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a * BE * 33 Ri £ ROYAL , COVENS GARBENIJL Crowded Houses . Greatest success in the history __ o £ - Pantymime . Be early , at the » Door 3 . MONDAY , Jan . 1 , 185 & , ~ ahd eyeryEyening * during tlw Week . Doors open at Half-past : SiKi commence at Seven .: MAGIC A 3 W > - MYSXEBY , by , Pr ^ sso ? : Anderson , tfce GReat \\ J fcard of the North ; ' The ' entertainment to ba preceded by an . Overtufe-Fatftastique , called they * " Wizard o $ the North . ' " which is introduced an illustration of the " Spirit-rapping . " To conclude with the Grand , National , Historical and Chtvalric" PANTOMIME ; which has been so long in preparation , and on the production of which so large an expense has been incurred , of Ye BELLE ALLIANCE . ot BA&LEQUTN ^ OOD HtJMOFB :, AND Ye FIELDB OP THE CLOTHE OF GOLDE ; being a LEGEND OF THE MEETING OF THE MONARCHS . Scene 1 . " Caverns of the . Gnome Britannicus in Subterraneanussja ;" Britannicus , Mr . John Neville . Scene 2 . " The Land's Eudv Cornwall , with the Car of the Dragons . " Good Humour , Miss Harriet Gordon . = Scene 3 , *? The Deck of * The Great Harry . *" ' 4 » deotor ,. iaajgnns-tthe First English Man-of-War ) . 't Henry the < Eighth . Mr . Harry Pearson ; Cardinal Wblsey , Mi . P . Q : Villiers ; Sir . Jasper Spcttsail ( Gommander of the- ' Great ; Harry' ) Mr . D . Stewart . Scene 4 . ' - ' The Interior of-the Chateau of Francis I between Guisnes and Ardennes ; " Francis 1 , Mr . W . Shalders ; Le Sir , e . de . F ramboisy , Mr- H- Caries . Scene 5 . ' " The Field . ; otthe ^ Cloth of GdhjL introducing a G rand Pas de Rosiere , by Miss Emma Home and Corps de Ballet . " Scene 0 . "Grand Corridore in' the Chateau , leading to the Bedchamber of the Monarehs . ' * Sce , ne , ; 7 . * l ( he outside of Blondette ' s . FarniV' BlpJadette , ' , Miss . Emiaa Honie : ^ Cdq « ielicdt"Mr . C . Brown . Scene 8 . " The abodeof the Fairy Queen ; iii the Golden . G ; rove 3 of Good Jluuvburi " ( by' ^ Mir . " VvjUiain , ^ ^ Beyerley )/ Th ^ Fairy Queen , Mas E . Thome-.- 'General Transformation—Harlequin , Mr , C . Brown ; Pantaloon , W . AvBarnes . ( the Transatlantic Pantomimist ); Columbine , ' Miss ¦ ' Emma Home ; Clown , the Great Flexmore . The Apotheosis of Ye BELLE ALLIANCE ; ( Designed by M , Guerin . ) Englandand Fraace—Mourners at one Altarv Victota on . One Throne . The Coronation with the Coronal : pf ; yalp ^ r by , the Genius of Victory . Grand Fashionable MORNING PERPO&MANGE of MAGIC and MYSTERY ^ including the whole of Mr . Anderson's unparalleled Wonders , on WEDNESDAY , Jan . 9 , at Two o ' clock . Doors open at Half-past Oae . In rehearsal the Grand Operatic Drama , as produced at the Theatres-Royal , Glasgow and Edinburgh , of ROB ROY . Also , a New Squib i entitled TIT FOR TAT , a Legend of Drnry-lanei
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il OYAL OLYMPIC THEATRE . — Lessee , JLV * Mr . ALFRED WIGAN , ^ Monday , and during the week—THE JEALOUS WIFE : characters . by Messrs . A . Wigan ,. Emery , Leslie , G , Viniiigi Danvers , . . Mrs ; Stnrlipg , Miss Castletoa , Miss Marstoh , and Miss Bromley ; after which a New Extravaganza , by J . B . PlancueyK ^ entitled THE DISOttEET PRINCESS- ; or , fHE THtiEE GLASS DISTAFFS : principal characters by Messrs . Emery , F . Rqbson , Danvers , White , Clifton , H . < , ' ooper , Misses . Ternan , Marston , Maskeu , Stephens / and Julia , St . { Jeorge . Commence at half-past Seven .
