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A BONUS DIVISION « £ Hbe made at Slat December , 1858 , of Profits en the life Policies on the participating scale taken out before the close of the present year , 1857 , in the : — GLOBE INSURANCE , CORNHILL & CHARING-CROSS , LONDON . ESTABLISHED 1803 . Capital ONU MlLLiION , All paid-up and invested . "Fowler NEWSAM , Esq . —Chairman . Jobn Edward JOHNSON , Esq . —Deputy-Ctaoirman . George Carr GtLYN , Esq ., M . P . — Treasurer . TIRE . LIFE , ANNUITY , ENDOWMENT , and REVERSIONARY business transacted . WILLIAM . NEWMARCH . Secretary .
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MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE . THE WHOLE PROFITS DIVIDED AMONGST THE ASSURED . T HE SCOTTISH EQUITABLE LIFE X ASSURANCE SOCIETY . INSTITUTED 1831 . ISCOJBPOBA . TED BX SPECIAL ACT OF PABiaAJIENT . The Fund accumulated from the Contributions of Members exceeds ONE MILLION STERLING . The Annual Revenue exoeeds ONE HUNDRED and BEVENTY-SIX THOUSAND POUNDS . * The Amount of Existing Assurances exceeds FOUR MILLIONS AND THREE QUARTERS . The Amount paid to the Representatives of Deceased Members is upwards of Nine Hundred Thousand Pounds , of which One Hundred and Twenty Thousand Pounds consisted of Bonus Additions . A Division of Profits is made every Three Years , the Division being at let Maron , 1859 . HKABOFJICE : 26 , St . Andrew-square , Edinbnrgh . ROBERT CHRISTIE , Manager . WILLIAM FINLAX . Secretary . LOKDOK OITIGE : 26 , Poultry , E . C . ARCHD . T . RITCHIE , Agent . "WESTERN LOKDOK OFTICE : 6 A , James ' s-street , 'YFestbourne-terrace , W . CHARLES B . LEVER ,, Solicitor , Agent .
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—Illl ~ i . ¦ - | - i - . ¦ J AGfENTS REQ . TJIRED POR THE " ' MA £ ffTET LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY ^ Established 1854 . Chief Offices—22 , Moorgate-street , City . Prospectuses , proposal forms , and every information for effecting Policies may be obtained by letter , or personal application at the Chief Office , or to any of the Society ' s Agents throughout the kingdom . , Influential persons desirous of taking Agencies where < appointments are not already made , can apply for terms , &c , to the Manager , , ^^ S . POTT . }
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X OAN AND INVESTMENT AGENCY - Xj association : ( Chief Office , 9 , Adam-street , Strand , W . C . ' Xoans of any amount , from 20 ! ., on real and other secu- ; aritfea . . 140 , 000 trust funds ready to be invested . R . T . J OPIUMS , Actuary .
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ARGU S L . IFE ASSURANCE COMPANY . 39 , Throgmorton-street , Bank . OttirBMAN-THOMAS PARNCOMB , Esq .. Alderman . DBPtrry-CHAiRMAN— WILLIAM LEAF , Esq .. Rioiravrd B . Arden , Esq . Rupert Ingleby , Esq . JBdward Bates , Esq . Saffery W . Johnson , Esq . Professor Ha . ll , HI . A . Jeremiah Pitcher , Esq . Jobn Humphery , Esq ., Aid . Lewis Pocock , Esq . Phybxcia . it . —Dr . Joaffreson , 2 , Tinsbury-square . SUESBOir . —W . Ooulson . Esq ., 3 , Prederiok's-place , Old Jewry . Actttaet . —George Clark , Esq . ADVANTAGES OF ASSURING IN THIS COMPANY . 'The Premiums axe on the lowest scale consistent with security . The assured are protected by an ample subscribed capital—an Assurance Fund of 450 , 060 ? . invested on Mortgage and in the Government Btocfcs , and an income or 86 , 'OftOi . a y « ar . IPremiwas to Assure 100 ? . ' WholeTonn . . i \ ^ ~ ~ ~ , Without ' Ago , Oneixear , Seven . Xears . With Profits . ProiHs . ' , JO . . i £ 0 17 * i aBOlft » « fl IB 10 . jtfllllO ¦ 80 . X 1 3 12 7 2 B 5 2 0 7 M >( . 1 C 0 . 