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TpiNSBURY CHAPEL, SOUTH-PLACE.— JU Gentlemen desirous ofpromoting the Cultivation and Lectures
~ ;—T~ r* f\> * /(l lTtntrri>t* rt a I ^3 TT ft tVl% VliyUUnUt-1IUU ^lUUliJul * ^
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Diffusion of Religious Free Thought , by Single or Courses of Lectures on Sunday mornings at the above Chapel , are invited to communicate with the Secretary . The Lectures are not expected to be gratuitous .
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DR . KAHN'S MUSEUM , 4 , COVENTRYSTREET , LEICESTER-SQUARE . Programme : Lectures by Dr . Kahn . daily , at 3 o ' clock , on the Physiology of Mariiage and the Diseases of Imprudence , and by Dr . Sexton , F . R-G . S ., F . E . S ., as follows : At half-past 1 , on Vision ; its Laws , Curiosties , Phenomena , and Disorders , &o . At 4 , the Great Tobacco Controversy . At half-past 7 , tho Food we eat ; its Uses , Preparation . Adulteration , and Digestion . The Museum contains 1000 Models arid Preparations , and is wholly unrivalled in the world . Open daily ( for gentlemen only ) from 10 till 10 . Admission , Is . —Catalogues , containing Dr . Kahn ' s Lectures , gratis to visitors .
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ADLLE . ROSA BONHEUR'S GREAT PICTURE of THE HORSE FAIR . —Messrs . P . and D . COLNAGHI and Co . beg to announce that the above Picture is now on View at the GERMAN GALLERY , 168 . New Bond-street , from 9 to 6 r for a limited period- —Admission , Is . .
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SCHWEPPE'S MALVERN SELTZER WATER . —Manufactured by J . SCHWEPPE and Co ., the sole lessees , from the Pure Water of tho Holy Well , possesses all the celebrated properties of tho Nassau Spring . Schweppe ' s Soda , Magnesia , Potass Waters and Lemonade are manufactured as usual . Every Bottle is protected by a Label with their signature . SCHWEPPE & CO ., Manufacturers of SODA , MAGNESIA , and POTASS WATERS and LEMONADE . LONDON , LIVERPOOL , BRISTOL , AND DERBY .
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HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT AND PILLS . The variable temperature of the English | climate exercises a pernicious and deleterious influence on the skin , tho muscles , and the glands , and thus it is wo find erysipelas , blotches , boils , and quinsoy , so prevalent at particular seasons of the year , often engendered , and always aggravated , by this bane to health . Providentially , in Holloway ' s Ointment , we have the antidote before us , eradicating disease , and invigorating tho outward organs , whilst the Pills conjointly prevent the recurrence of internal complaints or outward inflammation . Sold by all Medicino Vendors throughout tho world ; at Professor HOLLOWAY'S Establishments , 244 , Strand , London , nn 1 8 : ) , Maiden-lane , New York : by A . Stampa , Constantinople ; A . Guidlcy , Smyrna ; and Is . Muir , Malta .
