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Just published , in One Volume , 8 vo , price 12 s . 6 d . cloth , T'HE FRANKS , from their First Appearance JL in History to the Death of King Pepin . By WALTE R C PERRY Barrister-at-Law . Doctor in Philosophy and Master of Arts iu the University of Gotthiffen . London : Longman , Bkown , and Co .
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The Third Edition , revised , in fcap .-8 vo , price 5 s . ' , cloth , PSYCHOLOGICAL INQUIRIES , in a Series of Essays intended to illustrate the Influence of the Physical Organisation on the Mental Faculties . By Sir BENJAMIN C . BRODIE , Bare . D . C . L ., V . P . RS ., Corresponding Member of the Institute of France , &c . London : Longman , Brows , and Co .
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NEW EDITION OF MATTHEW ARNOLD'S POEMS . Just published , in fcap . 8 vo , price 5 s . 6 d . cloth , POEMS . By MATTHEW ARNOLD , Third Edition . Uniform with the above , in fcap . 8 vo ^ price 5 s . ^ A Second Series of MATTHEW ARNOLD'S POEMS . „ , „ London : Longman , Brown " , and Co .
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Now ready , in crown 8 vo , 5 s ., post free T O BE OR NOT TO BE . By ' HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSEN , Author of " The Imnro visatoro . " * London : Richard Eentlet , New Burlington-street .
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A NEW TALE BY WILKIE COLLINS . On the 10 th iust , will bo published , in 2 vols . post 8 vo , price 21 s ., THE D EAD SECRET . By Wilkie Coujns . Bkadbtjet and Evans , 11 , Bouverie-street .
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COMPLETION OF MR . THACKERAY'S MISCELLANIES . Now ready , price 6 s ., the TPOXTRTEC VOLUME OF " MISCELLAJE ISrjES , " by W- M . THACKERAY . Ooothjub . —Tne '¦ pita-BobOle Papers ; Men ' s Wives ; A Shabby-Genteel Story ; Tho History or Samuel Titmarsh and the Great Hoggarty Diamond . Also published separately at various prices . Bradbury and Evans , 11 , Bouverie-street .
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Shortly , in post 8 ro , price 7 s . ' 6 d ., with frontispiece , H ELEN AND OLGA : a Russian Tale . By the Author of "Mary Powell . " Arthur ttat . t . . Virtue and Co ., 25 , Paternoster-row .
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Juat published , 8 vo , cloth , 3 s . Cd ., Bailho Prizo Essay , / CHRISTIANITY and INFIDELITY : an V _ y Exposition of the Arguments on both Sides . By S . S . HENNELL . " An excellent epitome . Wo have not mot with a bettor manual for the use of religious students . "—Athenceum . " A really noticeable book , distinguished among controversial works alike by ita candour and its moral tone , "Zioadev . ' •' The index rorum of a cultivated truth-sookor , presenting the latest aspects of tho most vital of controversies in the most convenient and suggestive shape Wo earnestly commend it to tho student , the minister , tho honest inquirer of every grade and description , "—Carlisle Journal . Arthur Hall . Vxrxub , and Co ., 25 , Paternoator-row .
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Just publishod , A SAUNTER THROUGH SURREY . By M . C TURNER , Esq ., of tho Inner Temple , Barrlstor-at-Law . Price 3 s . 6 d . Cloth gilt . W . Walker , 100 , Strand .
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A THIRD AND CHEAPER EDITION OV MR . KIlttGiSJUBY ' s WESTWARD HO ! Just ready , in one handsomely printed volume f 020 pages ) , crown 8 vo , bound in cloth , price 7 a . Od . % A few copies ortho Second Button , in Throo Vols ., crown 8 vo , ll . Us . Cd ., aro still ou hand . WESTWARD KCO ! or ,.. tho Voyages and Adventures bf Sir Amyas . Lotah , Knight , of Burrpugh , In tho County of Dovon , in tho reign of ifor Most Olorloua SNSP&SM J ] 1 1 S ? J Av lloiKlorua lnt < > Modern Bngltuh by OHABLJiio 4 vlJNV * oJUiJX , . Cambridge : Maobuixan and Oo .
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Just published , Fourth Edition , crown Svo , price 7 s . 6 d ., SCENES AND LEGENDS OF THE NORTH OF SCOTLAND ; OK , THE TRADITIONAL HISTORY OF CfcONIAfrTY . By the late H ^ GH MILLER . Edinburgh : Thomas Constable and Co . London : Hamilton , Adams , and Co .
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BLACKWOOD'S MTA ' G ' AZUN'E , "' ' for JUNE , 1857 . No . D . Price 2 s . Cd . contknts : What will he do with it ? «* Pisistratus Caxto . v . —Book I . New Sbasiuk Studiks . —No . I . Tjiis Scilly Isles . Scenes of Clerical Life . —No . II . Mn . Oilfils Love Stoky . —1 ' aict IV . Ameuican Kxi'LoiwTiONS . — China and Japas . The Athelinos ; ou , The Tiikee bir « .-Uni rut LAST . SlU FltAXCIS I ' ALCiliAVK AND HIS BOOKS . Stewakt ' s Puacticai . Anomck . Manchestku Kxiium-ioN ok Akt- Ihkasuuls . Maoa's Bikthi > ay , / Ktatis Five Huwdkbd . William Blackwood and Sons . Edinburgh and London .
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THE WOMAN'S ADVOCATE , rpHE ENGLISHWOMAN'S BEVIEW ^ mJ 1 Drawing on . Journalof Soolg litres ' ^ fft ™ and Art . Edited by Kl . iANOR DtOK"UKi'i class Fortnightly l ' oriodlcnl , t ollir \ bul ^ d eSa \\ y a ^ 10 " and devoted to Woui . ui ' 8 »» toro { . Uj , « . jid ^ yXirbOcUl eating ar « increase of foraalo umploymoirt aim improvomonta aiVcctlnB tl » o woliaro of women . Publbhod , ovory alloruato Saturday , price ou ., uv Strand ., —
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J IVING CKLEBKITiES . A S ^ j jig JU totfraphlc Portraits , by MAULL and 1 ui , ia » Tho numbor for Juno contains , WILLIAM POWliLL F 1 UTH , Eaq ., » . A . With Memoir . Maull and VovtiuKVK . M . Qr ^™*^? : * 187 a , Plcamllllyi and IMvm BoauB , 80 , I ' lo oiJ ^
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WOMA N ; AND HKtt FAIL ^^^ UENRY ' TYUltKLL . 8 vo domy , I > i o « !»• , IIOLYOAkn and 0 o ., VVl , Fleet-street i can Do throuRh any liberal Koi > k » oUo «* -
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_ __ <^<—*^— '_ 1 __^ m ^ m^*—^***^^^—¦ ¦ ft Just publlHhoa . P « 'ioo ' in ., post froo « - 6 d-. A N ESSAY ON Bl'WKM ^ PKSu ^ i 'l-J \ . Nature und TroftliinjiH . , w , li «» J fJ ^ Ulw I » Fraud » that aro nraottaod I y poiwi " ] Ju rniiK «»»« ' ^ ft « S&r ^ .. r , ?» ^ l ^' oWWWn .. ^ London . W . KHt ^ na v ^ l ^^^^^ . . . i ¦ - iii" ¦ i
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552 THE LEA D E R ,. [ No . 376 , Sat ., June 6 , 1857
Leader (1850-1860), June 6, 1857, page 552, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2196/page/24/