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, -v t ~\ rt" • (i HtttniT^rrnii SMTTIirr^ VlbUUUllUUlU >aUUU'tf *
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^ Y L . AST WBJBK . splendid decorations of the Bal Masque continued . Madlle . Jetty Treffz and M . Remenji . The highly successful Indian Quadrille , and General Havelock ' s Grand Triumphal March , every Evening durin&r the Week . " Promenade , Is . ; Dress Circle , 2 s . Gd . ; Private Boxes , 10 s . 6 d . and upwards . Can bo secured at the Box-office at the Theatre , where prospectuses , with full particulars , may be obtained ; at the principal Libraries , and at Jullieu and Co ' s ., 214 , Regent-street .
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H ~ E It AIA JE S T ~ Y S ~ THEAT R . e 7—ll JtTLLIEN'S GRAND BAL MASQUE . . Inconsequence of the preat success of the Bal Masque M . Jullicn will give a SECOND , and positively the last this season , at the end of the second series of Concerts , on Monday , December 21 . The Orchestra will comprise One Hundred and Ten Musicians . Conductor , M . JTJLLIKN " . Tickets for the Bal , 10 s . Gd . The prices of admission for Spectators ( for whom the audience part of the Theatre will be set apart ) , will be—Dress Circle . 5 s . ; Gallery Stalls . 2 s . Gd . ; Gallery , is . Gd . ; Privato Boxes from 31 . 3 s . and upwards ; to be had at the Box-ollicc at the Theatre ; and at Jullien and Co . ' s , 2 it , Regent-street .
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HER M A J E STY'S Til E ATR 17—T ,,-, xT ^ v JULIjIENbe Ksto announce "that his ANNUAL BENEFIT will take place on Wednesday next , December 16 th , being positively the last night but three of the Season . The Programme will include tho most successful pieces given during the Season . Applications to be made at the Box Office at the Theatre , and at Jullien ami Co ., 214 , Regent-street .
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PRO FESSOR " WILJALBA PR 1 KELL . — ST . JAMES'S THEATRE . Every Evcniujf at 8 , and Saturday Afternoons at 3 . New and original Entertainment of PHYSICAL AND NATURAL MAGIC , without the aid of any Apparatus . Stalls , 5 s . ; Boxes . 3 s . ; Pit , 2 s . ; Gallery , Is . Private Boxes . Two Guineas ; One Guinea and a half ; and One Guinea . Places to be secured at Mr . Mitchell's Royal Library , 33 , Old Bond-street .
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pHRISTY'S MINSTRELS , Polygraphic Hall , Vy Strand . — -Monday , the 133 rd Entertainment in London . Open every evening at 8 , and on Saturday a Morning Entertainment , commencing at 3 . Stalls , 3 s . ; Area , 2 ? . ; Amphitheatre , Is . S <> ats can be had at Mr . Mitchell ' s , 33 , Old Bond-street ; and at the Hall .
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TYR . KAHN'S MUSEUM AND GALLERY - *^ P JS ' J * CE ' ^ Tiehbprne-street , facing the Haymarket . This Institution presents entirely" new features and offers unprecedented attractions . Its object is to combine Natural with EXPERIMENTAL SCIKNCB , and to show the connexion between tlie functions of the Human body and the great Forces of the Universe . Amongst the numerous novelties now added may be named the large Oxyhydrogen Microscope , GUENAL'S APPARBIL UBANOGRAPHIQUE ( now first introduced ) . The latest improvements in Electric and other Apparatus ( including RUHMKORPF'S WORLD-RENOWNED CO £ Li , Illustrations of Microscopic Anatomy , Dissolving Views of Physiological Phenomena , upon a principle never before attempted , &c Lectures are delivered daily on tlie various branches of Science , and their application to the llumau Frame , tho Laws of Life , and the Preservation of Health , by Dr . Kahn and Dr . Sexton . The Institution is illuminated outride with DU BOSQUE'S MAGNIFICENT ELECTRIC LIGHT . Open ' for Gentlemen only ) from 12 till 5 , and from 7 till 10 o'clock . Admission to tho whole Kuildiug , One Shilling . Illustrated Catalogues , Sixpence . Programmes and Lectures gratis on application , or post free for Sir Stamps .
