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HE QUARTERLY REVIEW , No . CCL , is Published THIS DAY . CONTENTS : I . Northamptonshire . II . Homer and his Successors in Eric Poetktt . "III ! . The Salmon-. IV * . Fekks and riiEiii Portraits . ' V . Lobd Raglan . VI . Bats . VII . Memoirs op General Sir Chaklbs Napieb . < VIII . Our Political Prospect—Domestic , Foreign , < and Financial . ; John Murray , Albemarle-sfcreet .
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' < < ; ¦ Just published , A LARCE MAP OF AUSTRALIA , TASMANIA , AND SEW ZEALAND , TAKEN PROM THE BRITISH AND FRENCH GOVERNMENT SURVEYS , AND OTHER SOURCES 0-F RECENT AND AUTHENTIC INFORMATION ; Containing also , on an . Enlarged Scale , the Colony of Victoria ; Mount Alexander Gold Region , and Plan of Sydney ; Map of Norfolk Island , and a Sketch . Map , showing the principal Commercial Routes to Australia the N&ir Electoral Divisions of the Colony of Victoria , and the Exploring Routes of Sir Thomas Mitchell , Kennedy Dr . Leichardt , Captain Sturt , Oxley , and Eyre . Revised by H . MITCHELL , Esq ., for many years resident in Australia , brother of the late Sir Thomas Mitchell . Size , 48 | by 39 £ inches . Price in Sheets , 21 s . ; Bound in Cloth , 8 vo or 4 to , 31 s . 6 d . ; Rollers , varnished , 31 s . 6 d . ; Full-bound Morocco , 8 vo or 4 to , 42 s . EDINBURGH : ADAH AND CHARLES BLACK . LONDON : LONGMAN AND CO . <
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On the 2 nd of February . < NORTH BRITISH REVIEW , No . LH ., FEBRUARY . contents : I . Employment of Womes . II . Modern Stylk . III . Dr . Samuel , Brown . IV . Kane ' s Arctic Explorations . V . Mks . Browning ' s Poems . " VI . Richard Hooker . VII . Art Unions . VIII . China . —The Trade in Opium . IX . American Politics . Edinburgh : W . P . Kennedy ; London : Hamilton , Adams , and Co . ; Dublin : McGlashan and Gilx .
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: " 'S just published S Imperial folio , coloured , 16 s ., BUCKATLAOF NORTH AMERICA , With Maps of the various Provinces , States , and Countries of that Continent , and Plans of the City of New York , the Environs of Montreal , and Panama Railway . Constructed from the most recent authorities . BY JOHN BARTHOLOMEW . PRINCIPAL CONTENTS . No . I . North America . —II . British , Russian , and Danish Ambrica . Polar Regions . —III . Upp er Canada . —IV . Lower Canada , New Brunswick . — V . to XVIII . Separate States anx > TEREiroRrEs ok the United States . —XIX . Mexico , Central America , asd "West Indies . —XX . Steamer Eoutes akt > Oceanic Currents . With descriptive Letterpress , and an Index of 21 , 000 Names . EDINBURGH : ADAM AND CHARLES BLACK ; LONDON : LONGMAN AND CO AND SOLD BY ALL BOOKSELLERS . " '
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E RASER'S MAGAZINE for FEBRUARY , 1857 , price 2 s . 6 d ., contains : Gleanings from the Record . Xife in its Simpler Porrns . Office . The Dissolution of A Christmas Week at Glasthe Monasteries . By J . A . gow . iroude . Mr . Justice " Willes on Tickets The Interpreter : a Talo of of Leave and Transportathe War . By C J . Whyte tion . Melville , Author of" Digby Little Lessons for Little Grand , " &c . Part II . Poets . A "Visit to Kars while in the A Glimpse of the Temple hands of the Russians . Caves of Ajunta . Emanuel Swedenhorg . The War with China . The Three Numbers . London : John W . Parker and Soy , West Strand .
