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_. r _ . -...- _ 0. * j ' r* -fi£ * ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ^ ¦O^¦ ¦;;ffl>B1n^W?Wl^ ¦MatrH; . ¦ . ¦ ¦ _____ __
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ROYAL. ITALIAN OPE31A. MR. GYE begs most respectfullyto announce that the Royal Italian Opera will, during the season
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or 1857 , bo given at tne Tneatre ltoyal , Lyceum . Tho opening will take place on Tuesday , April 14 . Tho Performance during the present season will commence at Half-past Eight o ' clock on each evening . : The Prospectus , with full particulars , to bo had at the-Box-office of the Theatre in Wellington-street . The principal engagements for the present season are :- ^ - Madanie Grisi , Madame Bosio . Madame Rosa Devries , Mademoisello Marai , Madame Tagliaflco , Mademoiselle Didieo . Also Mademoiselle Pare-pa , ( From the Royal Theatre at Lisbon , her first appearance in . •• England ) , and Mademoiselle' Victoiro Balfo ( Her first appearance on the stage ) . Tenori . Signor Mario , I Signor -ITeri Baraldi , and . Signor Soldi , | Signor Gardoni . An . engagement will ' . be offered to Signor Tamberlik on his arrival from tho Brazils . ' .: ¦ ¦ ' , Bassi Baritoni . ¦' : . Signor Ronconi , I Signor Graziani . Bassi Profundi . Signor Lablache ; I Signor Polonini , ( his first appearance these 1 Monsieur Zelger , two years ) , j and Signor Tagliaflco , | Herr Formes . The Orchestra and Chorus will be as last year . Director of the Music , Composer , and Conductor , Mr . Costa . The engagements for the Ballet are : Mademoiselle Cerito , Mademoisello Dclechaux , ( her first appearance ) , and Mademoiselle Plunkett . , Mademoisello Esper and Mademoiselle Battalini . Mademoisello' Loblond , Mademoiselle Emma , Mademoiselle Marie , and Mademoiselle Elise . Maitre do Ballet , ... ... Monsieur Desplaces . Stage Manager , ........ Mr . A . Harris . Scenic Artiste , Mr . W . lievcrloy . Leader of tho Ballet , ... Mr . A . Mellon . Applications for Boxes and Stalls to bo made to Mr . Parsons , at tho Box-olBco of tho Th . ca . tro in Wellingtonstreot ; and to tho Principal Musicscllers and Librariaus .
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MADAME RISTORI . —LYCEUM THEATRE . Mil . GYE begs most respectfully to announce that ho has entered into an engagement with the celebrated Italian Tragedienne , Madame IlISTORI , together with her ITALIAN DRAMATIC COMPANY . Madame RISTORI will give FIFTEEN" Performances in London , commencing the First Week in June . Full particulars will be duly announced .
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HER MAJESTY'S THEATRE . —SPJEzYa , GIUGLINI , VIALETTI , POCCHINI . OPENING NIGHT , TUESDAY , April 4 th , Opera ..... LA FAVOR 1 TA . Ballet LA ESMEltALDA . All tho Boxes and Stalls having been disposed of for tho Subscription or opening night , the samo Opera and Ballet will bo repeated on Thursday , April 10 th , it being an extra night not included in tho Subscriptioi ; - A limited number of Boxes in the llalf-circlo Tier havo beon specially reserved for the public , and may bo had on application at tho Box Oillco at tho Theatre , Colonnade , II aymarkct . Price One Guinea , and Ono Guinea and a Half each . Tho doors open at half-past soven , tho Opera commences at eight .