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i \ DR . DE JONGIPS LIGHT-BROWN COD LIVER OIL , Prescribed by the most eminent Medical Practitioners as the most speedy and effectual remedy for CONSUMPTION , BRONCHITIS . ASTHMA , GOUT RHEUMATISM , SCIATICA . DIABBTES , DISEASES OF THE SKINT , NKURALGIA . RICKETS , INFANTILE WASTING , GENERAL DEBILITY , AND ALL SCROFULOUS AFFECTIONS . Contains iodine , phosphate of Htne . volatile fatty acids—in short , all the most essential curative properties—in much larger quantities than the Pale Oils manufactured in Great Britain and Newfoundland , mainly deprived of these by their mode of preparation- w The well-merited celebrity of Dr . de Jongh ' sOil is attested by its extensive use in Franco , Germany , Russia , Holland , and Belgium , by numerous spontaneous testimonials from distinguished members of tho Faculty and scientific chemists of European reputation , and Hinco its introduction into this country , by tho marked success with which it lias been prescribed by the Medical Profession . In innumerable cases , where other kinds of Cod Liver Oil had been taken with little or no bunollt , it has produced almost immediate relief , arrested disease , and restored , health . Opinion of C . RADOLYFFE HALL ,, Esq ., M . D ., F . R . C . P . E ., PhVftcmn to the Hospital for Consumption , Torquay , Afithorof" Essays on Pulmonary Tubercle , " iQc . ct-c . I have no hesitation in saying that I gonorally prefer your Cod Liver Oil for the following reasons : —I have found it to agree bettor with tho digestive organs , especially in thoso patients who consider themselves to bo bilious ; it seldom causes nausea or eructation i it is more palatable to most patients than tho othur kinds of Cod Liver Oil ; it is stronger , and consequently a smaller douo is hulllciout . " Sold only in ImPitriax Half-pints , 2 « . ( Wl . ; l'intn . la . Od . i Quarts , Os . i capsuled mid labelled with J ) n . pic Jongm- h btampiuid Signature , wiTiiouTwmon noukcan voasijiirr t bb gknuink , by inont respectable OhomiBt * in the couiitry . «^ ro .., VHOI . B 8 AIH AMD nKTAIL DEPOT , A 3 VTSAR , HAHFOltJ > , & ( JO ., 77 . STM . AN D , LONDON , W . C , 1 _ D R- » B JCGHl ' 8 SOIiK 11 UIXI 8 II CONSIGNHHH , By whom tho Oil ia daily forwarded to nil parts of the Metropolis . 1 1 .
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ALLSOPP'S PALE ALE IN IMPERIAL PINTS XT ABRIN 6 TQN ; PARKER , and CO , ' arc iliwrST Aii r ^ thc ^^^ r Brewings of the above ht fh i K f" X i ? « rPass « n «? excellence is vouched for by the highest medical and chemical authorities of " ho dw ^ mB ^ B ^ - ^^^ Si 3 > cc , 1857 . ¦ ¦
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y UTOC CIGARS ! at Goodrich ' s Ci « mr ; To ™ te ^ ' and Snu 5 Stores , 407 , Oxford-street ? London near Soho-square . Boxes containing 14 very fine IS h 1 l f i rtr l ? r s - ^ fr « e , six stamps extra ; lb . boxes " contihi ! Good "' h" "e arG Benuiue unless signed " 11 \
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QISAL CIGARS ! SISAL CIGARsV it kJ Goodrich ' s Cigar , Tobacco , and Snuff Stores " 407 Oxford-street , London , near Soho-square Box eoinviiinTu ; 14 , for is . 9 d . ; post free , six stampsextra lb ! ' w « eon toiiiuipiqa . - 12 s . None are genuine , Si signed "ilT
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TJVPPS'S COCOA . —This excellent preparation - » -i is supplied in lb . and i lb . packets . Is . 8 d . and lOd A tin canister , containing 7 J lb .. Us . 6 d . —JAMUS El'PS Homoeopathic Chemist , 170 , Piccadilly ; 82 , Old Broad street , City ; and 112 , Great Russell-strcet , Blooinsbury
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TMPORTANT to EVERY MAN who KEEPS TO = wA > «^ lkT 9 , ' ' - ' SHEEP , or PIG .-THORLEY'S FOOD for CATTLE , as used in her Majesty ' s stables ; also oirlns Royal Highness the Prince Consort ' s farm , Windsor tsold in casks containing 448 feeds ( with measure enclosed ) price 60 s . per cask ; carriage paid to any railway station in the United Kingdom . For horses it is indispensable in promoting and sustaining all tho animal functions in health and vigour . For milch cows it is invaluable , increasing the quantity and improving the quality of milk . For boasts nothing can compare with it for feeding quickly . For sheen and pigs its effect in one month will exceed all expectation A pamphlet , containing testimonials from Mr . Brebner steward to his Royal Highness the Prince Consort ; Mr James Fisher , farm manager to her Grace the Duchess of Athole ; Sir David Canyngiiame , Bart . ; Sir John Cathcart , JSart . ; Sir John Ribton , Bart . ; and some of the leading agriculturists of the day , may be had , post free , on application to the inventor and solo proprietor , JOSEPH ¦ THORLEY , 77 , Ufewgate-street , London ; 115 , High-street , Hull . Post-office orders to bo made payable at the General Post-office .
