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- . CTpower 3 and then discussed between g naraateeuig Po ^ enh , ™ ^ posUion 9 of the Sublime r ^ . JE ^ itt be embodied in separate redififerent commi tees ^ au ^^ Assembl P ° rtV ^ Sre ^ Commission . " The Porte expects aTld iTmvans Ull fiaisU their labours in the course of sovereignty . " ^^ The Queen has been suffering from an eruption on the skin - , but the malady is . now subsiding . DENBIAJRKThe Danish Government , in replying to the last note jSesstss * «« = k Duchies of Schleswig-Holstein . RUSSIA . ThP « 5 t Petersburg correspondent of the Constitw of
""" Ai ^ e with the view introducing improver peror Alexander , vntn w v — " This ministerial Urtrinto the ; ag-ulture of Ru « a . ^ ^ ^ g ] StSSirss ;^ farmers £ ^ «* F the establishment of model i ^^^^ i ^ WE td ^ SrCt at ^ cSa of new « MM' l »*»
m KS , it O toS » iUJ » U » lost few «* given large Kussia iw * enenne a * * machine builders . The 3 ? ll 3 £ = SSS 3 f 5 ployed . " ¦
* GERMANY . ^ 255 S S 3 £ -3 bS £
BELGIUM . ^^ B ^^^^^ rr ?^!^ ^ ArL ^ uSersLnrB t ^ 131 ^ SSS ^ SSSJa of aa underbred puppy . " M 02 JTE 1 TEGK 0 .
Tho inhabitants of MoSrinc , Pnevor , Zubsi , and Sutorina , are said to have voluntarily submitted to the authority of Montenegro , retaining , however , then munSal independence . Each of these villages bus r ^ ceTved a Montenegrin gov ernor , who appoints to yar . ous offices and imposes taxes—A war between Montenegro and the Porte in the ensuing Spring appears to be . mm .-nent .
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sbsshsss sssssssssas
was concluded last Saturday , when Sir R . W ' ^ fjjfve » tm ^^ F 3 S £ S ™ tksi deration of the present charge , and 1 ma > uaye S subjected to some nusapprehension in my anxiety to arrive at the truth amid conflicting testimony of the . SSSUl description . It _ is no . part c > my duty to to the prosecutor or the
S thrcoTsequences 3 but to determine impartially the legal effect of tSe evidence on cither side . To support a charge of obtainin g goods by false pretences it is not sufficient to shov ; fhft iey have been obtained upon a fraudulent promise to make a particular use of them . J * " f £ Whatever , therefore , may be my .. opinion . of the defeudant ' s conduct , and however deserving of reprobataon I it may be , I do not think I should be justified in sending him for trial on the charge before me . The defendant is
^^ KSSSho ^ . - James Coles , a well-dressed ass ¦ % «?*« £ p ^ h ^ rpd SB ^ S ^ e ^^ K ^^ IS' ! iuarlel wfh n . y f . thJ and mother , carter , VX 2 £ SXaU a L , b I . Ma ta ^ and with masterana lew mu ,. *
then bad a quarrel my , Lad behaved very badly to my father , andwheurwent back he told me to return to my place , that le w ould Sri have rue ' there , and , in fact , he turned me ont I toM him I would go and steal something and get into prison Tnd I stole this watch . I never saw the man Ere who pledged it for me , but he gave ^ e the ^ oOs ami after I had spent it , having no home to go to and M ^^^^^ HiBiB 4 ere there * , Coles replied « No , sir i an I shall . ^ not disgrace them by telling where they live . He was sen tenced to four months' hard labour .
A KoWas of ViiA * Y .-A singular talc of knavery , inctudh ' g an ingenious device for Belf-coWmont on Hie occasion of police visits , has been unfolded at tnc i S ^ rSSl ° ol \ ce office , where a -ell-dressed young man described as a surgeon rosiding at No . Lo , I ' rcae . Solace Goswell-road , was charged with attempting tfexJort money from a ntlenym of L »^^ threateninc to publish a libel against him . "Ihe accused I 5 " d advertised constantly that he was able to cure cerbf = ' ^ srr ^ = ' ° ir ^ = unless the prosecutor
wrote back and threatened that , aTd him a douceur of 25 / ., he would publish the letters o the world . In consequence of this , a warrant was placed i ^ he hands of two policemen , who went iu p ajn clothes to the prisoner ' s house where they saw ¦ h « . *» & ¦ One of the constables said he had something the matter with him , and wished to consult " the doctor . Ihc wife stated that he was absent from home and , upoii bcin- pressed as to bis return , she said ho bad gone n to the country upon a professional tour . Tlio constables I t en sTte / who they were , and that they had a warrant against her husband . Upon hearing this ,, si c touched aSpring in tho wall , and a bell rang loudly at the end " ' ohce ^ t into the p ^ sago and
of TS » a . TL p » Sy ^^ nr ^ "Ah ah voti may think yourdolves clever , but you tti i i ii foS a iap-door , which the / lifted up a « d »»^* I thev perceived the prisoner crouching down m a corner . He ' rKed to come up , but they dragged him out by his collarand took him to the station . He vras
