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, . ( <i5lllE A TIB ?; v >* ??.%• ?
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^, /(riYtntTtTVi^Jivf GJ tfi-» *^iY UbUlinTlnnil ^llt llUjJ . ""MIUIU AHHUUi,
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—upen every Jbvening , and , o-n Saturday , a Morning Entertainment , commencing at Three . —Seats can be secured at Mr . JTitchell ' s , 83 , Old Bond-street , and at the Hall . —Admission , Is ., 2 s ., and 3 s . ; commence every evening at Eight .
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DR . DE JONGH'S LIGrHT-BROWN COD LIVER OIL , Prescribed by the most eminent Medica . 1 Practitioners as the most speedy and effectual remedy for CONSUMPTION , BRONCHITIS , ASTHMA GOUT . RHEUMATISM , SCIATICA , DIABETES , DISEASES OF THE SKIN , NEURALGIA ., RICKETS , INFANTILE WASTING , GENERAL DEBILITY , AND ALL SCROFULOUS AFFECTIONS . Db . ib JoNGH . vn recognition of his scientific researches , has received from his Majesty , the King of the Belgians the Knighthood of the Order of Leopold , and the large Gold Medal of Merit ; and from his Majesty the King of the Netherlands , a Silver Medal specially struck for the purpose . Numerous spontaneous testimonials from physicians of European reputation attest that , in innumerable cases where other kinds of Cod Liver Oil had been long and copiously administered with little or no benefit , Dr . db Jongh ' s Oil has produced almost immediate relief , arrested disease , arid restored health . opxnios- op A . B . GB . A 1 TVTLLE , Esct-, M . D ., F-K-S . Author of " The Spas of Germany , " " The Spas qf England , " " On Sudden Death , " &c . < &c . "Dr . Granvillehas used Dr . de Jongh ' s Light-Brown Cod Liver Oil extensively in his practice , and has found it not only efficacious , but uniform in its qualities . He believes it to bo preferable in many respects to Oils sold without the guarantee of such an authority as De Jongh . De . Ghan-VIJLXE 3 IAS FOUND THAT THIS IAKTICUI . AR KIND PBODUCES THE DESJEED EFFECT IN A BHTORTEE TIM . E THAN OTHERS , AND THAT IT DOES NOT CAUSE THE NAUSEA AND INDIGESTION TOO OFTEN CONSEQUENT ON THE ADMINISTRATION OP the pai / e NEwro-TTNDXAND © its . Tho Oil being , more over , much more palatable , Dr . Granville ' s patients havo themselves expressed a preference for Dr . de Jongh ' s Light-Brown Cod Liver Oil . " Sold ONl / rin Impehiai , Half-pints , 2 s . 6 d . ; Pints . 4 s . Od . ; Quarts , 9 s . ; capsuled ami iauul 2 ? d with De . de Jongh ' b Stamp and Signature , without-which ncnkcan possibly be genuine , by most respectable Chemists throughout the United Kingdom . SOLE BUITI 9 H CONSIGNEEB , AN SAIt , HARFORD , & CO ., 77 , STRAND , LONDON , AV . C . CAUTION . —Strenuously resist proposed substitutions .
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nPRIESEMAR . —Protected by lloyal Letters J- Patent of England , and secured by tho seals of tho Ecole do Pharmacio de Paris , and tho Imperial College of Medici iio , Vienna . Triesemar , No . "l , is a remedy for relaxation , spermatorrhoea , and exhaustion of tho system . Trieseraar , No- 2 , effectually , in the short space of three days , comp ' etely and entirely eradicates all traces of those disorders which capsules havo so long been thought an antidote for , to tho ruin of the health of avast portion of the population . Triesemar , No . 3 , is thogreat Continental remedy for tbat class of disorders which unfortunately tho English pnysician treats with mercury , to the inevitable destruction of tho patient ' s constitution , and which all the sarsaparilla in tho world cannot remove . Triesonaai , Nos . 1 , 2 , nudS , arc alike devoid of taste or smell , and of all li'iusoating qualities . They may Ho on tho toilet table without their uao being suspected . —Sold in tin cases , pric * lls ., or four cases in one for 33 a ., which saves Us . ; and 11151 . cases , whereby there is a saving of ll . 12 s . ; divided into separate doses , as ad ministered by Valneau , Lallemand , Iloux , &o . Sold by D . Church , 78 , Graceuliurcli-strcet ; Bartlett Hooper , 43 , King William-street ; G . F . Watts , 17 , Strand ; Prout , 220 , Strand ; Hanuay , 0 , 'J , Oxford-street j Sanger , 1 G 0 , Oxford-street , London ; It . H . Iughain , Market-streot , Man-Chester ; and Powell . , Westnnoroland-slrcot , Dublin .