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DR . DE JONGH'S LIGHT BROWN COD LIVER OIL Has now , inconsequence of its marked superiority ovor every other variety , soouredtho entire conlldenoo and almost universal preference of tho most eminent Medical Practitionora as the most SDoodv and effectual remedy for CONSUMPTION , BRONCHI * IS * ASTHMA , GOU'l ? f RHEUMATISM , SCIATICA . DIABETES , DISEASES OF THE SKIN , NlflURALGIA , RICKETS , INFANTILE WASTING GENERAL DEBILITY , and all SCROFULOUS AFFECTIONS . Its loading distinctive characteristics are : COMPLETE PRESERVATION OV ACTIVE AND ESSENTIAL PRINCIPLES . INVARIABLE PURITY AND UNIFORM STRENGTH . ENTIRE FREEDOM FftOM NAUSEOUS FLAVOUR AND AFTERTASTE . RAPID CURATIVE EFFECTS , AND CONSEQUENT ECONOMY . opinion OF CHARLES COWAN . Esq ., M . D ., L . R . O . S . E , Senior Physician to the Royal Berksniro Hospital , ConsultingPhysician to tho Reading Dispensary , Translator of " Louis on Vhthisia , " dec . Dr . Cowan is glad to find that tho Profession has somo reasonable guarantee for a gonulno article . The material now sold varies in almost ovory establishment whore it is purchased , and a tendency to prefer n colourless and tasteloss Oil . if not counteracted , will ultimately Jeopardise tho reputation of an unquestionably valuable addition to the Matoria Modion . Dr . Cowan wishes Dr . Dm Jongh every success in his raoritorious undertaking . Sold only in Impbrial Half . nlnts . 2 s . 0 d . ; Pints , 4 s . 0 d . ; Quarts , Os . t capsuled and labollod with Dr . » m Jongh'b Stampaud Signature , without which nowhoan possibly jib gbnuinh , by many respectable Chemists throughout tho Unltod Kingdom . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEPOT , \ NSAR , HARl ? OItD , £ ( X > ., 77 , STRAND , LONDON , W . C ., DIC DM JONGH ' B SOLE HUITI 3 U OONSIGN 1 IUU , By whom tho Oil Is dally forwardoa to all parts of the Metropolis .
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HER MAJESTY'S THEATRE . — 11 / DON GIOVANNI . On Thursday next , June 11 ( included in the Subscription iu lieu of Saturday , 25 th July ) , will be produced MOZART'S CHEF-DCEUVRE , with the following unprecedented cast : —Zerlina , Mad He . Piccolomini ; Donna Anna , Madlle . Spezia ¦ , and Donna Elvira , Madlle . Ortolani . Don Giovanni , Sig . Beneventano ; Leporello , Sig :. Belletti ; Masetto , Sig . Corsi ; II Commandatore , Sig . ViaJetti ; and Don Ottavio , Sig . Giuglini . The " Minuet . " in the Ball Scene will be danced by Mdlles . Pasquali , Karliski , Mortacchi , Marie , and the Corps de Ballet . Conductor , Signof Bonetti . The Mise-en-Scene by Sig . Ronzani ; the Scenery by Mr . Charles Marshall ; the Dresses executed by Mrs . Masterman and M . Laureys , under the direction of Madame Copere ; the Properties , Mr . Bradwell . From respect to the grand work of the immortal Composer , the following Artistes of the Establishment have consented to lend their assistance to increase the effect of tho Majestic Finale of the First Act , including the Chorus " Viva la Liberta : "—MM . Reichardt , C . Braham , Bottardi . Mercuriali , Kinni , De Soros , and Baillou . Mesdames Poma , Berti , Baillou , Fazio , and Ramos . The following pieces hitherto omitted will be restored : — "Ah ! fuggi il Traditor , " sung by Madame Ortolani ; "Ho Capito / 'Signor Corsi ; "Delia Sua Pace , " Signor Giuglini . On Tuesday next , June 9 , IL BARBIERE DI SIVIGLIA . Rosina , Madame Alboni . To conclude with the Ballet of ACALISTA .
