXOIi-UITANT IfKKS . " SulferorH extremely deaf , by meana of this book , permanently ouro thomaelvea , In any dirttant part of tho world , without pain or uho of any instrument . Thousands have boon restored to perfect hearing , nnd for over reeoued from tho rtnnrcs of tho numerous advertising , duii ^ erons , unqualified pretondore of tho present day . It contains lists of Btaitling cures , publialicd by Dr . I <\ R . HOailTON , Moinbtr of the London Royal Colleen of Siirgooms , May a , lH 4 ft : L . A . O . April 80 , 18401 OonauUing Surgeon to tho . Institution for the Curo of Deafness , 0 , Buffolk-placo , Pall Mall , London , whore nil letters aro to bo adareuBod . Personal consultations ovory day between 11 nnd 4 o'clock , Snirerere deaf 40 or 60 year * have their hearing norfeotiy restored in half nn hour , without a moment ' s inconvenience . Testimonials and oertifloatea can bo seen from all the loading members of the faculty and from pntlonts cured .
Untitled Article
l 4 S § THE L E A DEE . [ No . 296 , Saturday
Leader (1850-1860), Nov. 24, 1855, page 1138, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2116/page/22/