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Snu w * « wfe * Th « 80 , 000 * . ftr which the Ifctgfc ! " £ T £ e Smpaay was « pri «* of w * r sefeed by the 2 y ? m ! w *» ***** ' ««««» toi- ^ a 8 deposed SCrfa *™ - It belonged more to the Crown than KhbTW India Company ; andUnder these circrnn-! 2 ^ fcTwoTild 8 agg « s * tlwi * tbA attention of the law 2 JS 3 ? the Grown should be d « wn to the- subject .
THE IRISH MILITIA . tWd DimGAinroir inquired of Lord PAimtBEwhe-Aarftelrad received any official communication of the SlSaTof fifty-seven men of the city of Limerick Story Militia from Yonghal on the 5 th inst ., who SsSeredto depart , many of them with scarcely any Sng , and who had to proceed all the way to LimetR *? -w « & only sixpence allotted to each individual ? Andafeo , whether it was correct that two hnndred and Sty men were discharged on the 10 th inst . from the Curragb , belonging to the Mayo Rifles , to find their way home , with on ly one da y ' s pa y a ll otted to t h em , and that about an equal number of the Queen s County Militia wer ^ sent away without any clothing whatever i — : Lord JtANHUBB said he had received no information to the-effect indicated by L ord D unga n non . JSTANDINO OUDER . 9 . In . the' House op Commons , on the report of * the
Standing-Orders' Revision Committee , a discussion arose upon » proposed additional order relating to grants from the Indian revenue , which was finally agreed to in an attended form , the House thereby resolving that it ¦ would not receive any petition or proceed upon any motion for a charge upon the revenues of the East India Company without the consent of the Crown . TIDE GKRJLAN TROOPS AT ALDEKSHOTT . A rather warm discussion ensued on a motion by Mr . BTtTRROUGH for the adjournment of the House . The Son . gentleman diverged into some angry remarks on tiie favouritism shown to the German troops at Aldershott ; but he was interrupted , on the question of order by Mr . Walpolewho urged that some reasons should
, be given for moving the adjournment . To this , Mr . SfovBBOUGH retorted * that he was about to state his reaaons . —The SpeaiceR thought that' Mr . Wal po l e h ad ver y properl y stated the rule in such matters . —Mr . Mubrough then proceeded : — " It becomes us , as representatives of the public , to speak boldly . The public are indignant on this question . They feel that those troops are countenanced . ( Loud cries of ' Order , order ! ') T h i s may be against the feelings of many hon . gentlemen , but I understand that these men at Aldershott have their huts furnished for them at the expense of this country . "—Here , Mr . Spooler rose to order ; the Speaker again protested ; and a good deal of excited conversation followed , in the course of which ,
Mr . MtfBKOUGH said his reason for moving the adjournrment was that , in his opinion , no business ought to be proceeded with until the House had some statement from the Government on so important a question . — C o l one l Buck thoug ht this was a reason why the House should not adjourn . —Mr . Muurougii having at length put a definite question in connexion with his cause of co m p laint , Lord Palmekston stated that the German Legi on is on ly accommodated temporarily at Aldershott , and will be removed as soon as arrangements can be made . The furniture for the huts supplied to the
English officers consists of two chairs , a table , and a firerange ; anything beyond that they provide themselves , WTien the German Legion was stationed at Shomcliffe , they applied for an additional indulgence , and that additional indulgence was a soldier ' s bed and mattress . It so happened that there were some to spare in the ordnance stores , and , considering the short time they had to be there , the accommodation -was afforded . The s ame indul gence liad been granted at Aldershott ; but the Germans had had nothing more than what has been famished to the English officers .
In answer to Mr . Nbwdeoate , L ord Palmerston stated that the Foreign Legion is not available for garrison or for active duty within the United Kingdom .