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FRE NCH PLAYS . —ST . JAMES'S THEATRE . —LES BOUFFES PARISIANS . Open every evening . Monday , the Opera-Comique , en un acte , L'Opera aux Fenetres , paroles de L . Halevy , musique de Gastinel , with new scenery , painted expressly by Messrs . Cuthbert and Adams- —Muller , Proprietaire , M . Leonce ; Fraritz , Poete , M . Tayau ; Frederic , Officier , M . Charles Petit ; Louise , Niece de Muller , Madlle . Dalmont . Operette-Bouffe , en un acte , Six Demoiselles a Marier , Saroles de M . Jaime , musique de Delibes . —M . Beaucoq , [ . Pradeau ; Parvi , M . Tayau ; Sidonie , Servante de M . Beaucoq , Madlle . Mace . Les Six Filles de M . Beaucoq : Segovia , Madlle . Mareshal . Barcelonia , Soudzoukala , Pesth , Millana . Lieutza . With other entertainments . In order to ensure the best possible effect to their performances , the orchestra attached to the establishment in Paris has been brought over by the Director of the Com- - Sany , Monsieur Offenbach , who will occasionally conduct ae Performances . —Leader of the Band , M- Jules Offenbach . In rehearsal , Le Savetier et le Financier , musique de Offenbach , and La Rose de St . Flour , musique ^ de Offenbach . LES BOUTFES PARISIENS . —Thursday , May > 28 , 1857 . Mr . MITCHELL respectfully announces that , in consequence of the general satisfaction afforded by these performances at the St . James ' s Theatre , and the patronage with which they are honoured , Monsr . Offenbach , the Director Of the Company , has been induced and enabled , with the consent and approbation of his Excellency the Mimstro d'Etat , to close the Theatre des Bouffes in Paris , and to bring over the remaining Members of the Company—Monsr . Tajau , Monsr . Leonce , Morisr . Charles Petit , Monsr . Caillat , and Madlle . Corally Guffroy , who will have the honour of appearing , conjointly with Monsr . Pradeau , M . Guyot ... M . Mesmacre , M . Paul , Madlle . Dalmont , Madlle . Mace , and Madlle . MareschaL Tho following new and attractive pieces will be added to the repertoire : —" Le Roi Boit , ' "La Pomme de Turquie , " " Apres l'Orage , " " L'Orgue de Barbarie > " &c . &c . &c . Performances will bo given every Evening . Subscriptions may be arranged upon the same terms as at the commencement : —Stalls for twelve representations , 5 guineas ; Private Boxes , 30 and 40 guineas . By tho Night : Stalls , 10 s . 6 d . ; Public Boxes . 5 s . ; Pit , 2 s . 6 d . ; Amphitheatre , 2 s . Private Boxes , Stalls , and Tickets , may be secured at Mr . Mitchell ' s Royal Library , 33 , Old Bond-street ; Mr . Sams' Royal Library , St . James sstreet ; Messrs . Kbors ' , Rush , and Bubb ( late Andrews' ) , Ilookham ' s , Leader and Cock ' s , Chappell ' s , Hammonds , Campbell ' s , Cabby ' s , and Ollivier ' s Libraries , Bond-street ; Cramer ' s , JullienV and the Carlton Library , 12 , Regentstreet ; Messrs . Keith and Prowse ' s Music Warehouse , 48 , Cheapsidoj and at the Box-office , which is open daily from Eleven till Five o ' clock .
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ROYAL OLYMPIC THEATRE . Lessee , Mr . Alfred Wigan . Monday , and ^ unng ^ e ^ wee ^^ olothi Messrs . G . Vining , Addison . and Cooke ; Mrs . Stirling . DADDY HARDACRB . Mr . F . Robson ; Misses Stephens and Hughes . And THE WANDERING MINSTREL . Mr . F . Robson . . Monday , June 15 th , will be revived Murphy ' s Comedy ALL IN THE WRONG . . Charactorsby Messrs . F . Robson , Addison , G . Vining , G . Cooke ; Mrs . Stirling , Misses Swanborough . Marston , &o . Commence at Half-past Seven .
