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B ANK OF LONDON , Threadneedle-street . and Charing-cross . Chairman—SIR JOHN VILLIEBS &HELLEY , Bart ., M . P . Vioe-Chairman—JOHN GRIFFITH MtlTH , Esq . Current Accounts are received , and interest allowed on Balances . jE 5 per Cent , interest is at present allowed on Deposits , with 10 days' notice of withdrawal on sums of £ 10 and upwards . ( By order ) MATTHEW MARSHALL , Jan ., Manager . BENJAMIN SCOTT , Secretary . Threadneedle-street , ] MCarchj 20 , 1858 .
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NEW PUBLICATIONS . i . THE POLITICAL LIFE OF SIR ROBERT FEEL . BY THOMAS DOUBL . EDAY * Author of the ' Financial History of England , " ' The True . Law of Population , " &c . Two volumes , 8 to ., price 30 s . cloth . IITHE EUROPEAN REVOLUTIONS OF 1848 . BY EDWARD CAYLEY , Esq . Two volumes , Crown 8 vo ., price 18 a . cloth . LONDON " : SMITH , ELDEE , jLND CO ., 65 , CORNHILL .
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SOUTH AUSTRALIAN BANKING COMPANY . . Incorporated ~ by Royal Charter , 1847 . The Court of Directors GRANT LETTERS of CREDIT and BILLS upon the Company ' s Bank , Adelaide , at par . Approved drafts negotiated and' sent for collection . Business with all the Australian Colonies conducted through the Bank's Agents . Apply at the Company ' s Office , 54 , Old Broad-street , London . WILLIAM PURDY , Manager . London , March 1 , 1856 .
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T AF LIFE ASSURANCE OFFICE , Fleet-¦* street , London , March 6 , 1856 . Notice is hereby given * that the BOOKS for the TRANSFER of SHAKES in this SOCIETY will be CLOSED on THURSDAY , tlie 20 th instant , and will be Re-Opened on Wednesday , the 2 nd day of April next . The Dividends for the year 185 !» will be Payable on Monday , the 7-th day of April next , and on any subsequent day , between the hours of 10 and 3 o ' clock . By order of the Directors . WILLIAM SAMUEL DGWMES , Actuary .
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TTNITED MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE VJ SOCIETY , 54 , Charing-eross , London . Policies indisputable . No charge for Policy Stamps . Whole profits divided annually . Assurances on the strictly mutual principle Invalid lives assured at equitable rates . THOMAS FRITCHARD , Resident Director .
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SOVEREIGN LIFE OFFICE , 49 , ST JAMES-STREET , LONDON . Founded 1845 . . ¦ ¦ : ¦ T&trsiBEs . The Earl Talbot . I B . Bond Cabbeli , Esq ., M . P . Sir Claude Scott , Bart . | Henry . Paw-nail , Esq . Chairman— Lieut .-Col . Lord Arthur Lennox . Deputy-Chairman —Sir James Carmichael , Bart . This Office possesses a large paid up and investedicapital . while the claims by death , scarcely exceed one-fifth of the Premiums received . By the recent Bonus four-fifths of the Premiums paid were , in many cases , returned to the Policy-Holders ; Thus , of £ 153 paid on a policy for £ 1 * 000 ( effected in L 846 ) . £ 123 was added to the amount assured in 1853 . A Bonus declared every third year . ^ FOURTEEN PENCE saved Weekly , and paid to the Office Quarterly or Half-yearly , will secure to a person 25 years of age the sura of £ 100-on his attaining the age of 55 , OR AT DJEATH , should that event occur previously . Claims are paid three months after proof of death . No charges are made except the premium . Kates are calculated for all ages , climates , and circumstances connected with Life Assurance . Prospectuses , Forms , and every information can be obtained at the Office , 19 , St . James * . * -street , London . H . L . DAVENPORT , Secretary . Active Agents required .