original aggressOTS in the quarrel - , that the surviving brother was in such a state of drunkenness as to cast serious doubt on the accuracy of bis evidence ; and that there was no premeditation or previous hostility . Axtemptkd Gabotte Robbery by a Cabmah—A man named Gibbons , described as a cab-driver , was mrts ^ HSSHS hi the direction of his home , about three o clock in the morning , when he was confronted by a man who neckhandkerchief and pressed his
sentence of death passed upon Peter M'Lean for the murder of Thomas Maxwell , on the road between Bathgate and Durhaintown , on the 19 th of last November . M'Lean was convicted by a majority of the jury , but recommended to mercy , and was sentenced to be executed on the 2 nd of February . The memorialists express concurrence with the views of the minority of the jury and submit that it was rather matter of inference than proof that M'Lean struck the fatal blow ; that the deceased and his brother were in all probability the sentemeof death passed upon Peter H'Lean for « j cti . . Tv / ro .-r-nrn-nii rvn + > i « mad between iJatl
uSyi ™ T Ms - ; knucUef wFth all his force against his throat , so as Sncst to throttle him . The ruffian a ^ tbe same time exclaimed " Your money or your life ; upon whicn , Mn S ( who , notwithstanding the violeJ gJJ «^ J his throat , was still able to speak ) replied hat he had m nSney with him . Gibbons , however still xnsisted on SavTngsome , saying that he would take fourpence if I Mr . Bean had no larger sum about him , rathei than not have any at all . Mr . Bean , who had nearly eight shillings in his pockets , and who was apprehensive . that the man would discover tbe fact and rob him , called for
assistance , and a police-sergeant who was on duty m Gambridge-terrace at the time , came up , a f . ^ gibbons intoenstody . Mr . Bean was * ^ * % g *? 2 £ the injuries he had received , and he was laid ^ up the whole of the following day in consequence . . Mr , Long committed Gibbons for trial , and refused to take baA Am . Outcast ' s History . —Mary Allen—' a wman idreSed in unwomanly rags " -was brought up at tho HFT ^ seSf ^ g ¦ i 1 The theft having been provedthe tnen ¦ *
S- ^^ Xm ™ ,. , Knio-htsbridge . xne- «» vx « « --- - ' sssi " - Su - . u ^ fsSuJ £± ss 1 - f'Ven ' you honesfly . bat if > ' ?* ™ ° J ° , *« £ ? & % mmmsmg 2 ? nded ? uncared-for , Wretched , destitute and d rty tB
wm-sss-sm S ^ SSSmS ^ l rr ; s : s ; . r .. Tts ;" i' = f ( -1 J , "" - ' L- sirsss / sss . K
e'SSHS-iSSThf Umvmploved . —An immense multitude of the S ^ rSSi completely filled , l jcj- « a workhouses Smithlield , and had * f . cnV fm-relief- but their forof Clorkenwell ™*^ Z ^ J ^ Aez * pfon nudable numbers ciea ed alam , a , ^ ^^ of a few at ClerkemvoU , tl ^ , 1 ^ . e ^ _ anco they sougi . t for Iheya acvcral ol - thcm court lo comp lain of th ^ »|! . 119 ^ ' a " d tUero would observed that , uul ^ ^ Stry . Oa the magiBtrata b TlS i any " ho ? cases there , a voice UBkina > f ' ^^ B x imndrcd , and as many more bsn e « u ; -, » ' 4 ^ - w- * h ^« j * j
mmssm SSSPSIsSsS hear tho complaint of a ^ P ^' " ft £° J ^ t effect , the oilicer took a measagoto tho paitica » i »
, , remanded , and has since been discharged . Tins Convict M'JLican . —A memorial lias boon sent to tho Home Secretary from inhabitants of tho town and county of Linlithgow praying for a commutation of tho
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the T , 118571 TPTr . n-TiBAPBS . 103 . TT » T ? v . HI .. J . OO < . | ___ i TTiT .. i
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ACCIDENTS AND SUDDEN DEATHS . ' Tub Earl of Harewood , while hunting last Saturday with tho Bramham-moor hounds near Weatherby , was thrown , owing to his horse stumbling , and received so severe a kick on the head from the animal in its efforts to regain its feet , that serious fears were entertained lor his lordship ' s life . He was taken up insensible , and conveyed to Harowood House , where a trepanning operation was performed the following day . No alarming : symptoms have supervened , and it is now hoped that the patient may recover .
A bricklayer , named James Perry , was killed on the afternoon of Friday week by a fall from a scaffold erected round a long Bhnft or chimney belonging to some promises near tho Mile End Road , Stepnoy . Ho had been drinking rather too freely at his dinner , and , slipping from the . scaffold , fell to tlio ground , a distance of I fifty feet . A compound fracture of tho skull , with othor injuries , caused his death almost immediately after his arrival at tho hospital . Two boats have been lost near the Zetland islands — one containing ten , the other twelve persons . Every soul in each casohaa been drowned . It does not appear that there was any atorm at tho time , or that tho rowers wore at all intoxicated , but catastrophes of tins kind are froquont in those -wild seas .
Leader (1850-1860), Jan. 31, 1857, page 103, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2178/page/7/