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ROYAL OLYMPIC THEATER Lossco and Manager , Mr . Amiied Wioan . Laster Monday , and during tho week , will bo performed tho now Drama , in two acts , called DADDY HAltDAGRli :. Characters by Messrs . F . Ilobson , G . Vining , G . Cooko , Leslie ; Miss Stephens and Mihs Hughes . After which the now Drama , called A SHEEP IN WOLF'S CLOTHING . Characters by Mossrn . Addison , G . Vining , G . Cooke , Leslie , H-Cooper j Mrs . Stirling and Miss Ma « koJl . To conclude with tho now Farce called THIEVES ! THIEVES 1 Characters by Messrs . F . ltobson , « . Vining , II . Cooper , Leslie ; Misses Swanborough and Bromley . Commence at Half-past
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'p ilE GREAT TOBACCO CONTROVERSY , i . i —Dr . - n ? KXT 0 Nwl 11 LECTURE on this important topic ™ to . ^ hf ° tnd llalf . paat Bovou i \ m ., at Dr . KAHN'S MUteHiU . ni , 4 , Coventry-stroot , Leicostor-Hquaro . Tho MuHCUtn , which now stands wholly unrivalled in tho world , and tno rarity and completeness of -whoso contents havo already nerjuirod for it a European reputation , and obtained tlio -svnnrj comiiioidation of tlie prtiHH in this and other (¦ onutnes , is open dally ( for kuiiUuiiiuu only ) from Ten to 'Ion . A now Lecture is delivered by Dr . Kahn at Half-paHt hight r v . precisely . AdiniHsion . is . —Ud . scriptivccatalogucH oj the . MiiHouni , containing Lecturou as delivered by Dr . Ivahv , Kratis to tho visitors .
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BE TTS ' S PATENT BRANDY has ever since its introduction to the public been recognised , both by scientific men and the trade , as tho best article ever manufactured in this country . Its . claims to such preeminence are based upon its unrivalled purity , and its closer assimilation than any other to the flavour of the finest Champagne Brandy . There has been no Brandy made from Wino in Franco , either in the present year or in the preceding one . Owing to the successive failures in thoir vintages , tho Frenoli wine grower gets a higher prico for his wine , consumed as such , than ho can realise by its being distilled into Brandy ; and forasmuch as the Foreign Brandy of recent importations is but the product of British grain and beetroot spirits , the prestige hitherto exclusively enjoyed by French Brandy as having been distilled from a particular French wine no longer exists , and is ho longer worthily assignable to it now that is buuglingly made from other materials . Tho supply of wine for distillation into Brandy having failed , the French distiller is constrained to recur to a manufacture in which he needs tho quarter of a century ' s experience which has been exercised upon that of BETTS'S PATENT BRANDY , to render his article respectably competitive , and he has not had it . Under those circumstances , the Messrs . Betts challenge that their PATENT BRANDY is superior to any now made abroad . Itistotho interest of the public and the Messrs . Betts hat those facts should bo widely spread , for recent importations are of a quality so inferior as to disgrace the naino they bear , and are twice the price of BETTS'S PATENT BRANDY , which is supplied by tho trade to private families in any quantity , down to the single capsuled bottle . Excise regulations _ prevent its sale from the DISTILLERY , 7 , smTHFIELD-BARS , ST . JOHN-STREET , in airy less quantity than two gallons . . .
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~ 1 ENUINE GARDEN SEEDS . —TIMOTHY UT BRIGDEN , SEEDSMAN and FLORIST , 10 , RAILWAY ARCA . DE , LONDON BRIDGE , begs most respectfully to inform his friends and patrons , that his unrivalled collection of Agricultural , Vegetable , and Flower Seeds is now arranged , and Catalogues will bo forwarded , post free , upon application . T . B . further begs to state that ho still continues to make assortments of choice Vegetable Seeds , in collections suitable for Gardens of every size , from . Ten Shillings and upwards . Xadies and Gentlemen not being able to call at the above Establishment , may rely upon their orders being executed with onl y Tirst-class Seeds . All orders from unknown . correspondents must bo accompanied with reference or Post-office Order . Borough Branch . ;
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O . L E N FIELD PATEN T STARCH VX USED IN THE ROYAL LAUNDRY , And pronounced by HER MAJESTY'S LAUNDltESS to be TUB FINEST STARCH SHE EVER USED . ¦ Sold by all Chandlers , Grocers , &c . &c .
