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Jtut published in 2 large volt . » vo , handsomely printed , and bound in cloth , with Portraits , price 30 * . THE LIFE AND WORKS OF GOETHE . WITH SKETCHES OF HIS AGE AND CONTEMPORARIES . ( From Published and Unpublished Sources ) . By G . H . LEWES , Author of The Biographical History of Philosophy , ' &o . — m Goeth ^ s Heart , which few knew , was as great as his Intellect , which all knew . "—Juno SiatiNa . * 'ltr I * wes has written a work of art , and not thrown before the public a quarry of raw material ...... Athorough study offaffeobjectTa careful preparation extended through many years , and trained skill in a ^ thorship . hare enabled Stewes to convey a lively representation of the man Goethe at ) lie lived , of the society of ¦ which he was ^ he centre , of « he * ^ eral cbM « cte rlBtics of the tim e , and to blend with all this ampl e analytical criticism on his principal ^ " ntragiia «<* tangent dliSon of the principles on which poetry and prose fiction should be campoam ^ ... Oo ^ a » u ^ m to iavepoesesaed one of the noblest and sweetest natures ever given to erring mat , and to nave ¥ ? £ »^ Tf ^ jJL ^ f , the Great ^ aSmasUr . who had given him his talents , and was by that gift calling him to discharge great autl ^ ectator ' A iriore faithful and life-like biography than this we have rarely read . "—Literary Gazette . London : DAVID NUTT , 270 , Strand .
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NEW NOViBL BY THE AUTHOR OF "MARGABET HAITLAND . " Now ready , at all the Libraries , in 3 vols ., LILLIESLE AF . By the Author of Margaret maitland ;" LADY W 1 LLOUCHBY ; OR . THE DOUBLE MARRIAGE . By Mrs . LA TOUCHE . 3 vols . " We have no hesitation in predicting for a woTk so rich in fascination a brilliant success . " — John Mull . THE HOUSE OF ELMORE- 3 voia . ( Just ready ) . Hdbst and Blackktt . Publishers , successors to Hbnbt COLBOBM-
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New Burlington-street , November 24 . THE NEW NOVELS BY POPUXA 3 , AUTHORS . JUST PUBLISHED BY MR . BENTLET . MISS SINCLAIR- * " CROSS PURPOSES . " 3 vols . 2 ANNIE BE ALE . " SIMPLICITY AND fascination , " 3 VOl 3 . 3 . SHIRLEY BHOOKS . " ASPEN COURT . " 3 vols . 4 . MRS . M 00 DIE . " MATRIMONIAL SPECULATIONS . " l vol . CHARLES READE . " CHEISTIE JOHNSTONE . " 1 vol . 6 . CHARLES REAJ > E . " PEG WOFFINGTON . " I vol . London : Richabd Bbntley , New Burlinerton-street .
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Popular Edition of Mr ^ Poxster ' s Life of Goldsmith-This day i 3 published , in crown 8 vo ., price 7 s . Cd ., with 40 Woodcuts , a Popdiab . Edition of THE LIFE AND TIMES OF OLIVER GOLDSMITH . By JOHN FORSTER *»* A Library Edition of the same Work is also published , in Two Volumes Svo , uniform with Murray ' s British Classics . Bbadbobt and Evans , 11 , Bouverie-street .
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NEW SERIAL WORK BY MR . CHARLES DICKENS . Uniform with " Dombet and Sosj , " David Coppebpieid , " " Bmbak House , " &o . &c . On the Thirtieth of November will be published , to be completed in Twenty Monthly Farts , price One Shilling each . The first Monthly part of a New Work of Fiction called LITTLE D O R R I T , BY CHARLES DICKENS . WITH ILLUSTRATIONS BY HABLOT K . BROWNE . BBADBUETAIfD EVANS , 11 , BOUVEKIE STREET .
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THE LOG OF THE " PET . " Just published , in Pott Sro .. with Plates and Chart . Price 10 s . 6 d . doth . TWO SUMMER CKUISES WITH THE BALTIC FLEET : Bbinq the Loo of the " Pet" Yacht , 8 Tonb , R . T . Y . C . WITH AN ACCOUNT OF THE BATTLE OF BOHARSUND , A N TD THE BOMBARDMENT OF SVEABORG . BY ROBERT EDGAB HUGHES , M . A ., FEIXOW Or MAGDALEN C 0 U . EOE , CAMBBIDOE . LONDON : SMITH , ELDER , AND CO ., 65 , CORNHILL .