1-8 0 - 8 0 7 2 14 10 M 1 U 1 : 119 10 i 4 6 8 4 0 11 i 60 i 8 : 2 < 4 B 17 0 6 12 O < S 0 10 j MUTUAL BRANCH , j 'Assurers on mo Bonus system are entitled ,-at t"he end of i fl . ve years , to participate in nine-tenths , or W ) percent of the I pronto . ! Ihe proat unsigned * o each polfoy can be -added to the sum afwuxed , applied in reduction of the annual premium , or beffocelvadiin cash . At the ( first division » return of aoporecmt . In oasti , on the premiums paid , was declared ; this will allow a rover * Bionary increase , varying , according to nge , * rom 60 to 26 per cent , on the proiniwms . « r from 5 to 15 por cent , on the sura ssuvad . Ono » half of the " -whole term" premium may remain on credit for seven yoars , or ono-third of the premium may remain for lifoasadobt upon the policy at 5 per cent ., or may bo paid off at any time without notice . Claims paid In ono month aftor proofs have been approved . Loans upon approved security . No charge for policy stamps . Medical attendants paid for thoir reports . Portions may . in time of poaco . proceed to , or rosWo in , may part or Europe , or British North America , without ttm c * Mwr « re . ... The naodical onlcors attend every day , at a quarter boforo two-tfoloek . B . BATES , Rosldcnt Director .
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MR . BENTLEY'S POPULAR NEW SERIES ; OP TWO-SHILLING VOLUMES . _— - ?_ ¦ , CHARLES HEADE'S 1 STEVER TOO LATE TO MEND . Fifty-second Thousand . CHARLES BEADE'S COURSE OF TBTTE LOVE . Twenty-first Thousand . MRS . COLIN MACKENZIE ' S DELHI , THE CITY OF THE GREAT MOGUL . Eighth Thousand . MRS . MOODIE'S ROUGHING IT IN THE BUSH . Sixth Thousand . CUTHBERT BEDE ' S NEARER AND DEARER . With Numerous niustrations . Thirteenth Thousand . SHIRLEY BROOKS'S ASPEN COURT . Fourth Thousand . MAJOR WARBURTON'S CONQUEST OF CANADA . Fourth Thousand . GENERAL MUNDT'S OUR ANTIPODES . Also just ready . THE C ONFESSIONS OF A THTJGr . By Captain MEADOWS TAYLOR . * * * Any-of the above can be had very handsomely hound in blue cloth , price 3 s . London : Richabd Bentley , New Burlington-street .
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J " ' 3 NEW BOY'S BOOK OP ADVENTURE . Price 3 s . 6 d ., cloth gilt , 'T'HE YOUNG : ( EXILES . A Boy ' s Book of JL Adventure amongst the Wild Tribes of the North . By A . BOWMAN " , Author of "Esperanza , " ' The Castaways , " &c , with JEight Illustrations by HaheisohWeib-Also , uniform , price 3 s . 6 d ., cloth gilt , MY FEATHERED FRIENDS . Containing Anecdotes of Bird Life , more especially Eagles , Vultures , Hawks , Magpies , Rooks , Crows , Ravens , Parrots , Humming Birds , Ostriches , &c . &c By the Rev . J . G . WOOD . Illustrated by Harrison Weiblibndon : Geoegb JtotrTtKnoTS and Co .. Farringdon-street .
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, < , } ; NEW WORK ON SOUTH AFRICAN FIELD SPORTS . In 1 vol ., price lfls . 6 d ., 8 vo , cloth gilt , SPORTING SCENES AMONG THE KAFFIRS OF SOUTH AFRICA . By Captain DRAYSON , R . A . With Eight large Illustrations , printed in colours , from . Sketches by the Author . This work is the result of the genuine experiences of a practical sportsman . It is especially valuable from the fact that Captain Drayson is skilled in the Kaffir language , and was therefore enabled to travel among the natives , and to communicate with them directly , without the incumbrance of an interpreter . In it will be found many interesting details of seeking , tracking , and slaying the various South African game ; together with curious anecdotes illustrative of the native Kafir character . London : Geohgk Routxedge and Co ., Parringdon-atrect .