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DR . DE JONGH'S I . 1 GHT BROWN COD LIVER , OIL . Prescribed with complete confidence by the Faculty for its purity , efficacy , and marked superiority over all other kinds . It is entirely free from nauseous flavour , and being invariably and carefully submitted to chemical analysis—and ON IT 8 OTPXIED IN SEALED BOTTLES TO PRECLUDE SUBSEQUENT admektube on ADDLTEBATiON- ^ this Oil possesses a guarantee of . genuineness and purity offered by no other Cod-Liver Oil , Extract from " THE LANCET , " July 29 , 1854 . " Dr . deJongh gives the preference to the Light Brown Oil over the Pale Oil , which contains scarcely any volatile fatty acid , a smaller quantity of iodine , phosphoric a < iid , and the elements of bile , and upon which ingredients the efficacy of Cod Liver pilnp doubt partly depends Some of the deficiencies of the Pale Oil are attributable to the mothod of EFS 3 filf 3 Hi 6 -- ' " w . have carefullyjtested a specimen of the Li /» h " t Brown * t * *! . cr Ol 1 Prepared for medical use under the direction ot Dr , deJongh , and obtained from the wholesale agents Messrs . Ansab , Haefobd , and Co ., 77 , Strand . VFe lind it to fee genuine , and rich in iodine and the elementB of bile . " Sold om . x in bottles , capsuled and labelled with Dr . de * °£ § * 5 . w ft £ / " wwhodt which none auk ossttisE , by ^ T A . A ? F ^ KD « and °° - " ' STRAND , London ? Dr dei Jongh ' Bsole Consignees ; and by moat respeotablo chemists m town and country . Half-pinta ( 10 ounces ) , 2 s . 6 d . ; Pints , ( 20 ounces ) , 4 g od Quarts ( 40 ounces ) , 9 s . IMPERIAL MEASURE .
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In the High Court of Chancery . rpEIESEMAR , ~ On the 29 th of May , 1855 , XT an In J " ° t » on was granted by the High Court of Chancery , and on the nth of June following was nvado perpetual , against Joseph Franklin andothera . to restrain them , under a penalty of £ 1000 , from imitating thla medicine W ^ J ^ ph Is protected by Royal Letters Patent pf England , an 4 aeonred by the aealB of tlie Ecole de Pharmacie'do ParZ and the Imperial College of Medicine , Vienna . Trieseroar 2 ? ° ' lv * S . j for Keliwa « on , Spermatorrhcea , and ExhauBtfon of the System , whether arlsliig from accident or climate , Trieaemar , No , 2 , eflcotUally . ft the short apace of SKl ^^ ] ^*? . 7 a" ? entirely ^ eradicates » U traces of ^ Ji « . 5 t 2 ^ 4 .. ^ i J capallvil wd o «* ob » have so long been KS ? ffi 2 f . Wi . antldoto for , to the ruin of thoiiealth of a vaat FS 5 Xi 2 l 2 t' v ** Population . Tricsemar , No . 3 , la the great tanate \ % eEi ; ?; ? : . ! ol » Bfl of dWdora ' whteU wfbr . * S 2 vlti& « ' ^ SSS ^ Phy ' ' ^ treats with mercury , to the whicttaM « M 2 ^ on _ Sf Pa « eafa constitution , and Slf-MS ^ ^^ a ^ dSS rifflt Pi ^^^^ S C . Campbell , Argylo-Btrcot , Glaogow . * P > K ' ftn « »• j I , , , j , > . » , , , , , , ¦ f f
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. OLLO WAY'S OINTMENT AND PILLS » r ^ ^ . ° ^ RKMEDIK 8 FOR BAD LEGS , — j Mr . John . Nix , of IMUcrlcay , Eaeex ; , informs Profeaaor Hoi-I loway , thiMi Mra . Mary White , of Vange , had boem troubled wit" a bad leg for more than fifteen years , for the euro of , whloh there appeared no remedy , as b ) Uo had tried various , moans without effect ; but by'hlu pertiufielon ahq fcommonood , using HoUpway ' o Ointment and PUla , previous to whlok , for j sixteen weeke , eho was unable to walk across the room , , Thcao Invaluable romedice , however , oured the leg in a very > ^ P ^ i ^ w- ? * ^ ftl 1 Modlolno Vcndora throughput tho World , at ProfcBBor Holloway ' a IflBtabllahmentB , 24 !» , Strand , t London , and 80 , Maiden-Jane , Now York { by A . Rtampft . Constiftntinople } A . GiuiMoy , Sn ) iyrnft 5 and H . HooSn ,
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, DEAFNESS aud NOISES in the HEAD . — Free of Charge , for the Protection and Instant Relief of the Deaf . A Book of 30 pages . —An extraordinary Discovery . —Just published , sent free by post to any d « af person writing for it , " A STOP to EMPllaCISM : and EXOKBITANT FEES . " Sufferers extremely deaf , by means of this book / permanently cure themselves , in any distant part of the world , without-pain op ubo of any instrument-Thousands have been restored to perfect hearing , and for ever rescued from the snares of the numerous advertising , » dangerous , unqualified pretondera of the present day . it contains Hats of startling cures , published by Dr . F . U . , HOGHTON , Member of tho London Itoyal CoWo of 8 ur-, geone , May 2 , 1845 : L-A . O . April 30 , 1 B 4 <>; Consulting , Burgeon to the Institution for Via *} wa of Deafness , t ) , , Suffolk . place . Pall Mall , I / qndon , where all letters are to be , addressed . Personal consultations every day between U , and 4 o ' olook . Suflerora deaf 40 or 50 yeara have th « ir hearing perfectly restored hi half an hour , without a moment's f inconvenienco , Testimonials and certificates c « n bo seen f from all tho loading members of tli « faculty and from . \ , natlcnta cured , . .
