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Untitled Ad
IXTD LA . —1 HGHJ-iKN la G K ?> N OR'EBIT ^—WeBBT 8 . JTAT . Jjr tlw BOWDO 2 T GSBNBBA 3 L TMOUKN-1 NQ WARE HOUSE , are prepared to place all orders on a broad commercial basis , namely , to give the facilities of credit , aud to charge the lowest possible prices , to those fifcmilies'wha , in consequence . of the late deplorable events in India , may require mourning attire . Orders by post or trfherwise attended 1 » m town or-country . —The LONDON GETSERAX . MOURNING WAREHOUSE , Nos . 247 , 249 , and 251 , Regent-street . —JAY'S .
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THE BULFANGER , NEW WINTER OVERCOAT , 25 s . to 42 s ., just introduced by B . BENJAMIN , Merchant Tailor , 74 , Regent-street , W . Tho OTJDE WRAPPER , Registered , combining Coat , Cloak , and Sleeved Cape , from 25 s . to 60 s . The PELISSIER , from 21 s . to 30 s . The FORTY-SEVEN SHILLING SUIT'S made to order from Scotch , Heather , and Cheviot Tweeds , all wool , ana thoroughly shrunk . The TWO GUINEA DRESS and FROCK COATS , the GUINEA DUESS TROUSERS , and the HALF-GUINEA WAISTCOAT . U . B . —A perfect fit guaranteed .
Untitled Ad
PATENT IMPROVEMENTS IN STABLE FITTINGS . —GOTTAM'S PATENT COMPONIZED MANGERS , Water or Gruel Troughs . The application of this tiew patent -method of lining iron-mangers being inexpensive , will greatly increase their adoption ; they possess all the advantages of Cotiam ' s celebrated enamelled mangers , are equal in appearance , cleanliness , and durability , theiming is warranted to-stand any amount of fair wear , and will neither chip nor change its colour by use . Cottam's -patent permanent attached -drop cover for the above is a most essential addition to their fittings ; it is neverin . tlie way , can be placed and replaced in an instant , while its cheapness , simplicity , and utility in keeping the contents of the 'troughs clean and regulating the quantity to be tauten , is quite sufficient to ensure its use . The new crossbar lop plate , to prevent the horse wasting the hay by tossing it out of the rack , and "tae improved curved front plate by which means all sharp jprojections are obviated , likewise Cottam's patent 1101861688 halter guide and collar rein , with'tne \ newiy-invented swivel ring for allowing the strap free-work in any position , are most important inventions for 'the horses safety and comfort . Cottam ' s . patent portable -seed-box is also-of gresvt utility in . these fittings . The above , as well as the patent loose box and harness UttingB , improved stable drains , and every description of stable furniture , can be seen at -the manufactory , and showrooms of Cottam and Eallen , 2 , "Winsley-street , Oxfordstreet , London , W . Illustrated Catalogues on application .
Untitled Ad
l ( M % iftftft OTJSTOMEKS-W-ASraHBD . — JL V / v /¦• XT \ f \ J SATTNDTJHS ¦ BRO THERS * STATIONARY is' the BEST-and CHEAPEST tabe obtained . Creamlaid note . paper , 2 s . per ream ; 'black-bordered note , 4 s . ; letter paper , 4 s . ; straw paper , Ss . 6 d . per ream ; cream-laid adhesive envelopes , 4 d . per 100 , or &s . per 1000 ; commercial envelopes , from 4 s . per 1000 ; black-bordered envelopes , 6 d . per 100 ; fanqy ^ ench ^ papers from 5 s . per ream in boxes , as imported . -A . SAHPtE PACKET of STATIONARY ( Sixty descriptions , all priced and numbered ) sent post free on receipt of four stamps . All orders over 20 s . sent CARRIAGE PAID . Price lists , post free . NO CHARGE made for stamping arms , crests , initials , &c , on paper and envelopes . . — SAUSO > ERS BSOTBERS , Manufacturing Stationers , 104 , london- * vall , 3 London , JE . CY
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TDUt fTURES EFFECTUALLY CURED JOkj TOHOW a . TRUSS . —Dr . BARKER'S celebrated BJEME 2 > T is protected by three patents , of England , France , and . Vienna ; and from its great success in private practice is now . mode known as a public duty through the medium of the pveBS . In every case of single or double rupture , in either eex , of any age , however bad or long standing , it ie equally applicable , effecting a cure in a few days , withonfinconvenience , and ^ will be nailed'as a boon by all wtao'have been tortured with trusses . Sent post free to any part of the world , with instructions for use , on £ SS ?! £ ? r SJr . - ^ J ? a - by post-oRlce order , or stamps , by CHARLES BARKER , M . D ., 10 , Brook-street , Holborn , Iiondon . —Any infringement of this triple patent will bo proceedad against , and 'restrained bx injunction of the Iiord High Chancellor- — "'
Untitled Ad
f ^ L ^ TTELD PATENT STARCH * < C ^ ' USED IN THE BOYAL LAUNDRY , And pronounced'by HERTffAJESTY'S . L . AUNDIlESS to be THE FINU 3 ST STARCH SHE EVER TJSED . ' 6 olfi by alrOhand : lors , Grocers , &c . &c .