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MR . RUSKIN'S NEW VOLUMES . Early in January will appear . THE THIRD AND FOURTH VOLUMES OF MODERN PAINTERS . BY JOHN RTJSKIN , ESd ., Author of ' Stones of Venice , " " Seven Lamps of Architecture , " &c . &c . WITH ILLUSTRATIONS ENGRAVED ON STEEL , FBOM DRAWINGS WI THE AUTHOB . ? * * THE FIFTH AND CONCLUDING VOLUME Will be Published towards the end of next year . LONDON : SMITH , ELDER , AND CO ., 65 , CORNHILL .
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NEW VOLUME OF POEMS BY MRS . OGILVY . This day is published , in one volume , fop . 8 vo ., price 6 s . POEMS OF TEN YEARSBy Mrs . D . OGILVY . London : Thomas Bo 3 Wobth . 215 , Regent-street . studied
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This day is published , in Twenty-eignt pages , , price 4 d ., THE HOUSEHOLD WORDS ALMANACK . FOB . THE TCEUR 1856 . Household Wobds Office , No . 16 , Wellington-street North . Strand .
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NEW PUBLICATIUNST In 2 vols ,, post 8 vo ., with illustration , price Us . WESTERN WANDERINGS ; OR , A PLEASURE TOUR IN CANADA . By W . H . G . KINGSTON . [ This day . NEW POEMS BY ROBERT BROWNING . In 2 vols . fcap . 8 vo ., price 12 s . MEN AND WOMEN . By ROBERT BROWNING . In 3 vols ., crown 8 vo , with Map and Tables , price 24 s ., clotli . THE HISTORY OF PIEDMONT . THE DYNASTV OF SAVOY , AND MONARCHY OF SARDINIA , from the Earliest Times to September , 1855 . By ANTONIO GALLBNGA . Member of the Sardinian Parliament , &o . "M . Qallenga writes Jn English with a purity and elogance rarely obtained by our own Historians . " — sltlas . ' There la a lurge amount of Information in the Volumes , muoh knowledge na well as unquestionable Bjjirit in t'io narration , and the Kretit present interest in our noble Any . cnauros muoh of that curiosity about Ilia antecedents vvliKii the book will fairly enough repay . — Examiner . In fonp . 8 vo ., price "is . ALTON , LOCKE , TAILOB , AND POET . AN AUTOBIOGRArHY . Being the Nkv Volbmk of " Tho Select Library of F * ° tlOlK" tin a fevxlaus . London : Cuapuan and HAtt , 103 , PlcondDJy .
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aiiiTvV l'OEM BY THK AUTHOR "OF RUINS OF MANY LAN 1 > S . " This day f « pnblUhed , fcp . 8 vo .. oloth , price 3 a .. THE POETRY OF CREATION , By NICHOLAS MIOHELL , Author of "Rul »» of Many Lands , &o . " London : Ouavuav and Hall , 103 , Piccadilly .
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THE NEW NOVELJust published , in Post 8 ro ., Price 6 s ., cloth , GILBERT MASSBNGER . BY HOLME LEE , Author of " Thornoy Hall , " and " Maude Tnlbot . " 41 A work of remarkable skill and power . "— . Spectator . LONDON : SMITH , ELDER , AND CO ., 65 , CORNHILL .
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Just published , in 2 vols , post Bvo . Jfith Maps and Plates . 2 \ i . cloth . THE FUR-HUNTERS OF THE FAR WEST BT ALEXANDER BOSS . Author of " Adventures In tho Columbia River . " « Manv nooounta of hardships and of adventurej with anvage men and beasts will be found in theao volumes . There are * omcLj rtrfltlng _ sk « tohe » of & » ndapape , and Indian life and Chfiraoter . as well as a good deal of Information about the old Fur Trade . The book la of considerable valuo as a picture of an almost past mode of human existence , as well aa for its Information apon the Indlad of Oregon . "—Spectator . M These volumes n * V « » » p « ol » l aa well as a general Interest . Their animation , their variety , their rare and curicas details , reooramend them to the reader . As contributions to the history of Anglo-Saxon enterprise , peopling and fertUlUoc the Far W « t of Amerioa , they possess a higher value , and deserve to rank with tho ohronlolora la our efiandard IKMMoUons . "—Z « 4 < l « r , . , •? A WWl-wrltt « n narrative , of most exciting adventures , no less valuable as a contribution to our geographloal literature wpn U I * int « r « sUng to th « general reader . "—Guardian . LONDON : SMITH , ELDER , AND CO ., 65 , CORNHILL .
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ir ' - .- fj . lO 'TM % LEADER . [ No . 296 > Sat ., Nov . 24 , 1855 .
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lONKON » Printed and Published by Aum » Kvmchd Gauowat , at •¦ Ilia Loader " Offlco , No . 104 * Strand , In U » County o « MlUclleaox . —November 34 , I 8 fi 5 .
Leader (1850-1860), Nov. 24, 1855, page 1140, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2116/page/24/