Untitled Ad
' MARK YOUR LINEN . —The Pen Superseded . The most ea < y , permanent , and beat method of Marking Linen , Silk , Cotton , Coarse Towels , Booka , or anything else , is with the PATENT ECECTliO SILVER PLATES . Any person can use them with tlie greatest ease . Certificate from the celebrated Dr . Sheridan Muspratt , F . R . S . K .: — " Several trials with Culleton ' s Electro Silver Plates induce me to pronounce them excellent . Tlie letters are distinctly marked , without blotting , in a deep black colour , and after long boiling , with either potass or soda , they remain unaltered . —Sueeidan Muspratt , College of Chemistry , Liverpool , May is , , i « 54 . " Initial plate , Is , , name plate , 2 a . ; set of numbers , 2 s . ; crest plate , 6 s . Sent post-free to any part of the- kingdom < with directions ) , on receipt of stamps ,-by the inventor and sole patentee , T . CULLETON , 2 , Loug Acre ( exactly one door from St . Martm ' s-lane ) , London . " ' . MARK TOCft LINEN .
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FITCH AND SON'S CELEBRATED BREAKFAST BACON . AJJD FIRSTCLASS PUOYISiONS" The emporium for rich aad deliciou 3 bacon is Fitch and Son ' s , Bisliopsgate . -Within . " —^ United Service Gazette . " We know of nothing more exquisitely delicious than a rasher of Fitch's Breakfast Bacon . "—Weekly Paper . This celebrated Bacon , smoke-dried , is sold by tlie side , half side , and separate pieces , THE HALF-SIDE , of 3 pibs ., at .. !> . i . per lb . THE MIDDLE PIECE , of 121 b 3 .. at .. 9 ^ d . „ FITCH and SON have also the honour to offer the following superior articles , extraordinary for their rccherchi quality . RICH BLUE MOULD STILTON CHEESE . CHOICE KICH SOMERSET DITfO . . ~ CURIOUS OLD CHESHIRE DITTO" . WILTSHIRE CHfeAPS AND CHINES . PICELED AND SMOKED OX TONGUES . YOKK HAMS , OLD AND NEW , OP DELICIOUS FLAVOUR . WELL PICKLED BUTTER FOR WINTER STORE . HauSEHOLD PROVISIONS . GO O D CHESHIRE CHEESE , 30 to GOlbs . each per lb 7 iil-„ AMERICAN DITTO , 30 to COlbs . ., „ G * J . „ SALT BUTTER . 30 to 70 H ) s . package I 2 d . B ? A 11 articles are securely packed for travelling , and delivered free throughout London . Prepayment , or iv reference in town , is requested with orders from the country . Post office orders to be made payable at the chief ofiico ; and these ,-together with cheques , may be crossed with the name of Fitch and Sou ' s bankers , " Sir J . W . Lubbock aud Co . " 66 , BISHOPSGATE WITHIN " , LONDON . ESTABLISHED 176 * .