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Just published , One Volume , fcp . 8 ro ., Price 2 s . 6 cL , AUDUBOH , THE NATURALTST , IK THE NEW W 0 ELD ; ttS ADVENTUBES AND DISCOVERIES . BT MRS . HORACE ST . JOHN . "A biographical sketch of Audubon , by Mrs . Horace St . John , planned on a modest scale and executed gracefully with much diligence and care , is a very welcome little book indeed . '—Examiner . LONDON : LONGMAN , BROWS , GREEN , A 3 H > LONGMANS .
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BANK OF DEPOSIT , No . 3 , PALL-MALL EAST , LONDON . ESTABLISHED , A . B . 1844 . Parties desirous of Investing Money are requested to examine tuu plan of the Bank of Deposit . Prospectuses and forma for opening accounts sent free on application . PETER MORRISON , Managing Director .
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Just published , hi Two large Yols ., 8 vp ., handsomely printed , and bound in cloth , with Portraits , price 30 s ., THE LIFE AND WORKS OF GOETHE : . "" WITH SKETCHES OP HIS AGE AND CONTEMPORARIES . ( From PublisJted and Unpublished Sources ) . By Q . H . LEWES , Author of the " Biographioal History of Philosophy , " &c . " Goethe ' s heart , which few knew , was as great as his intelleot , which all knew . "— Jang Stilling . " Written with intense love and profound knowledge of tlie subject , it throws more light on the character and genius of Goethe than any other work . Finally , it is a perfect mine of admirable impartial criticism , written in a pure English style , and , in short , a life of Goethe worthy of the vntcn . "—Daily News . " Mr . Lewes has written a work of art , and not thrown before the public a quarry of raw material A thorough stu-dy of his subject , a careful preparation extended through many years , and trained skill in authorship , have enabled Mr . Lewes to convey a lively representation of the man Goethe as he lived , of the society of which he was the centre , of the general characteristics of the time ; and . to blond with all this , ample analytical criticism on his principal writings , iind intelligent discussion of the principles on which poetry and prose fiction should be composed Goethe is shown to have possessed one of the noblest and sweetest natures ever given to erring man , and to have lived aa ever in the eyes of the great Taskmaster , who had given him hie talents , and was by that gift calling him to dlsohargo great duties . " — Spectator . LONDON : DAVID NUTT , 270 , STRAND .
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aENERAL INDEMNITY INSURANCE COMPANY , 7 , Chatham-place , Blaokfriars—Capital . £ 500 , 000 , in Shares of . £ » each ; call , l 6 a . per Share VJtt * Every dcHoiiption of Insurance business tranaaoted at this ofllce . Policies absolutely indisputable . Guarantees afforded to persons in uitutitlonH of trust where aeourity is required also ngainat losses arising from robberies , forgerios , &o . Mre and life insurances offeoted on improved and safe principles . Plute-glasa innurerl . Prosnectiisoa , terms of agency , proposals , &c , can bo had on application . ____^ J . O . SPENOE , Secretary .
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A FIXED ALLOWANCE OF . £ 6 PER WEEK . IN CASE OF INJURY BY ACCIDENT OI ? ANY DESCRIPTION , or the sum of &Z , OQOIN CASE OF DEATH , may bo secured by an Annual payment of « . 3 for a Policy in the KATLWAY rASSlM NHWtS ASSUKAN 013 . COMPANY 4 > iVY 0 t ) kly ^ "owi *" o * " IMfteon , Shillings for Injury or £ 100 In o « 8 o of Donth secured by a . naymonfof Ton SiSKbc ? NO OHAEGE FOR STAMP DXT-PY . Forma of I * ronotml , rrospoctUBes . &o . may bo had o * tim AR « nlH-or tho Olorkont all the . pr noipal italhvav Statlo « -an . l at th « Head Office London , whore aleo 7 Btatlo " « BAILWA . T Aa < JinEN"OpS ALONE may bo inaurod ftg «( i » at by Hie Journoy or by tho year as HprotoToro . WILLIAM J f VIAN . Scorofcary . Railway raaaongers Inauranoo Company , Knopoworcd by a » pcolttl Act of Parliament , OfllccB , » , Old B * &ft 4 . » trcot . London .