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HAJNOVJ $ K / -B < 4 UAJKJBi IWJUIHO . COLOGNE CHORAL UNION . — Mr . MITCHELL bos tho honour to announce that tho LAST CONCERTS of this Distinguished Sooioty will take t ^^ S&k ^^^^^ ' ^^ ^^^ England . PROGRAMME . , fc 1 . "On the Water , " .... Mendelssohn . 2 . " Tho Little Church . " Chorus . J . Becker . 3 . " Tho Throe Little Roses . " . . Dr . Fr . Sllohor . 4 . " Tho Young Musicians , " . . Kucken . 6 . " Song of Liberty , " . . . CM . Von Weber . In tho interval of tho Concert , M . OFFENBACH ( Honorary Member of the Cologne Choral Union , and Director or Los BouffoB Parisions ) , will have tho honour of executing a Fantasia on tho Violoncello , " Hommago a Rossini " accompanied on tho Pianoforto by Herr Director WEBER . 0 . " Double Serenade , " .... Kollnor . 7 . •¦ Popular Songs" {\\ ' $ ^ & p 8 £ ? \ . } Dr . Fr . BUohor . 8 . " Spanish Oanzonot , " by M . DUMONT . Roiohardt . 0 . " Danco , " Otto . 10 . " The Morry Wanderer , " . • Mondolssohn . God Save tho Queen , " . . . National Air . Doors onon at Eight , Concert at half-past Eight . Director , Horr FRANS 5 WEBER . „ , , lleaorvod Stalla , 10 a . « d .: Baok Seats , Ds . Which may bo soourod at Mr . MITOJIELL'H Royal Library , 83 , Old Boiidatroot . .- _ -
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i > liEJNCH BXHIBITION .-THJfl FOUitLg . Jf ANNUAL EXHIBITION of PloM » ro » by Modor" ArtlHts of thoFRENCH SCHOOL , i » Now Open to I 10 PubMoaC tho Frbnow Gallery , Ml , Pa'AMaia , oppobUo the , oiicro OoJomiado . Admission . Ono Slilll ng 1 OatuloBiics , Hixponoti each . Opon from NINE to SIX IMlly .
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^ BIRTHS MARRIAGES , AND DEATHS . BIRTHS . r t atvt -On the 5 th May , at Tobago , West Indies , the wife AI < l 4 I . ' " ^ i t Mlam , Esq ., Colonial Secretary : a daughter . ° , r ^ the 12 th Aprf l at Trichinopoly , India , the wife Sl Wlliam Clulow £ im , Esq ., Madras Civil Service : a son . MARRIAGES . ^ ¦ mmrATV—UTHER . —On the 30 th May , at Sfc : Mary ' s , ^? 5 ^ n John Aiaerman , Esq ; , of Crowland . Lincoln-Ighng ton , Jonn ^ ^ rf ^ er ; youngest daughter of the , ^ Vnhn Sh K ; formerly of Banbury , Oxfordshire . ei TnwN-MIDi > LE ^ ON . -OH the 29 th May ( after a pre-ST «^ risK 8 by license , the 25 th of April , at the Renter ™ See * of Marriages for St . Martin ' s-jn-the-Pields , £ ff ^« the Superintendent Registrar , assisted by Mr . ^ £ ™ ttw Hay ) , at St . Pancras New Church , by the Rev . T ^ ft . tdl ) aie , Vane Ireton Shaftesbury . youngest son of ^ ffle / iu wistus St . John , Esq .. of 13 , Grove-end-road , St . TnWs-wood , Eliza Catherine , youngest daughter of Saffory Middleton . Esq ., of 40 , Long-acre . DEATHS . -ROLIiAND . —On the 26 th of April , near Jerusalem , of Dleurisy , in the 33 rd year of his age . the Rey . John Bol-Faiid youngest son of the late Baron Bolland . ttVANS—On the 21 st April , of fever , at Rome , the Rev . E . - T E vans , incumbent of Llandudno . North Wales , aged 33 .
