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T-WWnFRS STOVES , and FIRE IRONS . — ISSHBFBIW SnffiKURY . ttoflmibt be approached elsewhere , either ftwvsrieto , novelty , beauty of design , or exquisiteness oi SLtmanshiD . Bright stoves , with bronzed ornaments and tSS sX ^ of feref 4 ^ 14 S . to IS * . 13 s . ; ditto , with ormolu SK ^ ents and two sets of bars , 61 . 5 s . to 33 £ 10 s . ; Bronared Ftoders , with standards , 7 s . to 6 j . 12 s . ; Steel Fenders , 2 ? . 15 s . to 11 / - ditto , with rich ormolu ornaments , from 2 * . 15 s . to 18 ? . ; Fire Irons , from Is . 9 d . the set to 41 . 4 s . The BURTON and all other PATENT STOVES , with radiating hearth plates . / CUTLERY WARRANTED . —The most varied \^ J assortment ; of TABLE-CUTLERY in the world , all Granted , is on SALE at WILLIAM S . BURTON'S , at prices that are remunerative only because of the largeness of the sales—Si inch ivory-handled table-knives , with high shoulders , 12 s . 6 d . per dozen ; desserts to match , 10 s . ; if to balance , 6 d . per dozen extra ; carvers , 4 s . 3 d . per pair ; larger sizes , from 20 s . to 27 s . 6 d . per dozen ; extra fine ivory , 38 s . ;' if with silver ferrules , 40 s . to 50 s . ; white bone table-knives , 6 s . per dozen ; desserts , 5 s . ; carvers , 2 s . 3 d . per pair ; black horn table-knives , 7 s . 4 d . per dozen ; desserts , 6 s ., carvers , 29 . 6 d . ; black wood-handled table-knives and forks , 69-Derdozen ; table steels from Is . each . The largest stock in existence of plated dessert knives and forks , in cases and otherwise , and of the new plated fish-carvers . THE PERFECT SUBSTITUTE FOR SILVER . The REAL NICKEL SILVER , introduced more than twenty years ago by WILLIAM S . BURTON , when plated by the patent process of Messrs , Elkington and Co ., is beyond all comparison the very best article next to sterling silver that can be employed as such , either usefully or ornamentally , as by no possible test can it be distinguished from real silver . A small useful plate chest , containing a set , guaranteed of first quality for finish and durability , as follows : — Fiddle or JTbremdor | Old SiWar Bronswiek King " , Military Pattern . | Pattern . Patl . rn . Patt . ra . le ~ s 7 d .- £ s . d . £ s . d . £ s . d . 12 Table Forks 118 02 80 3 00 3 10 0 IS Table Spoons 118012 8 0 8 0 0 3 10 0 12 Dessert Forks . 110 0 115 0 2 2 0 2 10 0 12 Dessert Spoons 1 10 0 1 15 0 2 2 0 2 10 0 12 Tea Spoons 0 18 0 1 4 0 110 0 118 0 0 Egg Spoons , gUt bowls 0 12 0 0 15 0 0 18 0 1 10 3 Sauce Ladles 0 7 0 0 8 6 0 10 6 0 16 0 1 Gravy Spoon 0 8 0 0 11 0 0 13 6 0 16 0 2 Salt Snoons , gilt bowls ... 0 4 0 0 6 0 0 6 0 0 7 6 1 Mustard Spoon , gilt bowl- 0 200 26 0 300 39 1 Pair of Sugar Tongs -0 300 390 500 70 1 Pair of Fish Carvers ! 1 401 761 12 01 IS 0 1 Butter Knife j 0 360 590 700 80 1 Soup ladle ... ~ 0 1300 17 6 1 00 1 10 1 Sugar Sifter jO 4 0 0 4 9 0 5 9 0 86 Total 11 14 6 14 11 3 17 14 9 21 4 9 Any article to be had singly at the same prices . . An oak chest to contain the above , and a relative number of knives , &c , 21 . 15 s . Tea and Coffee Sets , Cruet , and Liqueur frames , Waiters , Candlesticks , &c , at proportionate prices . All kinds of replatiug done by the patent process . DISH COVERS and HOT WATER DISHES , in every material , in great variety , and of the newest and most recherche patterns . Tin dish covers , 7 s . 