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THE EDINBURGH REVIEW , No . CCXVL , was published on THURSDAY LAST . CONTENTS ; I . Speddino ' s Edition of the "Works of Baco ^ st . II . Napier . III . The Mediterranean Sea . ~ IV . Henri Martin ' s History of France . V . Landed Credit . VI . Lives of the Chief Justices . VII . Men , Sheep , and Deer . VIII . Harford's Life of Michael Angelo . IX . India . London : Longman and Co . ; Edinburgh : A . and C . Black .
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rpHB ASYLUM JOURNAL OF MENTAL JL SCIENCE . Published by authority of the Association of Medical Officers of Asylums and Hospitals for tho Insane . Editor , Dr . BUCKNILL ; Hon . Sec , Dr . ROBERTSON" . No . 23 , price 2 s . 6 d ., contains : — I . Repokt of the Annual Meeting of the Association of Medical Officers of Asylums . II- On Forced Alimentation , by Dn . Harrington Tuke . III . The Pathology of Insanity , by Dr . Bucknill . IV . The Use of Opium in Insanity , by Dr . Noble . V . The Influence of Civilization upon Meutal Disease , by Dr . Daniel Tukk . VI . The Uncleanly Habits of the Ihsane , by Dr . Huxley . VII . Jobbing in the Commissionerships of Lunacy . VIII . Miss Dix ' s Eeport on the Insane of the United States . London : Longman and Co .
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NEW SERIAL BY THE AUTHOR OP "VANITYFAIR , ' * " THE NEWCOMES , " &c . On the First of November will bo published , price One Shilling , with Illustrations on Steel and Wood by tho Author , No . I . of THE VIRGINIANS . By W . ME . THACKERAY . To be completed 5 n Twenty-four Monthly Shilling Parts . London : Bradbury and Evans , 11 , Bouvcrie-streefc .
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THE LAZY TOUR OF TWO IDLE APPRENTICES in Household "Words . Conducted by CHARLES DICKENS . Commencing in No . 393 , published on "Wednesday , September 30 , and continued through the Four following Numbers . Household "Words Office , Wellington-street North .
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Two vols . in cloth , price 21 s . Now Ready . HISTORY OF THE FACTORY MOVEMENT FROM 1802 TO THE PASSING OF THE TEN HOURS' BILL IN 1847 . By ALFRT 5 D . London : Simtkin , Mahsiiaix , and Co .
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Just published , demy 8 vo , 9 s . cloth , T HE SOLAR SYSTEM AS IT IS , AND NOT AS IT IS REPRESENTED : wherein is shown , for tho firBt time , tho true , proper motion of tho Sun through Space , at tho rate of 100 , 000 Miles per Hour . By R . J . MORRISON , Lieut . R . N . " If the Sun move , tho System moves with it , in tho manner in which Mr . Morrison describes . "—Atheno&um . London : Pipeb , STBPmENSOK , and Spenck .
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This day , prico 3 a ., ON the CAUSES and CONSEQUENCES of tho PRESENT MONETARY CRISIS : or . Tho First Principles of Political Economy Applied to tho Gold Supplies . " God intended that man should live Vy sober toil . All departures from this great law of our social existence lead to ruin . "—Barnes . London : Ghoombripge and Sons , Pfttcrnostor-row .
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Just published , in 8 vo , pp . 280 , price 7 s . 6 d . cloth , R ELIGIOUS DUTY . By tlio Author of "An Essay on Intuitlvo Morals . " " A masculine and cleverly reasoned essay . "—leader . "Wo can recommend this volume to our readers as displaying much closoncsa of argument and considerable eloquence . "— Hconomiat . London : JonN Chapman , 8 , King-Willlam-strcot . Strand .
