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Untitled Ad
FEEDERS , STOVES , and FIRE IRONS . — Buyers of tho above arc requested , before finally decidingf to visit WILLIAM S-BURTON'S SHOW-ROOMS , rihoy contain such an assortment of FENDERS , SlOVhS , 3 RANGES . FIRE IRONS , and GENERAL IRONMONGERY , as cannot be approached elsewhove , cither for variety , novelty , beauty of design , or exquisiteness or workmanship . Bright stoves , with bronzed ornaments and two sets oi bars . 41 . 14 s . to 13 ? . 13 s . ; ditto , with , ormolu ornaments and two sots of bars , 5 / . 5 s . to 221 . ; Bronzed Tenders , complete , with standards , 7 s . to Hi . 12 s . ; Steel tenders 21 . l . ) S . to 11 ? . ; ditto , with rich ormolu ornaments , 21 . 15 s . to 18 ? . ; Fire Irons , from Is . Oil . the set to 4 . 1 . 4 s . Tho lilTRTONT and all other PATENT STOVES , with radiating hearth plates . B EDSTEADS , BATHS , and LAMPS . — WILLIVM S . BURTON lias SIX LARGIS SHOWHOO MS devoted exclusively to the SEPARATE DISPLAY of Lamps . Haths , and Metallic Bedsteads . The stock of each is at once the largest , newest , and most varied ever submitted to the public , and marked at prices proportionate with those that have tended to make his establishment the most distinguished in this country . Bedsteads , from 12 s . Gd . to £ 12 Os . each . Shower Jiaths , from 7 s . Gd . to 5 15 s . each . lamps Oloderatuur ) , from us . Od . to G ( is . each . ( All other kinds at the same rate . ) Pure Colza Oil Os . per gallon . CUTLELIY WARRANTED . —The most varied assortment , of TAUL . E-CTJTLERY in the world , all warranted ,- is on SALE at WILLIAM S . BURTON'S , at prices thai : are remunerative only because of the largeness of the sales— . SJinch ivory-handledtable-knives , with high shoulders . 12 s . per dozen ; desserts to match , its .
Untitled Ad
FREXCII MODERATOR LAMPS . —The newest patterns of . the present season . —Dcaiie , Drayi and C " . liave completed an extensive and choice assortment of tliix ; Lumps : Bronze from Us . ( ill . to ( i / . China from lt ) s . to 71 . 7 s . < -: urh . Engravings with prices free per post . Pure Colza Oil . for the above Lamps at the lowest market price , delivered i ; i London or tho suburbs periodically , or ¦ on receipt of letter order . "Donne , Dray , and Co . ( opening to the Monument ; , London-bridge . Established a . j > . 17 < io .
Untitled Ad
MAI'PIX'S SHILLING RAZOR , sold everywhere , warranted troocl , bv the Makers , MAPl ' LN BROTH !• : IIS , Queen's Cutlery Works , Shellield , and ( i 7 . King William-street , City , London , whercs the largest stock ol Cutlery in the world is kept . T \ j ? A L'TIN'S SUPERIOR TAT 5 LE-KNIVKS -LV . ji niaintaiu their unrivalled superiority . Handles cannot possibly lioeome loose ; tho blad < 's an ; all ol' the very first cunlity , being their own Sheilield manufacture . MAP PIN'S DRESSING CASES and TRAV !; i , l , l . \ C ; HAfJS , sentdireet from their Manufactory , Queen ' s (" til levy Works , Sheilirhl , to their London Establishment , !^ . King "William-street , City , where the largest stock in tlie world maybe selected from . ] U AI'ITNW ; PLATED DESSERT KNIVES J-Yil and KoRKS , in cases of twelve and eighteen pairs , are of the most elegant designs and litst-class ' mia lily . MA 1 » V I N 'S E LECTI «) - S 11 , VK 11 J » L AT 10 . Messrs . MAIM'lX'Scclebrnled M .-niufaet ures in VAcc tro-- l ; ile , eompi'isin ^ Tea . and Collect Services , Sido-Dishes , Disli divers , Spoons , iiml Forks , and ;> ll articles usually ri ) atle m Silver , can now be oblainnl from their l . oudoii \\ arehniise , ( 1 7 , Kin . ! - William-street , ( 'it v , where I lie largest , Slock in London m ; iy be seen , Oat-iln-ne , with prices , free £ V m 1 ' ! ' u : al"M 1- Manufactory , Queen ' s Cutlerv Works , bhelhelil . '
