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THE COMMISSION TEA- * COMPANY , No . 35 , KING WILLIA . M STBBET , near LONDONRKIDGiJ . ; Established 1823 . BANKERS—The Commercial Bank of . London . RESIDENT PKOPRIErOB—Jar . Joba VooeMoora Sfte Company are one of the oldest firms mtheftyof London , v& hive for nearly thirty-three years been dtetra- £ u 1 ishe £ ' by the excellence , cheapness , and purity of their They supply families properly introduced to them , or who i « i * Sf 8 wft « fl ? respectable reference , upon the best trade terms , in panels oGwy ^ »»?*?« 1 ]} l' o e ^ A , » , Teas , when desired , are packed in 101 b ., I 4 lb ., and jsQlb . canisters , without extra charge ; and £ 3 value ( including , Coffee ) forwarded carriage paid . „„ ,.,., „ ,- ; Good to Strong Cbneou Tea .. 2 s . « d . to as . Od . per 1 b . j Fine to very fine -Pekoe Souchong 3 s . 6 d . to is . 8 d . „ : Very Choice Souchong .. ... .. 4 s . Oa . „ ' Good Ceylon Coffee Is . Od . „ Iflne'Costa . Rica .. ' . " .. - .- ls " f * " Theflnest atoolia , old and very choice is . 6 a . „ 3 For the convenience of their customers , the Company supply Sugars and Colonial Produce at a smaU per centage Ottfinport prices . ^^^^ H ^ SaSffi&SSSr TEA COMPANY , 85 , Sing William-street , near Xondoa-bridga .
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^^ THE BEST AND CHEAPEST TEAS ] Id England are to he . obtained of PHILLIPS and COMPANY , Tea Merchants . 8 , KTNGr VILTiT A'M-STREET , -CITY ' , LONDON . ; Strong Congou Teas , 2 s . 8 d . > 2 s . 10 d . > 3 s ., 3 s . 2 a . —^ ge neral JSrice Current is published every -month , -containing all the advantages of the London markets , and is Jieni'Treebytfiost'bb ; application . '¦ ¦¦ . ¦¦ ' , , SXJia&KS ARE SUPPLIED AT MARKET PRICES . - ii ; IKE AS . and ^ COfFPE ES 4 o the value , of : 40 s ^ or upwards aent carriage free to any-railway-station or market town in ^ England . . :. ' ¦) ¦'' ... ¦ ¦ ¦ " "¦ - ' ; . ' . - ¦ . . ¦ . ¦ . - . ¦ . '¦ '¦ ' . . ¦ ¦¦ : . ¦ ¦ ¦¦
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: * 12 $ l $ kLi . CIGARS * SISAL CIGARS , at G 0 OD-) O RICH'S Cigar , Tobacco , and Snnf ^ Stores ( established 178 a ) , HtW , Oxford-street , London , near Sob . o-sq . uare . —Box , . containing 14 fine Sisal Cigars , for Is . 9 d . post free , six > stamps extra : 1 b . boxes , containing 109 , I 2 s . 6 d . None are . ^ entiine unless siened '' Ja . N * ( Gr opdribfl . " A large . stock -of-the-most approved Branfla . \ ' ¦ ' ¦¦ '
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TZ " EATING'S- COUGH LOZENGES . —The JE 3 hk _ vast . increase in the demand for these Congh Lozenges , and the numerous testimonials constantly received , fully , justify the . Proprietorin asserting they are the best and fafest yet . offered tip the Public for the cure of j ^ e ' - ' fbllowiflg < ji > niplautts ..: — '¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ASTHMA , WINDER COUGH , JHOARSENESS , SHORTNESS of BREATH , and other PULMONARY MALABJES ¦'¦ : ¦' :. "¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ . ¦ ' ¦;¦'¦ ¦ ¦ ¦; "¦ ' .: i ¦ '¦ tThey ; have deservedly obtained the highest patronage ; yeiyinany > of theNqbuityithe Clergy , andthe Publicgenerally use them under the recommendation of some of the most eminent of the Faculty . : . > ? Pr 6 pared and sold in boxes , is . lid ., and tins , 2 s . 9 d ., 4 s . i « a ., and lOs . 6 d . each , by THOMAS KEATING , Chemist , &c , No . 