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BLACEWOOD'S MAGAZINE , for FEBRUARY , 1857 . No . CCCCXCVI . Price 2 s . 6 d . contents : The War in Asia . Scenes of Clerical Life . —No . I . The Sad Fortunes or the Revehend A ^ ios Barton . —Part II . Ticket-of-Lkave—A Letter to Iren ^ eus . The Athelings ; or , The Three Gifts . —Part IX . Prom Per a to Bucharest . Letters from a Lighthouse . —No . I . Lord St . Leonards . "Wiliiam BiA-CK-wooD and Sons , Edinburgh and London *
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PROJECTED NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY . THE KOYAL PICTURES ENGRAVED IN THE ART-JOURNAL FOR FEBRUARY , ( Price 2 s . 6 d . ) are— " Midas , " after D . Maclise , R . A ., and " Young Shrimpers , " after W . Collins , R . A . The Engraving from Sculpture is "Wolff ' s " Fruit-Gatherer . " The literature includes : — " The Projected National Portrait Gallery ; " " The Picture Galleries of T . Miller and H . Cooke , Esqs . ; " " Talk of Pictures and the Painters , " by an 014 Traveller ; " The Book of the Thames , " by Mr . and Mrs . S . C . Hall , illustrated ^ " Botany , " by C . Dresser ; " " Rambles in Rome , " by IB . W . Fairholt ; " British Artists : —A . Johnston , " illustrated ; " History of the Panorama ; " " Magneto-Electric Machines in Plating and Ornamenting Metals , " by R . Hunt , &c . &c . YIRTUE AND CO ., 25 , PATERNOSTER ROW , LONDON , AND ALL BOOKSELLERS .
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npHE DUBLIN UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE , X No . CCXO . FEBRUARY , 1857 , price 2 s . 6 d . contents : The Cardinal Treaties of Mediaeval and Modern History . By Professor Cueasy , A . M ., No . I . — The Treaty of Vehdun . The Fortunes op Gleucore . What sjiaix we do wm the Poisos Tkade ? John Twiller . The Rainbov in the Cloud . By Jonathan Fehke Slingsby . The Prussian Army . Culloden . By G . \ Y . Thornbuey . The Doctor , of Philosophy . — ( Concluded . ') Lines Written in aVoiume of Kkause ' s Posthumous Skrmons . Travelling in China . The Old Year's Death . Realities oi ^ Tint late War . The Rimes and Reveries of Mk . / Esor Smith . —( Continued . } Continental Complications . Dublin : Hod&es , Smith , and Co ., 104 , Gmfton-street-, Hukst and Bi-aokett , London ; Menzies , Edinburgh ; and sold by all Booksellers .
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P HOTO GRAPHIC PORTRAITS of LIVING CELEBRITIES . By MAULL and POLYBLANK . With appvoprlato Biographical Notices . 27 / e January Number c < mtai ? is . •—The Right lion . LORD CAMPBELL . A Iread / j Publish ed : — No . 1 . containing I'ltOFESSOR OWEN , P . R . S ., &c . No . 2 . „ The itiRlit . Hon . T . li . MAOAULAY . No . a . „ KOlilOHT STKPHBNSON , Esq ., MM ? ., No . 4 . „ J . A . R ( Jii ) BUOK , Esq ., M . P . P . H . S ., &c . No . 5 . „ Sir R C . latODIB , Bart ., D . CX-, No . C > . „ E . If . i { AnlY , ° ii ! s ( i ., R . A . No . 7 . „ SAHHIKIj WARltEN , 13 sq ., Q . C .. M . P . No . 8 . „ l'ltOFESSOR GRAHAM , M . A ., I ' . lt . S . London : ]\ lAui , i , and Pov , ydt , a . tsk , r > 5 , Graccchurch-Htrc « t-David JSooue , 80 , FLcct-ntroot , anil all Book and 1 ' rintsollors .
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Just published , A A . BURT'S CATALOGUE of the ? SECOND PORTION of MISCELLANEOUS ENGLISH and FOREIGN BOOKS on Sale at 61 , Great Russellstreet , Bloomsbury-square . Catalogues sent gratis to all parts of the United Kingdom .
