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¦ DHOTOGBAPHTC PORTRAITS of LIVING JL GBLBBRI'HES . By MAULL and POLYBLANK . ¦ With appropriate Biographical Notices . ' The Jaroi&ry Number contains : — - E . M . WARD , Esq ., R-. A . " Ali'eady PublisTied : — No . 1 . containing PROFESSOR OWEN , F . B . S ., &c . No . 2 . „ The Right . Hon-T . B . MACATJLAY . No . 3 . „ ROBERT STEPHENSON , Escl-, M . P ., P . R . S ., &o . No . 4 . „ J . A . ROEBUCK , Esq ., M . P . F . R . S ., &c . No . 5 . „ Sit B . C . BROBIE , Barfc ., DjCL ., V . P . R . S ., &c . No . 6 . „ B . H . BAILY , Esq ., R . A . No . 7 . „ SAMUEL WARREN , Esq ., Q-C-. M-P . No . S . „ ^ ROFESSDH GRAHAM , SE . A ., F . R . S . London : MAtix : rJ and Pozybla . 'SK , 55 , Graeec"lvurch-street ; David Boctujs , SO , TIeet-street , and all Book and Printsellers .
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T 7 » REEHOLD LAND SOCIETIES . -Now JL ready , price 5 s ., Rules for Hie formation of Freehold land Societies , and Suggestions for the Application of Infe Assurance for the Improvement of Copyhold ftivd Church Lease Property . I 5 y ARTHUR SCRATCHLEY , M . A ., F . R . A . S ., Actuary to the Western Life Assurance and Annuity Society , 3 , Parliament-street , London .
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SOUT H AUSTRALIAN BANKING COMPANY . Incorporated by Royal Charter , 1 S 47 . The Court of Directors GRANT LETTERS of CREDIT and BILLS upon the Company ' s Banks in South Australia at par . Approved drafts negotiated or sent for collection . Business with all the Australian Colonies conducted through tlie Bank's Agents . Apply at the Company ' s Offices , 5- * , Old Broad-street , London . WILLIAM PURDY , Manager . London , 1 st January , 1857 .
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THE KENTISH TOWN ESTATE . —THE CONSERVATIVE LAND SOCIETY .-VOTES FOR MIDDLESEX—On Thursday , January 22 , at the offices , No . S 3 , Norfolk-street , Strand , W . C ., the Kentish Towa Estate , in the York Road , in the parish of St . Pancras , will be allotted- There are 227 plots , varying from 52 ? . 4 s . 6 d ., up to 10441 . 10 s . per plot . Seven-cightlxs of tho cost of each plot may be "borrowed . For plans of one of the most valuable building estates ever yet offered by a Land Society , apply to CHARLES LEWIS GRUNEISEN , Secretary .
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NOTICE OF DIVIDEND . SANK OF DEPOSIT , No , 3 , Pall Mall East , Lo > T ) Osr . Established A . D . 1844 . T HE WARRANTS for tLe HALF-YEARLY Interest , at the rate of 5 per cent , yer annum , on Deposit Accounts , to 31 st December , will be ready for delivery on and after January the 10 th , 1857 , and payable dsTly , PETER MORRISON , Managing Director . Parties desirous of Investing Money are requested to oxaxnino the plan of tho Bane op Deposit . Prospectuses and Potius for opening Accounts sent free on application .
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T HE CAMBRIAN and UNIVERSAL LIFE and EIRE INSURANCE COMPANY . Capital 100 . 000 J . Established 18-19 . Office , 27 , Gresham-streot . Agencies in the principal towns of England and Wales . This office offers tho benefit of assurance in all its branches , and is highly eligible for every description of life assurance . A . now and most important feature , entirely originating with this Company , viz ., Marriage Dowries , Life Assurance , and Deferred Annuities included in ono policy . Rates of premium moderate . Annuities grantod . Family endowments . Loans on personal and other securities . Forms of proposal and every information may bcobtaincd on application . By order , ALFRED MELHADO , Manager .
