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UuBsia , and , failing , an - land , we did it for no less an object than national independence * Those who since joined our ranks did it in the same spirit , and adhered to our declaration . We then fulfilled a duty , not anything to be pardoned ; and we could not now , without renouncing our country ' s claims and calumniating the martyrs of her cause , accept the title of pardoned rebels . If there be any Polish refugee who does it , let him be disowned by us as a deserter of his country's sacred and imprescriptible rights . " The amount of the New Russian Loan is estimated at 500 , 000 , 000 francs in a four per cent , stock . It will be redeemable by means of a sinking fund of one per cent ., and secured on the revenue of the Customs .
When the Emperor Alexander went to the Crimea , he found , to his extreme astonishment , that the road through the government of Cherson had only been constructed for a few versts , although the supposed outlay for the whole road had long been paid by the state . The roadmaker has been arrested . The Russian diplomatic bodies in Europe are to undergo the following modifications : —Baron Budberg , now in this city , will be removed to Vienna ; Baron Brunow , now in Paris , will fill the post of Ambassador at Berlin ; and Prince Dolgorouki , ex-Minister of War , will proceed to Paris . A steam squadron , consisting of one liner of 96 guns , two frigates , and two corvettes , is being fitted out , and will leave Cronstadt almost immediately for Palermo , whither the Empress Dowager repairs for her health .
ITALY . Cardinal Antonelli is preparing a reply to the memorandum of Count Cavour and to the speech of Lord Palmerston , which the Pope has caused to be inserted in the Giomale di Roma . The Cardinal is collecting for the purpose a number of administrative and statistical documents , and the whole is to be forwarded to Paris by Cardinal Patrizi . There has been a diminution in the Kingdom of Naples in the export duty on oil ; but the concession has come too late . Six months ago , the oil , thus diminished in price , would have found a market in England ; but , the oil of other countries having since been brought up , the commodity now stands in the English markets at a less price than that from Naples could be vended at , even with the reduced duty .
¦ An English Protestant lady , who recently lost a daughter at Rome , desired to have cut on the tombstone the verse from St . Matthew , " Blessed are the pure in heart , for they shall see the Lord ; " but an officer connected with the censorship , having obtained information of this , ordered that the latter half of the sentence should be omitted , as he said it was neither right nor just that heretics should " see the Lord . " The Government of Rome is reported to have refused to listen to the proposal made by England and France for secularizing the Legations .
John Baptist Ruggeri , a Florentine shoemaker , now lies in prison on a charge of professing Protestantism . Even * in Sardinia , this species of religious tyranny is allowed to exist . Joseph Jacquet has been sentenced to six months' imprisonment for speaking " blasphemously " of the Virgin Mary ; that is to say , for believing that she-bore children after the birth of Jesus . 8 FAIN . The Spanish Cabinet has lately held several councils to decide on the course to be pursued with respect to Mexico . There is every reason to believe that Spain will declare war against that Republic , should the latter refuse to execute the stipulations of the treaty of 1853 in favour of the Spanish subjects whose claims were recognized by the Mexican Government and confirmed by ft Legislative vote .
¦ The Minister of Finance has presented to the Cortes a project of law , in virtue of which horses and mules lately purchased in different provinces of Spain by the English Government , and about to be sold at Gibraltar , will be readmitted into the kingdom free of all duty , provided the buyers be Spanish subjects . M . Escosura , the Spanish Minister of tho Interior , has fulminated a circular against two or three Protestant pamphlets which have made their appearance at Carthagena . Her Majesty , tho minister says , has heard " with painful surprise" of tho existence of these pamphlets . The fiscal procurours aro ordered to prosecute all parties concerned with tho utmost rigour of tho lnw .
The Gazette publishes tho speech delivered by M . Waldklrch , on demanding , in tho name of tho King of Greece , tho hand of tho Infanta , sister of tho King of Spain , for tho heir presumptive to tho crown of Greece . The demand was made at an audience given by tho Queen , and to which her Majesty gftvo a satisfactory reply . The Cortes have just declared unanimously that they are well pleased with tho financial operation which tho Government has effected for tho redemption of tho 200 jOOO , 000 of the floating debt .
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STATE OP TRADE . Tub trade reports for tho week ending last Saturday how a tendency to dulnesn which has been only partially checked by tho reduction in tho Bank rate of discount . Tho weather and tho holidays have boon
among causes which have interfered with business . At Manchester , the market opened with great flatness , but there was a better tone towards the close . The Birmingham advices describe the continued disappointment as to the extent of the foreign orders for iron , and I state that for the inferior descriptions lower prices are accepted . The general trades of the place , however , show an approach to animation , the colonial and continental demand being good . At Nottingham , the transactions in lace have been small , but in hosiery considerable purchases for home consumption have been made . In the woollen districts there has been a diminution of activity , but confidence is well maintained , and from the Irish linen-markets the accounts are still satisfactory , prices being firm and employment general . —Times .