6 d . the set of six ; block tin , 123 . 3 d . to 27 s . the set of six ; elegant modern patterns , 35 s . 6 d . to 62 s . Cd . the set ; Britannia metal , with or without silver plated handles , JES lls . to £ 6 8 s . the set ; Sheffield plated , 10 J . to 16 ? . 10 s . tho set ; block tin hot water dishes , with wells for gravy , 12 s . to 80 s .: Britannia metal , 22 s . to 77 s . ; elootro-plated on nickel , full size , 11 / . lls . WILLIAM S . BURTON'S GENERAL FURNISHING IRONMONGERY CATALOGUE xnay be had gratis , and free by post . It contains upwards of 400 Illustrations of his ilhmitod Stock of Electro and Sheffield Plate , Nickel Silver and Britannia Metal goods , Stoves , Fenders , Marble Mantelpieces , Kitchen Ranges , Lamps , Gaseliers , Tea Urns and Kettles , Clocks , Table Cutlery , Baths and Toilet Ware , Turiiory , Iron and Brass Bedsteads . Bedding , Bed Hangings , &c . &o ., wlth Lists of Prices , and Plans of the Sixteen largo Show Rooms , at 39 , Oxfordstreet , W . ; 1 , 1 A , 2 , and 3 , Newman-street ; and 4 , 5 , and 6 , Perry ' s place , London . —ESTABLISHED 1820 .
Untitled Ad
SOUTH AUSTRALIAN BANKING COMPANY . Incorporated by Royal Charter , 1847 . LETTERS of CREDIT and BILLS are granted upon the Banks at Adelaide , Port Adelaide , and Gawler . Approved drafts on South Australia negotiated and sent for collection . Every description of Banking business is conducted direct with Victoria and New South Wales , and also with the other Australian Colonies , through the Company ' s Agents . Aonlvatthe Offices , No . 54 , Old Broad-street , London , B . C . WILLIAM PURDY , Manager . London . January , 1858 .
Untitled Ad
[ Established 1841 . J MEDICAL INVALID AND GENERAL UFE OFFICE . 25 , Pall Mall , London . Empowered by Special Act of Parliament . By the Annual Report of 1853 , it appeared that the ' number of Policies then in force was 3434 , insuring l , S 37 , 500 t , and yielding an Income of 55 , 2072 . At the SIXTEENTH ANNUAL MEETING , held on 26 th November , 1857 , it was sJiown that on the 30 th June last—The Number of Policies in force was 6255 The Amount Insured was 2 . 917 JJ 98 L 13 s . lOd . The Annual Income was 125 , 113 ? . 3 s . 8 d . Two Bonuses have been declared ( in 1848 and 1853 ) adding nearly 2 per cent- per annum on the average to sums assured , and . by Which a Policy of 1000 J ., issued in 1842 on a healthy life , is now increased to 12 G 01 . Profits divided every fivo years - next division _ in 1 S 5 S . The Society , since its establishment , has paid claims on 781 Policies , assuring 312 , 884 ? . Assurances are effected at home or abroad on healthy lives at as moderate rates as the most recent data will allow . Indian Assurances at very moderate rates , and great facilities given to assurers . Invalid lives assured on scientifically constructed tables . Policies issued free of stamp-duty , and every charge but the Premiums . Active working Agents wanted for vacant places . Prospectuses , Forms of Proposals , and every other 1 information , may be obtained of the Secretary at the Chief Office , or on application to any qf the Society ' s Agents in the Country . C . DOUGLAS SINGER , Secretary .