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BRITISH FUNDS FOR THE PAST WEEK . ( Closing- Prices . ) Sat . Mon . Tues . Wed . Tliur . Frid . Bank Stock 214 213 * 2 l 2 i 213 214 2134 3 per Cent . Red 92 * 924 925 92 f 92 f 92 J 3 per Cent . Con . An . 93 ? 94 J 935 935 938 94 Consols for Account 935 94 94 93 ? 94 i 94 J New 3 per Cent . An . 92 i 92 J 925 92 i 92 i 92 f New 2 J per Cents ... I ' Long Ans . 1860 2 7-16 India Stock 323 221 221 222 Ditto Bonds . £ 1000 ; 4 d 7 d I Ditto , under . £ 10001 4 d 3 d 4 d Ex . Bills , £ 1000 2 p 2 p 2 p par 4 p Ditto , £ 500 2 p 2 p 2 p par I lp Ditto . Small 3 p 2 p 2 p par ! 6 d
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. Ttnna 6 . 1857-1 ' THE LEADER , 549
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FOREIGN FUNDS . ( Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Fiudat Evening . ) Brazilian Bonds 100 Portuguese 4 per Cents . ... Buenos Ayres 6 p . Cents 87 i Russian Bonds , 5 per Chilian 6 per Cents 1011 Cents Chilian 3 per Cents Russian 44 per Cents— 98 * Dutch 24 per Cents 65 i Spanish 25 i Dutch 4 per Cent . Certf . 97 i Spanish Committee Cer-Equador Bonds of Coup , not fun 6 | Mexican Account 23 Turkish 6 per Cents 94 f Peruvian 4 i per Cents Turkish New , 4 ditto .... lOlf Portuguese 3 per Cents . 46 Venezuela 4 £ per Cents
Tpinsbury Chapel, South-Place.— Ju Gentlemen Desirous Ofpromoting The Cultivation And Lectures
T 7 » INSBURY CHAPEL , SOUTH-PLACE . — JU Gentlemen desirous of promoting the Cultivation and Lectures
~ ;—T~ R* F\≫ * /(L Lttntrri≫T* Rt A I ^3 Tt Ft Tvl% Vliyuunut-1iuu ^Luulijul * ^
Cmnmmtnl Maixs . *
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London , Friday Evening , June 5 , 1857 . The Australian gold delivery is taking place at last , and the amount received thia last week from various sources must be considerable . . The shipments of silver , however , for India and China continue without abatement , and the exchange being against this country wo shall still have to send out bullion . The pressure for money has been excessive , and this has stopped all speculation . The Consols monthly account has been settled this day . The rate of continuation is as high as | percent ., which serves to show that the speculators for a rise are still in the ascendant . The lino weather adds to the buoyancy of the market , and an easier money market once given we must have a general rise . Against this there is that fatal thunder cloud which hangs over the Bourse of Paris and the Empire of France , and which must some day burst and ruin half Franco , taking a goodly number of our countrymen along with it . The foreign stocks have boon steady . A slight improvement in Turkish Six per Cent ., but thoy do not go much beyond 95 . French and Belgian railway shares are heavier , this is particularly noticeable in Sambro and Mouse , Luxembourg , Paris and Lyons . Riga and Dunaburg shares having fallen to 10 s . per share disoount , have made a call of 4 , 1 . per share , and are recovering by slow degrees . The traffic returns of Grand Trunk of Canada ana Great Western of Canada are becoming bettor , and these linos are in greater favour . All the traffic returns are excellent , but shares are nod in proportion , although the fooling this afternoon is decidedly bettor . Caledonians have fallon to 301 . again , and are not looking nearly so welL Joint-Stock Bank shares continue in demand . Mining shares are much depressed . A considerable fall In the price of Copper has brought many sellers of shares into the market . Load Minos shares have not experienced the same fall . In Miscellaneous shares , absence of business is shown by hardly ono single bargain being marked on tho daily official Hut . Blackburn , 89 , 9 ; Caledonian , 72 J , 723 ; Chester and Holyhood , 30 , 37 ; Eastern Counties , 11 a , 11 J ; Great Northern , 00 ) , 974 ; Groat Southern and Western ( Ireland ; . 103 , 105 1 Groat Western , 04 * , 04 J ; Lancashire and Yorkshire , 1004 , 101 ; London and Blaokwall , 0 , 0 i ; London , Brighton , and South Const , 110 , 112 ; London and North-Wostorn , 104 , 1044 ; London and South » Western , 991 , 100 : Midland , 834 , 84 ; North-Eastorn , ( Berwick ) , 80 , 00 ; South-Eastern ( Dovor ) , 74 , 74 J 1 Antwerp and Rotterdam , 0 $ , 7 i Dutch Rhenish , 2 , H dis . ; Eastern of Franco ( Paris and Strasbourg ) , 28 | , 29 * 1 Groat Central of Franco , 24 j , 241 ; Great Luxembourg , flj , OS ; Northern of Franco , 373 , 381 ; Paris and Lyons , 584 , 582 ; Royal Danish , 10 , 18 ; Royal Swedish , 1 . 14 ; Sambro and Mouse , 8 , 84 .