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HOLLOWAY'S PILLS ARE WITHOUT DOUBT TILK VERY BEST MEDICINE TOR . INDIGESTION AND FLATULENCY . —The tost of year . s has proved thoir-ellicacy in curing Hile , Flatulency . Indigestion , Kick Headache , Nervouunoss , n . nd Dobilitnted ConstltutioiiH . Tho well-known properties of theso oxcolloat Pills are too highly appreciated in tho present dny to rcquiro any encomium nero , as M »« y are resorted to by rich and poor in every nation , and tlioir proporticsaro to invigorate tho body , strengthen tho faculties , and restore tho invalids to a perfect stato of good health . Bold toy all Mudlcinu Vendors throughout tho world ; at rroressor HOLLOWAY'S Rstfil ) liHhjnont !* , U 44 , Strand . London , nmi 80 , Maiden-laim . Now York ; byA . Stampa . Constantlnonle ; A . Guidioy , Smyrna j and 15 . Muir , Malta .
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ingrfcheiBcaffijld- - -with -a firm - « tep , whereas be yas dragged to-the-4 tmf ^ shrieking and ; howling . He has the old . calculation about the ' ¦ u pwards of a , million , of ? ^ persbntf' perishing during : the revolutionary proscription '; Again ^ tlfe events of the Civil Wars in ^ Eng land are described with absurd and vuigar'ignorance , in a narration : based upon * the stalest and most wowni eatexx materials . ' : ' ¦ Erom first \ to last , Russell ' s History of Meder * Europe is a patchwork oft unintelligent clap-trap , shallow , obscure , and untrustworthy ; nor is it improved in the pew and condensed edition . ¦ ¦ - ••¦• : - M r * Hubert Gardiner Hill has found it necessary to prove hia title as the inventor of the Non-Restraint System in the Treatment of Lunacy .- In a volume called -. £ Goncise History of the Entire AhoUtio 7 iof Mechanical Rest faint in the Treatment of the Insane ( Longman and Co . ) he establishes his claim beyond the possibility of dispute . The work , however , has more than a personal object It exhibits the wonderful contrast between the old and new systems , and tirows "vivid light upon some of the most painful yet most interesting episodes in the history of the human mind . ^ _ ¦ We are chronicling the appearance of a few miscellanies not calling for detailed treatment . Although of a totally different character , therefore , we may here mention Mr . Thomas Forester ' s Memoir on the Proposed Junction of the Danube and the Black Sea by a Railway between Tchernavoda and a Free Port at \ Kustendjie ( Stanford and Co . ) . It contains an able view of the resources of the Danubian valley , the navigable capacities of the river , and the trade of the Black Sea , and sets forth certain , proposals of considerable importance to the commercial community . A free port at Kustendjie ,
con-- ueeted by a railway -with the Danube , -would undoubtedly develop one of f . the main principles of the Treaty of Paris more effectually than any meeting of plenipotentiaries . ¦ MrrE . B . Denison has republishedfrom the ' Encyclopedia Britainica ' " his instructive treatise oti Clocks and Locks ( Edinburgh : A . and C . Black ) adding 'A Full Account ; of the Great Clock at Westminster / The volume needs no recommendation .