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LOAN AND INVESTMENT AGENCY ASSOCIATION . Chief Office , 9 , Adam-street , Strand , W . C . Loans of any amount , from 20 Z-, on real and other securities . 140 , 000 trust funds ready to be invested . R . T . JOPLING , Actuary .
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WINTER HOSIERY , of every description , including the new coloured Wool Stockings ; also , Underclothing for Family use and Invalids . Printed Flannels and . Dressing Gowns in great variety . —POPE and PLANTE , Manufacturers , 4 , Waterloo-place , Pall-mall , London .
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THE SYDENHAM TOP COAT is made from the best Materials , by Workmen of cultivated taste , at tho moderate sum of Two Guineas ; tho appreciation of the fashionable world of genuine and perfect Articles of Dress renders the success of the Sydenham Top Coat a certainty . —SAMUEL BROTHERS , 29 , Ludgate-hill . WHAT'S IN A NAME ? — This query can be answered by SAMUEL BROTHERS , 29 . Lndgatehill , the Inventors of the SYDENHAM TROUSERS , 17 s . 6 d . for in the fashionable world there is associated with the Sydenham Trousers a perfect idea , synonymous with a graceful , easy , and well-fitting Garment .
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THE PURCHASERS OF CLOTHING ARE specially reminded of the advantages to be obtained at the establishment of LAWRENCE HYAM , Gracechurchstreet , London , tho largest Manufacturing Clothier and Outfitter in the Kingdom . The system of business pursued is to charae one uniform and low pcr-centage of profit , to ensure to the customer a garment warranted for strength and durability , combined with a fashionable . and gentJemanly style . THE READY-MADE DEPARTMENT is celebrated for the extent and variety ofLLts stock , consisting of every description of gentlemen ' s , youths' , and boys ' clothing , while the saving effected renders it important and entitles it to great consideration in large families . THE ORDERED DEPARTMENT offers also peculiar advantages , the artistes being men of celebrity and tho material the best . CLERICAL and PROFESSIONAL men are specially invited , ' the black and mixture cloths being of a fast dye , and warranted for durability . An ordered suit of black for 31 . 3 s . ; also the celebrated 17 s . trouser in great variety . LAWRENCE HYAM , Merchant Tailor , Manufacturing Clothier , and Outfitter , 36 . GRACECHURCH-STREET , CITY , LONDON .
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MAPPIN'S SHILLING RAZOR , sold everywhere , warranted good , by tho - Makers , M APP 1 N BROTHERS , Queen ' s Cutlery Works , Sheffield , and 67 and 68 , King William-street , City , London , where the largest stock ol Cutlery in the world is kept . APPIN'S SUPERIOR TABLE-KNIVES maintain their unrivalled superiority . Handles cannot possibly become loose ; the blades are all of the very first quality , being their own Sheffield manufacture . Tblo . Kns . Dst . Kns . Carvors . per Doz . per Doz . per Pair . Ivory 38 in . Handle , balanced ., 20 s . 16 s . 6 s . Do . 4 in . do . .. 20 s . 18 s . 9 s . APPIN'S SILVER-PLATED DESSERT KNIVES and FORKS , in Mahogany Cases . 12 Pairs Knives and Forks , Ivory Handles , in Case 80 s . 12 Do . Pearl Handles , do 90 s . 12 Do . Silver-Plated Handles , do .. 80 s ; M APPIN'S ELECTR ^ -SUTVER PLATeT ^ MAPPIN BROTHERS , Manufacturers by Special Appointment to tho Queen , are tho only Shomold makers who supply tho consuiriors in London . Thoir LONDON SHOW ROOMS . 07 and 08 , King William-street , London Bridge , contain by far the largest STOCK of ELECTROSILVER PLATE in tho World , whicli in transmitted direct from thoir Manufactory , Queen ' s Cutlery Works , Sholliold . Piddle Double King ' s Pattern . Thread . Pattern . 12 Table Forks , best quality .. 4 J 1 10 0 < C 2 1 . 4 0 £ 3 0 0 12 Table Spoons , best quality . 1 10 0 2 M 0 3 0 0 12 Dossert Forks , bout quality . 170 200 240 IS ) Dessert Spoons , best quality 170 200 240 12 Tea Spoons , best quality .. 0 10 o 140 170 Messrs . Mappln Brothers respectfully invite buyors to inspoot their unprecedented display , which , for beauty of design , exquisite workmanship , and novelty , stands unrivalled . Their illustrated Catalogue , whioh is continually receiving addition of Now Designs , free on application . — VIapi-in Brothers , 07 and 68 . King William street , [ jondon Bridge s Manufactory , Quoon ' u Cutlery Works , UholHold .