Untitled Ad
100 000 CUSTOMERS WANTED . — J-y \ ft * \ r \ f \ f kaux dicks liuoriii . us's'iwrioxl ! i ) t \ is iho llKSTruulCIl KAPKS I' to !>;• olil niui'il . Creaiulaid mill' paper , : N . per roam ; lihek-bnrdrred i »«>( .- , ¦!¦¦; . ; loiler p : i ] in-, ¦!¦ : . ; straw p : ipei \ i ! s . ilil . \ u >\ - ream ; eream-hiiil auiiesive envelopes , - | i | . per lili ) , or ; ls . per HUM ); eir . nuiereiai envelopes , i n > m l-:. | H > r hum ); l . laek-li . n-ilered envelopes , <; d . per 1 tin A SAMI'LlO I'ACKMT of STATION'UU Y ( Sixl . v ueseripliivns , ; ill jniec < l and iiiuubereil ) t . eul pus ! free oil refieiiu < . r loin-slaiui is . All orders over-. 'iH , seiil ( 'A !! U I A ( i !•! Ai \ ll > . I nee lists , post , flee . Is O HI : S I 5 U . Odo ' ( " ' -U : "lunHl | "viuK Stationers , nil , Lomlun-wall , Lou-
Untitled Ad
1 > ur ruH . i-: s effectually ( mi iTkd iYl ^ lK > '' V . (> lIT , ' , > "JSS .-I ) r . HAIMvKirS eel ,. l , ral eil l . LMI . Di is protect ,,, ! by thmi ! palenls of i ' nurlinil V ' \ " ! lll ( 1 l »»<» wii « w » pul . li . Mluly Mu-oi « li the i ^ msiissB ^^ i B <^^ vs : e EiSBF ^ waK ^
Untitled Ad
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ g ^ pg ^^^^ gpgpMH ^ V ^^ HUBmiWHBai ^ Hm ^^ v A BONUS DIVISION will be made at 31 st December , 1853 , of \ Profits on the Life Policies on the participating scale lakenout before the close of the present year , 1 S 57 , in the : — GLOBE INSURANCE , CORNUILL & CHARIN'G-CllOSS , LONDON . Established 1803 . Capital OXE MILLION , All paid-up and invested . Towler NEWSAJI , Esq . —Chairman . Jolin Hdward JOHNSON , Esq . —Deputy-Chairman . George Can-GLYN , Esq ., M . P . —Treasurer . PITITC , LIFE , ANNUITY , ENDOWMENT , and RE VERSION AIIY business transacted . AVILLIAJI NEWMARCII , Secretary .
Untitled Ad
THE OBJECTS MOST TO BE DESIRED JL IX EFFECTING A LIFE ASSURANCE . —These are , Perfect S « .-curity and the Largest BencHts in proportion to the Contributions paid . Tbev arc both fully attained in the SCOTTISH EQUITABLE LIFE ASSLTRAXCE SOCIETY , vhich is now of Twenty-six years' standing , and possesses Accumulated Funds , arising from the contributions of Members only , aniounthi ' -r to upwards of One Million Sterling-, and bas : ui Annual'Revenue of upwards of 17 C > , 00 Ol . The MUTUAL PRINCIPLE being adopted , the entire surpluses or " Profits , " as ascertained Triennially , are allocated in addition to the sums Assured , and they present a Uatterinjr prospect to the Members . For example : the sum now payable on a Policy for 1000 / ., effected in 1831 , is 1590 Z . 5 s . Sd . / bcinir a return of Seventy-one per Cent , on the preiniuins paid ' on' miildle-a ^ ed lives , and Policies effected in later years are similarly increased . The NEXT TRIENNIAL DIVISION of PROFITS will take place on 1 st MA 11 CH , 1859 . Head Office , 2 ( 3 , St . Andrew-square , Edinburgh . ROKT . CHRISTIE , Manager . ' . WM . FINLAY , Secretary . ¦ ' ¦ London Office , 20 , Poultrv , E . C . ARCJ-LD . T . RITCHIE , Agent . "Western London OfRce , CA , James's-street , Westbournc-terrace , TV . CHARLES B . LEVER , Solicitor , Agent .