79 , St . "Paul ' s Churchyard , London . ' Sold retail by all druggists « nd patent medicine vendors in the . T ? 6 rld ; - , . ¦ ¦ . ' ' ' ' '* ¦ . . ' -. ^ eaI-ing ' s pale ; newf : ou ^ dland iJCm- COt ) LITER OIL , iperfectly pure and nearly taste , less , havingrbeen analysed , reported on , and recommended iby Professors Taylor aiidThomson , of Guy ! aand St . Tfaomas ' s Hospitals , wh 6 » in the words of the late Dr . Pareira , isay , " tbe finest oil is that most devoid of colour , odour , and . flavour , " characters this will be readily found'to possess . 79 , St . Paul ' s Church-yard , London . Half-pints , Is . 6 d . ; pints , 2 s . fid . ; quarts , 4 s . 6 d . j are-pint bottles , » 10 s . 6 d . j imperial measure . ' ¦ •*» # Orders ifrom the country should . expresslv stat « : JKEATIMG'S COD LIVER -OIL . " J
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MQLLOWAY'S PILLS an EXCELLENT MEDICINE- —Perfect digestion and pure bile Jroduce good blood , and if-the functions of either the tqmach or the Liver are disordered , HoUoway ! s Pills will assuredly , repair ' . the mischief , -attd enable them ; to supply tpe channels ' -of : < circulation ^ witti an unco-ntaminated fluid : tnen ; in case ;^ of mn « , Indigeation , or disordered Stbmftijha . why -not use this invaluable . remedy ; . which' J » a $ cured thquBands , when evejy othjer meaidlnfe JaUed ? The number 1 of years these PlUs'ftave'been taiise confirm the efficacy of their Kood etFects . ; ' , " T ¦ ' Sola by all Medicine Vendors throughout tho ^ Worldi at Prp ( q ( M * or HQIiLOMTJWS JBatabliehmeuts , 244 , Btrand ,. London , and 80 , Maiden-lane , N " ew York ; by A . Stampa , Con » ji > tatinople ; A . GuiUcy , Smyrnai andETJttuir , Hftltn .
Untitled Ad
__^ . In tho High Court « t Chancery . !~ mRIESEMAR . —On the 29 th of Mayi 1855 , JL , nn Injunction -was granted by the HJgn Court of Chancery , and on the II th of Juno following -was made perpetual , against Joseph Franklin andothera , to restrain theni , innder a penalty of £ 1 , 000 ; , from ' imitating this medioino , whioh is protected by RoyalLetters'JPaterit of JSnKland , and secured by the seals of the Eoole de Pharmadi « do Paris , and theJEmperial Co » ege of Medicine ^ Vienna . TrieBemor , Wo . » , ' la a , remedy for Itolaxatlon , Spormatorrhcoa , and nil the distreasing' conseqnencea arising from early nbuae , & « . < ai [» d its flflVots are elnouolous in youth , manhood , and olfl i » ge-n-: and t 6 those porBOnawbo arc prevonted entering tho Harriett Btato . iVoin the results of early errors it Ib in-7 aludblo , ' TrieBemar , No . » , effectually , in tho ah 6 rt spaoo of threo days completely and entlreily eradioatea ' all traces of those dieordem whloh oaimiyiand © ubobiS have bo long beoai thiAightlan antidttto * for , to the ruin of the hoaltli of a vaat ES 5 J ! ° » . t PopiiUitlon . Trioaemar . No ., 3 , is tho grout n « MMinental remedy | pr that clasaof disorders wlMqU unfor' rtuhatc ^ tho fcnfilish ; physician treats with moreury , to tUo ' & !*»•*« idcBtruojilon <> f the patlont ' 8 oonfititutlon , fuid ' { wMo ^*< a « « je Bursaparilla In . the wwld cannot rempve . ' ^ f ^ J" ?^' 'i J ? P « l ' . « 2 » »«*• four cases iu one for sis ,, 3 nW £ i ??/ ^\ « » ajn ' ^ 6 , oaseo , whereby there is . a b « v' ^ iVttWni /' ii 4 Y » dea Into separate dosea , aa pdminJwtiered Wcttte " , ! of ^ 9 h « eon , 6 » , CornUtll » Hannay $ m $% tth& ? AtMffi fh : ^ d' ? ai « ger , 160 , OxWrd . Htre 6 t » ^ SS ^ MraSSS ' i ^ * 'MwlwtJUtwefc'MiKaotwJ ^ ri H % ^ mm § mm $ : ' , , , 1 ,
Untitled Ad
