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Messrs . BLACKWOOD'S IE CENT PUBLICATIONS . ——?——ESSAYS . CONTRIBTrTED TO " BLACKWOOD ' s MAGAZEWE . " By the Eev . JOHN EAGLES , M . A-, Author of " The Sketcher . " Post 8 vo . 10 a . 6 d . THE ATHELIN GS $ OR , THE THREE GIFTS . By Mrs . OLIPHANT . 3 vols-, post 8 vo . U . lls . 6 d . RECREATIOMS OF CHRISTOPHER NORTH . 2 vols ., crown 8 vo . 12 s . Vol . I . now published , ESSAYS , CRITICAL AND IMAGINATIVE . By PROFESSOR WILSON . 4 vols . 24 s . BOTH WELL : A POEM . ByW . W . EDMONDSTOUNE AYTOTJN , D . C . L ., Author of " lays of the CavaUeis . " ] Second Edition , post 8 vo . 12 s . THE BOOK OF BALLADS . By BON GATTLTIER . 1 N "« W Edition , with Illustrations by DoYJUB , Leech , nnd Ckowqjtili * 8 s . 6 d . JESSIE CAMERON : A HIGHLAND STORY . By the LADY RACHEL BUTLIER . : A New Edition . 2 s . 6 d . CURRAN AND HIS CONTEMPORARIES . By CHARLES PHILLIPS , Esq ., B . A . A New Edition . Crown 8 vo . 7 s . € d . THREE YEARS IN CALIFORNIA , By J . D . BORTHWIGK . "With Illustrations . 8 vo . 14 s . THE SKETCHER . By the Rev . JOHN EAGLES , M . A . Post 8 vo . 10 s . 6 d . WORKS OF SAMUEL WARREN . D . C . L . A "Uniform Edition . 5 vols . Crown 8 vo . 24 s . 45 , Georgk-strket , Edinburgh ; a . nd 37 , Pa . tebko 3 ter-row , l . ondon-
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The Third Edition of * TOM BROWNN ' S SCHOOL BY DAYS BY A OLD O , Will be published in a few days , In crown 8 vo , cloth , price 10 s . 6 d . MACMIIXAN AND CO ., CAMBRIDGE .
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MR . ALEXANDER SMITH'S NEW VOLUMeT —^ ¦ ¦ ¦ . " ¦ ¦ This day , in fcap . 8 vo , cloth , 5 s ., O I T Y POEM S . BY ALEXANDER SMITH , AUTHOR OF " A . LIFE DRAMA , AND OTHER POEMS . " MACMILLANAND CO ., CAMBRIDGE .
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] POPULAR WORK ON THE FIVE SENSES . _ «— ¦ — In a few days-will be published , the Third Thousand of THE FIVE GATEWAYS OF KNOWLEDGE BY GEORGE WILSON , M . D ., F . R . S . E . Regius Professor of Technology in the University of Edinburgh , and Director of the Industrial Museum of Scotland . In foolscap 8 vo , cloth , with gilt leaves , 2 s . 6 d . PEOPLE'S EDITION , in ornamental stiff covers , One Shilling-. " This famous town cf Mansoul had Five Gates The names of the Gates were these—Ear Gate , Eye Gate , Mouth Gate , Nose Gate , and Feel Gate "—• Bttnya . n ' s Holy War . MACMILLAN A 2 STD CO ., CAMBRIDGE .
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Just published , price Six : Shillings , cloth , THE REBELLION in INDIA : How to prevent Another . By JOHN BRUCE NORTON , Esq ., Barrister-at-law , Madras . BioniEDsos Bkoxhebb , 25 , Cornhill , E . C
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Price One Shilling , FO UR PHASES OF LOYE . Translated by Ck H . KINGSLEY . "We are happy to congratulate Mr . Kingsley on this his first literary effort , and hope ho may eminently distinguish himself by giving to the world something as acceptable as Westward Ho V and ' Two Years Since , ' the delightful works of his brother . "—Morning Herald . London : Geobo-e Routibdgie and Co ., Farxingdon-street .
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RUSSELL'S MODERN EUJLOPE EPITOMIZED . In one vol ., price 5 s ., cloth lettered , TDUSSELL'S MODERN EUROPE EPIIX TOMIZED . For the use of Students and Schools Forming a complete Text-book of Modern History , a perfect Treasury of Faots , Dates , and Important Events , the History of Kingdoms and States , and of the Lives of Celebrated Characters . With an Index . It lias been the author ' s aim to supply what has long been wanting in English literature , a nandbook in which the chief events of modern history are sot forth in a clear , concise , and intelligent form . All Candidates for Offices in Her Majesty's Civil Service aro examined in Russell ' s Modern Europo . London : Geohqk Rootiedoe and Co ., Parringdon-stree
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Recently published , T HE POSITIVE PHILOSOPHY of AU-. n GUSTE COMTB . Freely Translated and Condensed by HARRIET MARTINEAU . 2 vols , largo postSvo , iel London : John Chapman , 8 , King-William-streot , Strand .
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HPHE WESTMINSTER BEVIEW . —Adver-JL tisemonts intended for insertion in tho Ootobor Number ( No . XXIV ,, Now Series ) should bo sent to tho Publisher jiot later than tho 24 th instant . Bills and Prospectuses by tho 28 tli . liondon : JonwOnAPMAN , 8 . King WilHam-stroot , Strand . .