THE RECENT COAL MINE EXPLOSION . Mr . Catley asked whether the Government intends to employ any special means to ascertain the real cireumstunces under which the disastrous loss of one hundred and ten ( some said one hundred and twenty ) livea had just taken p lace from an explosion in a coal miiio in Glamorganahiro ?—Sir George Grey answered that three inspectors would attend the adjourned inquest , and assist in a searching investigation .
THE BUKNINO OF THE KtJROPA . Lord Pai . mekston , in answer to Captain Akohdau , stated that the Government intends to take into consideration the propriety of erecting a monument to tbo memory of Colonol Moore ami the men , l oat by the burning of the Europa in 1861 . Tho Attorney-General , in answer to Mr . IIadfield , stated that ho did not intend to proceed this Bossion with tbo Criminal Ari'icoriuATioN and Timer Property Bii , l ; and Mr . Bainks , in answer to Lord Roukrt Ciccn , , said that tho Duiavich Collkok Hill would bo withdrawn for tho present .
THE CRIMEAN INQUIRY ltKPORT . Mr . ViLuifliia brought up the report of tho Crimean Coinnuiaaiouora , and at tho name time indignantly ropolled a romark attributed to Lord Lucan , that he ( Mr . VilliorB ) had doiuyed the report for tho purpose of
serving the objects of the Minister-of Warn . He eoald ¦ hardly believe that the noble lord had mad * mush a statement , because "it would be impossible for any man to- utter ft more unmitigated and unequivocal untruth . " Hie had not drawn up the report , nor had he > delay edi i * ; indeed , he had not the means of delaying it . So fian from the inquiry having been biassed by political prejudice against Lord Lucany every- member of the Board ! was o f t h e same po l it i cs as h is l or d s h ip , and these of tho members were political partisans of the Earl . —General Pbbl confirmed Mr . Villiere ' s- statements as to the fairness of the Board ' s proceedings , and tile groundlessness of the charge brought forward by Lord Lucan .
MR . JAMES SADXEIR . On the unopposed motion of Mr . Roebuck , Mr . James Sadleir was ordered to attend in his . place on Thursday .
EAST INDIA BUDGET . On the question that the House go into- committee to consider the East India Company ' s r eve n ue accou n t , Mr . Isaac Btttt mov e d , as an amendment , that the House go into committee to consider the- claims- of "his Highness Meer Ali Moorad , ' for the unjust confiscation of his revenue * and territories . —The- S pk akbb decided that this a m endment w as out of o r der , and the House therefore went into committee on the Indian Budget . Mr . Yernon Smith : then made his annual statement . O n t h e h ea d of re v enue , the balance-sheet of income and expenditure had * shown a deficit of two millions sterling in the financial year 1853-4 , and of one million in 1854-5 ; it was expected to show a deficiency of one and
a- half million for the twelve months now current . This resu l t , h o w ever , was attributable to the large expenditure incurred for-public works * , which would , he believed in theend ^ amply repay their cost . He had been mistaken in supposing last year that the deficiency was solel y attributed to public works ; other causes had contributed . With regard to the sources of revenue , it would be necessary to make a new survey and a fresh assessment : for Madras . Upon the whole , he thought ther e was n o reason to d e s pair of a s u rp lus revenue from the ordinary sources ; but it would be necessary to diminish expenditure . The army it wo uld be i m po l it i c to reduce ; but he though t t h e sa l a r ies i n t h e civi l ser v ice w ere fartoo h ig h . He had also recommended large
reductions with respect to public works . Passing f r om financial to general considerations , Mr . Vernon Smith described the state of India as tranquil . The possession of H erat b y the Persians is in violation of treaty , and intimation to that effect had been given to Persia . Should that occupation not cease ,, the honour of the English Crown must be vindicated , and the treaty main .-rained . The annexation of Oude was absolute ^ necessary , considering the conduct of the Bang , and he therefore denied the justice of the charge that had been brought against the Indian Government of a tendency to annexation . Materialimprovernents were advancing in India . The electric telegraph , under the direction of Dr . O'Shaughnessy , had been protracted four thousand miles
