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__ __ _ - __ , — . _ — .-. THE QUARTERLY BEYIEW , No . CX . CV 1 I ., is now published . contknts : I . Savonakola . II . Grotb as an Historian . III . Thb Cadses of the Crvit War— M . Gcizot . IV . Poucob and Thieves . V . Thb Papal Govbrnmknt . "VI . Paris—Public Works and Improvements . VII . The American Question . John Murray , Albemarle-street .
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Crown 8 vo , 4 s . 6 d ., ELEMENT S of LOGIC . B y Richabb WHATELY , D . D ., Archbishop of 35 ublin . By the same Author , crown 8 vo , 4 s . 6 d ., ELEMENTS OE EHETOEIC . % * The above are the only correct and perfect Editions of Archbishop Whately * s "Works on "Loffio and on" Rhetoric , " printed uniformly with the small octavp edition of the ' Encyclopaedia Metropolitana . " The portions of that work issued as the Author ' s are mere reprints of Papers communicated by Mm more than twenty-flve years ago , since which time nis "Works have received many important Additions and Emendations , the whole of which are included in the above Editions . Copies of the demy octavo Editions of Archbishop WHATELY'S LOGIC and RHETORIC may still be had . IiOndon : John "W . Pabeer and Son , "West Strand .
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Fifth and Cheaper Edition , 8 s . 6 d ., npKEATISE on the DIFFERENTIAL and X INTEGRAL CALCULUS . By T . G . HALL , MA ., Professor of Mathematics in King's College , London . By the same Author , CEMENTS of ALGEBRA . Cheaper Edition . 5 s . . MENTS of DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY . ^ INES of ASTRONOMY . Fourteen th Edii : Jomr "W . Pabesb and Son , "West Strand .
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'bird and Cheaper Edition , revised , 5 s ., 4 JR PHYSIOLOGY : Familiar Ex--is of Interesting Facts connected with the e and functions of Animals , and particularly of P . B . LORD , M . B . ^ : Joior ~ W . Pabees and Sow , "West Strand .
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PAU AND THE PYBENEES . . f nee n -Ts . 6 d ., a New and Enlarged Edition of the CLIMATES of PAU , and of MONTPELLLER , HYtlRHfe . NICE , ROME . PISA , FLORENCE , waplkS BIA » KiITZ , &c , with a Description of the ^ terinj ? PlacesV the Pyrenees , and of the Virtues of their rcsoective Mineral * Sources . By ALEXANDER TAYLOR , jOxT F-R ^ SJE ., Cor . Member of the Hist . Institute of Trance , Ac . &c . London : Johh W . Pabkeb and Son , West Strand .
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FOR FAMILIES AND SCHOOLS . X > EADLNGS in POETRY . 3 s . 6 d . HEADINGS ia BIOGRAPHY . 3 s . 6 d . READINGS in ENGLISH PROSE . 3 s . 6 d . READINGS in SCIENCE . 3 a . 6 d . READINGS in NATURAL THEOLOGY . 4 s . READINGS from SHAKSPEARE . 4 s . 6 d . London : Jons "W . Parker and Sow , "West Strand .
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nPHE EARL of CARDIGAN , K . C . B . —The JL PORTRAIT of Major-General the Earl of CARDIGAN , beautifully engraved by G . Zobel , from Mr . Philhpa'a Painting , Is now ready for delivery . Proofs before writing £ 1 11 « Proofs with letters 1 , Prints 0 12 0 London : J . Mitchbu ., Publisher to her Majesty , Royal Library , 33 , Old Bond-street .
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SIR COLIN CAMPBELL , G . C . B . — The PORTRAIT of Sir COLIN CAMPBELL , beautifully engraved by G . Zobel , from Mr . Fhillips ' s Painting , now exhibiting in the Royal Academy , is ready for delivery . Proofs before writing j # 2 2 0 Proofs with fine letters in 0 Prints , 0 12 0 London : J . Mitohceh ,, Publisher to her Majesty , Royal Library , 33 , Old Bond-street .