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BIRTHS , MARRIAGES , AND DEATHS . BIRTHS . PRANCE . —On the 27 th ult ., at Heath . Mount , ttampstead . Mrs . R . R * Prance : a daughter . BrlCKETTS .- ^ On the 27 th it ist ., at 55 , Grosvenor-place , the Xady Caroline BJcketts : a sou . . : ;¦¦ ¦¦ ¦ MABRIAGES . ARBUTHNOT—JONBS . —On the 28 th inst ., at St . Mark ' s , Surbiton , Kingston-oiir Thames , George Arbuthnot . Esq ., son of the late Lieiltenant-General Sir Robert JVrbuthnot , K . C 3 J ., to Louisa Anne , second daughter of the late Lieutenant-General Sir Richard Jones . K . CB . PALMER—BLAIR . —On the 15 th inst , at Montrose , by the Right Rev . the . Bishop of Brechin , the Rev . George T . Palmer * B < A > , of St . Peter ' s College , Cambridge , second son of tlie late John Palmer , Esq ., Lieut . Ceylon Rifles , to Anns Frances , third daughter of Brigadier James Blah * , H . E . I . C . S .
. . DEATHS . HETLIEY . —On the 24 th May , at New Plymouth , New Zealand , Charles Hetley , Esq ., youngest son of the late Richard Hetley , Esq ., of Maid a Yale , London , in his 33 rd year-IiESTOCK . —At Cawnpore , in June last ( supposed to have periRhed in the general massacre ) , Major George Larkins , Bengal | Artillery ; also , Emma Ewent , wife of the above , with their three children , Jessie Douglas , Augusta Emily , and George Douglas Lestock .
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FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE . Tuesday . September 29 . BANKRUPTCIES ANNULLED . —John Edmund Boto , Grosvenor-street West , Pimlico , baker—Jab . Gakdiner , Holme , Aldmondbury , Yorkshire , woollen cloth manufacturer— Henbx Lancaster , Walsall , Staffordshire , ironmaster . BANKRUPTS . — James Fhancis Hooehak , l , Eyrestreet-Jiill , Lcather-lanc , Holborn , licensed victualler—Richard Batley , 31 , Gifford-street , Caledonian-road , coal dealer and timber merchant—AVimjam Fbbuman , 09 , Fleet-slreet , City , bookseller—Emincel Passmore , 25 , King-street , West Smitlilield , licensed victualler-Fkedekick Bomeht , Paul Boocke , 80 , Newman-street , Oxfordstreet , goldsmith and dealer in curiosities—Joseph Harbison , Epsom , corn chandler—Chakles Hall , 52 , Albomarlestreet , Piccadilly , poulterer—John Hall , Dudley and Oldswinford , Worcestershire , mill maker—William . Gloveu , Liverpool , innkeeper— Benjamin Willmott Gabkiel , Hempsthaw-l&no . Stockport . cotton spinner . SCOXCtt SEQUESTRATIONS . —J . Elder , Tavbcrt , Argyllshire baker—T . Wilson , West Port , Dundee , grocer and spirit dealer—H . Cowan , Greengairs , New Monkland , Lana ^ tahjiro , spirit dealer and ilnx merchant—Heuriot - Beothebs , Trongate and Argyll-street , Glasgow , hat and cap iherohants—8 . Adams , Arbu'thiiott Arms lmi , Arbuthnott merclmnt-r-J . Hat ; Now-row , Perth , giocer and weaving agent- . . - , ¦ ,. ,
Friday , October 2 . « - ^ TES ^ SE ? ~ T ^ ' - BBACiiKn , William Haw-?? \ ' mi . * * , and J ° nN Bracher , Great Ormond-^™ ot , Btooraebury , Plunnbcrs — Samuel Uaylky and iS ^^ j K ^ Eii' -Macelasuold , dyers—Thomas Roper , JMalcptt-sbuaro , wholosale druggist—William Uohertson , Birmingham , currier - Robkrt Clovoh , Oxford-street , t ^ iTT ?^?^ Povex , West Bromwich , StaU ' orLlshiro . « £ r ,. Na a Pahnwobth , Chorloy . Lancashire , drug-$£ ?~ Jameb Obookek , Okehampton , tin plate workbrw J ^ J ^ Kseth . Exeter , brewer — John Tambi-yn stt « L > > Cordl » 'ham , Cornwall , farmer—Solomon Crosb , W ? Uo * S a" « facturor - llOBKHT CttEVALLIELE CBEAM , Wn ^ fi . otlleciir ^~ UENK V Bckkiil Craven , Leeds , corn Hsn » vi ) IIEM Harrison , James Kieiio Watson , and SMmfrJrr ^ A 8 B » Kiugston-upon-Hull , baukera—William SSW Barking . JOsaex , baker-llENUX Stubus . HiT . r ? & ?« tl ; ? V cor ' « ealor and seedsman — Thomas VaitoS ' Adam + streuti , Adelphi , contractor—Samuel Pav »» ? 1 S ' I < owor-marnh , Lambeth , tailor — Thomas kSh u ° of tho MWH Theatre , and of York-road , Sh * £ r £ ENttY SMlWt " BMOtiT . Kingston-upon-IIull ^• fcS ^ ga ^ . ^ " " nd JOHN 0 «« fl ««' wl offl » SE ( iUE 8 Tlw - TIONS-W . R . Duncan , Lerttoth « kAv ? « £ Postmaster or Z « jtland-K . Hkuwbiibon , « o tflo * a ^ painto | w 8 # KitOToBlrXNEh , GIoskow , tobacconist !