Untitled Ad
D , R . LOCOCEl'S PULMONIC WAFERS I give instant relief and arapid . cure of asthma ,. coughs , and all disorders of the breath and lungs . To ameers and public speakers they are mvaluable for clearing and BtronKtheiiing-tlie voice They have a pleasant taste . Price la . l 4 tU . 2 fl . 9 d .. and lie , jeTbox . J 3 olifby . all druggists .
Untitled Ad
Tl / f AarOJ&S XMPItO vTnS ( LENTB in VETERI-. A , t KAltY SCIENCE . « h ^ p « w . iia '< S * tty n «« 4 o in Medical Soionco by those whose duty itou to-sfcudy tho . diseases to which the human flesh i « toeicit ^ rouldaoemrthat improvements ™ Veterinary art qmte keep , pace with it , as 1 b manifest ou-a visit to the * well-known fflLarap Infomary of Mr . Major , in Cookspur-Btroet . Hero dndpiont and . ohronio lameness is discovered and cured with a . feoility Iruly astonishing , while the offlcaoy of thoxemedifis -and the . quiokTiwi 8 . of $ helr notion , appear to have * OTQlutionUei the whole system of firing and bllatonng . ' Among the most imcont proofa of tho euro of « « «?^! T ^^ M&' ? r ' ¦ ¦«« y i "w » tton Oannobio . the winner of the Metropolitan , and acoond favourite torthoDorbv and who ia now as Bound , as hia friends andibaokers could desire . And lay thoadvortinemant or Mr . Major ' s namnhlei in another column , we pearoeoke that othor equally miraou-Ions euros ar « uot forth , which jplaco him at-the head oi tno Veterinary art In London . "— -Globe , May 10 185 G .
Untitled Ad
HAIR CURLING FLUID , i , LITTLE QUEEN-STRBET . HIGH HOLBOKN — AliVFK ROSS'S OUKLING FLUID saves th ^ t ^ bto " rpnttlsSh 5 hair into papers , pr tho use of curling irona t for immediately it 1 b applied to either ladies * or gontlornon ' H hair a beautiful and lasting curl is obtainod . Sold at 3 s . Od Sont fteo ( undercover ) for S 4 stamps . —AT / EX . ROSS'S LIOUID HAIR DYil is > of . little trouble in application , perfect in elrect , and economical in uao . Sold at « h . « d . Sent freo in » blank wrapper , tho same day oh ordered , for 54 stamps . Alex , ltosn ' a Depilatory removes supnrduouH hair from tho xakoe , iumk , nnd . arma . 3 a . Cd . nor bottlot eout free for 54 Btftmparorto . bohadofallohomiBts . *
Untitled Ad
| JM ! l ! N . l ! a ! JRS , STOTE 1 S , and < FIKE 11501 ^ 5 , — aC Buyereof tbe above are requested , before fliiallydeciding , ^ to visit WIIiLIAM S . ( BURTON'S SHOW-BOOMS . They contain sucli ah assortment of TENDERS , STOVES , RANGES . PIRJ 3 IRONS , and GEISTERAIj IRON--MOJiTGERY , as cannot be approached elsewhere , -either -for variety , novelty , beauty of design , ot exquisitenoss of workmanship . Bright stoves , with bronzed ornaments and two sets of bars , 4 L 14 s . to 1 S& ISs . ; ditto , with ormolu ornaments and two sets of bars , 51 . 5 s . to 22 ? . ; Bronzed Fenders , complete , with standards , 7 s . to 5 Z . 12 s . ; Steel Fendors , 11 . 15 s . to 11 ? . ; ditto , with rich ormolu ornaments , 2 , 1 . 15 s . to 18 ? .-, Fire Irons , from Is . 9 d . the set to 42 . 4 s . Tho BURTON and all other PATENT STOVES , with radiating hearth plates . BEDSTEADS , BATHS , and LAMPS . — "WILLIAM S . BURTON has SIX LARGE SHOWROOMS devoted exclusively to the SEPARATE DISPLAY of Lamps , Baths , and Metallic Bedsteads . The stock of each is at once the largest , newest , and most varied ever submitted to the public , and marked at prices proportionate with those that have tended to make his establishment the most distinguished iu this country . Bedsteads , from 12 s . 6 d . to £ 12 0 s . each . Shower Baths , from 7 s . 6 d . to B 15 s . each . lamps ( Moderateurj , from 6 s . Gd . to 0 6 s . each . ( All other kinds at the same rate . ) Pure Colza Oil ..., 5 s . per gallon . CUT LERY" WARRANTED . —The most varied assortment of TABLE-CUTLERY in the world , all warranted , is on SALE at WILLIAM S . BURTON'S , at pricesthat are remunerative only because of the largeness of the sales—3 J inch ivory-linndledtable-knives , with high shoulders , 12 s . per dozen ; desserts to match , 9 s . 