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THE FAVOURITE GIFT BOOK OF THE SEASON . In cloth , price 21 s ., gilt edges , or 17 . lls . 6 d . in morocco , HOME AFFECTIONS , POUTRAYED BIT THE POETS , selected and edited by CHARLES MACKAY . Illustrated with One Hundred exquisite E agravings , from original designs by the first artists . " The book , as a book , is beautiful . "—Leader . " The illustrations , engraving , and general appearance of ' The Home Affections' are more beautiful and thoroughly artistic than any we have seen ; and wo have little doubt of its proving the favourite gift book of the season . "—Daily News . London : George Routxedge and Co ., Farringdon-street .
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This day , octavo , 7 s . Gd-, CAMBRIDGE ESSAYS for 1857 . Contents : The Cliaracterietics of English Criminal Law . ByFiTZjames Stephen , LL . B . Modern Agriculture in JBtntain . Hy Andrew Sxettaitt , M . A ., M . P . Telegraphic CommmunioaMon toitJi , India . . By PjiANCrs Gisbobne . M . A . Poraon . By H- R . Luxiii ) , MJt . Geology . By WiiiUAM Hopkins , M . A ., P . R . SQuestions liaised by the Mutiny . By CharlXS Buxxoh , M . A . . M . P . London i Jonif W- Parkeu and Sow , West Strand .
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THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW . - ¦ - ADVERTISEMENTS intended for insertion in the January Number ( No . XXV ., New Series ) should bo sent to the Publisher not later than the 24 th instant . Bills , &c . by the 26 th . London -. Johk Chapman , 8 , King William-street , Strand .
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inn nnn customers wanted . — I JLUV » UVU SATJNDERS BROTHERS' STATIONERY is ' the BEST and CHEAPEST to bo obtained . Orcam-Jaia . note paimr , . 2 s . per roam ; black-bordorod noto , 4 s .: lettor papor ,-la . ; stra-w papor . 2 b . Od . per roain ; croam-laid adhoaivo envelopes , 4 d . por 100 . or 3 s . por 1000 ; commercial envelopes , Irom 4 a . por 1000 ; black-bordered envelopes . ( Id . por 10 ( 5 . A SAMPLK PACKET of STATIONERY ( Sixty I doscriptions , all pricod nnd numbered ) aont nottt froo on roceipt of four stamps . All ordora over 2 < w . noiitOAltltlAGE J PAID . Price litttn , post ft-oo- NO CHAltGU made for I stamping arms , crostn , iuitifilH , &c—8 AUNl > J 31 iS JtROITUK il S , ManufacturiiXK Stationary 101 , . London-wall , London , 13 . 0 .
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Eoo rj ° Jr *^ ' . ° "e To 1 - « clofch « Price 12 s , bbAXS : Scieatiac , Political , ^ ind St ) ecu ] iti ^ s ^^^^ HPs sias ^ iS chiefly from the Quarterly ^ Reviews . »« printed , London : Longman and Co .
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NEW WORK BY THE REV . PROFESSOR BADEff P 0 WEL 7 , M a Just published , in crown 8 vo , price 7 s . 8 d cloth pHRISTlANlTY ; . without ¦ ¦' JUDAISM " Rv V * he Rev . BADEN POWELL , M ^ &c . Y By the same Author , uniform with the above ESSAYS on the SPIRIT of the INDUf'TTW 5 SSSSr 8 ^^^ B ^^ ' £ ? SSS 5 London ; Loxgjtan , Brown , and Co ., Pateraoster-rov .
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MURRAY'S RAILWAY READING . In a few days , post 8 vo , npHE RISEOFOUK INDIAN EMPIRE . iwT *? % * — MA -f °¥ - ¦? . d ° R the History of British India John Murray , Albemarle-street .
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Just published , price \ l . 5 s . cloth ; morocco , XI . lls . Gd . best morocco , 21 . 2 s ., THE FIFTY-THIRD EDITION OP THE CHRISTIAN YEAR , in imperial Octavo , * £ J lted wl , ^ lines an d Illuminations in fac simile f Medieval Manuscripts , in gold and colours , antique cloth , beviUed , with gilt ed ^ es . Tho Christian Year is also published in six . differen t sizes , at prices varying from Is . 6 d . to 10 s . 6 d . in cloth , and is kept in a variety or plain and elegant bindings , at prices varying from 2 s . to Si . 8 s . It is supplied by order thioiiKh aiiy Bookseller , and is usually kept in stock by the principal Booksellers throughout the Kingdom . Oxford and London : John Hen&y and James Pakker .