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CORN MARKET . Mark-lane , Friday , JunoO , 1857 . Wn have received from abroad thin week 41 . 130 qrs . of Wheat , 10 , 810 qrs . of Barley , 07 , 200 qrs . of Oat » , and 1010 barrels of Hour . Holders , howovor , linvo evinced groat firm-» OHu , and tho value of wheat has boon fully supported . Tho q uantity of English grain on sale to-day wns not largo . « arloy , Beans , and Peas underwent no change of im-Portunoo , while in Oattt tho turn In price was against tho buyer .
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FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE . Tuesday , June 2 . RATJKRUPTS . —Lewis Heney Mtees , late of the Jews Hospital , Mile-end-road , and Long-acre , now of 35 , Welles-£ v-street . Stepney , dealer in Manchester goods—George William Gmnisteb and Wiixiam Joseph Glinister . SDri hK-Karden-place and Green-street , Stepney , grocers , cheeseinongers , and beer retailers-James Woods . 23 , Conduffr-streetf Hanover-square , tailor - Chables Budden , BasiiiKstoke , Hants , tailor—John Lowdes and William Lowden , 13 , Coleshill-street , Pimlico , shipowners—Geoege Dubeant Staexing . Ormesby , Norfolk , grocer , draper , and miller —George Whieldon , the younger , Wyke-hpuse , near Wincanton , Gillingham , Dorsetshire , brick and tile maker-JoHN Joseph Bpggins , Birmingham , silver plater Sid pearl cutter—John Betts , 16 , West-street , Bristol , grocer and provision dealer—Geokge Matthew Hale , Cardiff , Glamorganshire , late of St . Arvans , Monmouthshire , victualler—Thomas Greenwood and Samuel King , Cannon-street and St . Aubyn-street , Devonport . builders and contractors—Robeet Noble , Whitby , Yorkshire , dentist—Benjamin Chadwick , Liverpool , chronometer and watch maker—John Evans , Spring-vale-works , Whitefield , Lancashire , bleacher — Richard W alburn , Howdon , near Crook , Durham , grocer and draper . ¦ SCOTCH SEQUESTRATIONS . —Jas . Ralston , Cowcaddens-street , Glasgow , ironmonger , tinsmith , and gasfitter—Robertson Brothers , Glasgow , tea , coffee , fruit , and spice merchants—Angus Shaw , Cowcaddens , Glasgow , glass and china merchant . . Friday , July 5 . BANKRUPTCY ANNULLED . —David MEYRiCK . Cardiff , Glamorganshire , boot maker . BANKRUPTS . —James Shaw , Southover , near Lewes , grocer — Charles Knowslet , Exeter * draper — James Hoggins , Strand , auctioneer and tobacconist — John Frederick Goodebed , Piccadilly , wine merchant — Samuel Gbottick , Blackfriars-road , hatter-
Leader (1850-1860), June 6, 1857, page 549, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2196/page/21/