; : i , ; j ] np&E BEST SHOW of IEON BEDSTEADS in i the KINGDOM is WILLIAM S . BURTON'S He has FOUR LARGE ROOMS , devoted to the EXCLUSIVE SHOW of Iron and Brass Bedsteads and Children's Cots . with appropriate Bedding and Mattresses- Common Iron Bedsteads , from 16 s ; Portable Folding Bedsteads , from 12 s Od ; Patent Iron Bedsteads , fitted with dovetail joints and patent sacking-, from 17 s fid ; and Cots from * 20 s each . Handsome-Ornamental Iron and Brass Bedsteads , in great variety , from £ 2 7 s to £ 15 15 s 6 d THE PERFECT SUBSTITUTE FOR SILVER . The REAL NICKEL SIL . VER , introduced twenty years ago by WMLLiIAJtf S- BUErO . V . wlten plated by the patent process of Messrs . Elkington and Co-, is beyond all comparison the very best article next to sterling silver that can be employed as such , either usefully or ornamentally , as by no possible test can it be distinguished from real silver . Thread or Fiddle Brunswick King ' s . Pattern . Pattern . Pattern . Tea Spoons per dozen .. 18 s . .... 26 s 32 a . Dessert Forks „ .. 30 s . .... 40 s 46 s . DessertSpopns ,, .. 30 s 42 s 48 s . Table Forks „ .. 403 . ., .. 56 s 64 s . Table Spoons „ .. 40 s . ..., 5 Hs . .... 66 s . . Tea and coffee sets , waiters , candlesticks , &c , at proportionate prices . All kinds of re-plating done by the patent process .
Untitled Ad
CHEMICALLY PURE NICKEL NOT PLATED . Fiddle . Thread . King ' s Table Spoons and Ports , full size , per dozen 12 s . .. 28 s . .. 30 s . Dessert ditto and ditto 10 s . .. 2 Is . .. 25 s . Tea ditto .... 5 s . .. 11 s . .. 12 s . . / CUTLERY WARRANTED . —The most varied \ J assortment of TABLE CUTLERY in the World , ail warranted , is on SALE at WILLIAM S- BURTON'S , at prices that are remunerative only because of the largeness of the sales . 3 J-inch ; ivory-h \ andle « i table knives , with high shoulders , 1 Is per dozen : ; desserts " ¦¦ t o .- match , 10 s ; if to balance ,.: is per dozen ejetra ; carvers , 4 s per pair ; larger sfzesj from 19 s . to 26 s per dozen ; extra fine , ivory , 32 s ; if with silver ferrules , . 37 s to 50 s ; white bone table knives , Ts 6 dper dozen ; desserts , 5 s 6 d ; carvers , 2 a 3 d per pair ; black horn table knives . 7 s 4 d per dozen ; desserts , 6 s -, carvers , 2 s ( id ; , black wood-handled table lenives and forks , 6 s ., per dozen ; table steel a > from Is . each . The largest stock in existence ° f plated dessert knives and forks , in . case 3 and otherwise , and 6 f the new plated fish carvers . The alterations and additions to these extensive ; premises Calrejady by-far the largest in Ettrppe ) , which occupied the whole of last year ,, are of such a character that the entire of EIGHT HOUSES is devoted to the display of the most magnifieentstockof GENERAL HOUSE . IRONMONGEBY Cinpluding Cutlery , Nickel Silver . Plated Goods , Baths , Brushes and Turnery , Lamps and Gaseliers , Ir n and Brass Bedsteads , and Bedding ) , so arranged in Sixteen Large Show Booms as to afford to parties furnishing facilities in the selection of goods that cannot be hoped for elsewhere . ' . ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ - " . - Illustrated catalogues sent ( per post ) free . 39 , OXFORD-STREET ; 1 , W 2 , and 3 , NEWMANSTREET ; and 4 , 5 , and R , PERKY'S-PLACE . Established a .. d . 1820 .