6 d ; if to balance , 6 d . por dozen extra ; carvers , 4 s . 3 d . per pair ; larger sizes , from 19 s . to 26 s . per dozen ; extra line ivory , 32 s . ; if with silver ferrules , 87 s . to 50 s . ; white bone table-knives , 7 s . 6 d . per dozen ; desserts , 5 s . Gd . ; carvers , 2 s . 3 d . per pair ; black horn table-knives , 7 s . 4 d . per dozen ; desserts , 6 s ., carv « rs , 2 s . 6 d . ; black wood-handledtable-knives and forks , 6 s . per dozen ; tablesteels from ls . each . The largest stock in eodstence of plated dessert knives and forks , iu cases and otherwise , and of the new plated fish-carvers . TX 7 ILLIAJVI S . BURTON'S GENERAL T ' T "FURNISHING IRONMONGERY CATALOGUE may be had gratis , and free by post . It contains upwards of 400 Illustrations of his ilhmited'Stock of Electro and Shemeld Plate , Nickel Silver and Britannia Metal goods , Stoves , Tenders , Marble TVEantelpieces , Kitchen Ranges , Gaseliers , Tea Urns and Kettles , Clocks . Table Cutlery , Baths and Toilet Ware , Turnery , Iron and Brass Bedsteads , Sending , Bed Hangings , &c . &c , with . Lists of Prices , and Plans of the Sixteen large Show Rooms , at 39 , Oxford-street ; 1 , 1 a , 2 , and 3 , Newman-street ; and 4 , 5 , and 6 , Perry'splace , London . —ESTABLISHED 1820 .
Untitled Ad
MAPP INGS SHILLING EAZOR , sold . everywhere , warranted good , by the Makers , MAPP 1 N BROTHERS , Queen's Cutlery Works , Sheffield , and 67 , King William-street , City , London , where the largest stock ot Cutlery in . the world is kept . APPIN'S SUPERIOR TABLE-KNIVES maintain their unrivalled superiority . Handles cannot possibly become loose ; the blades are all of the very first quality , being their own Sheffield . manufacture . MAP PIN'S DRESSING CASES and TRAVELLINGBAGS , sent directfrom their Manufactory aueen ' B Cutlery Works , Sheffield , to their London Establishment , G 7 , King "William-street , City , whore the largest stock in tho world may he selected from . Tl / TAPPIDPS PLATED DESSERT KNIVES -LtJL and PORKS , in cases of twelve and eighteen pairs , aTO of the most elegant designs and first-class quality . liTAPPIN'S ELECTRO-SILVER PLATE . -LtX Messrs . MAPPLN'S celebrated Manufactures in Elec-, trp-plato , comprising Tea and Coffee Services , Side Dishea Dish Covers , Spoons , and Forks , and all articles usually made in Silver , can now bo obtained from thoir London Warehouse , 67 , King "William-street , City , whero tho largest stock in London may be Been . Catalogue , with prices , freo on application . Manufactory , Queen's Cutlery works Sheffield . '
Untitled Ad
RUPTURES . —BY TtOYAL LETTERS PATENT WHITE'S MOC-MAIN LEVER TRUSS is allowed-by upwards of 200 HedicalGcntlomcn to bo the most eifectivo invention in tho curative treatment of Hernia . The use of a « teol spring ( so hurtful in its effects ) is hereavoided , a soft Bandage being worn round tho body , whilo tho requisite resisting ; power is supplied by the Moc-Main Pad and Patent Lover , fitting with so much ease and cloaonosB that it oaunot bei detected , and may be worn during Bleep . A descriptive circular may 1 ) 0 had , and tho Truss ( which cannot fail to lit ) forwarded by post , on tho circumference of tho body , two inches below the hin being sent to the Manufacturer , JOHN WHITE . Price of a single truss , 1 Gb ., 21 s ., 2 Gs . Cd ., and 31 a Od Postage , 1 h . Double Truss , 31 s . « d ., 42 s ., and 52 a . Od PostaKola Bd Umbilical Truss , 42 s . and 52 s . 6 d . —Postairo is . lOd Post-offlco Ordors to bo mado payable to JOHN WHTTTl Post-oinc « , Picoadllly . "' ELASTIC STOCKINGS , KNEE-CAPS &c JLU fox VARICOSE VEINS , and all cases of WEAK N 13 S 8 and SWELLING of the LEGS ° TpBAJN S &c " pwro e n «^ S jl ^^^ p ^ ^ SS ^ SS ^ . !^^ .