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This day is published , post 8 vo , price 10 a . 6 d ., THE BLOCKADE OF KARS : INCLUDING OUR CAPTIVITY IN RUSSIA . From Letters and Diaries of General Sir "William Fonwlck "Williams , Major Teesdale , and Captain Thompson . By Colonel ATWELLLAKB , O . B . With Portraits ofGonoralWiUiamB anj ^ Colonol Lake . Iwnd «» t Biohard Bbntxey , Publisher in Ordinary to Her Majesty .
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NEW 'WOBAt BY CHARLES READB . On Tuesday next , in 8 Vola ., IT IS NEVER TOO LATE TO MEND . . i . •* i * S l 3 . 95 % J aBA » B , Author of "Christie JOhnstone , " and"Peg "Wofflngton . " ,, London » Exohabd Bbntiby , New Burlintttoh-street .
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flvt Ql « t JT » tW -Will l ^ A Y \ 1 lYl 1 faVlAri . On Slst July will be published , BOTHWELL : A POEM . By W . EDMONDSTOUNE AYTOUN , T . C . L ., Author of " Lays of the Scottish Cavaliers , " &c . In One Volume , crown 8 vo . WrtiilAM BtACKWOOD and Sons , Edinburgh and London .
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On 31 st July will be published , "Vol . I . of ESSAYS , CRITICAL AND IMAGINATIVE . CONTRIBUTED TO BIACKWOOD ' s MAGAZINE By PROFESSOR "WILSON , In continuation of the Uniform Edition of his Works . Edited by his Son-in-law . Pkofessok Ferbikr . Vols . I . to IV . are published , containing the Nodes Ambrostanee , witn Glossary and Index , price 24 s . Waiim BtACKWOOD and Sons , Edinburgh and London .
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This day is published , THE SKETCHER . By the Rev . JOHN EAGLES , M . A ., Oxon . OBHMNAIXY PUBUSHKI * IN BLACKWOOD ' S MAGAZINE . In One Volume , post 8 vo , price 10 s . 6 d . Wiuliadc BlackwooU and Sons , Edinburgh and London .
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Complete in Four Volumes , price 6 s . each , PROFESSOR WILSON'S NOCTES AMBROSIAN / E . Edited by his Son-in-law , PROFESSOR FERRIER . "ASeriesof Dialogues in exuberance of life dehligtful , in dramatic truth perfect , full of the most salient descriptions , the most searching criticism , withering satire , manly pathos , and broadest humour . In broad humour Christopher North excelled all his contemporaries . " —The Times . Wiuum BiACKWOOD & Sons , Edinburgh aaid London . Sold by all Booksellers .
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ROUTLEDGE'S CHEAP SERIES . —NE"W VOLUME . Price Is ., boards , THE AUSTRIAN DUNGEONS OF ITALY . By FELICE ORSLNI . A Narrative of Fifteen Months ' Imprisonment in the Castle of St . Georgio . Also , lately published , Drafts for Acceptance . ( Is . Absentee , ( is . ) Edgeworth . 6 d . ) Raymond . Manoeuvring . ( Is . ) Miss Vivian . < ls . ) Miss Edge- Edgeworth . worth . Pottleton Legacy . ( 2 s . ) A . "Whom to Marry . ( Is . 66 .. ) Smith . Mayhew . Tales by Samuel Phillips . Pirates of the Mississippi . ( Is . 6 a . ) Author of "Es-( ls . 6 d . ) F . Gerstaecker . says from the Times . " Solitary Hunter . ( Is . 6 d . ) Ennui . ( Is . ) Miss Edge-Palliser . worth . Wild Sports , ( is . 6 d . ) Ger- Song of Drop O' Wather . staecker . ( Is . ) Shortfollow . And on the 1 st of August , price Is . 6 d ., boards . Light and Darkness . By . Mrs . CROWE . London : George Routledgb and Co ., 2 , Farringdonstreet .
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CRABB'S ENGLISH SYNONYMES , TENTH EDITION . ENGLISH SYNONYMES EXPLAINED ; in Alphabetical Order : with copious Illustrations and Examples , drawn from the best Writers . To which is added , an Index to the Words . By GEORGE CRABB , A . M . Tenth Edition . 8 vo , 15 s . cloth . London : Siwpkik , Marshax ! ,, and Co .
