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a ^^ re ^ i eiring , a quartionef the " costs * v ^ s casually introduced , upon which the Court asked the counsel who . ventured upon such ground whether he would like to take his cpsts out of the residue which regained at the termination of the suit . Such a proposition was effectual in bringing the present hearing to a close ; ancl the Master of the Bolls said that it appeared to him th « bnly way to bring the matter to any settlement at all was , that he should take the papers home , and draw up such a decree as would DeBt conduce , in the opinion of the Court , to the interests of all parties .
Wohan-bbatino . — -There has been a slackness lately in . these cases ; bufc still we have some to report . Henry Jones and Sophia M'Cann , costermongers , were charged at Clerkeuwell with an assault on Mary Sullivan and pn * Ker husband . The outrage arose out of a quarrel , at a public-house , when the . female prisoner , seizing ' on Mrs . Sullivan , attempted to gouge out her eyes . Her face was savagely scratched , and Jones kicked and beat the poor woman and her husband . Jones and M'Cann were condemned respectively to four and six months' imprisonment with bard labour . —At the Thames police-office , Samjiel King was sentenced to six months' hard labour for ill-using his wife . This was his fifth conviction ; and lie was' known to be a confirmed drunkard , who constantly left his wife and children in a state of starvation .
Hocussing .- —A lad named William Bray was sent by his master , a farmer and publican , to dispose of some hay at Knightsbridge . When there a man came up , and , after some bargaining , agreed to give the lad three guineas for tlie hay . He then took him , under pretence of having the hay delivered , to Lambeth , ¦ where he was introduced into a public-house , and had half a pint of beer , after drinking which he felt very sick and stupid . The man gave him a paper ( which proved to be covered with scribbling , written over a receipt stamp ) , and five shillings for himself , saying
that he should call and pay his master the three guineas . A . companion of the- man , however , was given into custody , the man himself getting off . The person seized-was an individual named William Giggs , an old offender ; and he is now under remand at the Lambeth police-court . / The Abbbdeen Bank . —All the features of the most disgraceful failures-of recent years Beem likely to be reproduced in a suit which came on for a f urther hearing last week in the Edinburgh Court of Session , and which promises a harvest for the legal profession yequal to anything ever yielded by our own Court of
Chancery . The case ib tnat ot tne Aberdeen Bank , and , although ithasah-eady been five years in progress , and the interests involved are of a momentous character , the period of ita termisntiGli is believed to be altogether beyond conjecture . The proceedings are in the form of an action brought by a proprietor against the directors for the recovery of the purchase money of his stock , in consequence of malversation and false representations on their part . It appears that the Banking Company of Aberdeen was established in 1767 , and that in 1828 the deed of partnership was renewed for twenty-one years , when the capital was fixed at £ 250 , 000 , in shares of £ 100 each . Among the chief instances of misconduct set forth by the plaintiff is the opening of five accounts on which advances were originally made to the extent of £ 146 , 000 on insufficient security , which were
ultimately increased to £ 521 , 727 , or more than double the capital of the tank . It is further charged that , while the establishment was thus being ruined , the directors up to the year 1840 continued iu their annual reports to represent that its affairs were in a most prosperous state , and to declare dividends varying from six to nine per cent . Subsequently they acknowledged losses which they attributed to a decline in the value of Bank of England stock , a robbery of the bank , and other causes , and announced that ' the capital lad fallen to £ 50 , 000 . A call of £ 50 , 000 : was then made , and at the same time the nominal value of the shares was reduced to one-half , After this the presentation of favourable reports was renewed , and dividends of five and six per cent . declared , until , in 1840 , all further concealment became impossible , and £ 7 , 000 was found to be the total in hand . —Times .