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fc 6 VTIt E ME D I C A L C IRCULA R " J- ON DR . BE JONGH'S LIGHT BROWN CQD LIVER OIL . . ' ' Much of the Pale Oil sold in the market is found to be nothing more than Skate Oil—a fact which will account ' ¦ ¦ for the failures which have so frequently attended tho use of the so-called Cod Liver Oil . Tiio utmost reliance maybe placed upon the experimental researches of Dr . de Jongh , who is one of tho most eminent of European chemists ; the Oil procured by him enjoys also the additional sanction of the opinion of Baron Liebig and the late Dr . Pereira in favour of its genuineness and * olllcacy . Our own experience practically conlirms thoir judgment , and we uniiebita-TINGLY RECOMMEND Dn . » 15 JoNGll ' S LlGHlT-BEOWN COD LlVUIl OlX AS 'HIE BEST FOB MEDICINAL l'UnPOSIS , AND WELL DESEEVING THE CONl'lDENCK OJ ? a'II 13 PI 1 OEE 8 SION . " DR . DE JONGH'S COD LIVER OIL Has now , in . consequencoof its marked superiority over every other varLoty , secured the entire confidence and almost universal preference of tho most eminent Medical Practitioners as the most speedy and effectual remedy for COWSUM 1 ' - ¦ TION . ' BRONCIIITIS , ASTHMA , GOUT , RHEUMATISM , SCIATICA , DIABETES , U 1 SKASKS OV THE SKIN NKUltALGIA , RICKETS , INFANTILE WASTING GENERAL DEB lLlTY , and all SCROFULOUS AWe 6-TiONS . . Sold only in Imperial Half-pints , 2 s . Gd . ; Pints ! 4 s . 0 d . ; Q , iiarts , I ) s . ; capsuled and labelled with Jill . im JoNGii ' a Stamp and Signature , avitjiout which NO 3 ) KAiu : aBNuiNK , by many respectable Chemists throughout tlio United Kingdom . WJIOIiESALM AN !) HKTAIL DEPOT , ANSAR , IIARFORD , &CO ., 77 , STRAND , LONDON , W . C , ]) lt . J ) E JONGHI ' S SOLE URITrSIt CONSIQNKK 8 , By whom tho Oil is daily forwarded to all parts of tho Metropolis .
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rpO INVALIDS , MOTHERS , AND 1 \ AM 1-J . LIES—By Iier Majesty's Royal Letters Patent ( tho only patent for these preparations ) . Strongly recommended by tho Medical Profession . ADNAM'S IMPROVED PATENT GltOATS and BARLEY are manufactured lay a process which entirely removes the acidity and unpleasant llavour . so universally found in similar preparation !! . Vhcy produce Gruel and Barley Water in the highest perfection , and being manufactured perfectly pure , yield food of tho most light and nourishing quality for tlio Infant , tho Invalid , and the Aged . Tho Barloy also makes a delicious Custard Pudding , and is an oxcellont ingredient for thickening Soups , &c , Tno Patentees publish one only of tho numerous tCHtimonials they have received from eminent medical professors , rolying moro confidently on tlio intrinsic quality of tlio articles , of which ono trial will not fail to convince tho most fastidiouu of thoir purity and excellence . ( Copy . ) "Chemical Laboratory , Guy ' w Hospital , ,., . , , , February in , i 85 fi . ; 'l havo submitted to a microscopical a . nd chemical examunition the samples of barloy and gronts which you liavti forwarded to mo . and 1 bog to inform you that 1 Hud in them only . thosoTlrinclplcs which uro found in tcoaiL barley tliero ia no mineral or other impurity present , and from tho result of my investigation ! believe them to bo genuine , and to possess those niuritivoproporLies assigned bytliulutoDr . i ' creira to tais description of tvod . "Messrs . Adiiam and Co . " ( Signed ) " A . S . 'J'ayi , on . CAUTION—Toiiroventorrors . tho J ' ulilie aro requested to obsorvo that each paekago bciu-M thuNiKitnturo of tlio Patentees , J . and J . O . A ON AM . To bo obtained Wliole . sale at tho TUuiniwictory . MaitJiMilano , Qucou-Htrcnt , London ; mid ltotail in 1 ' aokot . s mid Cauiutoi-H at ( id . mn \ 1 h . rncb , and in UunistorH for J >' ainillc ^ at 2 a ., Oh ., and 10 a . oach . of all riwjxjclablu UrocvvH . VrutsgiutH , &c , in Town and Country .