at an expe n se of 2 , 000 , 0007 . Alterations had been made inr the Post-office ; reforms , Which were much needed , were i n p r o gress in connexio n w i t h the police ; torture was being suppressed and education encouraged . With respect to the latter subject , the hon . gentleman observed that directors , and inspectors of schools had been appointed , a n d ed u cational establishments of some pretension , had been commenced in various places . In some of these , meetings were h e l d , at which an English essay was read , and occasional discussions took place in the vernacular tongue . H e co ul d not , however , but confess that he was not altogether satisfied with the progress of education , and trusted that on the next occasion , he should have a more satisfactory statement to offer on this head . Connected with this subject was tho question , aa to what was done
at home with regard to the examinations of candidates in this country . The total number , of candidates : examined this year was fifty-six , just one-half of thei number who presented themselves last year . Viva voce examinations had been here substituted for written replies , with great success . It had been objected by the member for E nnis k il l en t h at I ris hm en h ad b e e n u n iform ly excluded from the bench of India . He ( Mr . Vernon Smith ) had taken occasion to inquire into that subject , and he found that tho hon . member ' s comp laint was in fact a just one . When , therefore , vacancies occurred in tho places of three judges , he hnd filled up those vacancies by appointing two members of the Irish bar and an Irish gentleman . Mr . Vcmon Smith concluded by moving certain resolutions in accordance with tho top ics included in his speech .
Sir Euskine Perry compl ained t h at t h e C o u r t of Directors of tho East India Company , though merely trustees for tho Crown , assumed powers , and expended money out of tho revenues of India , independentl y of the Board of Control . Thero were somo discrepancies between tho speech of Mr . "Vernon Smith and tho statements of Lord Dallionsio and of tho Indian authorities with respect to tho finances of India and to the amount expended upon public works . A reform in the administration of justice in India was a need of most pressing importance ; bnt it would ho extremely injudicious to effect a large saving by reducing tho salnrioa of civil servants , among whom thcro should bo introduced a largo number of natives . Tho annexation of
Oude h « looked on as icapoMtie and unjust . Solemn . tvMties hod teen set aside , and-the name of England had been tarnished ; but the- fault vested , net bo much , a » he-oace-thought , with Lord BaBwmaie ( for he- hadejcpressed : am opinion against annexation } as with the Coort off' Directors . —Sir James Bogo defended the annexation : of Oude , on aecoant of the atrocities practised by the King . —Mr . Hkadlam condemned the coarse pursued towards the Indian Law Commission - and Mr . Lowe , on behalf of bis colleagues of the fcaw GemmAss i on ^ did not scrupte ' to-say that , if they had- supposed t h at , after the enornxras * tetxmr they had undergone , tfte result would be sent to . Iadi * to be reported upon there , they would not have undertaken the task .- —Mr . Otwat
severely criticized the Indian Oovernment and the Bast India Company for several 1 instances- of mismanagement and injustice . —Mr . Danby Sjeymouk replied , and expl ained that t h e di s crepa n c y in th e accounts relating to public works was owing to the accounts having been made up under the old system : next y ear , matters would be more uniform . Great progress was being made in the civilization of India . — Mr . Mangles also defended the Indian Government . Mr . Isaac Butt briefly called attention to thB hard treatment of Meer Ali Moocad . —Mr . Veknon Smith , in . a b r ief rep ly , expl ained , with ; reference to the report of the l a w commissio n , that he was not aware that any compact h ad b ee n e n tered i n to wit h t h e com m i s s i oners t h at their recommendations should at once become law . From communications he had had with his noble friend