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M " ) j ^ f ^ ^ S ^ W ^ iWlNm'D ^ ., _„ /? VV , y saundhus brothers' stationery ia / the BEST and CHEAPEST to bo obtainod . Orcamaia note papor , 2 s . por roam ; blaok-bordorod noto , 4 s . j letter paper , 4 s . s at raw papor , 2 s , ( Id . per roam , oroam-lalu adheslvo envelopes , 4 d . per 100 , or 8 s . por 1000 ; commercial onvolopos , from 4 s . nor lOOOj blaok-hordorcd envelopes , fld . por 10 ( 5 , A SAMPLE PACKET of STATIONARY (( Sixty descriptions , all priced nnd numbered ) Bont pout froo on receipt of lour stamps . AH ordore over 20 s . oont CARRIAGE PAID . Price Hats , post ( too . NO CHARGE made for stamping anna , crests , initials , &o . ~¦ SAUNDERS BROTHERS , Manufacturing Stationers , 101 , London-wall , London , B . C .
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"PRIVATE RESIDENCE FOR MENIAL JL INVALIDS . —ThoHoaun ' oringfrom Mental and Norvoun DiHordun * will Hud a vnont desirable homo , with oxtonsivo plcasuro-grounda , a convenient distance from Loij / lon , whuro the aouloly in cheerful and every comfort and amuaoincut studied combined with tho moat approved modem \ yaluiH of modloal and moral Irontmoiit . Strong rooommoiKlulioiia can bo given from tho loading members of tho inailliml profuualon i and terms and full particulars had on application or by post to Mosara . Fltihor , Son , and llaaoldou , 1 H , Conduit-ulvoot , Itogont-atroot , W .
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NOTICE OF DIVIDEND . BANK OF DEPOSIT . No . 8 , Paul Mall , East , London . ESTABLISHED A . D ., 18 < M . rpHE WARRANTS for tho HALF-YEARLY JL Interest , on Doposit Accounts , to 31 st December , will bo ready for delivery on and after January tho lotli , lsJW , and payable dally . PETER MORRISON , Managing Director . Partioa desirous of Inventing Money aro roquoulod lo ¦ 6 ^ mirio'tlio ^) lifi ;» Tt > f"th " o ^ ATTrc ^ OTr--DBPOsiTr ^ -PrOHnoctuacs and Forms fur Opening Accounts sont froo on application .
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ACCIDENTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION . £ 1000 IN CASE OF DEATH . OR A FIXED ALLOWANCE OF £ 6 PER WEEK IN TUB EVENT OF INJURY , May bo secured by an Annual Payment of £ 3 for a Policy in the ID AIL WAY PASSENGERS' ASSURANCE XV COMPANY . A special Act provides that persons receiving compensation from this Company aro not barred thereby from recovering full damages from tho party causing tho Injury ; an advantage no other Company can offer . It is found that ONE PERSON in every FIFTEEN is more or loss injured by Accident yearly . This Company has already paid a » compensation for Accidents 27 , 0881 . Forms of Proposal and Prospectuses may bo had at tho Company ' a Olllces , and at all tho principal Railway Stations , whore , also . Railway Accidents alone may be insured ngaiubt . by tho Journoy or year . NO CHARGE FOR STAMP DUTY . Railway Passongers' Assurance Company , Ollicoa , 3 , Old Broad-atroot . London , 10 . C . WILLIAM J . VIAN , Soorotnry .