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T HE HOUSEHOLDERS' ASSURANCE COMPANY . , _ . DlttECTOKS . Wm . Ashton , Esq .. Horton-honse , Wraysbury , Staines . J . ho Hav . Thos . Cator , Bryauafcon-squaro , aud Ske-lbroolcpark , Doncaster . Charles Hulso , Esq ., Hall-grove , Bagshot . P . D . Bullock Webster , Esq ., Norfolk-terrace , Hydo-park . Arthur P . Onslow , Esq . , Lawbrook-housc , Shore , Guildlord . Thomas Pocock , Esq ., Southwark-bridKe-road . Peter l ' aterson , lOaq ., jun ., Park-road , llolloway . James Laughton , Esq . * Holm Villa , Lowisliam-road . . This Company enables persons , without speculation , to invest largo or small sums , at a higher rate of interest than can bo obtained from tho public funds , and on as secure a UHBIS * Forms of application to deposit sums of money at 5 nor cent , interest , paysiblo half-y
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CELEBltATBD HAIR PREPARATIONS . A LEX . ROSS'S LIQUID IIAIB , DYE , easily X *_ . applied , boing tho bout in tho world . Bold from 3 s , Cd . ; sent IVoo for 51 ntamps . Ai , v : x . Rosa ' s 1 Ia . iu Dijstboyru , or DKi'itATony , for removing Kuporliuotia hair irom lihoTaoo , neck , arms and hands , ; is . ( id , nor bottlo : aont for stamps , froo by post , 8 d . extra . A Li ! x . Itoss's Can-TKA-tukks Oili , a . sure retifcoror of thu hair , tts . tf < l . ; sont for oiBtamps . Acux . Ross's Face Vowdku , or Vo , \ ioi ) oni ! , is . ; free for 11 stamps . Liq . x ; id Rough ) , Us . ( id . i > ei- bottlo ; sent froo for 3 < j stamps , by Ar . ux . Robs , 1 , Litilo Qucxmstreet , High llolborn ; AVliolosalo Agont , Bakolay , Furnngdon-Htrool .
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' On the 1 st January , No . V ., New Series , price 3 s . 6 < L , THE JOURNAL of PSYCHOLOGICAL MEDICINE . Edited by FORBES WINSLQW , M-D ., D . C . L * . 1 . Prolonged Shower-Baths in the Treatment of the Insane . - 2 . Professor Ferrikk ' s New Scottish Philosophy . 3 . autobiogeaphy of the insane . 4 . The Belgian Lunatic Asylums and the Insane Colony of Gheal . 5 . Philosophical Medicine . 6 . Mental Labour : its Effects upccst the Blood . . 7 . Insanitt of George III . 8 . On Chloroform in the Tkeatxie&t of Insanity . 9 . Physiological Psychology . 10 . Gase of Mr . Millar . London : Johit CHURCHnr ,, New Burlingtoii-street .
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On the 1 st of January , 1857 , price One Shilling , HPHE PHARMACEUTICAL JOURNAL , JL ~ No . 187 , CONTArNING- TnE TRANSACTIONS OF THE PHARMACEUTICAL SOCIETY . Contents : -r- The Students' Grievance — Precautions afiainsfc Accidents from Poison , &c—The Dispensing of Medicine in the Army—The Manufacture of Iron—Na- , pierean Machine—Decolourizing Charcoals , and their Power of Absorbing Gases—On the Copals of "Westem Africa—The Sassy Tree of Western Africa—Wood Oil—Estimation of the Density of Solids ; Law of Absorption for Ammonia ; Crystalline Form , &c-, of Selenium and Iodine ; Action of "Water on Glass ; Detection of Arsenic and Antimony ; Decomposition of Uric Acid ; Hydraulic Mortar ; Prevention of Stoppage in Drain Pipes—Effects of the Presence of Sulphur in Coal Gas—Another Thing Forgotten—Tho "Value of Time—Education of Apprentices—Adulteration of Calamina Preparata—Review—Correspondents . VOIAJME XV . may bo had in boards , as well as tho preceding volume , price 12 s . 6 d . each . London : Son's Chtjrchilx , New Eurlineton-street-, Maclacjilanand Stewaut , Edinburgh ; andFANKriBr ajid Co ., Dublin .
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Just published , price 5 s ., the NA T I O IT A L B E V I E W . No . TIL coxrENTS : I . William Wordsworth . II . The Eexations op Religion to Art . III . Balzac en Pantoufles . By Leon Gozlan . IV . Mr . Spurgeon and his Popularity . V . Latham and Gbisim oat the Ethxolosy of Ger ^ lany . VI . The Literature op Spirit-Eapping . VII . The Credit Mobilier and Basking Companies in France . VIIT . Strauss and German HEiXENis ^ r . IX .- The Slave Empire of the West . X . Books Suitable for Heading Societies . Chapmaw and HAxt , 193 , Piceadilly .