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rpHE ILLUSTRATED INVENTOR .-This X Journal will bo a Record of Progroaa in tho various Moqhanical and Chemical Arts . Industrial Manufactures Agriculture , Engineering , Patents , Inventions , &c ., and wili include all Scientiflc Novelties , as well as the most humble domestic improvements . Early orders should bo given to all Booksellers and Newsagents . To bo publiahod on Satur-Strand W ^ C 5 d > < StamP ° ()« cd > O £ Rc ° . 289 ,
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" ' ¦ . In 2 vols . 8 vo , with Two Portraits , bound in cloth , price 30 s . THE LIFE AND WORKS OF GOETHE ; WITH BKETOHES OF HIS AOB AND CONTHMTOBABIES , MROM PUBLISHED AND ITNPCniJSHED SOURCES . By G . II . LEWES . » wl ! . ^ hl 011 ' beyond question , surpasses anvthinir ^ sBffls ^ aBTaaBftsraia o S i with ol « w »»««« and truth . QbotWs LifT lia ^ almost always in Germany boon handled cither by learn ^ i S ™ orconstr ««« vo > hiloso Phera . In LeweS , on thJ contrary , wo ace a man who , to profound and comnrohnn Blve cufturo , add 3 that otlUr culture which a K and 2 RiShi ? i * fti . ' t outwiir < 1 lif 0 al ° n ° can bestow Snd lTM ^ 8911101 1 . * JlB « nlal relationship witha * poet . ^ Mffte ^^^ -gs ^ ^^^ »\? Wi i ™ lY «? h »* 11 8 OC » ro IJ « w « s an onduXg » amo not onlv ¦ ^ ra ^ tf ^ siaftasss . teS : London : I ) . Nctt , 270 , Strand .
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Just published , in post 8 vo , price 10 s . 6 d . cloth , T HE STORY OF MY GIRLHOOD . By Mrs . KETVRTT LYNCH . " Pleasant little pictures of , and Mrs . Lynch has worked domestic life . "—Examiner . \ it in a manner worthy of her" Pleasant writine . " - ^ pec- self . ' The Story of Aly Girltator . hood' has our cordial reconv It is elegantly written , mendation . "—Leader . London : Longman , Beown , and Co ., Paternoster-row .
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NEW WORK BY THE " AUTHOR OF " NEVER TOO LATE TO MEND . " This day , crown 8 \ o , Two Shillings , THE COURSE of TRUE LOVE NEYER DID RUN SMOOTH . By CHARLES READE . Author of "Never Too late to Mend , " " Peg Woffington , " " Christio Johnatone . " London : Riobcajid Bentley , New Burlington-street . Orders received "by all booksellers throughout the United Kingdom .
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MR . BENTLEY'S NEW POPULAR SERIES . Just ready , in crown 8 vo , Two Shillings , ASPEN COURT . By SHIRLHY BROOKS , Author of " Miss Violet and her Offers . " London : Richaiid Benteey , New Burlington-street .
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Cheap Edition , this day , price 2 s . Cd ., boards , 3 s . 6 d ., cloth . HARRY COVERD ALE'S COURTSHIP , AND ALL THAT CAME OP IT . By F . E . SMEDLEY , Est | ., Author of tho " Colvillo lfainily , " &c By tho same author , PRANK FAIRLEGH , 2 s . Cd ., boards , 3 s . 6 d ., cloth . LEWIS ARUNDEL , 3 s ., boards , 4 s . cloth . Akthub IlAiii , Virtue and Co ., 25 , Paternoster-row .
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PARLOUR LIBRARY . —AN ORIGINAL WORK . Now ready , Vol . 171 , prico Is . Cd ., containing , HARRY HAMILTON ; or , Adventures Afloat and A . 8 hore . By Captain STEWART . Also , published in this Series , HUSSAR . By tho Rev . G . R . Gloig . 2 s . MAN-AT-ARMS . By « . 1 * . R . James . Is . fld . PHANTOM RBGIMENT . By Jamea Grant , la . fid . RIPLK RANGERS . By Captain Mayno Reid . la . ea . SCALP HUNTERS . Bv Captain Mayne Reid . ls . Od-HUNTER'S 1 * EAST . l ) y Captain Mnyuo Reid . lH . Od-London : Titomab Hodgson . , Paternoster-row .
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Early in Ootobor , Two Volumes , post octavo , HASSAN ; or , The Child of the P yramids . An Egyptian Talo . By tho Hon . O . A . MURKA . Y , ( - •»¦ - Author of " Tho Prairie Uird . " " Travels in North America , &c . London : JonN W . PAtiKKH and Son , " West Strand .
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London : Lacv , 80 , Htrami . Price 0 d ., post freo for 7 stamps , ^ pHE INDIAN EPITOME of PRONUf JL CIATION . PLACMS , DISTANCKS , ^^ N 1 ^' TERMS , Ac . By CHARLES W . SMITH . l *« - € > r «»« or o Elocution , Autlior of " Cmnmon Blunilors Corroctoa , «<•• London : Laov . 80 , Strand . __
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rAwnn , Wa : i London : Lacv , 80 , Htrami . LONDON . , Printed and WIMwt by toMm Edmond Q r ^^ S ^^ 5 S ^^ BtW , d . l , i tno Count , of MidOl ^ .-Soptc ^ eTI ^ , , . London : Laov . 80 , Strand .
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912 THE LEADER . [ No . 391 , September 19 / 1857 .
Leader (1850-1860), Sept. 19, 1857, page 912, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2210/page/24/