Untitled Ad
SPECIAL NOTICE . —Sixtii Division op Profits . ^ plIE STANDARD J . IFE ASSUKANCE 1- COMPANY . Established . 1825 . Constituted by special Acts of Parliament . —The Directors request attention to thrrclosc of the books for the present year , on loth of Xo-¦ veinber next , with reference to the advantage of effecting . assurances . before that date . The Sixth Division of Profits -will be in 1 S 60 , and the fund to be divided will be derived from the profits which may have arisen between 1855 and . itftiO . Those persons wh ;> effect assurances before 15 th November , 1 S 57 , will participate . ' in the division of lSiio , securing four . v <« irs'bonus , . while they will be entitled to the division in lS ( i . "j to rank for nine years ; in 1 S " O for fourteen years ; mid so on , their cla-im increasing at each quinquennial period . The mode of division is essentially tontine , and tho Directors conlidently assert that , no life assurance institution liolds out frrcater atlvantajres than the . Standard to persons who , lookir . ir forward to long life , effect assurances for the Lonel ' it of their families . The Company ' s lart ^ i aeciunulatod funds are invested in the security of land and ( Government Securities . Its income considerably exceeds a ( jnarter of a million sterliuur , and during the last tij . v vicaiis a lone s . 'J'Jij policies have been issued by the Company , covering assurances exceeding in amout l ' mir and a half millions sterling . Govkuxoii . —His r . 'race tho Duke of BUCCLETJCII and qilfiUNSHKUliY . DiirrTY- < JovKiiNoit . —The liicrht Honourable tho Earl of ELCilN and KINCARDINE . CIIAI UMAX OK THE B 0 A . KD . The llife-hl Honourable the Earl of ABERDEEN . ( IKDINAUY DlItKCTOUS . JO 1 IX CiRIFlTril FUIT 11 , VW [ ., Aust in Frinrs . ALi : X . \ NDl' : ii (; iLLKSl'li :, Es ( i .. , Inlliter-wurt . JOHN SCOTT , t'Nii ., 1-, llvde Park-street . Sir AXTHONY OLM'IIANT ; C . H . 1 'UANCIS LE HlvKTOX , Ksq ., ; $ , Crosbv-sqnare . JOHN II . . I'LOWES , Ks ( i ., ti | ., Bro : ui-st reel . JOHN LIXDSAY , Ks (| ., V , I ' ortiniui-sip . uirc . >\ " 1 I , L . T 11 OS . THOMSON , Manager . II . JONES WILLIAMS , Res . Sec . " London , vi , Iviiiii' Williain-street , Cily . Edinburgh , ;( , ( ieoi' ^ e-street ( Head olli ce ) . Dublin , ( mI , Upper Saokville-street . Atr' -nts in most towns of importance- throughout the kiniiiloin .