Lord Canning , he entertained no doubt uiat the recomm e nda tions- of t h e com m issio n ers w o uld be carried in to e ff ect as speedi ly as possible . The Commissioners on the Penal Codie had also reported , and he hoped the Legislative Council would be enabled at an . earl y period to give effect to the most important suggestions contained in their report . —In answer to Mr . Otwat , he said he was not aware that Mr . Theobald , t h e la w professo r at the Calcutta Institute , w ho first b rou ght the subject of torture in India under the notice . of that House , bad been dismissed from office . If he had been ,, he did not believe that it was owing , as M r . Otway hinted , to revenge on tile part of the East India Company . The resolutions were then agreed to , and the House resumed . T he L ords ' amendments on the Parochial Schools ( Scotland ) Bill were thrown out after some
dis-. The Bbshobs * Retjeembnt Bnx "was read a first time . APPELLATE JURISBICTKHf ( HOtJSS ! OT LORDS ) BILL . On the motion of Mr . Raikes Gurbie , the following members were nominated as a select committee , onjjje ^ w above bill : —Mr . Raikes Currie , Lord John RusseIL 7 Mr . Attorney-General , Sir James Graham , Mr . Henley , Mr-Gladstone , Lord Stanley , the Lord Advocate , Mr . Attorney-General for Ireland , Mr . Walpole , Sir Francis B aring , Mr . _ Baines , Mr . Cairns , Mr . Evelyn Denison , and Mr . Mai ins . The subjoined 1 bills ¦ were read a third time , and passed : —The Charities Bnx , the Hospitals ( Dublin ) Bill , the Burial Grounds ( Irelamd ) Bill , the Mebcantxlk Law Amendment Bui , the Lunatic Asylum Supeoaknuaxton ( Ireland ) Bill , and the Jonrr-STOCK GOBEPAJSIKS BlLL .
Tuesday , July 2 Hnd . LOBD LUCAN AND THUS JUDCE-ADVOCAXE OF THB CRIMEAN UOABJO . Lord Lucan called attention to the charges brought against him by Mr . Villiers in the House of Commons on the previous evening , and asserted that that gentleman had misrepresented what he ( Lord Lucau ) had said on a previous occasion . Ho merely intended to offier a . few remarks on . certain defects in tho construction ' of military couzts , as evidenced b y the Ch e l sea B oard , and on the impropriety of making a political partisan : the legal adviser of such bodies . He denied that he had charged Mr . Villiers with purposely delaying tho repocb , and he repudiated the insinuation that he had had
communication with Lord LLardingo on matters connected witli the proceedings of the Board , and with their report . His Lordship concluded : — " I would g ive a piece of advice to the learned gentleman , which , is , that holding : as he does a judicial situation , and . being supposed thereby to have the benefit of judicial immunity , he ( fop nM in fusturo be a little rnoro careful in the langruage he uflesi when speaking of others . " —To this , Lord Panmursb applied : — " Having hoard the observations that luwe just boc n r aado b y tho noble EarL I think I cannot do bettor than giv « ldm tho advice he has just given to the learned Judge-Advocate ,, viz ., to be a little more careful in tho language he applies to others . I certainly
understood , and it must bo within the recollection of your lordships , that tho noblo Earl asserted that tl * a Judge-Advocate had drawn up the report of tho commission , and * that ho usod his position to delay the production of thafcrapoxb IIo was so understood not only by mys « lf , . bu * « iso by those members of tho board who , Uavo a soa-t ia tliM HotUM . '' By tho remarks ho had jiwt naade , bis Lordship Udd txeen bringing into contempt a high authority-, n ot onl y of tho Crown , hut o £ the service to which ho himself bo ~ longti . " I will enter , " concluded ( he Secretary for War , " into no controversy botvreetn two partiee in : different Houses of Parliament , but this much I muatai ^ r , that , if u high ofliocr of tho Crown in tu . be Attacked sad to huvo chargca mado aguinut him in this House , you !
Untitled Article
. ' . *™ r - « L-18 n « 1 THB 3 LEABEB . ^
Leader (1850-1860), July 26, 1856, page 699, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2151/page/3/