Failure of the Cbickhowell Bank . —A petition for adjudication of bankruptcy has been filed in the Bristol district Court of Bankruptcy by Messrs . P . and J . G . Price , solicitors of Abergavenny , against Mr . George Worrall Jones , of Crickhowell , Breconshire , banker . The act of bankruptcy was a declaration of insolvency , and the petitioning creditor was Mr . Joseph Hart , of Abergavenny , whose debts amounted to 170 / ., being the balance of a deposit account kept with Mr . Jones . The act of bankruptcy , petitioning creditor ' s debt , trading , &c , having been proved , Mr . Whitehead , the officiating registrar , adjudicated ; Mr . A . J . Acraman was appointed official assignee , arid Mr . Henry Turner messenger , to the estate . The bank was not a bank of issue , but of deposit , and did a considerable amount of business in discounting .
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IRELAND . The Political Exiles . — Mr . John Dillon , Mr . John Martin , and Mr . Kevin O'Doherty , who were expatriated for the part they took in the disturbances of 1848 , have just arrived in Ireland , availing themselves of the recent pardon . Reduction of the Rate of Discount . —The Directors of the Bank of Ireland have reduced the rate for bills from 6 to 5 per cent ., and the charge for loans on the security of stock from 6 to 41 per cent . Mr . James Sadleir ' s Estates . —The case of a petition for the sale of Mr . James Sadleir ' s estates on foot of
a judgment for 10 , 0001 . was mentioned in the Irish Court of Chancery on Saturday , the petitioner being Mr . Padwick . On behalf of Mr . Sadleir , it was suggested that , as a very important question would arise under the Bankers Act as to the maintainability of the suit , his Lordship should not direct the usual summary reference . The Lord Chancellor , however , thought it would be more convenient that the matter should go in the usual way before the Master in the first instance , and then , if necessary , come before him by way of appeal . He would not , however , send it to Master Murphy , but to some other Master . —Daily News Dublin Covresjmndent .
The Tipperary Bank . —In the discussion of the affairs of this bank , a few days ago , the Master of the Rolls observed : — " It appeared in the course of the proceedings that for the meeting of December , 1854 , a balance-sheet had been prepared , setting forth the ac counts of the bank for the preceding year ; that this was prepared with statements which were totally incorrect , for the purpose of laying before the meeting a flourishing account of the concern ; that at a subsequent period , when John Sadleir was about getting the shares transferred or sold to the English shareholders , he got
prepared another balance-sheet , giving a still more flourishing account of the same period , and in which it appeared that the paid-up capital of the company was 100 , 000 / ., instead of 40 , 000 / . as it actually was , and that tho net profits for the half-year had actually been only 4000 / . odd . " Mr . Lawless handed in the original document from which the balance-sheet was prepared , in tho handwriting of John Sadleir , and it appeared from the affidavit of Mr . Kelly Jhat that document was handed to him ( Kelly ) with instructions to have tho fraudulent balance-sheet prepared , as set out in tho document ; it was afterwards so prepared , and shown to the English creditors .
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NAVAL AND MILITARY . Arrival ov tiik Fiust Stkamkk fkom St . Pktkrhboro . — The screw steamship North Sen , Captain Marshall , arrived at Hull on Saturday morning from Cronstadt . with a full cargo of ( lax , hemp , linseed , tallow , and iron , and twelve passengers . Tho North Sea was tho first steamer from England , at Cromtndt , at which port she arrived on tho 17 th of May . During her stay at Cronstadt , who waa visited by tho Grand Duke Confltantine , attended by his suite , lie minutely oxamiiic . 1 tho ship and machinery , and expressed lilmaeU highly pleased .
__ „ Military Fracas at Plymouth . —Sonic rather serious hostile encounters botweon tho Royal Marines and the Limerick Militia , who aro about to leave tho town , have taken place at Portsmouth . Tlio disturbances nftor a timo were checked ; but aoino of tho men wore injured , though not noverely , except in one instance . Tl > o causa of quarrel is not stated . A Jksuit in thk Italian Licoion . — " Wo are informed , " Hays tho Malta Mail of tho 2 » rd ult ., " that tho Rov . C . Grillo , ex-chaplain of tho 1 st Regiment of tho Italian Legion , has been embarked on board tho
French steamer Me ' rove ' e for Italy . We hear that the reverend gentleman has been very mildly treated—his resignation having been accepted—as the charges against him were for attempting to cause discontent throughout the Legion , especially among the 2 nd Regiment , and telling the men that they were not bound to serve , as the oath had been given them on an English Bible . " Shipwreck . —The bark Kingston , of and from Sunderland for Constantinople , went down at half-past six o'clock on Saturday morning , off the Lizard . The crew were saved by the fishing lugger Betsy , which landed them at Penzance the same day .