Untitled Ad
ri ( llll ) IN CANE OF DEATH . A . KIXKI ) ALLOWANCE OK . Hi WAI "SVICKK IN TUN KVKNT <>!• ' IN ' . Tl'KY 15 Y AC < : iI ) i :. \ TS ()!• ' . EVKRV DI ^ SClllI'TION , may lie M'eured I iy an Anminl 1 'ayincMvt of , C ; i fora I ' oliev in t ho | p AIL WAY rASSl « iN ( JKRS ASSURANCE I : tb COMPANY . Siiuilli ' ruiiHinnls ukiv liesecureilbv pro ] iorl iiinate iiavmcnts . - \ o ciiA »;(;!• : i'orstami ih : ty . ' 1 I . A 11 AYAY ACCIDENTS ALOXK may l > o insured : u ' -ainsl liy the . liiurney nr by the Year at : ili thti principal liailway St-iitions , where also P ' orms of Proposal and I ' rospeeiu . M's niiiy bn Iiml anil of the Provincial AK ^ nts —sunl ill tin- Head Oilier , London . N . II . —The usi'i ' iihie '•> ol' this C ! oinpany is sliowrn by the sum paid as ( , ' . > ni | ieiis : il ion IW Accident s . ¦ £ -J . \ l . 'ii'Z . ltnl \ vii . \ - I ' jisMengei's Assuraiiei ! Company . Eni ] lowered by Special Ail . of Parliament . WILLIAM J . Y 1 AN , Secretary . Oilice ,: ; , () ld Kroad-streel , E . C .
Untitled Ad
n > . \ Nlv O ! . DHPOSIT , : i , J . 'aill- ] M : ill , ICast , U } LoihIdu . E-i | : ililislicd A . D . IS I 4 . l ' arlies desirous < il I . NVESTINt ; Ml )\ i : \ an ! rc « iue ^ li d lo examine 1 he . l'la . n ( if Ibis Instil ul . ion , l > , y which : i liiKh rate of internet may he obi , niiied Milli prrl ' ecl scciirilv . The Interest is piiyablr in , ) a unary and . 1 uly , eilber lit Ihe I lend Ollieo in London , or at , the various UniiiclirM throuphoul . thdCoiuitrv , IMO'IMU :. MORRISON , MaunidnK Director . l ' rosptiotuseM and Forms for opening Accounts ] sont free on application .
Untitled Ad
NEW PUBLICA . T 1 C —•—i . - TIGER SCOOTING IN IF BeiiiR an Account of Hunting : Experieucfs on Foot ia llajpootana , during the Hot Seasons , from 1850 to 1854 . Uy WILLIAM RICE , Lieut . 25 th Bombay N . I ., and late Captain Turkish Contingent . Imperial 8 vo , with Twelve Plates in Chroina-lithofrraphy . Uust ready . R I V E a S T 0 N . By GEORG-IANA M . CRAIK . 3 vols . post 8 vo . [ Now ready BRITISH RTOE IS INDIA : A HISTORICAL SKETCH . By HARRIET MARTINEATT . In one volume , price 2 s . Gd . cloth . £ NearIy ready SECOND EDITION OP THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF LUTFITLLAH , A ^ IOIIA 3 IEDA ^ GENTLEMAN . Edited by E . 15 . EASTWICK , Esq . Post Svo , price 10 s . Gd . "We have read this book : with wonder and delight . Lutfullah ' s story will aid , in its desrreo , to some sort of understanding of tho Indian insurrection . —Atheneeum . " Everyone who is interested iii the present state of matters in India . should read Lutfnllah ' s own account of himself and his people , as well as their peculiar and general fooling towards the Kerinprees . "—Globe . ¦ " Read fifty volumes of travel , and a thousand imitations of the oriental novel , and you will not get the flavour of Eastern life and thought ; or the zest of its ' roinanco , so perfectly as in Lutfullah ' s book . "—Saturday Review . E S M ° ' . By W . M . THACKERAY , Esq . A New Edition , uniform with " Vanity Fair , " &c . Crown Svo , iirice Os . cloth . London : Smith , Elder , and Co ., G 5 , Cornhill .
Untitled Ad
Immediately will be published , T H O R N D A L E ; OR , THE CONFLICT OF OPINIONS . BY "WILLIAM ! SMITH , Esq ., Author of "Athelwold : a JJrama . ; " "A Discourse oh Etliics , " &c . " Sleeps tho futu re , like a snake enrolled . Coil within coil . " —Wokdswoeth . In crown octavo , price Ids . Gd . William Blacknvoou and Sons , Edinburgh and London .