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THK NATIONAL REVIEW—ADVERTISEMENTS . ST is requested that all ADVERTISEMENTS intended for insertion in Numbor 4 of the " NAONAL KEVIEW " will be forwarded to . tho Publisher not later than tho 24 th . London : Kobbiit Theobald , 20 , Paternoster-row .
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ART-UNION of LONDON ( By Royal Charter ) , —Prlzoholders select for themselves from the Pwbllo Exhibitions . Every subscriber of one guinea will have , besides tho ohanoe of a prize , an impression of a plate of "Harvest In tho Highlands , " engraved by J . T . Willmore , A . K . A ., from tho important and well known picture by Sir M . Lanclscor . lt . A . and 9 lr Augustus Oallcott , K . A . now delivering . Subscription closes 31 st Instant . GEORGE GODWIN , 1 Hon . 444 , West Strand . LEWXS POGOOK . i Scoa .
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Italian and , Frenclx X , » . neua . ffcs . MR . AURIVABENE , D . LX ., from tli « University of Padua , who liaa been ostabllftlicU In London for three years , gives private Icsuana inlcailaw and French at hln own houao , or tho houeuu of his pupile . Ho also attondB Sohoola both in town and country , Air . A 1 CItlVABENE toaohcfl on n . plan thoroughly p *« otioal , and tba moat mediooro mind cannot fnil to thoroughly comprehend hla lessons . „ Apply by letter to Mr . AKKIVABENE , No . 4 , JB 4 . MlcUnoVo-plRoe , Brompton .
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rpHE NATIONAL REVIEW . Price 5 s . J _ No . IV , Contains s—I . Characteristics of Gootho . II , EngHali Explorora . HI . University Reform—Cambridge . . IV . Mr . Macaulay . V . Conversation and Poetry of Itogers . vTi : The PolftSl Wcncies of America . VIII . The Austrian Pence . IX . Bleadlaroriftl RoliKion . A List of Books of tho Quarter . London : Komkut TnEonALB , 20 , Patcrnoster-row .
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ATECROPOLIS . —Hatablished by Parlinmont . — - _ LN WOKING OICMBTBUY .-ThoCompany act nleo as lJndcrtakerB .-FUNEK . AL 8 PROVIDED complete , Jnolmd-Inff private B ruvo , Btatuary work , and every expense ne foUowii : — JFlrat Glasa . Second Class . Third Claea . Fourth Close . « 2 i . £ \» . . £ H . iCU . And complete without statuary work : — Fifth Class . Sixth CIubb . X' 4 . " jC 3 6 a . Apply pernonaUy . or by latter , to tho Secretary , 2 , Lancaator . pluoo , Strand , or any agent of Iho Company either of whom will wait on tho parties and undertake all tho nrraingementb . Tho train loavesthe WefttmliaatorBtatton dally at U "JO . j , Bop » ra (« wnltlng rooms .
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I FRIENDLY aad BENEFIT SOCIETIES . patKCrORS and MANAGERS who are desirous ?^ V T ^ 2 ? ,. i ? ^ ooietiea safe though am algamation with Sn ^ WF * P ^ W , JPKOVIDlBNT ASSURANCE ? ° Z : * ? ' ftnd ol J ^ a'ng the Board , are invited to apply to the Manager , Witt . CURTIS OTTER , Esq ., without delay , at the Chief Offlces , 03 , Pall-mall , London ^
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Ma&ch 22 , 1856 . ] .,. T ? ff E L JB A B ff , IL ^
Leader (1850-1860), March 22, 1856, page 287, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2133/page/23/