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Now ready , in roan , red edges , 28 . 6 d ., PARKER ' S CHURCH CALENDAR AND - ' ¦ ¦ ¦ . ¦ ' . . ¦ ¦ ; . - ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦' ¦ ¦ DIARY . ' . ¦ - •¦¦ - , .: ; . .. .. : This will be found useful for tho Desk , as other Diaries are for the Pocket . An opening of two pages 12 mo , isgiveu to each week , with extra space for tho Sunday , leaving ample space for such memoranda or agenda as are likely to be of service to a Clergyman . The Liturgical Directions inserted , loot j « ai- arc Ui thic year ' s issue omitted . In ertra binUirgs to order . Oxford and London : John Henkt and James Paejcer .
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Just published , in cloth , demy 8 vo , price 6 s ., rpHE REBELLION" IN INDIA - HOW TO JL PREVENT ANOTHER . ByJOHNBRTJCENOHTOX . Barrister-at-Law , Madras . RiCHAEDsoN- Bkothees , 23 , Cornhull , E . 0 .
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Just published , price 6 d ., A NEW FINANCIAL SCHEME FOR INDIA : the Pirst Step towards Political R < ronn : in a Letter to the Right Hon . the President of the Board of Control . By GEOliGE NORTON , Esq ., late Advocate-General of Madras . London : Rich akdsos Brothers , 23 , Coralrill , E . C .
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Just published , in Svo , ¦ price 3 s . Gd . cloth , 2 s . Cd . seweil , LIEUT .-COL . MACDONALU'S LETTERS ON THE BA >' K CHARTER ACT OF 1844 , AND THE . CURRENCY , iu rvply to " Mercator , " the Timos , and i ) : o Economist . RrcnA . Ri ) So > ' Hrotttkr ? , 2 S , Comliill , E . C , of whom may be liad , by the siino Avithor , 1 . THE ERRORS AND EVILS OF THE BANK CHARTER ACT OF 1844 . as divulged by Lord Overstono in his Lordship ' s Evidence before the Select Committee appointed to inquire iuto the Causes of the Commercial Distress iu tho year 18 C . Prico Od . 2 . MR . GEORGE COMBE'S DOCTRINES ON THE CURRENCY QUESTION EXAMINED AND REFUTED . Price Is .
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lQrn LETTS'S DIAMESP -WHAT 1 O « JO « A 1 U 3 THEY ? ¦ Any Bookseller in tho Wisdom will show you and give a fully descriptive catalogue gratis . They arc books for tho Pockot or Dusk , of very many different sizes , for reception of duily memoranda or accounts , appropriating each pago to 1 day , i days , \ i , 4 , 0 , or 7 days throughout tho year , according to the vnriuu rcnuireinents of every ago or class of society . Numqrous tables of con-Rtant reference aro apnondou . Prepaid orders , post froo . LETTS , SON . and Co ., Statiouci-s , aud Mapscllors , 8 , Roynl Exclinnge .
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In Svo , price 5 s . rpHKOIUE DE L ' eQUILIBUE ECONOX MIQUB . Par JULES LE HASTIER . A work Kivinp tho solution of most of tlin social problonis , suoli as-. EqniHlirlum of Production and Consuniptlon . lialancod llolation of AVaRos and Priooa , EquahanUon <» . Taxation , Protection and Froo-traUo ; us also : Dorcct oi EauiUbrium of Subsistences with tho "Wants of tho Population , Incroasoof Distress in 1 'roportion totho DcvoloiHiicui of Wealth , Excessive Concontratioai of Riches , l ' iu : uu : iiii Crisis , &c . London : II . Baijoliere , 210 , Rogont-Btroet .
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Just imlilisheii , prioo 2 h ., AN ESSAT ON" SPEliMATORIMH EA- : »^ Naturo and Trout incut . ; with Obaorvations on u TTso oftlioMlcrOBCOpo mid Urinavy Aitalysin m Lho ijuu tion of tlici Nnrvmw All ' o ( HioiiH . JJy u Meiubur of tlu ; uo , > . u Collie of Ph . YHicianH . London . Sim I * kin , Maiwicau ,, nn < l Co ., Stationoi-. s' -hall-court .
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1 * 98 TEE IEADE B . [ No . 403 , December 12 . 1857 .
Leader (1850-1860), Dec. 12, 1857, page 1198, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2221/page/22/