Untitled Ad
. DA . VIS AND SIMPSON'S FURNISHING WAIIEHOIJSES , 136 137 , 138 , TOTTEiSTHAM COURT-ROAD , Corner of the Jfewrroad . Established Tvventy ^ eiglit Years . Enlargement of Premises Increase of Stock . ARE YOU ABOUT TO FURNISH ? If so , inspect this enormous Stock . ' containing the most recherche manufactures , of Gillows and Dovvbiggin , as well as plain substantial Cottage Furniture . Buying for Cash you will save 20 per cent . ONE HUNDRED SETS OF DINING-ROOM FURNITURE , of superior style and workmanship . Telescope DiNiisra-Tables from 3 guineas to 30 Chairs , in Morocco , Haiu-Clotii , and Roan , from 12 s . 6 d . to 2 guineas . An immense stock of Bedding , Blankets , Sheeting . Corcm-TBnPANES , Carpets , and Famuys Dbapebt just received from the Manofactob . ers . . Furniture warehoused at a moderate charge for families leaving town , or going abroad . Mark the Address CORNER of the INEW-ROAD and TOTTENHAMCOUJRT-ROAD .
Untitled Ad
, & THE PATENT PNEUMATIC PALA . TE FOR THIS CONSTRUCTION OF ARTIFICIAL TEETH . MESSRS . MOGGRIDGE and DAVIS , Surgeon Dentiata to the Royal Family , 19 , Old Burlington-street , Bond-atreot , Patentees of the self-nustaining principle of fixing Artificial Teeth , and Inventory of tho Pneumatic Palate , continue ti > supply their inimitiible in-VontioiiH . wlkioli , copying nature , obviate the necessity of the unsightly fastoniiigs which , while laughing or speaking , haye hitherto betrayed the wearers of Artilioial Teeth , This invention renders tlic nrtloulatlon clear and distinct , and ' the unpleasant whistling ao long complained of , impossible , To all public epoakera , whether in the senate , In tl » o pul' pit , at the bar , oron tlio stage , teeth , real or artificial , are a : ' sine qua n » n . ¦ Without thorn tho gmcoa of eloquence aro lost , and tho nowoVs of oratory very much dlminiuhod , Their imprOyemontB In lilxing nvtlfloial teeth have boon , noticed with high approbation Toy the Times , /' one , Morning , Uarald , Morning Ohrvnialii , an < l all tho other leading journals , ol ° Europe , and tholr numerous Bpeolmonu have cxoltod the greatest admiration of tho most eminent physicians anil BurftoonHOf Englund tmd tho prinoitxil cities of tho continent , who oonatantly favour tnoni with their distinguished ; recommendations , and who consider their eyHtum to bo greatly uupurlor to any In uae by ovher membera of tho pro' foualon , as l > y it tho greatvat uoaalble ( Irmnusa and acour | ty In the niouth is attained , ft nil the patient enabled to pro-1 porly perform tho imjportnnt qporatlun of mnutlotulon , , which is moat csaentinl to honltli , and without whloh t \\ t > Btomuoh oannot duly fulfil Its funotlomu . MESSRS . MOGGR 1 DGE AND DAVIS , aURWEON-DJBN'i'iaTS XO THJE ROYAL , FAMILY , No , 13 , OLD BURWNGTON-S'JDftJBET , BONJD . B'JWiUiKT XOJTDON .
Untitled Ad
rWMIE FOaTY-SEVEN SHILLING SUITS JL made to order , from Scotch Heather and Cheviot Tweeds , all wool and thoroughly shrunk , by JB . JJEM " JAMIN , Merchant Tailor . 74 , Regent-street . The PELISSIER OVERCOAT , 2 is . and 28 s ., adapted for the season ; the TWO GUINEA DRESS or FROCK g&f ^ NEA ^ Ii ^ T ^ if ™ ° *™™ - S > «* ° U . B . —A perfeot fit guaranteed .
Untitled Ad
ELASTIC SUPPORTING BELTS , of the same beautiful Fabric as POPE and PL ANTE'S ELASTIC STOCKINGS for Varicose Veins , for Ladies ' use , before and after accouchement , are admirably adapted for giving adequate support , with extreme lightness—a point little attended to in the comparatively clumsy contrivan . ee * and fabrics hitherto employed . Instructions for measurement and prices on application and the articles sent by post from the manufacturers , POPE and fLAN 1 " E , 4 , Waterloo-plaue , Pall-mall . London .
Untitled Ad
" T > ALMEK'S PATENT LEG is far superior _ i _ to all others that have hitherto been invented , and is a valuable addition to our means of removing the inconvenience arising from , a severe mutilation . " — The Lancet . Adjusted with perfect accuracy , by the aid of Machinery to every form of Amputation , by Mr . EDWIN OSBORJSE , of 2 q , Saville row . London .