Lord Alfred Paget ' s Yacht , " Alma , " has been run down by the Belgian mail steam packet , Diamond , on her passage from Colchester to the Isle of Wight . His Lordship asserts that there was no look-out on board the steamer , which was going very fast . The captain of the Diamond hesitated for some time to assist the crew of the yacht ; but all hands were ultimately saved . The night was clear , with bright starlight .
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OBITUARY . Lieutenant-General Macdonald , C . B ., of the Royal Artillery—an old Peninsula and Waterloo officer —died at Aix-Ia-Chapelle last Saturday . Daniel Sharpe , Esq ., F . R . and L . S ., and President of the Geological Society , died last Saturday at his house in Soho-square , from the effects of a fall from his horse . He was in his fifty-first year . Captain Bague . —The death of this veteran officer and companion of Nelson is announced . Captain Bague served at the battle of Trafalgar , and previously in other engagements with other immortal captains .
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MISCELLANEOUS . The Court . —The Queen on Thursday received at Buckingham Palace the various congratulary addresses on the Peace . In re Bankhead's Settlement . —A petition was on Saturday presented in the Vice-Chancellor ' s Court , praying that the assignees of Sir John Dean Paul might be ordered to transfer to the present trustees of the marriage settlement of Mr . and Mrs . Bankhead a policy of assurance for 2000 / . effected by Sir John Dean Paul upon his own life in the Rock Assurance-office . Sir John Dean Paul was surviving trustee of the settlement made upon the marriage of his sister with Mr . Bankhead , which was dated the 14 th of December , 1825 . He
had received a considerable amount of property as trustee , and had omitted to invest a sum of 4000 / . This sum had been retained in his hands , and interest at four per cent , was paid upon it . In August , 1848 , Sir John Dean Paul signed a paper , stating that , in the event of his death , the amount of two policies of insurance , for 3000 / . and 2000 / . respectively , were to be applied to the repayment of the 4000 / . By the present petition , it was sought to recover the policy for 2000 / . from the assignees of the bankrupt . The assignees contended that the policy was property which , by the bankruptcy , had effectually passed to them . The Vice-Chancellor decided in favour of the petition .
The Norwich Yarn Company . — The affairs of this company have been for some time in the Rolls Court . His Honour , in giving judgment on Saturday , expressed his regret that a company which had been formed for so excellent a purpose as finding employment for tho poor of Norwich should have been so injudiciously managed that , after the expenditure of all its available capital and the contraction of a largo debt , it was still compelled to go to that court to be wound up , and have tho relative contribution of its directors and shareholders declared . The company was formed in the month of August , 1834 , with a capital of 30 , 000 / ., and ita object was stated by its deed to be " the teaching of tho poor of Tho
Norwich how to spin wool into yarn . " companj ' was carried on with varied success for sixteen years , but in tho year 1861 caino to an end , having expended all its paid-up capital and incurred a debt of 12 , 000 / . to its bankers . After some litigation , n question arose as to tho liability of the shareholders ; and his honour now decided that they were equally liable in proportion to their shares with tho directors for the btmd Jiile debts of tho company , and that tho directors had been guilty of no fraud or wilful mismanagement , as alleged , that would give shareholders exemption from such liability . Tho directors also were entitled to be repaid any money they hud personally paid to tho bankers , and an order must Im made to that effect .
Tuanhparknt Coxcomiikt .-No . 7 , Bolgrave-squaro , tho residence of John Cojlctt , Esq ., Into JVI . P . forAthlono , oxhlbltcd , on Thursday wcok , a transparency , ten feet by seven , with ft mourning border a foot wide , bearing thofollowing inscription : — In Mourning for a Disgraceful Peace , tho Certain Result of a War Disgracefully Conducted . " This Finn ani > Lobs ok Livkb in Soho . —An inquest has been hold on tho bodies of tho two children who perished in tho firo in St . Ann ' s Court and Wardour Street , Soho , during tho peace rejoicinga on tho night of Thursday week . Tho jury returned an open verdict , and added a high oulogium on tho conduct of o police constable and a fireman who assisted in helping tho inmates .
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to succeedleft enslaved father the ^ JtryE 7 V 1856 . ] . THE LEADER , 537
Leader (1850-1860), June 7, 1856, page 537, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2144/page/9/