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BIRTHS , MARKIAGES , AND DEATHS . BIRTHS . ABKWRIGHT . —On the 25 th ult ., the wife of the Rev . Julius Arkwright , of Latton Vicarage : a daughter . DIXON . —OnFriday , the 27 th ult ., at Essex Villa , St . JTohn'swood , the wife of Hepworth Dixon : a daughter . MARRIAGES . BATCHELOR—JARMAN . —On the 28 th of March , at St . Peter ' s , Eaton-square , Edward James Batchelor , Esq ., of Kenningtoiv to Elizabeth , youngest daughter of Captain Jarman , of Ramsgate . HANSON—EDE . —On the 19 th March , at the Chapel of the British Embassy , Florence , Charles Constantine , eldest son of Charles Simpson Hanson , Esq ., of Constantinople , to Fanny Catherine , eldest surviving daughter of Charles Ude , Esq ., late of the same place . DEATHSHOGG . —Drowned , at Calcutta , on the 15 th of February , by falling overboard from the ship Alfred , of which he was a midshipman , Robert , youngest son of Dr . Hogg , 51 , Gower-street , Bedford-square , aged 17 . KINGDON . —On the 10 thof February , at Honda , in New Granada , of dysentery , William Zachariah Kingdon , aged 29 .
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BRITISH FUNDS FOR THE PAST WEEK . ( Closing Pbices . ) Sat . Mon- Tues . \ Wed . Thur . Frid . Bank Stock ... ...... 3 perCent . Red ...... ...... ...... 3 per Cent . Con . An . 93 j 93 i 931 SSi 9 $ i 93 } Consols for Account 93 93 | 93 i 935 93 i 938 New 3 per Cent . An . j ...... ...... ...... ... „ . I New 2 £ per Cents ... | i Long Ans . I 860 j | India Stock I 224 224 222 222 Ditto Bonds . £ 1000 5 d Id ...... Ditto , under . £ 1000 .. Id ip 4 d Id Ex . Bills . £ 1000 ...... 5 d Id Id 5 d 5 d 2 d Jitto , £ 500 ............. 5 d ...... 5 d 4 d 5 d i 2 d Ditto , Small par ...... Id 5 d '_ 2 d
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Aprii / 4 / 1857 . ] THE LEADER . 333
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FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE . : Tuesday , MarcJt 31 . BANKRUPTCY ANNULLED . —Geobge Baskbbyalle Talk-on-the-Hill , Staffordshire , farmer . BANKRUPTS . —Robebt Clinch , Salisbury , livery stable keeper—Henry Taithfiji-l , Woodstock-road , Blackwall , shipowner—Jonathan Hahbdbt , Breuchlev , Kent , grocer —John Timmis , Lelleshall , Shropshire , timber merchant—John Richards , Aberystwyth , Cardiganshire , draper—Henex Mtjmdy , Gloucester , ironmonger—Sarah Roach , Merthyr Tydvil , Glamorganshire , carrierr-UBiAH Wim :-PENNY , Almondbury , Yorkshire , woollen cloth manufacturer— John Hanson and James Waikeh , Sheffield , coach builders—Richard Jones , Newtown , Montgomeryshire , flannel manufacturer—John Stewart , Preston , Lancashire , ironfo under . . Friday , Aprils . BANKRUPTCY ANNULLED . —Henuy Duckworth , Glen Top Hill , near Newchurch , Lancashire , cotton manufacturer . BANKRUPTS . —Jesse CAXT . Litjtle Tower-street , licensed victualler — John Jobsoit . Derby , ironfounder— John Robinson and Charles Robinson , Leeds , woollen cloth merchants—Thomas MABRiorT , Nottingham , tailor- — Joseph Williams , Vauxliall-bridge-road , Surrey , tailor—Joseph Oswald- Robson , Castle-street East , Oxford-street , carpenter—Edwin Rogers , Walsali , grocer—Robert Hoff Bryan , Lincoln , clock maker —William Treveihick , Lincoln , timber merchant .