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BEATSON'S GREEK IAMBIC VERSE . PROGRESSIVE EXERCISES on the COMPOSITION of GREEK IAMBIC VERSE : with a Treatise on the Dramatic , Tragic . Metrical Systems , tho Iambic Metre , and an Outline of Attic Prosody . By tho Rov . B . Vf . BEAT 8 ON , M . A ., Fellow of Pembroko College , Cambridge . Seventh Edition , 12 mo , 3 s . cloth . London ; Simpkik , Marshaix , and Co . i and Whittakeb and Co .
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LE BB . ETHON' 8 FRENCH GRAMMAR , BY SANDIER . GUIDE to the FRENCH LANGUAGE . By J . J . P . LE BRETHON . Eleventh Edition , revised and corrected by L . SANDIER , Professor of Languages . Octavo , price 10 s . 6 d ., cloth . " A thoroughly practical book . " —Critic . " Of the many works that have como unttar our notice for teaching French , this excels them all . " — Hants Advertiser . London : Simpkiw , Mabsiiaix , and Co .
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Just published , No . XII ., price Oct ., THE LONDON QUARTERLY REVIEW . CONTBNXB : I . British and French Aorioultuke . II . LONOFELLO ^ V ' a HlAWATHA . III . Dlfi ROOGEMOMT ON THK PlUMITIVK PeOPME . IV- Thk Tonouk ov Fuck . V . LlITHS AND WttlTINaS OF BOSSUKT . VI . Thk Cornish Minks ani > Miners . VII . Thk Romans undkr thk Emimhic—Mkiuvalm . VIII . Nkw I ' okmb—Browning , IIicadh , a « d Landoii . IX . Tim Mkthodists ano thk Ustablisiibij Churoii . BllIICF LlTKUAIlY NOTIOKS . London -. Albxandbr . Hbthk , 28 , Tatornostor-row .
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On £ Vt A 5 tl M Iliaf : _ YkY » ir » A Oa D « mI- . ji ~ m On the 3 lti lust ., price 2 s ., Part 41 of CYCLOPEDIA OF BIOGRAPHY ; orThinl Division of the " Euarlish Cyclopiedia . " Condimtoii I CHARLES KNIGHT This Cyclopedia will form the ^ complete Biographical Dictionary extant—not only nroaoS ing a largp , amount of information connected with t , » history of distinguished men of ancient and modern thiW but also giving a characteristic detailed account ofaii w xn £ . P « P on , s of ali y . S , 6 rce ^ ° , celebrity . Published i Weekly Numbers and in Monthly Parts . Volume I ia u , < l published , price 103 . cloth . ' JU ! lC Bbadbukt and Evans , 11 , Bouverie-street .
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On tho Slst inst ., price Is . No . 8 of the POPULAR HISTORY OF ENGLAND By CHARLES KNIGHT . An illustrated History of Society and Government from the earliest period to our own times . Each part contains a beautiful steel plate , and tho whole work— to be completed in five handsome volumeswill contain upwards of 1000 wood engravings . Volume I . will be published in a few days , and will contain Eight steel plates , and numerous woodcuts . 9 s ., handsomely bound . * Bbadbcet and Evans , 11 , Bouverie-street .
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On the Slst inst ., price Is-, No . 9 of f ITTLE DORRIT . By Ciiari . es Dickens . . L / A New Serial Story , uniform with " Bleak Houst " "David Copperfteld , " « Sc , < Sc . To bo completed in Twenty Monthly Shilling Parts , with Illustrations by H . K Bkowne . Bbadbuby and Evans , 11 , Bouverie-street , London ; STAS 8 IN and Xavier , Paris .
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COMPLETION OF THE NATURE-PRINTED FERNS . On the Slst inst ., price 6 s ., Part 17 of the T 7 < ERNS OF GREAT BRITAIN , NATUEEX ? PRINTED . By HENRY BRADBURY . With Descriptions , &c , by THOMAS MOORE , F . L . S .. and Edited by Dr . LINDLEY . Tho Ports are always on sale , and also a portfolio , specially prepared , price 7 s . 6 d . The volume , handsomely half-bound , will be ready in August , and will contain upwards of 50 folio plates of " Ferns" ( nature-printed ) . Bradbury and Evans , 11 , Bouverie-street .