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Complete in 2 Volumes , PROFESSOR JOHNSTON'S CHEMISTRY OF COMMON LIFE . With numerous Engravings on Wood , pri ce * lls . ed . " Mr . Johnston ' s book is a book for the pooplo ; tlioro is hardly a fact or a principle that it would not bo for th « boueiit of tho richest as well as tho poorest to know . "—Athe naum . WtLtiAM : BiiACinvooD and Sous , Edinburgh and London
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, rpiIE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE for FEX BltUARY , price 2 s . 6 d ., contains-. —I . Tho House of Lords , 1857 . —II . Tho History and Antiquities of Uoston , Illustrated . —III . Autobiography of Sylvanus Urban . — IV . ColoridRo ' u Lectures on Shakapoaro . —V . The Early Flemish Painters , Illustrated . —W . Monarchs Retired from Business . —VII . Boswell's Letters . —VIII . John Britton . — IX . Tho Southern Counties in tho Olden Time . —X . Tho Boauchamp Tower . —XL Grcsham College . —XII . Cotton ' s Life of Sir J . Reynolds . —XIII . AlOori and Goldoiii . —XIV . Ivors . —XV . Antiquarian Intelligence . —XVI . Tho Monthly Intolligoncor . —XVII . Memoirs of tho Duke of Rutland , Hugh Miller , llov . Thomas Bowdlcr , Dr . Ure , &o . Iiondon : J , 31 . and , Tas . Paekkb , 877 , Strand .
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WORKS OF PROFESSOR "WILSON . EDITED BY PROFESSOR FERRIER . Tho 7 tli Volumo is now published , prico C 9 ., containing ESSAYS , CRITICAL AND IMAGINATIVE . Vols . 3 . to IY . contain Nootes Ambkosianvk , wit Glossary and Index , price 24 s . William R&ackwood and Sons , Edinburgh and Londo
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Just publishod , ri ^ HE rOSITiVK PHILOSOPHY of AT X GUSTB COMTH . Prccly translated and conden ! by HAIUtlliiT MAltTlNEATJ . 2 vols ., large post « vo , 10 London : John Chapman , 8 . King William-street , Stra
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. Now ready , l ' avt IV ' ., price 10 d ., richly Illustrated , Hp HE NATIONAL MAGAZINE . Among the principal Contents of tho Tart arc : —Millais and tho Pre-Itaiiliaolitcs—Tho Brook- By the Author of "Mr « . Arle "—A . I ' aintor ' a Kovoi >« o . IBy Shirley Brooks—Alnminium—An Evening with AjUan . By Dr . Uoran—Our PlitMngs . By Uio Author of " John Halifax , Gentleman . "Old Familiar 1 'Vh'l's—Sir Clim-loH J <] aHtlalcc : a Sketch , with Portrait—liistrionicllats . Qui lly V— Xhe Lost Diamonds . . By Mrs . 0 . Crowe—Hugh JliHer : a Skotch , with Portrait . — 1 ' i'ORrtjas of Soioiico , and numerous other panora of interest , \ by Westland Walton . W . K . Kelly , Q . W . Thormbury , Wil-! liani Kidd , Shirloy llihbord , andothor eminent authors -, and Kcvontccn highly-llnlshed Engravings , principally from picturoa by tho clnof living painters . London : Natioxai . Maoazink Company ( Limited ) , 2 D , EKMcx-strcct , iStiand ( NV . O . ); and all Bookscllora .
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. \ ! JiiHt publiHhed , i > rico 2 s .. post froo 2 a . 0 d ., A N ESSAY ON SPERM ATORlllUKA ; its ; * - » - Katuro and Troatnioit , with an exposition of tho frauds thitt / aro practis ( ul by persons who advertizo the Bpoody , Hafts , and olfectual euro ol NorvouH Uorangemont . By A MMMBKlt . OF THE ROYAL COLL EGE OF 1 'ILYSICIANS . London . London : W . Kent and Co ., 51 and 52 , Pater nostor-ro-w .
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jAjOJABr 31 , 1857 . ] V THE LEADER . H 9
Leader (1850-1860), Jan. 31, 1857, page 119, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2178/page/23/