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LORD JOHN XUSSELL AT THE MANSION HOUSE . , , ' ( From the Edinburgh News . ) Thbrb is still an outward semblance of war feoling , but the efforts made to fan it are the best evidences of its felt feebleness . Ask merchants behind their counters , or tradesmen at their desks , and you will find the popularity of the war waning beyond power of resuscitation . The men who cheered Lord Palmerston at the Lord Mayor ' s dinner , and , who . to their everlasting disgrace , hissed down Lord John Buaacll—he who , more than any other man , had given them tho political privileges they possess—% 0 « e udendo ncr * represent the oommorical classes of ^ ftjoowtrf any H * we than they " pay the expenses 9 ff , tta ; # & . " It W vain to deny that a portion pf the Vftople € hrivea en War . "Warprices" has always
been a phi-ase agreeable to agricultural ears , and many reap fortunes out of the miseries of war . These , however , are the few , while the sufferers are the many ; and nowhere could a larger audience of the select fortune-making class be found than at a Lord Mayor ' s dinner . Thirty or forty millions sterling is yearly being spent in this contest—that is , drawn from the pockets , or rather from the cupboards of the people and stomachs of their children . But where does it go ? Where , but into the pockets of the class that cheered Lord Palmerston on Friday . They are the men who make or sell all that Government wants , often'at such prices as they please ; and , like other men alive to business , they will be delighted to pay double income tax , if by so doing business , profits can be increased fourfold . There is another point on which the people will not always remain ignorant , and one on which increased knowledge will produce increased dissatisfaction with those cheerers of Lord Palmerston . They , forsooth , bear the burden of the war because the masses pay no income tax ! Never was there a more reckless reason given to cover a desperate deception . The reverse of this is nearer the truth . The income tax falls heavily on spinsters—those whose incomes are from realised property—and upon clerks , artizans , and servants with , fixed incomes liable for the tax . But these merchant cheerers pay income tax . on profits , and these are levied from consumers , so that the working man not only pays his own share of indirect , which is the heavy end of taxation , for the war , but the consuming classes also pay the income tax of the merchant in the price of what they eat and wear . But even were it not necessarily so , these merchant princes who surrounded Lord Palmerston might well cheer him on to war as a mere business speculation . They , too , form the speculators , the class who are at this moment making fortunes by starving the poor out of the necessai-ie 3 of life . Bread has already reached a famine price , and the speculators boast that before winter is over they will take a shilling out of every four pound loaf . Wheat having reached the maximum , sugar is being operated on ., and within a" few weeks has been raised by speculators to double its former price . When sugar has reached a rate to satisfy cupidity , tea , coffee , and other necessaries will be operated on in time . These merchants cheer on Lord Palmerston to war , knowing that in peace they could never double their wealth by doubling the price of the nation ' s daily food ; and men whose credit or command of capital enables them to extract 6 d . of extra profit out of every shilling of a working man ' s -wages , may well afford a halfpenny to Government as income-tax , aud cheer the Minister who promises that such seasons aud opportunities for extortion will lost for years . The suffering people may , however , before winter is over , greet his lordship with diffarent sounds , The " clamourers " for cheap bread in London have had their cry re-echoed by 15 , 000 men and women at West Bromwich , who with more earnestness than wisdom have demanded the prohibition of corn exportation , and the abolition of monopoly in human food . To starvation prices may be added the miseries of a Manchester strike ; and the masses with hungry children and empty cupboards at home , and disappointed hopes of liberty abroadwith a diminished trade , ill-paid accounts , and accumulated burdens paralysing the energy and hopes of the middle classes—with all statesmen of eminence cqldly concurring or positively hostile to his war policy , there is little present prospect of Lord Palmerstou receiving the support of the nation , even although he were to carry his implied threat into execution , unless he did it now , thereby forestalling that reaction which the sufferings of winter and high prices is sure to produce among all but those merchants , contractors , and speculators , who so lustily cheered his belligerent after-dinner speech at the Mansion House on Friday . Sacrifices would willingly be borue for the liberty of nations , which will never be submitted to for the strengthening of dynasties ; and as Lord Palmeraton ' s war is for kings and not for peoples , the sooner it is brought to a close the better for Britain and the world .