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This day is published , price Gs ., MISCELLANIES —Vol . III . By W . W . THACKERAY—Contains : The Memoirs of Barry Lyndon—A Legend of tho Rhine—llebecca aud Rowcna—A Littlo Diuuer at Timmius ' s — The Bedford-row Conspiracy . This day is published , in demy Svo , price lCs ., with Map , A DESCRIPTIVE DICTIONARY OF THE INDIAN ISLANDS and ADJACENT COUNTIUli . S . By JOHN CRAWFTJKX ) , F . R . S . Bbabbuey aud Evans , 11 , Bouveric-street .
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Now ready , price Cs . 0 d ., cloth , the THIRTEENTH VOLUME of HOUSEHOLD X WORDS , conducted by CHARLES DICKENS . Complete Sots of " Houbkiiold Woubs" may always bo had , either in Weekly Numbers , Monthly Parts , or in Half-yearly cloth Volumes . Office , 10 , Wellington-street North . Sold by all Bookseller a .
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NEW AFRICAN TRAVELS BY CAPTAIN UURTOK . In 8 vo , with Maps and Coloured Plates , price 18 s . clotli , FIRST FOOTSTEPS in EAST AFRICA ; or , an Exploration of Harar . JJy RICHARD V . UVu-TON , Bombay Army ; Author of a " Jf ilgrimage to Medina and Mecca , &c " This book ia a curious record of a curious mtcrimai ; Tho traveller penetrated into places hitherto unexplored , — saw races very littlo known , —ran a great ri&k and emuircii Bomo privation , —and lays tho whole experience bctore us m afrauK , manly , colloquial fashion . "— Athenceum . London ; Longman , Bkown , Gjieun , Lonomass , ami ItOUEKTB .
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NEW TRAVELS IN BELdlUM . Just published , in One Volume , fcap . 8 vo , price 7 s . 6 d ., FLEMISH INTERIORS . By tho Writer of " A Glanco Behind tho Grilles . " London : Lobqman , Bkown , Giieen , Longmans , ami Roiiuirrs .
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Post 8 vo , with Map and View , price 10 s . Cd ., cloth , SIGHT-SEEING in GERMANY ami j' « TYROL , in tho Autumn of 1855 . Uy Hir M * 1 * FORBES , Author of " A Pliyuiciwi'B Holiday , " &c . rpHE TREATMENT OV THE 1 NSANK . X Without Mechanical Restraints . By JOHN CONOLi' i . M . D . Domy 8 vo . London : Smith , Eijjmk , and Co ., 05 , Cornhill .
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This day is published , 8 vo , price Is ., A LETTER MY GEORGE S AND , upon her j £ \ - Adaptation to tho French Btngo of Slmkhi »« ' '"•*¦ » ., A ° YouLikolt . " Traiittlatod by TIIJEODOS 1 A IjADV MUi > SON . London : John Ckapman , 8 , Kin « William-street , Stran . l .
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Thin day in published , demy Hvo , pri < : « 1 h ., A HISTORY of the AMERICAN COJVirBOMIBKB . Uy llARlUJiT MART 1 NKAURoprlntod , with additions , from tho Daily Now * - London : Joirrr Chapman . 8 . Kinff Winiam-Hlroot . _ Stwi »;
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• LONDON < Printedand Publiahod by Aijfbbd Edmund GaijlOway , at "The Loader" Offlco , No . 352 , Strand , In tho County of MidViloaox . —July 20 . i 860 .
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720 THE L E A P E R . [ JSTo . 331 , Sat ., July 26 , 1856 . . __ - - . — . — ,,-... - 1 . ¦ - ¦— — ——r ~ ¦ "¦ " - " ' \ - —l^—Z : Z l ^^^__ ^^_^ t^— . ^^——^^ , ^—^^^ m—m^————^^—^ ^ , ^ M ^ . ^ M , ^^ ^_^_ MMMM _^___^^^ ^ — _ __ __ _ - __ , — . _ — .-. flvt Ql « t JT » tW -Will l ^ A Y \ 1 lYl 1 faVlAri . On £ Vt A 5 tl M Iliaf : _ YkY » ir » A Oa D « mI- . ji ~ m On Slst July will be published On the 3 lti lustprice 2 Part 41 of
Leader (1850-1860), July 26, 1856, page 720, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2151/page/24/