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T HE NEW QUARTERLY REVIEW , No . 21 , for JANUARY , price 2 s . 66 . 1 , contains—LORD DALHOUSIE'S FINANCIAL and ANNEXATION POLICY . AMERICAN API ? AIRS . THE POLITICAL DICTATORSHIP of LORD PALMEltSTON . Reviews of all the now books of the quarter . London : Bosworth and Harrison , 215 , Regent-street .
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q ^ HE ECLECTIC REVIEW ; or , Critical JL Journal of British and PoreiRU Literature . The January Number contains valuable and interesting articles on—l . Palestine . —2- Tho Neufchatel Questiou . —3- Reynard tho Pox—Middle-Age Romances . —4 . Dove ' s Logic of the Christian Faith . —5 . Burgess ' s Edition of " Kitto ' s Biblical Cyclopocdia . "—C . Tho Scientific Results of 1 S 5 C— 7 . Current French Literature . —Brief Notices of Recent "Works in Goueral Literature Price Is . 6 d . Monthly . January Number begins a Now Series . London : Ward and Co ., 27 , Paternoster-roT .
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npiIE WESTMINSTER , REVIEW . X NEW SERIES . No . XXI . JANUARY , 1857 . Price Cs-COSTKMTS : I . "WORLDXINESS AND OtIIER-WoULDLINESS : THE Poet Young . II . Capabilities and Disabilities of Womejt . III . English Law : its Oppression and Confusion . IV . Static of Parties in Italy scsce 1848 . V . Rkvisiox of this English Bible . VI . IllCRAT ANT > THIS PERSIAN WAR . VII . Boiling Watku . VIII . The Mysteries of Cicfalonia . Contemporary Literature : —§ 1 . Theology an d Pl » ilosophy . —§ 2 . Politics and liducatidn . —§ 3 . fciciencc . —§ 4 . *• History , Biography , Voyages and Travels . —§ 5 . Belles Lettrcs . London : Jonw OarAP ^ rATT , S , King William-street ) , Strand *
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ri ^ IIE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE and - ¦ - IIISTOHICAL HBVIKW . liy SYLVAN US URBAN , Gout . Prico is . ( id ., monthly * The Number for JANUARY contains : —I . Autobiography of Sylvanna Urbau—II . Mio History and AntiquitioH of Koalon IIIiiHtratod—f I . I- 'I'Jio Hoiiso of Commons in 18 r > 7—IV . Joan of Arc—V . Kansas—VI . Virgil Illustrated by Shaksnoaro— "VII . Tho National Gallery—VIII . Recently Repealed . Statutes—JX . Worcestershire M 8 S . at Hngloy—X . Oorrospoixdcnco of Sylvanun TJrl ) an—XI . itobinaon'H Further lt <; searcheH in tho Holy Land—XII . Historical and MlHocllancouH Reviews— XIII . Antiquarian Researches—XIV . Tho Montlily Intelligencer—X . V . Obituary , &c . London : J . II . and Jas . Taukeh , U 77 . Strand ,
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, Messr 3 . TRUBN'EIt and Co . have nowjrablisbed the following very important "WOEICS : — A ECTIC EXPLOIIA . TION'S , tJb © Second Grinnell Expedition iu Seajoh of Sir John Franklin , 1853-5 . By ELISHA , KENT KANE , HJ ) - TJ ^ . N . Illustrated "by upwards of 300 Engravings from Sketches by th . e Author . The Steel Plates executed under the superintendence of J . M . Butler . The "Wood . Engravings by V « , n Ingea and Sn-yder . 2 vols . pp . 464 and 468 . 8 vo , clothe It . lls . € < & . Philadelphia , 185 & IVr ^ KKATr ^ E of tke EXPEDITION of &n Jjy AMERICAN SQUADRON to the- CHINA . SEAS aad JAPA . IT , performed ia the Years 1852 , 1853 , and 1864 , under the Command of Commodore M . C . Perry , United States Navy , by order of tho Government of the XTnitei States-Compiled from the Original Notes and Journals of Commodore Perry and his Officers at Iris request and under liis supervision , by PRANCIS L . HAWKS , D . D ., LL . IX Vol I . with Maps , 89 Litb . osraplis , 76 Woodcuts , and £ 56 pages , 4 t-o , cloth , 32 . 3 s . Splendid Governiaent 4 to Bditdou . wilk lje completed in Four Volumes . *« . * Tols . ^ to ^ vnll ^ coniprise fchflScientillo Besearches of the Expedition , viz ., Astronomical Observations , Botany , < &e . Washington , 183 & . Also , COMMODOBE PERRY'S OWN EDITION . Narrative onlv . Complete in 1 voL imperial 8 vo , pp . 6 S 2 , with 12 Steel JPifttes , 120 Woodcuts , and 12 Maps , ll . 10 s ., cloth . London : TeObweh and Co ., American , Continental ,, aud English . Booksellers , 12 , Paternoster-row ,
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Thisday . Two Volumes , post ootavOi , 16 s- » TH E- WEDIXING GUESTS ; or , The Hap-PINE 8 S o ? Lite . ^ y MABT C . HUME , Author of " The Bridesmaid , " " Count Stephen , " aud other Poems . London . Joh ^ t W . Paekeband Son , West Strancl .
