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THE MARQUIS OB NORMANBY'S NEW WORK . Just published , in 2 vols . 8 vo , price 24 s . cloth . A YEAR OF REVOLUTION . From a Journal kept in Paris in the Year 184 S . By tho Marquis of NORMANBY , K . G . * " Lord Normanby's volumes journal , the passing cornare full of new and most merits on , men and events valuable materials for his- have all the interest of tory , interspersed with much dramatic suspense combined amusing aud interesting with the advantage of offixossip . Being written from cial accuracy . "—Economist . day to day in the form of a London : Longman , Brown , and Co ., Paternoster-row .
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MURRAY'S RAILWAY READING . In a few days , post 8 vo , r rVHE RISE OF OUR INDIAN EMPIRE . X By Lord MAHON . Being the History of British India from its Origin till the Act of 1783 . Extracted from Lord aiahoa ' s " History of England . " John Mttbbay , Albemarie-street .
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In a Few Days will be published , in Two Tols . post 8 vo , SCENES OF CLERICAL LIFE . THE SAD FORTUNES OF THE REV . AMOS BARTON . MR . GILFIL'S LOVE STORY . JANET'S REPENTANCE . By GEORGE ELIOT . ( Origina ll y published in Blackwoo&s Magazine . ) WILLIAM BLACKWOOD AND SONS , EDINBURGH AND LONDON .
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New Serial by the Author of " Vanity Fair , " " The Newcomes , " &c . — . •» _ On the 1 st of December was published , Price One Shilling , with Illustrations on Steel and Wood by the Author , THE SECOND NUMBEK OF THE VIRGINIANS . BY W . M . THACKERAY . LONDON : BRADBURY AND EVANS , 11 , BOUVERIE STREET .
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ILLUSTRATED EDITION OF TENNYSON'S POEMS . la one volume , large 8 vo , price 31 s . 6 d . cloth : or 47 s . 6 d . elegantly bound in morocco by Hayday , PO EMS . By AL . FRED TENNYSOtf . With Illustrations by Mulready , Stanfield , Creswick , Maclise , Millais , Holman Hunt , Eossetti , and Horsley . "A beautiful and splendid book : worthy of the artists engaged , and worthy of the poet beloved by all artists . "Athencrum . Edwabd Moxos , Dover-street .
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THE INDIAN CRISIS . This day is published , in crown Svo , cloth , price 2 s . 6 d ., FIV E SERMONS ON THE INDIAN CRISIS . By FREDERICK DENISON MAURICE , M . A ., Chaplain of Lincoln's Inn . Cambridge : Macmilxan and Co .
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THE SEVENTH THOUSAND OF TOM BROWN ' S SCHOOL DAYS , BY AN OLD BOTT , Is ncno ready , in crown Svo , cloth , price 10 s . Gd . "A book which an English father might well -wish to sec in the hand 3 of his son . "—Times . MACMLLLAN AND CO ., CAMBRIDGE .
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Price 18 s -, cloth gilt , Vol . I . of T > OUTLEDGE'S SHAKSPE ARE . Edited XV by HOWARD STAUNTON ; Illustrated by John Gilbert . The first volume of this superbly illustrated work is just ready . Some of the Engravings are perfect gems of modern art , and have been warmly aud repeatedly eulogized by the leading organs of the public press , whilst the notes , emendations , and comments are just the kind required by the general reader . It is in all respects the most popular edition of the great national dramatist ' s works that has ever appeared . London : George Hottm / edge and Co ., Farringdon-street .
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"More valuable than ' Southey ' s Common Place Boole . " Belt's Messenger . ' . ¦ . - . In post 4 to , price 12 . 10 s ., 7 O 0 pages , cloth lettered , MANY THOUGHTS ON MANY THINGS . Being a Treasury of Reference , selected from the "Writings of The Known Great , or the Great "Unknown . Compiled and analytically arranged by HENRY SOUTHGATE . " To literary men the work is a boon for which they cannot be too thankful ; to the learned it is a means for the increase of their erudition ; and to the general reader it is a friend which will not only give them an insight into very many subjects of which they can as yet know nothing , but . will introduce , thfim-to authors ^ nd information which will increase their ownknowjedge ,, apd render their . appreciation of , lifceratureJHid itp ihousaiid-fold benBfits . rnore and . more enlarged ., ; Weshoulddo an act . of injusti . ee .: to . Mr .: South-Rate yrereyre not to say ttiat : his . volume is . superior by far . ' to Jihe late ^ PpetLaureite ^ s 'Common . Place -Book , ' for it tpuches ' subjects and matters which are wholly unnoticed by his Jffeat" prede ' Cessor "; and ; we are \ persuaded . tljat no peraon . ^ hd . values literature for its- own sake , will hesitate to possessbitnsetf of a volume which . will enriob the collecwdn or the most learned student , and be ' - an acquisition to thebest-assorted library . "—BeWs Messenger . ' ¦ . " Lond onj ^ 'GBOEGE BiOOTXbdge and'Co ., " Farringdon-streefc .
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Grand Story of Love and Battle t > y CHARLES READS . 4 rr ! Just oid , WHITE LIES . THREE VOLS . ONE GUINEA . TRUBNER AND CO ., PATERNOSTER ROW .