Untitled Ad
T ) EAFNESS . —A retired Surgeon , from the ^ ve ^ ffi ^^^^ PSiissa ^ gi iiBHslisSi
Untitled Ad
^ T'HE i ^ BtT ^ xpiJS : 3 f © ST 3 T 0 BOB BESTREia ? irS ^ pS ^ . . ^| s ^ ffi 5 ^^ ssr& ^ 8 & 8 rta 8 t 8 kSW ? mgBH 8 whichis now ^ of Cwenty-six years' standiag , and ^ poascss ^ Accumulated Punds , arising from the contrib utionslofMem ^ bers only , amountirip to upwards of One Million Sterling and has an Annual Revenue of - ^© wards of 176 ami s * The MUTUAL PRINCIPLE -being adopted , the entire surpluses or "ProQts /' as ascertained TriehniaUy , ^ -e " llocated m addition to tho sums Assured , and they nrespnt ^ flattering prospect 1 o the Members . For example : the aunt ? ^ i l ^ * » ^^ ey £ lOOOfc , effeoted in 1831 , is imf 5 s . 8 d ., being a return of Seventy-one per Cent , on the Dremiums paid on middle-aged lives , and Policies effected in later years are similarly increased . ™* wu . m The NEXT TRIENNIAL DIVISION of PROPITS will take place on 1 st MARCH , 1859 . mvxii . fy wuj Head Office , 26 , St . Andrew-square , Edinburgh ROBT . CHBISTIB . MBra ^ er WM . FINLAY , SecretorT . London Office , 26 , Poultry , E . C . ARCHD . T . MTCHIE , Agent . "Western London Office , Ca , Jamcs ' s-street , "Westbourne-terrace , W . 'CHARLEB B . JJEVER , Solicitor , Agent .
Untitled Ad
"OROVIDENT CLERKS' MUTUAL LIFE X . ASSURANCE ASSOCIATION . Established 1840 . TRUSTEES . THOS . BARING . Esq ., Ttf . P . W . G . PRESCOTT , Esq . THOMSON HANKEY . Esck , M . P . The Baron L . de ROTHSCHrLD , M . P . Annual income JB 27 . Accumulated fund 95 , 600 Mutual Life Assurance for all classes of society . Clubs are invited to examine the advantages of the Benevolent IPund in connexion with the above ' . « * r ? ' « . WM x THOS - ^ INJPOBD , Secretary . 15 , Mioorgate-street , 1 st October , 1857 .
Untitled Ad
« 1000 IN CASE OF DEATH . A FIXED ALLOWANCE OF £ 6 PER WEEK IN THE EVENT OF DWIIEY BY ACCIDENTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION , may be secured by an Annual Payment of j 63 for a Policy in the RA ILWAY PASSENGERS ASSURANCE ¦* - *> COMPANY . Smaller amounts may besecured by proportionatenavments . NO CHARGE FOR STAMP DUTY ? RAILWAY ACCIDENTS ALONE may be insured againsjfc by the Journey or by the Year at all the principal Railway Stations , where also Forms of Proposal and Prospectuses may be had—and of the Provincial -Agents—and at the Head Office , London . N . B . —The usefulness of this Company is shown by tho sum paid as Compensation for Accidents j 6 " 22 , 722 . Railway Passengers Assurance Company . Empowered by Special Act of Parliament . WILLIAM J . VIAN , Secretary . Olfi . ce , 3 , Old Broad-stre&t . E . C
Untitled Ad
r ^ RENCH MODERATOR LAMPS . — The JL newest patterns of the present season . —Deaue , Dray , and Co . have completed an extensive and choice assortment of these Lamps : Bronze from 9 s . 6 d . to 61 . China Jrora 10 s . to 11 . 7 s . each . Engravings with prices free per post . I ' trro Colza Oil for the above Lamps at the lowest market price , delivered in London or the suburbs periodically , or ou receipt of letter order . Deane , Dray , and Co . ( opening to tho Monument ) , Iiondon-bridge . Established A . D . 17 ( 10 .