Untitled Ad
^ ADKTEL'S ALMANAC for 1858 . —Fortieth £ -1 Thousand . ' Price ( id . Contents : India , China , the Reform Mill , &e . The great Indian Rebellion \ vas fully portrayed in the Almanac for 18 , ") 7 ! Hieroglyphic ; the liam and the Goat , itc . . ¦ " London : 1 ' n'En , SxEPnE ^ sox , and SrENCE ; and all booksellers .
Untitled Ad
HALF-HOURS WITH THE FREETII 1 XKKRS . Edite . lby J . WATTS , ' ICONOCLAST , and A . COLLINS . Containing a Sketch of the Life and Philosophy ol" Dos Cavtus , Volney , Lord IJolingbroke , Shelley . \' ult ; iire , Anthony ( . ' ollins , Spinoza , Paine . Shaftesbury , J \ lirab ; m ( l and D'llolhaeh , Hume , llohbcs , i ' riostley Tiudal , Coudorcct , Epicurus , Frances Wright lVArnsmoiit , Tolaud , Zi'iio , llelvctius , Hlount , Barker , Taylor , and lturnet Now ready . I ' ncc Two Shillings and Sixpence post free , cloth lettered . Also to bo land in Penny numbers , or ini ' wc Parts , One Shilling each . London : ILouoake and Co ., Ii 7 , Fleet-street .
Untitled Ad
Q 0 UT 1 I AUSTRALIAN BANKING O COMPANY . Incorporated by Roy all ) barter , 1 S 17 . LETTERS of CUK 1 MT and IMLLS are granted at pfti uponilie lianks at Adelaide , Port Adelaide , and CJawier Approved drafts on Suiitli Australia negotiated and sen for colled ion . Kvery description of Hanking business is conducted di rcct with Victoria and New Smith AVales . and also wit ! tho other Australian . Colonies , through the Company ' Agents . Apply at tho OIliccH , No . iU , Old Uroad-strool , Londor E . C . WILLIAM J'URDY , Manager . . London , October , 1 S 5 " .
Untitled Ad
• lf NUHKASKl ) 11 ATK OF INTEREST . — The . B ... . r . ank of 1 'higland having tliis dav ndvanced flu rato of Piseouni , Ihe Directors of ' the DKl'OSl'l AND UlSl'Ol ' NT HANK lire prepared , to give SI ' . V UN pel cent , on all . sums from 'J \\! . anil upwards , until furtnei notice . Chairnian-The EA 11 L OF L 1 EVON . ( i , Csinnon-strri'l West , M . O . c ; . 11 . LAW , Manager . October 1 : 2 , 1 S .. 7 .
Untitled Ad
1 > ROVU ) KXT CLICIMCS' MUTUAL LIFI X ASSUK'AN'di : ASS ()( UA' 1 . 1 ON . Established Is 10 . Titi'Hi i : i : s . Thos . Ilnring , Msi | .. M . P . Win . ( , ' corgo Prescol ( , Ksq . Thomson IliinUev , Ksii ., I 5 ar . ui L . N . tie Kol hscliilil , . M . I . " . U . I ' . Treasurer or the HeiH'Volrnf Fund— . lolm Abel Smith , Ksq Accuinulaleil KiiikI jt \ K ; 0 MU Annual Income l ! 7 , 000 Mutual Lifo Assurance I ' m-all clnsscs of society . ClerUs iiiv invited lo exinninn thn a < lvantaK <) s of tho JJoncvolent Fund in connexion with tho nliove . WILI . IA . M I'llO . MAS I , UNFO 1 MJ , . Secretary . If .. Moomite-. streel , Oolobcr 1 , 1857 .
Untitled Article
No . 395 , ^ October 17 , 1857 . ] THE' LEADER , ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ g ^ pg ^^^^ gpgpMH ^ V ^^ HUBmiWHBai ^ Hm ^^ v
Leader (1850-1860), Oct. 17, 1857, page 1007, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2214/page/23/