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Price 31 s . 6 d ., cloth , rpENNYSON'S POEMS . With Illustrations JL by Mulready , Staufield , Creswick , Maclise , Millais , Hunt , Kosotti , and Horsley . Edward Moxon , Dover-street . Price 9 s ., cloth , rpENNYSON'S POEMS . Eleventh edition . JL Edward 31 oxon , Dover-street . Price 5 s ., cloth , TENNYSON'S PRINCESS . Seventh edition . Edwaed Moxon , Dover-street . Price 5 s ., cloth , TENNYSON'S MAUD , and other Poems . Second edition . Edwaed Moxon , Dover-street . Pjicc 6 s ., cloth , T N ME MORI AM . Seventh edition . -L Edward IMoxon , Dover-street . In six vols ., price 30 s ., cloth , WOEDSWOKTH'S POETICAL WORKS . . J » L ' A new edition , with Prefatory Notes to many of the Poems . Edwajid Moxon , Dover-street . In one vol ., price 20 s ., cloth , YTTORDSWORTH'S POETICAL WORKS . TT A . new edition . ' Edwaed Moxon , Dover-street . Price 6 s ., cloth , THE EARLIEU POEMS of WILLIAM WORDSWORTH ; with Preface and Notes by "WILLIAM JOHNSTON . * Edward Moxon , Dover-street . In two volumes , price V 2 s ., cloth , ptOLERIDGE'S POETICAL and DRAW MATIC WORKS . Edited by DERWENT and SARA Edwaeo Moxon , Dover-street . Price 16 s ., cloth , ( CAMPBELL ' S POETICAL WORKS . Illus-\ * J trated by 20 Vignettes , from designs by Turner . Ei > waed » Jioxoir , Dover-street . Pricu 9 s ., cloth , pAMPBELL'S POETICAL WORKS . Ill us-KJ trated by 37 Woodcuts , from designs by Harvey . Edwarq Moxon , Dover-street . Price 16 s ., clotli , T > OGERS'S POEMS . Illustrated by 72 Vigil * nettes , from designs by Turner and Stothard . Edwam > Moxon , Dover-street . Price lGs ., cloth , ROGERS'S ITALY . Illustrated by 5 C Vignottes , from designs by Turner and Stothard . Edwakd Moxon , Dover-street . Price 9 s ., cloth , R OGERS'S POETICAL WORKS . Illustrated by numerous Woodcuts . Edwahd Moxon , Dover-street . In 2 vols ., price 12 s ., cloth , HOOD'S POEMS , and Poems of Wit and Humour . EmvAitw Moxon , Dover-street . In 3 vols ., price 15 s ., cloth , S HELLEY'S POETICAL WOltKS . Edited by Mrs . SHELLEY . Edward Moxon , Dover-street . Prico 5 s ., cloth , KEATS'S POIETICAL WORKS . With a Memoir by RICHARD MONCKTON MILNE 8 . Edwaeb Moxon , Dover-street .
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PARLOUR LIBRARY , Vol . 173 , prico 2 s ., now ready , CIIICOT the JESTER . By ALEXANDER DUMAS . Also , by tho same Author , In this Seriott , CHEVALIER D'HAHMENTAL . Is . Od . CARDINAL MAZARIN ; or Twenty Years After . 2 s . MONTH CHRISTO . 2 vols ., 3 s . ; 1 vol ., eloth , 3 s . Od . MEMOIRS of a PILYSICIAN . 2 voIh ,, » s . ; 1 vol . cloth , 3 s . fld . QUEEN'S NEOKLAvOE . Sequel to ditto . Is . Od . Complete Lists of tho " Parlour Library" gratis avid post free . London : Thomas Hodoson , 13 , Patornostor-row .
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PARLOUR LIBRARY . Prico 2 h . DAY S of tho REGENCY . By Mrs . TROLLOl'E . Also . jnat publiHhnd'in thin Series , ETHEL CHURCHILL . By Miss Landon . Is . Cd . HISTORY of a FLlltT . Written by Jlorself . 2 s . London : Tiiomab IIodohon , 13 , PnternoBtor-row .
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MR . BENTLEY'S POPULAR NEW SERIFS ^ Now ready in crown 8 vo . Two Shillings . HTHE CONQUEST OF CANADA * chela ^ . ° * B * aTDN . *«*• Authofo f « & London ; Richard Bektlet , New Burlington-street
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MR . BENTLEYS POPULAR NEW ^ sirniT " Now ready . Fifth Thousand , in crown 8 vo . Two Shillin ' ¦ A SPEN COURT . By SHIRLEY BHOOKs £ \ . Author of Miss Violet and her Offers •> Vb ) London : RicnAm > Bentley , New Burlington-street . Immediately , in 3 vols . post Svo rjMIE RULING PASSION . A Novel . London ; Riciiaki > BEXTLEr ^ New Burlington-str ^ t
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MR . BENTLEYS POPULAR NEW SER / ES " Immediately , in crown 8 vo , Two Shillings O ^ J- ? ? , ' J F ° ¦ ? A ^ esi . lenco and MUN 1 ) Y m Australasia » Colonies . By GENERAL London : RicnARP Bektley , New Burlington-street .
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NEW NOVEL , BY THE AUTHOR OF " THE J .-TN 1 . 1 x ^ iljo . Second Edition . Now ready , in Tlu-ee Yols QU I t g , By the Author of " The Initials . " " Whether viewed with reference to the skilful portraiture of character the dramatic complication of incidents . « r the vigour and elegance of the dialogue , ' Quits' is an admiral e novel . AVitty , sententious , graphic , full of brilliant t Km of life and iHanners , it is positively one of the oust of modern stories , and may be read with delighted' interest from cover to cover . " —Morning l > ost . iim-rtbt London : Ricixard Bemtley , New Burlington-street .