Untitled Ad
MAJOR'S IMPROVEMENTS in VETEIIINABY SCIENCE . ¦¦¦ " If progress is daily made in Medical Science by those whose duty it is to study the diseases to which the human flesh is heir , it would seem that improvements in Veterinary art quite keep pace with it , as is manifest on a visit tot lie well-known Horse Infirmary of Mr . Major , in Cockspurstreet . Here incipient and chronic lameness is discovered and cured with a . facility truly astonishing , while the efficacy of the remedies , and the quickness of their action , appear to have revolutionised the whole system of firing aitd blistering . Among the most recent proofs of the cure of spavins l > y Mr . Major , we may mention Cannobie , the winner of the Metropolitan , and second favourite for the Derby , and who is now as sound as his friends and backers could desire . And by the advertisement of Mr . Major ' s pamphlet in another column , we perceive that other equally miraculous cures are set forth , which place him at the head or the Veterinary art in London . "— Globe , May 10 , 1856 .
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RUPTURES .-BY ROYAL LETTERS PATENT . WHITE'S MOC-MAIN LEVER TRUSS is allowed l > y upwards of 200 MedicalGentlemen to bo the most effective invention in the curative treatment of Hernia . The use of a steel spring ( so hurtful in its effects ) is hereavoidcd . & soft Bandage being wornround the body , while the requisite resisting power is supplied by the Moc-Main Pad and Patent Lover , fitting with so much case and closeness that it cannot be detected , and maybe worn during sleep . A . descriptive circular may be had , and the Truss ( which cannot fail to lit ; forwarded by post , on tho circumference of the body , two inches below the liip , beinic sent to the Manufacturer . JOHN WHITE , 228 , Piccadilly , London . Price of a single truss , lCs ., 21 s ., 2 < 5 s . 6 d ., and 31 s . 6 d . — Postage , Is . Doiible Truss , 31 s . 6 d ., 4 . 2 s ., and 32 s . 6 d . —Postage Is . Stl . Umbilical Truss , 42 s . and 52 s . 6 d . ~ Postagc Is . lOd . Post-office Orders to be made payable to JOHN WHITE Post-office , Piccadilly . ELASTIC STOCKINGS , KNEE-CAPS , &c , LLl for VARICOSE VEINS , and all cases of WEAKNESS and SWELLING- of the LEGS , Sl'RAINS , Ac They are porous , light In texture , and inexpensive , andaro drawn on like an ordinary stocking . Price from 7 s . Gd . to l € s , each . —Postage , Cd . JOHN WHITE . Manufacturer , 228 , Piccadilly . London .
Untitled Ad
, r pilIESEMAR . —Protected by Royal Letters JL Patent of England , and secured by tho seals of tho Kcolo do Phartnacio de Paris , and tho Imporinl-College of Medicine , Vienna . Triesemar , No . 1 , is a romody for relaxation , spermatorrhoea , and exhaustion of tho system . Triesemar , No . 2 , effectually , in tho short spacoor three days , completely and entirely eradicates all traces of thoso disorders which capsules have so long been thoiiKlit nn antidote for , to the ruin of the health of avast portion of tho population . Triesemar , No . 3 , is the great Continental remedy for that class of disorders which unfortunately the English physician treats with mercury , to the inuvitablo destruction of tho patient ' s constitution , and which all the sarsaparillaln thft world cannot remove . Triesemar , Nos . 1 , , and 3 , avo aliko devoid of taste or Hindi , and of all inuseatiiiK qualities . They may Ho on tho toilet talilo without their use being auspoctod . —Bold in tin cases , price Us- , rrco by post Is . 8 d . extra , to any part of tho United 1 Kingdom , or four cases in one for 33 s ., by pout , Sh . 2 d . extra , 1 which waves 11 s . ; and in Si , cases , whureby tlioro isasaving oriM 2 H . i divided into aoparato doacB , an administered by Vnlpeau , Litlloitinnd , Itoux . &o . Sold by l > . CIn « r « li , 78 , Graccchurcli-Ntreet ; Uartlett Hoopor , 43 . King William-street ; . « . 1-. Watts , 17 , Strand ; Prou 6 , 220 . Stran < l ; Hannay , 03 , Oxford-street ; Banger , 1 ( 10 , Oxford-stroot , 3 iOiidoii ; It . II . Iiigham , Market-street , Manohoatert and Powell , 15 , Wentmorol ( iud-str » ot , Dublin . , '
Untitled Article
¦ • ¦ . ;¦ ' ' . ' .. ¦ ? ' "" - . . ¦ ; London . Friday Evening , December 11 . The settlement of the December Consol account * 'in . the ' Stock Exchange took place on . 'Monday . Confcangoes were heavy , and ranged from ... 11-16 to 13-16 , for account ; the event was marked by seven failures in the 'House . ' none , however , of considerable importance . Consols which closed on Monday- and Tuesday , at 92 | , i , cum die for January account , opened firmly on "Wednesday , and closed at 91 J , i . ex div ., or an advance of i per cent . Yesterday they opened at a slight improvement , steadily rose during the day , finally closing at 91 g , f ex div ., for January account , and opened this morning at 91 f , «; they have been dono at 92 and 91 J , and close at D 1 S , J , for account .