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THS OOKEWEtSSIOJJ TEA . OOMCPAW y HAVJB thra pleasure to aqtioance that they are ' now SELLING NEW SEASON'S TE AS , which are of better quality and lower pries thin for two years past . The BKSr 3 s . Id . BLACK TEA . in LONDON—recommended . VE RT CHOICE SOUCHONG , per lb . 4 s . * -highly recommended . The BEST MOCHA COFFEE , per lb . Is . Cd . —highly recommended . Families and all large consumers are respectfully requested to COMPARE the 3 s . 4 d . BLACK TEA . with any they purchase at 3 s . lOd-, and their 4 s . very-choice SOUCHONG with TEA at any price . The COMPANY pack TEA-S in POUND PACKETS , 7 lbs ., 141 bs ., and 20 tbs . Canisters without charge j and forward J ? 3 value , carriage paid . For the convenience of their customers , they supply Sugars and Colonial Produce at a small per casvtage on import prices * Monthly Price Circular free on application . THE . -COMMISSION TGA COMPANY . 35 , King William-street , Lon . don-bridge .
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THE BEST ATffD GHE&PESLr TEkS JirEMl ^ oaFAre toT > £ obtaiueCl > T ~ PTnTiJ 7 EP 3 ~ TOrt ^ e < H £ ^ - PANY . Tea Mecbjhftnta , 8 , KING WiLLtA-M-STREET , CITY , LONDON . ' This is a good tjm . 3 to buy TE V . ; when Parliament meets it is almost certaia \^ e shall lv . ive aa inorexse of dub / to meet the expanses of the war . Stroug Congou Teas , 3 s . 81 , 3 s . 103 ., 3 s ., 3 s . &i . A general Price Current is published every month , containing all the advantages of the London markets , and is sent free by post on application . SUGARS ARE SUPPLIED AT MARKET PRICES .
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EENDERS , STOVES , and FIttE-IRONB . _ Jiuyersofthe above are requested , before anally deciding , to vIsTFW-rr ^ tA-M- ^ UlUK T O N S SHO WItOOMS . They aro the largeife in ~ th«—wofM , and _ contain such an assortment of FENDERS , STOVES RANGES . FIRE-IRONS , and GENERAL IRONMONGERY , as canubt ba approached elsewhere , either for variety , noveHy , beauty of desiga , or exquisite ' . uess of workmanship . Bright Stoves , with bronzed ornaments and two sets of bars , £ 2 . U 3 . to £ o . 103 . ; di tto , with ormolu ornaments and two sets of bara , £ 0 . 103 . to £ 12 . 12 s . ; Bronv . ed Fendera compiete , with staiulards , from 7 s . to £ 3 j Steel Fendera from £ 2 . 15 s . to £ 6 ; ditto with rich ormolu ornaments , from £ 2 . 15 s . to £ T . 7 s . ; Fire-irons from Is . Od . the set to £ 4 4 s . Sylvester and all other Patent Stoves , with radiatiug hearth plates . All which he is enabled to sail at these very reduced charges . . Firstly—From Ihe frequency aud extent of his purchases ; and Secondly—From those purchases being mndc exclusively for cash . THE PERFECT SUBSTITUTE FOR SILVER . The HEAL NTCKEL SILVER . introduced twenty yeacs ago by YVIL LI A M S . BURTOX , when plated by the patent process of Messrs . Elkingto-a aud Co ., is beyond all comparison the very best article next to sterling' silver that can be employed as such , either usefully 02 * ornamentally , as by no possible te 3 t can it be distinguished from real silver . Thread or Fiddle Brunswick King ' s Pattern . Pattern . Pattern . Tea Spoon 3 per dozen .. 18 s 21 * . .... 34 a . Dessert Forks „ .. 30 i -i « A 63 . Dessertspoons „ .. 30 i 4 is . .... 48 s . Table Forks „ .. 40 i 50 * . .... 64 s . TableSpoons „ .. 403 Ms 6 S 3 . Tea and coffee set 3 , waiters , candlesticks , &c , at proportionate prices . All kinds of re-platfng done by the patent process . ¦ CHEMICALLY PURE NICKEL NOT PLATED . Fiildle . Thread . King ' s . Table Spoons and Forks , full size , per dozen 12 a . .. 2 % a . .. 30 s . Dessert ditto and ditto ¦ - 103 . .. 2 ld . .. 