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THE BIRTHPLACE OF THE PROPHET Now ready , in post Svo , with Slaps , 10 s . Rd . S INAI , the HEDJAZ and SOUDA \ : AVandenngs around the Birthplace of the Prophet nud ¦ across the Ethiopian Desert , with Pictures ot Aral ) Life . By JAMJBS ¦ . HAMILTON , Author of " Wiindurings ! Northern Africa . " "A work of great importance ; a valuable-contribution to the history and geography of a region associated with our earliest studies , and for the classical scholar invested bv the oldest Greek historian with never-fading charms . "—Standard . London : Biciiakd Bentley . Publisher in Ordinary to her Majesty .
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Just ready , to bo completed in Eight Volumes , svo , 10 s . Oil . each , with line Portraits , rpUK FIFTH VOLUME OF HORACE X WALPOLB'S ENTIRE CORRESPONDENCE . Edited by PETE It CUXNINGHA . M , P . S . A . London : Riciiaud Benxxky / , Publislicr in Ordinary to-her Majesty .
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NEW EDITION , REVISED AND CORRECTED . On Tuesday , December 1 , will be published , in post , « vo , price Gs . cloth , Vol . 1 . of T ORD M AC A U LAY'S HISTOUY OF J-V ENGLAND , from the Accession of James II .. a yew Edition ( of Vols . 1 . to IV . of tho Svo . Edition ) , revised ami corrected . To be continued monthly , and to be comprised , in 7 vols . post Svo , ]> ricc 0 s . each . London : Longman , Bnoivx , and Co ., Patcmoster-ro \ v .
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Octavo , with Maps , Vols . Land II ., 28 a . Vol . III ., Ms ., THE SPANISH CONQUEST IN . AA 1 KRICA , audits Relation to tho History of Slavery , and to the Government of Colonies . By AUTJIUII 11 liLJ'ri . London : John AV . Paukkk and Son , AVcst SiivnnJ .
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NEW TALE BY THE AUTHOR OP " THE PRAIKIE BIRD . " This day , Two Volumes , post octavo , 21 s ., HASSATST ; or , The Child of the Pyrnniids . An Egyptian Tiile . Bv tho lion . C . A- IVllJltlUY , C . B . Author of "Tho Prairie Bird , " " Travels in NortH America , " &c . London : Jonif W . Paiikicu and Son , AVcst Strand .
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MU . FREDERICK TENNYSON'S POEMS . Poolscap Octavo , Gs . DAYS AND IIOUHS . By FREDERICK TENNYSON . London : John AV . Paiikeb and Son " , West Strand .
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Fourth Edition , revised , Two A ' olnmcs , 25 s ., A SYSTEM OF LOGIC . By JOHN STUART MILL . By tho same Author , PRINCIPLES OF POLITICAL ECONOMY . Fourth Edition , 2 vola . 8 vo , GOs . ESSAYS ON SOME UNSETTLED QUES TIONS OF POLITICAL ECONOMY . Cs . Od . London : Jorrw AV . Pakkkr and Son , West Strand .
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1 vol . 8 vo , B , s ., . T > . THE REFUGEE . By A . Goi > winh , J'h . D . " This is an individual iimn , one oast , in : i d _ ist incl nnii ni'parnte mould ; a lioiiconl ' oriniNt ; obisdicnl «» nt irrly ' [ }• lawH of liiNOwn being ; rofuscd to 1 x 5 kneadtnl ovi-r . " . V l j cuatoms and c . onvontionalitioH of tlu ^ Hoc . iot . y in wni ' ' ' was born ; with a coat that in not stuck all over wiMi ° " i hacJK ravo open nilirul *' - »•' . a hoart Hlout ououkIi to executo its own early and w >| inw coiicoption . s . " TBlliiNnn and Co ., Patornostcr-row .
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IjONDON : Printed and Published by Aifubd Udmohb GiuowAT , at " Tho Lender" OtHco , No . 352 , Strand , in th »» County of Middlesex . —October 17 , 1867 .
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On 31 st October , price 6 s ., ¦ VTORTH BRITISH REVIEW . No . XIV . JJN CONTENTS : L Sir A . Aljson's Histories . II . Genesis and Scienck . III . Narcissus Luttkell ' s Diary—Prior . IV . The Scottish BIetaphtsicians , Brown and Hamilton . V . Slavery and the Slave . States . VT . Memoirs of John Dalton . VII . Beranger—Politician . and Poet . VIII . Traveis in Arabia and Palestine , P /' arly and Recent . Edinburgh : TV . P . Kennedy ; London : Hamixton , Ajdams , and Co . ; Dublin : M'Giashan and Gill .
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1008 THE LEAD EB . __[ jjo-J * 95 , October 17 , I 857 .
Leader (1850-1860), Oct. 17, 1857, page 1008, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2214/page/24/