Money yesterday was freely offered in the Stock Exchange at from 5 to 8 per cent ., according to the length of loan . On that day meetings of the creditors of Messrs . Sanderson , Sa-ndeman , and Co ., and Messrs . JJroadwood and Barclay were held , and no fear was entertained that the former firm would not ultimately fulfil all their obligations , but in the latter case a dividend of only 5 per cent , appeared probable .
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Blackburn , 9 , 9 |; Caledonian , 76 f , 77 i ; Chester and Holyhead , SO , S 2 ; Eastern Counties , 54 , 55 ; Great Northern , 93 , 95 ; Great Southern and Western ( Ireland ) , 97 , 99 , Great Western , 50 J . 51 i ; Lancashire and Yorkshire , 99 } , 91 i ; London and Black wall , 5 i , 5 f ; London , Brighton , and South Coast , 102 . ? 03 ; London and North-Western , 93 f , 94 i ; London and South-Western , 88 * . 89 $ ; Midland 85 , 85 i ; Nortli-Eastem ( Berwick ) , 92 , 93 ; South .- Eastern , ( lJover ) , 631 , 641 ; Antwerp and Rotterdam , 5 « . 6 i ; Dutch Rhenish , 6 , 51 dis . ; Eastern of France ( Paris and Strasbourg ;) , 25 i , 25 }; Great Central of France , —— ; Great Luxembourg , 5 j , 6 J ; Northern of France , 3 * t , 35 f ; Paris and Lyons , 32 i , » 3 i ; Royal Danish , I 3 i , 15 i ; Royal Swedish i , f ; Sambro and Meuse . G . 6 * .
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Sheffield , oil and linseed cake dealer—Miles Lambert , Liverpool , tailor and draper—Hugh : Pickering , Spring Garden Mill , Burnley , brushtnaker—Audsew Oq-lk , Ja mes BoBrtrsoN , and "William Ogie , Preston , engineers , ironfounders , and iron shipbuilders—Hug-h PiCKBRrifG , John Pickerin& , Richard Catox Pickering , and Johw Wilson Pickering , Burnley , Lancashire , cotton spiuners —Thomas Ross , West Hartlepool , sailraaker . SCOTCH SEQUESTRATIOXS .-J , Macdonam ) , Glasgow , furrier—E . Macmillan , Inverness , coal merchant—J . Stewart . Glasgow , provision dealer—G . W . Crawford , Edinburgh , writer . Friday , December 11 .