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Established 1838 . ^ CrlCTORIA AND LEGAL AND COMMERV CIAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY , 18 , King William-street , City . DIB . ECTOKS . BENJAMIN HAWES . Esq ., Chairman . THOMAS NESBITT , Esq ., Deputy-Chairman . Charles Baldwin , Esq . W . K . Jameson , Esq . George Denny , Esq . John Jones , Esq . J . C . Dhnsdale , Esq . John Nolloth , Esq . William Elliot , M . D . Meaburn Stanilaud , Esq . Robert Ellis , Esq . Daniel Sutton . Esq . J . P . Gassiot , Esq ., F . R S . Walter Charles Vcnuing , John Gladstone , Esq . Esq . Aaron Goldsniid , Esq . O'B . Bellingham Woolscy , Sidney G urney , Esq . Esq . The business of the Company embraces every description of risk connected with Life Assurance . The Assets of the Company exceed 205 , 000 J . And its Income is over « 0 , 000 £ . a year . Advances in connexion with Life Assurance are mailc on advantageous terms , either on real or personal security . WILLIAM RATRAY , Actuary .
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PERFECT SECURITY : Capital , FIVE MILLIONS Sterling . ALLIANCE BRITISH AND FOREIGN LIFE AND FIRE ASSURANCE COMPANY , Bartholomew-lane , London , E . C . Established 1824 . ( Branch Offices : Edinburgh , Ipswich , and Bury St . Edmunds . ) *» The Receipts for the Renewal' Premiums due at Cliristmas arc ready for delivery at tho Office in Town , and at the several Agencies throughout the Country . F . A . ENGELBACH . Actuary and Secretary .
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COCOA-NUT FIBRE MATTING . TRELOAR'S IS THE BEST . Prize Medals awarded—London , Now York , and Paria . Catalogues , containing Prices and evory particular , post froo . Warehouse , 42 , Ludgato-hill , London , 13 . 0 .
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" ' THE LEAD , EE , [ No . 406 5 Januart 2 , 185 S . 22 ' _ ' ' '
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HEAL and SONS' EIDER QUILTS from One Guinea to Ton Guineas ; also GOOSE DOWN QUILTS from 8 s . Cd . to 24 s . List or prices and sizes sent free by post . HEAL AND SON'S NEW ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE of BEDSTEADS and PRICED LIST of BEDDING also sent post free . 106 , Tottenham Court-road , W .
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G , AS COOKING STOVES . —The Improved Gaa Cooking Apparatus , inventod and manufactured by Deano , Dray , and Co ., has boon approved by Hor Majesty ' s Government , and adopted , after a longtiionod trial . It is now in dally use in tho following Government efltabliaumonta .-vlzi-T--, — ,- „ -, , St . George ' s Barrack * , Charing CroBu . Tower of London . Wellington Barracks , St . Jamoa ' o Pork . St . John ' s Wood Barraoks . At tho Manchester Exhibition . Messrs . Scarlett and Son , 20 , King Willinm-otroot , , &o . &a . i and wherever ilttod , has given full satisfaction . Deano , Dray , and Co . supply every description of Gas Sittings at eoonomfodl ohargcu . Garofully prcparo < l ostlmates free of charge . A modern and elegant asaortmont of , Ghandoliora in crystal glass , ormolu , artistic , and plain Bronzes , Ao . Gaa Cooking Stoves , from 208 . oaoh , —Dcano , Dray , and Co ., London Bridge .
Leader (1850-1860), Jan. 2, 1858, page 22, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2224/page/22/