2 is . Tea ditto .......... ' 53 . .. lls . .. Us . T AMPS of all SORTS aad PATTERNS . ^ - JL / WILLIAM'S . BURTON invites attention . to this . season s SHOW of LAMPS . It embraces the filoderateur < tlie best Parisian specimens of which have been carefully culled ) , Argand , Splar , Camphine , Palmer ' s ilaguum , and other lamps for candles ; and comprises an assortment which , considered either as to extent , price ^ or pattern , is perfectly unrivalled . Pure Colza Oil , 53 . 6 d . per gallon . Palmer ' s Candles , lOd . and 10 § d . per lb ; Patent Camphine , 4 s . per gallon . DISH COVERS and HOT WATER DISHES in every , material , in grca . t variety , arid oif the newest and most r « eherchfi patterns . Tin Dish Covers , Gs . 6 d . the set of six ; Block Tin , 12 s . 33 . to £ 83 . 93 . the set of six ; elegant modern patterns , 34 s . to 5 * 3 . 6 d . tlie set ; Britannia Metal , with or without silver plated handles , 70 s . 6 d . to I Ida . Gd . the set ; Sheffield plated , £ 10 to £ tG . IQ 3 . the set ; Block Tin Hot Water Dishes , with wella- for gravy , 12 s . to 203 . ; Britannia Metal , 22 s . to 77 d . ; Electro plated on Nickel , full size , £ 11 . Us . . . " . ' ¦ ¦ ¦' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦/¦ The alterations and additions to these very extensive premises ( already by far the largest in . Europe ) , which have occupied the whole year , are now nearly completed ; they are of such a character that the entire of HIGHT HOUSES is now devoted to the display of the moat magnificent stock of GENERAL HOUSE IRON ^ IONGE It Y (? ncludlng Cut - lery , Nickel Silver , Plated , and Japanned wares , Iron t \ nd Bras 3 Bedsteads and Bedding ) , ' arranged in Sixteen Large Show Rooms , so as to afford to parties furnishing facilities in the selection of goods tint cannot be hoped for elsewhere . Catalogues , with engravings , sent ( per post ) free . 39 , OXFORD-STREET ; 1 , Ia , 2 , and 3 , NBW 1 IANSTREET ; and 1 , 6 . and 0 , PEBltY'S-PL . ACE . Established a .. » . 1820 .
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Furnish your House with the Best Articles , AT DEANE'S Ironmongery and Furnishing Warehouses . Established ad , 1700 . A Priced Furnishing List , free by post . DEANE DRAY , and Co . ( Opening to the Monument ; , London-bridge .
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212 ° MILNERS' HOLDFAST AND FIRE-* ^ RESISTING SAFES ( aon-conducting and vapourising ) , with all the improvements , under their Quadruple Patents of IB to . 51 , 51 and 1865 , including tholr Gunpowderproof aolid Lock and Door ( without whloh no safe iasccuro ) . TnE STRONGEST , BEST , AND CIIEAI-E 3 T SAFEQUAttDS EXTANT . MlkNEKS' PHOENIX ( 212 degrees ) SAFE WORKS LIVERPOOL , tho most complete and extensive in the world . Show-rooms , G and a , Lord . street , Liverpool . Loudon Depot , 47 a , Alobrgatc-strect , City - Circulars free by post . .
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DAVIS AND SIMPSON'S FURNISHING WAREHOUSES , 13 G , 137 . , TOTTENHAM COURT-ROAD , Corner of tho New-road . Established Twenty-oight Years . Enlargement of 1 ' rcmiaed . , ' Increase of Stock . ARE YOU ABOUT TQ FURNISH P If so . inapoot tliia cnormoua Stock , « ontninin » tho raoal rvcncrchq manufactures of Glllowa and Dowbiggm , aa well as plain Bubatantlal Cottage Furniture . Buying for Cash you will save 20 per cent . ONW HUNDRED SETS OF DIMEHJ-UOOM FUKNITURE , of superior otyle and workmanship Tkhuooib DitUNa-TA . OT . ES < lr « m 3 gulacftfl to 30 . CJiiAms . in Morocco , Hahi-Cloxu , and I £ oan , from 12 a . fld . to 2 guln « ae > . An Immense stock of Bedmnq , BtANKisra , Sukktino . Coun-TEHfANKfl , CMirETa . and Family DiiAruifx Just received from tho MAMCrACTUftKOfl . Furniture warehouacd at a raodorato charge for fwnlHoa leaving town , or going abroad . Mark th « Addreaa I CORNER of tho NKW-ROAD and TOTTENHAM COURT-ROAD .
Untitled Article
- l m Tll ^ LIIDii . 1 [ No . 302 , Saturda y
Leader (1850-1860), Jan. 5, 1856, page 22, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2122/page/22/