BANKRUPTS— Thoaias Tvrrell , Tonbridgc , Kent , factor — George Hamit , Haddenham . Cambridgeshire , machine maker—Geouge Camxi , Sheffield , grocer—George "Moktox , Hope , Derbyshire , farmer—Thomas Woolf , AVellington-street , Woolwich , corn chandler—William Baker and Luc y S- Baker , Church-street , Catnbervvell , milliners —Thomas M . Pritchard and Thomas Higginson , Liverpool , rice merchants—Thomas E . Pickford , Manchester , commission agent—Edward Hortojj " , Well-street , South Hackney , grocer—Chari . es jMiddletox , Upper Northstreet , Poplar , builder—TiroMAS Robixson , Manchester , ironmonger—Samueii Rhoi > es and Jons Armstrong , Tintwistle , cotton manufacturers—J . oies Law , Halifax
shoemaker—David Roberts , Halifax , spinner—Edward Jonjes , Welshfrankton , tittibcr merchant—Rupert Allport , Stafford , butcher—John V : grass , Walsall , Staffordshire , timber luerchant—Elizabeth Swinsertox , Stokeupon-Trent , Staffordshire , victualler . SCOTCH SEQUESTRATIONS .-James Stark , Pollockshaws , grocer—Jonjf Dorr , KAngussie , joiner—Robert Stevtart and Son , Glasgow , ' merchants—William Keyset , Perth , flesher—James Watsox , Glasgow , paiuter—William Boyacs , Dundee , flasspimier— Alexander Leask , Dundee , merchant—Duncast , Weier and Co ., Greeuock , merchants—Bach A p Yciii , ana Co-i Springbank Print-works , Xeilston , calico printers—James Donald and Sons , Dundee , flaxspinners and manufacturers .
, -V T ~\ Rt" • (I Htttnit^Rrnii Smttiirr^ Vlbuuulluulu ≫Auuu'tf *
Cnmnmrial Mara ,
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CORN MARKET . Mark-lane , Friday , December 11 . The revival of prices , which was noted last week , has altogether subsided , and Wheat , on the spot and for cargoes , is now lower than the lowest point hitherto reached , though the exportation from Franco has been very limited . "With largo supplies of Barley and Oats , the prices of Loth are now much lower than they havo been for years past . Soft St . Petersburg is not worth more than 42 s . per 492 lbs . and a slow sale . Louvain of ( hie quality , which would have brought 513 . on Monday , only sells at 52 s . to-day . A cargo of Taganrog Ghirka sold at 42 s . per 492 lbs ., cost , freight , and insurance . A cargo of lbrail Maize , per " Madonna del Carmine , " lias been taken at 30 s 6 d . per 480 lbs by a bold buyer . Archangel Oats sold as low as 10 s . 3 d ., and 52 lbs . Danish Barley at 27 s . 6 d .
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BRITISH FUNDS FOR THE PAST AVEEK . ( Closing Phices . ) „ ,-,., Sat . Man , Tues . 1 Wed . Thnr . Frid . Bank Stock 218 217 217 218 219 219 3 percent . Red oof flOg MI oil oif 92 f 3 per Cent . Con . Am . 91 * 91 » Wl « » 2 i Oil Consols for Account 91 * 921 02 | 9 ii ai | " oil Now 3 per Cent . A . n . 901 001 901 91 | 01 * 91 New 2 * per Cents 77 . Long Aw * . 1800 15-18 " . ; " " ] " \ - jj ' India Stock 217 219 Ditto Bonds , £ 1000 33 d 35 d 28 d " i Ditto , under . £ 1000 20 d 26 d 35 d ai'ii Ex . Bills , jEIOOO par par in 2 d 'i'ij nar DiLto , i 25 O 0 par par 2 p 2 p ¦ Ditto , Small 2 p 2 p 2 p 3 p ! " ^ "i ' p FOREIGN TUNDS . Ij . vaT Official Quotation i > urinqtiie Wkekicnding TlIUKSBAY EVENING . ) TV . * . uilian Bonds 98 Portuguese 4 porConts . ... Utionos Ayrus 0 |> . Cents 87 Russian lionets , o per Chilian 8 per Centa Couta Chilian $ per Cunts < H ) J ' Rnssiaui 4 , 4 per Cents-... 1 ) 6 Dutch 2 * per Centa « 2 J Spanish 25 i Dutch 4 per Cent . Oortf . t ) U Spanish Committee Cor-Equador Bonds of Coup , not fun 5 Mexican Account 18 $ Turkish < t per Cento o-z Peruvian 44 porCents Turkish New , 4 ditto .... 100 PortuKucae 3 porOeutB . 431 Voncaueln 4 i per Cents t
He R Majesty's Theater. - Rwv M. Jullien's Classical Concerts. -~~—^————^—^-^—^ '
HE R MAJESTY'S THEATER . - M . _ JULLIEN'S ^ CLASSICAL CONCERTS . - ~~— . ^————^—^ - ^—^ ' tJSlTlvlS L-THK The
Untitled Article
- - ^ P * .- THE gJBAPj B : [ No . 403 , 1 > EcEmbEb 12 , 1 S 5 7 ¦ ™ ~ —^——*^*' —M ""* *" " **— " *******""—^™ " ^~* ¦ - ___ .. . . . ¦ _ . " •
Leader (1850-1860), Dec. 12, 1857, page 1196, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2221/page/20/