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AMERICA . AKtineasy , jealous feeling still hangs between England and the United States ; and , with reference to the " difficulty" with Mr . Crampton , the Washington Correspondent of the New York Herald writes as follows on the 5 th inst . : — " By the last foreign mail , which arrived here this morning , highly important despatches were received from our Minister in England , all of which I understand will be considered by the Cabinet to-day , and it is believed have reference to Mr . Cramnton ' s difficulty , the whole of which will be j ~ . ^ t .+ w < v ' une Herald quotes from developed iu a day or two xue •« .-. hi- * t ^^ m ™ ,. ^ the Hampshire Tekgr ^ h Of OCtooer ^ , t £ ^ 2 ! J ™ stating that a number of British vessels of war had been despatched to Bermuda " in consequence of the insulting tone of the United States Government on the rald
subject of Cuba ; " an announcement which the He considers semi-official on account of Lord Palmerston ' s country seat being veiy near Southampton , where the Telegraph is published . The American writer , therefore , considers that there is mischief in tfce thing . " The United States commissioner in the Mediterranean has written for a reinforcement of a steamer and a sloop , in consequence of the state of affairs on the continent , especially at Naples . The amount due on the three million dollars Mexican indemnity is nearly covered by draughts already presented ; but the question of the legality of these draughts has been submitted to the Attorney-General . It is stated that in Kansas a eeoret military organisation has taken place , for controlling the affairs of that territory , and resisting the execution of any law passed by the territorial islature
Leg . From Nicaragua we have reports that General Walker , having been reinforced by a small party of Californians , on the 12 th ult ., embarked at Virgin Bay on board the steamer Virgin , and before daylight the next morning landed within four miles of Granada . Aftor a rapid advance , the expedition reached the oity , and gained the Molazza without encountering any serious resistance , hut hero a sharp contest ensued which resulted in a loss to the enemy of fifteen killed and several wounded . General Walker took possession of the oapital of Nicaragua . Subsequently , the fort was captured by a detachment of Americans . Order having beon restorod . the citizens of Granada held a nublio meetinjr and tendered to Genoral Walker the
Presidency of the Republic / which honour he deohned iu favour of General Corral . Colonel Wheeler , the United States' Minister to Central America , after much solicitation , proceeded to Rivas with propositions of peace . Arriving at Rivas , and learning that General Corral was absent , Colonel Wheeler attempted to return , but was prevented by the Governor , and detained two days , nor was he released until the town was threatened with an attack . This breach of faith on the part of Corral ' s forces led to a correspondent ) between the United States' Minister and the General . On the 22 d , Corral surrendered , a treaty of peace was formed , aud thus Walker ' s victory become complete-During the progre&a of these events , others of importance were transpiring . On the 10 tl ) , Colonel Fry nnd Parker H . Frenoh , with sixty men , embarked on
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stubbornly to its position , whether disproved or not while the former is an unarrestable movement to * wards the fountain of truth—caring little for cherished authorities or sentiments , but continually progressing —feeling no false shame at her short-comings , but , on the contrary , the highest pleasure , when freed from an error , at-having advanced another step towards the attainment of Divine truth—a pleasure not even intelligible to the pride of ignorance . We also hear , not unfrequently , science and practice , scientific knowledge and common sense , contrasted as antagonistic . A strange error ! For science is
eminently practical , and must be so , as she sees and knows what she is doing ; while mere common practice is . condemned to -work in the dark , applying natural ingenuity to unknown powers to obtain a known result . Far be it from me to undervalue the creative power of genius , or to treat shrewd common sense as worthless without knowledge . But nobod y will tell me that the same genius would not take an incomparably higher flight if supplied with all the mean which knowledge can impart ; or that common sense does not become , in fact , only truly powerful when in possession of the materials upon which , judgment is to be exercised . " ( Cheers . )
PRINCE ALBERT AT BIRMINGHAM . The * first stone of the Midland Institute , to be ereotod in Birmingham , was laid on Thursday by Prinoe Albert . After tho ceremony , the Prince , escorted by tho Couuoil of the Institute , proceeded on foot to the Town Hall , where a luncheon , for nearly five hundred persons was provided . In answer to the toast of his health , Prince Albert delivered a speech iu which he eloquently insisted on tho necessity for scientific education . Ho observed : — " It is sometimoB objeoted by the ignorant that soionco is uncertain and changeable : and they point to the . many exploded theories which have been superseded by others as a proof that the present knowledge may be also unsound , and , after afl , not worth having . But they are not aware that while they think to cast blame upon Science , they bestow , in foot , the highest nrataei upon her , for that is preoisely the difference between Boienco and prejudico : that tho latter keeps
Prince Albert objected to the tendency in our universities , to confine their studies to mathematics and languages ; and contended that , education should include metaphysics , psychology , physiology , jurisprudence , political economy , and many others . His . speech was loudly cheered . Speeches were also delivered . by Lord Stanley of Alderley , Sir Harry Smith , Sir Robert Peel , Lord Ashburton , and othei-3 . Lord Ashburton , in the course of his remarks , observed that , since the peace of 1815 , we had fallen behind in the cultivation , of arts and sciences , and that other nations had got ahead of us . For the remedy to thiss tate of things , he looked to such institutions as that they were inaugurating .
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l | t 4 THE LEA DEB , [ Efc > 296 , Saturday ,
Leader (1850-1860), Nov. 24, 1855, page 1124, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2116/page/8/