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Blackburn , 7 i , 8 i ; Caledonian , 84 J , 85 J ; Chester and Holyhead , 33 , 35 ; Eastern Counties , 57 , 58 ; Great Northern , 97 * . 98 i ; Great Southern and Western < Ireland ) , 97 , 99 , Great Western , 64 J , 55 [; Lancashire and Yorkshire , 96 , 96 i ; London and Blackwall , 5 } , 5 |; London , Brighton , and South Coast , 102 , 103 ; London and North-Western , 97 i , 97 ?; London and South-Western , 90 , 01 ; Midland , 83 , 83 $ ; North - Eastern ( Berwick ) , 92 J , 93 }; South-Eastern ( Dover ) , 65 J , 66 $ ; Antwerp and Rotterdam , 6 J , 6 J ; Dutch Rhenish , 3 f , 3 i dis , ; Eastern of France ( Paris and Strasbourg ) , 27 , 27 i : Great Central of France , 28 ? , 24 * ; Great Luxembourg , 6 J , 61 ; Northern of Franco , 35 i , 35 J ; Paris and Lyons , 34 J , 84 $ ; Royal Danish , 14 , 16 ; Royal Swedish , i , J ; Sam'bre and JUeuse , 7 , 71 .
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BRITISH FUNDS FOR THE PAST WEEK . ( Closing Tbicbs . ) £ at . Mon . Tues . \ Wed . Thur . Frid . Bank Rtock 3 per Cent . Red 3 per Cent . Con . An . 90 893 80 S 8 » l 90 A 00 j Consols for Account 901 O 0 i 904 flfif . 90 J Wt New 3 per Cent . An , 9 « J New 2 | per Cents ¦) ,.., Long Ans . 1800 .,.,, India Stock 210 209 210 207 Ditto Bonds . £ 1000 25 d 18 d Ditto , under £ 1000 20 d „ .... 25 d Gx . IIUIh , i £ 1000 od Od lOd 5 d 9 d fid Ditto , £ 500 10 d lOd 5 d 9 d 8 ( 1 Ditto , Small 10 d 10 d 9 d 10 d -till -Id
, . ( ≪I5llle A Tib ?; V ≫* ??.%• ?
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w— . THEATEICAX AND MUSICAL NOTES . Love ' s Labour ' s Lost has been produced at Sadler ' s Wells by Mr . Pheus with great elegance and with entire success . The Wonder was on Thursday revived at the Haybiakket , with Mrs . Sinclair in the character of Violante , and a new actor , Mr . Henky Sedley / , in that of Don Felix . , ¦ ¦ . The first general meeting of the Vocal Association was held at the Music . Hall , Stoie-street , on Wednesday evening . The report by the secretary showed a balance of nearly 2 ( W . in the hands of the treasurer . The library is progressing favourably ; and the Association appears to be making way . The report was unanimously adopted . The rehearsals will be resumed about the middle of the present month ; and we trust that the movement will be attended with success .