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Lond . on , Friday Evening , April 3 , 1857 . The Bank of England has thought it advisable to put a stop to the incessant demand for Bullion by raising the rate of discount to 61 per cent . This came rather unexpectedly on the money markets , and its occurring so near the 4 th of the month , when bills become due , lias caused some inconvenience to the mercantile public . The power vested in the Bank directors is so great , that ere long the question must bo raised as to the propriety of allowing a few dozen men to be the arbiters of the fortunes and destiny perhaps of millions of thoir countrymen . The announcement , of the resolution arrived at by the Bank directors gave a damp to all business' It had been suspected on Wednesday , owing to some remarkable sales , that such a measure was under consideration , and the market was weals , when tho news arrived . The lowest point reached as yet has been 93 J for . this coming account . Railway shares had been very buoyantup to this point , but a fall of & to 5 per cent , ensued in the leading lines . Money is not diificult to be met with at 6 to C 4 per cent , for short dates . In tho foreign stocks there has been a decidedly less firm feeling in Turkish and Russian stocks . Mexicans havo improved . In Spanish , 110 business worth recording . So occupied has the City been with the elections uoth in and out of tho metropolis this present week , that business has been at a standstill . Great satisfaction has been expressed at the triumph of Lord John Itussell for London . In railway shares , East Indians generally look very healthy . Great Western of Canada are depressed , owing to tho account received of tho frightful accident near Hamilton on this line . Grand Trunk of Canada have been largely bought , but their dropping down so much looks as if tho public had overbought , and would fain get rid of some portion of their adventure . Caledonian , Dover , Leeds , and East Lancashire , aro all "well thought of . Joint-stock Banks still look uninviting , investments and recent ovents havo frightened people from risking their whole fortune in such schemes . Mining market much neglected , and business at a sland-A meeting of the Australian Agricultural Company took placo this week , and the statements of tho directory were so unsatisfactory that they decreased the value of the shares to 211 . ; not six years ago they wcro soiling at 300 J . to 8 ( 5 OJ . per share . The markets closo at four o ' clock . Consols for accourit S ) 3 i , mi ; Turkish Six i > er Cent . 5 , « 7 ; Turkish Four per Cent . 100 J , 101 . Blackburn , 83 , 9 ; Caledonian , 08 i , CO }; Chester and Holylioad , 8 * . 38 ; Eastern Counties , 11 , ni ; Groat Northern ' 01 , U 7 i ; Great Southern and Western ( Ireland . * , 105 , 107-Great Western , 00 $ , 07 ^; Lancashire and Yorkshire , 101 ! , 102 *; London and Blackwall , « , Gi ; London , Brighton and South Const , 107 , 109 ; London and North-Western , l 05 j ! 100 i ; London and South-AVesterh , 103 , 103 J ; Midland , 811 , 82 , 1 ; Nortli-Uasteru ( Berwick ) , 80 , 87 ; South-Eastern ( L ) ov ( -r ) , 75 , 7 ( 5 ; Antwerp and ltottordam , 7 , 7 t ; Dutch Rhenish , par . i ; lOastern of Franco ( Paris and Strasbourg ) . 35 J , 3 ( 1 i Groat Central of Franco , 24 , 211 ; Great Luxembourg , « J , 01 ; Northern of Franco , 4 1 ^ , 4 l |; l ' aris and Lyons , 02 J , i > -li , Royal JJanish , 18 , 20 ; ' Royal Swedish , 11 , 1 |; Sunibreand JWeiiHo . ol , 1 > J . CORN M A 11 It E T . , _ Mark-lanrs , Friday , April 4 , 1 H 57-The arrivals of Whoat into London havn been moderate , but the triulo continues in a dull ntate without change in value . Gulnt' / , Mnixo hrw been w > M at 8 < K , and Hulgariuu at 35 n ., Odessa , at 'Ma , ml , and a cargo of Foxnnlau nt ; tt ) . s . Cd . lor Spain , all c < wt , freight , and insurance . Ano supply of JJurloy and Oatu oxcoed . s tho demand , and prices have declined la .
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FOREIGN FUNDS . ( Last Official Quotation dcjzing tjie "Week ending Friday Evenino . ) Brazilian Bonds . 100 Portuguese 4 per Cents . ... BupnosAyrcs 6 p . Cents 85 i Russian Bonds , 5 per Chilians per Cents ....... 102 i Cents ... 105 Chilians per Cents ....... ... Russian 4 . 3 per Cents .... 95 Dutch 24 per Cents ....... ... Spanish .. ... Dutch-4 per Cent . Ccrtf . 1 ) 8 J Spanish Committee Cer-Equador Bonds .... ... of Coup , not Tun 6 ? Mexican Account ......... 23 J : Turkish 6 per Cents 97 g Peruvian 43 per Cents .... 774 Turkish New , 4 ditto .... 10 OJ Portuguese 3 per Cents . 45 i ! Venezuela ** per Cents .. ...
Royal. Italian Ope31a. Mr. Gye Begs Most Respectfullyto Announce That The Royal Italian Opera Will, During The Season
ROYAL . ITALIAN OPERA . M R . GYE begs most respectfullyto announce that the Royal Italian Opera will , during the season
Leader (1850-1860), April 4, 1857, page 333, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2187/page/21/