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SAMPSON LOW , SON , and CO . are now publishing , i . BAYARD TAYLOR'S NEW BOOK . N ORTH E R N T R A V E L . SUMMER AND WINTER PICTURES OF SWEDEN , LAPLAND , AND NORWAY . 1 By BAYARD TATLOR . Crown Svo , 8 s . 6 d . \ Nmo read // . THE POETICAL WORKS OF EDGAR ALLAI POE ; W&i \\ ) ^ rffitnal JWemotr . Illustrated by F . R . Pickbbsgil . 1 ,, R . A ., John TENUfiiix , Bikkkt Foster , JFelix Darley , Jester Crovskw P . Dugm > aw , and A . Madot , ia the first style of'Wood Engraving . . . 8 vo , cloth extra , 21 s . ; morocco , 3 ls . Cd . " A feast for ojro arid mind alike;—a more diciRant ' voluiiko , The flghro . ' of tho dyhif ? lady . in tho oxquisito pooin ol externally and internally , 'has rarely appeared . ' The on- ' Leonoro' is a gem of arti . " -r-j& ! torarv Gazette . gravings are between fifty and sixty in number , ' besides " Poo stands , as much alono amoiif ? verse-writers as balva ^ vignettes , which are as abundant as tho poems themsolvos . tor Itosa among painters . "—/ Spectator .
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NEW ., ? WOItKOISr : SOUTH ATRIGAN FIELD SPORTS . In 1 voL , price 10 s . 6 d ., 8 vo , cloth gilti S PORTING SCENES' AMON ' fr THE KAFFIRS OP SOtJTH APEICA . By Captain DRAYSON , R . A . Yfith .., Eight largre Illustrations , printed in colours , from Sketches by the Author . / Khis work is the result of the genuino experiences of a practical sportsman . It is especially valuable from the fact that Captain Drayson is skilled in the Kaffir language , and was therefore enabled to travel among the natives , and to communicate with them directly , without the incumbrance of an interpreter . In it will be found many interosting details of seeking , tracTtinK , and slaying the various South African game ; together with curious anecdotes illustrative of the native Katnr character . London ; GsoBas RouTiiBDOK and Co ., Farringdon-strebt '
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THE PATOTJBITE GIFT BOOK OF THE SEASON " . In cloth , price 21 s ., gilt edges ; or ' . tt lla . 6 d . in morocco , HOME AFFECTIONS , PORTRA . YED BY « ir . » SI DB- T S ! S 9 ' - ' B € leptea ;> iia edited by CHARLBS MA 0 KA ¥ . IllustHted with One Hundred exquisite Bn < gravings , from origirial designs'by the first artists . , : V The bopk , as a book , is beaiitifql . "—Leader . . JI Tl * tt « s * jationB , engraving , and general appearance of Tho Home Affectiona' aro more beautiful ' and thoroughly arWstlo than any . wpliaye aeon ; . and we have littlo doubt of its proving tho favourite gift book of tho season ; " —Daily J \ 5 ?* 2 ft » M ,: . . .. - ; . ' "• ' '• ' ' ¦ ¦ ' .,- ¦ - ¦ . ' . ; . ¦ .. ¦ > ) .. i > : .., ; . ; .: . ¦ Lontton ; Gkokge RouTiBDQR and Co ., Parringdon-street .
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THE POETieiL WOlESfr WILLIAM CULLM BRYANT . ¦ ;¦ : ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ --: ' - . . GOXLECTED . jifflD iuKAKGEI ) Br THE ADTUOR . Illustrated with 71 choice Ehgrft-vings on "Wood , from Drawings by Eminent Artists . 8 vo , cloth extra , 21 s . ; morocco , i ) la . Ccl . WOKDSWOKTH'S PASTOEAL POEMS . Illustrated hy IIknry Wauhen , Giooitoio Tno > rAH , nnd . Hiuivia * Pcsricn , &c , Crown 8 vp , 7 s . ( ! d . ; morocco , l- « . % Forming tlie New . Volume of Choice Editions of Choice Booh : LONDON : SAMPSON LOW , SON , AND 0 (^ 47 . LUDGATK HILL .
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1 ¦¦ , , Noyr rQady , price 4 s . Cd ., '" ' : - THE OCEA 3 ST : ITS UNFATHOMABLE DKWHS AND NATURAL PHENOMENA . " ComnriBirg authentic narratives and strango rom ( nificohcea of Enterprise , Delusion , and Delinquency : with' tlio ' Vbyago and' Discoverlos of her Majesty ' s Snip " Oyolong . " , ' By Lieutenant ^ ANCIS HIGGINBON , R . N . ' ^ London ; J 3 p-vfA «» Stamford , O , Ohai-ing-cross , ' iviid all Bookse ^ ors . ^ . . ¦ -. ¦ ,-, . ¦ ' :- ' , - \
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... fcONPpN : Printed and Published by At . Fimn Buwtjnd « AT , T , oWAr , at « The Loader" Oluco , No . 852 , Strand , in tho County of iMi ( l , ] lMox .-vJ > ccon . bovr ,, 1857 . ... '' ' ¦ r ' ' ¦ ¦
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n ? g THE -LEADEB , [ No . 402 , December 5 , 1857 .
Leader (1850-1860), Dec. 5, 1857, page 1176, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2220/page/24/