Untitled Ad
BUY of the MAKERS . —BRUSHES , COMBS , and BROOMS of every description , whether for the dressing-table , household , or stable use , thirty per cent , lower than any other house in the trade , at the Manufacturers , J . a-nd J . WITHERS , 36 , Tottenhara-court-Toad * ( opposite Bedford-street , Bedford-square ) . —Warranted tooth brushes . 3 d . ; superior ditto , 4 d . ; the best that can be made , 6 d , each . —N . B . The lowest price asked , and no abatement . I ^ HE LARGEST STOCK of BRUSHES and JL COMBS in LONPON .-J . and J . WITHERS , 35 , TO TTEN H AM-COURT-KOAD .
Untitled Ad
SOCIETY OF ARTS PRIZE SHILLING BOX OF WATER COLOURS , USED BY THE EOYAL FAMILY . /^ AUTION . —Boxes cbniainiug the worst de-V > scription of Colours , Brushes , &e ., are being sold as the Society of Arts Prize Box of Water Colours . To prevent any further imposition on the Public , the GENUINE . SOCIETY OF ARTS PRIZE SHILLING BOX OF WATEK COLOURS can be had of th-successful competitor . JOSHUA ROGERS , 133 , BUN HILL-ROW , Finsbury , London , or sent by post on receipt of is . lOd ; in Stamps . Every other article required in the Fine Arts can be had Wholesale and Retail , of the . Manufacturer , JOSHUA . ROGERS , as above .
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510 ° MILNE RS' HOLDFAST AND FIRERESLSTINGr SAFES < non , conducting and vapourising ) . with all the improvements , under their Quadruple Patents of 1840 , 51 , 54 and 1855 , including their Gunpowderproof Solid Lock ani Door ( without which no safe is secure ) . THE 8 TaONtGE 3 T , ' B . E 3 T , AND CHEAPEST SAFEGUARDS EXTANT . MILNERS' PH < ENIX ( 212 degrees ) SAFE WORKS , LIVERPOOL , the most complete and extensive in the world . Show-rooms , 6 and 8 , Lord - street , Liverpool . London Depot , 47 a , Moorgate-street , City . Circulars free by post .
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LE MIRROiR FACE ET NUQUE . —This new Patent Toilet Glass reflects the back of the head as ijerlectly as it does the face , and both in one glass at the same time , enabling a lady to arrange her back hair with the greatest ease and precision ; it is the most unique and complete article ever introduced into the dressing room ^ prices 24 s . and upwards ,, to be seen only at the Patentees , Messrs . HEAL and SON . whose vvarerooms also contain every variety of Toilet Glass that is manufactured , as well as a general assortment of BEDSTEADS , BEDDING , and BBO-UOOM FUJiNITURE . HEAL and SON'S ILLUSTRATED CATALOGU 1 C of Bedsteads and Bedding , containing designs and prices of upwards of 100 Bedsteads , Sent F » ee b x Post . IIEAX and SON , 196 , Tottenham-court-road .
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Untitled Ad
HAIU DESTROYER , 1 , LITTLE QUKKN-ST 31 EET , HIGH HOLBORN ALEX . ROSS'S DEPILATORY , for removing effectually superfluous hair from tho face , ucolr , nrms , and hands , without the slightest injury to the a kin . A , II . will warrant it not to irritatu the flesh in tho smallest decree , und the hair to bo entirely destroyed . —Sold in bottle ? , at 3 d . Gd ., 5 s , Gd ,, and 10 s . Od ; or applied at tlio Hair Dy « lng Kstabliahment aa above . Forwaiilod for etanipa . free l > y post , eight extra .
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RUPrUHES .-BY ROYAL LETTERS PATENT . WHITE'S MOC-MAIN LEVER TRUSS is allowed !> y upwards ol ' 200 Medical Gentlemen to bo tlie moat efluotive invention in tho curative treatment of Hornim The uao of a at « ol aprinc ( bo often hurtful iu Its eflectu ) ia hero avoided , a soft Banduge being worn round tlio body , wliilo tho requlmto resisting power ia supplioii by tlio Moc-Maln Pad «» orouu , light In texture , and inexpenalva , and nro drawn on like « . n ordinary etooklng . Vxlco ft-om fa . od . to 16 * . JPaBtn ««< , < m . Mftnufuotory , % W , Piccadilly , Londou .
Untitled Article
£ S 6 fig k B A BEB . [ No , 313 , Saturday ,
Leader (1850-1860), March 22, 1856, page 286, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2133/page/22/