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This day , octavo , 16 s , STATE PAPERS AJTB COBKESPOKDENCB , Illustrfbtive of the Political and Social State of Europe , from the Revolution to the Accession of the House of Hanover . Edited , with Historical Introduction , Memoirs , and Notes , by J . M . KEMBLE , US , A . London : John "W . Paekeb and Son , West Strand .
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Second Edition , with various new Eeadiags , fcap . 8 vo , prico 5 s ., GRAIGCROOI CASTLE . By GERALD MASSEY . " Mr . Massey , with patient modest energy , corrects manydefects of style , inserts connecting matter nere and there , and offers his work to the Public sensihly improved . Lei us not , therefore , omit to recommend this Book of JPoeins . in its . revised form , as one of the Gift Book * of theseason . " —Examiner . ' .-... \ London : David BoeuB , 6 , Fleet-street .
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Just poblished , 1 vol . post 8 vo , price 5 e . W HAT is TRUTH ? or , Revelation its own Nemesis . Second Edition , revised and enlarged . London : John- Cjtapman , 8 , King William-street , Strand .
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MUDIE'S SELECT LIBRARY . JANUARY , 1857 . I IN" order to promote tlie circulation of the best New Books , C . E . MUDIE has so increased and arranged his Library , that any-work of acknowledged merit or general interest may bo obtained without delay by EVERY SUBSCRIBER OF ONE GUINEA PER ANNUM , And by all Tirst-Class Country Subscribers of Two Guineas and upwards . Iho stock comprises from Ninety to Nine Hundrodt Copies of every leading Work . Frosh Copies » r © added whenever a delay occurs , and an aujplo supply is provided of all tho Best Works as they appear . TIio preference is Riven to works of HISTORY , BIOGBAPHY . RELIGION , PHILOSOPHY , and TKAVEL . The best WORKS OP FICTION are also freely added . Single Subscription , One Guinea per Annnm . Tho best New Works aro delivered Weekly , without cost , trouble , or disappointment ; , in every part of London and ita neighbourhood , at Two Guineas per annum . First-Class Country Subscription , from Two to Ton Guineas per Annum . Book Sociotica and Literary Institutions supplied on Liberal Terms , Prospectuses may bo obtained on application . Thames E . Muoie , 510 and Ml , New Oxford-street London , and 76 » Cross-street , Manchester .
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Just published , A A . BURT'S CATALOGUE of the e SECOND POBTIOIf of MISCELLANEOUS ENGLISH and FOREIGN BOOKS on Sale at « 1 , Great Rtissellstreet , Blootnsbary-square . Catalogues sent gratis to all parts of the United Kingdom .
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ITALIAN AND FRENCH LANGUAGES . 1 VTR . ARKIVABENE , D . LL ., from the Uni J 3 LL versity of Padua , who lias been established in Londoi for throe years , gives private lossom in Italian and Prone atliis own house , or tho houses of his pupila . He also ai tends Schools both in town and country . Mr . A . RRIVA BENE teaches on a plan thoroughly practical , and tl ) ratwt modioore mind cannot fail to thoroughly com prehon his . lessons . Apply by lofctor to Mr . ARRIVABENE " , KTo . 4 , S Michael's-placo , Brompton .
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Just published , prico 2 s ., poat free 2 s . Cd ., AN ESSAY ON SPERMATORRHOEA ; i Nature and Treatment , -with an exposition of tl i Frauds that aro practised , by persons who advertize tl i speedy , Bafo , and eu ' eotual euro of Nervous Derangement . By A MDMBEK , OP THE ROYAL . COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS , London . London : \ V . Kent and Co ., 51 and 52 , Patornoator-row
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January S , 1857 /} - THE LEABEE , 23
Leader (1850-1860), Jan. 3, 1857, page 23, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2174/page/23/