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No . 393 , October 3 , 1857 J , ^ MrVr Aff ^ 3 ^^ 957
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? - — Tirfc *„« , -, > ] London r i * l ' iy EyoniiiK , October 2 , 1867 . BW odf Vfef ^ f «> r « nOntty throughout tho week ban boon hva \ mn c 2 Sn £ * CesyiV 0 - 'li M'tt" 4 ntoHigonoo . us R athorad « on ( I ( Lii ^ fiO T * l -P » I »« rH , him . Klven « ho puWio iiioronHiup rrS ^ ' ^ » t , would mxa that tno j » riv < ito lotltern sponk
most desj ) ondingly of the state of India as viewed by the dwellers in India , and the perilous position of the army before Delhi ; liudkiiow and Cawnpor * , isolated almost from the lower part of Bengal , must be viewed with great anxiety by all save the Government andits organs who put the best face they cau on tile matter . Consols hav 6 been ranging between 90 and 90 i , the settlement of the share account taking nlace on Wednesday . The contangos were light and some particular shares scarce . Midland at the . account were 80 . to-day they are 83 . London and North Western have also had a rise , and most of the heavy shares are from 10 s . to 25 s . better than on the account day . Caledonians remain very firm at 42 J . Berwicks rose about one per cent , after the settling day . North Staffords and Great Northerns , are also firmer .
In the colonial and foreign share market East Indian railway shares remain at about three pe-r cent , discount . Grand Trunk of Canada and Great Western of Canada fell 21 . in the week , but have since rallied , and are now at last Week's prices . Lyons , Northern of France , Luxembourg , Sambres , Royal Swedes , Ceylons , are in better demand . The mining market has been well supplied this week ; inquiries in Tehidy , the Bassetis , Lady Bertha , Wheal Zion , and Wheal Edward continue to be made . Amongst foreign urines Linares , United . Mexican , Co \> re Copper , and Sir John del Key , have been dealt in at advanced prices . Joint-stock Bank shares are quiet , nothing moving . Several members of the Stock Exchange who had been away during the autumn , having returned , there has been a little show of business this week . A considerable failure is reported at Manchester .
^, /(Riytnttttvi^Jivf Gj Tfi-» *^Iy Ubulintlnnil ^Llt Llujj . ""Miuiu Ahhuui,
Caiiniierriiil Iftnira .
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CORN MARKET . Mark-lane , Friday , October 2 , 1857 . Rehoutb 3 iaye arrived from all parts of Great Britain of tho extensivo failure of the potato crop . In many districts nine-tentlis of tho whole growth are useless ; but from Ireland the accounts are not so bad . This , and moderate supplies from the farmers , havo had the effect of giving a firm tone to the markets throughout tho country , and a rise of Is . per quarter on "Wheat has taken place generally . Good Red English Wheat in London is worth 5 Cs . natural weight , aiid on tho East Coast the prices asked are 55 s . f . o . b . Norfolk Flour , a pretty ready sale at 40 s . per sack . Saxonka Wheat , prime quality , 58 s . ; ordinary Petersburg , 543 . per 4 . 0 G lbs . Archangel , < ttts . to 47 s . per 480 lbs . Odessa Barley , 28 s . por 4 O 01 bs . Maize , 38 s . per 480 lbs . Archangel Oats , 22 s . to 23 s . There are very tow fine Oats of any sort in London .
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FOREIGN FUNDS . ( Last Official Quotation during TnjcWBKKBNDiwo TUUISBI > AY liVENING . ) Brazilian Jlondn 100 Portuguese ! per Cents . ... Buonos Ayros 0 p . Omits 81 Russian JtondB , 5 per Chilian 0 per Cents Cents 1004 Chilian , 1 per ContH Russian 44 per Cents .... O 8 i Dutch 2 j per Couts < Mj [ Spanish - 40 * Dutch 4 porC « mt . C (! rfcf . 1 ) 8 J Spanish CommitteeCor-Eqnarlor Bonds ... of Coup , not fun Mexican Account 31 Turkish « porContw 9 f >| Peruvian 4 } porContb .... 78 « Turkish Now , 4 ditto .... O » 4 lV > rtUKUGB « 3 nor ContH ., 45 $ Venezuela > U por Conta
/Christy's Minstrels. — Polygra-\J Phic Hall, King "William-Street, Stha.Nd. And
Leader (1850-1860), Oct. 3, 1857, page 957, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2212/page/21/