Untitled Ad
J . W . BENSON'S WATCH , CLOCK , and CHRONOMETER MANUFACTORY . 33 and 34 , L"DDGA 1 E-IIILL , LONDON . Established 1749 . —J . W . BENSON , Manufacturer of GOLD and SILVER WATCHES of every description , construction , and pattern , invites attention to his mag ; niflcont and unprecedented display of Watclies , which is admitted to bo tho largest and best selected Stock in London . It consists of Chronometer , Duplex , Patent , Detached Lever , Horizontal , and Vertical Movementsjowelled , Ac ., with all the latest improvements , mounted in superblyfinished engine-turned and engraved Gold and Silver Cases . The designs engraved upon many of the cases are by eminent artistH , and can only bo obtained at this Manufactory . If -the important requisites , superiority of iiuish , combined with accuracy of performance , elegance , durability . aud reasonableness of price , are wished for , tho intemliiiK Purchaser should-visit this Manufactory , or send for the ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLET , published by J . W . JJEKBOIS ( and sent post froeon application ) , which contains akotclicn , prices , and directions as to what Watch to buy , where to buy it , and how to use it . Several hundred Letters luivo been received from persons who hnvo bought Watches at thiB Manufactory , bearing testimony to the correct performances of , the same . OPINION'S OF THE PRESS . . 3 ? rom tho Morning Post , Oct . 30 , 1850 . — "Exhibits exquisite artistic fooling in oninmcntation . nnd perfection of nicohamsm in structnro . "—From the Morning Ohronicle . W «> O- — Excolloiico of design and perfection in worluiiaiislii )) . —Prom tho Morning Advertiser , Nov . 1 . — " Tho high , f ? - puto which Mr / Benson hns obtained for the qualities ol ins manufacture stands socond to none . "— From tho Momma Horald , Nov . ! J . — " The high standing of Mr . Hciihoii ««» . Jjondon nin « ufacturer must sccuro for him a lnrRO aiiHinnj of public pat , ronap ; o " —Prom tho aloha , Nov . 3 . — "All tlmt can bo doHirc . d , in ilniHh , taste , and desiKii . " , , ., GOLD WATCHES , IIorizoiitalMovouiontfi , Jowollo . l , he ,., accurate tuno-kcepcm , &L ICs ., 4 , 1 . 15 h ., Rl . 15 h ., to 1 M- ' * : eaich . Gold Lover Watchca , jewelled , and hiRhly-H "' 11 »«» movcmentis . di . Os ., 8 ? . 8 h ,, 10 / . U ) a ., Vll . V 2 B . , Ul . i « la ., H « - H >* - > twto guineas . -, BILVJilfc WATCHES , Uorizontal Movomonts , . Towcllcj . & () ., exact tinto-koepurH , 21 . Zh ., ' 21 . 15 s ., & £ . 15 H ., to Of ¦ fis . < ' »<•"; Silver Lover Watches , highly ilnlHho ( l , i nwcll (!« l inovtMii * ' "' - ^ SI . 10 s . 4 « . 10 s ., 5 / .. 10 H .. 7 J . lO . s ., 8 U 0 h ., 1 * « Z . 1 « h ., t <> 20 Kt "" ' ^' A 'J ' wo years' Warranty givon with every WaU'h « 'J Bout , carriage puid , to Hwitland , Ireland , Wnkis . or imy I" ^ of tlio kingdom , upon receipt of PoHt-olllco ov » i" | ' » !* onlor ni « . ai > r « Kyablo to J . W . JJWNSON . 33 an d !>* , L \ "W " lull , London . nl , Morchauts , Shippora , and Watch Oluba supp lied . t « u watohos tjilcon in JSxoliango .
Untitled Article
96 © THE IEABEB , [ $ ^ Z !^*) amB ^ 1 Bi ? l $ & - '
Leader (1850-1860), Oct. 3, 1857, page 958, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2212/page/22/